There is a small bump on the labia. What to do if you find a lump on the labia

Very often, women do not pay attention to their health and sometimes “miss diseases” that can lead to serious consequences.

Often, women notice the formation of pimples on important organs, including the genitals. Is there any cause for concern, and for what reason do pimples form in intimate places?

Pimples on the genitals

Both men and women are susceptible to the formation of pimples on the genitals. Of course, many people panic, and some completely ignore the appearance of acne. What to do in such situations? Could there be any threat from such rashes?

In fact, the appearance of acne on the genitals is a reason to visit a highly qualified specialist. This is necessary, first of all, to understand the cause of the acne breakout.
Of course, the appearance of pimples is not always an indicator of any disease.

Often, they disappear on their own and are completely harmless. However, there is another side to such cases. Sometimes, acne breakouts can cause serious illnesses. In this case, reliable diagnosis and assistance from a doctor are required.

How to get rid of women's disease? Irina Kravtsova shared her story of curing thrush in 14 days. In her blog, she explained what medications she took, whether traditional medicine was effective, what helped and what didn’t.

To understand what we are talking about, you need to define what acne is and in what form it appears on the genitals. Pimples are spherical formations with contents such as pus. We can say that acne is an enlarged sebaceous gland.

The formation of pimples can be attributed to the inflammatory process due to the fact that the contents of the formations are pus.

Pimples can appear either singly or multiple times. There are many types of acne, differing from each other in content, character, size and other characteristics. What types of acne can form on the genitals?

Types of rashes

As you know, rashes are different and differ in the content that fills the pimple. Often, acne occurs with pus and water.

Pimples also differ from each other in color. You may notice inflamed pimples that are bright red in color. This suggests that the inflammation process is at its peak. You may notice yellow pimples, the contents of which consist of pus.

It often happens that the skin is accompanied by painful sensations when pressed, but there are no visible changes on the skin. This indicates that the pimple is of a subcutaneous type. This type of acne is painful.

There are seals on the skin, and removing a pimple will require quite a bit of effort. The seal on the skin prevents the contents from coming out, which often turn out to be purulent.

White pimples on the labia

Small white pimples on the labia minora are not a rare event to date.

Among white pimples, there are two types of rashes:

  • similar in appearance to goose skin;
  • having a white head with purulent contents.

White pimples, which resemble goose bumps in appearance, can pop up due to a large accumulation of cells that are considered dead. These cells belong directly to the epidermis. The accumulation of cells is often concentrated near the hair follicles or on the inside of the mucous membrane.

Due to the appearance of pimples, the skin becomes rough, hard, and rough. To get rid of pimples, it is enough to ensure the necessary hygiene and also treat the area of ​​rough skin with a washcloth.


  • Shaving frequently. This often happens when the method of hair removal is chosen using a razor. When using a razor, it is very easy to damage not only the skin, but also the hairs on the skin. When damaged, microbes can easily penetrate into the epidermis, which causes the inflammatory process to begin, resulting in a rash of pimples. Due to frequent depilation, hairs become quite thin. This is, of course, an advantage, but still such hair cannot grow outward and grows into the skin. Ingrown hairs also contribute to inevitable inflammatory processes.
  • Synthetic underwear. Today in lingerie stores you can see a large assortment, which, unfortunately, is offered from non-breathable fabric called synthetics. Synthetic underwear is the first reason why inflammatory processes. Due to synthetic fabric, the skin begins to sweat, thereby creating a favorable environment for the development of bacteria.
  • Hypothermia of the body. In such situations, the immune system is compromised. After all, first of all, the level of immunity decreases, which subsequently causes bacterial activity, accompanied by the formation of pimples.
  • Venereal and infectious diseases. When diagnosing diseases of an infectious nature, as well as sexually transmitted diseases, processes of inflammation and the appearance of pimples may develop.

Subcutaneous pimples on the labia

Subcutaneous acne is another type of rash that often worries women. Being under the skin, such pimples accumulate a large number of pus, they are dense.

When you press on the place where the pimple has formed under the skin, you may feel pain.

This type of pimple can be identified by compaction in the skin.

Many people try to get rid of this type of acne on their own. This is not worth doing.

Firstly, it is very easy to introduce an infection into an already inflammatory process with your hands. Secondly, it will not be possible to completely remove such a pimple.

