How to make steam heating. Do-it-yourself steam heating of a private house. Service life and scope

Despite existing restrictions on the use of steam heating, it is periodically used as an autonomous one. Often the reason for this is the lower costs of its creation. If you decide that this is right for you, you need to take into account that you will have to do the steam heating yourself.

Project comes first

When deciding to create steam heating, one must be aware that in this case the coolant will be steam with all the associated features. Among them, it is necessary to note the most important one - the increased temperature of the radiators, which results in a significant likelihood of getting a burn if touched. But leaving aside all sorts of pros and cons, let’s just see how you can become the owner of steam heating by installing it yourself in a private home.

About the boiler

As it should be in any serious business, you need to start with a project. The first step is to determine the power of the thermal boiler. It depends on the area of ​​the house. So, with an area not exceeding two hundred square meters, a power of up to twenty-five kilowatts will be sufficient, with a house area of ​​up to three hundred square meters. m. will already require a power of up to thirty kilowatts. Based on such data, a steam boiler is selected. In addition to its power, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • type of fuel used for work (coal, firewood, peat, gas, diesel fuel, etc.);
  • possibility of obtaining hot water for household needs.

Choosing a boiler will be one of the main tasks, the successful solution of which will determine the answer to the question of how to properly make steam heating.

About the heating scheme

It must also be determined before starting work. The steam heating scheme depends on:

  • size of heated area;
  • the number and location of heating batteries, filters, valves and control valves, control devices, etc., everything that is necessary for the normal functioning of such a system;
  • possibilities for equipment placement;
  • where and how the heating boiler will be located.

The question of choosing a specific heating option is quite complex, perhaps a video would be useful in this situation

Steam heating pipes

As already mentioned, with steam heating the entire system is characterized by an increased temperature, so the use of synthetic pipes is impossible; they are not designed to operate at such temperatures. So, when determining how to make steam heating, you need to pay special attention to the choice of pipes; although it is small, it is there.

  1. Steel pipes. To use them you need welding equipment. The advantage of pipes is their high mechanical strength and the ability to withstand significant impacts, but they are susceptible to corrosion.
  2. Copper. Soldering is used for their installation and they are expensive.
  3. Galvanized and stainless steel pipes. They combine the advantages of the previous ones, joining is carried out using threads, are resistant to corrosion, but have an increased price.

To facilitate further work, it is necessary to determine where to place radiators (or other devices, if you prefer them), the length of the pipes, the location of adapters, branches, manifold distributors, etc. In short, a steam heating connection diagram must be drawn out on paper indicating all the necessary details (equipment, pipe length, etc.).

About the price of such a system

Once the project is completed and you are clear on what equipment to use, you can determine your costs. Without reference to specific conditions, equipment, pipes, volumes of installation work, it is impossible to say specifically how much it costs to install steam heating.

The only thing that can be noted is the testimony of experts that such a heating system is cheaper than a conventional one, although it is not approved for use in residential premises.

Installation work

After drawing up the project and clarifying its features (we will assume that you already know where, what and how it will be located and fastened), you can begin to install the system itself. If necessary, prepare the surface where radiators are installed.

After this, the boiler is installed in compliance with the necessary requirements for connecting water and energy, radiators are attached, pipes are laid, valves, necessary control devices, control valves, etc. are located in the right places. To help you complete the work, it will be useful to watch the video:

The use of steam to heat residential premises is not a common heating option, especially since this is prohibited by current standards and regulations. However, for economic reasons, as it is cheaper, it is sometimes performed on its own. This may be a justified solution for various industrial buildings, garages and workshops, but not residential premises.

If you have chosen steam heating as the most optimal type of heating for your home, then you are naturally interested in how it can be arranged and whether it can be installed yourself. Therefore, in this article we decided to look at how to make steam heating with your own hands in a private house, what you will need for this and what options are possible. At the same time, we note that we will talk specifically about steam heating, and not about water heating (they are quite often confused), in which water vapor is used as a coolant.

Where to begin

Before you begin installing steam heating in a private house yourself, you must:

  • Consider how your skills and knowledge in this area correspond to the task at hand. You may need to find additional information or consult a specialist;
  • Select the scheme according to which the steam heating system will operate and the method of pipe routing;
  • Select the material of the pipes that will be used;
  • Determine the type, required power, location of the boiler and radiators, as well as methods of connecting them to the system;
  • Draw up an installation diagram (drawing or sketch) linked to the house plan, on which indicate: the location of the boiler and radiators, wiring routes, length, purpose, diameter and method of connecting pipes, location, type of shut-off valves and additional equipment (expansion tank, valves, filters, pumps);
  • Calculate and prepare the required amount of materials, equipment and tools.

Now we will consider the stages of preparation for installing steam heating in a private house with our own hands in more detail.

Scheme selection

Since the steam heating system uses water steam as a coolant, the best option for the wiring diagram would be a two-pipe one, in which steam will be supplied to the radiators through one main pipe, and condensate (cooled steam) will be discharged through the other. In this case, an option is possible with both an upper and a lower location of the supply pipe.

In addition, a steam heating system can be:

  • Open, when the condensate from the radiators flows by gravity into an “open” (leaky) storage tank, and from there it enters the steam generator, by gravity or using a circulation pump. Such a storage tank must be located below the level of the radiators, and pipes for condensate drainage must be laid with a slope towards it. If the tank is located above the steam generator, then the accumulated condensate (water) can be supplied to the boiler by gravity or using a pump. If it is located below the receiving pipe (“return”) of the boiler, then in this case only forced supply is possible.
  • Closed, in which excess pressure is maintained using a sealed membrane tank, and a steam fan is installed on the supply pipe, supplying steam to the radiators.

Rice. 1 Open-loop two-pipe steam heating system

Rice. 2 Two-pipe closed steam heating system

When choosing a scheme, it is necessary to choose the most suitable location for the steam generator, which should ensure ease of pipe routing, installation of additional equipment and its further operation. One of the best options is to place the boiler in the basement or basement. In addition, it is necessary to decide on the number, power and location of radiators (batteries).

The choice of one or another scheme must also be made in accordance with the specific installation conditions, which depend on the size of the house, the number and location of rooms and other layout features, as well as the type of materials and equipment used.

Selection of materials and equipment

In order for the installation of steam heating in a private house to be done correctly with your own hands, you also need to make the right choice:

  • the material and diameter of the pipes for wiring, the method of their connection and the corresponding tools or equipment;
  • optimal type of radiators;
  • type and power of the boiler (steam generator);
  • shut-off valves and additional equipment (tank, pump, valves, pumps, filters).

Since the heated coolant (water vapor) can have a temperature of 100⁰C or more, the best material option for the system’s distribution pipes would be steel or copper.

Of course, the best choice, based on its performance characteristics, would be copper pipes.

