How to do a back massage correctly? Step-by-step description of movements. How to do a back massage correctly: basic techniques How to do a back massage

The human body always needs a massage. It would be nice to learn this art on your own, because turning to professionals is not always possible. Let's learn the basics of proper massage together and delight our loved ones with our skills.

We have already mastered the rules of massage thanks to the article ““. Let's start practicing and start by learning how to do a proper back massage.

Firstly, every person can handle it without accidentally causing harm to the person being massaged. The skin on the back is quite dense and has few biologically active points.

Secondly, it is the back that most often needs a massage. Especially for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, slouch, and mostly sit at work. Their muscles are constantly tense, which often causes back and lower back pain.

Thirdly, this massage does not require complex technical movements. Doing a proper back massage is not at all difficult, at least technically. Even simple stroking (which is also a massage technique) can help you relax.

Fourthly, back massage is the only type of massage that cannot be done by self-massage.

So find someone to practice on and let’s get started.

Doing a back massage correctly

1. We start with superficial stroking.
From the lower back to the shoulders and back, we make stroking movements with the entire palm. When moving from top to bottom, apply more intense pressure, and when moving from top to bottom, on the contrary, lightly touch. Now we stroke the shoulders with movements from the neck to the forearms.

2. Now we move from superficial to deep stroking.
The movements during this stroking are intense and are performed with the ribs of the palms. Keep your arms parallel to each other, spread them in different directions. The trajectory of movements should be diagonal, from right to left and from left to right.

3. Let's start rubbing. The movements are similar to superficial stroking, but are done from the sides to the spine. Rub your shoulders and neck especially intensively. It will be better if you rub one side first and then the other.

4. The next stage is kneading. Grab the folds of the skin of the back with your fingertips, about 4-5 cm each. But not very tightly, otherwise it will be more of a tingling rather than kneading. The spine should not be touched; knead each side of the back separately, but with both hands.

5. Now apply pressure. Place your thumbs on your back on each side of the spine 3 cm and press. You need to press lightly. Count to 5 and remove your fingers. Walk this way up and down your entire back.

6. Vibration. Lightly touching the back muscles, make circular movements with your fingertips, moving from the lower back to the neck.

7. The massage is almost finished. Finish it with the first point, that is, superficial stroking.

People have appreciated the ability of massage to relax a person and improve health since ancient times. Now many people resort to the services of massage therapists. But in the modern active rhythm of life, it is not always possible to turn to a professional. In this case, it doesn’t hurt to know how to properly massage at home.

How to prepare for a massage

During the massage process, it is very important what position the baby takes. The most important condition is that the muscles must be relaxed. There are 2 main poses in which a person is given a massage.

  • Sitting on a chair facing the back. The person being massaged puts his hands on the back of the chair and places his head on top. To make it more comfortable, place a pillow on the back of the chair.
  • Lying on your stomach. A person should extend his arms along his body, placing them palms up. The person being massaged turns his head to the side. The surface for massage needs to be hard.

Also, before starting the massage, you need to remember what areas of the back there are, so that you can pay attention to each. There are three of them:

  • Lumbar. It stretches from the tailbone to the last rib.
  • Back. From the last rib to the edge of the shoulder blade at the top.
  • Vorotnikovaya. From the upper end of the scapula to the base of the skull.

Warming up your back

Massage is usually done from bottom to top, moving from the lower back to the neck. On average, the process takes 30-40 minutes. Having found problem areas, you need to dwell on them longer.

Before the massage itself, you need to warm up your back. The following techniques are used for this:

  • Trituration. Use your palms to rub your back using circular or straight movements.
  • Stroking. Lightly make 3-4 stroking movements on your back.
  • Sawing the side of the palm. Move it perpendicularly and parallel along your back using the edge of your palm.

Massaging your back

After warming up, you can begin the massage itself. Now we will tell you how to properly massage your back.

  • Stretch your back from the side. Move from bottom to top. Imagine that you are bending a wire. Perform similar movements on the skin of your back.
  • Using the tips of your thumbs, press on your back and pull along the spine. Particular attention is paid to the sacral part.
  • With your fingers spread out, you need to run along the spaces between the ribs, moving towards the shoulder blades.
  • Apply pressure to the area near the shoulder blades. You can work with both the heel of your palm and your fingertips.
  • Knead the surface of your back, making movements like bending a wire.
  • Move along the spine, making pressing circular movements. Imagine rubbing the ointment into the skin of your back.
  • Stretch your back, moving towards the armpits.
  • Press and stretch your spine to develop it well.
  • Massage the collar area. First, rub it with your palms, then saw, squeeze and knead.