It is best to leave the pimple and not touch it yourself. After all, this is also dangerous because this type of pimple can develop into a boil, the removal of which cannot be done without medical intervention. If such a pimple bothers you for a long time and the exacerbation does not go away on its own, it is better to consult a doctor.

Often, women confuse red pimples and rashes. If a rash appears on the skin, then it does not pose a threat. A red rash can occur due to hormonal changes, as well as during pregnancy, as well as during puberty and.

If red pimples form, this can cause stressful situations. Such rashes, as a rule, go away on their own and do not pose any harm to a woman’s health.


Due to a cold, acne may also break out. This is due to a reduced level of the immune system. Such rashes do not pose any threat and will disappear on their own as soon as the body returns to its normal state and the level of immunity is restored.


Watery pimples often occur in women. Many patients do not attach importance to rashes, but in vain. After all, watery-looking pimples can cause genital herpes.

Genital herpes is transmitted from a sexual partner. During the treatment period, you should abstain from sexual intercourse. Moreover, diagnosis is necessary, as well as consultation with a doctor.



The downside of most drugs is side effects. Often medications cause severe intoxication, subsequently causing complications in the kidneys and liver. To prevent the side effects of such drugs, we want to pay attention to special phytotampons.

  • Transitional age. During puberty, every girl faces the problem of pimples. Pimples can appear not only on the face, but also on the genitals. There is an explanation for everything - puberty. Due to hormonal changes, pimples appear in the body. The most important thing is not to remove the rash yourself. This can make the condition worse.
  • Inflammation. Inflammatory processes are also one of the reasons why pimples appear. The thing is that inflammatory processes manifest themselves quite simply and easily. Inflammations can be due to lack of hygiene, synthetic underwear, excessive sweating, as well as stressful situations and a lowered immune system.
  • Uncomfortable underwear. Uncomfortable underwear means wearing synthetic underwear. Due to the non-breathable material of the underwear, the skin under the underwear begins to sweat. In this case, favorable conditions are created for the development of bacteria, which subsequently cause inflammatory processes and the eruption of pimples. It is recommended that women choose cotton underwear.
  • Lack of hygiene. Failure to comply with hygiene rules also leads to the appearance of rashes and pimples. To avoid such problems, it is recommended to wash your face twice a day – morning and evening. It is also necessary to select and exclude laundry soap.
  • STD. This type of rash is the most dangerous of all existing ones. As a rule, with STDs, they may also appear. In case of such diseases, you must immediately consult a doctor for diagnosis and complete and effective treatment. With such diseases, pimples appear multiple times and contain water. The big disadvantage of these diseases is their instant spread throughout the genitals.
  • . Papillomas, like condylomas, can begin to spread throughout the entire genital organ. Papillomas look the same as pimples. It is also better to diagnose such rashes by a doctor and achieve effective treatment.

When should you see a doctor?

It is necessary to consult a doctor when acne does not go away for a long time and causes severe pain, it can itch and itch. They should be treated immediately.

If you become ill, you need to urgently get tested and undergo appropriate diagnostics. In such cases, you cannot do without the help of a doctor. The formations are somewhat similar to pimples, but have different contents. They resemble small warts, as well as watery blisters, which instantly and multiply spread throughout the genital organ.

Stories from our readers!
“The gynecologist advised me to take natural remedies. We settled on one drug - which helped cope with hot flashes. It’s such a nightmare that sometimes you don’t even want to leave the house for work, but you have to... Once I started taking it, it became much easier, you can even feel it that some kind of internal energy appeared. And I even wanted to have a sexual relationship with my husband again, otherwise it was all without much desire.”


  1. If the rash does not pose a threat to the woman’s health, most often doctors prescribe hygiene rules (twice a day), as well as treating the skin with antiseptic drugs.
  2. If the rash is the cause of an infectious or sexually transmitted disease, the doctor prescribes individual comprehensive treatment depending on what disease was diagnosed and its severity. Treatment is prescribed with drugs that have active substances. This is prescribed when infectious or sexually transmitted diseases are detected. In such cases, an integrated approach is used with the addition of a complex of vitamins. Treatments such as using an antiseptic and observing basic hygiene rules are often avoided.

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A lump on a woman’s labia should not be ignored. It can be any size, painful or not. Most often located under the skin. There are many causes of tumors, among them the most dangerous is oncology. To find out for sure, a detailed diagnosis is needed.

