Copious clear mucus. Mucous discharge from the vagina. What discharge is considered normal?

The normal functioning of the female reproductive system during the childbearing period is necessarily accompanied by vaginal discharge. When their character changes (they become different from the usual quantity, color, smell), pain or discomfort occurs.

In this case, representatives of the fair sex should think about consulting a gynecologist. Discharge in the form of snot in women can accompany a normal menstrual cycle, or can be a symptom of a pathological process in the body.

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Where does the discharge come from?

The sources of mucous secretion that is secreted from the vagina are the following structures of the female genital organs:

  • Bartholin glands of the vestibule of the vagina. These are special structures whose task is to produce viscous, transparent mucus to moisturize the entrance to the vaginal cavity. They make it easier for a man's penis to penetrate her. Most of the secretion of such glands is released at the time of sexual arousal of a woman.
  • Vaginal mucosa. The epithelium of the wall of this genital organ is abundantly supplied with goblet cells that produce mucus. They perform not only the function of moisturizing, but also protect the mucous membrane from the introduction of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Cervix and cervical canal. Normally, the cervical canal is closed with mucus, which is produced by its cells. At different periods of the menstrual cycle, such a secretion changes the properties of its viscosity. This is necessary for normal fertilization.
  • Endometrium of the uterus. The functional layer of the reproductive organ produces a mucous secretion, which is a favorable environment for the implantation of a fertilized egg.

The reasons for discharge in women, like snot by the nature of the secretion, are both physiological and may indicate the occurrence of a pathological process in the female genital organs.

Therefore, understanding the causes, signs and differences of vaginal discharge in different situations is important information. A girl in puberty, a girl of childbearing age and a woman who is in menopause should know it.

Causes of discharge in women, like snot

Characteristics of the discharge as “snot-like, etc.” - quite trivial and generalized. Although it often reflects the real nature of the vaginal secretion observed in the patient.

Normal The characteristics of mucous discharge are:

  1. Transparent or slightly whitish color. As your underwear dries out, this vaginal discharge may leave yellowish marks. This is a normal option, although many women try to get rid of it.
  2. No unpleasant foreign odor (may be slightly sour milk, associated with the activity of lacto- and bifidobacteria that live in the vagina).
  3. No blood or foamy discharge.
  4. The amount of discharge is not abundant (it does not cause concern to the woman).

Normally, such vaginal discharge is observed during a woman’s sexual arousal, during the period of ovulation, and after sexual intercourse. Sometimes the appearance of such discharge without extraneous signs of pathology is observed in pregnant women. This is explained by endocrine changes in their body (in some periods the concentration of estrogen increases, and in others - progesterone).

Most often, as a result of a disease of the female genital organs, the normal nature of the discharge changes. It is important to note that it is not possible to accurately establish the diagnosis and cause of the development of such a symptom based only on the nature of the discharge from the woman’s genital tract.

To clarify the diagnosis, the gynecologist needs to find out all the other symptoms that are observed in each specific case, as well as conduct an examination and additional diagnostics of the patient’s condition.

White discharge like snot in women, sometimes occur as a variant of normal vaginal secretion, but usually occur against the background of an infection of the genital organs (and are most typical for atypical infections). Mucous, white discharge in the early stages of the development of infectious gynecological pathology may differ from normal secretion only in the suddenness of its occurrence (appear spontaneously).

Then other symptoms of the disease appear in the form of an unpleasant odor from the vagina (a characteristic sign of vaginitis), various changes in the type of mucus from viscous to foamy (with chlamydia) or with white cheesy inclusions (vaginal candidiasis).

Discharge in women looks like bloody snot, they talk about the appearance of a source of bleeding in the genitals. Most often, this is minor damage to the vasculature of the uterus and its cervix, localized in the mucous layer. It does not yet lead to the development of full-fledged bleeding not associated with menstruation.

The causes of discharge of this nature can be erosion or cancer of the cervix, tumor processes of the uterus (submucous myomas, fibroids), etc. In any case, the development of just such a symptom is a good reason for an urgent visit to a gynecologist. In a pregnant woman in the early stages, the appearance of vaginal discharge of this nature usually indicates a potential threat of spontaneous abortion.

In the period after 22-25 weeks of pregnancy and later, an admixture of blood in the mucous secretion may lead the doctor to think about the threat of premature placental abruption or its possible previa (placental tissue is connected to the internal cervical os - a variant of pathology).

Discharge during menopause associated with hormonal imbalance in a woman’s body. A lack of sex hormones (in particular estrogen) leads to thinning of the mucous layers of the reproductive organs. This makes them more vulnerable and prone to local bleeding.

The development of erosions and inflammatory processes in the cervix (for example, in the case of uterine prolapse) is also one of the reasons for the presence of such a symptom in patients.

Discharge after menstruation usually have a normal, physiological nature. They are associated with the activation of the glands of the vaginal mucosa and cervix under the influence of estrogen and the self-renewal of the mucosa observed after menstruation.

