Shootings in the temporal part of the head. Shooting in the head on the right side - causes and what to do. Main symptoms of cranialgia

A headache is always unpleasant, but sometimes it takes on a particularly painful form, for example, when there is a sudden shooting in the head on the right side. Such torment is often characterized by the patients themselves as unbearable. The situation becomes more complicated if such symptoms develop into a chronic stage, the pain in this case makes itself felt quite often and sharply, but, as a rule, it goes away as spontaneously as it began, and the patient waits with fear for the next attack.

In medical practice, both chronic, regular pain and isolated cases of lumbago are referred to as cranialgia. Shooting pain in the head can have various causes; it is often a symptom of simple hypothermia in the cervical or ear regions. But to establish an accurate diagnosis, a thorough examination in a specialist’s office is necessary.

Causes of the disease

Shooting in the head, after a thorough examination, may turn out to be nothing more than a type of migraine. Migraines are caused by disorders of the circulatory system of parts of the brain. Vasodilation affects intracranial pressure, causing the patient to experience severe headache, dizziness, nausea, and light and sound hypersensitivity often occurs.

As a rule, migraines do not appear suddenly; severe headaches are preceded by symptoms such as visual abnormalities, ripples or bright circles before the eyes, unpleasant tingling of the skin, and heaviness in the head.

But migraine has some differences from migraine, which are characterized by strict periodicity and a feeling of pulsation during attacks. Studies have shown that the female gender is most susceptible to such ailments - migraine, which manifests itself mainly on the right side of the head. This is due to the fact that this disease is inherited, namely through the female line from mother to daughter.

Shooting pains in the head may also indicate various types of diseases associated with the cervical spine. Most often, these pains are associated with excessive load, for example, when carrying heavy objects or with incorrect posture, which results in curvature of some parts of the spine.

Osteochondrosis affects not only office workers, but also the majority of today's youth, who spend a lot of time sitting in front of a computer monitor. As a result, the intervertebral sections receive curvature and microtrauma. Thus having a negative effect on the blood artery and nerve endings.

Additional symptoms of this disease may include:

  • fainting;
  • stabbing pain in the neck and shoulder blades, in the ears;
  • nausea.

This is just one of the possible problems; headaches due to disorders in the spinal region are actually much more numerous, so only a specialist can determine the exact cause and prescribe the necessary treatment.

More serious reasons

Shooting in the head can also have more serious causes; the formation of a tumor often results in severe headaches. Although such a disease has a certain stage of development and the painful symptom develops gradually, in the initial stages most patients do not pay attention to mild pain, suggesting that there is no particular reason for concern. Only over time, when the condition worsens and the pain becomes severe enough, is a decision made to visit a doctor. A characteristic feature of tumor formations is a clear deterioration of the condition in the morning, when headaches can be accompanied by: weakness, dizziness, vomiting and fainting.

Shooting pains in the right side of the head may also indicate various mechanical injuries in which some oscillatory process of the brain occurred. In such a situation, pain is a natural reaction of the body. Sometimes painful sensations appear after a sufficiently long period of time after the injury; in this case, a mandatory medical examination is necessary to identify pathologies inside the skull.

If the pain occurs quite suddenly, and is constantly accompanied by vomiting, severe dizziness, loss of orientation, frequent fainting and impaired visual function, the symptoms may indicate intracranial bleeding. In this case, immediate seeking of qualified medical help is required.

Problems such as temporomandibular tension or malocclusion can also cause lumbago in the head on both the left and right sides. Such tension causes Costen syndrome and is caused by pain in the ear, temporal and jaw areas. Together with headaches, it is accompanied by various problems with the chewing process and hearing impairment.

Often, the problem of lumbago, both on the right and on the left in the head, is psychogenic in nature. Stress, overwork, short sleep and an unbalanced diet with a lack of vitamins lead to problems of a psychological nature, which can be expressed in poor health, apathy and pain of various neuropsychiatric nature.

In such situations, it is enough to change your lifestyle: get enough sleep, change your diet, increase physical activity and find time for leisurely walks in the fresh air.

