Traditions, signs and customs for the New Year. How to celebrate? Traditions, signs and customs for the New Year Signs and superstitions for the year of the Yellow Earth Dog

Celebrating the New Year is an exciting event every time, filled with magic and positive emotions. In order for the next year to be favorable and bring many positive moments, you need to meet it correctly. The symbol of the coming year has its own character and certain preferences. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare and know everything in advance about the New Year of the Yellow Earth Dog 2018: how to celebrate, what to cook, in what setting it is best to celebrate.

Features of the 2018 symbol

2018 is the year of the Yellow Earth Dog. After two fiery and active signs comes the kind and reliable Dog. This is a sign of earth and stability. Earth signs do not like passions and haste. The Year of the Dog should bring peace and balance, it will exchange fleeting hobbies for serious relationships, hasty decisions will be replaced by well-thought-out actions.
Like any sign, the Dog loves to be met and expected, and if you want to attract the attention of this sign, you should be well prepared to meet him. Despite all the stability and down-to-earthness, the character of this year will not be very simple. The symbol is friendly, but it loves the persistent and diligent; it will not help those who are waiting for manna from heaven. A Dog’s good attitude must be earned through perseverance and perseverance. It will help those who confidently move towards it achieve their goals. Earth symbols do not like lazy people, and in 2018 laziness is the main problem that can get in your way and prevent you from achieving your goals.

Speaking about the Year of the Yellow Dog, it is worth noting its main features:

  • The most faithful and attached sign. He can be devoted to a person, a word, a dream or a desire. He will never betray and always moves along a predetermined path.
  • A wonderful and open conversationalist. He does not like to be alone, he is always looking for an interlocutor and an assistant, he loves big companies, but at the same time he always remains faithful to his best friend.
  • He will never leave someone he treats well in trouble.
  • Faithful and devoted, if the Dog has chosen his path, he will stick to it all his life.

When preparing to celebrate the Year of the Yellow Earth Dog, you should decide on your goals, desires and plans for this year; it will help such people achieve what they want and make your dream come true.

What colors does the Dog prefer?

Like other signs, the Dog has its own preferences regarding color design. All earth signs prefer yellow and warm shades. Therefore, 2018 should be filled with warm shades from light pale yellow to rich brown. All shades of yellow are appropriate, as well as gold, orange, khaki, mustard, saffron, cream, sand, coffee, brown.

These colors should be present in the overall interior design, in your clothing and jewelry. Warm shades will not only help you win the favor of the mistress of the year, but will also add more comfort to your home.

What to wear to celebrate New Year 2018

As we are already accustomed to, according to tradition, the New Year should be celebrated in the favorite color of the main symbol, and 2018 will be no exception. Clothes for the 2018 meeting can be of any warm shade. Preference is given to yellow, brown, all shades of gold and bronze. A brighter orange or a calmer beige would also work well.

Jewelry is best used from precious metals, not very large in size. The warm and noble type of gold is most suitable; in 2018 it will bring you good luck and prosperity.
But do not forget that this animal loves modesty and moderation, so it is not recommended to use massive jewelry and too shocking outfits. Give preference to classics and elegance, modesty.

Special attention should be paid to hair and makeup. Brown shades of eye shadow, beige, cream, and powdery colors go well with warm tones in clothes. The symbol of 2018 will definitely like such gentle images. But do not forget that the most beautiful image is the one that suits you directly.
If you have chosen a classic look, then you should stick to it in everything, and your hairstyle is no exception. There is no need to use bright and shiny varnishes or massive hairpins. Everything should be discreet and neat. Beautiful, neatly styled curls will look just wonderful. It is also worth noting that preference in the new year will be given to naturalness, and hair color is no exception. A beautiful natural hair shade will add special elegance to your look.

Home decoration for the New Year

As a pet, the Dog loves its home very much and wants it to be given enough attention.
When decorating your home for the New Year, it is better to adhere to an eco-style, use natural materials and calm colors. When decorating your home, use soft beige, cream tones, shades of yellow, gold and wood. You can revive and bring coziness to the interior by using natural fabrics for curtains, bedspreads, and tablecloths. Yellow color is perfect.

When decorating a table, it is better to use compositions made from natural materials: a citrus basket, compositions of pine cones and fir branches, beautifully placed candles will add coziness and warmth to the festive table.