Mucus discharge in women, like snot

Increases in the density and viscosity of normal vaginal discharge are caused by many diseases and physiological conditions of women. Mucus discharge in women, like snot, appears due to the high content of mucin and proteins in the secretion.

With a bacterial infection, microbes and cells of the immune system (neutrophils) are also mixed into their number. It is worth noting that with severe bacterial inflammation, the discharge takes on the appearance of pathological (purulent, foamy, hemorrhagic, etc.).

At different periods of the menstrual cycle, the mucus of the cervical canal changes its density and viscosity. Therefore, when its excess is secreted, the vaginal secretion can change its density.

At the time of ovulation, the mucus of the cervical canal has the lowest density and viscosity (this is necessary to ensure unhindered fertilization), and in the period after menstruation it is at its maximum.

Symptoms of pathologies and methods of treatment

Physiological vaginal discharge rarely bothers a woman. This is due to the fact that their nature (small quantity, lack of color and odor) does not cause much discomfort.

Excess secretion during the period of ovulation and sexual arousal is easily eliminated by using intimate personal hygiene products (panty liners). There are no other effective methods to eliminate such physiological, vaginal discharge. And there is no need for this either.

The main complaints that arise against the background of the appearance of unusual discharge are:

  • Itching, burning, pain in the vestibule of the vagina.
  • Changes in the color of the skin of the labia, mucous membrane of the entrance to the vagina (usually hyperemia).
  • Increased body temperature (a variable sign, observed with a reduced immune status).
  • The appearance of an unpleasant odor from the perineum and vagina.
  • Burning, stinging, discomfort when urinating.
  • Pain during sexual intercourse.
  • Decreased libido.
  • The appearance of foreign impurities in vaginal mucus (foamy bubbles, cheesy inclusions, blood clots, pus, etc.).

Only a gynecologist will help a woman determine the symptoms and treatment in such situations. Some diseases (urogenital, intracellular infections) that cause mucous discharge, as well as a number of uncomfortable sensations, very quickly turn into a latent form of the course.

However, it is precisely such infections that lead to the development of infertility and chronic inflammatory pathologies of the uterus and its appendages, which are difficult to treat in the later stages of the disease. Therefore, timeliness is important.

Treatment of this condition in a woman is carried out in order to eliminate the cause of the gynecological disease, prevent the development of complications or the transition of the disease to a chronic form. Symptoms accompanying vaginal discharge are eliminated with medications - painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.

A large number of infectious and inflammatory diseases, incl. venereal pathology, which is accompanied by vaginal discharge, requires treatment with antibacterial drugs.

Only the right choice of antibiotic and a full-length course of treatment with the selected drug will allow a woman to forget about viscous discharge that is not associated with normal physiology and the menstrual cycle.

If, during the diagnostic process, the doctor discovers potentially dangerous erosion of the cervix, signs of the development of an oncological process, or large benign formations, further treatment tactics include surgical intervention of varying complexity and invasiveness. In this case, all the risks and complications of such processes are explained to the patient and options for the necessary treatment are offered.

Patients should understand that viscous discharge in this case is a sign of the disease in the early stages of its development. In the future, the symptoms of the disease will worsen, and in some pathologies, even call into question the patient’s life.

Discharge in women, like snot, transparent in nature, although sometimes it may seem normal, is still more often a sign of gynecological diseases at an early stage. Therefore, you should not ignore the examination of the gynecologist, as well as the prescribed diagnostic examinations.

  • Even such seemingly insignificant changes in vaginal discharge sometimes become the body’s first signal of impending trouble.

Discharge like snot during pregnancy

When a fertilized egg is implanted into the endometrium of the uterus and the placenta is formed, a complete restructuring of the background of sex hormones occurs in the woman’s body. Therefore, discharge, like snot, during pregnancy is not uncommon.

All the basic requirements for what normal vaginal secretion should be in a pregnant woman are the same as during the period outside of pregnancy. The discharge, although it may be viscous, should remain clear or slightly whitish, odorless and in small quantities.

You don't know what to do if you have vaginal mucus? There can be two reasons for this: a serious illness, or a completely normal manifestation of the body. In order to determine whether it is a disease, you need to understand some features. Make sure it has a smell and color. Does it cause irritation to the body? If your discharge is colored, has an unpleasant odor, and also causes you discomfort, then you have a disease.

In general, discharge is a characteristic feature of a woman’s body. An exception is the period 1 month – 9 years. At this time, the girl’s body is at rest. After all, the eggs do not mature, and there is no menstruation. A minimal amount of sex hormones is formed, which have virtually no effect on the body. After 9 years, periodic discharge begins. At this age, the mucus looks like rice water. After puberty occurs, periodic discharge begins, depending on.

