There is a smell of pus in the mouth. How do doctors treat a throat: when should you contact it? Purulent taste when coughing and swallowing

Many diseases of the nasopharynx and respiratory tract caused by infection are accompanied by the formation of pus. Often, a patient goes to the hospital for medical help because he constantly feels an unpleasant and disturbing taste of pus in the throat. This means the presence of a serious inflammatory process in the body, which requires immediate high-quality treatment.

The taste of pus in the throat may appear for the following reasons:

  1. The presence of a strong infection, in which the contents become infected and purulent masses form. They run down the back of the throat and leave an unpleasant taste in the mouth.
  2. with copious purulent discharge. As with a bad runny nose, pus drains into the throat and gives a taste.
  3. with a large amount in the tonsils or even more dangerous forms. The discharge of pus can be very significant.
  4. Abscess. Depending on the level and volume of the process, the taste of pus can be weak or very strong.
  5. Inflammatory conditions of the oral cavity – damage to the gums and teeth. It is distinguished not only by the strong taste of blood and pus in the mouth, but also by a strong putrefactive odor.

Any diseases accompanied by such phenomena require prompt diagnosis and proper treatment, since the presence of an acute inflammatory process in the body threatens overall health and can become a source of infection spreading to other organs.

If the patient’s condition rapidly deteriorates, his temperature rises to critical levels or does not decrease for a long time even when taking antipyretic drugs, delirium and loss of consciousness appear, an ambulance must be called.

Delay in treatment can result in serious complications.

When the taste of pus in the mouth is observed for a long time, but there is no acute condition, the temperature is not elevated or its increase is insignificant, remaining at low-grade levels, this may indicate the presence of a sluggish inflammatory process in the body.Its danger lies in the transition of the disease to the chronic stage.

At the same time, a source of infection is constantly present in the body. This condition also indicates a weak immune system that cannot cope with the problem on its own.

Diagnostics and treatment methods

In order to eliminate the taste of pus in the throat, it is necessary to find the cause that caused the appearance of pus. To do this, you must see a doctor and undergo a full examination.

The doctor will examine the patient and, if necessary, refer him for consultation to other specialists. You will also need to undergo a series of tests that will help identify the level of the problem.

Treatment depends entirely on what exactly is causing the taste. Some types of diseases will require surgical intervention, while others will be treated with the right medication.

In most cases, the basis of medical treatment is the doctor's prescription of antibiotics.

This is the fastest way to suppress the infection, which causes the formation of pus. However, you cannot do this yourself, since different types of microorganisms react to specific types of antibiotics.

At best, a randomly selected drug will not work; at worst, it will harm the body by suppressing beneficial intestinal microflora or causing the growth of a fungal infection, for example, candidiasis with the development of thrush.

You can learn more about how to treat purulent sore throat from the video:

Features of treatment:

  • In some situations, surgery may be required, for example, if there is an abscess. It will need to be opened and the cavity cleared of pus. Treatment will also consist of taking antibiotics and symptomatic medications - painkillers, antipyretics, anti-inflammatory. It is also necessary to carry out local procedures, for example (as prescribed by a doctor).
  • If the taste of pus is caused by dental problems, a visit to a specialist can solve them. If necessary, he will prescribe special medications, the use of anti-inflammatory toothpastes and mouth rinses.
  • If present, treatment can be either conservative or surgical. If the disease cannot be treated with antibiotics, you will have to puncture and rinse the cavities, followed by drug treatment.
  • When the cause is a purulent taste, its treatment depends on the form and severity of the disease. Most often, treatment is local and medicinal, but in severe forms with abundant purulent contents, especially if outbreaks of sore throat recur regularly, surgery has to be resorted to. Now removal of tonsils is considered a last resort and is carried out only in exceptional cases when it is not possible to cope with the disease by other means.

Possible complications

If the taste of pus in the throat is ignored for a long time and the cause of its appearance is not treated, this can lead to very dangerous consequences. The presence of pus in the human body indicates an active focus of inflammation.

Through the bloodstream, the infection can spread throughout the body, reaching absolutely all organs and tissues. It can enter the lymphatic system, causing an increase and causing a dangerous complication - sepsis, or general blood poisoning.

The presence of infection has an extremely negative effect on the functioning of the kidneys and reproductive organs, and can lead to infertility or the development of inflammatory and adhesive processes that will complicate the possibility of fertilization and gestation. In men, infection can cause prostatitis and other inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, as well as provoke genitourinary inflammation, which affects potency.

Since the source of the taste of pus in the mouth is located close to the brain, there is a threat of infection spreading to the meninges and developing meningitis.

The disease is especially dangerous for young children.In the absence of treatment or if it is chosen and carried out incorrectly, the disease becomes chronic, which means that a person actually carries a “time bomb” within himself, which can lead to the most unexpected and sad consequences.

