Summary of Defender of the Fatherland Day senior group. Poems from girls. VII. Practical work

Elena Serysheva
Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world “Defender of the Fatherland Day”

Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world on the topic: « Defender of the Fatherland Day»


Consolidate knowledge about the army, activate your vocabulary through the names of various types of troops

Fostering pride in one’s homeland, desire protect her.

Equipment: cards on the topic of February 23, pictures and photos depicting branches of the military, toys or an image of a tank, plane, helicopter, parachute, dog, ship, cap, helmet.

Progress of the lesson:

Poem excerpt « Defenders of the Fatherland all centuries» .

-Defenders of the Fatherland all centuries

Holy Rus' was kept from the enemy

And if the enemy attacked from afar,

Then they chased him, beat him and smashed him.

Life without sparing, your homeland

They saved for our life

And all enemies, in an unequal battle,

They always, everywhere, beat mercilessly.

So that Rus' remains great even now

Stand guard over its borders,

Let the enemy of Russia remember every hour,

That you protect Russia from him.

The holiday of our army is coming soon - Defender of the Fatherland Day. It is celebrated on February 23. Armed Forces Day, day, which our entire army celebrates, it is a holiday for everyone defenders of our Fatherland, defenders of peace, freedom and happiness.

You and I live in a country called Russia. Russia is ours Fatherland. Our country has an army, just like other countries.

There are different branches in the army troops: soldiers, sailors, pilots, border guards. Such an army strong: she can protect your country at sea, on land, and in the air.

Guys, this is what you think, one soldier can protect the Fatherland?

Children: no, you need a lot of soldiers.

Absolutely right, not in vain said: - Alone, not a warrior in the field. And when there are many soldiers, this is an army. Every nation, every country has its own army. Russia also has an army, and more than once defended your people from the invaders.

The teacher suggests looking at pictures of military equipment.

What's in the pictures?

Children: ship, submarine, plane, helicopter, tank, missiles.

And in one word it is called "Military equipment". What do you call the soldiers working on this equipment?

Children: On ships and submarines - Sailors. They protect the sea.

On the tank - a tanker, protect the earth.

That's right, and then there are Border Guards who protect borders of our country, rocket men, pilots - protect the sky. And all together this is called the branch of the military.

A game “Who needs what?”

The teacher has toys. - A representative of what military profession needs these things? (tank, plane, helicopter, parachute, dog, ship, cap, helmet)

Introduction to the branches of the military.

So, the first branch of the military we are with today let's get acquainted, This:

Border troops. (Border guards).

How many of you know who the border guards are?

Border guards are soldiers who guard the border. They are the first to encounter enemy troops when they cross the border. Border guards, like all military personnel, are defenders of our Fatherland. The border detachment has a guide with a dog. The dog helps the border guards and follows the trail.

Navy. The sea spaces of our Motherland protect warships. Sailors serve there, including captains. These are the commanders of the ship, they are responsible for the entire ship. Large surface ships are equipped with cannons, anti-aircraft guns, missiles, and bombs. They can defend our homeland on the water.

Physical education minute.

One, two, in step,

Three, four, step harder.

Soldiers go to the parade

And they take a step together.

Guys, but now there is no war, why do we need an army in peacetime?

The army must always be ready to repel enemy attacks.

Guys, what do soldiers in the army do in peacetime?

Soldiers are training.

How do soldiers train?

Soldiers must be strong, brave, strong, healthy, courageous.

Military - air forces.

How many of you know who the landing party is?

Air Force ready protect if necessary our Fatherland from the air. Pilots - members of the crew of an airplane or helicopter - must not be afraid of heights and be able to take responsibility in a critical situation.

Ground troops.

Infantrymen, artillerymen, missilemen, and tank crews serve in the ground forces. Tanks are self-propelled vehicles with caterpillar tracks, which allows them to travel over any terrain. The tanks are equipped with cannons and machine guns. Signalmen, miners, and military builders also serve in the ground forces.

A game "One is many".

Tanker - tankers - many tankers; pilot - pilots - many pilots; sailor, soldier, warrior, hero, rocket, saber, cap, infantryman, paratrooper, border guard.

The winds blow in February

The pipes howl loudly.

Like a snake rushes along the ground

Light drifting snow.

Rising, they rush into the distance

Aircraft flights.

It celebrates February

Army birth.