Transparent slime

This is quite a common occurrence. The volume of drops should not exceed 2 ml per day. Mucus is milky in color and is acidic. It is odorless and does not cause any unpleasant sensations. Doctors call it “cervical.” If the discharge is the color of egg white, there is no need to worry. This is most likely normal for your body. This is a fluid produced by the cervix. It protects sperm from death and provides them with normal living conditions. It’s just that the acidic environment of the vagina itself can quickly destroy sperm.

Mucus has an alkaline structure, which provides protection. Such mucus is released from the vagina, depending on how ovulation occurs. If the egg still has a long time to mature, the fluid may not be released at all. However, as the most favorable time approaches, it can be released quite abundantly. This way, sperm can reach the fallopian tubes.

White slime

Such manifestations are most likely associated with some kind of inflammation. Here you can give the first piece of advice - do not engage in treatment yourself. In this situation, only a doctor can give you an explanation. In many cases, white mucus is a symptom of gardnerellosis or thrush. These diseases can cause dysbacteriosis and also change the vaginal microflora. Indeed, the microorganism Gardnerella, as well as Candida fungi, can infect the body quite quickly. After all, their symptoms can be... Thrush can be caused by spontaneous douching or a change of sexual partner.

How to treat the disease

If you seek medical help in time, this problem can be easily solved. To do this, you need to talk in detail about the symptoms, as well as about the problem itself. This way, it will be easier for the doctor to draw a conclusion about the disease. The doctor must conduct a diagnosis and do several tests. In many cases, the treatment of this disease requires douching, tablets or suppositories; usually the gynecologist prescribes comprehensive treatment, this will quickly get rid of the disease.

On the surface of the cervix there is a huge number of glands that produce secretions that protect the uterine cavity and vagina from various types of infections. It appears in the form of a mucous liquid mass, which every woman can periodically observe on her panties. Therefore, mucous discharge in women like snot is considered normal. But not always. Sometimes their number increases, a specific smell and other symptoms appear, which in no case should be ignored. They may indicate the occurrence of infections or inflammations in the vagina that require immediate treatment.

Vaginal discharge such as snot in most cases is physiological and does not indicate the development of any diseases. The only exception is the occurrence of third-party symptoms, for example, discomfort and pain in the perineum. But more on that later.

Mucous discharge from the vagina, as a rule, is constantly released. It’s just that women themselves don’t pay any attention to them, since they come in small quantities. They are transparent in color and do not emit an unpleasant aroma. As mentioned above, they appear as a result of the active work of the glands located on the surface of the cervix. The transparent, stretchy discharge contains particles of epithelium rejected by the uterus, which have already served their “life” and have ceased to function.

At certain periods of the menstrual cycle, clear mucous discharge may become stronger. And most often this happens when ovulation occurs. Their appearance indicates that the egg has already been released from the follicle and is ready for fertilization.

Women whose menstrual cycle proceeds without any disturbances can track “dangerous” days when she can easily become pregnant by thick, transparent, stretching discharge. And if a married couple plans to become parents in the near future, then the appearance of copious mucous discharge in the middle of the cycle is a kind of signal for them that the couple should act. If a woman does not want to become a mother, then she should protect herself more carefully during these periods or completely refuse intimacy, since the risks of pregnancy at the time of ovulation are very high.

As soon as the “dangerous” period of the menstrual cycle ends, heavy mucous discharge stops and instead of it white mucus appears, which, when it gets on the panties and dries, leaves yellow or white spots. All these processes are completely natural for the female body and their occurrence is determined by hormonal fluctuations. During ovulation, the production of sex hormones increases, and after it ends, it decreases. Thus, the hormonal background is constantly “on the brink”, which is accompanied by such changes.

It should be noted that leucorrhoea is completely natural for girls. They secrete white mucus from the vagina most actively at the ages of 0-1 years and 7-13 years. In the first case, their appearance is associated with a high level of maternal hormones in the body, and in the second, the formation of hormonal levels and the approach of the first menstruation.

Important! If a woman has no mucus discharge throughout her entire cycle, then she needs to make an appointment with a gynecologist as soon as possible, as this is abnormal. The absence of mucous secretion in the middle of the cycle may indicate a deficiency of estrogen in the body or an anovulatory cycle.

The appearance of mucous discharge after menstruation is also not a deviation. They may contain streaks of blood and appear due to the cleansing of the uterus after menstruation and, as a rule, are observed for no more than 2-3 days.

Mucous white discharge, which contains streaks of blood, can be observed in girls and women after:

  • instrumental examination by a gynecologist;
  • intimacy.

In this case, the discharge of mucus with blood from the vagina is caused by damage to the mucous membranes of the cervix. As a result of this, regeneration processes are activated in it, which leads to such abundant discharge.

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It should be noted that often the appearance of snot-like discharge streaked with blood may indicate the presence of erosion on the cervix. It can bleed on its own or after mechanical impact on it, for example, when gynecological instruments are inserted into the vagina, during douching, etc.

Copious discharge in the form of snot can also occur during sexual arousal. Their appearance is a natural reaction of the body and they represent a lubricant that prevents injury to the mucous membranes after the penis enters the vagina.