Copper pipes

They are durable, have a smooth surface and are not afraid of corrosion. Their disadvantage is the rather high cost of the material. In addition, for their installation, in addition to threaded connections, it is necessary to use high-temperature soldering, which requires special equipment and certain skills.

Steel pipes

Steel pipes that can be used to install a steam heating system can be stainless steel or regular (black) steel. Products made from the latter can also be galvanized. It is clear that the best option here is stainless steel. But, just like copper pipes, such pipes are very expensive. In addition, special electrodes are required for their welding, and it is quite problematic to make do with only threaded connections during installation. Pipes made of ordinary (black steel) are the most economical option, although their installation also requires the ability to perform welding work and the availability of appropriate equipment. In addition, the outside of such pipes must be protected from corrosion by painting.

It should also be noted that heating pipes, especially those supplying steam, will become very hot, therefore, to prevent accidental burns, it is best to lay them hidden: in grooves or niches.


When choosing the type of radiator for steam heating, you must remember that they will get very hot (100⁰C and possibly even more), which creates a certain risk of burns if you accidentally touch them. Therefore, the best option for such systems can be considered convector-type radiators with a protective panel. They can be either completely steel (an economical option) or bimetallic (the best products are made of copper and aluminum, but their cost is quite high).

Boiler-steam generator

Steam generator boilers may differ in design, type of fuel used, and power. This can be a steam turbine or a reduction-cooling unit (RCU). They can use natural gas, solid or liquid fuel as fuel. The choice of a particular fuel depends on its availability and economic feasibility of use. Of course, at present, the most profitable option is natural gas steam generators, but this is only if it is possible to supply gas to the house.

The required power of the steam generator depends on the area (volume) of the premises that will need to be heated and the heat losses of the building envelope (walls, ceiling, floor, windows, doors). Simplified, we can assume that for 100 m2 of premises a boiler power of 10-11 kW will be required. To determine the required power more accurately, it is necessary to make a special calculation.

Shut-off valves and additional equipment

Shut-off valves, safety and air valves, filters are selected in accordance with the diameter and material of the selected pipes for distribution. It must be remembered that they will be exposed to high temperatures on the supply line.

Storage (for open) or membrane (for closed) tanks are selected in accordance with the type and total volume of the system. The characteristics of circulation pumps and steam fans must be selected so that they can ensure sufficient circulation of the coolant in the system (steam and condensate).

Procedure for installing steam heating with your own hands

After the preparatory work has been completed and all the elements of the future steam heating system for a private house have been selected, you can begin installing them yourself in the following order:

  • Install the steam generator in accordance with the drawn up installation diagram;
  • Attach radiators to the walls;
  • Starting from the boiler-steam generator, install pipes with the installation of shut-off valves, connecting radiators and additional equipment;
  • Perform pressure testing of the installed heating system;
  • Perform a test run and make sure it works.


Above we looked at what it is and how, if desired, you can install steam heating in a private house with your own hands. I would like to note once again that this type of heating (using steam, not water) is currently used quite rarely. Most often, by steam, people mean water heating, in which the coolant is heated water or other liquid, and you can learn how to install it yourself and what options exist from the materials in another section of our website - “Water Heating”.

Video on the topic

Possible steam heating schemes in a private house, the use of a stove and the role of a steam generator in the system

Calculators SNiPs and GOSTs

The steam heating scheme in a private house has several implementation options. When creating a scheme for your home with your own hands, you need to familiarize yourself with all the possible options and choose the most optimal one.

Each private building in year-round, rather than seasonal, use requires the presence of all communications for a comfortable life: hot water supply, sewerage, plumbing, heating of the house. Autonomous own heating has a huge advantage: the end of the heating season and its beginning at the desired time.

Individual heating of your own home is possible using different coolants and different systems. Options for creating circuits with your own hands are also feasible. Steam heating in a private home (Fig. 1) is the oldest way to create comfortable living conditions and maintain optimal temperature conditions in the premises.

Rice. 1 Steam heating system

Steam system in the house, its constituent elements

Steam heating can be realized by choosing one of its varieties. Any steam heating scheme for a private home includes:

  • Steam generator (heat source);
  • Pipeline;
  • Heating element;
  • Control measurement device;
  • Parts for shut-off regulation.

You can also use an electric steam generator. The pipeline includes steam lines and condensate lines. The steam line transports steam, and the condensate line acts as a condensate drain.

Condensate can move in several ways, so the condensate line can be:

A gravity condensate pipeline involves the movement of condensate towards a container that accumulates condensate; in this case, the pipeline has a slope. A pressure condensate pipeline involves the movement of condensate due to pressure differences.

The fullness of the condensate pipeline can be different, so this element can be:

Dry happens if the pipe heating system is not completely filled with water, and wet - the filling of water is constant.

Rice. 2 Mini-scheme of a steam system

The steam system has its negative aspects, which manifest themselves:

  • noisy operation during heating;
  • very hot surface of heating elements;
  • complex control of the thermal output of heating elements;
  • service life, which is much shorter than in other systems (water).

Sometimes, steam heating elements can heat up to 100 degrees above zero. You must be careful to avoid contact with the equipment to avoid getting burned.

Steam heating in a private home has a number of advantages:

  • compact size of heating system elements;
  • the thermal output from the heating components is very high;
  • the rooms warm up very quickly;
  • the coolant enters every point, while its heating qualities remain at a high level;
  • savings during operation.

During compaction, thermal energy is released. The coolant is supplied to the heating elements through steam transportation pipelines. Condensation promotes heat transfer from the walls of the equipment. Next, the condensate moves to the collection tank, and then to the boiler for further heating.

Rice. 3 Steam boiler

The coolant moves into the heating boiler according to a forced scheme using a pump or a natural scheme by gravity. This process is repeated cyclically. To avoid encountering moving condensate, the line is installed at a slope towards the moving steam. A retaining washer or steam trap can be used to prevent steam from reaching the condensate line.

Steam heating schemes

Steam heating in a private house (Fig. 2) can be carried out using different schemes, the implementation of which is possible with your own hands. Steam heating can be closed or open. It's all about how the condensate returns to its original heat point.

Rice. 4 Electric steam generator

A closed heating system involves the return of condensate from the heating elements to the heat source due to different pressures. This system works effectively when the steam collector is placed at a low level relative to the heating elements.

An open heating system means that condensate enters the storage tank by gravity. The pump helps pump condensate to the heat source.

It is better to use pipes with a wide diameter in cases where the condensate is returned back to the heating boiler by gravity. In a private house or small cottage, it is relevant to use a heating system with low steam pressure: from 100 kg per square meter. m up to 170 kg per sq. m vacuum-steam system is also relevant, its operating pressure ranges up to 100 kg per square meter. m.