Prognosis and prevention

If the main cause of the appearance of pus in the throat is determined in a timely manner and treatment is initiated by a specialist, the prognosis is favorable - it is possible to cope with the problem in a fairly short period of time.

But the longer a visit to the doctor is delayed, the higher the risk of complications and deepening and expansion of the inflammatory process. To prevent neighboring organs from becoming involved in the disease, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

You can prevent the appearance of an unpleasant taste in your mouth if you follow fairly simple and easy rules:

  1. Sanitate your teeth regularly, and if any problems arise, do not delay the process, but immediately go to the dentist. Proper oral hygiene is also of great importance. Sometimes simply brushing your teeth is not enough; you may need to use dental floss, rinses and irrigators.
  2. Treat as soon as it begins, without leading to a critical condition. Its presence can be prevented by regular rinsing of the nasal cavities with saline solutions.
  3. Treat it in a timely manner, and if it has a chronic form, think about radical disposal of the source of infection.
  4. Strengthen your immune system in every possible way, using proper nutrition and, if necessary, taking vitamin complexes, especially in winter.
  5. Spend more time in the fresh air, ventilate the apartment, harden yourself and play sports, and lead an active lifestyle.

If you follow these rules, you can avoid many unpleasant moments, including the taste of purulent masses in your mouth. The main condition for recovery for an existing disease is not to self-medicate, but to contact a good specialist and follow all his instructions.

The appearance of gray, white or yellowish spots on the mucous membrane indicates that inflammation has begun. Pus in the throat appears as a response of the body to the invasion of infection. How to get rid of pus in the throat and quickly return to your normal life? Is it possible to do without antibiotics, how effective are traditional medicine?

A healthy mucous membrane is pink, shiny, and does not contain foreign inclusions. Various reasons can provoke suppuration:

  • diseases of the tonsils - sore throat, tonsillitis;
  • inflammation of the sinuses – sinusitis, sinusitis;
  • foreign body entering the nose;
  • diphtheria.

By forming pus, the body tries to “isolate” the infection and cleanse itself of it. With a large amount of pathogenic microflora, the mucus does not have time to leave and accumulates, contributing to the spread of infection to nearby tissues. Such processes cannot be ignored. Treatment usually involves taking antibiotics, which should be prescribed by a doctor.

Why does pus form in the throat?

There are different reasons why pus begins to form on the back of the throat. The main ones are considered to be pathogenic bacteria - staphylococcus, streptococcus. Many of them constantly live in the human body, but are activated only under favorable circumstances. Most often this occurs due to a decrease in immunity under the influence of negative factors:
  • toxic substances;
  • hypothermia;
  • allergens;
  • overwork;
  • stressful situation.

Air and food enter the human body through the nose and mouth. An infection comes with them. The mucous membrane of the nose and throat is the first to come into contact with bacteria. If the immune system is strong, then the person does not get sick or feels slightly unwell. If you are in poor health or have chronic diseases, it is much easier for infections to “break through” the protective barrier.

Often the cause of pus formation is inflammation of the sinuses. The peculiarity of their structure allows pus to flow down the throat. In this case, a characteristic taste appears in the mouth, irritation of the mucous membrane occurs, accompanied by soreness, the sensation of a foreign object in the throat, and the desire to cough up or spit out mucus. Upon examination, the doctor notes pus flowing down the wall.

Children often suffer from throat problems. Their immune system is not strong enough to cope with different viruses or germs. Therefore, purulent plaque is more common in children than in adults. Having noticed changes in the baby’s behavior - lethargy, irritability, moodiness, refusal to eat - parents should take the first measures to alleviate his condition. These include ensuring rest, drinking plenty of fluids, and at high temperatures (above 38.5 degrees), an antipyretic should be given. You should definitely consult a doctor.

There is pus, but no temperature

Sometimes, examining the oral cavity in the mirror, a person is surprised to notice pus in the throat. Measuring the temperature shows that it is normal. Maybe this process is not dangerous and natural for the body? No, if purulent contents appear on the mucous membrane, it means that inflammation has been going on in the respiratory tract for several days now. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and tell you how to treat the disease.

The causes of pus without fever are associated with the initial stage of tonsillitis, tonsillitis, the appearance of fibrous plaque as a result of damage to the pharynx, and an allergic reaction. Sometimes the larynx is covered with white spots that look very similar to an abscess. The cause of the rash is bacteria or fungus; only a specialist can distinguish it from a purulent formation.

How is the treatment different if there is pus on the throat without fever? In principle, it is similar to the procedures that are performed for fever. The patient is prescribed antibiotics, immunomodulators, rinses, and washes. It is imperative to begin treatment measures, otherwise complications and further spread of infection are possible.

Symptoms of purulent processes

As soon as the infection enters the oral mucosa, inflammation begins. It manifests itself with varying strength, accompanied by various symptoms:

  • toxins secreted by microbes provoke weakness and lethargy;
  • a characteristic unpleasant odor appears from the throat;
  • discomfort, pain occurs;
  • temperature rises;
  • the mucous membrane swells.

