Do children need a pet? Does a child need a pet?

But, unlike children, it is not enough for an adult to rely only on, here you need to initially approach the issue responsibly.

Therefore, before going to the pet store, you need to decide the following questions for yourself:

1. Are you ready to take full responsibility for the animal. This is not a toy that can be given, given away, returned, or thrown away. An animal is not a person, but it is alive soul. He can also be in pain or have fun. It also knows how to love. Therefore, you need to take an animal not for the mood (it’s so cute that you want to take it), but forever. Photo:

2. Are you ready to become a pet parent?. He will need to be fed, provided with leisure time and walks, and toilet issues resolved. It will not be possible to bring it into the house as part of the interior; it will need to be given attention and care.

3. It will be necessary to ensure the safety of him and those around him. For example, you need to control that the dog does not harm anyone, especially children. You can often hear the phrase: “Don’t be afraid, he doesn’t bite.” I immediately remember the lines of Bulgakov’s work “Heart of a Dog,” where Sharik thought: “What makes you think that I don’t bite.” If the choice falls on a cat, then try to prevent it from disturbing the neighbors. It happens that a compassionate grandmother gets a flock of cats, and then gets offended that the neighbors are bad and fight. And don’t let snakes and spiders go outside alone; sometimes they try to come out of the windows. Love animals, but without fanaticism, so that they do not disturb others.

4. If you are ready to solve all these organizational arrangements by , then answer yourself the most main question. Can you love an animal as a member of your family? After all, for your pet you will be like a god whom he will rely on and love. If you don’t love him, then you will only be annoyed by the responsibility of caring for him and feeding him. This will bring no joy to either the owner or the animal.

5. Are you ready to take care of the animal’s health?. After all, animals can pick up fleas or ringworm. It is necessary to control so that such troubles do not arise, because in this case the animal becomes dangerous to humans.

6. For the animal to be a real doctor, you need to give him your love so that he has the desire to return your positive energy. Pets are different. Some people will love you simply for being you. Others will be condescending, not suspecting that he lives with you, and not you with him.

It's worth emphasizing if you have Small child, then the animal will teach your child two main qualities:

1. Ability to make friends. The child asks because he dreams of a friend with whom they will have fun, spend time, and grow. When the animal is lost, the child suffers because they are friends.

2. Formed. From childhood, a child learns that a pet needs to be taken care of, fed, and walked.

Therefore, before you bring your pet home, decide for yourself whether you are ready to live with him long years, loving and caring for him.

Does the child need a pet?

There is probably no child in the world who would not like to have a cat or a dog, or maybe a hamster or a rabbit at home. The animal runs and plays, causing an exchange of emotions, which is very different from quickly boring faceless toys, because it live communication. A child can talk to a pet, complain to him about his childhood problems and experiences, feel warmth and find a true friend. This is especially true when parents pay little attention to their baby, and if he is timid and shy. And you can trust your friend with your little secrets and be sure that he will not tell them to anyone. And most importantly - they are so cute!

Scientific research proves that pets are very important for children. A group of children aged 7-8 years was interviewed. 90% of respondents believe that their pets are more important than some relatives and even teachers! A child’s relationship with animals is determined primarily by trust and affection. It is the care and attitude towards the animal that teaches our children kindness and responsibility.

But quite often the relationship between household members and pets is not entirely successful and rosy. This leads to various conflicts and resentments. If the family already has pets By the time the baby is born, the animal will consider him a little master who cannot be offended. But the child will still need to win the respect of a new friend. Anyone who believes that animals do not understand anything is wrong. They are very intelligent and each of them has its own character, just like your child. A cat or dog understands perfectly well that there is a baby in front of them and treats him very loyally and good-naturedly, but parents need to stop their child’s attempts to abuse the animal. Very often, the latter can be jealous of the owner of a new family member, similar to the eldest child. After all, before, only he received all the attention and affection. In such cases, you need to pay attention to the offended pet so that he understands that he is loved no less than the baby. IN otherwise he will feel abandoned and unwanted.