Reasons for the appearance of compaction

A dense formation on the genitals signals pathologies such as:

  • Hormonal changes. If the bumps disappear and then appear again, this is due to menstruation. This appearance is caused by an increase in hormones. The sebaceous gland becomes large and can be felt in the perineum. There is often a feeling of tension in the genital area. Hormonal balance is restored, the compaction goes away.

To prevent fungus from forming, it is important to maintain hygiene, use an antiseptic, and wear natural, loose-fitting underwear. At the end of the cycle, alcohol and sweets are not recommended.

  • If (condyloma) is present, we can talk about the human papillomavirus. These elements are eliminated using hardware. It is important to understand that if warts are damaged, they pose a danger to both the woman and her partner. Certain types of condylomas are malignant, often causing the development of cervical cancer.
  • If a woman has had a small nodule for a long time, and there are no external signs or unpleasant symptoms, then this may be an abnormal development of the labia. The pathology is congenital and not dangerous.

Provoking pathologies

On the genitals, a dense formation sometimes signals a benign tumor or cancer.

  • Fibroma. A hard knot in the deep layer of the vagina. It also happens inside the labia. It arises from connective tissues, feels hard or soft to the touch, smooth, with an oval contour. The treatment is surgical, rehabilitation is not difficult, the prognosis is good.
  • Myoma. A tumor with an elastic surface, mobile. Formed between the labia majora. To eliminate it, a surgical method is used.
  • Fibroids. A harmless tumor that has all the manifestations of the above types.
  • Lipoma. Internal. It is located near the vagina and stands on a dense stem. Rotating, soft, located in the middle of the capsule. Pathology can contribute to the development of bleeding, infections, edema, and necrosis. For this reason, it needs to be excised.
  • Myxoma. Formed from rudiments muscle tissue. Localization – pubis, vulva. It is observed in women in old age. To be deleted.
  • Hidradenoma. A hardened ball on the labia minora, which arose against the background of high activity of the glands responsible for sweating. The nodules are multiple, oval or flat. Color yellow, pink, brown.
  • Oncology. Lump under the labia, vagina. Accompanied by purulent discharge, smelly mucus, bleeding. If you consult a doctor in a timely manner, the prognosis cannot be predicted.
  • Hemangioma. Congenital pathology of mucous tissue. This is a blue or red spot that is slightly raised above the skin. When it grows, it tends to spread to the uterus and vagina. Radiation therapy is used.
  • Lymphangioma. Formed from . Dense tubercles merge with each other, slowly enlarge, and are prone to inflammation. The treatment is carried out by a surgeon.

Attention! If any formation in the perineum does not disappear for a couple of days, grows, or hurts, it is recommended to urgently consult a gynecologist.

Bartholin gland

A common trigger for the development of cones is the Bartholin gland. It is located in front of the vagina in the subcutaneous tissue of the labia majora. Her job is to synthesize the secretion released from the vagina that occurs before intimacy. If the excretory duct is blocked, the development of neoplasms in the form of a ball begins.

A similar pathology occurs in women who do not keep their genitals clean. The specificity of the disease is that symptoms may not appear for a certain time. After the onset of inflammation (7-14 days), a formation appears on the inside of the labia majora. The ball on the labia causes pain. They swell, itching and pain appear. In advanced cases there will be suppuration.

Bartholinitis does not require special therapy, but in the absence of treatment, relapses occur. Subsequently, the pathology develops into a cyst, and surgical intervention is prescribed. If, with bartholinitis, the subcutaneous tubercle festers, your health worsens, your temperature rises, and there is pain during sex, this is a serious reason to seek help.

Bartholinitis during pregnancy provokes a miscarriage.

Meaning of seals

  • Lump on the labia majora. Causes discomfort when moving. Occurs when wearing tight clothes. It is provoked by bartholinitis or poor hygiene.
  • Lump on a small part of the vulva. Often occur when wearing thongs of the wrong size. The remaining reasons are similar to the above meaning.
  • Painless lump. In some cases, the formation does not cause discomfort and is discovered by chance. This happens when the sebaceous glands are blocked, condylomas, or congenital pathologies.
  • Painful nodule on the genitals. They develop against the background of bartholinitis, accompanied by severe pain. It will not be possible to avoid the sensations, since the tubercle is located in a vulnerable area. The seals are injured by clothing or when walking. If the problem is ignored, suppuration occurs.