Given the close location of the lymph nodes to the source of infection, they often increase in size. The pain can spread to the ears and other organs. To accurately determine the causes of inflammation, you need to consult an ENT specialist. He examines the nasopharynx (pharyngoscopy), prescribes a series of tests, and takes a swab from the nose and throat. A smear allows you to determine what caused the disease and what antibiotics the bacteria are sensitive to.

Features of treatment

Treatment begins after the cause of the inflammation is established. Its task is to prevent further spread of infection, cleanse the mucous membranes of the nose and throat from pus, and increase immunity. For this purpose, conservative, surgical and traditional methods are used.

Conservative treatment is performed with the help of medications. They usually cannot do without antibiotics. In addition, procedures are carried out to alleviate the patient’s condition. It is often difficult for a person to swallow pills: severe pain and swelling make it difficult to move the jaw. Then the medicine is administered intramuscularly.

The course of antibiotics is 5-7 days. Often the patient feels much better already on the 3-4th day, but there is a temptation to refuse the antibiotic. Parents often do this in an attempt to protect their baby from the negative effects of medications. In this case, the child’s disease progresses or becomes chronic. Antibiotic therapy must be completed completely.

Antipyretic drugs - Ibuprofen, Paracetamol - will reduce the temperature and relieve severe pain. Vasoconstrictor drops will help improve the outflow of pus during sinusitis or sinusitis. Under their action, the sinuses expand, allowing pus to escape. Warming compresses and physiotherapy help to activate this process, but they are started when there is no temperature.

If a person suffers from chronic tonsillitis, he is recommended to wash the tonsils - with a syringe or with hardware. It is most effective to perform it with a special device “Tonsillor”. By supplying the antiseptic directly to the “body” of the tonsil, the pus is washed away, the causative agents of the disease are removed, and the remission period increases. After washing, the tonsils are treated with medications. Physiotherapy speeds up recovery and relieves inflammation. To boost immunity, immunomodulatory drugs are prescribed.

When is a surgeon needed?

In some cases, pus accumulates in a closed space, does not find a way out, and the patient’s condition worsens. To help him, the doctor uses surgical methods. Purulent sinusitis is accompanied by suppuration of the maxillary sinus. The pus has to be removed by puncture, followed by rinsing and administration of medication. If the procedure is to be repeated, a catheter is installed in the nose.

A puncture is often prescribed for pregnant or breastfeeding women when taking antibiotics is dangerous for the health of the baby and mother. Before the operation, local anesthesia is performed to preserve the expectorant function. After the puncture, the patient tilts his head down to avoid pus getting into the respiratory tract.

With frequent tonsillitis accompanied by purulent plugs, the question of tonsillectomy may arise - removal of the tonsils. An indication for removal is a condition in which the disease causes complications in the heart, joints, or kidneys. Removal is performed using different methods: special scissors, ultrasound, laser.

Home Remedies to Remove Pus

Despite the fact that the main treatment is antibiotics, folk remedies should not be neglected. You should first consult with your doctor which procedures will help remove pus.

Drinking plenty of warm drinks helps reduce the symptoms of intoxication. It warms the throat and removes toxins. The neck is wrapped in a scarf, and lollipops are periodically sucked. Gargling with herbs - sage, chamomile - helps to effectively remove pus in the throat. Tonsils can be treated with propolis, but only if you are not allergic to honey.

A solution prepared from lemon juice, beets and honey washes the tonsils well and facilitates the removal of plugs. Add a tablespoon of each ingredient to a glass and add water. Rinse your mouth with the prepared mixture: the more often, the better.

Rinsing will help clear the nasal passage of accumulated mucus. It is made with a saline solution or a special spray with sea water. A small syringe with a soft tip is suitable for rinsing. It is filled with a solution and the tip is inserted into the nostril. The head is tilted over the container and the liquid is supplied with slight pressure. It should pour out of the other nostril. You cannot rinse your nose if it is not breathing at all due to swelling. Fluid can get into the middle ear, causing an exacerbation. In this case, vasoconstrictor drops are instilled 10 minutes before the procedure.

It is better to prevent diseases in which pus forms in the throat in advance. Strong immunity, hygiene, walks in the fresh air, ventilation of the room will not allow the infection to “settle” in the body. At the first sign of pus, you should consult a doctor. Taking independent actions to eliminate the problem will alleviate the condition at the initial stage. If treatment is not carried out in full, complications and the development of a chronic form are possible. It is much more difficult to cure.

Ulcers in the mouth or periodontal ulcers are painful formations with purulent discharge from the gums. Factors that provoke their occurrence are: mechanical injury to the tooth or gums and inadequate oral care. Therefore, you need to use salt rinses and also take vitamin C 2 times a day.

