How does an ovarian cyst affect pregnancy? Treatment of cysts during pregnancy. When is urgent medical attention needed?

Left/right ovarian cyst is a diagnosis that many women are afraid to hear; it becomes especially alarming if the pathology was discovered during pregnancy. Don't rush to panic. Let's figure out together whether cystic formation is dangerous for mother and child.

Although cystic formations affect the reproductive system, in most cases they do not prevent conception. An ovarian cyst during pregnancy, as in other periods, mostly occurs without symptoms; symptoms appear only with rapid growth of the cavity or with complications. This is why most expectant mothers have no idea about the presence of a benign formation.

An ovarian cyst during pregnancy, as a rule, is not dangerous either for the body of the expectant mother or for the development of the baby; the consequences can only appear with complications of pathologies. For example, if during pregnancy a cyst on the right ovary rapidly increases in size, this increases the risk of miscarriage. The danger is posed by both rupture of the cystic formation and torsion of the cystic pedicle.

If during pregnancy you have a cyst on the left (right) ovary, but it does not become inflamed or grow, then there is no need to panic. In this case, treatment consists of observing the formation over time, which allows timely measures to be taken if complications arise. During pregnancy, removal of a pathological cyst is indicated, which can cause various types of complications. Excision is carried out using laparoscopy, which is safe for the embryo.

Only a doctor can objectively assess the risks posed by a cystic formation. He assesses the nature of the cyst, its size, and based on this, determines the possible danger and prescribes treatment.

Endometrioid ovarian cyst and pregnancy

Among cystic formations, there are those that prevent conception. This type of pathology includes an endometrioid ovarian cyst: if it was diagnosed and pregnancy did occur, then this is an exception to the rule. The possibility of conception with this pathology before treatment is very low, but it exists. An endometrioid cyst has an effect on the ovaries, but this may be minimal if the cyst itself is small.

Gynecologists have not reached a consensus regarding the treatment of pathology during pregnancy. The doctor must evaluate the cyst and weigh the possible risks, and then suggest treatment options. If the endometrioid cyst did not interfere with conception, then most likely it will not affect the course of pregnancy.

Functional ovarian cyst and pregnancy

A functional ovarian cyst (both follicular and luteal) and pregnancy are compatible. Formations of this type are almost always asymptomatic and do not interfere with conception. In the early stages, small functional cysts do not cause discomfort, but if the formation begins to grow during pregnancy, then discomfort occurs. Functional cysts rarely affect the course of pregnancy, but they require monitoring over time.

A follicular ovarian cyst also belongs to functional formations, therefore, even with such a physiological anomaly, pregnancy occurs. The cyst does not affect the development of the child, but it is impossible to predict how it will develop in the future. Only monitoring the dynamics will help avoid consequences.

Gynecologists recommend planning pregnancy. The first planning step is to screen for the presence of cystic formations.

Paraovarian ovarian cyst and pregnancy

Pregnancy can occur if a paraovarian ovarian cyst has formed and the formation is large. This pathology is asymptomatic, so often a woman finds out about it when she is already in an “interesting situation.” A small paraovarian cyst does not require treatment; it is simply monitored during pregnancy, and treatment, if necessary, is prescribed after childbirth. This type of formation is not an indication for a caesarean section; the only condition is that childbirth should be carried out carefully; when pushing, it is not advisable to suddenly change positions.

Complications of a paraovarian cyst during pregnancy are accompanied by severe symptoms, in particular, abnormal discharge and bleeding can be observed. Do not be alarmed in advance: this is not an indication for termination of pregnancy. Any unusual symptoms should be reported to your doctor.

Ovarian dermoid cyst and pregnancy

Ovarian dermoid cyst and successful pregnancy are compatible concepts. A small cystic formation does not interfere with either conception or fetal development. If a cyst is detected after pregnancy, treatment is usually postponed until the postpartum period. If a tumor-like formation takes on an abnormal shape or becomes inflamed, it can be removed without consequences, even during pregnancy. The operation is performed laparoscopically, but not earlier than after the sixteenth week, in this way it is possible to avoid disturbances during the gestation process.