Subject: "February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day"Target : formation of children’s ideas about the army; continue to develop conversational speech.Tasks: Educational objectives: - continue to form children’s ideas about the branches of the military,about the features of military service;Developmental tasks: - develop attention, memory, logical thinking;- stimulate children’s speech activity and hand motor skills;- strengthen teamwork skills.Educational tasks: - cultivate patriotic feelings.Material used: pictures depicting various branches of the military;illustrations showing the everyday life of the army - soldiers training in the gym, on the obstacle course, at the training ground, etc.;pictures for the game “Third Man”;toys (tanks, planes, guns, ship).Vocabulary work: introduction to the active vocabulary of new concepts and words: duty, defender, service, Fatherland, army, border, pilot, sailor, artilleryman, infantryman, missileman, submariner, military equipment.

Preliminary work ; conversation about the army, soldiers, learning poems and songs about the army, looking at illustrations about the army.

Types of children's activities:

communicative, cognitive - research, musical and artistic, motor.

GCD move 1.Organizational momentA march sounds. Children independently examine illustrations on the Army theme; photographs and pictures of warriors. Everyone chooses a toy. They sit down on chairs.2.Introduction to the topic Educator:Guys, today we will talk about the army. February 23 is a very important holiday that is celebrated in our country. It is called Defender of the Fatherland Day. Who do you think the Defenders of the Fatherland are? (children's answers). Defenders of the Fatherland are warriors, soldiers who defend their Motherland, their people from attacks by enemies from other countries. Soldiers are united by commanders into the Army. Every country, every people has its own army. Our country Russia also has its own army. The soldiers of this army have repeatedly defended their people from attacks. The army consists of different types of troops. Every boy, when he grows up, will become a warrior, soldier or general. They are brave, brave. Look at these pictures (illustrations depicting various types of troops are displayed.) Who is depicted here? (answers). That's right, these are all warriors, soldiers of different branches of the military. Warriors know how to shoot. They are jumping with a parachute. They fly on airplanes, sail on warships.3. Main part. You have toys in your hands, these are military equipment.What is the name of the toy (equipment)? Who controls it?Sample answers:- I have a tank, it is driven by a tank driver.- I have a plane. A pilot is flying in an airplane.- I have a gun. An artilleryman fires from a cannon.- I have a ship. The ship is controlled by a captain.As the conversation progresses, the children look at photographs depicting different branches of the military, a military parade, and military equipment. Children answer questions in detail and complement each other.Educator:- That's right, these are tank crews, sailors, artillerymen, pilots, border guards.You named everyone correctly - these are different types of troops.- Why do you think so many types of troops are needed? (answers).If an army has different types of troops, such an army is strong: it canprotect your country at sea, on land and in the air.Educator:- Guys, guess the riddles about the army:A bird is flying - a fable (airplane).A turtle crawls, a steel shirt (tank).There are no wings, but this bird will fly and land (rocket).Physical education minute: Globe (showing with hands)We'll go around (marching)We'll find a lot of friends there (hands in lock).Let's sail on the ocean (a boat floats with two hands)We are with the brave captain (helm).We will travel around the whole world (bicycle with our hands).But for now it’s a secret (finger to lips).The game "Third Wheel" is played Pilot, tanker, football player.Airplane, tank, parachutist.Automatic, pistol, tankerCaptain, gunner, ship.Didactic game “Find out the type of troops.” On the table are images of soldiers of various branches of the military. The teacher makes a wish for one of them. Children ask questions to the teacher, trying to guess who he wished for. You can only answer yes or no (then the game is played with one of the children as the leader).Learning a poem: Our army is dearAnd brave and strong.Doesn't threaten anyoneShe protects us.

Educator:- Guys, why do you think the army is needed in peacetime? (answers).The army must always be combat-ready to repel enemy attacks.What do soldiers in the army do when there is no war? (is this time called peacetime? (answers).To win, soldiers and officers must be brave, strong, fast, and accurate. For this you need to train. Officers teach and train soldiers.Now look at these pictures, they are about how soldiers live and train.- What is shown in this picture?(soldiers are working out in the gym: lifting weights, doing pull-ups on the horizontal bar). What is it for? (to be strong).- What are the soldiers doing here? (soldiers learn to shoot).What is it for? (to be accurate during battle).- This picture shows an obstacle course.What do soldiers do? (they run along a log, climb over a high wall, shoot, jump over a deep hole, go through fire). Why are they training here? (you need to be resilient during battle and be able to overcome various obstacles).4. Summary of the lesson. Educator:- Well done boys. Let's remember once again what holiday we talked about today? (February 23, Defender of the Fatherland Day).- Who is this holiday dedicated to? (military: sailors, border guards, tank crews, pilots)-What do you need to do to become like them? (serve in the army, train a lot, be brave, strong, fast, accurate, fearless).Children exchange toys, examine them, and play.