However, purulent formations should not be treated independently, in particular if this applies to infants. First, you need to consult with a therapist, who will conduct an examination and then refer the sick patient to an ENT specialist or dentist.

Ulcers in the oral cavity appear gradually. The reason for their appearance is various ailments in which ulcerative abscesses form in the mouth. If hygiene standards are not observed, ulcerative abscesses transform into ulcers. The most common factors for the appearance of suppurating neoplasms in the mouth include:

  • tuberculosis;
  • bacterial infections;
  • diabetes;
  • fungi, viruses.

Let's look at the various factors in more detail.


Periodontal ulcers occur when a bacterial infection occurs between the jawbone and the root of the tooth (gingival pocket).

Dental factors.

Gum injuries also include wounds caused by a hanging filling or a poorly placed crown.

How to treat an abscess in the mouth


Harmful microorganisms are constantly found in periodontal pockets. An infection passing from the pocket to nearby tissues activates the body's protective functions in order to localize inflammation. The ulcerative formation contains blood serum, leukocytes and purulent elements of deteriorated tissue. Thus, a purulent abscess is formed.

Touching an abscess on the tongue is quite painful. Also, unpleasant sensations appear if you bite a tooth located near an abscess. In addition, the teeth may be wobbly, and purulent discharge may ooze from the gums located next to the ulcer.


If the doctor has diagnosed stomatitis, then it is necessary to establish the signs that contribute to its occurrence. For example, fungal stomatitis mainly appears after undergoing antibacterial treatment. To get rid of the disease, dentists advise wiping the affected areas with a simple gauze cloth soaked in a soda solution.

The appearance of stomatitis

Diseases of the mucous membrane.

Diseases develop against a background of general weakening of the body. For example, aphotic stomatitis provokes the appearance of aphthae formations in the oral cavity. These white pustules in the mouth are caused by stress, as well as intestinal diseases.


Quite often, the causes of ulcers in the mouth are injuries caused by the use of a bad toothbrush. If hygiene rules are not followed, injuries begin to fester.


Most often, pathologies in the mouth arise due to the presence of an existing disease - pulmonary tuberculosis, which spreads to the mucous membrane.


In addition, ulcers form due to gingivitis caused by viral infections. Factors causing this disease are decreased immune function of the body, weakness, injury, and hypothermia.

Symptoms and diagnosis of stomatitis

Most often, an abscess on the side of the tongue appears due to stomatitis. Signs of this disease are white oval or round spots that form in the oral cavity. In this case, erosions, ulcers or blisters appear in the mouth. These formations hurt constantly, but most of all when eating food. And when chewing, the patient feels a burning sensation and discomfort.

In addition, a patient suffering from stomatitis experiences weakness and an increase in temperature. Stomatitis also causes swelling, redness, fever, and ulcers on the mucous membrane.

To diagnose stomatitis, you should systematically conduct an examination by a specialist to establish an initial diagnosis. If the dentist has any suspicions, then the dentist will refer the patient for additional examinations: smears for bacterial culture and PCR. And if necessary, the doctor prescribes a blood test for glucose levels. You may also need to see a pediatrician if the patient is a child, or visit a therapist.

How to get rid of a sore in the mouth

Gum diseases

An abscess in the mouth, particularly on the gums, is accompanied by a high temperature. Occasionally, spontaneous opening of an ulcer occurs. During hospitalization, the abscess is treated by surgery, i.e. removal of the abscess.

However, after the above surgical procedure, the pain only slightly decreases, but in the case of a periodontal abscess, this will not help. Moreover, it should be remembered that inflammation and abscesses on the gums can even be fatal. For these reasons, delaying a visit to the dentist is deadly!

Treatment of abscesses using traditional medicine

How to treat an abscess in the mouth if you cannot visit the dentist? In this case, you cannot do without traditional therapy. Home care is aimed at reducing pain. To do this, use various rinses made from medicinal herbs that have an antiseptic effect.

Important! It is not worth warming up the area of ​​the abscess; it is better to resort to applying cool compresses or bandages. Heat will only intensify the inflammatory process, which can contribute to complications.

So, to reduce pain you can:

  • rinse your mouth with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or furatsilin;
  • apply a cold compress to the swollen area;
  • Always rinse your mouth to get rid of food debris hidden between your teeth;
  • take painkillers: paracetamol, analgin.

But self-medication and taking anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as antibiotics without a doctor’s recommendation is strictly prohibited!

Herbal infusions

To remove the taste of pus in the mouth, you can use various folk recipes. To relieve pain, all kinds of decoctions are prepared from antiseptic herbs (sage, St. John's wort, calendula, linden flowers, etc.).

Calendula and sage

A very effective, analgesic and antibacterial agent is a decoction of sage and calendula leaves. To prepare the medicine you need to mix 1 table. spoon of chopped herbs. Then put them in a small enamel ladle and pour 350 ml of boiling water. After which everything is simmered in a water bath for ten minutes. The finished broth must be cooled, strained, and then you can start rinsing.