Pregnancy after laparoscopy of ovarian cyst

To exclude possible gynecological complications, before pregnancy it is necessary to undergo examination for the presence of cystic formations. If they are detected and removal is indicated, then there is no need to be afraid that such an operation may affect reproductive functions. Removal of cysts is carried out by laparoscopy, which is recognized as the safest and most effective among surgical methods. After laparoscopy of an ovarian cyst, pregnancy occurs differently for each patient, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body. You can plan to conceive immediately after the cycle is restored, that is, when ovulation appears. The first cycles may be anovulatory, but this is normal. Usually, after laparoscopy, the ovary returns to normal after three months. According to statistics, when a cyst is removed, most patients become pregnant in the first year after surgery.

Expecting a child is a pleasant and desirable process for every woman. But sometimes the joy of future motherhood is overshadowed by the development of ovarian neoplasms. To understand whether an ovarian cyst and pregnancy are compatible, it is important to undergo a full examination, since the ability to bear a child depends on the location and size of the tumor.

What is an ovarian cyst and how does it affect pregnancy?

An ovarian cyst is a neoplasm with dense walls and watery (serous) fluid inside. In appearance, it resembles a round mushroom attached to the ovary by a thin cyst stalk. A tumor forms inside the ovary or on its outer walls.
The fluid content of the formation can be benign or malignant. If the tumor does not affect the production of hormones, then it is difficult to diagnose the pathology. More often, its presence is detected during a routine examination of a woman. The pathology does not have specific symptoms that directly indicate the disease.
The size of the tumor varies from 20 mm to 8-20 cm. Large tumors threaten ovarian rupture and peritonitis.

The effect of a neoplasm on pregnancy depends on its type and size:

  1. If pregnancy has already occurred, then small follicular neoplasms and tumors of the corpus luteum resolve in the first trimester.
  2. If there is a large pathology, teratoma, or dermoid formation, surgical removal of the tumor may be required.
  3. In most cases, during pregnancy, pathology is only observed; its treatment is carried out after delivery.

Planning a pregnancy

Cystic pathology is diagnosed in 70% of women of childbearing age undergoing a gynecological examination. Neoplasms are diagnosed (rather rarely) in teenage girls and women during menopause.
If a tumor is detected before conception or due to the absence of it, then pregnancy planning will depend on the type of pathology. If a neoplasm is detected before conception, treatment is first carried out, then pregnancy is planned.
If you manage to become pregnant with an ovarian cyst, then its treatment is carried out in exceptional cases; monitoring of the patient’s condition is indicated. Ovarian cysts are not treated during pregnancy. In the third trimester, the issue of delivery of the pregnant woman is decided. If the tumor is large, then a cesarean section is used, during which the tumor is removed. Drug treatment of pathology (if possible) is carried out after the birth of the baby.

Pregnancy brings a woman not only positive emotions, but also a double burden on the body. Having learned about her situation, every woman undergoes a mandatory comprehensive medical examination. During it, certain diseases can be identified that can harm the female body and the developing fetus. One of these pathologies is an ovarian cyst during pregnancy.

Any diagnosis announced by a doctor during pregnancy usually throws women into panic. The doctor’s words also add to the anxiety: there is no need to treat, just observe. This uncertainty is perceived differently by every woman. In fact, ovarian cysts raise many questions during pregnancy. Let's try to answer them in this article.

An ovarian cyst is a pathological formation of benign origin, arising from the corpus luteum, follicle, endometrium and other tissues. A cyst can occur in both the left and right ovary. Its dimensions vary from a few millimeters to 20 cm. Any cyst needs treatment, since over time it can degenerate into an oncological process.

Are ovarian cysts dangerous during pregnancy? Most likely not, since it rarely causes harm to the female body. Typically, cystic formations of small diameter undergo reverse development in the 1st trimester. Otherwise, due to the growth of the cyst, an operation is performed, the purpose of which is to remove the formation.

Causes of cysts during pregnancy

Doctors cannot explain why a cyst of the right or left ovary develops during pregnancy, but they identify a number of factors that lead to this pathology in the expectant mother:

  • obesity;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • sexual infections;
  • inflammatory process in the pelvic organs;
  • artificial in the past;
  • chronic stress factor;
  • hormonal problems;
  • poor nutrition, diets.

