When to collect pine buds for treatment? Medicinal properties of pine buds. Pine buds for cough: recipe with photo

Pine is one of the best converters of carbon dioxide and various exhausts into pure oxygen. And her gifts: cones, buds, pine needles, resin - these are gifts given to a person, giving him strength and health.

Pine buds represent the most valuable gift of nature, possessing medicinal qualities and having a wide range of uses for medical purposes. They have indications for use in the treatment of many diseases and nourish the body with vitamins: carotene, mineral salts, pantothenic and ascorbic acids, essential oils, phytoncides. There is a high content of tannins and starch. But for them to be like this, they must be properly prepared and dried. But this is not enough. In order to prepare pine buds, the cooking recipes need to be verified.

How to prepare pine buds?

Pine buds are harvested in early spring at the time of swelling before opening. They are covered with natural resin. The aroma is rich. Doctors have recognized it as one of the best natural inhalers.

The color should be light orange with a slight green tint. When opened, pine buds lose their medicinal properties and are no longer worth taking. It is more convenient to collect with gloves, less debris sticks.

Harvested buds do not need to be washed; the resin cannot be washed off. Dry the raw materials on cotton cloth or absorbent paper. The buds are stored in bags made of natural fabric in a dry place, protected from sunlight.

Medicinal properties of pine buds

A natural gift - pine buds - has a huge range of medicinal properties and content of useful substances. Some of them are the following:

High concentration of vitamins, especially B and C;

Helps with coughs, colds, removes phlegm;

Used as antiviral agents for colds and viral inflammatory processes;

They have disinfectant properties, relieve microbial inflammation, heal wounds and abrasions;

Used to remove fluid from the body as a diuretic and choleretic agent;

Relieves cramps, spasms and pain in muscle tissue;

Decoctions are prepared for inhalation;

Used to treat the respiratory system.

Pine buds - use in folk medicine

Traditional medicine is rich in various recipes for treating and healing the body. Pine buds, as a natural product, are indicated for children and adults. They are used for many diseases.

1. Recipe for tuberculosis

To prepare a prescription medicine, you can take not only buds, but also green shoots.

Take 50 g of raw materials and a glass of milk, mix everything and heat it up. No need to boil. Then gradually add honey (30 g) and butter (50 g), 2 fresh raw chicken eggs. The whole mass is thoroughly mixed. Take three times a day: in equal shares. The medicinal mass is used without restriction until complete recovery and is prepared fresh daily.

Five full tablespoons of raw materials are needed. It is filled with 0.5 liters of vodka. Leave for several days in a warm, dark place. Course of administration: daily one tablespoon in the morning, afternoon and before bedtime.

2. Vitamin tea used for colds.

This tea is simple and quick to prepare. Used for bronchitis, pneumonia, cough and other viral diseases.
Brew 10-15 g of prepared raw materials with a glass of boiling water; you can boil for a few seconds. Leave for at least 15 minutes and drink hot. You need to drink all day. There are no restrictions in use.

3. Recipe for a decoction used to treat lung and colds.

Pour a few tablespoons into one liter of water, bring to a boil and drink throughout the day, dividing into equal portions while hot. This decoction is good to use as an inhaler at home, also in several approaches. Breathe it for at least 15 minutes. When inhaling, you can additionally use sage, thyme or other herbs.

4. Pine buds as a dietary remedy.

Very good for weight loss. Before eating, you need to slowly eat 2-3 kidneys in a few minutes. This way the body receives nutrients and the feeling of hunger is muffled.

5. Treatment of the urinary tract.

For infectious problems in the urinary system, take only one teaspoon of pine tincture per glass of water. Use only before meals and three times a day. For treatment, it is used for fifteen days, then the same break.

6. Treatment of headaches.

To prepare the medicinal syrup, you need to take a full tablespoon of pine cones, 2 full tablespoons of sugar and 200 g of water. Mix everything, bring to a boil, then cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for at least 15 minutes. Make sure that the syrup does not burn during cooking. Then add two liters of water and drink in several doses throughout the day. It is necessary to make a fresh portion of the medicine daily. The course of treatment is at least ten days, then a mandatory short break.

