Stafford dog: photo, character, reviews. What does a Stafford dog look like? Without fear and doubt - the Stafford dog breed: description with photos, proper care and nutrition Photos of the Staffordshire Terrier dog

Service dog breed, medium size. Despite their formidable appearance, they are very trusting towards people, which is not typical for service breed dogs. With the necessary attention from the owner, they are well trained, successfully perform in competitions such as agility and obedience, engage in freestyle (dancing with dogs), and can work as rescuers of drowning people on the water without any problems, as they have great strength and endurance, They take a blood trail and work on the trail.

As experienced breeders say, there is no sport that the Amstaff cannot master, but it all depends on the owner’s desire to engage in the American Staffordshire Terrier. Their ancestors were brought to America from Britain, where they were used as a gladiator dog for baiting wild animals. Starting from the 13th century, the nobility entertained themselves with animal fights; the most enduring and ferocious individuals were selected for this. Time passed, and the breeders wanted to breed a super fighter. They crossed: an English bulldog with his iron grip and a terrier fast and agile, like a bullet. They are considered the ancestors of today's Amstaffs and pit bulls.

Pit bull terriers are not a recognized breed of the FCI, they took part in dog fighting until animal rights activists protested and the state had to ban this bloody sport. Of course, fighting still took place illegally.

The Staffords faced a different fate. In the 20th century, American farmers began to teach them to work for peaceful purposes. They guarded the owner's house and territory, helped shepherds graze livestock and drove coyotes away from them. In Russia, the peak of popularity of the American Staffordshire Terrier occurred in the 90s of the 20th century.

American Staffordshire Terrier breed standard

Menacing looking American Staffordshire Terrier - photo on the grass

American Staffordshire Terrier color

American Staffordshire Terrier sitting on a mat for a photo

  • Single color (any color from cream to black)
  • Particolor (spotted coat - white with black, white with gray)
  • Spotted (piebald)
  • Brindle main color is red, painted with vertical stripes, dark in color.
  • Two-color
  • Blue, wool from light gray to black-gray.
  • Fawn, light red, sand color. The lips, eyelids and nose are pigmented black.
  • Black and tan (black color with red markings located on the muzzle, above the eyebrows, on the chest, limbs, under the tail)

White markings are allowed, occupying no more than 20% of the main color. White, black and tan or liver coloring should not exceed 80% of the body surface. Pure white color is not acceptable. For any color, it is acceptable to have a mask on the face, black or gray.

American Staffordshire Terrier character

By nature, the American Staffordshire Terrier is a balanced, energetic, courageous and cheerful dog. The Staffordshire Terrier is independent, self-sufficient, alert, curious and extremely intelligent. This active and strong dog is an excellent protector and friend who is infinitely devoted to his owner.

The American Staffordshire Terrier can be aggressive towards other dogs. If the owner teaches the Amstaff from an early age to treat strangers and animals correctly, he will grow into a completely adequate dog that will not lunge at everyone in the street.

Towards cats, rabbits or other pets, the terrier can be very aggressive. The Staffordshire Terrier is a good watchman and guard, very distrustful of strangers, and will not let a guest out of sight until he leaves the owner's house. American Staffordshire Terriers are very friendly towards children, but to protect your baby, it is better not to leave him alone with the American Staffordshire Terrier, despite his gullibility and devotion.

We must remember that a feature of the character of the American Staffordshire Terrier is the constant desire to please its owner in everything. Therefore, in the inexperienced hands of a person who does not realize what strength and dexterity a dog has, the Amstaff can grow up pugnacious and aggressive.

The different character of the American Staffordshire Terrier in the photo

When walking, always keep your AST on a leash, especially in crowded and public places, and always control his behavior when strangers appear. Any aggression on his part must be immediately stopped by the owner.

Remember, the main instinct of the American Staffordshire Terrier is protection, so they can become aggressive in a split second if they suddenly feel a threat to their owner.

By nature, the American Staffordshire Terrier is quite helpful, cheerful and proud. Always controls himself, even if he shows character. But if suddenly such a dog becomes furious, it will be very, very difficult to control.

If you want to buy an American Staffordshire Terrier, think about whether you can show strength of character and control this breed so that it does not cause harm to others, and only brings you joy; if in doubt, then get another breed.

The Stafford needs early socialization and proper and consistent training. A terrier should not be hit or punished without reason. If you find it difficult to train, be sure to seek the help of a specialist. He will teach obedience, which is very important for such a strong dog. The American Staffordshire Terrier must constantly be busy with something, otherwise he will find something to do on his own, and then he will have to buy new furniture, sofas and various household items.

The American Staffordshire Terrier can live both in a city apartment and in a country house. They are compact and clean, do not take up much space, but need constant, long walks and good physical activity. The Amstaff needs to be walked 2 times a day for 2 hours, the walk should be active with elements of training. It is better to walk away from playgrounds and heavy traffic. If possible, take the dog to the forest, river or field so that he can run around and release the powerful force inherent in him by nature.

American Staffordshire Terrier care and maintenance

The photo shows an American Staffordshire Terrier puppy, black and white.