A child aged 5-6 years already needs to be involved in caring for an animal, which is an important factor in the formation of personality. He can wash the bowl, put food in or wipe the outer walls of the aquarium, feed the birds or put a leash on the dog. And at 7-8 years old, she can perfectly cope with caring for her pet on her own. It is important to instill in your child the understanding that an animal is not a toy, but a living being. He must not be tortured, beaten, kept in bad conditions, then you can expect mutual love and affection.

Which pets are suitable for children? different ages? For the youngest - you can buy a parrot, a hamster, guinea pig, turtle. And at 7-8 years old and older child will be able to take excellent care of a cat or small dog.

If your child suffers from allergies, you should not get a pet. Large dogs They can also pose a danger and be aggressive, but it all depends on the breed, because some of them can even replace a nanny. We should not forget that some animals can cause infectious diseases, for example cats and dogs - they bring the infection from the street, but proper care You can avoid many of these dangers and protect your baby's health.

To have or not to have a pet? And if you start it, which one? After all pet Shop offers such big choice little charms. It all depends on you, carefully consider all aspects, your capabilities and make a choice, but in any case there will be more benefit from your pet than harm. Need to take proper care of little friend and teach your child this, then your pet will certainly bring joy to you and all members of your family.

Children simply need to be allowed to have a pet, at least one, even a tiny hamster or small fish. This is truly a must if you are a caring parent who is interested in a responsible, kind and organized child. After all, a pet is your baby’s first friend. And if you choose what your next purchase will be - washing machine or a cute shaggy (or feathered) creature, then you have nothing to think about!

Reason 1. Pets relieve stress and help calm a hyperactive child or simply relax a child after a busy day. All doctors unanimously assure that dogs and cats can relieve headaches and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Reason 2. This will help the baby to know, love and find contact with nature. This is best facilitated by communication with an animal. Among other things, this helps to instill in him a sense of tender and caring attitude towards nature, to understand why it is unacceptable to leave garbage in the forest or throw waste into the river.

Reason 3. Animals are the best sports trainers. The little one doesn’t even suspect that, in addition to the pleasure of playing with his pet during a walk, he is actively engaged in fitness, moreover, on fresh air. The child will be active and mobile, learning with his pet various types sports This is much better than watching how televisions (or rather, what is shown on them) “clog” your child’s brains.

Reason 4. B modern world It is very difficult to keep a child occupied without using a TV or computer. But the animals manage this like no other. So communication with furry and feathered animals is very disciplined, and also broadens your horizons of interests.

Reason 5. When around a pet, the baby develops self-control, caring, and tenderness. This is not easy for all children. Often an animal can endure a lot before scratching or running away altogether. Most children immediately understand that only good treatment will make the animal stay with him for a long time and play.

Reason 6. If there is only one child in the family, then a pet will relieve him of loneliness and become best friend. It will get rid of selfishness, because you have to think about whether the puppy is hungry, whether he wants to go for a walk, and much more, and this is a kind of training before the appearance of a brother or sister. In addition, for example, a dog will become the protector of your little one. Attachment to an animal eliminates a number of complexes.

I hope that all of the above factors will help make right choice parents. After all, such a simple act will help raise your offspring to be open and good-natured, which is something we all lack so much in our time. Listen to their wants and needs and over time it will bear fruit.

Is it worth it get a pet if there is a child in the house? This question arises for many parents. And the children ask to take at least someone into the house, and the parents want to raise the child to be kind and caring. The aspiration is correct, but before you decide on anything, you need to answer some questions for yourself.

Does a child always need a pet?

Many will confidently answer “Yes”, because animal in the house helps to instill responsibility in children and instills kindness in them. In addition, a pet can become their best friend. Regarding kindness, in most cases this is true, but with responsibility it does not always work out. Often a child perceives an animal as a new living toy and only engages with it for the first time. Then he gets tired of it, and caring for the new family member falls entirely on the shoulders of adults. Here, irresponsibility is fostered rather than responsibility. If parents insist and force their son or daughter to take care of the pet, the child may develop a negative attitude and even aggression towards the small living creature, which distracts him from more interesting things.