That's all the basic techniques on how to properly massage at home.

Cupping massage

This type of massage has gained great popularity among those who care about their appearance. It is recognized as a good remedy for combating cellulite. If you don’t have the money or time for spas, you can learn on your own how to properly massage with a jar.

First you need to get massage cups. They come in silicone and rubber. Their diameter is also varied. Therefore, you can buy yourself a kit to massage in different places of the body. It also wouldn't hurt to purchase a pump to create a vacuum.

Before the massage, the body needs to be prepared. Steam it in a warm bath, then rub it with a washcloth, then rub it with a dry towel. The cupping massage technique is as follows:

  • Legs. Massage from bottom to top, from knee to thigh, moving the jar vertically. We do not touch the inner surface of the thighs.
  • Buttocks. Massage in a circle, then up and down.
  • Stomach. Make movements in a clockwise circle. Then move the jar from the navel towards the sides.
  • Hands. Move the can towards the shoulder from the hand, making straight movements.

When performing a cupping massage, it is advisable to use massage oil. Prepare it yourself by adding a couple of drops of geranium, juniper, cypress, cedar, grapefruit or orange essential oil to 100 grams of olive oil. They have a pronounced anti-cellulite effect.

Features of baby massage

Massage is useful not only for adults, but also for children. You can start from infancy. The question of how to properly massage a child worries many young parents.

First you need to remember that babies have areas that should never be massaged. These include: the liver area, the inner surface of the thighs, the front surface of the lower leg, nipples, and genitals.

You need to start the massage with stroking and end with it. First, massage your legs: toes, feet, Achilles tendons. Grasp and stroke the entire leg except the inner thigh and front of the calf.

Massage your child's hands in the same way.

Stroke the belly clockwise, avoiding the liver area. Using your fingertips, move across your chest, moving along the spaces between the ribs to the armpits.

Massage the back with gentle stroking movements from top to bottom, without touching the spine.

Pay attention to the child's face. Make movements from the center of the face to the edges. Facial massage will prepare the child’s speech apparatus for conversation.

Learning how to do massage at home is not at all difficult. Having mastered the skills, you will give your loved ones not only relaxation, but also good health.

With the modern rhythm of life, massage has long become a necessity. It has a strong restorative effect on the entire body as a whole. Massage is necessary to maintain vigor, good health and prevent various diseases.

How to do a general massage

General massage includes massage of the arms, legs, abdomen, chest, and back. During this procedure, the body is completely relaxed, tension and pain are relieved, metabolic and other physiological processes in the body are improved. With a long and regular course, the skin becomes more elastic, dead cells are removed from its surface, and fine wrinkles disappear. General massage is indicated for the treatment of many diseases, recovery after injuries and operations, maintaining health and tone of the body.


1. Before starting the massage, it is advisable to conduct a body examination for the presence of various injuries, inflammations, and skin rashes. Minor wounds and cuts are not contraindications for this procedure. In other cases, it should be abandoned.

2. Before starting the massage, the patient should lie down on a flat, fairly hard surface with his stomach down. The arms are extended along the body, the head is turned to the side. The entire body and muscles should be relaxed. The massage begins from the back. Then the lumbar region, neck, and buttocks are massaged. The legs are massaged from the thigh to the feet. Each limb is treated separately. Massage movements should be performed towards the nearest lymph nodes.

3. Then the person turns over onto his back. You can place a cushion under your knees. The massage begins with the feet. Only now you need to move from the feet to the hips. Then they massage the chest and arms (from the shoulder to the hand). The session ends with a massage of the abdomen.

4. The procedure time should increase gradually. You need to start with 20 minutes. The maximum massage time is approximately 50-60 minutes. To avoid injury, the patient must first be prepared for more intense exposure. Therefore, first, individual areas of the body are stroked and rubbed. This takes about 30% of the total session time. Most of the time the body is kneading. For the remaining time, the body is massaged using vibration techniques and others.

5. The massage therapist’s hands should be warm and clean. Long nails are not allowed. The procedure itself is carried out using special creams and ointments.