Help with pain syndrome

The problem with shooting pains also lies in the fact that the patient does not have the opportunity to eliminate it with the help of various painkillers. Sharp, unpredictable lumbago quickly appears and goes away just as abruptly, and the drug taken simply does not have time to act. The first thing you need to do if you have pain in the head is to contact your doctor and undergo a full examination to identify the true cause of the pain. Only after receiving the examination results, the patient is prescribed the necessary medication and a set of measures aimed at alleviating the condition. Such a complex may include:

  1. Heat compresses. Such warming up is prescribed if the cause of the pain is a cold nerve in the ear or cervical region. The complex is also useful for various neuritis and neuralgia.
  2. Physiotherapeutic procedures: laser therapy, magnetic or current effects, UHF, iontophoresis. They are carried out under the strict supervision of a specialist in a physiotherapist’s office. This is the same warming up, but carried out at a more professional level.
  3. Massage. It is recommended to carry out up to three times a day. Indicated in the initial stages of the disease, when the process is purely superficial;
  4. Water procedures. To relieve pain, various massages using water are often prescribed: underwater shower massage, circular shower.
  5. Vitamin complex. Vitamins of group B are especially useful for such ailments as lumbago in the head.

In fairly advanced, chronic cases of the disease, in which many deep nerves are affected, the following drugs are indicated for use: baclofen, carbamazepine, gabapentin.

The last thing I would like to note: in no case should you self-medicate; using even such an elementary method as heating can significantly worsen some processes associated, for example, with inflammation.

Therefore, each set of measures carried out should be carried out only after agreement with a specialist.

It should be remembered that only the early stage of the disease can be treated quickly enough; chronic pain requires much longer therapy. If pain occurs on the right side of the head, you should immediately contact your therapist for qualified help.

Headache is a problem that every person has encountered at least once. For some, it occurs due to changes in the weather, some associate it with emotional stress, and for others, they spend their entire lives learning to cope with migraines. But there are times when, against the background of seemingly complete well-being, you experience a sharp shooting pain in your head. If it disappears as unexpectedly and quickly as it appeared, and does not recur, most likely you will simply forget about it. But what to do if attacks of shooting pain in the head occur constantly and this condition frightens and interferes with a normal lifestyle?

Photo 1. A severe headache always requires serious treatment. Source: Flickr (Dr. Melanie Novak)

Causes of lumbago in the head

To successfully treat and prevent attacks of shooting pain in the head, first of all you need to determine the causes of this condition.

Regardless of the origin of the pain, its mechanism is always the same: the strength of the impulse traveling along the nerve to the organ or tissue increases tenfold and does not slow down.

  1. Shooting that occurs due to compression of nerve fibers in patients with spinal diseases.
  2. Shots like consequence of cranial nerve diseases(neuralgia of the trigeminal and glossopharyngeal nerves, mechanical compression of nerve bundles by a neoplasm or injury, polyneuropathy in diabetes).
  3. Shots like a consequence of inflammatory diseases of the organs of vision, hearing and smell.
  4. Shooting that occurs due to harmful effects on nerve fibers athological processes that occur nearby (vasculitis, inflammation of the temporomandibular joint, osteomyelitis of the skull bones, cysts, abscesses and other brain formations).

Localization of pain

Shooting pain can be localized in different parts of the head, which is directly related to the causes of its occurrence. Such pain can be concentrated in the left or right side of the head, or can radiate to the back of the head.

On the right side

Most people who complain of shooting pains in the head locate the shooting pain on the right side.

  1. Shooting pains in the frontal region on the right most likely associated with inflammation of the facial and trigeminal nerves (during hypothermia or after exposure to a draft), as well as inflammation of the orbits and frontal sinuses (inflammation of the frontal sinuses).
  2. Shooting pains in the temporal region on the right most often occur with inflammation of the maxillofacial joint, trigeminal nerve, and otitis.
  3. Shooting pains in the middle or lower part of the face on the right associated with inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, jaw, maxillary sinuses and sinusitis.

From the left side

Shooting pains occur much less frequently on the left side of the head than on the right. This is due to the peculiarity of the innervation of the organs and tissues of the head. But the causes of such pain are the same as with right-sided localization:

  1. Neuritis and neuralgia right trigeminal and facial nerves;
  2. Otitis, frontal sinusitis, sinusitis and other inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs;
  3. Inflammation in the jaw.

In the occipital region

Shooting pain in the occipital region occurs due to compression namesake nerves in patients with osteochondrosis, spondyloarthrosis and herniated intervertebral discs. Pain increases when turning the head, and most often occurs after sleeping in an uncomfortable position or forced body position while doing work (for example, when constantly working at a computer). Many patients note the presence of so-called trigger zones, when pressure is applied to them, lumbago occurs.