Types of ovarian cysts

There are the following types of this pathology:

  1. Follicular cyst. Appears in the absence of ovulation from the wall of the follicle, it can be up to 7 cm in diameter.
  2. Endometrioid cyst. It arises from the endometrium against the background, after surgical manipulations on the uterus and pelvic organs, as a result of abortion and inflammatory phenomena. Can be of any diameter, the contents are heterogeneous.
  3. Paraovarian cyst. It is found not in the ovary, but between the ligaments of the uterus against the background of anomalies of embryonic development. Diameter up to 20 cm. First diagnosed during puberty in teenage girls, it continues to grow throughout the entire stage of ovarian functionality. Doesn't disappear on its own.
  4. Corpus luteum cyst. Occurs after ovulation in phase 2 of the cycle due to problems with lymph outflow and fluid accumulation. Size up to 6 cm, rarely with heterogeneous contents.
  5. Dermoid cyst. The most mysterious of all cysts. Contains particles of the human body - hair, skin, fat, teeth. It is a consequence of improper development of the embryo.


Is it possible to confuse an ovarian cyst with pregnancy? No, an experienced doctor will not make such a mistake. But pregnancy itself often hides the symptoms of a cyst, so it is often possible to diagnose it only with an ultrasound examination.

Symptoms of a cyst during pregnancy look like abdominal pain, often dull, worsening after physical activity. Frequent urination may also occur due to the pressure of the cyst on the bladder (typical for ovarian cysts over 8 cm during pregnancy).

The consequence of an ovarian cyst during pregnancy is torsion of the cyst leg - a dangerous condition accompanied by fainting, nausea, and sharp dagger pains.


The diagnosis of ovarian cyst during pregnancy is not made solely on the basis of clinical symptoms. The woman must undergo a gynecological examination, during which the doctor is able to palpate a round, compacted neoplasm in the area of ​​the left or right ovary.

To confirm his assumptions, the doctor usually prescribes the following examinations to the expectant mother:

  1. Ultrasound, which accurately diagnoses the location and size of the cyst.
  2. Computed tomography showing the location, type and volume of the tumor.
  3. , allowing you to more accurately examine the type, size and position of the cyst. In this case, it can be immediately removed through minimally invasive surgery.

How does an ovarian cyst affect pregnancy?

Does an ovarian cyst affect pregnancy and conception and can pregnancy occur after an ovarian cyst? It all depends on the type of cystic formation.

A follicular ovarian cyst does not prevent conception. As a rule, it does not occur during pregnancy. An endometrioid cyst and pregnancy are mutually exclusive phenomena, since conception is almost impossible with endometriosis. But in those rare cases when pregnancy has occurred, the patient is observed by a doctor without providing specific therapy.

Conception with a dermoid cyst is quite possible, since this type of formation does not affect hormonal levels. Pathologies during pregnancy can only occur due to the large size of the dermoid cyst. A paraovarian cyst also does not affect pregnancy if its size is small.

If a functional cyst is large in size, it can cause a threat of miscarriage; in other cases there is no danger. This cyst usually appears against the background of progesterone deficiency; by the end of the 1st trimester it may disappear on its own.


A cyst during pregnancy of the left or right ovary, which does not have any effect on its course, is not treated. Follicular cysts and small corpus luteum cysts usually resolve during the 1st trimester.

Surgical treatment of an ovarian cyst during pregnancy is required when the cyst stalk is torsed, a large cyst or ovarian tissue ruptures with subsequent bleeding. The operation usually chosen is laparoscopic. Despite the seriousness of the treatment, the woman remains pregnant.

If a woman is diagnosed with a true cyst, then starting from the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, the doctor decides on the issue of delivery. If the cystic formation is small, there is no threat to natural childbirth; treatment of such a cyst is postponed until after childbirth. In the presence of large cysts, it is usually performed, during which the neoplasms are removed surgically.

When is urgent medical attention needed?

If you experience the following symptoms, it is important to seek medical attention immediately:

  • intense abdominal pain;
  • bleeding from the genital tract;
  • sudden increase in heart rate;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • increased body temperature;
  • fainting;
  • migraine.


A cyst on the ovary during pregnancy does not become a contraindication for bearing a child. But expectant mothers with this diagnosis should be additionally observed by a doctor.


Women who have discovered tumors on the gonads often ask gynecologists whether it is possible to become pregnant with an ovarian cyst. To answer this question, it is necessary to examine the patient. After all, the likelihood of pregnancy is directly related to the type and size of the tumor.

The effect of cysts on reproductive functions

To understand the peculiarities of the influence of cystic formations on the possibility of getting pregnant, you need to find out what types of them exist:

  • dermoid;
  • endometrioid;
  • follicular;
  • cystomas;
  • corpus luteum cysts;
  • polycystic ovaries.