Be sure to decorate the windows. Homemade snowflakes cut out of paper or a beautiful picture drawn with artificial snow are great for this.
When decorating your home, give preference to golden shades and do not use bright colors, as excess brightness can anger the hostess of the coming year.
Before you celebrate the 2018 Year of the Dog, make sure that you have prepared yourself well for it and decorated your home.

What to serve for the holiday table

Pay special attention to the New Year's table; festive dishes should become not only a treat, but also a table decoration. In order to appease the Dog, you need to choose dishes in accordance with its taste preferences. On New Year's Eve, there must be meat and poultry dishes on the table; meat on the bone is especially suitable: pork ribs, knuckle, ham. You can serve cold cuts, boiled pork, balyki, and meat rolls. It is better to combine such dishes with simple vegetable salads and potatoes, since the Dog does not need any special delights.

Vegetables and fruits of yellow and orange colors are perfect for the holiday table and will delight the Dog. It is necessary to be moderate in the consumption of alcoholic beverages. The Dog does not like drunk people.

What to give for the New Year of the Dog

Gifts are an indispensable attribute of the New Year. A puppy will be a good and symbolic gift this year, but, of course, only for those who are ready for such a gift. For everyone else, you can give a soft toy in the shape of a dog, cute household items with this animal.
Of course, when choosing a gift, you need to focus on the preferences and tastes of the recipient. But a cute souvenir in the shape of a dog, as an addition to the main gift or a small surprise for guests, will definitely please the recipient and become a talisman for the coming year.

Signs for success in the New Year 2018

The first thing you should not forget: The dog loves to eat meat, so it must be on the table and preferably on the bone. The table should be decorated in yellow and orange tones.
You can place a figurine in the shape of a Dog on the table. This could be a soft toy or a figurine.
You need to celebrate the holiday in a new outfit and be sure to have money with you, this will attract good luck and prosperity in the coming year.

When wondering: how to celebrate the New Year of the Dog 2018, remember that it is best to celebrate the holiday in a close family circle or with close friends, in a cozy home environment, because the Dog values ​​the hearth and his family so much.
A dog loves warmth and comfort; if your home is filled with goodness when celebrating the New Year, its symbol will bring you many positive moments.

One of the most long-awaited and exciting events in the life of every person is considered to be the celebration of a fabulous holiday - the New Year. It is probably no secret to anyone that an invariable attribute of such an event is the corresponding mood. For the holiday to be bright and unforgettable, this very mood must be high, and even the most inveterate skeptic starts dancing, forgetting about all his problems for one night.

On New Year's Eve, you not only need to worry about proper preparation for the upcoming festive night, but also not forget about the totem animal of this time. Next year, the world will be ruled by the Dog - a symbol of friendliness, peace and family values. So how to properly celebrate the year of the Yellow Earth Dog 2018, so that from its first days it becomes happy, successful and prosperous in all directions? Let's figure it out.

Feature of the year

Probably each of us has heard the phrase many times that a dog is a man’s friend. Fortunately, the symbol of next year really is the embodiment of loyalty, devotion to people and one’s own ideas, kindness and true nobility. This means that the entire year, which is patronized by the Dog, will pass under the guidance of good intentions, good deeds, universal peace and the restoration of justice. It will be hard not to feel the influence of this sign on your own life: get ready to reconcile with old enemies, get closer to relatives, improve relationships with the opposite sex and be surrounded by true friends. Do you know what this means? The world will be overflowing with happy people and the planet will drown in positive emotions!

In addition to such a bright prospect, the Dog directs efforts to restore equality between the warring parties. There is hope that at least such influence will help the leaders of some countries think about their own people, and hear people’s pleas for a normal life for everyone. It's time to take care of human rights. Judging by these characteristics, there is a possibility that the collapse of despotic regimes will soon begin, the usual tyrants will be overthrown, and life on earth will truly become better and calmer.

It is also considered important that the Year of the Dog will be favorable for the ecological sphere of the planet. A huge number of people realize the importance of their influence on the development of the universal home, therefore caring for the environment will be held in high esteem. Next year's mission is to bring justice to every corner of the Earth.

One more note - the influence of the Dog will have a very favorable effect on the personal life of any person, therefore the period of reign of this totem animal promises to be accompanied by happiness and joy. Most people will begin to feel love and closeness to their partners much more strongly than before.

