Improving potency. Nutrition for potency. How to increase and decrease potency with the help of nutrition: tips and reviews. Nutrition for potency in men

What is the best food for male potency? This question is asked, perhaps, by every representative of the stronger sex. Doctors believe that to preserve male strength, you need to include foods high in zinc and iron in your diet.

What is harmful to an erection?

Experts believe that some foods contain enzymes that reduce testosterone production and impair erection.

The following products are believed to reduce potency:

  1. Smoked meats and sausages. They contain toxins that adversely affect the functioning of the testicles. As a result, hormonal imbalance may occur in the body. In addition, abuse of this food can lead to the development of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Alcoholic drinks. Doctors believe that drinking alcohol in any quantity is harmful. This is due to the fact that even small doses of alcohol contain toxins that dull testosterone production. In addition, beer contains female hormones that negatively affect erection.
  3. Carbonated drinks. They contain a lot of sugar and caffeine. These substances lead to dehydration of the body and reduce sperm motility.
  4. Full fat milk. This drink contains a large amount of estrogen, which negatively affects.
  5. Fast food. Regular consumption of fast food has a negative effect on erection. In addition, the toxins contained in these products impair testosterone production.
  6. Mayonnaise and ketchup. These dietary supplements contain cholesterol, which impairs blood circulation. In addition, mayonnaise and ketchup contain harmful fats that negatively affect reproductive function.
  7. Products high in caffeine. As is known, this substance destroys free testosterone and leads to impotence.

Changing the diet

Doctors have a saying: to cure something, first of all, change your eating habits. To increase potency, you need to include the following products in the menu:

  1. Oysters. This product is a storehouse of useful microelements. Oysters also contain beneficial amino acids and zinc. Doctors believe that these substances can increase potency by 2-3 times. It is best to eat oysters raw, since heat treatment evaporates all the beneficial substances. For a better effect, you can add a little lemon juice to the oysters.
  2. Flounder. This fish is a powerful aphrodisiac. It has long been believed that to increase potency you need to consume large amounts of vitamins A, E and B. All of them are contained in flounder. In addition, this product contains high-quality protein. Please note that flounder should not be consumed by people prone to allergic reactions.
  3. Mackerel. As you know, fatty acids are necessary for. The best source of Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids is mackerel. In addition, regular consumption of this product has a positive effect on sperm activity. Mackerel also contains a lot of iodine, which, in turn, is a powerful aphrodisiac.
  4. Turnip. It has long been believed that to increase potency you need to eat a lot of turnips. Doctors explain this by the fact that this product contains a large amount of fiber and other microelements that have a beneficial effect on potency. Note that turnips also contain minerals that stimulate testosterone production.
  5. Fish. Fish contains a lot of iodine and phosphorus. Doctors note that these microelements help increase potency better than special medications.
  6. Nuts. This product contains large amounts of vitamin E, zinc and magnesium. It is these substances that are best able to increase potency. Doctors believe that eating 40-50 grams of walnuts daily is beneficial. Alternatively, you can eat hazelnuts or peanuts. Nuts also contain a large amount of fatty acids, which are beneficial.

Meat and chicken eggs

Experts believe that eating meat is beneficial for potency. This product contains a large amount of healthy protein, which is easily absorbed by the body. In addition, when meat enters the human body, thyroxine begins to be produced. This hormone has a beneficial effect on maintaining hormonal excitability of the nerve centers. It is believed that the healthiest meats are beef, turkey, chicken and lamb. It is advisable to steam these products, as when fried they lose all their beneficial properties.

You should also eat dark chocolate to increase your sex drive. This product contains theobromine and phenylethylamine. These substances significantly increase libido and have a beneficial effect on the human nervous system. Doctors believe that it is best to eat dark chocolate with a cocoa percentage of 65-70%. Please note that this product should not be consumed by people who have liver disease or high blood pressure.

Another product that increases potency is chicken and quail eggs. British scientists have found that people who eat at least 2 quail eggs daily are less prone to impotence. This product contains many amino acids that improve sperm production. In addition, quail eggs contain beneficial enzymes such as iron and phosphorus. It is best to consume the product raw.