Therefore, purchasing pet, parents must be prepared that they will have to take care of it themselves, and so that the child does not get tired, firstly, choose the animal that is most suitable for their baby, and secondly, maintain the child’s interest in the pet.

When is the best time to buy a pet?

The second question that concerns parents is whether their baby has already grown enough to buy him an animal. Some advise getting a pet when the child can take care of it himself, others, on the contrary, early, so that the baby gets used to the fact that he is not alone in the house from the first years of his life. In fact, there is no definite answer, because children are all different. Yes, and parents too. Some people can’t stand either cats or dogs, while others dote on them. For those who categorically do not want to see our little brothers in the house, it is better to take the animal really later, so that the baby himself can look after it or not take it at all, having found it alternative replacement. If parents themselves selflessly love animals and are ready to take responsibility for them, you can get an animal at any time. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is how the appearance of a pet will affect the baby’s health. Which animal should you choose to minimize any dangers?

A dog or a cat is better for a child

Parents, listening to the wishes of their children, more often take into the house the animal that they themselves like. It’s good if the opinions of family members coincide. If not, you still need to settle on one. It is undesirable to take animals that rarely get along into the limited space of an apartment. Their genetic characteristics will lead them to frequent stress, illness and shortened life.

Let's compare all the "yes" and "no" for a cat and a dog

  1. A dog can become a protector of the child and the home as a whole. Never a cat.
  2. The dog can be trained. Probably not a cat.
  3. The dog knows its place and the word “no”. The cat does what she likes.
  4. At first, the dog shits in the apartment. The cat knows its potty from the first days.
  5. The dog will have to be taken out for a walk, even when there is neither time nor desire. The cat will never interfere with the owner's daily routine.
  6. A large dog takes up a lot of space, eats a lot, and requires significant financial expenses. A cat, unless it is an exclusive breed, is much cheaper.
  7. There are aggressive dog breeds that can be life-threatening small child. At worst, the cat will only scratch.
  8. Both cats and dogs get sick, so you will have to spend money on a veterinarian.
  9. The fur of both cats and dogs can cause allergies, and quite serious ones.
  10. Both cats and dogs can cause infectious diseases in children, so they need to be kept perfectly clean.

Birds, fish, rodents for children

If there is neither the opportunity nor the desire to take to the house of cats and dogs, You can opt for birds. Often children are bought parrots or other birds. Of course, this is a good decision, because a living creature appears in the house, which is interesting to watch and which will teach the child to be responsible. But birds also have pros and cons.

  1. They take up little space and are suitable for any apartment.
  2. There is no need to walk them or change the potty.
  3. They do not need to be bathed or combed.
  4. You cannot play with them either at home or on the street.
  5. They should almost never be petted or caressed.
  6. They also litter.
  7. They chirp and make noise.

Maybe it's better to take hamster or pet rat ? These animals have a lot of advantages, but they don’t have prestige, especially for a rat. They should be taken into the house only after the child’s firm consent. These fluffy balls are very funny, you can play with them, and you can pick them up. They are inexpensive and unpretentious in everyday life, which is also important for many families. And yet, they have their drawbacks.

They definitely need a place, preferably a large aquarium, so that they cannot leave it on their own.

  1. They have a specific smell; you will have to clean their house every day.
  2. They cannot be castrated, but offspring are produced with enviable regularity once every three months!
  3. They live an average of only 3 years, and their death can be traumatic for a child.

It's even more difficult with fish. The aquarium needs to be cleaned and the water changed. Fish also get sick; they require constant enrichment of the water with air and special lighting. But they swim so beautifully, calming with their movement nervous system and bringing harmony. But does your baby need it? It is advisable to have fish if adults themselves love these creatures and are ready to take care of them. A child, even 10-12 years old, will not be able to independently carry out all the maintenance work.

So is it necessary to take an animal into your home?