Symptoms and signs of shooting headache

Regardless of the cause of the pain, all patients define it as a sudden lumbago with a specific localization (in the right or left side of the head, or in the back of the head). The lumbago can radiate to the facial, temporal, parotid, frontal regions, depending on which nerve is affected and what it innervates.

Shooting headache must be distinguished from migraine when the appearance of pain is preceded by so-called precursors (dizziness, auditory and visual hallucinations, blurred vision) and the pain is more of a pulsating nature. Migraine pain occurs without any cause and is an independent disease.

It is important! Shooting pain of any localization is neurogenic in nature! When you feel shooting pain in the heart area, this is a symptom of intercostal neuralgia. Pain in the heart is always either oppressive or burning in nature!

Diagnosis of pathology

If shooting pains in your head do not allow you to live fully, they occur frequently and the pain becomes unbearable, be sure to seek medical help. Your doctor may refer you to:

  1. Traumatologist or vertebrologist, for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the spinal column.
  2. ENT, if you suspect inflammatory diseases of the ear, nose or throat.
  3. To the ophthalmologist, to exclude inflammation of the eye sockets.
  4. Neuropathologist to study brain functions.

Treatment of shooting pain in the head with homeopathy

Often, traditional medicine cannot cope with the causes that provoke the appearance of a shooting headache. In such cases, homeopathy can help you.

First of all, it should be noted that any homeopathic remedy is prescribed depending on the patient’s constitution. To prescribe medications that are right for you, you need to consult a specialist.

Homeopathic remedies used for osteochondrosis

  • Rus toxicodendron(Rhus toxicodendron) will help people who live and work in cold, damp areas with headaches that are relieved by turning the head, but soon return.
  • Bryony(Bryonia Alba) is suitable for a patient with immobilizing pain, which intensifies with the slightest turn of the head (for pain on the left).
  • Lycopodium(Lycopodium) is a drug that normalizes the activity of the spinal column. Effective for right-sided pain.

Homeopathic remedies used for diseases of the ENT organs

  • Rhinital(Rhinital) is a drug of medicinal origin, which includes Luffa laxative, Triallis glaucoma, Cardiospermum halicakaba. It will help people with headaches associated with inflammatory diseases of the nose and sinuses.
  • Cinnabsin(Сinnabsin). It contains: Cinnabar (mercury sulfide) – treats neuralgia of the facial and trigeminal nerves, inflammation of the paranasal sinuses); Potassium dichromate and golden root extract will help people with chronic sinusitis; Echinacea extract – supports the overall level of immunity).

Homeopathic remedies used for neuritis

  • Agaricus(Agaricus) will help people with ice needle or nail pain.
  • Cedron(Cedron) can be recommended for easily excitable people with frequent relapses of neuritis.
  • Kalmia latifolia(Kalmia latifolia) is prescribed for neuritis and neuralgia in combination with general weakness and constant chills.
  • Magnesium phosphoricum(Magnesium phosphoricum) is recommended for patients with magnesium deficiency, which is manifested by increased sensitivity to external stimuli, fatigue, and sleep problems (effective for right-sided pain).
  • Spigelia antihelminthic(Spigelia Anthelmia) is most effective for shooting pains on the left side.
  • Common mullein(Verbascum thapsus) is used for deafening shooting pains in the right temple, aggravated by movement.

Of course, taking a homeopathic remedy without consulting a specialist will not harm you. But to achieve the full effect, you will most likely need several drugs, which are taken not at the same time, but at certain intervals. Only a highly qualified homeopath can select it.

The official name for shooting pain is cranialgia. The cause is usually disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system and the location of the nerve nodes on the head. Shooting pain in the head is not considered a separate pathology, but is always a symptom of a systemic disease.

The causes of the disease can be divided according to the signs of pathology.

The structure of the peripheral nerves is damaged. The headache occurs at the site of the affected nerve and is accompanied by sharp impulses.

Damage to nerve fibers occurs in the following pathologies:

  • neuralgia,
  • neuritis,
  • polyneuropathy.

The processes of the occipital nerves are damaged. The spinal nerves are compressed and problems with the spine arise:

  • cervical osteochondrosis,
  • hernias,
  • protrusion,
  • spondylosis.

Compression of the occipital nerve often causes lumbago in the head.