Caring for the coat of the American Staffordshire Terrier is not difficult; the breed is short-haired and sheds. Shedding is seasonal 2 times a year, spring - autumn. If your dog has dandruff and shedding continues throughout the year, pay attention to its diet; these may be signs of a food allergy or the air in the room is dry and warm.

American Staffordshire Terrier coat It is necessary to comb regularly with a brush with coarse bristles; this procedure will improve blood circulation, provide a pleasant massage and remove dead hair.

Bathe less often, the better, or with shampoo as needed for short-haired breeds. Dry shampoo works well. It must first be rubbed into the fur, then after a few minutes, thoroughly combed out with a brush. To give the wool shine, it is wiped with a piece of cloth. Before swimming (especially in open water), always check the condition of the American Staffordshire Terrier's skin for cuts, wounds or irritation, this could be a sign of a bacterial infection. After bathing your Staffordshire Terrier in open water, always rinse with clean water.

Check your eyes regularly. The eye of a healthy dog ​​is without redness or excessive tearing. To prevent souring, wipe your eyes once a week with a soft cloth soaked in chamomile decoction.

The ears are open and well ventilated. Wipe your ears with a damp cotton swab once a week to remove dust and wax. If you notice redness of the ear, excess wax, foul odor from the ear, or the dog frequently shakes its head and rubs the ground, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Claws are trimmed once a month, using a nail clipper for medium breeds. If the American Staffordshire Terrier is active, runs a lot on asphalt and stones, and the nails wear off on their own, then they are trimmed less often. Always remember about the fifth dewclaw; the claw on it is short and does not wear off while walking. A claw that is too long cuts into the paw, causing pain and inconvenience.

After walks, wipe your paws with a damp cloth and check the condition of your paw pads. Inspect for cracks and cuts. In winter, do not let your dog lick the reagent and wash its paws thoroughly after walks. To prevent cracks on the paw pads, rub vegetable oil into them and add 1 tsp to the diet. lie in a day.

Check your Amstaff's oral cavity regularly. Healthy gums are a pleasant pink color, teeth are white and smooth. Yellowness is the first sign of the appearance of tartar on the teeth. It is recommended to brush your teeth every day with a special toothpaste for dogs, using a toothbrush or a finger attachment. To prevent the appearance of tartar, include fresh tomatoes in your Staffordshire Terrier's diet, let's gnaw hard cookies, or chewing bones that mechanically clean off plaque on the teeth.

The main thing is to accustom the American Staffordshire Terrier to all procedures from an early age, be sure to praise and encourage him. After trimming his nails or washing him, always give him his favorite treat.

The photo shows an American Staffordshire Terrier near the city lake

You just have to understand that it won’t be easy to deal with an adult, disobedient pet. Therefore, he must calmly accept all hygiene procedures.

There are several types of drugs:

If you find a tick, don’t be alarmed; just drip some vegetable oil on it. After a few minutes, he will loosen his grip, use tweezers or a special “tick twister” to grab him and twist him out of the body in a circular motion. Treat the bite site with iodine.

Be sure to monitor the health of your American Staffordshire Terrier over the next few days. If he is active, eats with appetite, and does not have a fever, you are lucky the tick was not contagious.

But noticing:

  • Lethargy
  • Refusal to eat and drink
  • High temperature (39 -40 degrees)
  • Red-brown urine

Seek help from a veterinarian immediately. Only a specialist can diagnose, prescribe treatment and save your dog’s life.

American Staffordshire Terrier food

American Staffordshire Terrier photo at competitions

Each owner creates his own diet for his dog. It is best to consult with the breeder from whom you purchased your American Staffordshire Terrier about what is best to feed. A responsible person will always be able to give good advice. For the American Staffordshire Terrier, there are two types of feeding: natural food and premium ready-made dry food.

The main rule is never mix two types of food in one feeding, this is harmful to the gastrointestinal tract.

Number of amstaff feedings:

  • From 2 to 4 months - 5 times a day
  • 4 - 6 months - 4 times a day
  • 6 - 9 months - 3 times a day
  • After 9 months, an adult dog is fed 2 times a day

For any type of nutrition, follow simple rules, and your pet will be active and healthy:

  • Feed only after walks.
  • Feed the puppy from a bowl located on a stand so that correct posture is formed. Adjust the height of the stand as it grows.
  • The bowl should be at chest level or slightly higher so that the puppy only puts his face in it.
  • It is necessary to have two separate bowls: for food and for water. Bowls are washed with hot water after each feeding.
  • There should always be fresh water in the water bowl.
  • Food should be freshly prepared, at room temperature.
  • The diet of a growing dog should include 30% protein for the harmonious development of the skeleton and muscles. Lack of protein leads to a weakened immune system.
  • The food should be eaten quickly; if the portion is untouched, after 15 minutes we put the food in the refrigerator until the next feeding.
  • Never feed table scraps.