They have virtually no effect on the functioning of the reproductive organs: corpus luteum cyst, follicular and dermoid tumors, cystomas. Women who have developed endometrioid formations and are diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome find it difficult to become pregnant.

Important! The occurrence of some types of tumors is due to hormonal imbalances. When they appear, the ovulation process may be disrupted. If the egg does not mature in the follicle or cannot be released, the patient will not be able to become pregnant.

Is pregnancy possible with an ovarian cyst?

Many women manage to get pregnant and carry a child to term even with diagnosed reproductive health problems. But with an ovarian cyst, ovulation is not always possible. If the existing tumor does not prevent the egg from maturing and leaving the follicle, the woman can become pregnant.

With a corpus luteum cyst

A cystic neoplasm in place of the corpus luteum forms after ovulation. It occurs in cases when the corpus luteum, formed in place of the released egg, degenerates into a cystic formation.

It does not interfere with conception in any way. Luteal tumors are often discovered during pregnancy. Their appearance is associated with hormonal imbalance in the body and circulatory disorders in the ovaries. A functional ovarian cyst does not affect the course of pregnancy. It produces progesterone, just like the normal corpus luteum.

With endometrioid cyst

Endometrioid neoplasms appear when intensive growth of tissue identical to the mucous layer of the uterus begins. Such structures are covered with a thick capsule, and there may be adhesions on their surface. Inside endometriotic heterotopias there are remnants of blood that is released during menstruation.

It is almost impossible to get pregnant with endometriotic tumors. Often these problems are identified in women who come to the gynecologist with complaints of infertility. They are located on both the right and left ovaries. Endometriotic growths are detected on the fallopian tubes, the outer uterine layer, and in the pelvic cavity. In order for the patient to become pregnant, gynecologists recommend first removing the cystic tumors.

Sometimes endometrioid cysts of the right and left ovaries are diagnosed during pregnancy. In the presence of endometrioid heterotopias, there is an increased risk of spontaneous abortion. If in a pregnant patient they are small and do not compress internal organs, there are no contraindications to pregnancy and childbirth. It is important that the woman is under medical supervision during pregnancy.

For paraovarian cyst

A paraovary neoplasm is a benign tumor that is located between the fallopian tube, ovary, and uterine broad ligament. It is a cavity with liquid inside. The main reason for the appearance is considered to be a violation of the process of intrauterine anlage of the genital organs.

If the formation is small, pregnancy with such an ovarian cyst is possible. Large tumors provoke the appearance of infertility; they also lead to disruption of the process of urination and defecation. Doctors recommend removing large structures; they do not resolve on their own.

For follicular cyst

Most often, follicular tumors appear in girls during puberty. They occur with equal frequency in the left and right gonads. In the absence of concomitant problems with reproductive health, follicular cystic structures do not interfere with pregnancy and bearing the fetus. When carrying a child, the hormonal levels change, as a result, the follicular ovarian cyst in pregnant women resolves by 16-20 weeks.

In some patients, against the background of follicular tumors, estrogen begins to be produced in increased quantities. This leads to disruptions in the menstrual cycle and the appearance of acyclic bleeding. To normalize the cycle, the gynecologist may prescribe conservative treatment. With the correct selection of drugs, recovery occurs within 2 months.

For dermoid cyst

Dermoid formations are benign tumors of the female gonads. They can grow up to 15 cm in diameter. Dermoid tumors include:

  • hair;
  • genital, sebaceous glands;
  • nervous, connective, muscle, fatty tissues.

Inside the neoplasms are filled with jelly-like contents. The most common dermoid cyst of the right ovary occurs during pregnancy. If it is small, does not put pressure on neighboring internal organs, and is not touched during pregnancy. But the patient must be under close medical supervision.

If a dermoid formation is detected before conception, it must be removed immediately. In some cases, partial excision of ovarian tissue is also performed.

How does an ovarian cyst affect pregnancy?

To avoid unpleasant surprises, you need to be examined before becoming pregnant. If tumors are detected, the gynecologist may recommend conservative or surgical treatment. If an ovarian cyst was detected during early pregnancy, the woman’s condition should be monitored. Drug treatment is not used during this period.

Small cystic formations do not affect the course of pregnancy. If the expectant mother has a follicular cystic structure, it should resolve on its own. Its disappearance is associated with changes in hormonal levels. Tumor-like formations of the corpus luteum may disappear at the beginning of the 2nd trimester, but some functional structures remain until childbirth.