Homeopathic medicines help avoid surgical intervention. They should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor. If a woman is indicated for surgery, there is no point in taking such medications; they pose a health hazard.

  • Belladonna. Prescribed against the background of purulent mucus, severe redness of the genitals, swollen lips, and bartholinitis;
  • Hepar sulphur. Relieves abscesses and prevents purulent inflammation from spreading throughout the vaginal lining. Prescribed for herpes (white, small, pimples under the lip);
  • Mercurius solubilis. Helps with bartholinitis, ulcers, fever, enlarged lymph nodes, suppuration;
  • Silicea. It is needed if there is a slow abscess, with fistulas and chronic pathologies.

The action of drugs affects the deep layers of the genital organs. Their peculiarity lies in working with a whole bunch of diseases, including dense nodules that have appeared in the perineum. Homeopathy is used as complementary therapy.

If a woman is diagnosed with bartholinitis, the doctor prescribes medications strictly according to indications. In case of an outbreak of an acute form of the disease, a hospital is needed (bed rest is mandatory, painkillers, antibiotics). The course of treatment is no more than 10 days.


Bartholinitis can be detected by yourself. Swelling is observed near the vulva. Under the skin of the formation, a ball on the labia similar to a bean is felt. The tumor is red and later turns blue. If you touch the nodule, you feel heat. The woman's temperature is also rising. Weakness and lethargy cannot be ruled out. Against this background, when the lump is pressed, acute pain appears.

If you do not seek help, the dense tubercle will open on its own. At this point, the disease does not go away, but moves to the chronic stage. If you ignore therapy, bartholinitis turns into a cyst. A doctor is already needed here. He will take a smear, conduct a study, and prescribe the necessary treatment.


Women tend to put off going to the gynecologist, even if there is a serious reason. Some cases require immediate attention to the clinic, so as not to suffer from pain when walking or intimate intimacy.

The genitals require special care, more delicate and thorough than the rest of the body. Any changes cause pain and discomfort, since the mucous membrane is much more delicate than the skin.

The appearance of a lump can be a symptom of a serious pathology that requires immediate intervention, or indicate disturbances in the functioning of the body.

The appearance of such a symptom should not be ignored; it is necessary to promptly identify the cause and take measures to get rid of the disease.

Causes of lumps on the labia

Occurrences lumps on the labia occurs when the Bartholin gland is blocked, resulting in.

The disease occurs only in sexually mature females in whom this gland is fully developed. There are many reasons that can cause the disease. It is important to promptly identify the pathogen and prevent the situation from worsening.

Household reasons for the appearance of a lump

The lump may be the result of poor hygiene or other household reasons. In the absence of disease, it can occur due to reduced immunity and in the following situations:

  • using someone else's towel, rarely changing underwear;
  • insufficiently frequent and thorough care of the intimate area using special products;
  • wearing tight underwear, synthetic clothing, “thongs”;

In these cases, inflammation of the gland occurs due to decreased immunity or the ingress of microorganisms, which causes a lump to appear on the labia. Ignoring symptoms can only aggravate the situation, so it is necessary to eliminate possible everyday causes of its occurrence.

The influence of sexual activity on the appearance of a lump

Sexual activity can also cause a lump on the labia. The gland can become inflamed under the influence of the following factors:

  • , promiscuity in sexual relations.
  • frequent sexual intercourse without the use of additional lubricant (if there is insufficient lubricant);
  • which was transmitted through sexual intercourse;
  • oral sex without observing the partner’s personal hygiene rules.

Normal sexual intercourse cannot cause disease if hygiene rules are followed and there is confidence in the health of the partner. Lack of lubrication in rare cases causes a lump on the lip, as this must be preceded by serious discomfort during sexual intercourse.

Lump as a result of hair removal and other hair removal options

After unsuccessful hair removal, you can also get a lump in the intimate area. This occurs especially often during hair removal, and less often during shaving. When using a razor, the cause may be inaccurate shaving, leading to tissue injury. An infection or other microorganisms may enter the damaged area, causing inflammation and suppuration, blockage of the canal and the appearance of a lump. It is not difficult to avoid this - it is important to immediately treat the damaged area with hydrogen peroxide and avoid getting dirt.