In a large private house, it is more effective to use a system that has a high operating steam pressure. The indicator can reach up to 600 kg per square meter. m.

The steam heating system in the house uses a boiler (Figure 3), which can be chosen thanks to a wide range. You can create a system:

  • single-circuit;
  • double-circuit.

Rice. 5 Using the stove

A single-circuit system involves heating only the house with steam. A two-circuit system heats the premises of the house with steam, and at the same time supplies the house with hot water. Living in a house with a double-circuit circuit is convenient and practical, and most importantly, the system provides high performance.

Installing and creating a circuit yourself

Creating a steam heating system with your own hands is not very difficult. By adhering to certain rules, you can confidently reach the finish line.

  • To make a plan. The document is approved by government agencies. It indicates where the batteries will be located, the exhaust valve, the placement of the boiler, and the entire drawing diagram of the steam heating system.
  • Carrying out work with your own hands in the boiler room. The room must be fireproof. The walls are lined with non-combustible materials. The foundation for the boiler is being poured.
  • The boiler is installed at a level lower than where the piping and radiators are located. This installation ensures the circulation of steam in an upward direction throughout the heating system; the condensate will flow by gravity to the boiler. Pipes play an important role, they should not be plastic, it is better to use copper. Copper pipes are the strongest, can withstand high pressure, and will not crack during operation.
  • Installing radiators with your own hands requires the ability to operate a welding machine. These elements are connected to the system by welding and threaded connections. It is imperative to ensure that the connections are tight so that the steam cannot leave its destination in any way in the future.
  • The last stage is the installation of the boiler, various sensors, pressure gauge and other elements.

Steam generator and its importance

A steam generator for heating a house is an essential element that serves to heat water. The steam generator can be based on a heating element, use electrode heating or induction.

The steam in the steam generator is effectively used to heat private homes and buildings. The popularity of using steam generators is due to the large amount of energy when converting water into steam and condensation. Steam from the device is convenient for heating, heating various means, chemical reactors, etc.

Most often I use a steam generator to create:

  • heat exchanger;
  • heating system;
  • steam jacket of autoclaves.

Steam generators (Figure 4) have significant advantages, unlike their own kind:

  • Efficiency 98%;
  • quick startup and quick shutdown of equipment (6 minutes);
  • the most environmentally friendly heating method: steam does not harm the environment;
  • economical heating option, no fuel costs.

A steam generator allows significant savings, since its use can make it possible to stop the centralized supply of coolant.

Rice. 6 Heating of a multi-storey cottage

The stove and its role in steam heating

The oldest heating method is the stove. The building remains relevant to this day. The stove for steam heating a house (Figure 5) was the first to be used as the main heating element of the system. The process of heating a house occurs as follows: the fire heats the pipeline passing through the stove. The circulation of the coolant occurs due to the temperature difference.

There is no point in replacing a boiler with a furnace. But in a situation where the stove already exists, you can do without installing an expensive boiler.

It is not advisable to dismantle the stove in the house:

  • firewood and coal are the cheapest resources for heating;
  • disassembling the stove will require an investment of both finances and great effort;
  • the steam heating system is not automatic, but mechanical, so the risk of breakdown is minimal;
  • it is advisable to use the stove in country houses where there is a forest nearby;
  • heating does not depend on the supply of coolant through pipes; the system is controlled personally by the owner of the house.

Disadvantages of using a stove:

  • If the stove is located not directly in the house, but in another building, then large heat losses are possible. The situation can be smoothed out by insulating the pipeline connecting the house and the building with the stove.
  • The temperature of the heated coolant often reaches + 100. The indicator can be reduced in the only way: by opening the firebox slightly, tightly closing the furnace vent, the internal temperature in the system can be stabilized. You should not hope that by stopping and lighting the fire in the stove, the temperature will drop.
  • The system does not operate automatically. It is necessary to throw raw materials into the furnace firebox at night, otherwise the batteries will be cold in the morning.
  • In the room in which the stove is located, a smoke screen may periodically appear.
  • Contamination of the chimney and its periodic cleaning, the use of not always well-dried firewood, poor quality coal, and low atmospheric pressure are unpleasant aspects of using a stove in the system.

Heating a house with steam is beneficial if it is necessary to heat nearby outbuildings near the house or cottages with several floors (Fig. 6). If there are children in the family, it is better to keep them away from the equipment to avoid burns. Having weighed everything up, we can say for sure that a steam heating system is a cost-effective investment and is characterized by high performance.

Steam heating in a private house: water, diagrams and do-it-yourself installation, advantages

The construction of a private house is not only about the harmonious layout of the building and decorative elements. Thermal supply and comfort of the premises play a huge role in comfortable living in the private sector. After all, winter, which lasts almost six months in Russia, can completely freeze your home if the room is not well supplied with heat.

Despite modern heating systems, steam heating in a private home is still relevant. This home heating system is considered reliable, versatile and easy to use.

The thermal function in such a system is performed by steam. Installing steam heating in a private house is possible without the help of specialists.

The operation of this system is quite simple. The boiler is heated by steam and serves as the main source of heat. The steam that enters special radiators and lines is produced by a steam pipe or a reduction cooling unit.

Steam heating in a private house can be performed using a single-circuit or double-circuit boiler. A single-circuit heating system is capable of heating only the room, while a double-circuit heating system also serves to generate warm water.

Schematic representation of the heating system of a private house.

The heating boiler plays a huge role in the quality heating of the room. The fuel with which the heating boiler operates comes in different types: solid, liquid, combined, and also produced using natural gas.

For high-quality operation of the system, you must choose the right pipes for steam heat supply. Special steam heating in a wooden house can be done using steel, stainless, galvanized, plastic or copper pipes. The choice of material for steam heating pipes depends only on you.

Steel pipes are quite often used to create a heat supply system. But they have one significant drawback: such pipes have low anti-corrosion properties. As for stainless and galvanized pipes, they are of fairly high quality and durable, but have a high price.

Copper pipes can be considered the most reliable. They are resistant to elevated temperatures and high pressure. Installation of such a pipeline is quite quick and easy. Copper pipes are expensive, so they are most often used to create a heat supply system in mansions and cottages, which are built according to special, exclusive projects.

The calculation and design of the heating system should be based on the following indicators:

  • main pipeline length;
  • number of additional adapters.

The heating boiler serves as the main source of heat. The calculation of the heat supply system is determined using the power indicators of the main heat generator in the room, the role of which is played by the heating boiler, and the selection of the power of radiators that will be suitable for each room of a private house. Heating calculations are made using the high-quality operation of the pipeline, pumps, automation equipment and special control devices.

Components of a vortex heat generator system.