Chamomile and St. John's wort

To make ulcers on the tongue less painful and not interfere with chewing, prepare a healing decoction by mixing 2 tablespoons. spoons of chamomile and St. John's wort flowers. The mixture must be placed in a glass container filled with boiling water. Then the raw material should be left for an hour and a half, closing the pan with a lid so that it can brew well. Afterwards, the broth must be filtered and you can begin rinsing.

Chamomile and linden flowers

Two tables. spoons of linden and chamomile flowers should be poured with two glasses of boiling water. Then the container in which the decoction is located is closed with a lid and the decoction is infused for half an hour. Afterwards the mixture is filtered and you can begin treatment procedures.

Preventive measures and treatment of stomatitis

How to remove an abscess on the tongue? Treatment of stomatitis consists of irrigating the oral cavity with antiseptic agents and rinsing the mouth with various solutions and decoctions.

Abscess in the mouth - what to do?

For preventive purposes it is necessary:

  • to relieve the inflammation process, the oral cavity should be regularly rinsed with chamomile decoction;
  • at high temperatures, when stomatitis progresses in children, it is necessary to take antipyretic drugs recommended by the pediatrician;
  • it is better to remove acidic foods from the daily diet, which stimulate the receptors of the mucous membrane;
  • for the purpose of prevention, you need to monitor your oral hygiene (proper, systematic brushing of your teeth, choosing a good brush for cleaning your teeth);
  • provide conditions for the normal functioning of all organs in order to prevent the occurrence of various ailments.

Basics of stomatitis therapy

To cure ulcers, as well as remove the taste of pus in the mouth, the causes of which are the presence of stomatitis, you should visit a specialist. After diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe comprehensive treatment, which consists of the following:

  • rinsing the mouth with antiseptics (Miramistin, Furacilin) ​​before eating;
  • to speed up the healing process, use herbal infusions from oak bark, calendula, sage;
  • for viral stomatitis, ulcerative formations are smeared with antiviral creams;
  • To create a protective film over the purulent blisters, they are treated with petroleum jelly, aloe juice, and sea buckthorn oil, which promote rapid tissue regeneration.

Also, the doctor often prescribes vitamin, physical and immunotherapy to the patient.

In general, stomatitis can be safely cured in any person. But to diagnose the exact cause of the disease, it is necessary to do a detailed blood test. This is necessary to study the disease in detail, and then prescribe the correct, most correct, treatment.

Pus is a universal reaction of the body to the proliferation of harmful microbes. Bacteria, most often streptococci and staphylococci, are to blame for the occurrence and development of diseases in which pus appears in the throat.

Photo: Sources of purulent infection - staphylococcus and streptococcus

A number of upper respiratory tract diseases lead to the appearance of pus at the back of the throat. Due to the lack of sufficient outflow, inflammation spreads further into the surrounding tissues.


A suppuration in the throat can occur when bacteria enters there immediately before the disease.

Microbes enter through the air through close contact with an infected person through inhalation. In a dormitory, office, school, kindergarten, or home there are all conditions for the transmission of infection due to close contact between people.

Also, microbes can live indefinitely in the body and become activated due to reduced immunity. A decrease in protection occurs due to hypothermia, drafts, allergic diseases, the ingress of harmful substances along with the inhaled air, overwork, and stress.

The appearance of pus also occurs during inflammatory processes in the nose. The natural outlets from the sinuses are located in such a way that the pus flows into the throat on its own or the sick person “sucks” it and coughs it up.

Diseases in which this disease can be detected are divided into:

  • purulent inflammation of the paranasal sinuses or sinusitis:
    • sinusitis (maxillary sinusitis);
    • sinusitis of other sinuses (frontal, main, ethmoidal labyrinth);
  • purulent throat diseases:
    • purulent pharyngitis;
    • purulent laryngitis;
    • angina;
    • tonsillitis;
    • adenoiditis;
    • abscess.

Inflammation can progress to a purulent stage with severe injuries to the bones of the facial skeleton or prolonged residence of foreign bodies in the nose and paranasal sinuses. Buttons, seeds, and pebbles are inhaled by children due to pranks and the habit of putting objects up their noses.


In acute sinusitis, inflammation occurs in the right or left maxillary sinus. Pus flows from the affected side and collects in the throat.

Photo: Unilateral (left) and bilateral (right) sinusitis

If the discharge occurs through the posterior outlet or while lying down, then the pus flows into the pharynx. A sick person may complain of a pus-like taste in the mouth.

There is irritation and a feeling of something foreign, interfering. Upon examination, you can see pus flowing down the throat. A sick person may spit out pus. A similar picture occurs with purulent inflammation of other paranasal sinuses.