When epilating, the likelihood of bartonylitis occurring is much higher. It appears because the hairs are pulled out from the root and against the growth. In the future, new ones, causing blockage of the canal. The hair follicle begins to become inflamed and pus forms under the skin, causing a painful lump to appear. To prevent this situation, cosmetologists recommend using a scrub during hair regrowth after hair removal.

Diseases and infections dangerous to overall health

Bartonilite is usually divided into two types:

  • acute form, in which there is severe pain and increased body temperature;
  • a chronic form in which pronounced symptoms are replaced by a sluggish course of the disease.

Bartonilitis includes several types of diseases, each of which is characterized by certain symptoms. Depending on the severity, there are three types of bumps on the lip:

  1. Canaliculitis. In this situation, there is practically no pain, and the canal is not blocked and is able to remove secretions. The excretory duct of the gland is inflamed, causing a lump to appear.
  2. A false abscess is characterized by inflammation of the canal and the accumulation of a large amount of pus. Pain and discomfort appear, while the tissues remain intact.
  3. – the most severe form, in which the gland tissue becomes inflamed. In this case, the pain prevents you from moving, constantly reminds you of itself through pulsation, and the lump in this case must be opened surgically in a hospital setting.

It is impossible to independently determine the stage of the disease; only in the case of a true abscess is it difficult to confuse the disease with other variants. The disease can be caused by many other diseases, including:

  • infectious diseases;
  • staphylococcus, streptococcus, and other microorganisms and bacteria;
  • autoimmune disorders;

To get rid of a lump, you will need to not only open it and remove the pus, but also cure the disease that caused the disease.

When should you not worry about a lump?

When bumps on lip Due to careless shaving or hair removal, it is not necessary to see a doctor. You can solve the problem yourself, but it is better to consult a cosmetologist.

To get rid of a lump, it is necessary to thoroughly disinfect the surface of the mucous membrane and open the abscess, removing ingrown hair and pus. After this, you will have to carefully monitor the injured area for several days, constantly maintaining cleanliness and sterility.

Blockage of the sebaceous gland and the appearance of a lump also often does not require treatment, but it is still worth identifying the cause of the lump. Often such formations go away on their own, but if pain and discomfort appears when walking, you should not hope for no consequences; the symptom requires treatment.

How to determine the cause of the disease?

To determine the cause of the disease, which during an external examination will establish a presumptive diagnosis. It is necessary to identify the exact cause by completing the following studies:

  • vaginal smear for infectious diseases;
  • donate blood to detect sexually transmitted diseases.

These studies are often enough to accurately determine the cause and prescribe treatment that will help quickly get rid of the formation. If the lump is a wen or papilloma, the doctor will determine this without tests, giving recommendations on how to eliminate the problem.

Video about inflammation of the Bartholin glands

Is it possible to continue intimate relationships with such a symptom?

Intimate relationships with bartonylitis are very specific, since sexual intercourse causes severe discomfort and even pain.

In acute stages of the disease, it is possible that the abscess may open during sexual intercourse, which will cause the contents of the lump to enter the internal organs.

Wen and lumps caused by inaccurate hair removal cannot interfere with intimate life; there are no prohibitions in this case.

Types and methods of treating cones

Treatment depends on the stage of the disease and its severity. At acute stage treatment necessarily includes taking antibiotics or their intramuscular administration to prevent the development of complications. In addition, on initial stage diseases, the following procedures are recommended:

  • applications to the site of the bump with antiseptics;
  • sitz baths with a solution of potassium permanganate;
  • applications with Levomekol or.

In addition, it is necessary to take medications or vitamins to increase immunity, since the frequency of relapses depends on it. If necessary, painkillers are prescribed for oral or local use. Also necessary are drugs to restore the vaginal microflora, which are used topically in the form of suppositories or capsules.

Seeing a doctor at the abscess stage involves surgery to remove the lump.

The operation is performed under anesthesia and involves opening the abscess, removing all the contents and rinsing with an antibiotic solution. After the operation, complete rest is required, as well as constant stay at a comfortable temperature. In particular severe cases the lump is removed along with the gland to stop the process of tissue infection.

Consequences of missing treatment

At the initial stage, bartonilitis can be easily cured without medical intervention, using available remedies at home. If there is no treatment, the disease will not go away on its own. The abscess will grow, the inflammation will intensify, and eventually you will have to resort to surgery.