Diseases of the eyes and ears. Pain occurs due to infections and inflammation of the related nerves. This is a sign of chronic diseases:

  • sinusitis,
  • sinusitis,
  • purulent otitis media,
  • inflammatory process in the eye sockets.

Shooting pain also appears due to pathologies that develop near nerve branches:

  • abscesses and cysts,
  • aneurysms,
  • osteomyelitis.

The real causes of shooting pain can only be identified in a medical facility.

Symptoms and locations

Shooting pains in the head come from a neurogenic nature. Pain syndromes are provoked by injuries and inflammations in the head. Also, such manifestations can cause untreated diseases.

Typical signs of cranialgia:

  • pain occurs in attacks;
  • lumbago is constant and can last about 10 hours;
  • shooting headaches radiate to the neck, back of the head and shoulder;
  • often feels sick and vomits;
  • sometimes limbs go numb;
  • hearing is impaired;
  • dizziness and unsteady gait;
  • sudden mood changes;
  • painkillers do not provide relief;
  • temperature increase.

In the head, shooting pain always occurs on one side. It is difficult to find the shooting point and patients indicate only the painful area.
Painful sensations torment a person with unexpected attacks. Jerking pain appears out of nowhere and for no reason. Shooting cranialgia should not be considered an independent pathology and should only be dealt with the symptoms.

Localization can be in any part of the skull:

  • Frontal part. Shoots unexpectedly and without reason. It occurs mainly in the head on the right side and above the eyebrow. This area is characterized by pain even with the slightest mechanical impact.
  • Shooting in the temporal area. It mainly occurs on the right and is provoked by even a slight touch of the temples. The pain is reminiscent of a migraine, but is not accompanied by gagging.
  • Parietal pain. Appears suddenly and disappears suddenly. This is explained by the location of the nerve trunks ending in this area. Shooting appears in the central region of the skull.
  • In the back of the head. Shooting pain in the back of the head is observed with sudden movements of the head. The lumbago covers the entire back of the head and the area behind the ear.

But regardless of the location of manifestation, shooting pain in the head signals inflammation that needs to be neutralized.

First aid

What can you do on your own in case of an unexpected attack?

  • If symptoms appear, anesthetics can be used. Doctors recommend Lidocaine or Novocaine, which block trigger zones.
  • Warm compress. Heat will help if cranialgia is caused by neuralgia or cold nerves in the neck.
  • Aspirin. In your personal first aid kit there is always this medicine that relieves inflammation.
  • Warming ointments. Areas of the head that pulsate are treated with anti-inflammatory ointments.
  • If lumbago is caused by otitis media, then vasoconstrictor drops should be introduced into the nasal cavity, which will improve the condition and relieve swelling.
  • Inhalations using decoctions of medicinal herbs or aromatic tea tree oil will help.

It is advisable to master acupressure, which is very effective and quickly eliminates pain. When carrying out this procedure, you can use eucalyptus essential oil or Vietnamese balsam.

Diagnosis of cranialgia

To prevent a part of the head from shooting through acute pain, it is necessary to accurately determine the reasons for its occurrence. To do this, you often have to undergo an extensive examination.

After being examined by a therapist and passing the necessary tests, the patient is referred to specialists:

  • The ENT doctor will check the hearing organs and examine the nasal cavity to rule out infectious diseases;
  • a vertebrologist will check the condition of the spine to exclude cervical osteochondrosis;
  • A neurologist diagnoses the brain to exclude dangerous pathologies and inflammatory processes.

If one of these diseases is detected, a thorough examination of the head and cervical spine is prescribed: MRI, X-ray, ultrasound.


Therapy consists of a complex of medications and physical therapy procedures.

If cranialgia occurs due to a bacterial infection, the patient is prescribed the following medications:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen, Diclofenac) and painkillers in tablets (Spazmalgon);
  • antibiotics (Zitrox);
  • vitamin injections.

If lumbago is due to muscle tension or neuritis, then it is recommended:

  • tranquilizers (Phenazepam);
  • neuroprotectors (Actovegin).

For cervical osteochondrosis, ointments with non-steroidal components (Finalgon, Diklak) are used.

Drug therapy is complemented by physiotherapeutic procedures:

  • ultra-high frequency therapy;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • electrotherapy.

Pathology can be eliminated as quickly as possible only in the early stages of development. If cranialgia becomes chronic, the treatment will be very long. Therefore, at the first manifestations of shooting pain, you should urgently consult a neurologist. Ignoring this problem risks progression of the disease and disability over time.