6. The strength with which the massage is performed depends on the individual characteristics of the patient, the elasticity of the skin, and the layer of subcutaneous fat. The massage therapist’s actions should not cause unpleasant or painful sensations. If this happens, then you should change the pressure, the technique of performing the massage, or completely abandon it.

7. Massage should be performed no earlier than 1.5-2 hours after eating. And it is better to do it in the morning. After the massage, the patient should rest for about half an hour.

General massage techniques

1. Kneading.

Kneading has a great impact on the muscles of the massaged part of the body. There are two types of kneading. The first is pulling and kneading the muscle with the thumb and palm, the second is kneading with the pads of the fingers. The second type is used in cases where it is difficult to pull the muscles away from the bone; this is a massage of the forearm, back, and lower leg.

2. Rubbing.

Rubbing is divided into two types: deep and superficial. Deep is when rubbing is done with the thumbs, edge, or base of the palm. Superficial is when the massaged part of the body is rubbed with fingertips, one or two hands. Movements should be carried out in different directions; spiral ones are most often used. Rubbing is often done when massaging joints.

3. Stroking.

Stroking is performed on the palmar surface with one or two hands. The skin of the massaged part of the body is stroked from the sides to the middle. This cleanses the skin of the stratum corneum, normalizes the functioning of the central nervous system, improves the flow of lymph and blood, providing a suction effect. All types of massage usually begin and end with stroking. Stroking also fills the pause between massage techniques, that is, after rubbing comes stroking.

4. Tapping.

Tapping consists of gentle blows to the massaged part of the body with the back of the fingers or the ulnar edge of the hand. Tapping is most often performed with a relaxed palm, or the entire hand with the fingers folded into a box.

This massage technique has a beneficial effect on the entire body through the nervous system, thereby causing muscle contraction and a rush of blood to the massaged part of the body. This technique is often used to massage the buttocks, thigh muscles and calf muscles.

5. Vibration massage.

Vibration consists of very fast, alternating one after another, uniform, weak shocks. Vibration is often used to massage the abdomen and intestines, as this technique significantly improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and other body functions.

The benefits of general massage

General massage has a calming effect on the nervous system. Often an excited person, under the influence of one of the general massage techniques - stroking - quickly calms down and falls asleep, the night's sleep becomes deeper and more peaceful.

General massage has a regulating effect on the autonomic functions of the body: breathing, blood circulation, digestion, hematopoietic function. Under its influence, oxidative and heat-regulating processes are stimulated and tissue metabolism improves. On peripheral nerve endings and nerve trunks accessible to influence, massage usually initially has a stimulating effect, and then a calming effect.

General massage primarily affects the skin capillaries, expanding them and enhancing blood microcirculation. Thanks to this, metabolism in the tissues of the whole body is improved, regeneration processes are activated, and venous outflow is enhanced.

Under the influence of massage, the amount of hemoglobin, red blood cells, platelets, and leukocytes in the blood increases, especially in cases of anemia. It also has a huge impact on the lymphatic system, which protects the body from viruses and pathogenic bacteria. This significantly increases human immunity.

General massage increases the tone and elasticity of muscle fibers, and also prevents muscle atrophy. The contractile function of muscles increases especially noticeably during cuts and paralysis. Under the influence of massage, blood circulation in the joints and soft tissues surrounding the joints improves, and the ligamentous apparatus is strengthened.


  • prevention of various diseases
  • restoration of performance after physical and mental stress
  • rehabilitation to restore the body after illnesses and injuries


Despite the safety and wide range of applications, massage, unfortunately, has its contraindications. It is necessary to highlight absolute contraindications, in which it is impossible to massage any area, and relative ones, in which the risk and benefits of the procedure should be correlated. Sometimes there are also temporary contraindications, in which you should wait until the adverse events go away.

Absolute contraindications

  • Malignant neoplasms of any location
  • Pregnancy aggravated by the threat of miscarriage, eclampsia and other pathologies

Relative contraindications

  • Treated malignant tumors without recurrence for a long time (with the consent of the patient and familiarization with the risks)
  • Benign neoplasms
  • Pregnancy
  • Chronic skin pathology (psoriasis, scleroderma), especially in the acute stage
  • Decompensation of somatic pathology (diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease, bronchial asthma)

Temporary contraindications

  • Acute infectious processes, including viral ones
  • Pustular rashes on the skin
  • Open skin lesions


Preventive general body massage is a good system for maintaining muscle tone, reducing stress and tension, improving well-being and performance. Athletes constantly use it to warm up muscles before serious physical activity, as well as to recover from injuries and bruises in complex treatment.