Healthy Foods for the Staffordshire Terrier:

  • Lean meat (beef, rabbit, turkey, chicken) scalded with boiling water or boiled without skin
  • Fermented milk products (low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, whey)
  • Vegetables
  • Fruits
  • By-products (heart, lungs, lean udder)
  • Greenery
  • Vegetable oil 1 tsp. lie in a day
  • Porridge (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal)
  • Sea fish (boneless)

Prohibited products for amstaff:

  • Fatty meat (pork)
  • River fish
  • Smoked meats
  • Salty, spicy food
  • Seasonings
  • Sweets
  • Legumes

Diseases of the American Staffordshire Terrier

  • Hip dysplasia
  • Bloating
  • Mastocytoma (mast cell cancer)
  • Cutaneous histiocytoma (benign tumor)
  • Lick granuloma
  • Arthritis
  • Deafness
  • Patent ductus ductus (disease of the cardiovascular system)
  • Entropion (inversion of the eyelid)
  • Cataract
  • Progressive retinal atrophy

In recent years, fighting dogs have become increasingly popular. Pitbull, Stafford and other similar dogs began to often appear on the streets of our cities. Meanwhile, not every owner of such an animal has an idea of ​​how to properly train and raise their four-legged pet. After reading the article, you will learn about the features of the appearance, character and maintenance of Staffordshire Terriers.

A little history

Breeding of these animals began in the 1800s. As a result of mating a bulldog and a game terrier, a dog breed similar to the Stafford was obtained. Initially, such dogs were called bull terriers, pit bull terriers, or simply pits. A little later, thanks to English dog handlers, they began to be called Staffords.

In the 70s of the 19th century, representatives of this breed were brought to America. They were actively used to work on farms and to protect houses. They hunted wild boars and bears with Staffords. Americans often organized dog fights with the participation of these dogs.


This is a muscular, strong and agile dog. The Stafford has a strong build with powerful paws and a well-developed, broad chest. It has very heavy bones, which greatly influence the weight of the animal.

On a large short-muzzled head with a strong lower jaw there are small, usually cropped ears. The dog's eyes should be dark brown, almost black.

The massive body of the animal is covered with thick, short and fairly coarse hair. However, despite the apparent density, it does not protect the Stafford from the cold. The dog can be any color. Most often you can see black, gray, brown, beige or brindle representatives of this breed.

The weight of a Stafford varies between 25-30 kilograms. At the same time, males grow to 46-48 centimeters at the withers, females - slightly lower. Their height is 43-46 cm. The average life expectancy of such dogs can reach 12-15 years.

Character traits

It should be noted that this is primarily a guard dog. The Stafford will always protect its owner and his family. He has enormous strength and becomes aggressive if he feels threatened by an outsider. In such cases, the dog may attack the stranger and even bite him. Unlike many other breeds, the Staffordshire Terrier is ready to protect not only the owner himself, but also his property.

Due to the fact that this is a very stubborn dog, the Stafford must learn from an early age who is his friend and who is his enemy. It is also important to teach your dog to communicate with children and other animals. In fact, this breed was bred to be a companion. Therefore, a properly raised animal will be an obedient and devoted pet. Despite their natural laziness, these balanced and calm dogs will always try to please their owner.

This is a fairly unpretentious breed of dog. The Stafford needs minimal grooming. To keep your dog's coat clean, it is enough to brush it regularly with a stiff brush. You should only bathe your pet if absolutely necessary. During this procedure, it is advisable to use a special dry shampoo. To maintain the shine of your pet's coat, you can systematically wipe it with a piece of suede cloth.

It is also recommended to periodically inspect your dog's skin for irritations that indicate a bacterial infection. If you notice that wounds or cuts have appeared on your Stafford's body, be sure to show him to the veterinarian.


Like any other dog, the Staffordshire Terrier needs a complete and well-balanced diet. You need to feed the animal thirty minutes after a walk or a couple of hours before it. This will avoid many problems with the digestive system. The dishes from which the dog eats should be placed on a special adjustable stand. Thanks to this, he will develop the correct beautiful posture. Food should be at room temperature. You should not give your dog food that is too hot or very cold.

Staffordshire Terriers can be fed industrial or natural food. Those who choose the first option must remember that in this case the animal must have unlimited access to clean drinking water. It is extremely important to give preference to high-quality premium or super-premium food. They contain all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the full growth and development of the dog.

Those who decide to feed their Stafford with natural food need to remember that the basis of the pet’s diet should be meat. It must account for at least 30% of the total number of products. Beef, lamb and poultry are best suited for these purposes. Twice a week, meat can be replaced with sea fish. Also, the Stafford fighting dog should receive cottage cheese, fermented milk products, eggs, cereals and vegetables. From cereals, these animals can be given rice and buckwheat.


Like any other breed of dog, the Stafford, the price of which depends on many factors, is susceptible to various diseases. These animals are prone to arthritis and hip dysplasia. In addition, they often have bloating and genetic patent ductus arteriosus. As a result, the dog may be developmentally delayed and have lung problems.

Quite often, veterinarians diagnose deafness, entropion, progressive retinal atrophy and cataracts in Staffordshire Terriers. These dogs are also prone to cancer.

Names for Staffordshire dogs

As a rule, puppies sold with documents already have a nickname. It starts with a specific letter and consists of several words. Usually this “official” name appears only in the pedigree, veterinary passport and at exhibitions. At home, the dog is called by another, shorter and easier to remember nickname. It shouldn't be too complicated or long. It is desirable that there are no dull or hissing sounds in it.