7. A recipe for treating problems of the female reproductive glands.

For various diseases of the female genital organs, pine syrup is prepared. They drink it every day without skipping 100 g, divided into several doses, for at least a month.

8. Treatment of skin diseases.

You need to take a teaspoon of vodka tincture and one fresh protein. Beat thoroughly. The mass should be creamy. It is applied to clean skin. Keep for 2-3 hours. Use every other day until recovery.

Contraindications to the use of pine buds

Despite the many advantages of pine raw materials, they have some contraindications. The main limitations for use are kidney and gastric diseases. Also, in the presence of blood clots and cardiovascular diseases, it is necessary to reduce the dose and course of administration with more frequent breaks.

Pine buds are a remedy for the treatment of many diseases. But use should be in moderation and agreed with a doctor.

Even in ancient times, people noticed the beneficial effects of air in a coniferous forest on their health. Therefore, over time, healers and herbalists paid close attention to pine buds - the use of this herbal product turned out to be very effective. Decoctions and tinctures of this herbal raw material help with various pathologies of the respiratory, digestive, cardiovascular and nervous systems.

The use of decoctions of pine buds for medicinal purposes

An aqueous infusion of the drug in question is used in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • migraine;
  • pneumonia;
  • sinusitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • tracheitis;

Pine bud decoction recipe


  • unopened pine buds - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • water – 2.5 cups.

Preparation and use

Boil the kidneys for 10 minutes over low heat. Leave for another 10 minutes, strain. Immediately before meals, drink 0.5 cups of the medicine, three times a day.

A similar solution can be prepared in a thermos (the number of components is the same). Only it infuses less, only 2 hours. It is recommended to drink this product either in the indicated dosage, or use it as tea leaves during the day.

Using tincture of pine buds on vodka

Alcohol medicines contain a higher concentration of biologically active substances from phyto-raw materials. Such infusions are prescribed for:

  • gastritis;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • liver and gallbladder diseases;
  • cystitis;
  • gout;
  • neuralgia.

Vodka tincture recipe


  • pine buds – 200 g;
  • vodka – 250 ml.

Preparation and use

Combine the ingredients in a half-liter jar and shake several times. Place the vessel in a warm place and wait 10 days. Strain the solution through cheesecloth. Three times a day, before meals, drink a little warm water (about 1 tablespoon) with the addition of 15 drops of medicine.

The use of pine buds and treatment with alcohol tincture

If the pathologies listed in the previous paragraph are severe, an even more concentrated drug is required, for example, an infusion of medical alcohol.

Recipe for the product

Plant raw materials in packs of 35, 50 and 100 g.

pharmachologic effect

Expectorant, antimicrobial.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


A herbal remedy that has an expectorant, antimicrobial, choleretic, diuretic, and diaphoretic anti-inflammatory effect. The mechanism of action of essential oils is reduced to reflex irritation of the mucous membrane bronchial tree and increasing their secretory activity, which leads to a decrease in sputum viscosity.

The expectorant effect is manifested in stimulation ciliated epithelium , which leads to easy removal of secretions from the respiratory tract. A good effect is observed with long-lasting cough. They also have a pronounced regenerating effect on the mucous membrane bronchial tree . Their effect is higher than when using young needles.

Extracts have a bactericidal effect on pathogenic microflora of the oral cavity and nasopharynx, and have mild diuretic and choleretic properties.

Pine buds are used in folk medicine for respiratory diseases, gout , scurvy , neuralgia , skin diseases and as a vitamin remedy.


Not provided.

Medicinal properties of pine buds

  • High content phytoncides , which have a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect, can be used for diseases of the respiratory system and;
  • the expectorant and bactericidal effect of essential oils is used for diseases that are accompanied by viscous, difficult to separate, putrefactive sputum;
  • choleretic and diuretic effects;
  • has a positive effect on and increases overall tone;
  • has a calming effect when taking baths.

The beneficial properties of pine buds allow them to be used not only for acute and bronchitis , as well as for chronic bronchitis , lung abscesses , pneumonia And bronchiectasis , as an aid. As a choleretic agent for diseases of the gallbladder and liver, as a diuretic and bactericidal for kidney stone disease .