Video: sinusitis


An abscess is an accumulation of pus in soft tissues, which has its own boundaries.

It occurs when the natural openings of the tonsils become blocked or difficult to empty. This may be due to scar adhesions after previous purulent throat diseases.

Severe pain occurs, it is difficult to open the mouth, the voice takes on a nasal tone. The pain in the throat is sometimes so severe that the patient cannot sleep.

Bright inflammatory redness appears in the area of ​​the abscess. Severe swelling and bulging of the side wall lead to an asymmetrical arrangement of the arches and tongue.

If the suppuration is superficial, you may see clearing and discoloration at the site of pus formation. The appearance of a yellow spot indicates the formation of an abscess; in this place, opening and emptying of pus can occur.

When the body is weakened, typical symptoms do not occur.

The picture of the disease will not be pronounced. Sore throat does not interfere with swallowing. Redness, swelling and protrusion can only be detected by careful examination of the throat. Pus in the throat without fever should alert you.

Video: retropharyngeal abscess

Purulent pharyngitis and laryngitis

Pharyngitis is an inflammation of the pharynx.

This disease causes a sore throat, which may get worse when swallowing and be accompanied by a cough due to irritation. There is a feeling of something foreign in the throat, but coughing does not lead to relief.

When examined in the throat, redness and swelling of the walls of the pharynx and palate are visible. Enlarged lymphoid granules, similar to large grains or grains, can be seen on the back of the throat, as well as white pus in the throat.

Laryngitis is an inflammation of the soft tissues of the larynx.

A hoarse voice and a dry, barking cough are common manifestations of laryngitis. With swelling in the area of ​​inflammation, breathing difficulties occur. The penetration of microbes and suppuration form pieces of pus, which the patient can cough up and the pus comes out of the throat.

Video: symptoms and treatment of pharyngitis

Associated symptoms

In addition to local changes in the throat, patients experience a general reaction. It is associated with the spread of toxic microbial products and the response of the immune system.

Intoxication appears in the form of:

  • high temperature above 38 0 C;
  • fever;
  • chills;
  • general weakness;
  • headache.

If there is pus in the throat, inflammation of the lymph nodes located in the focal area may occur.

Those closest to the source of infection swell first. Regional filters for the throat are the lymph nodes near the angle of the lower jaw and along the side of the neck.

How to treat

If pus appears in the throat, you should seek medical help.

Pus does not appear in the first days of the disease. He witnesses that the disease is out of control of the immune system and has been lasting for more than three or four days. Simple treatments and self-administration of medications can worsen the condition.

Treatment is divided into several areas:

  • influence on the causative agent of the disease;
  • elimination of the focus of pus;
  • fight against local inflammation;
  • relief of general condition.
  • High fever for more than 24 hours, difficulty breathing and difficulty opening the mouth require immediate medical attention.

Medical assistance

After examination, the doctor will confirm the cause of the appearance and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Bed rest and plenty of warm drinks are required to alleviate the condition.

The choice of medications depends on the cause of the pus and the severity of the disease. To determine the type of microbe and its sensitivity to antibiotics, a study of pus may be necessary.

Treatment of pus in the throat consists of conservative and surgical methods.

Conservative method

For treatment, modern antibiotics are used that cause the death of microbes, for example semi-synthetic penicillins, for example Amoxicillin, or cephalosporins. Those drugs are prescribed to which the microorganisms that cause the disease are most sensitive.

If swallowing is difficult due to severe pain, then injections of medication are used.

The duration of the course of therapy is at least 5–7 days, it can be extended to 10. If the treatment is adequate, then on the 2–3rd day of taking the drug you will feel much better. This may make it tempting to stop taking the antibiotic.

Particular care should be taken during antibiotic therapy during pregnancy due to the side effects of drugs.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (containing paracetamol, ibuprofen) are given to reduce fever, reduce sore throat and fight inflammation.

It is better not to use aspirin for these diseases. It can increase vascular permeability and lead to bruising and rash.

For purulent sinusitis or purulent sinusitis, vasoconstrictor drops are used in the nose to relieve swelling and remove the block from the sinus outlet. With the action of these remedies, the natural openings of the sinuses expand, and the outflow of pus from them improves.

Local warming procedures in the form of compresses, heating pads and physiotherapy can be used when there is a good outflow of pus.

Surgical method

For purulent sinusitis, the doctor can puncture the paranasal sinus with rinsing and administration of a medicinal solution. If necessary, a catheter is inserted for subsequent rinses.

Treatment of abscesses is carried out according to the principle of early surgical opening. Waiting in anticipation of resorption or spontaneous emptying is dangerous due to the risk of spread of pus.

It is possible to develop a dangerous complication - laryngeal edema. In no case should you wait until the tissues soften, since extensive suppuration may already be developing in the depths.

The operation is performed under local anesthesia to preserve the pus expectoration reflex. The doctor uses an aerosol anesthetic and an injection in the area of ​​inflammation.