Doctors believe that regular consumption of certain drinks can have a beneficial effect on male libido. It is believed that fresh juices significantly increase potency. They contain a large amount of antioxidants and microelements, which.

The best drink to increase sexual desire is watermelon juice. It contains a large amount of citrulline, which, when ingested, is converted into arginine. This substance improves blood circulation and has a positive effect on erection.

To increase potency, you can also drink mare's milk. This product has long been famous for its rejuvenating effect on the body. Doctors believe that regular consumption of mare's milk improves metabolism and has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. As a result, kumiss has a beneficial effect on a man’s sexual activity. Experts believe that you can drink no more than 1 glass of this drink per day. Please note that kumiss is prohibited for consumption by people who have lactose intolerance or gastrointestinal diseases.

Another good remedy for potency is ginger tea. This drink contains a large amount of minerals and amino acids. In addition, ginger tea contains vitamin A. These substances remove toxins and stimulate erection. Ginger tea is quite easy to prepare at home. First of all, take the ginger root and peel it. After this, finely chop it and pour boiling water over it. Add a little honey and lemon to the drink. Ginger tea should not be drunk by people who suffer from colitis, gastritis and enteritis.

Water and a good supply of oxygen are vital for brain function. Therefore, you should pay attention to products that accelerate the blood and gently stimulate blood circulation. Antioxidants will protect the brain from aging, and amino acids and carbohydrates will provide its nutrition. Also important for brain function are B vitamins, vitamins C, E and K, Omega-3 fatty acids, microelements - iodine, selenium and phosphorus.


It accelerates blood circulation - therefore, the brain is better supplied with oxygen and works faster. Eating 2-3 cloves of garlic daily improves your memory. You can avoid the smell by chewing a sprig of parsley.


Walnuts are especially useful. They contain B vitamins, without which our brain cannot function fully. Another important vitamin is E, it prevents the destruction of brain cells and prevents memory from deteriorating with age. The fatty acids contained in nuts, along with vitamins and amino acids, zinc and magnesium, develop thinking and stimulate brain function.

Pkhali from cabbage and beets

Recipe for ¼ head of cabbage

1 large beet

1 cup shelled walnuts

4 cloves garlic

1 bunch of cilantro



Ground red pepper

1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar

Pomegranate seeds

Step 1. Wash the cabbage and beets, peel them, cut them into large pieces and cook.

Step 2. Squeeze the water out of the cabbage with your hands, then pass the boiled vegetables and garlic through a meat grinder.

Step 3. Pass the peeled walnuts through a meat grinder two or three times to form a paste.

Step 4. Mix vegetables with garlic and nuts.

Step 5. Grind the coriander and pepper in a mortar. Place in pkhali, add khmeli-suneli. Salt and add vinegar.

Step 6. Finely chop the cilantro, add to the pkhali and mix. Leave for 2 hours.


It contains a lot of vitamin B12, which promotes better memory and is best absorbed from milk. To improve brain function, you need to drink at least 2 glasses a day.


It is glucose that has a positive effect on brain function and memory tenacity. And it is found primarily in honey and dried fruits. Therefore, you can add a small spoonful of honey and a handful of dried fruits to your morning porridge - an excellent breakfast before the exam.

Sea kale

It is rich in iodine. And this microelement is simply vital for our brain. It maintains mental clarity and increases IQ.

Fish salad with seaweed

300 g seaweed

100 g smoked fish

1 tomato

Step 1. Boil eggs, chop finely.

Step 2. Grind the tomato. Cut the fish.

Step 3. Mix fish, eggs, tomato and seaweed. Season with mayonnaise, sprinkle with herbs.

Red grapes

And other purple berries are natural antioxidants. They help the brain store and process information. Antioxidants improve nutrition of brain cells and protect them from destruction.


A simple slice of lemon added to tea may be enough to improve memory. And it's all about vitamin C, which prevents forgetfulness and helps keep in mind everything that will be needed in the coming hours.


Recipe: 2 liters of cold boiled water

1 cup sugar (adjust the amount to taste)

3 mint leaves

Step 1. Wash the lemons and scald with boiling water. Cut into small pieces.