Warning! Large neoplasms are dangerous for the life of the fetus and mother. If they are detected, patients are advised to remain in bed. Independent childbirth is not practiced in such situations. Women are prescribed a planned caesarean section.

Is it possible to give birth with an ovarian cyst: possible difficulties

The choice of method of delivery for cystic formations is carried out individually in each case. If the patient has functional neoplasms, the diameter of which is not large, there are no contraindications for natural childbirth.

For large tumors, doctors recommend a cesarean section. There is a high risk of complications such as rupture of the cystic tumor or torsion of its pedicle. This can lead to intra-abdominal bleeding and peritonitis. Neoplasms can also interfere with the passage of the baby through the birth canal. During abdominal surgery, the tumor is immediately removed.

Is it possible to remove an ovarian cyst during pregnancy?

When identifying cystic formations in expectant mothers, gynecologists only recommend observing them. But if an ovarian cyst grows along with an increase in pregnancy, the doctor may suggest removing it.

Urgent surgical intervention is required in cases where a woman complains of severe abdominal pain, deterioration in health, and a drop in blood pressure. This condition indicates the development of surgical pathology.

If possible, removal of an ovarian cyst during pregnancy is performed using laparoscopy. If laparoscopic surgery is not possible, an inferomedian incision is made. This allows you to maintain the pregnancy.

Ovarian cyst and infertility

When certain types of tumors appear, a woman’s menstrual cycle is disrupted and problems with reproductive health appear. If an ovarian luteal cyst and pregnancy are compatible, with endometriotic, large paraovary formations, difficulties arise in getting pregnant. In some patients, problems with conception are caused by follicular cystic tumors.

If neoplasms cause infertility, treatment is prescribed. Depending on their type, the doctor may recommend drug therapy or surgical treatment. It is better to remove the tumor in a timely manner than to try to get pregnant with it. Even if you become pregnant, there is a possibility of developing complications while carrying a child.


Many women who have been diagnosed with various neoplasms on the gonads are worried about whether it is possible to become pregnant with an ovarian cyst. With some types of tumors there are no problems with conception and pregnancy. But there are cysts that provoke the development of infertility. You can understand their types and find out how they affect the ability to get pregnant from the video

Pregnancy with an ovarian cyst: reviews

Veronika Vasilyeva, 38 years old, Kirov

As practice has shown, you can get pregnant with an ovarian cyst. I did not prepare for pregnancy in advance; I did not undergo any examinations. At 8 weeks I had my first ultrasound. During the examination, I was told that there was a follicular benign neoplasm on the left measuring 45 mm. But during an ultrasound at 22 weeks, the tumor was no longer found.

Irina Kapatorova, 27 years old, Moscow

I went to the doctor after 2 years of unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant. During the examination, I was diagnosed with endometrioid tumors. The doctor prescribed laparoscopic surgery to remove them. After surgery, pregnancy was allowed only after six months.

Marina Dimirova, 31 years old, Ryazan

After identifying a follicular tumor formation on an ultrasound, the doctor said that I would not be able to get pregnant until I underwent treatment. But the very next month I saw a positive test, and I managed to get pregnant with an ovarian cyst. At the moment, the child is already 4 months old, there were no problems with pregnancy or childbirth.

Carrying a child puts a double burden on a woman’s body, which is fraught with various complications and the development of chronic disorders. One of these pathologies is ovarian cyst during pregnancy.

Article outline

What is an ovarian cyst during pregnancy?

This is a specific protrusion on the surface of the ovaries (one or several at once), which is filled with liquid or a bloody mixture. Anatomically, an ovarian cyst during early pregnancy looks like a sac-like thin-walled cavity. The size of such a growth can range from 5 to 20 cm, in some cases up to 50 cm.

Often the cyst is not a single one, but grows in the same place, then this disorder is called an ovarian cystoma. The disease is congenital or acquired.

There are several types of such violations:

Each type of disease has its own characteristics and develops under the influence of various factors. Considered the most dangerous, a viscous dark liquid collects in the cavity of the neoplasm, which develops against the background of endometriosis.

Pregnancy with an endometrioid ovarian cyst can be interrupted due to rupture of the formation; the cyst requires mandatory removal; it can grow in diameter up to 50 cm, accompanied by a sharp deterioration in the patient’s well-being.