Photo: Opening a retropharyngeal abscess

After opening the abscess, the patient must quickly tilt his head face down so that pus and blood do not get further into the respiratory tract. Surgical treatment is always combined with antibacterial therapy.

Video: how to make a puncture for sinusitis

How to remove pus from the throat at home

You can get rid of the discomfort of pus in your throat using home remedies.

Gargling with warm salt water or herbal infusions (chamomile, thyme). They will get rid of pus. The use of iodine and Lugol's solution is undesirable due to the cauterizing effect.

Warm drinks (tea, milk, compote) will reduce intoxication and chills, warm the throat, and help reduce fever.

Sucking on lozenges and wrapping a scarf around your throat will relieve a sore throat.
Before starting home treatment, you need to consult a doctor to begin basic treatment.


Microbes are transmitted from a sick person by airborne droplets.

Therefore, following simple safety rules will help you avoid getting sick.

Need to:

  • wash your hands often with soap;
  • use a disposable mask to protect your mouth and nose;
  • use personal cutlery and glass;
  • avoid close contact with the patient;
  • have your own toothbrush and towel;
  • ventilate the premises.

To prevent the recurrence of infection, you need to eat right, increase the body's defenses and keep your living quarters clean. Walking in the fresh air, taking vitamins and hardening the body will help prevent diseases.


How long does it take to be treated?

The average treatment period for such diseases is 7–10 days. If after 2 weeks there are no signs of complete recovery, then you can think about complications or a protracted course of the disease.

When can I start doing fitness or physical education after illness?

To exclude the development of complications, for example, heart disease, joint disease, after an illness, doctors recommend resuming exercise no earlier than 10–14 days after complete recovery.

How to get rid of pus on the back of a child’s throat?

See your doctor immediately if:

  • child under 1 year old;
  • fever and high temperature lasts more than 24 hours;
  • there is lethargy and drowsiness;
  • difficulty breathing or swallowing;
  • the disease is accompanied by a rash or bruises;
  • it is impossible to open your mouth, there is no voice.

If a child can gargle on his own, then with frequent gargling, the throat will be freed from pus faster. If it is not possible to rinse, then use lollipops or give warm tea or milk to drink. In this case, swallowing occurs, which is acceptable for small children.

Photo: Gargling helps a child get rid of pus in the throat

When pus flows into the throat from the nose and the baby cannot blow his nose on his own, it is necessary to use a small rubber medical bulb or a special nasal aspirator.

Photo: Momert and NoseFrida nasal aspirators

After removing the discharge from the nose, you need to instill drops to reduce the amount of mucus, swelling and improve the outflow of pus.

Video: how to look at a child’s throat

Correct treatment presupposes the main thing - knowledge of the cause of the disease. You should not choose medications on your own, as many drugs have their own contraindications.

In everyday life, a person has to communicate closely with others every day. But there are some points that can limit not only social contacts, but also become an obstacle to personal relationships. This is probably familiar to those who have bad breath, particularly purulent odor. What provokes this phenomenon in adults and children is an extremely important question that requires detailed consideration.

The origin of unpleasant odor is quite varied. The first thing that comes to mind is dental diseases (caries, pulpitis, gingivitis, stomatitis). But everything is not limited to processes in the oral cavity. The list of probable conditions includes the following:

  1. Sinusitis (sinusitis, sinusitis).
  2. Chronic tonsillitis.
  3. Respiratory pathology (bronchiectasis, lung abscess).
  4. Esophageal diverticulum.

We cannot exclude such a banal situation as insufficient hygienic oral care. Particles of food (especially protein) accumulate between the teeth and on the tongue, which are decomposed by bacteria, producing an unpleasant odor. This problem can occur not only in adults, but also in children. This means that her decision should not be delayed.

There are various reasons for the smell of pus from the mouth, but identifying them is the task of a competent specialist.


Each disease has certain signs that help you navigate the variety of possible conditions. If your breath smells bad, then the right decision would be to consult a doctor. The specialist examines the patient in detail at the initial stage - finds out complaints and conducts an examination. And on the basis of this, he will form his idea of ​​the pathology in a preliminary diagnosis.

Purulent breath (halitosis) is just one symptom. And, in truth, it does not claim to be the main one in the clinical picture. Most likely, patients are concerned about other signs. Together with objective symptoms, they give the doctor an opportunity to navigate.

Dental problems

The development of an infection in the oral cavity is a fairly obvious reason why it downright stinks. But this, as a rule, occurs in rather advanced cases - with chronic pulpitis due to widespread caries, purulent gingivitis, ulcerative stomatitis. In addition to the unpleasant odor, the clinical picture may include the following symptoms:

  • Toothache.
  • Increased sensitivity to cold or hot.
  • Feeling of dryness, burning in the mouth.
  • Redness and swelling of the gums.
  • Plaques or ulcers on the mucous membrane.
  • Dark carious cavities in teeth.