Not treating the lump will not work at all - over time the situation will worsen, causing serious discomfort, pain and making it difficult to move. The disease is especially dangerous during the period of bearing a child, when spontaneous opening of an abscess can infect the fetus and cause premature birth or termination of pregnancy.

In especially severe cases, the lack of therapy and the necessary surgical intervention can cause blood poisoning, threatening the woman’s life.

Preventing the appearance of bumps on the labia

Every woman can prevent the appearance of unpleasant symptoms by simply following simple rules.

There are 5 main ways to avoid illness:

  1. Carefully monitor personal hygiene and the quality of underwear. Regular showering with special intimate hygiene products and wearing cotton underwear that does not put pressure on the genitals can prevent the disease.
  2. Careful selection of a sexual partner, avoidance of promiscuity and compliance with the rules of contraception and hygiene.
  3. Regular visits to the gynecologist for examination and taking a smear from the vagina to ensure normal microflora.
  4. Annual blood donation for sexually transmitted diseases and timely treatment of identified ailments.
  5. Using home treatments at the first sign of a lump on the lip.
  6. and keeping the problem area clean and dry.

The most important thing is to maintain a high level of immunity. Compliance with all the rules will allow you not to encounter unpleasant signs of the disease in the form of lumps and ensure the health of the genital organs.

VIDEO Lump on the labia: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Every woman should pay attention to new formations on the genitals. The sudden appearance of a ball on the labia deserves special attention, due to the fact that this phenomenon may be a sign of a serious illness.

Ball on the labia: probable causes and methods of treatment

Even in cases where a lump in the labia does not cause a woman any discomfort, it should not be ignored. Usually this pathology requires the intervention of a doctor.

Possible causes of lumps on the labia

So-called bumps or balls can appear on both the labia minora and labia majora. They are a round-shaped compaction located under the skin or directly in the thickness of the tissue. It is very important to establish the reasons for the formation of such formations, since this is the decisive factor in prescribing treatment.

The main parameters used for diagnosis are the size, location, pain and mobility of the formation.

In some cases, to establish an accurate diagnosis, it may be necessary to conduct a histological analysis of tumor tissue samples.

An unwanted ball that forms in the labia is formed for the following reasons:

  1. As a result of blockage of the sebaceous gland, and its subsequent inflammation.
  2. The lump may be an inflamed hair follicle.
  3. With the development of pathologies of the Bartholin gland.
  4. In case of infection of the body with pathogenic organisms (this list also includes sexually transmitted infections).
  5. The lump may be a tumor.
  6. In isolated cases, a lump on the labia turns out to be a congenital pathology.

Inflammation of the hair follicles or sebaceous gland

Inflammatory processes in the sebaceous glands occur, most often, due to insufficient hygiene of the genital organs. Hair follicles in most cases become inflamed for the same reason. As a result, ideal conditions are created for the development of pathogenic bacteria.

Another risk factor is epilation of the bikini area, since inflammation often occurs at the site of ingrown hairs.

However, blockage of the sebaceous ducts can also occur for other reasons, for example, due to hormonal imbalance.

Treatment of seals on the labia in all these cases, as a rule, requires external treatment. The affected areas are treated with antiseptic agents. In particularly severe cases, surgery may be necessary.

Pathologies of the Bartholin gland

The Bartholin gland performs the function of moisturizing the labia minora. It is located at the entrance of the vagina, under the layer of skin, in the lower area of ​​the labia majora. The lubricant produced by the gland is delivered to the inside of the labia minora through a special long excretory canal.

Doctors call inflammation of the Bartholin gland – bartholinitis. Inflammation occurs as a result of penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the gland. The causes of infection and the formation of lumps on the labia minora and labia majora can be:

  • hormonal imbalances;
  • decreased immunity;
  • tissue damage or injury (for example, from wearing low-quality synthetic underwear);
  • infectious diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • ignoring intimate hygiene standards.

The ball formed from inflammation of the Bartholin gland can increase in size. Sometimes it can reach significant volumes. A woman usually feels pain when walking, as well as during sexual intercourse with a partner. The process is accompanied by a noticeable deterioration in general health, increased temperature, and sometimes purulent discharge.