The key role is played by the correct calculation of materials, their quality and the power of the main boiler. Steam heat supply in a wooden house or in any other private house requires special attention to the choice of heating pipes. Modern experts advise choosing plastic pipes, as they are the best option and can withstand pressure and temperature changes well.

Steam heat supply consists of the following parts:

  • expansion water tank;
  • boiler for heating water;
  • convector;
  • pipeline.

Before you begin installing a heating boiler in a wooden house, you should take care of the installation of pipes. There should be a convector under each window. It is advisable that you allocate a special place or room in your house for a boiler room. This is where you will install the boiler. Most often, a basement is allocated for the heating system. If you have chosen plastic pipes for installing a pipeline, then they can be installed in 2 ways: using special connectors or cold soldering.

Diagram of an electric boiler.

Main types of boilers and methods of steam heating

Currently, there is a wide selection of heating boilers. Heating in a wooden house is possible using the following boilers:

  • gas;
  • electrical;
  • solid fuel;
  • liquid fuel;
  • combined.

The gas boiler remains popular. It is inexpensive and easy to maintain. Heating in a wooden house is very convenient using a gas boiler, since there is no need to make special fuel preparations. Solid fuel boilers are often used to provide heat to homes. Steam heat supply using solid fuel boilers provides regular heating of the room. Such boilers regulate the combustion process and the air supply to the combustion chamber.

Calculation of heat supply can also be performed for an electric boiler. The only disadvantage of such a system is that when an electric boiler is operating, there is a large load on the electrical network. It is believed that on average 3-4 kW of electricity is allocated to 1 private house. This amount of electricity is not always enough to connect an electric heating boiler.

Today, liquid fuel boilers are used as the main heating appliance. However, this method of heating a home is considered not environmentally friendly and not safe enough. Thus, the calculation of heating a house should begin with the choice of a heating boiler.

"Inside" of a gas boiler.

Steam heating methods

There are many ways in which steam heating can be carried out. The most popular is the heat supply system conducted from the stove. Such a system can be installed if your private home has a clay oven. Such furnace heat supply, as a rule, is carried out only in 1 circuit. It cannot be called economical, since it can only be produced using solid fuel, and this will cost slightly more than gas.

You can also use steam heating using wood. This method is quite convenient and profitable. In order to ensure high-quality heat supply using firewood, you should choose boilers that have a long burning time. With such a system, it is best to install the expansion tank on the top floor or attic.

A popular method is steam heating using coal. This method cannot be considered economical; moreover, it is inferior to the steam method using wood. Coal burns a little weaker than wooden materials, so experts recommend using an additional pump or installing a second circuit.

How to choose good equipment?

The choice of heating system depends only on your preferences. Before giving preference to one method or another, we recommend that you read numerous reviews describing the use of various heating equipment for the home. This way you will protect yourself from choosing low-quality equipment.

Efficient home heating is one of the most important tasks for every homeowner. An interesting solution to this problem could be a steam heating system, the operating principles and design of which differ from the usual water circuits.

This is not the easiest option, and has its own strengths and weaknesses. We will talk about the rules of design and organization, the features of the system with a vapor coolant. You will learn how to install steam heating in a private home and how to operate it correctly.

When water boils at constant pressure, it maintains its temperature constant. The steam formed as a result of such boiling has a significant amount of thermal energy. At the moment of condensation, i.e. When steam turns into liquid, this energy is released and transferred to the environment.

This principle is used in the operation of steam heating systems. Water boils in the boiler, steam moves through the pipes to the radiators, where it condenses and dissolves with heat, thereby heating the air in the room.

The water obtained during the condensation process continues to move through the pipes and returns to a special storage tank, and then flows to the heater naturally or forcibly using a pump.

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Depending on the pressure inside the steam heating system, they are divided into:

  • vacuum-steam;
  • low pressure;
  • high pressure.

In the first, the pressure is less than 0.1 MPa, in the second - even lower - up to 0.07 MPa, and in the third - more than 0.07 MPa. Open low-pressure systems have access to air from the atmosphere, but they can also be closed, i.e. completely sealed.

This diagram demonstrates the principles of steam heating wiring. The heating device should be located lower than the radiators; the condensate line should be sloped

Such systems usually use so-called dry saturated steam, which does not contain suspended water particles. The amount of steam in the system affects its operation. If there is too little steam, it will create problems for the free flow of condensate, and cold air will collect at the bottom of the heating device.

A sufficient volume of steam improves the process of outflow of condensate, which is pushed towards the walls and flows down them in the form of a thin film of water.

In closed systems, water immediately enters the heat exchanger after condensation, but open-loop systems are often used in which the coolant is first collected in a storage tank and then pumped into the boiler for heating.

Condensate can completely fill the pipes through which it moves for heating or only partially. The latter option is preferable, since when the system is turned off, the pipes in it will remain dry.

If the steam heating coolant, after condensation, moves directly into the boiler for subsequent heating, the system is called closed. If condensate is first collected in a storage tank, from which it is pumped into the boiler by a pump, the system is classified as open

Features of low pressure systems

A common version of such a system is closed, using gravity return of condensate to the boiler, which does not completely fill the pipes, and an upper pipe distribution is used.

First, the system is filled with water to the required level, after which heating begins. The condensate flows down a common riser and, when a predetermined level is reached, is forced into the boiler.

In the same system with bottom distribution, it is recommended to install pipes with a slight slope in the direction of steam movement in order to reduce noise effects. At the point where the condensate is drained, a loop-shaped water seal is installed, which prevents the movement of steam onto the condensation line.

The steam velocity in such systems should be moderate, no more than 0.14 m/s. Otherwise, the steam will also capture particles of moisture accumulated on the walls. As a result, the system operates with more noise and increases the risk of water hammer.

Combined wiring, i.e. a combination of upper and lower wiring is used if pipes are laid under the floor of the upper or middle floor of the house. The lumen of the pipes through which water returns to the boiler will in this case be closed by condensate.

If the pressure in the system exceeds 0.02 MPa, it should be made open. The air is removed through a condensate storage tank, and to prevent steam from leaving the system, a condensate drain or water seal is installed. Water from the storage tank is pumped into the heat exchanger, which allows the storage tank to be installed below the level at which the heat exchanger is located.

The coolant for heating a private house with a boiler room is heated in a heat exchanger located in the boiler room. Upon reaching the operating temperature, the steam moves to a manifold that divides the flow into two circuits: for the main rooms and for the boiler room (+)

Assessing advantages and disadvantages

What are the benefits of a steam heating system? It is relatively easy to make even on the basis of a conventional wood stove. This is especially true in areas where there is no centralized gas supply, but firewood or other solid fuel is quite accessible.

Steam is significantly ahead of water as a coolant. Its heating rate is three times higher. In addition, a steam heating system is unlikely to fail during winter cold due to lack of heating.