One of the main advantages of a general massage is that you don't have to be sick or in pain to enjoy it; This massage is a pleasant and beneficial procedure that can be done at any time. Regular general massage is one of the best ways to prevent stress-related illnesses and sports injuries.

Massage is a popular and pleasant procedure that is good for health. It is no secret that many professional massage techniques are used for various diseases and for prevention against them.

Modern massage has many types and techniques and has a positive effect on various human organs and tissues. But the question is how to properly massage the back and neck?

Back and neck massage - benefits and effectiveness

The benefits of back and neck massage are undeniable

The back and neck are quite vulnerable areas of the body that require special treatment. Therefore, massage of these areas is the most common. It is recommended for all people, especially those who have a disease such as osteochondrosis.

When massage is used correctly benefit from him is huge:

  • relieves pain from pinched vertebrae;
  • perfectly relaxes and has a pronounced sedative effect;
  • Great relieves fatigue and helps you relax at the end of a hard day at work;
  • restores skin elasticity and prevents premature aging;
  • eliminates symptoms of spinal curvature, relieves excessive muscle tone and prevents the appearance of migraines;
  • increases immunity;
  • improves blood flow and helps fight cellulite on the back;
  • restores the tone of weak muscles;
  • effective in combating salt deposits.

Cervical massage is especially useful for people with sedentary work. Due to lack of neck movement during the working day, pain in this area and cracking in the joints appear.

Relaxes muscles, relieves fatigue and insomnia, eliminates irritability, calms. Improves metabolic processes and blood flow. Suitable as a strengthening agent against diseases of the spine and salt deposits .


There are contraindications for back and neck massage

Before doing a back and neck massage, it would be correct to familiarize yourself with the basic contraindications regarding the conduct of these procedures. These include:

  • bleeding and injury, presence of open wounds;
  • heavy infectious diseases;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • tuberculosis;
  • purulent infections;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • serious mental illness;
  • burns in the massage area;
  • atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis;
  • venereal diseases;
  • skin diseases, the presence of moles, warts, ulcers, etc.

Types of massage

To properly massage the back and neck, it is worth finding out what the purpose of this procedure is. Depending on this, they distinguish types of back massage:

  1. Medicinal– applies if available diseases of the spine and cardiovascular system , gets rid of swelling ;
  2. Relaxing – the most common type of massage. WITH relieves muscle tension, increases blood flow, enhances the body's immune system and improves skin condition;
  3. Reflex – has a pronounced analgesic property . It is used to improve the functioning of internal organs through the influence of a massage therapist on special points of the back that are interconnected with them.
  4. Sports– designed primarily for athletes. Held after or before the competition to relieve muscle tension or fatigue. Increases endurance and has the desired effect. It can be preliminary, training and restorative.
  5. Cosmetic anti-cellulite, improves skin condition .

Types of massage in the neck area:

  1. Classical - includes standard massage techniques: stroking, kneading, rubbing, squeezing, vibration;
  2. Relaxing – applies to relieve muscle spasms;
  3. Spot – local impact on acupuncture points on the neck, responsible for internal organs;
  4. Cosmetic – applies to get rid of fat deposits in the cervical-collar area, improving the condition of the skin, restoring its elasticity;
  5. Wellness or treatment – used for various diseases of the cervical spine, salt deposits.

Stroking is the first stage of back and neck massage

Despite the popularity of this procedure, not many people know how to do it correctly. back and neck massage . It should be remembered that it carried out two hours after eating . No later than an hour before the massage, you are allowed to drink water.

The massage therapist needs to thoroughly Prepare for the session:

  • nails should be briefly cut off;
  • in advance Prepare a clean towel and moisturizer for massage;
  • room where the session is held, and the massage therapist’s hands must be warm to ensure a person's relaxation;
  • back massage is performed in a supine position on an extremely hard surface . Ideally, a special massage table should be used;
  • need to take care of hygiene. The procedure should be carried out with clean hands on clean skin to avoid infection;
  • for massage of both back and neck, apply correctly Massage Oil to make your hands softer and easier for them to glide over the skin. It is necessary to rub it intensively between your palms to make them warmer;
  • session time lasts more than half an hour , since the back and neck are the most problematic areas;
  • hand movement should go along the blood flow ;
  • should avoid grazing lymph nodes.