Home decoration

The turn of 2018 will soon come and it is still unclear how to celebrate it so that it will be successful? Sometimes it’s enough just to properly decorate your own home and the immediate place of the festive feast.

Since the Dog does not accept pretentiousness, excessive pomp and boasting, when decorating your home you should bring peace and tranquility to it. For such purposes, it is good to hang a wreath of Christmas tree branches and pine cones, with a woven red ribbon, on the front door. A very original solution is to glue real small tangerines onto such a wreath so that the whole year passes in prosperity and joy.

Figures of the patroness of the coming 12 months - the Yellow Dog - should be placed on shelves, window sills and any horizontal surfaces. It is very good if such toys are made in brown, beige or sand tones.

It’s a good idea to use angels for decorative purposes, the figures of which can be hung above the front door, on a chandelier, attached to a cornice, or simply placed on a shelf. Believe me, with the help of such a small technique, the house will be filled with calmness and the desire to do good.

If someone from the family on the eve of the holiday wants to purchase some expensive item to complement the interior, abandon such an idea immediately. A dog will never appreciate extra expenses, so the steps described for it are considered nothing more than a waste of time. It’s better to make everything you need with your own hands from old toys and a small amount of creative “ingredients”: beads, ribbons, sparkles, bright light bulbs and rain. By the way, such work will bring together all family members and help unite for several hours to implement a common cause.

Appropriate clothing for the holiday

As has probably already become clear, the color of the year 2018 for the Dog is considered to be yellow. Of course, this does not mean at all that you need to come to the long-awaited winter holiday wearing exactly this color scheme. No, yellow is also present in the palette of available colors, but besides it you can find many more interesting options: beige, sand, lemon, brown, orange and pink. Dresses with floral patterns or original prints will look very advantageous.

Since the Yellow Dog is a representative of the earth, you should pay attention to all shades of chocolate color. By the way, the combination of brown and gold looks very expressive.

Gold and amber are the optimal materials for holiday decorations.

For the hostess of the year, not only the right attire is important, but also its style. Since the Dog is an active and mobile animal, the celebration itself should be accompanied by a huge number of games, competitions, dances and other friendly entertainment. Simply put, most will have to be in constant motion. That is why it is better to choose clothes for the New Year that are as convenient, comfortable and not too pretentious as possible.

Gifts in the Year of the Dog

The symbol of the coming year is a practical and even tight-fisted animal. The patroness of 2018 will not forgive wasted money, or the purchase of some trinket that stands idle until the moment of its epic redirection to the trash. Therefore, when choosing a suitable gift on the eve of the upcoming holiday, forget about such “dust collectors”. If you give anything, then only necessary and practical things.

In first place in the ranking of the most popular gifts is everything that can be used to create home comfort: blankets, pillows, down bedding, bath towels, wool blankets, bed linen, floor mats, etc.

Next on the list is a whole category of useful things for the kitchen, the list of which can be simply endless. Of course, most cooking appliances are very expensive, so you will have to pay attention to dishes, tea sets, crystal salad bowls and other attributes.

By the way, at this point it should be remembered that the time of the representative of the earth element will soon come, which means it’s a good idea to gift a loved one with something that is directly related to it. For example, a flower in a pot or an ant farm.

A good solution is gifts with the image of the main culprit of 2018. On the eve of the holiday, the declared souvenirs will become a real find, and for the next 12 months they will be able to serve as a good talisman for the whole family. True, in this case, you should pay attention to practical gifts: instead of the usual figurine in the shape of a dog, it is better to buy slippers with a print of a funny animal face or a T-shirt with a similar design.

In conclusion, all that remains is to add that the Yellow Dog does not need to see pretentiousness and wealth at all in order to bestow people with his attention and favor. She doesn’t care at all who and how much money is spent on New Year’s Eve. The main thing is that everything is done with love and warmth, and the holiday is accompanied by laughter, dancing and fun games. Do not try to pursue selfish goals by giving gifts to this or that person. Take care of yourself, love life and let the meeting of 2018 be a period of the arrival of something truly magical and 100% better for everyone.


This week marks the Chinese New Year.
Right now it’s worth remembering the traditions of how to celebrate the Year of the Yellow Dog 2018, because it will begin only this Friday, February 16.