A short and sonorous name is much easier for a dog to remember. Ideally, it should consist of two syllables. It is not recommended to call the puppy human names. This will be incorrect towards others and can put the dog owner in an uncomfortable position.

The names of Stafford dogs should reflect their appearance and character. Males are often called Tyson, Rocky, Black, Chuck or Rick. For girls, nicknames such as Linda, Jitta, Jessie, Burma, Ambra or Basta are optimal.

If you firmly decide that you need just such a dog, then contact a specialized nursery. In this case, you will have a guarantee of purebred puppy and availability of all vaccinations. When purchasing an animal from your own hands or via the Internet, you risk that it will grow into something completely different from what you wanted.

The Stafford is a dog whose price ranges from $200 to $1,000. Therefore, you need to take the choice of a pet very seriously. It is important to pay attention to the behavior of puppies. They should be shy, but not fearful. A dog barking, growling and attacking, showing aggression, is not the norm. Such behavior is considered a disqualifying vice.

Even before purchasing, you should definitely look at the puppy’s parents, and not at their photographs. The mother of babies should not look exhausted and aggressive. She should show moderate wariness or friendliness.

The puppies themselves should be active and healthy, with smooth shiny fur, strong, even paws and clean eyes. Before you buy a puppy, be sure to feel its tummy. It should not be swollen or painful.

Just like an adult dog, a baby needs a comfortable place to rest. It is advisable to give him a secluded corner, located away from drafts. In order for a puppy kept in an apartment to learn to ask to go outside, he needs to be walked very often. To do this, it should be taken outside after each feeding and sleep. Upon arrival home, the dog needs to be taught to wash its paws.

In the summer, it is useful to bathe the puppy in a pond or river. To do this, you need to gradually accustom him to water, trying not to scare the baby. When changing teeth, it is important to provide the animal with special toys that can be chewed without risk to health.


It should be emphasized that training a puppy of this breed should be done from the first days after it appears in your home. By nature, Staffordshire Terriers tend to be dominant. Therefore, it is extremely important to show them that you are the leader. This needs to be done as early as possible. If you fail to assert your authority, the dog will simply refuse to obey you.

During the learning process, it is very important to avoid rude command intonations. Don't forget to praise your pet if he did what you asked of him correctly. As a reward, you can use not only some tasty treat, but also your dog’s favorite toy.

It is equally important to show the Staffordshire Terrier the difference between behavior in the apartment and on a walk. You also need to pay attention to teaching him peaceful coexistence with other animals. In addition to general training, these dogs can play with frisbees, jump obstacles and participate in agility competitions.

Security measures

A dog that looks like a Stafford causes mixed feelings among others. Strangers are not at all obliged to love your animal, and many are openly afraid of such dogs. In order not to provoke conflicts and not cause discontent among neighbors, owners of Staffordshire Terriers must follow certain rules.

Such animals must be walked on a leash and muzzled. It is strictly forbidden to leave them unattended. A dog living in the private sector must be kept in a special enclosure. Under no circumstances should she be allowed to leave her site on her own.

If during a walk the dog gets into a fight, you need to act very quickly and clearly, trying to maintain composure. In such cases, you should never get between the dogs. When pulling apart fighting dogs, there is no need to hit them. Such actions will only encourage aggression. Two people must separate the dogs, each of whom is responsible for their pet. Immediately after this, you need to separate the animals in different directions and give them some time so that they completely calm down.

The American Staffordshire Terrier breed is a fighting dog. Many people are afraid of these dog breeds, but there are people who understand that Proper training will make a dog a great friend.

Dog fighting - a terrible, cruel spectacle - gained momentum in the nineteenth century in the Old and New Worlds. The organizers of this inhuman entertainment received large profits. Gradually, such fights gained popularity in Mexico, Canada and the United States of America.

A new breed of fighting dogs appeared in the 19th century in England, where To create a brave and aggressive warrior, a terrier and a bulldog were crossed. The result was impressive.

The Stafford mixes the aggression of a bulldog with the activity of a hardy terrier.

The Stafford dog breed: during the fights in which they took part, blood was shed for the amusement of the spectators. Dogs, being powerful killing machines, stopped at nothing to They did not seem to notice serious wounds and injuries, continuing to fight courageously.

Breeders improved the breed several times, its names changed. was recorded at the end of the 19th century, and the American Staffordshire Terrier received its modern name at the end of the 20th century.

Description of the breed

FCI Standard No. 286 dated 12/01/1997"American Staffordshire Terrier" (English: American staffordshire terrier).
Group 3 "Terriers". Section 3 “Terriers of the “Bull” type”.

The FCI standard states that the preferred height at the withers is approximately eighteen to nineteen inches. (46 - 48 cm) for males and seventeen to eighteen inches (43 - 46 cm) for females.

Weights are not regulated, but the total mass of the animal must be harmoniously combined with the physique. Approximate weight: 25–30 kilograms.