Step 2. Place chopped lemons in a blender bowl and add sugar, add mint and puree everything in a blender until pureed.

Step 3. Pour water over the puree and adjust the amount of sugar. Place in the refrigerator overnight.

Step 4. The next morning, strain and drink chilled.


This herb is rich in antioxidants and carnosic acid. They dilate blood vessels, improve blood circulation and, as a result, improve memory performance. Recent research by scientists has shown that even just the smell of rosemary affects the effectiveness of memorization.

Potatoes with rosemary

500 g potatoes

2 tbsp. ghee

1 sprig rosemary

Step 1. Wash the potatoes thoroughly with a brush.

Step 2. Cut into large slices.

Step 3. Heat oil in a frying pan, add potatoes, salt and sprinkle with rosemary.

Step 4. Fry or bake in the oven for 20 minutes.


90 percent of the brain is made up of water, so dehydration is detrimental to it. To avoid this and improve brain function, you need to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. It should be taken into account that sweet soda, coffee and energy drinks remove water from the body; if you drink them, then you need more water.

When problems arise in the sexual sphere in men, you can often do without medications, simply by making some changes in your diet and lifestyle. So, what should men eat to increase potency?

What is meant by the word potency??

The concept of potency in a broad sense implies not only erection (filling of the cavernous bodies of the penis with blood), but also other factors, one way or another, influencing a man’s ability to perform sexual intercourse.

This also includes libido (sex drive), the physical endurance of a man, the duration of sexual activity, the speed of erection and its duration, and so on. Simply put, potency is more of a collective concept than an official medical term.

Causes of erectile dysfunction

When talking about sexual problems in men, experts use the rather flexible term erectile dysfunction. All causes of this condition are divided into two groups: physical and psychological.

The first group includes the following conditions: blood stagnation in the pelvic organs, prostatitis and prostate adenoma, endocrine pathology associated with suppression of testosterone production, infectious diseases of the genital organs, consequences of injuries, and so on.

Psychological reasons are extremely varied and are associated with prolonged overwork, lack of confidence in one’s own abilities, the (often erroneous) opinion that one’s body does not meet the expectations of women, as well as other factors. Treatment of erectile dysfunction, the causes of which are psychological, is a rather labor-intensive process.

Nutrition to improve potency

Substances that can enhance libido and erection are commonly called aphrodisiacs. These compounds have different chemical natures and properties. Their influence on the male body is also different.

Some of them help stimulate the processes of testosterone synthesis. Others are able to improve the activity of the pelvic organs, while helping to eliminate congestion. Still others normalize the state of the nervous system and are therefore very useful during stress.

Many will be surprised, but there are a great many such products known. Foods rich in aphrodisiacs should contain significant amounts of vitamins (especially fat-soluble vitamins), fatty acids, proteins and amino acids.


Seafood is rich in healthy fats. To increase testosterone levels, it is recommended to eat oysters. Unfortunately, this product has not yet earned particular popularity among the stronger sex in Russia and most post-Soviet countries.

A real man should have a lot of sea fish on his table. The habit of eating these foods only on Thursdays (fish day) is absolutely harmful. Ideally, a small amount of fish fillet should be on the table every day.


Contrary to popular belief that a real man should eat as much meat as possible and preferably with blood, it should be stated that this is completely untrue. An adult man not engaged in heavy physical labor should consume no more than 180 grams of meat per day.

No, of course, a man’s menu should include meat products, for example, chicken breast, lean beef, lamb, veal, and so on. However, their number should be limited to the necessary minimum. Otherwise, it will do more harm than help.


Nuts contain a significant amount of fats that are healthy for men, as well as a whole complex of vitamins, minerals and other valuable chemical compounds. Regular consumption of just 50 grams of peanuts, or better yet pistachios, helps normalize testosterone levels, improves sperm formation, and so on. For maximum effectiveness, it is recommended to supplement the nuts with a teaspoon of flower honey.