Massage for beginners

Cosmetic neck massage

Many people want to carry out this procedure on their own, but do not know how. Proper back and neck massage is not difficult. To achieve a certain result, it is enough to use standard massage techniques. It includes techniques:

  1. Stroking – usually the session begins with this hand movement. In this way, the skin is prepared for a more active effect on it. Stroking is carried out with the entire palm along the surface of the back across and along, around the shoulder blades. Light movements should be combined with more intense ones.
  2. Trituration– movements are made from the side of the back to its center. Special importance is given to the shoulder and neck area. It is this technique serves as a good remedy in the fight against salt deposits .
  3. Kneading– grasp the fold of skin with your hands. Movements are carried out from the spine to the sides of the back. The reception is carried out for each of its parties in turn. He has a good effect on the condition of the heart and vascular system, increases blood circulation.
  4. Patting - carried out with both hands exclusively on the muscles. The movements are short and springy. The procedure should not be painful. She promotes good muscle contraction, improves blood flow .
  5. Vibration- from the lumbar region to the neck area, circular rhythmic movements are carried out with the fingertips, which promotes gradual muscle relaxation .

The back massage should be completed with gentle pressure. They are best performed rhythmically, emphasizing hand movements on more tense and painful areas.

Massage of the cervical-collar area includes approximately the same techniques. But their technique has some differences:

Back massage technique
  1. The massage begins with stroking the middle part of the neck and collar area , then goes to the side. The massage therapist's hand should be positioned in such a way that stroking is carried out in the middle part of the neck with the thumb, and on the sides with the rest. Movements should be continuous, slow and rhythmic.
  2. The next technique is called “squeezing.” Its essence is to provide a certain pressure on the cervical spine . The hand is placed on the side of the spine at the nape line on the hairline side. Movements are carried out from top to bottom to the shoulder and deltoid muscle.
  3. Kneading - the longest reception. Here you need to grab the muscles with your palms on both sides of the spinal column. In this way, make movements towards the back, then towards the shoulder joint. All actions should be carried out slowly and painlessly. They can also be performed with the tips of your thumbs, massaging the muscle in a circular motion.
  4. Trituration — its essence consists in vigorous stretching and displacement of the skin. This technique is best performed alternately with both hands.
  5. Vibration It is performed by oscillating movements with the entire surface of the palms or fingertips. The technique can be intermittent or without taking the hands off the body.

How to do a back massage correctly: step-by-step description

  • Preparatory. Before starting the procedure, you need to prepare everything you need for it and prepare yourself.
  • The massage should start with light stroking of the lumbar area with a gradual transition to the shoulders. All movements at this stage should be soft, preparing for more active actions. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes . Gradually it is necessary to increase the pressure. Run the edges of your palms along the spine from the lower back to the shoulder area. Rubbing over the entire surface of the palm.
  • Then the hands should be moved to lateral areas of the back and implement exciting hand movements from bottom to top. Then focus on the shoulders. Knead with smooth and painless circular movements.
  • At this stage more intensive massage. You need to grab small folds of skin, moving from bottom to top, in one part of the back, then in the other. The shoulders should be massaged more strongly, using point pressure. The procedure must be painless! It is good to massage the upper back with your fists, keeping a short distance from the spine.
  • In conclusion, commit light pats palms or fingertips.

Stages of neck massage

Kneading is one of the back massage techniques

How to do it right massage of the neck and collar area? Firstly, the duration of this procedure for osteochondrosis should be about 20 minutes. Secondly, massaging can be carried out both in a lying and sitting position.

  • After preparing for the session, at the very beginning of the procedure, it is necessary to light stroking neck.
  • Then warm up the lateral cervical muscles rubbing , gradually moving to the shoulder area.
  • Conduct kneading muscles in the neck and collar area. The procedure is carried out circular movements whole palm and thumbs. It should generally be painless.

Impact on the spinal column should be avoided.

  • Session ends light pats and stroking .

There are many techniques for performing cervical spine massage. It all depends on the severity of the disease and its type. A regular massage is carried out based on the classic techniques described above.

