Brown discharge is a sign of something. What does it mean when brown discharge occurs without pain or odor? Pathology of the thyroid gland and other endocrine organs

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Many women are concerned about the question of what kind of discharge should be before, during and after menstruation, why there is brown discharge before, during and after menstruation, what this may be connected with. Let's answer all these questions in detail.

What should normal discharge be like?

On ordinary days, discharge is considered normal when it is clear in color, does not have a characteristic pungent odor and does not cause irritation or discomfort to the genitals. With a healthy vaginal microflora and the absence of gynecological diseases, a day after the end of the menstrual cycle, the discharge returns to normal, but may be a little more abundant.

2-3 days before the start of menstruation, a slight sour smell appears, while the consistency of the discharge becomes thicker and the color is whitish. During menstruation, discharge is considered normal when it is scarlet in color, moderate, on the 2-3rd day there may be small clots (this is the endometrial mucosa), at the beginning and at the end of the menstrual cycle there may be slight spotting of a darker color, sometimes brown. There should be no heavy menstruation or prolonged spotting before or after menstruation. On average, the menstrual cycle lasts 3-5 days, during which time a woman loses approximately 100-200 ml of blood, while the loss per day ranges from 30 to 50 grams. blood.

Phases of the menstrual cycle

The cause of brown discharge may be a condition in which a woman may be completely healthy. Let's take a closer look at them.

Brown discharge before menstruation

1 day before your period, brown discharge may appear, which signals the beginning of the process of endometrial rejection. If spotting before menstruation lasts more than 2 days, you should contact a gynecologist, as this indicates the presence of pathology.

Brown discharge instead of menstruation

Often, when pregnancy occurs, spotting, bloody brown discharge appears instead of menstruation (a week after ovulation), if unprotected sexual intercourse occurred during the previous month. During pregnancy, the embryo is implanted into the uterine wall, which entails its damage and minor bleeding, which manifests itself in the form of dark brown spotting.

Brown discharge after menstruation

Brown discharge after menstruation may be due to blood clotting, since closer to the end of the menstrual cycle the discharge becomes much smaller and moves more slowly through the vagina; along the way, the blood has time to clot, which is why it darkens to a brown color and can come out in small clots. If there is no unpleasant odor, and they last no more than 2 days, you should not be afraid, otherwise you should definitely get tested for mycoplasma, chlamydia, ureaplasma, candida, herpes and other pathogens of sexually transmitted diseases, in addition, if you have no pathogenic pathogens there may be bacterial vaginosis, in which the vaginal microflora is disrupted.

If you experience heavy discharge after your period, you don’t need to immediately panic; in some cases this is normal, but you should definitely contact a gynecologist. For example, the use of hormonal contraceptives may have this effect, but if this continues for more than three months, the drug should be changed after consultation with a gynecologist.

In addition, an installed intrauterine device can cause spotting. Consultation with a gynecologist and possible removal of the IUD is required.

When brown discharge is considered a pathology

As mentioned above, brown or dark discharge after menstruation is normal, but if it continues for a long time, it is worth going to an appointment with a gynecologist and taking the appropriate tests. The brown color of the discharge indicates bloody or sanguineous additions to the mucous membrane, which can result in serious diseases of the reproductive system for a woman, from disruption of the microflora of the genital organs to such terrible diseases as: uterine fibroids, ectopic pregnancy, endometritis, infertility, etc. Let's take a closer look at what pathology may be hidden under brown discharge before, after and during menstruation.

Brown discharge due to endometritis

One of the most dangerous pathologies is endometritis - inflammation of the uterine mucosa. The cause of this disease can often be the presence of pneumococci or staphylococci in the female body. It is not difficult to recognize the presence of acute endometritis; the disease is characterized by brown discharge not only during menstruation, but also before and after it. Mild, aching pain in the lower abdomen, a slight increase in body temperature, sweating, and fatigue are also possible. Endometritis can occur almost unnoticed, without showing obvious symptoms. A woman may think that she has a slight cold, and therefore her period is delayed for a couple of days. If treatment is not done in a timely manner, dire consequences are possible, the most serious of which is infertility. If the gynecologist suspects endometritis, he will refer you for tests: a vaginal smear for bacteriological culture, a blood test and other required ones. Based on tests and examination, the doctor will prescribe antibacterial therapy and vaginal sanitation.

Brown discharge due to endometriosis

Brown discharge may be associated with a disease called endometriosis, a benign tumor. The phrase benign tumor can be deceptive; this does not mean at all that there is no need to be afraid of complications, they can lead to dire consequences, including infertility. Most often, women between 25 and 40 years old are susceptible to this disease.