Despite the fact that many celebrated the Year of the Dog on December 31, this must be done now, on the night from Thursday to Friday. Even if you are not planning a noisy feast and fireworks, observing several Chinese traditions in order to appease the mistress of the year will not only not be difficult, but will also give you a festive mood.

Celebrating the Chinese New Year is not at all similar to how the memorable date is celebrated in our country. The traditions are similar only in that in China it is also customary to set a rich table, celebrate the holiday in a clean house, in new things.

Red is considered the best color for interior decoration, as well as outfits for the Chinese New Year. But white and blue are considered not very favorable from this point of view - in China they mean mourning.

If you want to create a festive mood in your home, garlands are the best way. Do not forget about the various images of the mistress of the year - the Dog. According to Chinese traditions, you can hang 5 ribbons on the door. They talk about success in 5 main areas: business, love, family, financial, and health.

It is not customary to give gifts on this holiday, so don’t worry. The symbol that shows goodwill towards the guest and is considered a wish for success is the familiar tangerine.

Traditional dishes for the Chinese New Year include various sweets that symbolize prosperity in the coming year, as well as rice dishes and dumplings.

Two weeks of holiday
According to Chinese traditions,
New Year is celebrated for 15 days. The first two are considered the most important of them. On the eve of the holiday, you need to clean the house, and then not do household chores for at least a couple of days.

Also, according to Chinese superstitions, in the first 2 days of the New Year it is better not to cut your hair or even wash your hair, and also not to buy new clothes or shoes: despite the fact that it is better to celebrate the holiday itself in new ones.

In the first days of the year, it is also very important not to be sad or cry, try not to utter words with a negative connotation, and not kill animals and insects. It is also not recommended to give and borrow money.

On the 3rd and 4th days (in 2018 this is Sunday and Monday) it is customary to go to visit friends and family. On the 8th day of celebrations (this year - February 23), it is important to monitor what the weather will be like. If it is clear outside, then the year will be fruitful, and vice versa.

On the 11th day (February 26), it is customary for fathers-in-law to congratulate their sons-in-law and organize separate holidays in their honor. And on the last, 15th day, that is, March 2, it is important to get the whole family together for dinner. Also on this day, the festival of lanterns is celebrated: you can light the one you have at hand, or launch a sky lantern.

What to expect from the new year?
The Chinese attach great importance to the patron saint of the coming year. According to their beliefs, the Dog means stability, calm, friendliness and loyalty, home comfort.

This year is expected to bring peace and harmony to families. The economic situation in the world is stabilizing. The Year of the Dog is favorable for marriage and the birth of children.

There is also this good omen:
so that the coming New Year according to the Chinese calendar
passed safely, you need to treat the stray dog ​​you meet on the street with something.

On New Year's Eve, we all, young and old, hope that our dreams will come true, achievements will multiply, and troubles and sorrows will pass by. For all this to really come true, it is important to know how to celebrate the 2018 Year of the Yellow Dog in accordance with all the canons.

What is the zodiac patron?

In the near future, the Yellow Earth Dog will help us lure luck by the tail. She will take over on February 16 and will be with us until February 4, 2019. This animal has active solar yang energy and occupies 11th place in the zodiac circle.

The main symbol of 2018 is a very friendly, extremely loyal, extremely conservative and exclusively family sign. The dog is unpretentious, selfless, wise, fair and does not strive for luxury and glory. The main thing for her is not material wealth, but peace and stability in the family, at work and in relationships with friends.

The symbol of the year is very true, so it not only does not lose old friends, but also helps to make new ones

With such a heavenly patron, we can hope that the next year will be calm and prosperous, perhaps not ideal, but not as difficult as the previous one. It gives us hope that there will be a little more truth and decency in the world, and positive changes will occur in all areas of human relations, both family and between countries.

All shades of earth are considered good colors for celebration: yellow, mustard, dark green. We wrote about what kind of outfits to choose in order to attract good luck and love in the article “What to wear for the New Year 2018”.

Where and how best to celebrate New Year 2018

The dog cannot stand noisy crowds, but even when alone he literally goes crazy. Therefore, it is recommended to celebrate the year that she patronizes at home with your closest people. Ideally, the whole family should gather around the table that night. The dog will definitely appreciate this, because its motto is close communication and maintaining family ties. You can invite friends, but only those whose friendship has been tested by time.