A description of the Stafford breed should begin with its characteristically large and strong build. Excess weight is unacceptable. A massive head is combined with a short back, powerful chest, toned stomach and muscular shoulders. Round dark eyes with a border are widely spaced. The coat is short, thick, the surface of the coat has a smooth structure. Different colors are acceptable, spots are allowed.

Stafford dog breed: the photo clearly demonstrates these signs.

With proper care and maintenance, the American Staffordshire Terrier makes its owner happy fifteenand moreyears.

Character and abilities

Before you buy a Stafford puppy, you should thoroughly study the available literature about the breed.

Those who are interested in the American Staffordshire Terrier dog breed should know: The character of these four-legged warriors is contradictory.

Genetically, the character traits have not gone away: Stafford still remains a fighter with a complex character.

On the other hand, Staffordshire Terriers are intelligent dogs that are calm and self-controlled. These pets are attached to children. Due to their mobility, activity and great energy, Staffords can play and have fun with children for a long time. A Stafford will make an excellent defender, he will not leave his owner in trouble, and will always protect his home.

Staffords They strive to dominate only over their own kind. They look down on cats and pocket dogs, so they can easily coexist with small pets.

These are sensitive natures. Professionals do not advise punishing them, scolding them, shouting at them or behaving aggressively. The owner must remember what flows in the pet’s blood and understand that aggression generates the same response. This rule applies not only to fighting natures, but to all living things on the planet.

From birth, Staffordshire Terrier puppies have a keen sense of smell. They feel tension in the family caused by unpleasant situations. At such moments, pets are able to show the highest degree of understanding. They will not bother the owner, but will try to either show support or will not show their presence in any way.

The Staffordshire Terrier is a breed that has come to us since the Middle Ages.

The names were different - pit dog, Staffordshire bull terrier, pit bull terrier and others.

But not only the name of the breed has changed, but also the appearance of the dogs.

The breed was fully formed as we know it today, at the end of the 19th century.

At that time, a breed called the pit bull terrier was developed by crossing an English bulldog and a terrier.

The Staffordshire Bull Terrier gave rise to the breeding of Amstaffs, which appeared on Russian territory in the 80s of the last century.

The Amstaff Terrier is a medium-sized dog, strongly built and with clearly defined muscles. Although she is small in stature, the staffs have incredible strength.

The head is massive, short ears are raised high, this is often what owners do with such dogs.

Their eyes are usually dark in color and wide set. The rims of the eyes are black, and their nose is also always black.

The stomach is tucked, the shoulders are muscular. One cannot help but mention the large and powerful chest area, due to which the animal’s front legs are widely spaced.

The tail is straight, of medium length and slightly pointed. Dogs' fur is short, thick and pleasant to the touch. The color can be spotted or plain.

Let's look at the most common types of Amstaff colors:

    Black— in this version, the Staffordshire Terrier has a rich black color; other shades are not visible even under the influence of sunlight.

    But there may be small marks on the nose or paws. There is a mixed color, when a white shade is combined with black.

    In this case, white is often found on the markings, which can be located on the face, neck, back and paws.

    This color has another name - “Black Boston”; it is characterized by a very dark shade of the eyes and nose.

    Blue- this color ranges from light blue to black-blue shades. The deep blue staff has a nose of the same blue color.

    The dark blue color looks no less beautiful, the nose is very dark, almost no different from black, and the eyes are brown.

    brindle- This color is characterized by both brindle and reddish shades. If you like brindle color in animals, pay attention to one more variety.

    This is a variant of the red or red color, it is very bright and even, the eyes have a dark brown tint, the nose and rim have a deeply rich black color.

Staffordshire Terriers are protectors by nature, which was their original purpose when bred.

That is, such a dog instinctively strives to protect the owner and his loved ones.

When sensing possible danger, the Amstaff, like the Pit Bull Terrier, becomes very angry and can bite other dogs or intruders.

In addition, the Stafford dog can be a good property guard, unlike other breeds.

She is a tireless fighter who is not afraid of pain and has great endurance.

Amstaff will stop at nothing until he neutralizes the enemy.

But with proper training of a dog, restraint can be cultivated in its character. Because she is not always able to figure out on her own who is the enemy and who should not be touched.

In this regard, he is less susceptible to restraint in character.

In relationships with small children and other pets at home, Staffordshire Terriers will behave lovingly.

But for this you need to make efforts from the first days of the animal’s stay, introduce everyone to them and teach them correct behavior.

Amstaff should feel love and care from his family. Even if you managed to achieve obedience of this dog, it is not recommended to leave it without adult control, alone with a child.

The Staffordshire Terrier is very sociable and loves to communicate, so many owners are happy to keep this breed both in a private house and in an apartment.

The pet will try to please you and follow all commands. But when raising such a fighting dog, in addition to family love, it needs a decisive and strict owner.

It is very important that the owner is able to assert his primacy and power over this pet. Otherwise, the dog may try to become the boss instead of its owner.

At first glance, it does not require special care.

Get a terry towel specifically for your pet and periodically wipe it with a towel soaked in water.

They do the same after walks, because the dog loses particles of dead skin and fine hair. Once a year you need to visit a veterinary clinic and get vaccinated.

The first time should be vaccinated at 2-3 months, but before that the dog needs to be wormed, about 7 days before vaccination.