After unprotected sex, transparent, stretchy mucous discharge can be observed for several hours or days. In this case, they appear due to the cleansing of the vagina from male sperm.

To summarize, it must be said that mucous, viscous discharge in women is not at all pathological if it occurs:

  • When ovulation occurs.
  • After menstruation.
  • After gynecological examinations.
  • During and after intimacy.

It should be noted that the discharge of white or transparent mucus from the vagina does not normally cause discomfort. During this period, a woman can only worry about one thing. And these are wet panties. There is no itching, burning or pain in the perineum.

If vaginal discharge, like snot, begins to change its character, becomes constant and abundant, acquires a specific smell or changes color, then this already indicates the presence of serious health problems. In this case, you need to immediately go to the doctor and get examined, because such symptoms can also signal serious infections acquired through sexual contact.

During pregnancy and after childbirth

Very often, discharge in the form of mucus from the vagina is a harbinger of pregnancy, especially if there is a delay in menstruation. They appear as a result of the active production of so-called “pregnancy” hormones and can be observed throughout the first trimester.

Important! At the moment when pregnant women should have their periods, mucous discharge may become abundant, which is also normal. At this moment, they can observe pulling mucus on their panties, which does not have a specific odor and does not cause irritation in the perineum.

In the second trimester, the white mucous discharge becomes less abundant, but does not disappear completely. They are released in small quantities and can also leave yellow or white marks on panties. At the beginning of the third trimester, clear, odorless discharge intensifies again. There are especially many of them at 38-40 weeks of pregnancy, which is due to the body’s preparation for the upcoming birth.

The appearance of a mucous, sticky clot, similar to phlegm, at the end of pregnancy indicates the passage of the plug. This process takes different times for all women. For some, the plug can come out completely in a couple of hours, while for others it comes out over several days. But in any case, if a woman’s lower abdomen hurts during the secretion of copious mucus, she should immediately call an ambulance. Labor can begin at any moment!

A woman who has given birth may also have mucus coming from her vagina for several weeks after giving birth. It contains streaks of blood, which is completely natural. During this period, active contraction of the uterus occurs after childbirth and cleansing of the reproductive organs, which is manifested by similar symptoms.

If after childbirth, when quite a lot of time has already passed (more than 2 months), mucus with blood is released from the vagina and its amount does not decrease, you should definitely visit a gynecologist. Sometimes this phenomenon indicates cirrvicitis. This disease is characterized by inflammation of the cervical mucosa and poor healing after childbirth. It manifests itself as mucus secretion and abdominal pain, which may periodically intensify and subside.


As noted above, clear mucus released from the vagina can change its character, which indicates the development of various diseases. For example, vaginal discharge in the form of white flakes, which is accompanied by burning and swelling of the labia, this indicates an acute course of thrush.

In this case, both strong discharge with white streaks and a thick mass similar to cottage cheese may appear. The secretion released from the vagina during this disease always produces a sharp sour odor and provokes severe irritation on the labia. In the chronic course of the disease, these discharges before menstruation may intensify. Blood streaks may appear in them. And after menstruation, the discharge becomes almost unnoticeable, but does not mean that the thrush has gone away. When chronic, it is very difficult to cure.

If a girl or woman develops an STD, there is always a lot of discharge. Each disease has its own clinical picture:

  1. Gardrenellosis. When it develops, a mucous, stretchy mass of gray or white color is released from the vagina. It has a specific smell, reminiscent of the aroma that rotten fish exudes.
  2. Chlamydia. The main signs of this disease are the release of a greenish mucous mass from the vagina, which depletes the specific odor and provokes irritation on the skin of the external genitalia.
  3. Gonorrhea. With the development of this disease, green or yellow mucus comes out of the vagina, which is caused by the presence of pus in its composition.
  4. Genital herpes. It manifests itself mainly as watery discharge and the appearance of vesicles filled with liquid on the surface of the labia. They cause itching and discomfort.
  5. Trichomoniasis. A distinctive feature of the manifestation of this disease is the appearance of foamy mucous discharge with an unpleasant odor.

Mucous discharge from the vagina has different causes and treatment, respectively. And only a doctor can determine why they appeared after receiving test results. He will also prescribe treatment that will quickly get rid of discharge and prevent the development of various health problems.

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Many women are bothered by clear vaginal discharge. Transparent discharge in a woman is not a pathology, but an indicator of the normal functioning of the body. At the beginning of the cycle, the discharge is clear and scanty. Abundant transparent discharge is the most common cause of concern for women when visiting a gynecologist.

The nature of the discharge depends on ovulation, the length of the menstrual cycle and hormones. There should be transparent discharge, because it is an indicator of the normal functioning of the reproductive system.

Also, additional sources of discharge can be the sebaceous and sweat glands, which are located near the urethra. All of the above eventually mixes at the outlet and turns into transparent secretions.