Celebrate in a cozy family restaurant if sitting around the TV and Olivier is not your thing

If the size of your home does not allow you to comfortably celebrate the 2018 Year of the Yellow Dog with your upcoming company, rent a room in a family restaurant or a country house. The less solemn and pretentious, the more comfortable and homely the environment is, the better.

For those who have decided that there is nothing better than a family hearth, the question arises: what to cook for the New Year 2018? We know the answer and share with you the most delicious recipes in an article about dishes for the New Year's feast that will definitely please the Dog.

How to meet according to your zodiac sign

The dog reacts negatively to noise and does not like drunk people. Immodest behavior, dancing until you drop, loud chants, and unbridled drinking of alcohol are not allowed on this night. A glass of champagne for the chiming clock will be quite enough. If you can’t imagine fun without alcohol, know when to stop and control the degree of intoxication.


Aries will never miss the opportunity to spend an evening in good company, but it is better for them to celebrate the coming year not in a club, but at home. There is no need to be upset, because they will not be bored in any case.


For Taurus, respectability and comfort are a priority. They can create the atmosphere of a five-star restaurant, where every guest feels most important and welcome, even in their own apartment.


A warm country house is the best option for Gemini

It is difficult to keep Geminis at home on New Year's Eve, because they cannot imagine fun without a big company. The way out is to rent a country house and gather all your friends and relatives in it.


Cancers are purely family people who prefer holidays in a close circle with a richly laid table. Maybe this approach will seem boring to some, but the mistress of the year will definitely like it.

a lion

Leo tries to turn the New Year's Eve into an exciting adventure: rent a house on the seashore or a cottage in the forest. And this sign can sincerely have fun without alcohol, without violating the rules of the patroness of the year.


Family virgins will make the celebration truly homely and warm

Virgos are used to planning every little detail and carefully preparing for any event. They will definitely organize the perfect celebration in their home and involve the whole family in its organization. The dog will be happy.


Libras love homemade feasts with good food, beautiful music and a small number of pleasant people. No one will be bored: this sign knows how to entertain guests in such a way as to please everyone, including the oriental hostess of the celebration.


Scorpios are fans of everything unusual. They will most likely want to celebrate the holiday in another country or at least a city. The dog won't mind. The main thing is to choose the right company.


Sagittarians, as always, want to have a blast!

Energetic Sagittarius always needs the company of people who are also easy-going and kindred to them in spirit. And where the fun will take place: in the city, in the country or in a cozy restaurant, it doesn’t matter.


For Capricorns, it is important that any event goes according to plan, the company is warm and friendly, and the food is delicious. The conservative and peace-loving symbol of 2018 cannot fail to like the holiday they organized.


Aquarius pacifists value warmth most of all and hate quarrels. They perfectly master the art of extinguishing a brewing conflict and turning enemies into friends. The dog trusts them and won’t mind, even if they decide to go to a club party on New Year’s Eve.


Pisces will feel great, because a holiday with family is what they need. And they always know how to please you with tasty treats!

Pisces love romance and comfort: small company, calm music, candles, pleasant communication. All this is to the liking of the hostess of the coming year, so it will not be difficult for them to prepare for the meeting in such a way as to earn the favor of the symbol.

How to celebrate according to Feng Shui

Many people believe that celebrating the New Year according to Feng Shui is simple: it all comes down to preparing decorations and outfits in the appropriate colors. In fact, this is a serious Taoist practice that takes into account many nuances. Its adherents begin to prepare for entering a new period of life with completely different things.

Getting rid of trash

Feel free to remove everything unnecessary, old, and forgotten from your home!

Before you start creating a New Year's atmosphere, take care of creating a harmonious space in your home. First of all, get rid of old things that are stuck in closets. There is no need to regret them - trash is an anchor that absorbs your vital energy.

Tip: if an item is dear to you, but you haven’t used it for more than a year, just take a photo of it. And it doesn’t take up space, and is always at hand!

Buying a live Christmas tree

Conservationists can decorate a spruce tree right on the street! It may not be according to Feng Shui, but the soul is in the right place

The European custom of placing pine or spruce in a house does not contradict the principles of Feng Shui. But the green beauty should not be artificial. A synthetic accessory has a negative effect on the energy of the space, while a living tree, on the contrary, will fill the atmosphere of the house with positive energy.