The main symptoms of the initial stage are heavy menstruation, which can last more than 10 days, as well as periodic nagging pain in the lower abdomen, the appearance of brown discharge a few days before menstruation, the inability to get pregnant, and bloating. If symptoms characteristic of this disease occur, you should consult a doctor. Endometriosis is treated by a gynecologist; to identify the disease, you need to undergo an examination, which includes an examination in a gynecological chair, laparoscopy and ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs. With timely detection and treatment of the disease, a woman will be able to fully recover and bear a healthy child. For treatment, hormonal drugs are used, for example: Danazol or Gestrion. For severe pain, analgesics are prescribed. Sometimes surgical treatment is required to remove foci of endometriosis.

Brown discharge due to polyps of the uterus or cervix

About 10% of women of childbearing age are susceptible to the formation of polyps, which are found in the cavity or cervix. Polyps are benign neoplasms. The reason for their appearance is hormonal imbalance. Polyps do not cause any special symptoms and are usually discovered during a comprehensive examination. Although spotting and spotting may indicate their presence. They are removed surgically.

Brown discharge due to endometrial hyperplasia and cervical erosion

If brown discharge appears before and after menstruation, you should consult a gynecologist to rule out a terrible disease called endometrial hyperplasia and equally dangerous cervical erosion. Endometrial hyperplasia results in the growth of the inner wall of the uterus, which can result in the appearance of a malignant tumor. Cervical erosion can also develop into a malignant process. Treatment consists of surgical removal or cauterization.

Brown discharge due to genitourinary tract infection

Brown discharge is possible due to the presence in the body of infections caused by chlamydia, candida, ureplasma, herpes virus, etc. To exclude the presence of diseases of the genitourinary system, you need to contact a gynecologist or venereologist and undergo the necessary tests (smears). If the presence of one or more pathological organisms is detected, appropriate treatment will be required.

Brown discharge during ectopic pregnancy

If brown discharge appears, it is first necessary to exclude an ectopic pregnancy. It carries with it dire consequences and a risk to a woman’s life. Ectopic pregnancy manifests itself in the same way as uterine pregnancy: toxicosis, delayed menstruation, enlarged mammary glands and positive pregnancy tests. An ectopic pregnancy can be determined by ultrasound, where there will be no fertilized egg in the uterine cavity. It is treated surgically.


In order to avoid the occurrence of serious diseases that can be asymptomatic, you need to undergo an examination in the gynecologist’s office 2 times a year and do a comprehensive examination 1 time a year. Such measures can prevent the appearance of unwanted brown discharge in women.


From all of the above we can draw a summary. Brown discharge in small quantities is possible, but in no case should it be accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, an unpleasant odor or cause discomfort. If the discharge does not go away for a long time or additional symptoms appear, you should consult with your gynecologist and identify the cause of its occurrence.

A healthy woman has a menstrual cycle without interruptions. If unexpected violations occur, this should be the basis for contacting an antenatal clinic. One of the pathological conditions is black discharge during or between menstruation. There can be many reasons for this, which are sometimes difficult for a woman to figure out on her own.

Features of the menstrual cycle

Before you begin to figure out when black discharge is the norm, and in which case it is a deviation, you should remember what the menstrual cycle is.

Each female body is individual, and therefore everyone experiences their periods differently. But the general parameters apply to everyone:

  • The normal cycle is 28 days. However, this indicator is typical for only 60% of women. For the rest, the duration ranges from 21 to 35 days.
  • Menstruation has several phases: under the influence of estrogen, an egg is formed in the ovary (proliferative period), lasting from 1 to 17 days; the corpus luteum begins to function, due to which the hormone progesterone is formed (secretory phase), lasting around 13-15 days; In the interval, the bleeding phase begins, which is called menstruation.

From this we can conclude that menstruation is a cyclical process that occurs if the egg is not fertilized.

Normal menstruation has the following indicators:

  1. Bloody discharge in women lasts for 2-7 days.
  2. On the first day, a woman loses more blood than on subsequent days. From the beginning of menstruation to the last day, the amount of discharge decreases.
  3. During the entire period of menstruation, blood loss averages 50 ml.
  4. Spotting is considered normal if it has a red or scarlet tint, without the presence of a specific odor. At this time, there should be no itching or burning in the intimate area.
  5. Blood during menstruation should not have impurities or foreign shades.