To sum up all of the above, there is still no clear answer. On the one hand, children need to learn to take care of someone. And he needs a companion, especially if he is the only child in the family. On the other hand, for parents this is unnecessary trouble and financial costs. Well, those who resolve all these issues positively, with the appearance of an animal in the house There will be a lot of pleasant moments, gratitude and happiness for the child.

Of course, there is no consensus, and there never will be! Some say that a child simply needs to have any pet. Moreover, when I ask for a reasoned answer, why? - no one can really explain it! But the opponents of keeping animals at home (among whom I count myself) have, in my opinion, much more weighty arguments.
Don’t think anything bad, I have a great attitude towards pets, and animals in general, as well as any representatives of the fauna, and I wish them only the best! But, it seems to me, they have no place in a city apartment, even if the child sheds tears into three streams and begs to buy him at least some fish.

My arguments against pets

  • The first, most weighty argument, and I have already outlined it, is that this is not an appropriate place to contain it. If you live in a private house, then, perhaps, it is simply logical for a dog and a cat to be in this house. A dog is needed to guard the house, a cat is needed to catch mice. In this case, there will be no problems with how, where and when these animals need to relieve themselves. They can do this without the help of their owners. In urban conditions, everything is not so - you need to constantly take care that the animal is in right time ended up on the street (sometimes this time is not at all favorable for the owner - say, three o'clock in the morning). Or you need to surround yourself with all sorts of devices, boxes, fillers, etc. - no one wants everyone to know by smell that there is a pet living in the apartment.

I agree, there is exceptional cases, when, for example, cats go to the toilet like people. For example, the cat who lives with my mother uses the toilet for this. But where is the guarantee that you will come across such a unique character?

  • Children are not the most organized creatures in the world. Your child will assure you that he will relieve you of all the burden of responsibility for the animal, that he will certainly take care of it on his own, and will do everything necessary procedures- walk, feed, change bedding, etc. But, as a rule, all promises come to naught either immediately or over time, when the child has played enough or, disappointed, begins to shirk his direct responsibilities. And then the burden of caring for the poor animal falls on you. If at the same time you have children, a husband, work, household chores at home, for which you have little time for yourself! And then there's the pet. Do you need it?

In addition, children forget that, say, to walk the dog at three in the morning, if the dog really needs it, it’s not they who will go (who will let them go?), but their parents! Children also forget about the complex of measures necessary for the animal, which they cannot do without adults - vaccinations, castration, docking, and so on.

  • The third argument, which is perhaps the most important for me personally, is moral aspect. What will happen to you and your child when the animal dies? After all, the lifespan of any pet is much shorter than that of a human. Therefore, you will have to face this in any case. What if an animal, God forbid, gets sick and dies not from old age, but due to illness, in the prime of life? Just imagine the trauma this episode will cause to a child in his life?

I had a story when I was a child. I was offered a tiny kitten. I don’t remember where his mother cat went, but the kitten came to me very emaciated. I spent half the night trying to feed him milk from a pipette. The kitten ate poorly, squeaked all the time... But by morning it died. My mother took him, wrapped in a rag, outside. And I cried for two days, blaming myself for not being able to save his life.

If you have an adequate, vulnerable child with a pure heart (I say this because there are still rare exceptions, but let’s not talk about them!), then I advise you one thing - do not give him pets, for his own good!

The way you can refuse is quite simple. Explain that adults set the rules in the family - this is the first thing. Secondly, according to parents, now is not the time to get pets. Try to make the above points as an argument. If the child is still small, then promise to raise this topic when the child gets older. Perhaps then he himself will lose the desire to have someone. If the child is persistent in his desires, then do not tell him a monosyllabic “No,” but sit down together, listen to his arguments why he needs to have a pet (which, as a rule, boil down to the banal “I just want”), and in response, try to explain most comprehensively why you are against. And since adults set the rules in the house, there can be no objections, and your answer was, according to at least, reasoned, and therefore needs to be treated with respect.

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Masha Filimonova 09.09 07:47