Doctors believe that the normal amount of discharge per day should not exceed four milliliters.

Clear discharge with an unpleasant odor

If the discharge is strong, but it is white or transparent, does not contain streaks and does not cause a feeling of discomfort, then you need to use panty liners.

You should see a doctor if the discharge becomes yellow, brown, or pink.

Clear discharge during pregnancy

Most likely, an infection or disease has settled in the reproductive system of a woman with such discharge. As it turned out above, mucous discharge from the vagina is associated with the cervix. Therefore, by the discharge it is possible to determine whether a woman is healthy or whether some unnatural processes are occurring in the body.

What does vaginal discharge, clear like snot, mean?

A pregnant woman usually observes such discharge until the fourteenth week of pregnancy.

Discharge during pregnancy may be heavy, but it should not cause itching or burning.

Copious discharge of a transparent color

It is very important to prevent the appearance of “inappropriate” vaginal discharge. But you always need to be vigilant and monitor changes in discharge.

Hello! Last week I had white discharge, like water, as usual. And now the 2nd day comes out a little like transparent snot and a little!

Without exception, all beautiful ladies of childbearing age encounter mucous transparent vaginal discharge.

Should you worry, what is the reason for the presence of transparent discharge in women and what to do if you notice it - let's figure it out together.

First of all, let us hasten to reassure you that the presence of transparent discharge is absolutely normal for the female body and is not associated with the presence of any diseases. The main component of transparent discharge is transudate - liquid that sweats from the vessels (blood and lymphatic) located in the vaginal mucosa.

Likewise, you should not delay a visit to the doctor if, along with the presence of any vaginal discharge, a woman feels itching, pain and discomfort in the genital area. Discharge is a natural physiological feature of every woman.

It should be noted that discharge may undergo changes during the menstrual cycle and during pregnancy.

Such discharge in some cases may be perceived as signs of a developing gynecological disease, but discharge does not always indicate the likelihood of pathology.

Transparent stretchy mucous discharge - what is it?

Discharges are necessary to cleanse the vagina and genital tract; they protect the reproductive system from infections. Normally, they should be transparent in color, have a mucous consistency, be released in moderate quantities, have no odor or any unpleasant discomfort.

When pregnancy occurs, the discharge may change in nature. The cause of increased secretion of secretions may be colpitis, polyps, erosions and other inflammatory processes.

Transparent, odorless discharge appeared in the vagina, similar to jelly

Discharge is distinguished by external characteristics (consistency, color, quantity), which indirectly indicate a possible disease. So yellow, cheesy white, green discharge indicates infectious diseases.

Discharge in women during the menstrual cycle varies in consistency and quantity, and in the presence of various diseases, their color and smell may change. The appearance of unusual vaginal discharge sometimes poses a lot of questions to a woman.

You also don’t have to worry if after ovulation, that is, in the second half of the cycle, the discharge becomes more scanty and acquires a jelly-like, creamy consistency. Before menstruation, 2-3 days before menstruation, such discharge may be more abundant.

You should definitely consult a gynecologist if a woman over 40 years of age experiences heavy discharge of a watery or mucous nature. Hello, my discharge is slightly yellowish and odorless, is there a reason to visit a gynecologist?

Is mucous discharge dangerous in women?

But often also whitish in color. When whitish there is a smell. I `m A virgin. I am 38 years old, I started to have mucous discharge, odorless, transparent, but moreover I noticed that there was a sharp tingling pain in the lower abdomen.

It's already the third day. At first they were pink, now they are liquid or yellow or transparent green. The act was on the fourth day of the menstrual cycle, it was already ending.

What could this be and what should I do? Hello, I have clear mucous discharge, but sometimes it is accompanied by stabbing pain in the lower abdomen. Mucus discharge in women appears from the moment of puberty and stops only after menopause occurs.

Discharge during erosion is transparent, an unpleasant odor is possible only when an infection is attached. Every woman of reproductive age notices colorless transparent discharge in the middle of her cycle. Copious transparent discharge against the background of a delay in menstruation is often a sign of pregnancy.

Discharge of white mucus from the vagina in women can be a manifestation of the norm and a symptom of a disease of the internal organs.

This phenomenon is considered physiological in the following cases:

When white mucus discharge from the vagina is not normal

When is white mucus discharge from the vagina not normal and could be a sign of illness?

What diseases may be a sign of vaginal discharge?

What diseases can be a sign of white mucus discharge from the vagina?

The cause of white mucus discharge from the vagina is

Often the cause of white mucus discharge from the vagina is a change in sexual partner.

In such cases, the formation of mucus is an adaptive response of vaginal tissue to the appearance of new microflora of the partner.

If uncharacteristic discharge appears, the woman should.

He will perform an examination and take material for laboratory testing.

During a gynecological examination, the doctor assesses the condition of the genital tract mucosa.

Checks for signs of inflammation of the vaginal walls, cervix, and enlarged inguinal lymph nodes.