If the firebox burns out, water from the system will collect in the storage tank or heat exchanger, and the pipes and radiators will remain empty. With water heating, freezing of the coolant, which fills the entire circuit, is known to lead to pipe rupture.

Finally, the dimensions of steam heating radiators should be significantly smaller than for water systems, since the amount of thermal energy obtained as a result increases several times. This will slightly reduce the cost of installing a heating system at home.

Decorative grilles for steam heating radiators are not only an element of interior design, but also a means of protection against burns

This concludes the list of advantages of the steam system, and we can move on to its disadvantages, which are quite significant:

  • high risk of burns;
  • increased noise level during operation;
  • difficulties in adjusting the operation of the system;
  • the need to purchase expensive pipes, etc.

Safety standards do not recommend steam heating for residential premises, as it poses a high risk to the health and life of people living in the house.

Thus, the operating temperature of the radiators will be very high, and if you touch them you can get a serious burn. Therefore, all radiators will have to be covered with reliable decorative grilles.

Ordinary PVC pipes are not suitable for such a system, since they must withstand high pressure and temperatures of more than 100 degrees. The same requirements apply to other elements of the system. Steam heating pipes must be copper or galvanized steel.

Copper pipes are an ideal, but not at all cheap, communication option for steam heating systems. To connect these pipes you will need a welding machine

In any case, this moment cannot be called budgetary. Security issues must be given the utmost attention. All installation work, for example, welding copper pipes, will require the highest quality performance. If the connection ruptures and a stream of steam escapes through the hole, one of the occupants of the house risks serious burns.

Stainless steel pipes are able to withstand the loads typical of steam heating systems, such as high temperature and increased pressure in the system

Another disadvantage of steam heating is the increased noise level. To fix this problem, you must install the radiators correctly. They are suspended on special anti-noise brackets. It is best to place the boiler or stove in a separate room. In addition, copper pipes can be placed in the thickness of the walls, which will also reduce the noise level.

Finally, it is a little difficult to regulate the heating temperature in rooms with steam heating. You cannot install a thermostat and simply reduce the amount of steam. You will have to reduce the amount of fuel, which is not always easy, or ventilate the premises. Before starting work on installing a steam heating system, all these points should be taken into account.

Design of a steam heating system

Even for a small room, it is best to draw up a project. A system made at random will most likely soon require rework, and a diagram drawn up on paper will allow you to immediately identify weak points and correct them.

For example, in order to create a system with natural coolant circulation, the heat exchanger, and accordingly the heating device, should be located at the lowest point of the house.

The steam and condensate pipelines of heating systems with a natural type of coolant movement are arranged with a slope in the direction of its movement (+)

This means that the stove or boiler must be located below all radiators, as well as pipes that are not vertical, but horizontal or at an angle to the vertical.

If it is not possible to place the heating device in this way (the house does not have a basement, the basement is used for other purposes, etc.), preference should be given to heating with forced circulation.

The diagram shows a heating system with forced circulation. To install it you will need a circulation pump and a storage tank.

Therefore, it is necessary to turn on the pump, which will pump water into the heat exchanger. An important point in designing a heating system is the order in which the radiators are connected. A sequential connection or the so-called one-pipe system involves connecting all radiators in order.

As a result, the coolant will sequentially move through the system, gradually cooling down. This is an economical connection option, which is easier to install and will be cheaper.

But the uniformity of heating with this method will suffer, since the first radiator will be the hottest, and the last coolant will enter in a half-cooled state.

Single-pipe connection of radiators, as can be seen from this diagram, involves sequential installation. The coolant reaches the last radiator already cooled down

A single-pipe solution may only be acceptable when connecting steam heating in a country house or in a small house with an area of ​​less than 80 square meters. m. And for a spacious cottage or two-story building, a two-pipe system in which radiators are connected in parallel is more suitable.

The single-pipe design ensures simultaneous rather than sequential flow of coolant into each radiator, and the rooms are heated more evenly. But with a two-pipe circuit, two pipes will have to be connected to each radiator: direct and return.

Such a system is more difficult to implement, and it will cost a little more than when installing a single-pipe system. However, the vast majority of water heating systems are made according to a two-pipe scheme, despite the difficulties, and function quite successfully.

This diagram shows a two-pipe installation system for steam heating radiators. Each radiator is connected to a common riser and has a return pipe, which ensures uniform distribution of coolant

If you plan to use a wood stove as a heat source, you should immediately calculate and design a special heat exchanger. It looks like a coil welded from metal pipes. This element is built directly into the furnace structure, and is not installed separately.

Therefore, the design of a new furnace should also be considered at the design stage. You can also use an existing stove, but it will have to be partially disassembled in order to install the heat exchanger inside.

To obtain 9 kW of heat, a heat exchanger with a surface area of ​​about one square meter is required. The larger the heated area, the larger the size of the heat exchanger should be.

If you plan to heat the room using a boiler, then everything is a little simpler: you need to buy and install it. Usually, for steam heating in a house, it is recommended to take a water-tube boiler model, as it is the most efficient.

Although fire-tube, smoke-combustion or combined smoke-fire-tube models can also be a completely acceptable option.

Sometimes, to organize steam heating, they use it, in which waste machine oil is burned. But this option is considered suitable for use in utility rooms, for example, in a garage. For a residential building, this option is not very good.

Installation based on a wood stove

If the project has been drawn up, it’s time to stock up on the necessary materials and tools. A previously drawn up project will allow you to calculate the required number of system elements.

All turns, connections, tees, radiator installation locations, etc. should be marked on it. In addition, it is necessary to purchase pipe clamps, as well as brackets on which the radiators will be installed.

The boiler of the steam heating system, based on a wood-burning stove, is installed directly in it. A steam line and a condensate line are connected to the boiler

The length of the pipes is also calculated according to the diagram. To reduce the steam pressure in the system if necessary, you will need a pressure reducing valve. The hydraulic seal is required to allow the system to be completely drained for cleaning, maintenance or repair.

It is recommended to install a shut-off valve in front of each radiator, which will allow it to be turned off for repair, flushing or replacement. They are also installed on radiators to release air trapped in the system. Although steam is a gaseous substance and not a liquid, the presence of air in the system can negatively affect its efficiency.

To ensure that the condensation process occurs in the radiators, and not in the storage tank or riser, it is recommended to install a tee with a plug at the outlet through which only water will pass. If you plan to install a system with forced circulation, you will need a circulation pump. In addition, you need a container to collect condensed moisture.

Gravity flow systems do not need such devices. But the pipe that carries the water to the heat exchanger must be wide enough to allow the liquid to move quickly for further heating.

The absence of a pressure reducing valve in the steam heating system, the device of which is shown in the diagram, can lead to serious damage due to excess pressure

In addition to the usual installation tools, you will definitely need a welding machine for. Galvanized steel structures usually have threaded connections that must be carefully sealed. If you plan to install steam heating from a furnace, you will have to start with the manufacture of a heat exchanger.