After the first vaccination, for two weeks, try to limit the staff’s interaction with other dogs, do not overexert the animal and do not bathe it. The Amstaff lives for about 12-15 years.

The owner’s main task is to fully walk the dog, otherwise it will begin to show disobedience and perform poorly in learning new commands.

And for entertainment, the Staffordshire Terrier can play pranks and spoil things right in the house, and unspent energy will be directed towards aggressive behavior.

During the day, such a fighter must engage in active actions for at least 1-2 hours. Games, running, cycling, learning commands, training - all this will diversify your walks together. Remember that you cannot deprive the Amstaff of its legal walks and keep it locked up.

Another equally important aspect of caring for the breed is a balanced diet, which should contain healthy minerals, vitamins, proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Here you choose one of two options: you can buy high-quality dry food or feed it with natural products.

Ready-made food saves owners a lot of time, but can have a significant impact on the budget. Because really high-quality drying is not cheap.

Eating natural products will take longer, but you will control the quality and freshness of the products. You cannot definitely decide which option is better; you must decide for yourself.

If you liked the Staffordshire Terrier and decided to make a choice in its favor, then if you treat your pet responsibly, you will not regret your decision for a second.

The four-legged dog will become a beloved pet of your family, because it will reciprocate and become a devoted companion.

But it will take time and effort for such a serious breed. The Amstaff Terrier can be a friend, watchman and protector.

The breed is often used in the army and police. They are even capable of training other dogs; among the staffs, champions in the sports field are increasingly being found.

Photo gallery

By starting to train your pet in time, you will get a kind and balanced dog. In our photo gallery you can see representatives of this breed again.

The American Staffordshire Terrier or Amstaff was originally bred as a fighting dog. The appearance still resembles its ancient purpose. A large muscular body, large head and powerful jaws speak of strength and determination. But dog fighting has long been prohibited, and the history of the breed continues. Now the dog is popular as a home guard and family companion. In order for a dog to behave well, it must be trained correctly.

History of the breed

Breeding the breed took several decades. The ancestors of the Staffordshire Terrier lived in England in the century before last. These were bulldogs and several types of terriers. Based on them, breeds were developed that were used in bullfights and dog fights. The main requirements that were presented to them were mobility, strength, aggressiveness and passion. If you look at photographs of dogs from those times, you can find many similarities with both bulldogs and modern bull terriers. They only vaguely resemble Amstaff.

In the second half of the 19th century, dogs were brought to the USA, and since then the American history of the breed begins. The dogs were originally called pit bulls or pit bull terriers. They were used again, in dog fights. But in 1900 this cruel sport was banned, although competitions were still held underground for a long time. Breeders began to develop a show breed, reducing its aggression and increasing obedience. To separate itself from pit bulls, which have gained a bad reputation (killer dog), the breed was called the Staffordshire Terrier. It was officially registered in America in 1936. In 1972, she received her current name - American Staffordshire Terrier. Now the main function of the dog is security, protection of the owner.

Description of the breed

The Staffordshire Terrier is a strong, stocky dog, strongly built and muscular. At the same time, she looks agile and elegant. The legs are not too long and not too short, in harmony with the body. The standard and description of the breed is as follows:

  • The height of a male at the withers is 46-48 cm, that of a female is 43-46 cm
  • Weight – 25-30 kg
  • Head. Medium length, wide and deep skull
  • The muzzle is muscular, with a clear transition from the forehead, not drooping, with a rounded bridge of the nose.
  • The jaws are clearly defined, the lower provides a strong grip.
  • The lips are not drooping, the upper incisors in front are in close contact with the lower ones.
  • Nose - black
  • The ears are erect, set high, and can be cropped or not, depending on the country and the owner’s wishes (ear cropping is not required as a standard now, and is prohibited in some countries)
  • The eyes are set wide and deep, round in shape
  • The neck tapers from the shoulder girdle to the back of the head, powerful, slightly arched, of medium length
  • The shoulder blades are wide, set obliquely, the shoulders are massive
  • The back is not too long, gently slopes from the shoulder girdle towards the croup, and from the croup to the base of the tail
  • Belly toned
  • The ribs are curved, convex, dense, the breast is wide and deep
  • The front legs are set wide apart, straight, with vertical pasterns
  • Hind limbs with very strongly developed muscles, short metatarsals
  • Paws are dense, with a pronounced arch, medium in size, provide a springy gait
  • The coat is short, hard, with a poorly developed undercoat.

You can learn more about the dog’s appearance in photos and videos. We will describe the color features of this breed below.

Breed color

Characteristics of the breed will be incomplete without a description of colors. These dogs have a very diverse range; almost all varieties are recognized as the standard. White or predominantly white (80%), black and tan, and liver or brown are considered undesirable. Among the recognized colors are the following:

  • Black Staffordshire Terrier – solid color, no spots, brown eyes
  • Blue Staffordshire Terrier - variations of gray from dark to light, the nose is also gray, the eyes should not be lighter than the color, a combination with white is allowed
  • Red am staff - a uniform color in which every hair is red
  • Red with a coating - the upper part of the hairs is darker than the bottom, the coating occurs on the head and tail, or on the entire body
  • Fawn – light red color, almost sandy, lips and nose – black
  • Blue-fawn - there is a gray coating on the light red coat, the lips and nose are also gray, the eyes are dark
  • Brindle color – red with dark or black lines
  • Blue brindle - red with gray stripes and a gray nose.