What you need to know about endometriotic ovarian cyst

Bartholin gland cyst

As for the Bartholin gland cyst, such growths arise due to the inflammatory process, and unpleasant sensations appear in the labia area. It grows on the excretory duct, leading to enlargement of the gland.

Follicular cyst during pregnancy

often resolves on its own. The process of its development can be asymptomatic, or it can create disruptions in the menstrual cycle, leading to long-term delays in menstruation, severe pain during the formation of a growth.

Until the follicular cyst bursts and resolves, ovulation cannot occur, which means you should not wait for the process of fertilization of the egg. To eliminate it, it is recommended to use combined oral contraceptives, after which the cyst will deflate and no further intervention will be required.

Important! Sometimes it can happen that such a complication requires surgical removal. During this period, the condition of the mother and child is at risk.

Corpus luteum cyst

An ovarian corpus luteum cyst during pregnancy often occurs in the first trimester; the bladder is filled not with clear liquid, but with blood, and is formed due to rupture of the follicle. When the growth hemorrhages, a corpus luteum appears.

A yellow ovarian cyst during pregnancy does not require special treatment. In order for healing to go faster, you need to refrain from physical activity, active sex life, and eat right during the rehabilitation period in order to avoid complications.


Regarding the endometrioid cyst, then menstrual blood is drawn into it, which accumulates inside the formation. People also call it, due to the appearance of the growth.

Such cysts, even when large, do not cause discomfort to the patient, they are not dangerous, do not degenerate into malignant forms, and are less common in women of late reproductive age.

An endometrioid cyst does not affect pregnancy; its main feature is a violation of the integrity of the walls of the formation during menstruation, which causes the contents of the cyst to enter the abdominal cavity.

A paraovarian cyst develops on the basis of the ovary above the left or right appendage and can reach enormous sizes. It is distinguished upon examination by a capillary pattern on the surface of the formation.

This form of cyst develops in women after 40 years of age and does not affect reproductive function, which affects the ability to become a mother. It is removed surgically and is a benign tumor-like formation.

Causes of cysts on the ovary during pregnancy

If an ovarian cyst is discovered during pregnancy, it could appear long before the fertilization of the egg; various factors could serve as the reasons for its development:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • following a strict diet for a long time;
  • severe stress, anxiety;
  • the patient is overweight;
  • change in climatic conditions;
  • dystrophy;
  • prolonged hypothermia;
  • bad habits;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • promiscuous sexual intercourse.

In each case, it is necessary to individually reconsider the factors influencing the reproductive organs and begin complex therapy. Also, an ovarian cyst can form during gynecological interventions, after an abortion, unqualified examination, installation of a contraceptive device, and much more.

An ovarian cyst during pregnancy can appear as a result of dysfunction of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, and other organs that are responsible for the secretion of hormones.

Advanced gynecological disorders, poor lifestyle, early sexual intercourse, sex during menstruation, hypothermia, and sexual abstinence for a long time can affect the further development of the growth.

In the initial stage of development, the clinical picture will be vague, and the symptoms will be similar to those of other diseases, which complicates the process of diagnosing the disorder. Aching symptomatic pain may appear in the lower abdomen, in the area of ​​the left or right ovary.

  • Frequent urination, feeling of tightness in the intestinal area.
  • Stool upset, nausea, vomiting.
  • Flatulence, discomfort in the esophagus. Change in stool for no reason.

The cyst also has a negative effect on the condition of the skin (acne and rashes appear all over the body). Hair quickly becomes dirty, and nails become brittle and yellow.

The uncomplicated form of the disease is most often asymptomatic and is detected during an ultrasound of the pelvic organs. Depending on the type of disorder, shape, and location of the cyst, the following symptoms of the disease are distinguished.