A steam heating heat exchanger built into a wood stove consists of a system of hollow metal pipes through which water circulates. The element can have any shape corresponding to the size and shape of the oven

It is made from metal pipes 2.5-3 mm thick or even a little thicker. The heat exchanger can be made either in the form of a coil or in any other form. The main thing is that the device fits inside, and also that its surface is large enough to heat the water and generate steam.

The welding quality of the heat exchanger must be, without exaggeration, ideal. Even microscopic cavities in the seams are unacceptable, since the device will be exposed to increased pressure from hot steam. Once the heat exchanger is ready for installation, each weld should be checked.

To do this, first coat all seams with white chalk. After this, one of the heat exchanger holes is closed, and kerosene is poured into the second until the device is filled to the top. Now you need to wait a little and then evaluate the condition of the seams. If there are cracks, kerosene will seep through them, and in such places the chalk will darken.

Identified flaws are corrected, and then the test is repeated to ensure the integrity of the device. Now you should wash it, and then start laying the wood stove. The heat exchanger is securely built into the firebox, and pipes are connected to its inlet and outlet, which are then used to connect the heat exchanger to the heating system of the house.

The laying of the furnace is completed in the usual manner for such structures. Then the pipes are installed in accordance with the project drawn up earlier. First, radiators are installed, using brackets that will dampen the noise from the operation of steam heating.

Mayevsky taps are installed on each radiator so that air can be released. You will need one more shut-off valves than radiators, since you need to install one common shut-off valve at the very beginning of the system. A pressure reducing valve and a reducing-cooling unit are also installed in front of this tap.

At the end, if provided for by the project, a coolant storage tank is installed. For systems designed with natural rather than forced circulation, a tank and pump are not needed. But the pipe that leads to the heat exchanger needs to be given a slight slope, about 3 mm per meter.

Modern boilers for steam heating in the house are reliable devices that run on various fuels and are equipped with automated control systems

Systems with a steam boiler are installed in approximately the same way: in accordance with the design and adjusted for the features of the equipment. For example, a pressure reducing valve and a cooler will most likely not be needed since the steam pressure and temperature control system is already built into the boiler.

When installing a steam heating system, you should remember that all its elements must withstand high temperatures, more than 100 degrees. For example, a conventional membrane expander will not work as a reserve tank in case of an increase in coolant volume, because its maximum is 85 degrees.

The chimney of a stove with a built-in heat exchanger will become dirty faster than that of a conventional stove. Therefore, you need to plan and execute more often.

If desired, an oven with a heat exchanger can also be used for cooking, but this is not very convenient. In summer, when heating is not needed, this stove cannot be lit. We'll have to look for an alternative. It’s easier if there is a separate, convenient stove for the kitchen in the house.

The difference between forced and natural circulation in heating systems is described in detail here:

Steam heating is not the easiest option for an autonomous heating system to implement. But with proper design and installation, steam can be used to effectively and relatively inexpensively provide your home with the necessary amount of heat.

Steam heating is similar in principle to water heating. Only in it, as is obvious from the name, steam serves as a carrier of thermal energy along the circuits. The calculation and installation of such a heating scheme was first carried out in the 18th century, which became possible with the beginning of the use of steam plants in industry. And the first domestic steam heating systems began operating at the beginning of the 19th century.

Operating principle and features

After two centuries, many qualitative changes in equipment and production technology have occurred, which contributed to the improvement of materials and equipment used, among other things, in these heating schemes. There are several different ways of constructing and calculating them. However, structurally all variants of the system are similar. The principle of operation differs somewhat only in details. Steam heating is based on the following composition of devices and elements:

  • a boiler or other product that serves as a source of heat and is capable of converting the energy of combustible raw materials (or electricity) into steam energy;
  • radiators that transfer heat from steam to the indoor atmosphere;
  • a collector that serves as an accumulator for the water formed after cooling the steam;
  • connecting elements that form an integral circuit, through which steam moves through the system;
  • additional products (pump, various fittings, etc.).
Steam boiler design diagram

The principle of operation is simple: heat is transferred by steam from the boiler to the radiators, and then the water condensed in them is returned through the collector using a pump (or by gravity). Steam heating, despite the presence of many other systems today, can still be found in both industrial buildings and residential buildings. It is often used to ensure that space heating is practical and efficient. The advantages of a steam heating system are manifested in the following things:

  • The efficiency of a boiler or other heat source is close to unity due to the almost complete absence of losses in the heat exchangers;
  • the overall dimensions of the connecting elements are small, since large diameters are not required for normal operation, while the contour can cover structures of almost any height;
  • radiators become “fiery” for a short time after the boiler starts operating;
  • radiators and connecting elements are not destroyed in case of freezing;
  • there are no environmentally polluting by-products of operation (for most types of boilers);
  • the use of steam as a coolant circulating through the circuit does not entail unnecessary costs.

Steam heating is used where its disadvantages can be neglected. There are few of them, and they are all due to the nature of the coolant, which deprives the system of flexibility in control. The list is as follows:

  • there is no way to smoothly adjust the temperature of the radiators;
  • the temperature of the radiators and connecting elements is so high that it will cause burns upon contact with their surfaces;
  • The above disadvantages contribute to another one - reducing the service life of the system.

Circuit solutions

A steam heating scheme for a specific building is developed so that, with the greatest efficiency, it incurs the lowest costs, both for installation and during subsequent operation. For example, the production site may already have steam generating equipment involved in the technological chain. It is more expedient to additionally connect heating radiators to it rather than equipping the premises with any other system. Of course, the possibility of such a connection must be confirmed by calculations. For a private building that has a stove, on its basis, through some modification, it is also possible to establish the operation of such a scheme. Or, after performing calculations and selecting suitable equipment and materials, from the boiler to the pump, build a system from scratch.

Steam heating can function by being implemented in different ways. If we take a parameter such as steam pressure in the system (absolute), then we can distinguish the following options:

  • vacuum-steam (up to 0.10 MPa);
  • with low pressure (from 0.10 to 0.12 MPa);
  • with increased pressure (from 0.12 to 0.17 MPa);
  • with high pressure (over 0.17 MPa).

To ensure long-term trouble-free operation, it is necessary to carry out calculations so that after installation of pipes and other connecting elements, boiler, pump, radiators, etc. do not fail due to their inability to withstand the pressure in the system. Steam heating, depending on how water enters the steam generator at the end of the previous cycle, is divided into two types: closed and open. In the first option there is no pump.

The liquid flows under the influence of a self-formed column, i.e. by gravity. This option is typical for a low-pressure steam heating system, in which the radiators are located at a fairly high level relative to the boiler. In an open circuit there is a collector and a pump that supplies water to the boiler. This option is used where installation of a system with gravity water return is impossible or impractical.