How much does a small Amstaff puppy cost? The price depends on the purity of the breed, color does not affect it. It ranges from 15,000 to 45,000 rubles, with an average of 35,000 rubles. You need to choose a nursery carefully so that you do not get mixed breeds or puppies with defects. If a dog costs less than 15-20 thousand rubles, it means it does not meet the standards or it is a crossbreed and not a purebred puppy. The origin of the dog matters. If puppies or parents are brought directly from the USA, they are expensive, if the dogs’ homeland is Russia, the price is lower.

Dog character

Staffordshire is first and foremost a guard, a protector of family and home. He also has not lost his fighting qualities, although the breed has not been cultivated in this direction for a long time. The terrier's character combines opposite traits. He is at the same time affectionate and strong, good-natured and implacable, kind to his owner and his family, aggressive towards strangers. The Stafford requires good training and education, so it is not recommended for beginners to own one. Attacks on humans by this breed do occur, but in most cases it is a lack of education and a fault of the owner.

The American Staffordshire Terrier is an active dog that needs games and long walks. If the energy is not allowed to escape, it will turn the house into a battlefield. As dogs age, they become lazier. Staffords are excellent guards; they protect not only the owner, but also his property. It attacks ill-wishers quickly, without warning. Holds him in a death grip until he submits. An incorrectly raised and socialized Amstaff can be dangerous, not only for strangers, but also for family members, especially small children. Therefore, it is not recommended to keep a dog in the house if the family has a child under 7-8 years of age. At least he shouldn't be left alone with the dog.

Social contacts

When a dog is raised correctly, he will grow up to be a kind, sociable, true friend of the family. Staffords are sensitive to changes in their owner’s mood and always try to please him. To guess a person's mood, they will look him straight in the face. They are capable of performing incredible tricks to please their beloved owner. These are the only dogs in the world that can truly smile. They take an active part in the life of the family, will never be left alone if there is someone in the apartment, and will keep company in any activity. They love to play, follow commands with pleasure, and are easy to train. Dogs learn the simplest complex on the fly.

American Staffordshire Terrier. The truth about the breed.

Briefly about the American Staffordshire Terrier breed

Staffordshire Terrier VS child

The Staffordshire Terrier and other animals get along differently. Small pets should not be kept in the house; the dog can simply eat them. He doesn't like cats and enjoys chasing them around the yard. If the cat lives in the house, and the Stafford communicates with him from puppyhood, he may recognize him, but be aggressive with strangers. Contact with other dogs depends on how to socialize the dog. He rarely gets into fights on purpose, but if you touch him, he will show a fighting character. Proper training helps to avoid excesses during a walk.

Dog training

If you decide to bring a Staffordshire Terrier puppy into your home, think about training it right away. Without proper training, these dogs become uncontrollable, they turn the whole house upside down, and can be dangerous on the street. If you are not confident in your abilities, contact a club or a special center and take a course with a professional trainer. Training is carried out according to special programs, you can choose the most suitable one (obedience, protection, security).

How to raise a Staffordshire Terrier at home? The owner must be persistent, self-confident, firm and decisive. For a person with experience in teaching, nothing is difficult. The dog should not be given any concessions, otherwise it will get out of control. Three main techniques are used for training:

  • Promotion
  • Punishment
  • Change of rewards and punishments.

Reward is the best technique; for one punishment there should be at least five rewards. You can’t beat a dog; they are punished by voice, ban, isolation. If you hurt your dog, he will remember the insult for a long time, and you will lose love and authority. There were cases when an Amstaff attacked its owner because he beat him. Raising a puppy begins with teaching it its name. Then you need to get him used to the collar and leash. Training should take place in the form of a game, without monotonous repetition of commands; the content of the lesson should be constantly diversified. Basic commands that basic training includes:

  • Ew or Not
  • To me
  • Near
  • Lie
  • Sit
  • Stand
  • Crawl
  • Place
  • Aport
  • Barrier
  • Voice
  • Quiet.

Each dog is individual, so there are no universal training methods. You can only read general recommendations. It is best if they are given by a qualified trainer. You can teach a Safford more complex commands. They successfully complete complex courses for service dogs and participate in competitions. Recently, the breed has increasingly begun to be used in the detective service, when apprehending criminals, and at protected sites. The working Staffordshire Terrier is distinguished by its endurance, good reaction and obedience.

Dog care

Caring for this breed is easy. Dogs have short fur, so they don't require much grooming. Brush once a week with a stiff brush or a special glove. The Amstaff does not need a haircut. They bathe the dog twice a year, periodically wipe it with a damp towel, and use dry shampoo. The dog has a poorly developed undercoat, so clothing for the Staffordshire Terrier is necessary in winter. It is best to choose a blanket or vest. This powerful dog looks funny in overalls. As necessary, the dog’s nails are trimmed, its ears are cleaned, and it is taken to a veterinarian to remove tartar.