Vegetables and fruits

Almost all vegetables and fruits are useful for enhancing male strength. But nevertheless, the leaders in aphrodisiac content include the following products: mango, grapes, bananas, raspberries, tomatoes, dates, pumpkin seeds, strawberries, beets, cabbage, garlic, onions, asparagus, radishes, hot peppers, celery, roots ginger

To increase potency, it is very important for any man to lead a healthy lifestyle. Excess alcohol and nicotine have an extremely negative impact on the activity of the male reproductive system and do not promise anything positive.

In addition, it is critical to lead an active lifestyle. An excellent option would be regular visits to the gym, morning or evening jogging, or at worst, walking. If work is not too far from home, you can walk, at least in one direction.


Whatever the cause of decreased male potency, treatment should begin with a visit to the doctor. A specialist will be able to recognize the disease in time and prescribe effective treatment, which in most cases will allow you to restore your former capabilities.

How to increase your height. Nutrition for growth

Proper nutrition for growth

Proper nutrition for growth is very important, especially in a set of measures used to increase growth at home. Our general recommendations will help anyone who wants to increase their height, the main thing is to properly organize your diet and regimen.

Recommendations on how and what to eat to grow. Food for growth.

1. Be sure to stick to a balanced diet. The word "rational" comes from the Latin word "ratio", which means: reason, meaning, reason, explanation, account, method. That is food for growth should be based on a reasonable principle of product selection.

2. To increase your height It is necessary to diversify food as much as possible in order to supply the body with the most essential nutrients and vitamins.

3. Increase your consumption of raw fruits and vegetables to 3-4 times a day. In general, it is advisable to eat about 1.5 kg of fresh fruits and vegetables per day, and always two or three types.

4. Add vitamin-rich greens to your diet - parsley, dill, onions, green salad, watercress, spinach, rhubarb, tarragon. It is especially important that food for growth also contained wild greens. It is very rich in biologically active substances. It can be nettle, quinoa, dandelion, plantain, mint, sorrel, sourweed, fireweed, coltsfoot. These greens need to be collected young and you can also make reserves for the winter. To do this, shoots and leaves are thoroughly washed in water and dried in the shade. If you eat it raw, pour boiling water over it.

6. Drinking melt water helps to grow well.

7. If you decide to grow up, then your food for growth should be rich in vitamin A. Large amounts of vitamin A are found in fish oil, eggs, liver, butter, any dairy products, carrots, berries, especially raspberries. It is best to drink a glass of carrot or grape juice every day, and for children 0.5-1 liter of milk or fermented milk products, which is even better.

8. If food is rich in calcium and phosphorus salts, then this will promote the growth of bone tissue, and therefore the body in general. There are a lot of these salts in dairy products, in particular in cottage cheese and cheese. Cabbage is rich in calcium, meat, fish, legumes, rye bread are rich in phosphorus, phosphorus-calcium metabolism is regulated by vitamin D, and it is found in fatty varieties of sea fish, in egg yolks, butter, sour cream, and cream.

9. Many experts say that you need to consume large amounts of protein, which is found in meat and meat products. Animal proteins actually contain many substances important for growth, but they are difficult to digest products and contain a large number of various nitrogenous compounds and extractive substances, which in large quantities are not very beneficial for the body.

It is best to eat lean beef for growth and it is advisable to monitor the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates consumed per day.
The following ratios are recommended:
- for preschool children - 1:1:3;
- for schoolchildren - 1:1:4;
- for older teenagers and adults - 1:3:5.

10. Scientists have found that a child’s growth directly depends on his consumption of foods containing copper. Thus, copper plays an important role in the metabolism that occurs in connective tissues (skin, cartilage and bone). With insufficient copper content in the cells of cartilage and bone tissue, protein metabolism decreases and becomes slower, which leads to a slowdown and impaired growth of bone tissue.

The foods that contain the most copper are: peas, slaughterhouse meat, fruits and vegetables, egg yolk, milk, liver, baked goods, fish, and nuts. In addition, 1 liter of water contains 1 mg of copper.

11. And of course, we must not forget that those who have set themselves the goal of growing up must definitely give up alcohol and smoking. Better yet, don’t even start this.

All about how to increase height at home