Self-massage of the neck

A back massage always requires another person, but a neck massage is easy to do yourself. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations as accurately as possible so that the procedure is effective.

  1. Convenient to start with sit down, brush your hair, warm your palms massage oil.
  2. Slightly lower your chin and start the procedure with stroking from the hairline to the shoulder area.
  3. Then you should do circular rotational movements fingertips in the neck area. They can be alternated with more intense stroking.
  4. Along the spine produce light tingling skin.
  5. Raise your chin and do stroking movements in the larynx area .
  6. Commit circular movements from below from collarbone to chin index and thumb. Make stroking movements with your palms and repeat the procedure again. This stage can last from 5 to 10 minutes.
  7. You need to complete the procedure soft strokes the entire surface of the palm.

Regular self-massage of the neck helps to avoid lethargy and sagging muscles. It tones, relieves fatigue and improves well-being.

Features of baby massage

Baby massage has its own nuances

Some children require massage of both the back and neck from a very early age. It is correct to do it painlessly, so as not to cause fear in the child.

Baby massage usually can be healing, tonic and relaxing . Relaxing is characterized by a more gentle, calm effect. A toning massage involves a more intensive use of all basic techniques.

At home, children's entertaining massage is very often performed, which is performed under a funny rhyme. Children usually really like it. This is both a game and a useful procedure. Example of children's play massage:

  1. "Rails, rails, sleepers, sleepers" - alternately draw transverse and longitudinal lines along the back with your hands;
  2. "The train is coming late" - use the fingertips of one hand to follow the line of the spinal column from bottom to top, simulating a train. The movement should be soft, stroking.
  3. “The peas are spilling out of the last carriage” - use your fingertips to massage your entire back;
  4. “The chickens came and pecked” - soft “pecking” with your fingertips on the back;
  5. “The geese came and nibbled” - slight tingling;
  6. “The elephant came and trampled” - gentle pressure with fists along the entire back;
  7. “A little elephant ran after him” - fast chaotic pressure with the knuckles;
  8. “A squirrel came running and swept everything with its tail.” - final stroking of the back with palms.

Learning how to massage your back and neck is more useful than ever at any age. Its correct use will bring great benefits to the body, tone muscles, relieve fatigue and relieve many diseases.

You can learn more clearly how to properly massage your back and neck from the training video.

A massage session is not only a physiotherapy procedure, it is also a way of communication, relaxation, relieving fatigue and improving well-being. You can give a massage to your wife or husband after a difficult day, to a newborn to establish physical contact, or to parents with back and joint pain. For a session to be effective, you need to know what preparation for a massage includes and how to do a massage correctly.

Educational literature

Massage training can be either remote or face-to-face. There are courses that allow you to master various massage techniques. Anyone can learn to do massage, regardless of age and education. The courses teach you about the basic techniques and types, the sequence of movements, teach you how to feel tension in muscle tissue and identify clamps, blocks, relaxation and pulsation of tissue.

Distance learning includes literature on massage and online courses and webinars. Based on the level of complexity, the manuals are divided into beginners, practitioners and specialists, and if you want to learn, you can not only master the basics, but also achieve success in this matter.

Preparing for the session

Before you give a good massage, you need to prepare the patient for the session. Preparation for the session includes meditation practices, skin cleansing, hot or warm showers and colon cleansing. The procedure is carried out an hour before and after meals, but before the procedure you can drink a glass of warm herbal tea.

If there is a session of one of the eastern practices, then you can do a joint meditation. It will allow you to tune in to the client’s energy. If self-massage is performed, then meditation is also needed - its goal will be to establish harmony between spirit and body, mind and energy plan. If you plan to intensively work on the abdominal and lower back areas, then it is necessary to cleanse the intestines with an enema. Preparing the patient also includes conducting an allergy test when using new oils and mixtures. Apply a small amount of oil to clean skin on the wrist or behind the ear. If after a few hours no redness or irritation appears, the cosmetic product can be used.

Massage areas

The procedure can be performed both for the whole body and for individual areas. Massage areas - face and scalp, back, legs, arms, feet.

The massage technique involves following the sequence of techniques performed by zone.

Techniques include stroking, rubbing, kneading, stretching, patting and pinching. The back is worked in the following sequence: shoulder blades, neck, down the spine to the lower back, buttocks, lower back. How to properly massage the legs: massage the back surface from the thigh to the ankle, the feet and the front surface from the foot to the thigh.