It is better to keep the dog in an apartment. In the yard, in the enclosure, the dog feels uncomfortable, he will become sad, his character will deteriorate. Walk with the staff twice a day for 40-60 minutes. While walking, be sure to play, throw a stick, a plate, or pull a ring. Toys for a Staff Terrier should be chosen without sound. The dog will react inadequately to noise. You cannot walk your Stafford in public places without a leash or harness; it is advisable to wear a muzzle. Before you go "to people", make sure that you have complete control over the dog.

Mating of a Staffordshire male begins at 10 months; some breeders recommend postponing it until after a year. The bitch is bred when she has passed her second or third heat, but not earlier than one year. The cost of puppies is high, so breeding dogs can be profitable. But fanciers do not always have an idea of ​​the breed standards. If you bought a Russian puppy, but it fully complies with international requirements, find the same pair for it. You can contact a club or nursery, not necessarily the most popular, but with a good reputation.

Dog food

Staffordshire Terriers are fed natural food or dry ready-made granules. If you prefer natural feeding, it is important to properly balance the diet. It should be based on meat. Choose low-fat varieties - veal, beef, chicken, turkey, rabbit. You can give lean lamb, lamb. Eating pork is not advisable, unless it contains no fat at all. Include offal products (liver, stomachs, heart, lungs) in your diet. It is advisable to boil them; the meat should also be treated with boiling water, but be sure to serve it raw 1-2 times a week.

For normal growth and strengthening of teeth, give the dog bones to chew on, but not tubular or bird bones. The Safford can easily chew thin bones, and sharp pieces will injure its stomach. Feeding raw vegetables is not recommended; they must be cooked. The menu must include porridge - barley, buckwheat, barley, rice, oatmeal. Dogs are fed, from time to time, sour milk, cottage cheese, and boiled eggs. An adult dog eats 2 times a day, puppies up to 10 months - three times.

Dry food and canned food are purchased only from high-end products - super premium and holistic. They are expensive, but the dog's health is worth it. Premium foods are allowed, but carefully study their composition. Unfortunately, the declared class does not always correspond to reality. The first ingredient should be meat, then cereals (preferably rice, oatmeal, in extreme cases barley or corn). Good foods include vegetables, fruits, and medicinal herbs. The vitamin and mineral composition must meet the dog's needs. The dog eats canned food from time to time; from constant eating of soft food, the dog’s teeth deteriorate. It is not recommended to mix natural food with prepared foods.

Dog health

The adult American Staff Terrier is in good health. If he is provided with proper care, he hardly gets sick. In winter it is worn, the short fur does not warm well, and the dog catches a cold. Poor quality nutrition will lead to gastrointestinal disorders. Allergies are rare in this breed. There are diseases to which Staffordshire Terriers are especially sensitive:

  • Pathologies and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Colitis
  • Skin diseases (pustules, demodicosis, seborrhea, etc.)
  • Eye pathologies, cataracts
  • Ligament tears
  • Arthrosis (especially in dogs that are many years old)
  • Congenital dysplasia of the hip joint.

Dogs must be vaccinated on time to protect against infections. At 12 weeks, the puppy is vaccinated against rabies. At 4-6 months they begin to vaccinate against other diseases. Staffords are vaccinated against canine distemper, hepatitis, enteritis and other diseases characteristic of the area. Vaccinations are done three times, with breaks of 3-4 weeks, and repeated annually. The lifespan of a dog is 12-15 years.

Nicknames for dogs

Finally, we will tell you what nicknames to give this breed. The names of the Staffordshire Terrier should correspond to its appearance and character. This is not a mini dwarf dog; you wouldn’t call a big, strong Amstaff Pussy or Button. The following nicknames are suitable for boys:

  • Aland, Ashur
  • Bavar, Buckingham
  • Ganges, Proud
  • Jibo, Don
  • Elor, Ephrat
  • Germont, Zeus, Zorky
  • Kinto, Kuchum
  • Leo, Lotus, Lure
  • Majar, Milan, Murat
  • Pirate, Prince
  • Typhoon, Tarzan, Trek
  • Bassoon, Charon, Hippie
  • Shepherd, Chaco, Sherlock.

Girls should be called by no less respectable nicknames. After all, they are not inferior in strength, courage and devotion to boys, their size is also rather large, this can be seen even in the photo. Here are some popular names:

  • Assol, Amber
  • Basta, Burma
  • Vlasta, Vilena
  • Jitta, Daima
  • Kira, Kanta
  • Linda, Leda
  • Martha, Milady
  • Prima, Palma
  • Rosana, Roxa
  • Tana, Harita.

Remember, if you raise a dog correctly, it will become a devoted friend for the whole family, good reviews from owners testify to this. If you are not convinced of your training abilities, this is your first dog, it is better to give it to a club for training. When you are not confident that you can maintain your authority with your pet, it is better not to get a Staffordshire Terrier, so as not to give it into good hands later. A dog is not a toy, but a living being, both adults and children should know this. The owner bears full responsibility for her and should not betray a faithful friend.