  1. A functional ovarian cyst during pregnancy is a follicular formation and a yellow cyst. Dimensions can reach up to 80 cm; most often, such growths disappear without a trace without medical intervention. Particular danger arises when the stem of the growth is twisted; the painful symptoms are similar to an attack of acute appendicitis.
  2. Ovarian dermoid cyst - the initial stage has no clinical manifestations; symptoms occur when it increases to 15 cm or more. The temperature may rise, weakness, aching abdominal pain, depression, and irritability may appear. Does not cause hormonal disruptions.
  3. Paraovarian ovarian cyst in position - discovered by chance, the abdomen enlarges, pressure is felt on the internal organs, reproductive dysfunction is observed, dysfunctional uterine bleeding is possible. As the cyst enlarges, problems with the digestive system appear, discomfort and pain during sexual intercourse.
  4. Ovarian retention cyst while carrying a child - aching pain in the lower abdomen, disruptions in the menstrual cycle, absence of ovulation for a long time against the background of hormonal disorders may appear. When torsion and hemorrhage occur, acute symptoms are observed: pain, dizziness, nausea, fever. A cyst on the right ovary during pregnancy may have symptoms similar to the clinical picture of acute appendicitis, while the cyst on the left may be asymptomatic.
  5. Endometrioid ovarian cyst - signs are varied: bloody discharge, disruptions in the menstrual function of the reproductive organs, digestive problems when the cyst puts pressure on the intestines. The growth of such a cyst is unpredictable, complications include rupture followed by peritonitis.

The danger of cysts when carrying a child

Any neoplasm on the reproductive organs is fraught with its own complications and consequences. Are ovarian cysts dangerous during pregnancy? When carrying a child, any violation of the mother's organs has serious consequences for the development of the baby.

If the formation reaches a large size, bursts or torsion of the leg occurs, then a miscarriage or premature birth may occur. Most often, the problem is solved surgically, and such an intervention cannot but affect the development of the fetus.

Removal of an ovarian cyst during pregnancy is carried out in the second trimester, the method is used, but this method is effective if the growth is small. Otherwise, laparotomy is used.

The most dangerous to the health of mother and baby are:

  • cystic ovarian cyst, filled with fluid, grows up to 30 cm, its development is accompanied by sharp and severe pain;
  • endometrioid cyst - uterine tissue grows outside its boundaries; if damaged, hemorrhage occurs in the abdominal cavity, which can lead to the development of an inflammatory process in the internal organs, including death.

This is why it is so important to cure a cyst before conception. And if any pathological disorders develop in the body of the expectant mother, it is imperative to seek help from a specialist in order to avoid serious complications.

How to detect such a violation? It is impossible to determine by clinical symptoms; as a rule, an examination by a gynecologist is required to confirm the diagnosis:

Often, a positive pregnancy test for an ovarian cyst can indicate the presence of a disorder in a woman’s body. And all because a hormonal imbalance occurred in the body and hCG levels increased.

Consequences of cysts during pregnancy

Pregnancy with an ovarian cyst is possible, but now you need to constantly monitor its development, periodically perform an ultrasound and visit a gynecologist. The consequences of an ovarian cyst during pregnancy can be the most unpredictable:

  1. The natural position of the appendages is disrupted.
  2. There is pressure on the uterus (termination of pregnancy or premature birth).
  3. Tissue necrosis.
  4. Development of the inflammatory process.
  5. Transformation of formation into a malignant form.
  6. During childbirth, a cyst may rupture, which will threaten not only the life of the baby, but also the mother.

If the cyst of the left or right ovary during pregnancy is small, its growth is inactive, it does not cause discomfort to the expectant mother, then there is no need to be afraid, and after childbirth the issue of its further removal must be decided.

Attention! If a cyst during pregnancy is not located on the surface of the ovary, but on a stalk attached to the mucous membrane, then such a growth must be removed immediately, because by rotating the cyst can cause significant harm not only to the unborn baby, but also to the woman’s condition.

Treatment of ovarian cysts in pregnant women using laparoscopy

There is no need for special treatment if a tumor is detected in the first trimester. Treatment of an ovarian cyst during pregnancy should be carried out only if it quickly increases in size, causes discomfort, and there is a risk of rupture.

Pregnancy with the follicular and luteal form does not require removal of the growth; most often the cyst resolves spontaneously and is not malignant. Only systematic observation of education is required.

If an ovarian cyst hurts during pregnancy, bleeds, puts pressure on neighboring organs, and leads to the development of an inflammatory process, then mandatory surgical intervention will be required.

The operation to remove an ovarian cyst during pregnancy is carried out at 12-16 weeks; this is a modern surgical method, which is performed using a laparoscope.

One day before the intervention, you need to switch to a liquid diet, and stop eating completely 10 hours before the operation. In the morning and evening, cleanse the intestines with an enema.

Laparoscopy of an ovarian cyst during pregnancy can last from 20 to 60 minutes, the specialist makes several punctures in the anterior abdominal wall in the navel area and the projection site of the appendages, after which the tumor is removed.