Pine buds for cough

Pine buds are most often used for coughs, since their effect in this case is most pronounced. They are included in ready-made cough drops and syrups, chest preparations, and decoctions and infusions (they will be discussed below) can be prepared at home from plant materials purchased at the pharmacy.

The simplest, most accessible, common and effective method of treating cough is steam inhalation. Pine buds are also used for them. Take 2 tablespoons of raw material per glass of boiling water, heat for 15 minutes in a water bath, remove from heat and inhale until steam is intensely generated.

Indications for use

  • Tracheitis , ;
  • Chronical bronchitis ;
  • bronchiectasis .

Contraindications for pine buds

  • Increased sensitivity;
  • nephritis .

Side effects

  • Inflammation kidney parenchyma ;

Pine buds, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

Used internally and by inhalation.

Decoction of pine buds

One tablespoon of raw material is placed in a bowl, poured with hot water in an amount of 200 ml, heated in a water bath for 20-30 minutes. Leave at room temperature until cooled, filter. The raw materials are squeezed out, water is added to the broth up to 200 ml. Drink 0.25 glasses 3-4 times a day. The broth is stored in a cool place for up to 48 hours.

It is convenient to prepare an infusion of pine buds in a thermos. You need to take 1 tablespoon of raw material per 2 cups of boiling water and leave for 1-2 hours. Take the strained infusion 0.25 cups 4 times a day. The infusion and decoction have a bitter taste, so children are reluctant to take it. Pine buds can be given to children as an infusion with milk: 1 tablespoon of plant material per 0.5 liter of boiled milk and immediately remove from heat. Infuse the milk for an hour.

The young buds of the tree have a wide range of healing properties. They contain the following medicinal components:

  • starch;
  • essential oils;
  • phytoncides;
  • turpentine;
  • vitamins of groups C, B, P, K.

What do pine buds help with?

Due to their healing composition, preparations based on pine buds are used as:

  • expectorant for coughs, bronchitis and other respiratory diseases,
  • antiviral for respiratory infections,
  • restorative,
  • immunomodulatory,
  • antiseptic and wound healing, used for skin diseases,
  • cleansing for weight loss and removal of toxins,
  • diuretic,
  • sedative, effective for headaches,
  • anti-inflammatory.

How to use pine buds? Recipes

Pine buds are consumed in the form of alcohol tinctures, balms, applications and lotions, compresses, ointments and baths, and powder from dried buds. Depends on the disease and area affected.

For medications to be effective, the buds must be properly collected, dried, and stored. The still unopened swollen buds are collected in the spring. Cut from young trees along with a small branch with pruning shears or scissors. Dry in the fresh air under the sun or in ventilated rooms. On average, drying pine buds takes from 8 to 12 days. Store in a dry, dark place in canvas bags for several years.

  • Tincture

Insist poured 2 tbsp. boiling water dried buds (1 tbsp) in a jar with a tight lid for about two hours. Drink 1 tbsp three times a day. l. The tincture copes well with colds, softens coughs, and has an expectorant effect. Cleanses the body, accelerates metabolic processes, promotes weight loss.

  • Alcohol tincture

Pour 100 g of fresh buds into 100 g of vodka. Place in a container with a tight lid. Leave to infuse for 10 days in a warm place, protected from light. Express. Dilute 10 drops with drinking water and drink 3 times daily. The tincture will soothe a sore throat. It has general strengthening and immunity-boosting properties.

  • Syrup

It is easy to prepare an anti-cold, vitamin, and immune-strengthening syrup from natural pine buds, which will become an indispensable help for children and adults during the winter. Mix tincture of pine buds (2 cups) with honey (300 g). Cook over low heat until the consistency of a viscous syrup forms. Children should take up to three tablespoons daily. l., adults – 6 tbsp. l., divided into 3 doses.

  • Inhalation

Boil pine buds (150 g) in two liters of water. Pour the broth into an inhaler or rubber heating pad. Breathe for 10 minutes. This inhalation is effective for children. A natural medicine will help you quickly overcome acute respiratory infections, flu, cough, and relieve redness of the throat and nasal congestion.