In order not to suffer from lumbago in the head, you should adhere to basic rules that will prevent pain syndromes. You can always take a break from work and get a head massage or do some physical exercise.

It is necessary to ventilate the room more often to avoid problems with blood vessels. Strong odors that provoke lumbago for no apparent reason are undesirable. It is necessary to revise your diet by adding fresh fruits and raw vegetables.

Following simple rules will improve your well-being and reduce painful attacks.

Considering the complexity of the pathology and long-term treatment, we can conclude: therapy will be successful only if you seek help in a timely manner. Shoots can be effectively treated, but only in the initial stage of the disease.

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Shooting headaches have a special name – cranialgia. The condition is never considered as an independent disease; it is always a symptom of an organic or systemic pathology. Regardless of the location, severity and frequency of occurrence, the symptom cannot be regarded as a physiological norm. If your head starts to shoot, you need to urgently consult a doctor, undergo a detailed diagnosis and begin specialized therapy as quickly as possible.

What are the causes of shooting headaches?

Shooting pain in the head is a consequence of damage to the peripheral nerves of the skull or neck. Often it has a specific localization and manifests itself unexpectedly in the form of impulses, without the impact of irritants on the body. Most often, sharp pain is one-sided and is a consequence of head injuries or inflammatory processes. Based on the nature of the sign, its location, and the list of additional symptoms, a preliminary diagnosis can be suspected.

Localization of pain

Cranialgia is a rather specific symptom, the appearance of which cannot be ignored. Even in cases where it only occurs occasionally, it is best to determine the cause of the problem.

A shooting headache greatly distracts you from everyday life and over time can develop into protracted, painful attacks.

The type of localization of sensations allows us to make a preliminary diagnosis:

  • in the frontal zone - shoots more often from the right side and indicates damage to one of the nerve endings or the entire network. The pain occurs suddenly or when pressing on the area above the corresponding eyebrow. It is provoked by hypothermia or being in a draft;
  • in the temples – pain occurs infrequently on the left side of the head. The sign may indicate pathology of the temporal artery, trigeminal nerve, temporomandibular joint, or the development of osteochondrosis. The pain appears unexpectedly and intensifies when chewing food or any impact on the area. In some cases, pressing on the problem point brings relief;
  • in the crown - due to the accumulation of nerve endings, shooting pain can have different origins. Most often, it indicates the presence of pathological processes in the cervical spine. The symptom is sudden in nature, can appear and subside abruptly, and sometimes develops into a prolonged attack;
  • in the back of the head - the result of injuries, osteochondrosis, exposure to cold or drafts, uncomfortable posture during work or sleep. Pain occurs behind the ear on the left or right, in the back of the head, neck or upper back. Aggravated by head movements;
  • facial location - indicates inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, which may be accompanied by numbness of individual parts of the face;
  • pain coming from within is a severe symptom that occurs in the left or right hemisphere and indicates the presence of a focus of inflammation. The pathology may affect the ear or ocular nerves;
  • shooting in the head on the left or right side is another manifestation of trigeminal neuralgia. In this case, there is a high probability of a chronic or infectious process in the facial part of the skull. The clinical picture is complemented by neuroses, insomnia, and depression.

Pathological processes in the cranium are extremely dangerous to human health and life, even in cases where the brain is not affected. Due to the dense network of blood vessels and nerve endings, any inflammatory process or tissue hypoxia can cause a decrease in the functionality of the central nervous system.

Cluster headache

Attacks occur in series of 2 to 10 per day, lasting from 15 minutes to an hour. This continues for several days or weeks, after which a protracted period of remission occurs. The disease is characterized by a sudden onset, shooting pain in the back of the head, radiating to the eyeball. The sensations are so painful that the person is unable to carry out daily activities. Before symptoms appear, the patient may have a stuffy ear.


This disease is characterized by throbbing unilateral pain, which is sometimes accompanied by shooting in the head, neck, and upper back. Before an attack, warning signs may appear in the form of an aura. Symptoms are aggravated by bright lights, strong odors, or loud sounds.

Trigeminal neuralgia

Most often, shooting pains in the head are the result of damage to the structure of the trigeminal nerve. This occurs against the background of hypothermia, exposure to a draft, improper location of brain vessels, tumor growth, and infectious tissue lesions.

Shooting is observed in one half of the skull; symmetrical manifestation of the symptom is rare. The attack lasts from 10 seconds to 2 minutes.