Topic: “Defenders of the Fatherland.”

Target: formation of civil-patriotic consciousness.


Expand children's understanding of the Russian army, military equipment, branches of the military, and people who serve in various troops.

Enrich and activate the vocabulary on the topic “Defenders of the Fatherland”, develop the ability to form relative and qualitative adjectives.

Develop visual perception and auditory attention.

Foster respect for people in military professions.

Materials and equipment: mini-poster “February 23”, a set of pictures on the theme “Guardian of the Fatherland”, red five-pointed stars according to the number of children, a tape recorder, a disk with recordings of military marches, a video film “Victory Parade”, a laptop, a projector, speakers.

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher turns on the quiet music “Military March” and begins to attach a mini-poster “Congratulations on February 23” to the board.

IN. Why do you think this poster appeared here? Children's answers. The holiday of defenders of the fatherland is coming soon.

IN. Who are the defenders of the fatherland? Children's answers. These are the people who protect us and serve in the army.

IN. Why do we need defenders of the fatherland, because now there is no war. Children's answers. They are needed to protect peace, so that there is no war.

IN. Every nation, every country has an army. The army must always be ready to repel enemy attacks. “If there is no defense, even the crows will peck.” Do you know any of the defenders of the fatherland? Children's answers. This is my dad, brother, etc.

IN. Do you want to be like them? Children's answers. Yes.

IN. What kind of defenders of the fatherland are they? Children's answers. They are strong and brave.

IN. You know a lot about the defenders of our fatherland. Can you tell me about them? Feel like soldiers: straighten your backs, straighten your shoulders, raise your heads. Forward one after another. This is how the defenders of the fatherland walk, a vigorous step sounds. Children walk in a circle.

IN. You fighters are great, let’s recite a poem and point our fingers.

Finger gymnastics “Fighters are great.”

Our fingers are all fighters,

Well done guys.

Two - large and strong small ones,

And soldiers experienced in battles,

Two - brave guardsmen,

Two smart young men,

Two - nameless heroes,

But they are very zealous at work.

Two - short little fingers

Very nice boys.


The fingers hardly stood together

Ten strong soldiers.

What does “daring fellows” mean? (Differentiated by special courage, bravery. “Small but daring.”)

What is an experienced soldier? (experienced, knowledgeable, and experienced).

Smart fellow - what is this? (Sharp-witted, smart and quick-witted. A quick-witted soldier has a grenade in his hands.”).

What is a zealous hero at work? (Very diligent, diligent).

Nice boys - what kind? (Very, kind, pleasant. In our group there are both nice boys and nice girls.)

Let's collect in our palm all the words - definitions: daring, experienced, zealous, glorious.

IN. At least they are good fighters! But without military equipment you cannot defeat the enemy. What military equipment do you know? (Tank, ship)

Examination of paintings-illustrations.

What is this? (tank)

Who controls the tank? (Tankman)

What troops do tank crews serve in? (In tanks)

Choose a tanker's headdress. What is it called? (Tanker helmet)

The teacher puts pictures with a rocket, an airplane, a gun and a ship and asks the same questions in the order in which the pictures appear.

Children, have you noticed that military equipment helps fighters at sea, on land, and in the air. We are safe everywhere. Under the protection of our native army, people of military professions.

Game "Military Professions"

Ball game:

Who guards the border?

Who goes on reconnaissance

Who goes on a submarine voyage?

Who jumps with a parachute

Who provides communications

IN. Guys, who is most needed in war, people of what military professions? Rocketman or tankman? Pilot or sailor? Or maybe a paratrooper? Children's answers.

IN. It is impossible to answer this question, because all military professions are important and necessary. You can’t hit with just one finger, you need to clench all your fingers into a fist. And then the enemies will receive a strong blow. When we are all together, we are a great force: rocket men, tank crews, pilots, sailors, and paratroopers.

Be a brave, dexterous soldier

Training helps!