If necessary, a visual examination is combined with instrumental studies (ultrasound of the pelvic organs, CT, etc.).

During the examination using a vaginal speculum, the doctor takes a vaginal or cervical smear for microscopy (“microflora smear”) for analysis.

In order to exclude sexually transmitted infections.

Vaginal secretions are also used for culture inoculation on nutrient media.

In order to identify pathogenic microflora and determine its sensitivity to antibacterial drugs.

For laboratory diagnostics, the patient can donate venous blood, urine, and epithelial scrapings for cytological examination.

You can get advice from an experienced venereologist, undergo a comprehensive diagnosis of STIs and a course of effective treatment by contacting our paid clinic.

Mucus from the vagina can indicate various pathologies, although colorless discharge in moderate quantities should be present in a healthy state of the reproductive system in any woman. However, they are the absolute norm. This phenomenon occurs from the age of 10 years of a girl until the end of a woman’s fertile age. This is the period of ovarian function.

Physiological side of the issue

The fluid secreted by the vagina has the following composition: bacteria, cervical mucus, lymph transudate, desquamated dead epithelial cells and a certain amount of leukocytes, blood residues. The amount of daily discharge normally should not exceed 2-4 ml. They should be transparent, neutral or slightly yellowish in color, and have a sour odor, since in a healthy vagina the reaction of the environment is acidic. This discharge is present because the vagina is continuously cleaning itself. This process is a natural physiological need of the organ, which thus removes everything unnecessary and foreign from its space.

Acidophilus bacteria (Dederlein bacilli) living in it are responsible for disinfection of the vagina. These are lactic acid bacteria; they produce lactic acid, which is unfavorable for pathogenic bacteria that prefer an alkaline environment. Lactobacilli maintain a balance between beneficial and opportunistic flora. It should be taken into account that during the menstrual cycle, during pregnancy and some other moments, the discharge changes in thickness and color, but only slightly. At the same time, there are no alarming symptoms, that is, this is determined by changes in hormones and is the norm.

The mucus discharge itself is the result of the work of special glands in the cervix and at the entrance to the vagina (Bartholin glands). The vagina itself does not have glands. Mucus also contains glycogen, which lactobacilli feed on. Glycogen itself is converted into lactic acid through chemical reactions. It also feeds sperm when they enter the vagina.

As you can see, everything is interconnected and aimed at preserving the woman’s health. Mucus in the discharge, despite its constant presence, should normally be invisible to a woman; the discharge should not exceed 2-3 ml.

Transparent discharge is the result of the action of estrogens - the main female hormones. Estrogens are produced by the ovaries. If we talk about changes in the menstrual cycle, then in the first half the discharge becomes thicker, there is little of it, and it has a mucous consistency. This mucus acts as a barrier to bacteria and even sperm. The middle of menstruation is characterized by profuse leucorrhoea, thick and viscous, white in color. Thick mucus is released from the cervix, which indicates that ovulation has occurred. The day before ovulation, when the ratio of hormones changes, the mucus thins, a hormone predominates, which potentially prepares the uterus for pregnancy and the appearance of an embryo in it. During ovulation and pregnancy, even the temperature of the vagina increases. Watery discharge in phase 2 can leave marks on the laundry. Mucous discharge periodically flows from the cervix during sexual intercourse.

So, we can talk about the norm of discharge if it:

  • transparent, jelly-like, neutral color;
  • their volume is less than 1 tsp. per day;
  • they are odorless;
  • do not irritate the skin and mucous membranes;
  • there are no unpleasant symptoms in the form of itching, burning or pain.

If at least 1 of the points listed is violated, you must consult a doctor. When, apart from minor stains on your underwear, nothing else bothers you, you just need to choose high-quality pads and change them at least once every 3 hours.

  • in case of change of sexual partners;
  • during sexual arousal;
  • during sexual intercourse and in the first days after it;
  • when sexual intercourse is rare;
  • with nutritional disorders and the predominance of carbohydrates in the diet;
  • if the composition of underwear is synthetic;
  • in case of long-term use of antibiotics.
  • Regarding sexual arousal and the appearance of a pungent odor in the discharge, it should be noted that this phenomenon is completely natural. This smell in nature attracts males in animals, and humans are no exception in this case. This altered secretion contains pheromones that excite and attract men. Some people mistakenly assume that the appearance of such changes in the discharge is something shameful and begin to douche vigorously. This should not be done, as fungi and gardnerella develop. If such a desire arises, you just need to wash the organs with water without soap. The discharge changes in the following cases.

    Vaginal discharge is observed in almost all women: it protects the vagina from drying out. The question is which ones are considered normal, and in which cases vaginal discharge is a symptom of a serious illness.

    The following discharge is considered normal:

    • Colorless (transparent) discharge or whitish. When they dry, they leave yellowish marks on the underwear. This discharge is considered normal, despite the fact that for some women even it causes discomfort. Panty liners can be used to provide more comfort.
    • Discharge without a specific odor. The discharge of a healthy woman should not have any odor at all.
    • A small amount of mucus. The presence of copious mucus is almost always a cause for concern.