Note! Black or brown discharge is considered a deviation from the norm.

When is specific discharge normal?

If black or brown discharge appears shortly before the onset of your period, this is normal. Drops of blood just got into them, which is why they got this color. This can be observed several days after menstruation, when the body removes the remaining blood from the uterus.

At this time, even dark-colored clumps can be observed. This situation is also observed in completely healthy women. This is a sign of the onset of the menstrual cycle. During menstruation itself, the blood coming out of the vagina can have different shades.

There are several other factors in which dark daub should not cause concern:

  1. It is normal to have black or brown discharge in women taking hormonal birth control. In this case, spotting can appear at any time during the cycle.
  2. If a girl has had sexual intercourse for the first time, dark discharge may persist for several more days.
  3. They can also appear after active sex, without a sufficient amount of lubrication, which can result in injury to the vaginal mucosa.
  4. In girls, before the menstrual cycle normalizes, until about 16 years of age, black and brown discharge is normal.
  5. In women with the onset of menopause, hormonal disruption occurs. This leads to the fact that the cycle becomes irregular; periods may not come for several months. But when the discharge comes, it can be quite scanty and dark in color.

Even if a woman has one of these factors, consulting a gynecologist will not hurt.

Dark discharge is a harbinger of a serious illness

Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and understand the cause of black vaginal discharge. After all, they can signal not about natural processes in the body, but about serious diseases. There may be several reasons why there is dark discharge.

Complication of pregnancy

When the egg is fertilized and implanted on the wall of the uterus, some fragments of the mucous membrane are rejected, which can cause scanty black or dark brown discharge. A woman may feel slight pain in the lower abdomen. This symptom does not pose a threat to the life or health of the fetus or mother. This only means that menstruation should have come, but fertilization occurred. You should start to worry if the daub has a bright shade and at the same time it is quite abundant. This is the first sign of pathology. You should immediately contact a antenatal clinic.

Important! Black discharge with clots during pregnancy may be a sign of a threatened miscarriage.

At first, the woman does not feel pain, but gradually both bleeding and pain increase, and attacks similar to contractions appear. If you consult a doctor at the first sign of a miscarriage, the fetus can be saved.

Black discharge also appears when an ectopic pregnancy occurs, when the egg does not enter the uterus, but attaches to the ovary or abdominal cavity. In this case, the woman experiences severe pain in the groin. They can also radiate to the lower back and rectum.

If you do not seek medical help in time, pipes may burst. Not only the pain will increase, but also the amount of blood.

Cervical erosion

Black or brown discharge is also possible with cervical erosion - a defect in the mucous membrane of the cervix. During a routine examination by a gynecologist or during sexual intercourse, tissue injury may occur, resulting in dark-colored blood.

Another reason is infection with ongoing inflammation. In such a situation, the secretion of dark swelling appears shortly before menstruation and has a specific smell.

Healthy cervix and susceptible to erosion - click to view

Erosion is treated with a laser. After the procedure, black discharge may appear, which will gradually lighten.

During pregnancy, when the uterus enlarges, the eroded mucosa is injured, which also causes scanty bloody smear. The disease cannot be treated during this period, but the woman should be under constant supervision.

Endometrial hyperplasia

The uterine cavity contains a layer of endometrium. Its thickening is called hyperplasia. The first sign of the disease is menstrual irregularity. Partitions appear in the uterus, which prevent blood from getting out; it coagulates, turning into clots. The discharge at this time is black or dark brown, scanty, and in rare cases abundant.

Treatment of hyperplasia consists of curettage of the uterine cavity followed by the administration of hormonal drugs.


Endometriosis is another disease in which the endometrium grows as a result of hormonal imbalance. The bloody smear is quite strong and dark in color. They can also appear in the interval between menstruation for 2-3 days. A few days before and during menstruation itself, a woman experiences severe pain.


Cervical cancer is one of the most common diseases in women. At the onset of the disease, the main symptom is dark-colored spotting between periods, the appearance of blood after sex, and a disruption in the cycle. Little blood is released. It has a black color, sometimes with a greenish tint, and most often a specific odor.

As you can see, black or dark brown discharge is a sign of quite serious diseases. If there are disruptions in the cycle or pain, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Additional factors that provoke discharge

In addition to the listed factors, there may be additional reasons that cause dark-colored daubs:

  • stress;
  • disruption of the usual rhythm of life;
  • imbalance in food;
  • climate change;
  • some time after childbirth;
  • disruptions in metabolic processes;
  • inflammation of the ovaries or uterus;
  • infectious diseases;
  • installation of the spiral.