How you can massage the front of the body: start from the neck, go down the shoulders to the chest, go through deep movements along the ribs and abdomen. The face is massaged, starting from the forehead. Be sure to work on eyebrows, eyes, nose, cheeks, chin and jaws. Movements are carried out in the direction of lymph movement.

Basic techniques and techniques


The classic technique combines 4 main techniques: stroking and rubbing, kneading and vibration pats. Patting can be simple and rake-shaped, cross-shaped and tong-shaped. They are performed on the outer and inner sides of the palm, as well as on the base of the palms of the hands, four or two fingers. The massage manual recommends stroking the back, stomach and chest with the whole palm. An important condition is a relaxed hand and free, easy movements.

For arms and legs, sides, neck, buttocks, grasping strokes are also carried out. To perform them, the hand is relaxed, four fingers are brought together, and the thumb is moved to the side. Embracing strokes can take place both in straight lines and in spirals and circles.


A deep and intense effect aimed at moving body tissues is rubbing. The technique is recommended for areas with poor blood circulation. The direction of the hands depends on the anatomical features of the patient: the structure of the joints and muscle density, the presence of tumors or scars, and skin damage.

Squeezing differs from stroking by greater intensification. The treatment affects not only the skin itself, but also the underlying muscle layers with connective tissue. The squeezing technique is usually used in medical and sports practices, as well as in hygienic practices. All movements are directed only along the flow of blood and lymph - reverse work can provoke the appearance of bruises, micro-tears and poor circulation. If a transverse squeeze is performed, then place the palm across the muscle fibers.


Using kneading will allow you to work the deep muscles. The technique has a beneficial effect on blood circulation and accelerates the removal of toxins. The essence of the technique is to grab tissue and press it against tendons or bones. Perform with thumbs and upper palms. This is the main type used in many practices. Intermittent movements are used only in the presence of damaged skin that cannot be massaged, and to stimulate the nervous system. Continuous kneading - following one hand after another, and if deep impact is necessary, the master uses his body weight. To do this, one palm is placed crosswise on the other, and the weight of the body is transferred to the lower hand.

Oscillations or vibration pats are done at different speeds and amplitudes. The method differs from the others in that it helps to work on nerve endings, blood vessels and internal organs. Vibrations are used to reduce blood pressure and heart rate. The intensity depends on the angle of the palm: the smaller it is, the weaker the impact.

It is prohibited to use it under the knees, in the groin area, on the inner thigh, in the area of ​​the heart and kidneys.

You can perform continuous vibrations both with the entire surface of the palm (external or internal), and with the pads of your fingers and fists.

Procedure for applying the techniques

A massage scheme is a strict sequence of actions. Each stage of massage is needed to prepare the skin for the next, deeper and more intense one. The basic rules for conducting a general body massage, according to which any of the techniques work:

  • Start from the surface of the back and collar area;
  • Move through the shoulders down to the lower back and buttocks;
  • Move to the back surface of the left and then the right leg;
  • Each leg is passed from the hip to the foot and back;
  • The left and right arms are worked from shoulder to hand and back;
  • The abdominal area is massaged from the navel to the periphery and up to the chest;
  • In the shoulder area they move on to massaging the neck-collar area, face and head.

Proper massage begins with light and soft strokes. Their intensity and depth increases over time. The session always ends with a relaxing deep stroking. Rubbing replaces stroking: in the abdominal area, oblique rubbing is carried out from bottom to top, and straight rubbing is carried out in the opposite direction. Kneading can immediately turn into vibration pats. Their intensity also increases gradually. Typically, patting begins with the entire surface of the palm and ends with the edge of the hand.

These techniques are the basics of massage, but they can be supplemented and diluted by acupressure, forceful pressure, twisting, etc.

Features of massage techniques

Each massage has its own characteristics. We learn how to massage with dacryocystitis: place the little finger at the base of the tear duct and carefully move it to the wings of the nose. You can perform it either simultaneously with both hands or alternately. The number of repetitions is from 6 to 11. Massage of the thymus gland has a beneficial effect on the functioning of all systems and internal organs. Apply it with light pats. When is the best time to do a massage - in the morning, and the number of movements - up to 20.