Want to practice? Then let's do the exercises to the music.

Physical exercise.

A military march sounds, during which the music changes:

Cavalrymen - galloping on the carpet

March - marching

IN. Was it easy for you to train? But it’s hard to learn, but it’s easy to fight. So said the great Russian commander A.V. Suvorov, the author of the science of winning.

IN. What do you think the defenders of the fatherland do in peacetime?

Children's answers. They clean their weapons and study.

IN. What kind of army do we have? Children's answers. She is strong, powerful, tough.

IN. The army shows all its valor in peacetime at the parade.

Viewing a fragment of the parade on Red Square.


What new have you learned?

What was interesting?

IN. I give you a star. This is a symbol of defenders of the fatherland. A symbol of strength, fortitude, a symbol of the army.

A military march sounds.

IN. Our army is strong and strong,

She protects our peaceful work.

The army is loved by all the Russian people

She protects her native land.

Ilmira Yalalova
Summary of an integrated lesson in the senior group “Defender of the Fatherland Day”

Subject: « Defender of the Fatherland Day»

Target: to clarify children’s knowledge about the army, their ideas about the branches of the military.


Correctional educational: consolidate military professions with children,

form plural nouns and agree them with adjectives; make sentences with prepositions; hear sounds in words (With) and (c, Fix ordinal counting.

Correctional and developmental: develop memory, thinking, speech.

Correctional and educational: cultivate respect for defenders of our Motherland.

Equipment: demonstration material - pictures on this topic; marker, board.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment

What time of year is it now? (month, day of the week)

What holiday will be this week?

Who do we call defenders of the Fatherland? What are they doing? defenders? (protect our Motherland from enemies - this is in wartime, and in peacetime - they protect the borders of our Motherland).

What are the military people who guard the borders called? (border guards)

(a picture is displayed)

What is the name of the profession of the people who guard the border in the air? (on water - sea, ocean)

What is the name of the profession of the person who drives the tank?

What do you know about the Russian army?

The teacher summarizes the answers children:

Soldiers do military service in the army. Most of the young people in our country serve in the Russian army. In the army, they are taught military affairs and skills by officers. To become an officer, you must graduate from a special military school. There are different branches in the army troops: infantry, tank crews, rocket men, border guards, artillerymen, pilots, sailors, paratroopers.

2. Game “Who needs what?”

For the pilot - an airplane

To the tank driver - tank

To the border guard - border, machine gun, dog

To the rocket scientist - rockets

For a sailor - a ship, a submarine, etc.

3. Didactic game "Say a lot"

Brave pilot - brave pilots. Iron helmet -.

Fast rocket -. Warship -. Runway -. War plane -. Border strip -. etc.

4. Didactic game "Make a proposal" (with a marker I draw an item necessary for a soldier of the named branch of military)

The speech therapist alternately displays pairs of pictures. Children make up sentences with prepositions.

Sailor - ship. (A sailor serves on a ship.)

The border guard is a dog.

Artilleryman - cannon.

Rocket - sky.

Tanker is a tank.

Paratrooper - parachute.

Infantrymen - field.

5. Physical education minute

Stand on one leg. Children stand on their right leg.

It's like you're a steadfast soldier.

Left leg to chest,

Look, don't fall.

Now stand on your left, stand on your left leg.

If you are a brave soldier.

One, two - in step. They are walking.

Three, four - a firmer step.

6. Game “Name which one?”

(on the board there are pictures of soldiers of various branches of the military)

Who's first? (remember that we count from left to right)

Who's third?

What kind of tanker are you? (border guard, sailor? Etc.)

7. Did. a game "Say the word"

Name the pictures that have a sound in the title (With) or with?

8. Summary classes.

What do you think the soldiers of the Russian army should be like? (Strong, courageous, brave, resilient, etc.)

What troops would you like to serve in? Why? (Children's stories.)

Publications on the topic:

Scenario of the matinee in the senior group “Defender of the Fatherland Day” Scenario of a matinee in the senior group for Defender of the Fatherland Day. Children enter the hall to the music: “Military March.” Gazmanov. Arina: When she’s lying down.

“February 23 is Defender of the Fatherland Day.” Lesson notes for the senior group Expand children's knowledge about the holiday to whom it is dedicated. Introduce the concepts: Army, Fatherland..