Structurally, steam heating in terms of connecting elements can be implemented in one of two ways:

  • two-pipe;
  • single-pipe.

In the first case, the steam heating system is laid from two channels - steam-conducting and condensate-conducting. Radiators are connected to them in parallel with vertical taps. In the second case, steam and water formed during the condensation process move sequentially through devices and circuit elements. The openness or closedness of the latter is determined by the presence or absence of direct communication with the air of the external environment.

Openness is typical for low pressure systems. In this case, the closed circuit has contact with air through a “dry” condensate pipeline, and the open circuit (with a pump) - through a manifold. Steam heating with increased and high pressure is equipped according to a closed principle.

Calculation and installation

Steam heating, like almost any other, requires attention to the design stage. Performing a thermal-hydraulic calculation aims to equip the circuit with equipment with an optimal set of parameters. It combines:

  • hydraulic calculation, as a result of which the characteristics of steam-conducting and condensate-conducting pipes are clarified;
  • thermal calculation of steam heating batteries, based on the results of which their geometric and other indicators become known;
  • selection of functional equipment (boiler, pump, etc.) and other components of the circuit.

Installing a steam heating system is similar to installing a water heating system. The difference is determined by the fact that the components are exposed to higher temperatures. Therefore, insulating radiators and pipes for steam heating is commonplace. Before starting operation, the circuit is subjected to tests, the main purpose of which is:

  1. Checking the uniformity of steam supply to the heaters and the absence of its passage into the condensate-conducting pipe.
  2. Assessing the tightness of the circuit and checking that it can withstand operating pressure.

The type of heating considered is a somewhat outdated, but proven and reliable version of the heating system. Most of all, it is acceptable and beneficial for enterprises that have the appropriate equipment. But owners of individual buildings are quite capable of adopting it, provided they have a competent approach to the calculation and installation of the circuit.

Making a steam heating system with your own hands

It is sometimes difficult for a home owner to decide on the choice of life-sustaining communications for him. Depending on the distance of the home from industrial civilization, it is hardly possible to carry out some of them centrally. In such cases, it is necessary to install autonomous systems. Here it is important to ensure a balance between resource costs and useful results. When it comes to heating rooms during the cold season, one of the surest ways to achieve a good climate at home is to design and install steam heating yourself.

What kind of system is this

Such a system contains relatively few positions. The main parts are:

  1. A steam generation device, which in a private home can be a suitable type of boiler or stove.
  2. Radiators similar to those used in water systems;
  3. Pipes, fittings, etc. Elements for connecting the first device to the second.

Additionally, in a number of embodiments of this house heating scheme, a pump may also be present. It is installed when circulation of the coolant in the system is not possible naturally. The general operating principle of this heating is described as follows:

  • in the heat exchange circuit of the furnace (boiler), in which firewood (or other energy carrier) is burned, water becomes steam;
  • steam moves through pipes to radiators;
  • a process of moisture condensation occurs in radiators, accompanied by an increase in the temperature of their surfaces;
  • the moisture flows into a collection tank, and from it back into the furnace (boiler), and at the last stage it can be “assisted” by a pump.

In a circuit without a pump, gravity flow of moisture is ensured provided that the components and connecting elements are correctly positioned and tilted relative to each other. The advantages and disadvantages of this heating system arise from the properties inherent in the heat-carrying substance circulating in it. The positive thing here is that:

  • the operating speed is high - the radiators will quickly become hot soon after the boiler is started;
  • almost 100% efficiency of the steam generation device - operation without heat loss and with maximum heat transfer in heaters;
  • the system is economical, which is ensured by the above point and the modest dimensions of the components and connecting parts;
  • the system is not afraid of “hypothermia” - most likely there will be no damage during defrosting.

The disadvantages of such a system are:

  • heating of the surfaces of radiators and connecting parts to a temperature that can cause burns to living beings upon contact with them;
  • impossibility of changing the temperature of individual radiators;
  • reduction in the service life of equipment and connecting parts due to harsh operating conditions.

How and from what to collect

In order to select the right equipment and materials for heating a house, and then install them properly, you should first conduct a small design study. Their task is:

  1. Find out which layout in this house will be optimal.
  2. Determine the position and extent of the contours of the connecting parts, including all necessary turns, branches, etc., as well as the location of the equipment, primarily the boiler and radiators.

The first point involves an analysis of existing options for implementing steam heating and their applicability to the characteristics of a given house. First, the system can operate at a certain level of steam pressure. There are four categories of them - from ultra-low (vacuum-steam) to high. The latter (up to 6 atm.) is advisable to use if the house is large enough. Secondly, system options are distinguished by the way in which moisture is returned to the boiler. It can be passed through a collection tank, from which it can be pumped using a pump - this will be an open method. Or it can be done by gravity, due to the pressure provided by a water column of sufficient height - this is a closed method.

Thirdly, the contour formed by the connecting parts can be single or double. The latter is used more often, since the first may not always be built. To do this, it is necessary that the pipes and equipment form a sequence that ensures the movement of both steam and condensate in one direction, due to slopes and angles. This means that the boiler should be located significantly lower than the heaters. In the double version, different pipes are used to supply steam and remove moisture. Moreover, along with heating, the same system can also provide hot water supply.

The second point involves a thermohydraulic calculation of the future heating scheme for the house. Here it is necessary to determine specific equipment parameters that will be best in a given building. First, you need to find out the power of the boiler.

Depending on the total heating area, the approximate ratios are as follows:

  • up to 200 sq. m – up to 25 kW;
  • up to 300 sq. m – up to 30 kW;
  • up to 600 sq. m – up to 60 kW;
  • up to 1200 sq. m – up to 100 kW.

As for the working fuel, the device should be selected based on elementary considerations so that the type of energy carrier used is accessible and cheap in the given area. Secondly, the geometric characteristics and material of the pipes must ensure that they can withstand the effects of steam and pressure in the system throughout the entire expected (design) service life. The most suitable for this purpose is rolled steel or copper. However, this is not the cheapest option. Thirdly, the size and material of the radiators should also contribute to the durability and efficiency of the heating system.

Installation features depend on the selected circuit implementation option. It is also necessary to carefully study the recommendations given by manufacturers of equipment and materials. And, of course, follow them, paying attention to such things as the distance from the boiler to the walls and ceiling of the room, requirements for the fire resistance of insulating and finishing materials, the presence and performance of ventilation systems, etc. In general, you can install a steam system by sequential implementation of the following steps:

  • preparing sites for installation of equipment and connecting parts;
  • installation of the boiler and radiators in prepared areas;
  • installation of pipes and additional equipment connected to them (control devices, various fittings, safety and other valves, etc.);
  • monitoring the performance of the circuit and all its devices and elements.