Important! If the cause of the spotting is inflammation, then an increase in temperature and pain are observed.

You should consult a doctor immediately if bleeding is accompanied by:

  • burning in the intimate area;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • bloody clots;
  • changes in the amount of blood released during menstruation;
  • discharge between periods;
  • dizziness, poor health, brittle nails and hair.

These signs indicate possible infection or inflammation. The concern of the fair sex about dark vaginal discharge between menstruation is understandable. Thus, the body can signal about serious pathological processes occurring in the body. Delaying a visit to the doctor can lead to serious complications.

All women experience different types of vaginal discharge. Some of them are considered normal (for example, clear, odorless discharge), and some serve as an alarming signal, prompting us to visit a gynecologist. There are many types of discharge, let's take a closer look at what brown discharge means, what is it associated with and can it be considered normal?

Why is there brown discharge?

The main reasons for the appearance of brown discharge are:

  • previous gynecological surgery or abortion;
  • childbirth;
  • damage to the vagina during sex;
  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • inflammatory diseases.

Brown discharge during menstruation

The presence of such discharge during menstruation may indicate:

  1. Pregnancy.
  2. Ectopic pregnancy.
  3. Overwork, stress, excess load.
  4. Taking various hormonal medications or weight loss medications.
  5. Diseases:
  • endothermitis - inflammation of the uterus. Appears when the immune system malfunctions, hormonal imbalances, various infections and damage to the uterus;
  • endometritis - an increase in endometrial cells in the muscular area of ​​the uterus;
  • Uterine polyps are a pathology of the mucous membrane. Appear after inflammation and hormonal disorders;
  • Progesterone deficiency (polycystic ovary syndrome), if not detected and treated in time, can cause infertility.

If you notice brown discharge, it is best to immediately contact a gynecologist. You can do a pregnancy test yourself, but it’s unlikely to determine an ectopic pregnancy and understand whether there are any serious diseases.

Brown and dark brown discharge before menstruation

This situation is very common during normal cycle delays. The intrauterine tissues have aged, and menstruation is delayed, so brown discharge appears, removing old cells. If your period comes after a few days, then there is no reason to worry.

If this happens again before your next period, you should see a gynecologist to rule out serious diseases (cervical cancer, gonorrhea, chlamydia and other troubles).

Reasons for the appearance of brown discharge instead of menstruation

Let's start with the most harmless physiological reasons for the appearance of spotting brown discharge:

  • the color and number of menstruation changes after pregnancy and childbirth;
  • as well as when taking hormonal contraceptives.

In such cases, small, odorless brown discharge should not bother you; on the contrary, you can only be glad that the body will benefit from a reduction in monthly blood loss.

Now let's move on to more serious changes in the body, which brown discharge may indicate.

  • pregnancy;
  • onset of menopause or ovarian failure syndrome.

In both of these cases, it is necessary to seek advice.

Brown discharge during ovulation (mid-cycle)

A few hours before ovulation occurs, a mature egg is released from its follicle. It is this process that very often causes brown discharge, which can be observed within two days.

Brown discharge after intercourse

There are situations when a woman does not produce the required amount of lubricant, which causes damage to the vaginal mucosa, and at the same time brown or pink discharge.

Those who are just beginning their “adult life” may also have brown discharge, which may be present after another 3-5 sexual intercourses.

If you begin to notice that after sex there is constant discharge, then it’s time to sound the alarm. This may indicate:

Brown discharge with an unpleasant odor and itching

Now let's move on to the most dangerous part. If you have a discharge accompanied by an unpleasant odor and itching, then in 8 out of 10 cases this indicates a disease, of which there are many known. The remaining 2 cases are attributed to improper hygiene and allergies to hygiene products or washing powder. The only right decision is to visit a gynecologist as soon as possible, because the consequences can be very serious (infertility, for example).

Many women who are serious about their health are concerned about the phenomenon of dark brown discharge. Sometimes they appear suddenly, between periods, and sometimes during or immediately after them. What do these discharges mean? Could they be a sign of a pathological process in the female body? Let's look at this in more detail.

Is dark discharge always a sign of illness?