The appearance of lumbago in the head after an injury is characteristic of the clinical picture of a concussion. The pain is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, dizziness, and short-term loss of consciousness is possible. After the organ functions are restored, the symptom will go away on its own.

Calcium salt metabolism disorder

Failures of metabolic processes lead to the formation of salt deposits in the joints and parts of the spine. This reduces the functionality of systems and leads to the development of inflammatory processes. As a result, the patient experiences shooting in the affected areas and radiates to the head.

Cervical osteochondrosis

With pathology, a shooting headache is observed in the crown and back of the head. Patients experience a crunching sound when turning the head, and numbness in the fingers may occur. Symptoms worsen towards the end of the day or after being in an uncomfortable position for a long time.


Thinning of the cartilage in the area of ​​the intermaxillary joint leads to a decrease in the functionality of the formation. At the initial stage of arthrosis, movement of the lower jaw is accompanied by clicking and crunching. After the disease moves to a new level, more serious symptoms are added. While chewing food, talking or laughing, pain appears that literally hits the head. The patient notes decreased hearing, numbness of the jaw apparatus, and facial asymmetry.

Spinal diseases

Injuries, abscesses, hernias and other pathological lesions of the spinal column can provoke severe pain. Shoots can spread throughout the body, including to the head. The clinical picture depends on the type of damage to the central nervous system.


During the formation and growth of a tumor, lumbago in the head can be periodic, systematic or constant. They arise as a result of tissue compression by a new formation. In the case of cancer, the toxins released by the conglomerate have an additional negative impact.

Intracranial bleeding

Rupture of blood vessels inside the skull leads to the release of blood and the formation of a hematoma. Signs of the condition may appear hours or days after the injury.

The patient develops a twitching headache, drowsiness and apathy while maintaining consciousness. As the volume of the hematoma and venous stasis increases, the picture is complemented by increased symptoms, anxiety, nausea and vomiting.

Methods for treating lumbago in the head

The list of therapeutic procedures for cranialgia is established by the doctor based on the diagnosis. There are no universal ways to treat the problem. Trying to get rid of the symptom on your own can make the situation worse, so it’s better not to take risks.


Acute pathology is treated in a hospital. Depending on the causes of the shooting headache, the patient may be prescribed antibiotics, NSAIDs, vitamins, nootropics and tranquilizers in the form of tablets or injections. For osteochondrosis, ointments “Finalgon”, “Fastum Gel”, “Diklak” are actively used. In case of an unexpected and severe attack, the pain syndrome is relieved with Novocaine or Lidocaine.


For lumbago in the head, thermal and other local procedures help well. In hospital settings, electrophoresis, UHF, galvanic current, and magnetic therapy are actively used. At home, with the permission of a doctor, you can use warm compresses and warm baths. Acupuncture is permitted according to indications, but it must be carried out by an experienced healthcare professional.

Simple physical exercises for the spine are used to treat the causes of shooting headaches and their prevention. The manipulations are aimed at strengthening the muscle corset, aligning posture, and normalizing blood flow in the cervical spine. The list of actions must be agreed upon with a physical therapy doctor so as not to harm the weakened body.


The treatment of soft tissues helps well with superficial pathological processes. A targeted effect on biologically active zones quickly relieves pain. To obtain the desired result, use your fingertips to massage the eyebrow ridges, the line between the eyebrows from the bridge of the nose to the place of hair growth and temples. Stroking the crown of the head towards the neck will allow you to consolidate the result. To enhance the effect of massage, it is recommended to use essential oils.

Shooting sensations in the head that suddenly arise for the first time and do not go away after taking an analgesic are an indication for an urgent visit to the doctor. If the patient's condition is accompanied by impaired consciousness, fainting, profuse vomiting or painful attacks, it is necessary to call an ambulance and do not try to cope with the symptoms on your own.

One of the most common problems that a person faces throughout life is headaches. It can have different localization and intensity, but the most common condition is when it shoots in the back of the head. If this feeling is systematically repeated, you should be wary. Perhaps this is the first symptom that signals a serious pathology.

Shooting pain in the back of the head causes severe discomfort, loss of performance, and a sharp deterioration in mood and general health. It occurs unexpectedly, against the background of impaired functioning of the peripheral nerves. As a rule, the provoking factor of the disease is inflammation or injury.