Objectives of the lesson: Correctional and educational: to continue acquainting children with the history and traditions of the holiday on February 23 - Defender's Day.

Abstract of the educational activity "Defender of the Fatherland Day" in the senior group of kindergarten Abstract of the educational activity "Journey to the Past" on the topic "Defender of the Fatherland Day" in the senior group of kindergarten. Goal: introduce children to history.

Type of activity - integrated (musical and artistic, sports and gaming). The format is group. Educational areas:.

Lesson summary: GCD in the preparatory group “Defender of the Fatherland Day” Lesson summary: node in the preparatory group "Defender of the Fatherland Day". Purpose: To reveal the concept of the word military, why the holiday is February 23.

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the middle group “Defender of the Fatherland Day” Lesson summary on speech development

Notes on getting to know your surroundings. Integrated activity-entertainment. In the preparatory group (6-7 years old)

I offer you a summary for children of the preparatory group (6-7 years old) on the topic: “Defender of the Fatherland Day.” This material can be used by teachers of the preparatory group. This is a synopsis of an educational nature, aimed at nurturing patriotic feelings, love for the Motherland, shaping children’s understanding of the army, the branches of the military, developing memory, thinking, and activating vocabulary on the topic.

Summary of an integrated lesson on familiarization with the environment, in the preparatory group (6-7 years old) “Defender of the Fatherland Day”

1 Continue to form children’s ideas about the army.
Continue to form children's ideas about the branches of the military, about the features of military service (soldiers train to be strong, skillful, learn to shoot accurately, overcome obstacles, etc.)
2 Develop logical thinking, memory, attention; stimulate children's speech activity, hand motor skills, teamwork skills, teamwork skills. Empathize for your comrades.
3 To foster patriotic feelings and love for the Motherland.
4 Activate the dictionary on the topic.
Illustrations and pictures depicting various branches of the military, illustrations showing the everyday life of the army - soldiers training in the gym, on an obstacle course, on a training ground... colored napkins, glue, brushes, a landscape sheet with a picture of a tank and a flag, “stars” for team awards (cut out from red paper).

Vocabulary work:
Duty, protector, service, fatherland, army, border. Pilot, sailor, artilleryman, paratrooper, infantryman, tankman, missileman, submariner. Military equipment: tank, military aircraft, warship, machine gun, cannon.

Progress of the lesson

Conversation about the army.
Guys, February 23 is a very important holiday for our country - Defender of the Fatherland Day.
Who are the defenders of the Fatherland?
(Children's answers).
Defenders of the Fatherland are warriors who defend their people, their Motherland, the land of their fathers from enemies. This is an army. Every nation, every country has its own army. Russia also has an army. Our army has repeatedly defended its people from invaders and enemies. Look at these pictures.
(I am exhibiting illustrations depicting various types of troops.)
Educator:-Who do you see here?
(Children's answers).
Educator:-That's right, these are tank crews, sailors, artillerymen, paratroopers, pilots, border guards...
You named everyone correctly - these are different types of troops.
Educator:-Why do you think so many types of troops are needed?
(Children's answers.)
Educator:- That’s right, if an army has various types of troops, such an army is strong: it can defend its country at sea, on land, and in the air.
Educator:- Guys, guess the riddles.
I'll grow up and follow my brother
I will also be a soldier
I will help him
Protect your... (country)

You can become a sailor
To guard the border
And serve not on earth,
And in the military... (ship

The plane soars like a bird
There is an air border there.
On duty both day and night
Our soldier is a military man... (pilot)

The car is rushing into battle again,
Caterpillars are cutting the ground,
That car in the open field
Controlled... (tanker)

Can you become a soldier
Swim, ride and fly,
And I want to walk in formation -
Waiting for you, soldier... (infantry)

Any military profession
You definitely need to study
To be a support for the country,
So that the world doesn't have... (wars)
Educator: Now there is no war, no one is attacking us, why do we need an army in peacetime?
(Children's answers).
Educator:- The army must always be ready to repel the attack of enemies.
Educator:- What do soldiers do in the army in peacetime?
(Children's answers)
Educator:- That's right, the soldiers are training. Officers teach and train soldiers. To defeat the enemy, soldiers and officers must be brave, strong, fast, and accurate. And to become like this, of course, you need to train. Now we will look at photographs of how soldiers live and train.
Examination of illustrations telling about the everyday life of the army.
Educator:- What are the soldiers doing in this picture?