Massage of the back and spine is carried out according to general rules, but does not affect the spinal column itself. In the area of ​​the kidneys, the pressure intensity is minimal, and when working on the cervical region, it is limited to weak vibration pats. When massaging the shoulders, they first work with the biceps and then with the triceps muscle.

What to do after the session

For the procedures to be effective, after the massage you need:

  • Rest for at least 15-20 minutes;
  • After a therapeutic back massage, it is recommended not to get up for about 30 minutes;
  • Drink more water and herbal teas to stimulate the elimination of toxins and avoid dehydration;
  • Refrain from eating for 2-3 hours, and the first meal should be light;
  • Take a bath or shower and rub your skin with sea salt.

A combination of sessions with proper nutrition, regular exercise and walks is beneficial for health. This allows you to saturate the tissues and skin cells with oxygen, improve your complexion, and prevent the appearance of signs of aging. A combination of massage and physiotherapeutic procedures is often used to have a greater impact on the subcutaneous layers and obtain quick results. This combination is recommended to be done only under the supervision of a doctor and in the absence of contraindications.

What to do after the sessions is undesirable: smoking, drinking coffee, lifting weights, playing active sports, eating a lot of fatty foods. Neglect of the rules can lead to heaviness in the stomach and digestive problems, intoxication of the body, deterioration of well-being and the appearance of edema.

How often can you get a massage?

The dosage of massage depends on its type, the presence of medical indications, age and contraindications or restrictions. Home treatments to improve complexion or eliminate wrinkles, against cellulite or to reduce body volume can be done every day or every other day. The best time for a facial massage and a relaxing massage is in the evening, and toning sessions are more effective in the morning. There is only one rule for the procedures: they are carried out on an empty stomach and an hour before meals.

How often should you massage:

  • Prophylactic is carried out no more than 2 times a week;
  • Corrective sessions - 2-3 times a week;
  • Relaxing and anti-stress therapy can be performed daily if there are no restrictions or contraindications;
  • Vacuum procedures - no more often than every 2 days;
  • The regularity and duration of the treatment and rehabilitation course are prescribed by the attending physician.

The duration of the massage can range from 3 minutes to 2 hours. The duration of the usual course is 10-25 procedures, between which there is a break of 2-4 weeks. The only exception is therapeutic massage, which consists of three stages. The introductory part includes 2-3 sessions, during which the doctor identifies the reaction of the whole organism to the treatment. The massage therapist works with each zone separately, and the predominant techniques are gentle stroking and kneading. The movement of the hands is smooth and inseparable from the body. The dosage of massage at this stage is minimal. The main part is strength and deep study, which is aimed at getting rid of the disease. It can vary in duration and strength of impact depending on complaints, symptoms and other individual characteristics. The final stage also consists of 2 procedures. During this period, the massaging movements should be deep but soft, and the specialist teaches the patient the basics of self-massage for home maintenance sessions.

The dosage of massage also depends on the disease. For gastritis, lymphostasis and to eliminate the consequences of paralysis, sessions should be carried out 1-2 times a day.

How often children can have a massage depends on age, indications and restrictions, as well as the type of sessions. Supportive and therapeutic procedures are carried out every 3-4 days, and the duration is about 25-30 minutes. Strengthening and relaxing sessions for newborns begin with 5 minutes, gradually increasing the duration to 15-20 minutes. Procedures can be carried out daily after evening swimming. Massaging the soles of the feet is also useful for children - the session allows you to relax, and the effect on acupuncture points improves the functioning of all internal organs. How often older people should have a massage depends on their health, indications and contraindications. Sessions of restorative or preventive, therapeutic massage are prescribed by the attending physician.

There are many ways to learn how to massage competently: courses, webinars, tutorials, video tutorials, literature. The main rule of a good session is compliance with the sequence of treatment, the depth and strength of the impact, as well as the selected dosage of massage for each area of ​​the body. The stages of massage are preparation for the procedure and rest after it, as well as the treatment itself. For effectiveness, the emotional component is no less important than the ability to massage. How to prepare for a massage - cleanse the skin of impurities and traces of cream, take a warm shower, calm down and relax, tune in to pleasant sensations.

Self-massage is not only an opportunity to have a good time and relieve stress. This is also an effective procedure for maintaining skin tone and solving many health problems. Many women prefer to do facial massage at home - it is simple and does not require much time and effort. If you follow the basic rules of massage, the first results will be noticeable after 5-7 sessions.