  • Baths and compresses

Baths with the addition of a decoction of pine buds will help relieve nervous tension and stress, overcome headaches and migraines. Boil dry or fresh buds (200 g) in a liter of water. The procedure takes 15 minutes. In addition, this procedure will help with dermatitis and dry flaky skin. The decoction can be used to make compresses and applications for topical use for skin diseases.

Who should not eat pine buds?

Pregnant and lactating women and people with kidney diseases should not take medicines based on pine buds. Frequent use of bud medicines is not recommended, as the natural components of the plant have an irritating effect on the stomach. Proper preparation and use of natural medicines from pine buds will be especially useful in the autumn-winter period. Natural ingredients will gently and quickly defeat colds, provide the body with vitamins, and strengthen the immune system.

Pine needles and buds have long been used in folk medicine

What beneficial properties does “coniferous” medicine have and how to use it in folk medicine

Pine, fir, spruce and other representatives of the coniferous family have long enjoyed well-deserved respect among fans of traditional medicine. Medicines based on buds, pine needles, and pine twigs are used by folk healers to treat colds, vitamin deficiency, rheumatism and other ailments. Once upon a time, residents of the Urals, Siberia, and the Far East, hunters, travelers, fishermen, saved themselves from scurvy, colds and all other ailments with aromatic pine vitamin drinks. The fact is that pine needles contain a lot of ascorbic acid - vitamin C, which helps strengthen the immune system. In winter, in the absence of fresh vegetables and fruits, it was this drink that helped them survive in harsh climatic conditions.
Nowadays, scientists have found that the needles and buds of pine and spruce contain many biologically active substances that are extremely beneficial for the human body. A decoction of pine buds is used to treat coughs and bronchitis, for rinsing and inhalation for sore throat and pharyngitis. In winter, when colds and flu make us cough more often, this natural remedy is useful in any home.
A vitamin drink is especially useful for us in winter, when we usually feel a lack of vigor and energy, although, of course, you can drink it all year round. Moreover, winter young (one-year-old) needles have the most beneficial properties, because they contain less resinous substances and more different vitamins and other biologically active substances. The needles retain their qualities better in the cold (under snow - up to two months). If you put the branches warmly, in a jar of water, the needles will lose their vitamin qualities already on the third or fourth day. So if you want to prepare the most correct pine drink, collect the pine needles right now.

Here is a recipe that real Siberians used to prevent and treat many diseases: pour 100 g of pine needles with a liter of hot water, bring to a boil and immediately remove from heat, do not boil. Leave for an hour, then strain, add 1-2 teaspoons. spoons of honey and drink half a glass 3-4 times a day. This drink is incredibly rich in vitamin C and other microelements; it speeds up recovery from flu and colds, and also has a strong bactericidal effect.

Pine buds have powerful healing powers. They contain many substances important for human health: various essential oils, vitamins, saponins, acids, sugar, starch, resins and tannins. Medicinal decoctions, infusions and tinctures are prepared from pine buds, jam is made, buds are brewed as tea, salads and delicious aromatic drinks are prepared. Preparations based on pine buds have excellent diuretic, diaphoretic, expectorant and disinfectant properties. They are especially often used for colds to treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Here are some recipes.

Pine buds for cough

1 table. Pour a glass of boiling water over a spoonful of pine buds, cover with a lid, leave for 15–20 minutes, strain. Adults take half a glass warm 2 times a day with meals. The course of treatment is 3–4 weeks. You can prepare the infusion of pine buds differently: 1 table. pour a spoonful of kidneys into 0.5 liters of boiling water in a thermos, leave for an hour, strain and drink a quarter glass 3 times a day.
When coughing, bronchitis, pneumonia, drink a decoction of pine buds in milk in small sips: boil 50 g of buds in 0.5 liters of milk for 20 minutes, strain.
Inhalation with pine buds helps relieve coughing attacks: pour 1 teaspoon of pine buds into a teapot, pour boiling water over them and breathe in warm steam through the spout of the teapot. Pine essential oil and resin coat the respiratory tract and soothe irritation.
Sweet cough syrup from pine buds: pour 50 g of buds with a glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours in a warm place, strain, add 0.5 kg of sugar and boil the syrup, or add 50 g of honey to the strained infusion. Drink 5-6 spoons a day. This medicine is especially suitable for children.