Having learned more about how to make steam heating, it is not at all difficult to bring this idea to life. Of course, this requires a certain level of qualification. But this is a profitable business, and the most important thing is desire and perseverance in achieving the goal.

In remote villages, many, after weighing all the pros and cons, prefer stove heating. Autonomy has a lot of advantages, but it’s difficult to heat a house of more than 50 m2 efficiently and evenly using a stove. Unless you install a heat exchanger in it and connect batteries to it. If water circulates as a coolant in such a system, then it will be called water heating, if steam - steam heating.

Sometimes these two types of heating are confused. However, they have their differences, advantages and disadvantages. In addition, steam heating has long been prohibited in residential buildings due to unsafe operation. But it costs much less than water and, in addition, there are protection measures. True, it cannot be said about the ease of installation; on the contrary, in order to install steam heating in a private house, and even from a brick stove, it is necessary to put in a lot of effort and time. But first things first.

Differences between steam and water heating

Steam heating works on the principle:

  • First, water is heated in a container to a boil and converted into steam;
  • steam passes through pipes to radiators, giving off heat;
  • in batteries, steam condenses, turning back into water;
  • water flows through the outlets into the expansion tank and returns to the heat exchanger.

Unlike water heating, steam heating provides greater heat transfer, warms the room three times faster, and is ergonomic. It requires small-sized equipment, which, in fact, reduces the cost of the system as a whole. Another plus: in an abandoned house, the pipes do not freeze during the cold season. Therefore, it is easy to start steam heating when arriving at the dacha in winter, and when leaving, make sure that the fuel has completely burned out.

By the way, not only furnaces, but also boilers operating on waste oil can be used as a generator for steam heating. But usually such a system is installed in garages and utility rooms for environmental reasons.

Design of a boiler operating on waste oil

Disadvantages of steam heating and ways to eliminate them

System imperfections:

  • radiators from steam heat up above 100°C, which is why they pose a danger, especially for children and animals;
  • The steam heating system is noisy;
  • temperature control is difficult;
  • impossibility of installing water heated floors.

The first drawback can be eliminated by protecting radiators and supply pipes with screens. There is a huge selection of these decorative interior elements made of wood and plastic.

A wooden screen will protect against accidental contact with hot radiators

The noise effect in the system can be significantly reduced if you use anti-noise brackets for radiators during their installation, and the steam generator itself is installed in a separate room.

The third point is difficult to eliminate. But for the fourth, there is a solution - if desired, water heated floors can be replaced with infrared film ones.

Attention! It is not advisable to plan a brick oven with a steam generator for heating and cooking at the same time, since in the summer it will still be impossible to use it. Or, you will have to come up with an alternative option for the warm period. For example, make a summer stove outdoors.

Also, plastic pipes cannot be used in the system; they will not withstand the temperature conditions.

Installation diagram for steam heating from a furnace

  • Natural and forced circulation system

A system operating on the principle of natural circulation requires the location of the heat exchanger below the level of the radiators and all pipes at an angle. A forced system requires a pump to ensure uninterrupted circulation of the heat exchanger.

Schemes also come in one- and two-pipe.

  • Single-pipe steam heating circuit for a private house

This circuit works on the principle of connecting radiators in series. The coolant moves through the pipe, moving from one battery to another. As a result, the first radiator turns out to be the hottest, and the last one is almost cooled down. Therefore, it is recommended to use this scheme for rooms with a small area - from 40 to 80 m2.

Single-pipe heating circuit

This system is more suitable for houses with large areas and two-story cottages. It differs in that the radiators in it are connected in parallel using two pipes: inlet and outlet (condenser). In this scheme, the coolant is supplied to all radiators at the same temperature, since it does not have time to cool down.

Two-pipe heating scheme

How to arrange steam heating from a stove with your own hands

Equipment and materials

For a steam heating device you will need:

  • radiators (under each window);
  • heat exchanger - essentially a water tube boiler or steam generator;
  • pipes for steam and condensate drainage - it is better to give preference to materials resistant to high temperatures: galvanized steel or copper;
  • elbows, connectors, pipe clamps, brackets for radiators, shut-off valves: valves, air release valves;
  • a hydraulic valve used to allow drying of the steam pipeline;
  • pressure reducing valve to reduce pressure in the system;
  • reduction-cooling unit;
  • welding machine;
  • container for collecting condensate;
  • pump.

Pressure reducing valve to reduce pressure in the system

It is better to rent expensive equipment.

You will have to make a heat exchanger for a brick oven yourself or order it. To do this, you will need metal pipes with a wall thickness of 2.5 mm and a welding machine. You can connect them as in the picture or make them in the form of a coil. The main thing is to monitor the quality of the welds. The calculation is done approximately like this: 1 m 2 of the coil surface delivers up to 9 kW.

After the design is made, it is necessary to check it. To do this, pour water into it and make sure there are no leaks. However, this method is not very informative, since welds may have slag inclusions, which will not be detected in the absence of excess pressure.

It is best to check the quality of seams using the “kerosene on chalk” method. To do this, you need to chalk all the welds and pour kerosene inside the structure. If there is a tiny pore, the chalk will darken as kerosene seeps into it.

Brick kiln circuit

Another option for a heat exchanger for a furnace

Sequence of work

The heat exchanger is built into the furnace at the stage of its laying directly into the firebox

It must be taken into account that if you plan to make a cooking stove, then there should be no pipes in the upper part, otherwise they will interfere. Then it is better to make a heat exchanger according to this principle

Next, according to the diagram, radiators are installed under the windows. Inlet and outlet pipes are connected to them. For natural circulation - with a slight slope of 3 mm per meter. Each convector should be equipped with an air release valve.

For safety reasons, it is advisable to install shut-off valves in front of each radiator and one in front of the entire system. At the beginning of it, a pressure reducing valve and a cooling unit should also be installed.

At the end of the system, a tank is installed to collect condensate, from which water also flows downhill back into the heat exchanger. It is not advisable to use a membrane expander for this purpose, since it is designed for temperatures up to 85 ° C.

In the forced circulation system, in the return pipeline, a pump is installed in front of the furnace.

Nuances when using steam heating from a stove

Brick stoves with a heat exchanger produce more soot in the chimney than usual and have to be cleaned more often.

With a gravity system, the furnace will have to be built in the basement so that the condensate flows freely to the lowest point.

The installation of valves should not be neglected - they are necessary for safety and accident prevention. Since the pump requires electricity, it must be taken into account that if the mains is disconnected, it will not be possible to stop the furnace.

Steam heating in a wooden house is installed according to the same principle as in a brick one. It is only necessary to observe fire safety measures - protect wooden surfaces from overheating.

Video: combined heating system for a private house