Shooting pain in the back of the head rarely appears once. More often than not, this is a recurring symptom that reminds you of itself again and again. You cannot turn a blind eye to the problem and relieve discomfort with painkillers. It is necessary to consult a doctor as early as possible in order to identify the disease at the initial stage and prevent the development of complications.

Localization of pain

Occipital shooting pains are observed when the nerves of this part of the head are damaged. Unpleasant sensations may be spreading and intensify when turning or bending. A similar problem is caused by an incorrect position during sleep, an uncomfortable pillow, and hypothermia.

By the nature of the pain in the back of the head, you can determine its cause:

  • acute - caused by stress or excessive emotionality;
  • dull - indicates disturbances in the functioning of the cervical spine;
  • aching - develops against the background of fatigue or mental overstrain;
  • pulsating - signals the presence of a serious disease: hypertension, ICP, etc.

To determine the exact cause of occipital shooting pain, a thorough medical examination is necessary. In this case, there is a high risk of developing severe pathology, so you should immediately consult a doctor.

Cluster pain

Cluster pain is characterized by strong intensity and unexpected appearance. They periodically occur at the same or different times, sometimes during sleep. More often observed in men over 30 years of age. Cluster pain occurs at a specific point in the head, often on the side, and, over time, spreads to the forehead, eyes or back of the head. Attacks last from 15-20 minutes to several hours and can be repeated up to 3-4 times a day. This problem may be accompanied by symptoms:

  • redness of the facial skin
  • swelling of the eyelid
  • redness of the eye
  • tearfulness
  • nasal congestion

The exact causes of cluster pain are still unknown. It is believed that the provoking factor is alcohol abuse, intense physical activity, and the use of vasodilator drugs.


Severe shooting pain in the back of the head is the main symptom of cervical migraine. This is a type of headache that occurs suddenly and is accompanied by symptoms:

  • darkening of the eyes
  • tinnitus
  • hearing impairment
  • semi-fainting

During a migraine, it is difficult for a person to concentrate on anything. When pressing on the vertebral artery, the discomfort intensifies.

Headache that is localized in the forehead, temples, eye sockets and jaws is called trigeminal neuralgia. This problem is common among women over the age of 50, but also occurs in men and younger adults. Typically, the pathology occurs due to compression of the trigeminal nerve, which provides sensitivity to different areas of the face. This phenomenon is caused by the presence of injury, mechanical compression, infectious or inflammatory process.


A strong blow or bruise to the head often causes a concussion. This is a condition in which the functionality of brain cells is temporarily impaired. This pathology may be accompanied by signs:

  • headache of varying intensity, radiating to the back of the head and other parts of the head
  • brain fog
  • nausea
  • vomit
  • speech, hearing, vision, coordination disorders
  • increased sweating
  • loss of consciousness
  • memory impairment

Under medical care, a person with a concussion will experience relief within the first few days after the injury.

Calcium salt metabolism disorder

Violation of mineral metabolism is a serious problem in which the life support processes of all organs and systems in the body are hampered. In particular, it causes various vascular diseases of the brain due to the formation of plaques of calcium salts inside the vessels. In this case, the first symptom of the pathology is shooting headaches in the back of the head and other parts of the head. Over time, symptoms appear:

  • dizziness
  • noise in ears
  • memory impairment
  • fast fatiguability

Often people attribute such symptoms to fatigue, so they do not seek medical help. It is important to keep in mind that insufficient blood supply to the brain can cause serious vascular pathologies, which means turning a blind eye to this problem is dangerous to health.

A common cause of severe headaches is cervical osteochondrosis. This is a pathology of the cervical spine, in which the functionality of the intervertebral discs is impaired. As a rule, the disease first makes itself felt with attacks of shooting pain in the back of the head.

Additional symptoms of osteochondrosis:

  • nausea and vomiting
  • hearing impairment
  • visual impairment
  • mental deterioration
  • loss of coordination

Often osteochondrosis occurs in combination with migraine, and the unpleasant sensations in the back of the head intensify. When the head is suddenly thrown upward, the patient experiences a short-term loss of motor activity. Due to lack of treatment, the risk of developing an intervertebral hernia increases.

Arthrosis is a chronic joint disease that causes degenerative disorders. Pathology can affect different parts of the joint, progressing slowly. Acceleration of pathological processes is observed under the influence of negative factors: poor heredity, bad habits, and the presence of concomitant diseases.