Pine needles for coughs and colds

The simplest thing is to cook restorative infusion , which will help improve immunity and adaptive properties of the body. Grind the pine needles in a mortar or enamel pan with a small amount of cold boiled water. Then add boiled water in a ratio of 1:10 (that is, there should be 1 part pine needles, 10 parts water). Acidify the liquid with lemon juice or citric acid and cook for half an hour over low heat, then leave for three hours, strain and take as a tonic 2 times a day after meals, a third of a glass.
You can also cook healing pine water : 50 g of pine needles (this is about a handful of pine needles), pour 2 liters of water, add chopped onion skins and 1 teaspoon. a spoonful of crushed licorice root. Cook the broth over low heat for 20 minutes, then add 2 tablespoons. spoons of crushed rose hips and boil for about another minute. Infuse, well wrapped in a scarf or blanket, for 10–12 hours. Strain and drink as much as you want without limitation (up to 2 liters per day). This drink saturates the body with essential vitamins, removes toxins, strengthens the immune system and prevents the development of many ailments.
For bronchitis and pneumonia the medicinal drink is prepared differently : 5 table. spoons of crushed pine needles are mixed with 3 tbsp. spoons of crushed dry rose hips, pour a liter of boiling water, bring to a boil, remove from heat and leave for 4-5 hours. Strain and drink instead of water throughout the day, adding honey and lemon if desired.
If you collect pine buds in late March - early April, dry them, grind them into powder, you will get an effective remedy for the treatment of chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract and is used as a diuretic.

Pine baths

Pine baths are recommended by doctors for a variety of diseases - rheumatism, nervous disorders, insomnia, bronchial asthma, paralysis, gout, obesity, vegetative-vascular dystonia, muscle and joint rheumatism, sciatica, inflammation of the joints, pulmonary diseases and catarrh of the respiratory tract. This procedure has an extremely beneficial effect on the body, at the same time calming and strengthening the heart and nervous system. And taking a fragrant pine bath is a pleasure!
Coniferous baths are prepared as follows: Brew pine needles and chopped young twigs in boiling water, leave for half an hour, filter and add the infusion to a bath of hot water. Take a bath for 15–20 minutes. This procedure calms and strengthens the nervous system and heart, normalizes metabolism, promotes restoration of strength and calmness, and helps cope with insomnia.
And what powerful healing and cosmetic effect does it have on the body? pine broom ! An energetic massage with such a broom in a bathhouse with patting and tapping kneads all the muscles of the body, while all the beneficial substances present in the needles enhance the healing effect. To prevent the prickly pine broom from leaving marks and scratches on the body, it is first steamed with boiling water for 10–15 minutes, after which the pine needles become more elastic and tender.

Pine Pollen

Another wonderful remedy that pine gives us is pollen. Those who have been taking pine pollen for years feel great. This simple remedy strengthens the immune system and protects the body from premature aging. In addition, pollen is sprinkled on wounds to speed up their healing.
Young shoots, male inflorescences with unshed pollen, or the pollen itself are infused in alcohol or brewed with boiling water or milk, honey, butter, and sometimes eggs are added and drunk for pulmonary tuberculosis. And freshly collected resin is poured with water, placed in the sun for 9 days and drunk for pulmonary tuberculosis.
Young “female” cones, infused with water or alcohol, are drunk for heart pain; green cones of the first year, infused with vodka, are used for high blood pressure and as a hemostatic agent.

Jam is prepared from young pine shoots, which has a therapeutic effect on coughs, pneumonia and bronchitis: 1 kg of washed raw material is poured with 3 cups of boiling water, simmered over low heat for 20 minutes, left for 24 hours, filtered, and squeezed. Bring the broth to a boil, add 4 cups of sugar, boil, stirring slowly, until the sugar dissolves (about 10 minutes). The finished jam is poured into glass jars, tightly closed and stored in the refrigerator. Take 1 table. spoon several times a day.