Another common disease of the Bartholin gland is a cyst. This pathology occurs as a result of the formation of obstruction of the excretory duct. Blockage can occur due to a narrowing of the duct, infection, or excess secretion. As a result of this pathology, the fluid produced by the gland is not removed outside, but accumulates in the cavity of the gland or the canal itself. As a result, a bump appears on both small and large lips. Cystic formations, in most cases, do not cause pain in a woman, and sometimes resolve on their own. However, there is a possibility of complications. In particular, when a cyst becomes infected, purulent inflammation may begin to develop.

Treatment of pathologies of the Bartholin gland can be carried out using conservative therapy, which includes the mandatory use of antibiotics to eliminate pathogenic microorganisms. At the same time, you can carry out maintenance treatment aimed at overall strengthening of the body using folk remedies. In some cases, it becomes necessary to undergo surgery to remove contents from the ducts and capsule of the gland.

In severe recurrent forms of bartholinitis, it may be necessary to remove the gland, as well as the ducts extending from it.

Types of tumors

Most often, benign tumors are detected on external organs. They are formed as a result of abnormal division of tissue cells. However, sometimes malignant formations also occur. The ball inside the labia can be:

  1. Lipoma. It is one or more nodes formed from adipose tissue. It tends to grow quickly. Lipoma is dangerous due to possible complications. It can even provoke tissue necrosis. It is removed surgically. You can learn about ways to diagnose lipomas.
  2. Fibroma. The formation consists of muscle tissue. It occurs more often on large lips. Treated by surgical removal.
  3. Hidradenoma. This type of tumor is rare. It is dangerous because it can degenerate into a malignant formation.
  4. Vulvar cancer. These are malignant formations. The main difference from benign ones is that they can fester and bleed.

Measures to prevent the appearance of neoplasms

The most important thing a woman should do to prevent various types of formations from appearing on her labia is to carefully and properly care for her genitals. In the vast majority of cases, abnormal processes occur precisely because of poor hygiene.

It is advisable that a woman wear underwear and clothes that are not only beautiful, but also comfortable and of high quality. This is important for maintaining normal temperature and humidity conditions in intimate areas.

The best conditions for creating comfort in intimate areas can only be created by underwear made from natural materials.

A mobile, active lifestyle also helps maintain the health of the genital organs and the entire body as a whole. Indeed, in this case there is no congestion in the pelvis.

A woman should be extremely attentive to the health of her genital organs: observe the rules of hygiene and be sure to undergo regular gynecological examinations with a doctor. In this case, any unwanted formations on the labia can be detected in the early stages, and treatment can begin immediately.

You can learn more about bartholinitis, Bartholin gland cyst, as well as new methods of treating these diseases, from the video.

Round formations on the female genital organs can become a serious problem for the carrier. Be sure to consult a doctor as soon as necessary.

Wen is an unpleasant problem that, unfortunately, a large number of people face in the course of their lives.

Depending on the location of this benign neoplasm, it causes its “owner” a lot of trouble and inconvenience. This is especially true when a lipoma (scientific name for a wen) appears in the intimate area, in particular on the labia.

The main reason why wen can develop is poor activity of the sebaceous glands, which is a consequence of their blockage. If we talk specifically about lipoma of the labia, in addition to this, the main factors provoking the pathology may be:

  • obesity– excess weight is associated with a large amount of fat, which is looser in composition, and the glandular ducts become clogged much faster, provoking the development of an anomaly;
  • poor hygiene– irregular care of the intimate area creates favorable conditions for the development of pathogenic microorganisms that are food for atypical benign lipoma cells;
  • hormonal disbalance– any violations of this kind lead to dysfunction of the sebaceous and sweat glands;
  • mechanical damage and trauma to the soft tissue of the labia, in the process of incorrectly performed depilation;
  • tight underwear, the constant wear of which causes friction and disruption of the integrity of the surface tissues of the organ, damaging their structural content.


Symptoms of the pathology in the labia area are extremely scarce and practically not expressed, especially in the initial stages of the disease. As it progresses, the following signs may appear:

  • swelling in the affected area– it is caused by internal subcutaneous accumulations of lipoma contents;
  • visible redness in the area of ​​​​the borders of the neoplasm– occurs against the background of internal inflammation of the soft tissues surrounding the wen;
  • soreness– does not appear immediately. As the pathology grows and constant friction against underwear, the surface tissues of the epithelium become thinner and mechanical impact, as well as contact with them, can cause pain of varying intensity. If the pain becomes more pronounced over time, there is a suspicion that the tumor has become malignant.