It is probably clear that blood gives the brown color to vaginal discharge. Sometimes this occurs in completely healthy women. For example:

  • dark brown discharge is natural before menstruation, several hours or days before the onset (this is the first sign of its approach);
  • Discharge is also normal after menstruation for several days;
  • when taking hormonal-based contraceptives, they can “decorate” the middle of the menstrual cycle;
  • after violent sex, dark discharge is usually caused by injury to the vaginal mucosa;
  • the same can happen if there is insufficient lubrication during sexual intercourse;
  • at the very beginning of sexual life, spotting appears not only at the moment of deflowering, but also during several subsequent acts;
  • In teenage girls, before the onset of their first menstruation, dark discharge may also be observed for some time, which signals the girl’s transition to a new rank - “girl”.

In what cases should diseases be suspected?

But dark brown discharge can also be signs of a disease. If they are not associated with taking hormonal drugs and appear in the middle of the cycle or occur every time after sexual intercourse, this is a reason to be wary. If the discharge is accompanied by an increase in temperature, aching pain in the abdomen (its lower part), itching in the vagina, dryness and pain during emptying the bladder or sexual intercourse, and also if a woman over 45 years old has not had menstruation for a year, a woman should suspect something is wrong and contact a gynecologist. Next, we will consider pathological processes, signs of which may be the indicated discharge.

Cervical erosion

This disease is one of the most common diagnoses in gynecology. It is a defect in the mucous membrane of the cervix, which is caused by various reasons: frequent and rough sexual intercourse, sexually transmitted infections, injuries during childbirth or abortion, etc. In most cases, this pathology is asymptomatic and is discovered only during an examination by a gynecologist. But sometimes the disease is accompanied by dark brown discharge after sexual intercourse, and sometimes without obvious reasons. Often such discharge has an unpleasant odor, which, by the way, indicates the presence of inflammation. There are congenital, true erosion and ectopia (pseudo-erosion). Depending on the size of the pathology and concomitant infections, therapeutic tactics will be different, but in any case, this disease requires regular monitoring by a specialist.

Ectopic pregnancy

When dark brown discharge instead of menstruation is accompanied by severe pain and a repulsive odor, this phenomenon may signal an ectopic pregnancy. By the way, if pain of any strength appears and it is localized in the genital organs, accompanied by atypical discharge, then you should immediately consult a gynecologist! The diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy can be made only after examination by a specialist and ultrasound, and to ensure its timely termination, you need to seek medical help as early as possible.

Vaginitis (inflammation of the vagina) and cervicitis (inflammation of the cervix)

Regardless of whether a woman is sexually active or not, her genital tract can be affected by inflammatory processes. For example, candidiasis (thrush) causes an inflammatory process in women of any age, and in menopausal women, dark brown discharge also appears. In women, in this case, they are associated with thinning (atrophy) of the vaginal mucosa, due to which even minor damage can provoke discharge of varying intensity. Active sexual life with unprotected sex can lead to sexually transmitted infections (gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis). They are accompanied by itching, burning and dryness in the perineum, as well as brown, yellow or green discharge. These diseases can cause inflammation not only of the vagina, but also of the cervix. They definitely need to be treated!


A pathological growth of the mucous layer lining the uterus or its cervix, which has the form of a protrusion, is defined in medicine as a polyp. The exact reasons for the appearance of this pathology are still unknown. These include infectious diseases, inflammatory processes, and hormonal disorders. As a rule, polyps are benign formations, but some of them show precancerous changes. If the appearance of the polyp is accompanied by dark brown discharge, it is large, and biopsy and cytology tests indicate a risk of developing cancer cells, then the polyp is removed.


The endometrium is the mucous tissue lining the inside of the uterus. Violation of its integrity, coupled with a decrease in local immunity, leads to an inflammatory process. It is often accompanied by an increase in temperature and the appearance of nagging pain in the lower abdomen, to this are added purulent or brown discharge instead of menstruation, and all this is a serious sign of pathology, which requires immediate contact with a specialist. If acute endometritis is not diagnosed in time, it becomes chronic, which can affect a woman’s reproductive function.

What is endometrial hyperplasia?

Hyperplasia in medicine is called tissue proliferation. That is, endometrial hyperplasia is an increase in the volume of the inner layer of the uterus, which is benign in nature. This condition is caused by the increased proliferation of stromal and glandular elements of this layer. Most often, such changes occur during hormonal changes in the body (during the premenstrual period in girls and premenopausal in women). One of the main signs of hyperplasia is bloody dark brown discharge, which can appear both during the intermenstrual period and after a short delay in menstruation. As a rule, this discharge is moderate and spotting. True, with hyperplasia that occurs in adolescence, breakthrough heavy bleeding with blood clots is also possible. If they become prolonged, they can lead to anemia.