Attention, there are contraindications!
Pine needles and buds help in the treatment of many diseases. But, like any other medicines, they have their contraindications. So, you should not use coniferous medicines for chronic and acute diseases of the liver, kidneys, glomerulonephritis, hepatitis and pregnancy.

Other “coniferous” recipes for traditional medicine

Wound healing ointment from pine needles
Prepare a decoction of pine needles (crush 10–20 g of pine needles in a mortar or ladle, add a glass of water and bring to a boil, simmer for 10 minutes over low heat, then remove from the stove, let cool and strain). Then put the liquid back on the fire and evaporate it to half the original volume, then melt the lard in it. Cover the resulting mixture with a lid and place in a warm oven for several hours. When the mixture has cooled, transfer it to a jar. This ointment is good for scratches, abrasions, boils, and ulcers.
Decoction of pine buds with honey
For throat diseases, sore throat, chronic tonsillitis and pharyngitis, a decoction of pine buds with honey helps well. It is prepared like this: 100 g of raw material is boiled in 2.5 liters of water until the liquid evaporates to 0.5 liter. After this, filter, add 250 g of sugar, and after cooling - 250 g of honey. This composition is drunk 3 tablespoons 3 times a day before meals. For articular rheumatism and sciatica, drink 1/3 glass 3 times a day before meals.
Healing spruce “honey”
This wonderful remedy has many healing properties and is useful for colds, pneumonia and bronchitis, heart and vascular diseases, anemia, depression and loss of strength. You need to collect young shoots of pine (or spruce), rinse them with running cold water, and dry them on paper or a towel. Then place the pine needles in a large glass jar as follows: a layer of pine needles, a layer of sugar, and so on, until the very top. The last layer is sugar. A 3-liter jar requires about 1.2 kg of sugar. Leave the jar in the room overnight, and in the morning mix the pine mass with a large wooden spoon, tie the neck of the jar with a cloth or gauze and place this jar in the sun. They insist for ten days. In this case, the needles will gradually rise upward, and all the juice will remain below. On the eleventh day, the juice is poured into bottles and sealed tightly with corks. The liquid should be stored at room temperature. For therapeutic and preventive purposes, drink tea or water with spruce “honey” 2-3 times a day.

For osteochondrosis – pine puree

Pine buds also have another ability - to help with diseases of the spine and joints, osteochondrosis. Something few people know about. This is the recipe that herbalist Veronika Kvashnina shared with us.
– It is better to prepare medicine for osteochondrosis in winter. At this time of year, the buds have the greatest healing power. You need to collect pine buds, preferably choosing the largest ones, as large as possible - the activity of the buds depends on their size. Then wash them, dry them with a paper or linen towel and pass them through a meat grinder, add granulated sugar (2:1) to the resulting mass. Place the mixture in a large glass jar and place it in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf for two weeks. Gradually, the mixture will change color: at first the “puree” will be bright green, almost malachite in color, then it will turn brown. As soon as the color changes, the medicine is ready. It can be stored for a long time, but you should not take it orally for more than three weeks. They do this: a teaspoon of pine puree is placed in the mouth and slowly, slowly dissolved. You need to take the product 3 times a day.

Spruce beer

The healing properties of pine needles are preserved not only in fresh form, but even... in beer and other strong drinks. For many centuries, taiga beer saved hunters and fishermen, residents of Altai, Siberia and the North of Russia from illness. By the way, spruce beer was brewed not only in our country. For example, in England and some other European countries, a healing alcoholic drink was popular, which was prepared from spruce needles, molasses and yeast. It was believed that regular consumption of “black beer” would allow you to forget about coughs and colds forever.
Similar spruce beer was brewed almost until the middle of the last century in the French provinces of Canada. They also produced non-alcoholic spruce lemonade, which for many Quebecers is still associated with childhood. Now only one small company produces soda with the aroma of pine branches. And only one brewery in New Zealand brews spruce beer, claiming to use an old recipe from 1773. This dense drink with a very strong pine smell and an unexpected tea flavor (the beer contains manuka tea tree) is very specific and is not particularly popular.