    If clear or white mucus appears from a woman’s vagina during sexual arousal, then this is not considered a deviation from the norm, but the normal functioning of the female reproductive system. It is also normal for copious vaginal mucus to appear after sexual intercourse.

    If a woman has pain in the lower abdomen, itching appears, and the mucus from the vagina has a strong unpleasant odor and an uncharacteristic color (yellow, white, green), then most likely the woman has some kind of infection and will need medical help.

    But before starting treatment, it is necessary to identify the reasons for the appearance of atypical mucus secreted from the vagina.

    Causes and treatments

    There may be several reasons for the appearance of excessive mucus from the vagina, depending on the nature and consistency of the mucus secreted. It is important to know that in almost all diseases of the female reproductive system, vaginal discharge, like snot, differs not only in color, but also in a sharp, unpleasant odor.

    Among the most common causes of excessive vaginal mucus are the following diseases:

    • Cervical erosion.

    With cervical erosion, as a rule, in the second half of the menstrual cycle, discharge appears in the form of snot - it is white or light yellow. If you suspect erosion, it is important to consult a gynecologist in a timely manner. As a rule, treatment of erosion requires not only the use of vaginal suppositories, but also cauterization of the areas affected by erosion - a procedure that can only be performed by a doctor.

    For the treatment and prevention of problems with the menstrual cycle (amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia, Opsomenorrhea, etc.) and vaginal dysbiosis, our readers successfully use the simple advice of the chief gynecologist Leila Adamova. After carefully studying this method, we decided to bring it to your attention.

    • Neoplasms.

    In this case, the presence of polyps or cancer is implied. In the presence of neoplasms, the discharge becomes very liquid, predominantly yellow. The presence of polyps requires surgical intervention, and it is not possible to independently determine the development of a cancerous tumor, therefore, at the slightest suspicion of neoplasms, it is necessary to undergo a full examination.

    • Bacterial vaginosis.

    Bacterial vaginosis refers to diseases that disrupt the natural microflora of the genital organs. Bacterial vaginosis is caused by bacteria that, once on the mucous surface of the female genital organs, begin to actively multiply. As a result, the woman begins to be bothered by copious yellow-green mucus, which is accompanied by a very unpleasant odor, reminiscent of the smell of raw fish.

    As a rule, gynecologists prescribe vaginal suppositories and gels to treat bacterial vaginosis. The most effective drugs are: Clindamycin (suppositories) and Metronidazole (gel). However, each woman’s body is individual, and the doctor can prescribe certain medications only after an examination: the gynecologist will prescribe the dosage and period of use of the medications. In severe cases of bacterial vaginosis, complex treatment may be needed, and drugs such as Trichopolum and Ornisid Forte will come to the rescue.

    • Candidiasis.

    In everyday life, this disease is called thrush, due to the nature of the mucus secreted from the vagina - with candidiasis, it becomes white, it is distinguished by a cheesy consistency and an unpleasant sour smell. The disease itself occurs due to the proliferation of candida (fungus) in the vagina. Women are most susceptible to developing thrush during a period when their immune system is weakened. Contrary to popular public opinion, candidiasis is not sexually transmitted, but for a woman, thrush is fraught with consequences in the form of itching and burning.

    At the initial stage of candidiasis, it is enough for some women to be treated with vaginal suppositories such as Clotrimazole and Isoconazole. In a more advanced form of the disease, medications such as Flucostat, Flucanazole, Intraconazole, Mikomax, Irunin will come to the rescue.

    • Inflammatory process in the female genital area (often - or).

    It is common for every woman to experience various physiological processes associated with the structural features of the body. For example, a characteristic phenomenon for teenage girls and women of childbearing age is discharge from the genital tract. Conventionally, they can be divided into two groups. And today we will talk about the group that includes non-menstrual mucous discharge. In most cases, these phenomena are considered normal and do not cause concern for women. However, it is necessary to know in what cases vaginal discharge can become a signal of the development of pathology in order to take timely measures and undergo a course of treatment.

    Basically, the secretion of the genital organs in the form of phlegm is evidence of the functionality of the ovaries. Therefore, if there are any changes in the consistency, color, or smell of the discharge, it is advisable to consult a doctor to find out the causes and treat a possible disease.

    The secretory function of the reproductive system is a reflection of its normal activity. Therefore, transparent discharge, which may resemble the white of a raw chicken egg (or snot), is considered a kind of indicator of the natural processes of the female body. We can say that they are regular, which is explained by the cyclical work of the ovaries.

    In girls aged 9-10 years, discharge from the genital tract is not characterized by consistency. Rather, they are a confirmation of the onset of puberty. At the same time, hormones begin to influence the developing body, and menstrual function begins to develop. As the ovaries mature, clear secretory discharge from the genital tract becomes more permanent.