The inflammatory process often occurs with the formation of an abscess - flux or abscess. At the same time, the pain intensifies and the general condition worsens: the temperature rises, malaise and weakness occur. The pathological focus becomes painful on palpation, the tissues swell, and exudate shines through them.


An unpleasant odor, which the patient himself feels, is a sign of sinusitis - inflammation of the paranasal sinuses (maxillary, frontal). In this case, additional symptoms arise that indicate the localization of the pathological process:

  • Nasal congestion.
  • Mucopurulent discharge.
  • Pain in the zygomatic or frontal area.

With acute sinusitis, the temperature rises and the general condition is disturbed. Adults and children suffer from headaches. Upon examination, you can notice that a strip of exudate flows down the back wall of the pharynx. Because of this, coughing often occurs at night.

Chronic tonsillitis

Another place where pus accumulates, causing bad breath, is the tonsils. With chronic tonsillitis, plugs consisting of dead bacteria, leukocytes and desquamated epithelium form in their recesses (lacunae and crypts). They are the ones who give the indicated symptom. Therefore, when your breath smells like pus, you need to pay attention to local signs of tonsillitis, which also include:

  • Enlargement and loosening of the tonsils.
  • Redness and ridge-like thickening of the anterior palatine arch.
  • Formation of connective tissue adhesions between the tonsils and their bed.

Chronic inflammation can lead to toxic-allergic reactions from other organs and systems. First of all, the joints, kidneys and heart are affected. Therefore, children may experience symptoms of nonspecific polyarthritis, nephritis and carditis.

With chronic tonsillitis, foul-smelling purulent plugs form on the tonsils. This is one of the characteristic signs of the disease.

Respiratory pathology

If a patient complains of the smell of pus in the mouth, then the doctor should examine him for respiratory diseases. After all, the source of this symptom may be in the lower parts of the respiratory tract. Most often we are talking about bronchiectasis or lung abscess. The first situation arises due to local expansion of the bronchial wall. It is here that the secretion stagnates, bacteria develop in it and transform into pus. The main signs of pathology are:

  • Cough with the discharge of a large volume of purulent sputum (mainly in the morning).
  • Hemoptysis (if the vascular wall is damaged).
  • Ventilation failure.
  • Intoxication of the body.

The functional inferiority of the affected bronchi is quite typical in the chronic course of the disease. Respiratory failure is manifested by shortness of breath, cyanosis and pallor, thickening of the fingers and rounding of the nail phalanges (“drumsticks” and “watch glasses”). Long-term intoxication leads to emaciation, anemia, and a child's developmental lag behind his peers.

Purulent breath also becomes a symptom of a lung abscess. But if bronchiectasis occurs in a chronic form, then such destruction of lung tissue is acute. Abscesses mainly form as a complication of pneumonia. They are accompanied by deterioration of the condition, increased cough, chest pain, and new waves of fever (hectic type). The moment the abscess breaks through is clearly visible - a large amount of foul-smelling sputum (sometimes streaked with blood) comes out. This is accompanied by a relief of general well-being and a decrease in temperature.

Esophageal diverticulum

If your breath smells like pus, then you can’t help but pay attention to the condition of the esophagus. This symptom may appear in patients with diverticula. These are extensions of the wall of the esophagus in which food remains stagnate. They can occur at different levels - at the passage from the pharynx, in the center of the organ or closer to the gastric sphincter. Diverticulum is accompanied by a number of unpleasant symptoms, in addition to bad breath:

  • Swallowing problems (dysphagia).
  • Feeling of a “lump” in the throat.
  • Regurgitation of undigested food.
  • Increased salivation.
  • Dry cough (mostly at night).
  • Chest pain.
  • Nausea.

The disease can be complicated by inflammation - diverticulitis. And it, in turn, becomes a source for other dangerous phenomena: mediastinitis, fistula, cervical phlegmon and even sepsis.

Esophageal diverticula are a fairly rare pathology, but they also cause bad breath, which, together with other symptoms, interferes with the lives of patients.

Additional diagnostics

Additional methods will help you find out why there is a smell of pus from your mouth. The diagnostic complex is individual for each patient and is determined by the clinical picture. Based on the results of the initial examination, the doctor may prescribe the following studies:

  1. Complete blood count (leukocytes, ESR).
  2. Blood biochemistry (acute phase indicators).
  3. Swab from the throat and nose (cytology, culture).
  4. Sputum analysis (clinical, bacteriological).
  5. Pharyngo- and rhinoscopy.
  6. Chest X-ray.
  7. Esophagoscopy.
  8. CT scan.

The patient may need to consult related specialists: dentist, ENT doctor, pulmonologist, gastroenterologist. Based on the results obtained, a final diagnosis is made, revealing the cause of bad breath. Further treatment will correspond to it.