Afterwards, the pregnant woman’s condition is monitored; if there are no complications, the patient is discharged from the hospital after 2 weeks. Adhesive processes may appear after laparoscopy, which can even lead to infertility in the future.

Sexual contacts and physical activity after the operation are prohibited, you need to abstain for about 30-40 days, you need to carry out light recovery training, while monitoring the load of permissible stress.

Menstruation after laparoscopy should go according to schedule, since the integrity of healthy tissue is not compromised. After the operation, mucous discharge is possible; it becomes dangerous when stained brown or greenish, which indicates an attached infection.

  • After laparoscopy, you need to eat right; in the first three months, food should contain a maximum of fiber, which improves intestinal motility; alcohol and coffee drinks are prohibited.
  • To heal internal wounds, the body will benefit from vitamins and microelements, freshly squeezed juices, vegetables, fruits, cereals, and seafood. It is important to avoid fatty, fried, spicy and sour foods.
  • To ensure that the intestines work smoothly, it is advisable to consume liquid foods, to improve the immune system, take herbal decoctions and infusions on the recommendation of a specialist, and for constipation, take a laxative.

The operation is unacceptable if:

  • cardiac system disorders;
  • hypertension;
  • anemia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • the presence of infection during the period of exacerbation of the disorder.

How is laparoscopy performed for cysts in pregnant women?

Urgent care for a ruptured cyst in a pregnant woman

The rapid growth of pathological formations can create a serious danger for the body of the mother and child. The first signs are considered to be aching pain in the lower abdomen, nausea, diarrhea, fever and increased blood pressure.

If there is a rupture of an ovarian cyst during pregnancy, then the first signs of such a disorder will be:

  1. Sharp pain in the lower abdomen.
  2. High temperatures that cannot be normalized with antipyretics.
  3. Sudden weakness.
  4. It is difficult to straighten up to your full height.
  5. Bloody vaginal discharge.
  6. Attacks of nausea, vomiting.
  7. Loss of consciousness.

If a cyst breaks into the abdominal cavity, peritonitis (an inflammatory process) may occur. Such a violation without medical assistance can be fatal.

To prevent the development of such a disease, it is necessary to be promptly examined by a specialist, eat right, avoid stress, lead an active lifestyle, avoid abortions and effectively treat diseases of the internal organs.

The mother’s body is subjected to double stress, and therefore it is important to plan conception in order to increase the chances of giving birth to a healthy and strong baby, as well as to prevent the disease from becoming chronic.

After an operation to remove a cyst, you need to monitor the health of all organs, promptly treat inflammatory processes, regularly undergo examinations by a specialist, give up bad habits, and devote time to physical development.

Planning pregnancy if you have a cyst

A cyst is not a contraindication when planning a child, yes, it can begin to grow and progress, therefore it is necessary to undergo preventive examinations and follow all the specialist’s instructions.

If there is a follicular cyst, then there is nothing to fear. When ovulation occurs, the follicle bursts, and the unruptured one becomes a cyst. Such cysts disappear within a few months, after which ovulation resumes and conception becomes possible.

Other types of cysts do not affect the functioning of the reproductive system, but can create serious problems on the way to the normal process of conception, changing hormonal levels and putting pressure on the follicles.

The occurrence of a cyst and the process of conception are purely individual concepts; this does not prevent some from getting pregnant, while others suffer until the issue with the neoplasm is resolved. After several unsuccessful attempts at conception, experts advise removing pathological cysts in order to prevent their independent progression.

  • In the presence of endometrioid and dermoid cysts, conception is impossible, even if fertilization of the egg occurs, then such concepts are incompatible. Urgent surgical intervention is required; only after the patient has completely recovered can pregnancy be planned.
  • is the worst variant of the development of the disease, leads to temporary infertility of the woman; only correctly selected hormonal therapy can restore the functioning of the patient’s reproductive system.

The process of preparing for conception in the presence of a cyst should consist of several stages:

  1. Checking the health of both parents, donating blood, examining for diseases of the reproductive system, and the condition of the pelvic organs.
  2. Diagnosis of a cyst and subsequent instructions for “care” for such a disorder.
  3. Prescription of a medicinal or surgical treatment method, followed by a rehabilitation period.
  4. Monitoring the condition of the appendages in the future and the functioning of the pelvic organs in particular.

Take care of your health and pay attention to conceiving your unborn child, so that the baby can fully develop in “favorable” conditions!

About ovarian cysts in simple words