Lipoma of the labia itself does not pose a serious threat to the health, much less the life of a woman. The main trouble is mechanical and aesthetic discomfort.

However, the problem should not be neglected at all. Since the place where the pathology develops is quite easily injured, the neoplasm can be accidentally damaged.

And since its internal component is an excellent nutritious pathogenic sphere, microbes and bacteria, having penetrated the internal capsular cavity, can provoke an inflammatory process in the tumor itself and cause the formation of purulent masses there.

At a certain moment, the secretion, unable to withstand the pressure of the capsule increasing in size, will inevitably rupture, and all the contents will spread into the subcutaneous soft layers. This will lead to an abscess of the surrounding tissue fragments.

There is another direct threat that such a seemingly insignificant disease can lead to dire consequences - this is an attempt to eliminate the problem on your own by trying to open the wen and squeeze out its secretion.

Doing this is strictly prohibited - very often such actions lead to malignancy of tissue, microscopic fragments of which will still remain inside the capsule cavity.

After such a “barbaric” impact, they begin to divide chaotically and turn cancerous, and these processes often occur quite rapidly. The abnormal cells invade neighboring cells, and the tumor rapidly increases in size.


Diagnosing lipoma of the labia is not difficult. Very often, a woman independently notices the appearance of an abnormal formation and seeks advice from a clinic.

In a medical institution, the main methods to identify the disease and obtain a complete clinical picture are:

  • gynecologist examination– during a routine examination, or when a patient contacts her with suspicions, the doctor, by visual examination of the labia area, is most likely able to diagnose this disease. To confirm the final diagnosis or refute it, the woman can be additionally examined by other specialists;
  • consultation with a specialized surgeonthis procedure is considered almost mandatory, since surgical removal of the lipoma still remains the priority solution to the problem. The surgeon will determine whether such a radical intervention is necessary in this particular case, or whether it is enough to simply observe the anomaly for a while;
  • histological analysis– a mandatory manipulation to ensure the safety of the neoplasm, eliminating the risk of its malignancy. In addition, such a study will allow the most accurate classification of lipoma by type, which is very important for determining the optimal method of treating it.

In situations where the pathology is too small, a consultation with a dermatovenerologist may be required, since the diagnoses of this group of diseases have similar external symptoms, especially in the initial stages of compaction formation.


The method of treating lipoma of the labia is selected based on the clinical picture of the process, the size and content of the capsular secretion.

If the compaction remains in a state of latency for quite a long time, does not increase in diameter, remaining within a few mm, and the internal filling of the capsule is not associated with aggravating factors, therapy may be more gentle, and surgical intervention will not be required.

There is no talk of removal even in cases where there are no inflammatory manifestations and no purulent inclusions in the secretion.

Most often, the following methods are used in the treatment of the disease:

    drug therapy– this method can, if not eliminate it completely, then significantly reduce the size of the formation by introducing special medicinal compounds subcutaneously into the affected area of ​​the labia. It is used infrequently, since the technique is associated with the risk of partial resorption of the pathology, which can cause additional problems.

    Drugs with this spectrum of action include: Vitaon, Ichthyol, Balsamic Liniment, Heparin. There are also a number of products available in the form of ointments, however, this treatment option for this form of diagnosis is considered to be very doubtful and ineffective;

    enucleation of lipoma– the most common manipulation. It is carried out by surgical excision of the compaction, exfoliation of the capsule located in the internal soft layers, followed by sanitation of the affected area and the site of the wound to prevent its infection.

    The area of ​​remote pathology is generously treated with antiseptic and antibacterial drugs. To consolidate the result, a course of antibiotics is indicated;

    removal of the tumor with the capture of healthy tissue fragments– is carried out in cases where the anomaly has a lobular structure, is associated with complicated forms, and is multiple in nature.

    If the pathology develops rapidly, increases in diameter, and if there is a risk of transition to a malignant neoplasm, amputation of not only the capsule itself, but also the adjacent fragments of healthy tissue bordering on it is indicated.

    This will minimize the likelihood of complications and repeated relapses. The operation is performed using standard methods under local or general anesthesia;

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