With arthrosis of the cervical spine, patients complain of shooting pains at the base of the skull. Unpleasant sensations intensify with sudden movements and bending. More often the pain is one-sided, gradually spreading to the area of ​​the back of the head and shoulder blades.

Spinal diseases include many pathologies that are accompanied by back pain radiating to the base of the skull. Some of them are quite common in both older and younger people. This is due to the sedentary lifestyle of young people.

Shooting pain in the back of the head occurs as a symptom of spinal pathologies:

  • ankylosing spondylitis
  • Schmorl's hernia
  • sciatica
  • kyphosis
  • lordosis
  • intervertebral hernia
  • osteoporosis
  • myositis
  • protrusion
  • scoliosis
  • spinal cancer
  • radiculitis
  • stenosis
  • chondrosis
  • spondylosis

Pathologies of the spine lead to disruption of the blood supply to the brain, which, in turn, provokes headaches.


A tumor of the cervical spine is a rare pathology that can be either benign or malignant. Causes pain in the neck, back of the head, shoulder blade and arm. As the disease progresses, the patient's condition worsens: gait is impaired, and the functionality of the digestive and urinary organs decreases.

As a rule, if a spinal tumor is detected at an early stage and treatment is started in a timely manner, the prognosis for the patient is favorable.

Damage to a cerebral vessel with further formation of a hematoma is called intracranial bleeding. A blood clot compresses brain tissue, thereby impairing its functionality. In some cases, this situation requires immediate surgical treatment.

Signs of intracranial hemorrhage:

  • headache, the intensity of which gradually increases
  • clouding of consciousness and drowsiness
  • difficulty speaking
  • vomit
  • increase in pressure
  • pupils become different sizes

The larger the area of ​​hemorrhage, the more severe the patient’s condition. In such a situation, minutes count, so you need to urgently consult a doctor.

Which doctor should I contact?

If you experience systematically recurring shooting pains in the back of your head, you should consult a therapist or family doctor. If the patient is in serious condition, you should urgently call an ambulance. After examining and studying the complaints, the doctor prescribes the patient to undergo a medical examination and refers him for consultation to a highly specialized specialist: neurologist, traumatologist, oncologist, cardiologist, orthopedic surgeon, etc.


To get rid of shooting sensations in the back of the head, it is necessary to identify and neutralize the cause of this phenomenon. To do this, the doctor prescribes a complete medical examination to the patient, which includes:

  • visual inspection
  • determination of symptoms and complaints from the patient’s words
  • lab tests

For a more accurate diagnosis, examination of the head and cervical spine using ultrasound, radiography, CT, and MRI is indicated.


Based on the identified diagnosis, the patient is prescribed appropriate treatment, which includes drug therapy, physiotherapeutic and health procedures. In acute cases of the disease, hospitalization may be necessary.


Treatment of shooting pain in the back of the head is aimed at eliminating the symptoms, as well as neutralizing the causes of discomfort.

Depending on the diagnosis, the following types of medications are prescribed:

  • antibiotics
  • anti-inflammatory drugs
  • painkillers
  • vitamins
  • nootropics and neuroprotectors
  • tranquilizing drugs
  • ointments containing non-steroidal substances

Thermal procedures may also be prescribed: applications, lotions and compresses.


For pain in the back of the head, physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed that help improve the patient's condition through the influence of physical factors on the body.

Physiotherapy methods for the treatment of shooting pain in the back of the head:

  • magnetotherapy
  • electrophoresis
  • galvanic current
  • ultra high frequency therapy

There are special exercises aimed at relieving unpleasant shooting sensations in the back of the head. The intensity and duration of gymnastics is determined by the doctor individually for each patient based on the diagnosis.


A light acupressure massage of the back of the head can be done independently at home. This procedure will allow you to relax and relieve stress after a hard day, and will also relieve pain. For a good effect, you can lubricate your fingers with essential oils of eucalyptus or rosemary.


Special preventive measures will help reduce the intensity and frequency of pain in the occipital part of the head:

  • taking vitamin B to strengthen the nervous system
  • regular physical exercise to prevent the development of spinal diseases
  • avoiding hypothermia of the body, in particular the neck
  • walks and outdoor recreation

Shooting pain in the back of the head is a dangerous symptom for which it is recommended to visit a doctor. A timely detected disease is much easier to cure than an advanced one. This reduces the risk of complications.

Video: Relieving headaches in the back of the head