Preparing gifts

Even small gifts can be used usefully, and not as another dust collector

Gifts are a mandatory attribute, without which a wonderful holiday will lose its magical power. They will help you maintain spiritual relationships with loved ones and show how dear they are to you. Small cute souvenirs, chosen taking into account the character and characteristics of the recipient, will unite you even more, and the process of presenting them will become one of the most pleasant events of this fabulous night.

Getting ready for the holiday

Forgive the offenders and let go of thoughts about them from your life

The most important preparatory stage is working on your thoughts and mental attitude. You need to approach entering the next year refreshed spiritually: reject anxiety, forget about problems and tune in to a positive attitude towards your environment. Even when you are unable to forgive the offenders, let go of the situation. A few days before New Year's Eve, think more often about your family and friends, imagine them happy and healthy.

Signs and superstitions for the year of the Yellow Earth Dog

Not a single ancient holiday is complete without beliefs, and the celebration of the Year of the Yellow Dog is no exception.

Such a cute dog will replenish the family budget if you find him the right place

Signs for attracting financial well-being:

  • Buy a piggy bank in the shape of a dog from a gift shop and place it at the entrance. Ask all arriving guests to throw a coin into it.
  • Place the thousandth banknote in the pocket of your festive clothes or pin it on the inside with a pin, and then store it in your wallet. It will attract cash flow.

Humanity is always valuable, and the mistress of the year will definitely appreciate your action

Signs promising happiness, love and prosperity:

  • If you dream of a dog on New Year's Eve, expect quick changes for the better.
  • On January 1, try to meet a homeless dog on the street and feed him. In this way you will gain the sympathy of the patroness of the year.

Having a dog as a pet this year is not fun, but a big responsibility, so make the decision to purchase a four-legged friend for the whole family!

Signs about the family:

  • To live the whole year in complete family idyll, make a talisman in the form of a yellow dog and keep it in sight. It will protect your family from quarrels and troubles.
  • If you want to conceive a child in the coming year, place a small plush puppy under the Christmas tree, and next to it some baby item, for example, a cap or a bottle.

Just in case, it wouldn’t hurt to prepare for the New Year and celebrate it the way its eastern mistress wants. In any case, this approach will add magic to the holiday and give hope that the next one will be no worse, and maybe even better than the previous one.

The coming 2018 will pass under the auspices of the Yellow Dog, the element of this animal is Earth. Zemlyanaya symbol Dogs is a hill. The element of Earth gives the mistress of the year such traits as: stability, loyalty, diligence, practicality and reliability. The Yellow Dog is an honest animal, not devoid of prudence, it is the most noble representative among others. According to experts, 2018, which will pass under the sign of the Yellow Dog, will bring stability and calm, this period will be favorable for the economy. Real estate transactions will be successful this year. For lovers, this year is good for marriage.

The Yellow Earth Dog is a good sign that values ​​home, comfort and tranquility. In order for the whole year to be prosperous in all respects, it is important to prepare and celebrate the New Year 2018 in a way that pleases the smart, loyal and friendly Dog. You should think in advance about how to celebrate the 2018 Year of the Dog: what menu to pamper your guests, how to decorate the house, what to wear for the New Year and what to give to family and friends.

Everyone knows that the Dog is not only an intelligent and loyal animal, but also very sociable and friendly; it does not like to be bored and spend time alone. A playful and active Dog loves to communicate, so it is better to celebrate the New Year 2018 in company, no matter whether it is a large friendly family or a group of friends - the main thing is not to be left alone on this magical evening. A friendly dog ​​should not be sad, let boredom and melancholy not be uninvited guests in the house either this evening or in the following days of the year. Fun and games will certainly please not only the hosts and guests, but will also please the patroness of the year.

A dog loves home and appreciates its comfort, so you need to be especially careful when decorating your home for the New Year. If possible, it is worth changing the textiles; the year of the Yellow Dog dictates its conditions, and therefore you will have to observe some details in the design. Beautiful elegant curtains on the windows, bedspreads on beds and upholstered furniture in yellow-brown shades will certainly appeal to the hostess of the year. Such colors will not only bring a special style and comfort to the room, but will also look very harmonious. When choosing textiles for decorating windows and furniture, you should not use fabrics with obsessive prints or flashy colors; everything should be modest, elegant restraint. Decorating a house for the New Year is unthinkable without using tinsel and rain, snowflakes and fir cones; this will add zest to the New Year's interior and will not anger the Dog, unless you go too far with the decor and make it too flashy.