Cervical cancer

This diagnosis ranks third in the world among cancer diseases in women. What causes this pathology is unknown. Although it was recently discovered that almost 100% of patients with this diagnosis have the human papillomavirus (HPV), not all those infected with this virus develop cancer. It occurs at any age, but the highest risk group is women over forty years of age. One of the main symptoms of this pathology is bleeding. By the way, why brown discharge in such cancer patients appears after sex or in the middle of the cycle is also not yet clear. If they are also accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, then this sign is classified as symptoms of cancer that has spread to neighboring organs.

Why does brown discharge appear during menstruation?

During menstruation, brown discharge can be either a symptom of one of the gynecological diseases listed above, or a consequence of stress, acclimatization, or the result of taking hormonal contraceptives. But it often happens that such a phenomenon is a sign of a future addition to the family, since some women continue to have periods during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, although becoming very scanty and short. Be sure to take a pregnancy test and visit a gynecologist!

Is discharge dangerous during pregnancy?

During the menstrual cycle, in every woman, the level of progesterone drops to almost zero, and the endometrium begins to detach, which leads to the appearance of menstrual flow. In the expectant mother, the body sometimes does not abandon old “habits” and, despite successful fertilization, the level of progesterone, which preserves the fetus, decreases on the days when menstruation should occur. This is how brown discharge appears, which signals that the endometrium is still partially exfoliated. There is no need to panic, but this sign may also be a symptom of an existing threat of interruption of fetal development or, as mentioned above, its ectopic location. Consult a doctor!

What to do if brown discharge appears?

As you have probably already seen from the above, the appearance of discharge of an unusual color, especially accompanied by pain, weakness or fever, requires a mandatory visit to the gynecologist. You should not wait for the unpleasant phenomenon to go away on its own - it may disappear periodically, but later develop into a serious pathology! You should not try to diagnose yourself - you are not an expert! Don’t take risks, don’t be lazy and consult a doctor urgently: it is possible that your worries will be in vain, and the discharge will be only temporary, but if you detect the disease in time and begin its treatment, then there will be a risk of remaining childless or getting a serious chronic disease minimal. Be healthy!

Brown, odorless discharge is not at all normal. Very often, women who care about their health come to the doctor with just such a symptom. Sometimes such a manifestation is the body’s reaction to a disease of the genital organs. These discharges also appear with the onset of menopause. During this period, a woman’s monthly menstruation stops, and spotting appears instead.

brown discharge without odor. This may be a manifestation of hormonal changes and the body’s preparation for menopause.

Disruptions in the cycle

Very often, women experience brown, odorless discharge instead of normal periods. This state of affairs is not normal. From a gynecological point of view, a healthy woman should have bleeding every month - menstruation. If there is a delay, and after it a “daub” occurs, it is a matter of hormonal imbalance. In this case, it is necessary to find out the cause of the imbalance and try to eliminate it. There is no need to self-medicate for any illness! Only a specialist should, based on the test results, determine the causes of this manifestation and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Consultation with a doctor

The first thing the doctor will ask is: “When was the last time you had sexual intercourse?” The fact is that often, if after a certain time after sex brown

discharge, then we are talking about either a serious illness or pregnancy. In any case, it is necessary to get checked and get tested. Based on the results of laboratory tests, the doctor will report that your partner awarded you with either a child or a sexually transmitted disease. Be that as it may, clarity is better than thinking about the nature of the secretions.

The main causes of brownish mucus from the vagina

1. Brown, odorless discharge that continues for a long period may be a symptom of endometriosis. This is an inflammation of the endometrium as a result of the proliferation of staphylococci, pneumococci, streptococci, which entered the uterus as a result of difficult childbirth, abortion or miscarriage. If this is not treated in time, cell proliferation may occur in the endometrial tissue.

2. Hyperplasia caused by the growth of the inner wall of the uterus. It must be treated urgently, since the disease can develop into the formation of malignant tumors.

3. Chlamydia, ureplasma, herpes, mycoplasma can also cause long periods with brown discharge.


Special attention should be paid to pregnant women. Brown discharge during early pregnancy may indicate the presence of a serious illness. For example, the presence of bleeding or spotting brown mucus may indicate placental abruption. This may lead to miscarriage. In the first trimester of your pregnancy, you should be especially careful; if you detect the slightest deviation, immediately go to the doctor. Brown discharge with an unpleasant odor can also occur as a result of the development of a sexually transmitted disease. You should not joke with this matter, since the fetus may develop abnormal development and other pathologies. Consultation with a specialist and timely treatment is the key to saving the child.