Children:(They work out in the gym, lift weights, do pull-ups on the horizontal bar, practice target shooting...).
Educator: Why is this necessary?
Children:(To be strong, brave).
Educator: What are the soldiers doing here?
Children:(Learn to shoot).
Educator: Why is this necessary?
Children:(To be accurate during battle).
Educator: But in this picture you see an obstacle course. What are the soldiers doing here?
Children:(They run along a log, climb over a high wall with windows, shoot, jump over a deep hole, go through fire).
Educator:- Why do you think they train on the obstacle course?
Children:(To be resilient during battle and easily overcome various obstacles).
Attention! Attention!
The competition begins
Strong, dexterous and skillful
Future soldiers.
I ask the captains to introduce their teams.
Team "Sailors".
We are brave sailors
We want to become faster
And we will say confidently,
That we will defeat you!
Team "Paratroopers".
Paratroopers! Paratroopers!
We are faithful to the Motherland!
We are strong and brave!
And we must win!

To become a soldier
There's a lot to learn.
Be agile and skillful.
Very dexterous, strong, brave!
Educator:- Guys, how do you think a soldier’s morning begins?
Children:- From morning exercises.
Educator:- A soldier’s day begins in order with exercises
Come on, brothers, pull yourself up, get some exercise,
(warm-up to the music “Smuglyanka”)

Leading:- Well, the warm-up was successful!
The teams are ready to fight!
He wins for sure in battle,
The one who knows how to hold on to a friend.

Game: "Avoid the mines."
Participants take turns dribbling a small ball with a stick, circling the pins, trying not to touch them, and return to the team.
Game "Help a friend".
You need to put gloves on your hands and button up your friend’s buttons.
(to summarize, the winning team receives an asterisk.)
- With all tasks
A soldier must cope
Fast and deft
Dress in your own uniform!
Game: “Who can put on a shirt, vest and cap faster.”
(to summarize)
- And it’s also important for a soldier to be friends
And treasure soldier's friendship.
Who, guys, knows the proverbs about friendship?
1. If you don’t have a friend, look for one. If you found it, take care!
2. An old friend is better than two new ones.
3. Good brotherhood is dearer than wealth.
4. Making friends means not sparing yourself.
5. Don’t have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends.
(to summarize)
Educator:- But guys, it’s still a mystery.
He guards the border
He can and knows everything.
The soldier is excellent in all matters
And it's called?...
Children:... (Border Guard)

Song: “Song about the border guard”
music S. Bugoslavsky, lyrics. O. Vysotskaya.
- Well, well done guys,
Great fighters in the future!
Now, let's go to sea.
Seagulls hover in the open air.
Good for all of us
Sail on the waves.
Come on, kids
A new game.
Game: "The sea is agitated."
(The sea is worried once, the sea is worried twice,
the sea is worried three - the sea figure freeze!)
(to summarize)
Educator:- Children play peaceful games,
and here’s another interesting one for you
Game: “Who will pull who?”
(to summarize)
-Child. Team "Sailors"
Sailors are cheerful people,
They live well
And in free moments
They dance and sing.
The dance “Apple” is performed.
Child. Team "Paratroopers"
That's how much fun we have,
We started dancing too!
The dance "Cossack" is performed
(Russian folk melody).
(to summarize)
- We want the birds to sing,
So that the streams ring in the spring,
So that the sun warms the earth,
May the birch tree turn green!
So that everyone's dreams come true,
To make everyone around laugh,
So that children have dreams,
So that there is no war!
"Song of Peace" is performed
music A. Filippenko, lyrics. T. Volgina.

Educator:- Well done boys! Let's remember again what holiday is coming soon?
Children:(February 23, Defender of the Fatherland Day).
Educator:- Who is this holiday dedicated to?
Children:(military: sailors, border guards, paratroopers, tank crews, pilots...)
Educator:- What do you need to do to become like them?
Children:(study well, listen to parents, serve in the army, train a lot, be brave, strong, fast, accurate, fearless...).

- Guys, I’m sure that when you grow up, all our boys will go to serve in the army, they will defend our Motherland, our Fatherland, you will be brave, strong, fearless!
- Today we will all make together a large postcard for dads, grandfathers and brothers.
- We will make postcards from napkins of different colors. Using green napkins, we will depict a tank, and using white, red and blue napkins, we will depict a developing Russian flag.