Not a single New Year is complete without a forest beauty, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s a tree from the forest or an artificial Christmas tree, one way or another it will need to be decorated. This needs to be done not only beautifully, but also in an original way. When welcoming the Yellow Dog as the hostess of the New Year, it is important not to forget that you need to decorate the Christmas tree modestly, but with taste. When choosing decorations for the Christmas tree, it is better to stick to the colors of the coming year, especially since yellow-gold is the trend of the year. Therefore, you should use tinsel with a golden tint, and hang yellow balls mixed with red ones on the branches. This way the tree will look impressive and stylish.

You should also stick to the yellow-green color scheme when setting the festive table. You can decorate the feast with a brown tablecloth, or choose napkins that are several shades lighter. It is better to serve the table with white plates with gold rims and beautiful glass glasses. You can place a beautiful burning candle on the table, decorated with golden ribbons, fir branches and pine cones.

What to cook for New Year 2018

A separate theme for New Year 2018 is the festive menu. Housewives begin to think about what to put on the table long before the holiday. In order for the Yellow Dog to like the treat, it must not only be tasty, but also beautifully decorated. The dog does not like special delicacies, so the dishes on the New Year's table should be simple and... meat. Without this product, the diet of the Dog, guests, and the patroness of the year herself cannot but please the fragrant roast, the most tender meat on ribs or barbecue.

The side dish can be made from vegetables or potatoes. It is advisable to prepare more meat dishes on the bones, these can be hams, chicken wings, stewed ribs - it is better to put all this delicacy on a large dish and place it in the very center of the festive table.

While preparing meat delicacies, do not forget about fruits and dessert. On the New Year's table 2018, citrus fruits will be more appropriate than ever, because tangerines are considered to be the symbol of the New Year, and their colors will be just appropriate for welcoming the Yellow Dog. As a dessert, it is better to serve tea with lemon, sweets in golden wrappers, and a “properly” decorated curd cake.

New Year's outfit 2018

The Yellow Earth Dog as a symbol of the coming 2018 leaves no questions about what color should prevail in New Year's outfits. Brown and yellow colors are welcome in festive dresses and suits; the main thing is to correctly combine all the tones and shades of these colors. In addition to these shades, you can buy an outfit of earth tones: gray, smoky, and even black, if used as a complement to the main color. As already noted, the Dog does not like excesses, but it also does not accept excessive modesty. Clothing should be beautiful and elegant, all accessories should be selected with taste. Ladies should refrain from mini-dresses and skirts, or outfits with too much cleavage. You should not choose shiny clothes, overdo it with jewelry, or experiment with “cat” prints, so as not to frighten or anger the mistress of the year.

Don’t neglect decorations on New Year’s Eve; to create an elegant and effective look, you can use items made of precious metals or tastefully select original jewelry. A wonderful addition to a New Year's outfit would be jewelry made of amber or gold.

What to give for New Year 2018

Not a single New Year is complete without gifts and pleasant surprises, and the Year of the Yellow Dog is no exception. The best gifts will, of course, be dogs of all stripes and breeds. For those who have been planning to buy or get a dog for a long time, it is difficult to think of a better time to make their dream come true. If this is not possible, then you can present a dog in the form of a toy on New Year’s Eve; these can be robot dogs or fluffy soft puppies.

The patroness of 2018 appreciates coziness and comfort in the home, so gifts in the form of items for home life and interior design would be appropriate - beautiful textiles, dishes, bed linen sets, terry towels, warm blankets - everything that can be useful in the house and create an atmosphere in it is even warmer.

For the New Year 2018, you should not give chains or soft toys in the shape of cats, including their images on paintings, textiles and other surfaces. The most unpleasant gift for a Dog would be perfumes with a strong smell; dogs are sensitive animals and may react inadequately to such scents. And if the Dog doesn’t like it, he may well get angry. An Angry Dog on New Year 2018 is what you least want on this magical holiday, but you always want goodness and fairy tales along with the good patroness of the coming 365 days.