    At the age of 12-15 years, girls reach puberty, during which the menstrual function begins to work and spotting (menstruation) appears.

    Depending on the phase of the cycle during which the egg matures, the transparent discharge begins to acquire a corresponding cyclic course. If they are not abundant, not yellow and odorless, such secretory discharge is considered normal.

    Normal genital secretions in women in the reproductive phase can also be determined by the following characteristics:

    • daily volume no more than 2 ml;
    • consistency resembling mucus, transparent snot;
    • acidic environment of sputum;
    • absence of discomfort, itching in the area of ​​the external organs of the reproductive system.

    Mucous, light-white secretory discharge, which in women is especially visible in the middle of the menstrual cycle, is a harbinger of ovulation. This symptom indicates not only the normal functionality of the reproductive system, but also the imminent onset of menstruation. Such phenomena, when, before the onset of menstruation, homogeneous transparent (or light milky) secretory leucorrhoea is released from the genitals, are considered the norm. As a rule, in the first few days after the end of menstruation, women will have minimal mucous discharge.

    In essence, the secretory function of the genital organs, which results in moderate leucorrhoea in the middle of the cycle of women in the reproductive phase, is the ability to self-protect and cleanse the internal genital organs. In other words, non-copious, clear sputum represents the contents of the uterus, pelvis and vagina.

    In what cases can a secretion indicate pathology?

    The secretion of the functioning of the genital organs, called leucorrhoea, may be evidence of the normal functioning of the reproductive system and developing pathologies.

    Therefore, if heavy discharge appears with the presence of an impurity or a strong odor present, it can become a symptom of inflammatory processes.

    Vaginal discharge is considered pathological if it:

    Discharge that occurs after sexual intercourse cannot be considered deviations from the norm. So, for example, the normal functioning of the reproductive system can be expressed as:

    • clear or slightly white discharge in clots (occurs within 1-4 hours after making love without barrier contraception);
    • liquid, abundant white sputum, released in the morning (usually the result of evening or night unprotected sexual intercourse);
    • white, scanty, creamy consistency (normal discharge after sexual intercourse with a condom).

    When should you worry?

    Women often experience discharge with a brown tint, resembling the consistency of snot. This indicates that the contents of the secretion, in addition to mucus, contain a bloody admixture. As a rule, they can occur as a reaction to taking hormonal contraceptives. Moreover, if their appearance is not accompanied by pain, discomfort, itching or an unpleasant odor, this is a completely normal phenomenon.

    If you notice mucous discharge with a brown tint, which has an unpleasant and rather pungent odor, then you should consult a doctor to diagnose chronic endometritis.

    During pregnancy, only liquid transparent or light milky discharge is considered normal.

    If they are not yellow, and their appearance occurs in the absence of itching, odor, or discomfort, then there is no reason to worry.

    In cases where spotting, bloody vaginal discharge appears during the first trimester of pregnancy, this may be a sign of detachment of the fertilized egg. If a similar phenomenon occurs in the second and third trimester, then perhaps the placenta has begun to exfoliate and there is a threat of miscarriage. In both cases, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    To summarize, it can be noted that every woman of reproductive age is faced with such manifestations as genital secretions. Transparent and odorless mucous discharge in women, which resembles snot for some patients, is a completely normal phenomenon.

    On the surface of the cervix there is a huge number of glands that produce secretions that protect the organ cavity and vagina from infections of various kinds. It appears in the form of a mucous liquid mass, which every woman can periodically observe on her panties. Therefore, mucous discharge that looks like snot is considered normal. But not always. Sometimes their number increases, a specific smell and other symptoms appear, which in no case should be ignored. They may indicate the occurrence of infections or inflammations in the vagina that require immediate treatment.

    Normal or pathological?

    Vaginal discharge such as snot in most cases is physiological and does not indicate the development of any pathologies. The only exception is the occurrence of third-party symptoms, for example, discomfort and pain in the perineum. But more on that later.

    Vaginal discharge is usually constant. It’s just that women themselves don’t pay any attention to them, since they are observed in small quantities. They are transparent in color and do not emit an unpleasant aroma. As mentioned above, they appear as a result of the active work of the glands located on the surface of the cervix. The transparent, stretchy discharge contains rejected pieces of epithelium that have already served their “life” and have ceased to function.

    During certain periods of the menstrual cycle, the clear discharge may become stronger. And more often this happens when ovulation occurs. Their appearance indicates that the egg has already been released from the follicle and is ready for fertilization.

    Women whose menstrual cycle proceeds without any disturbances can track “dangerous” days, when there is a possibility of easily becoming pregnant, by the abundant transparent stretching discharge. And if a married couple plans to become parents in the near future, then the presence of heavy discharge in the middle of the cycle is a kind of signal for them that the couple should act. If a woman does not want to become a mother, then she should protect herself more carefully during these periods or completely refuse intimacy, since the risks of pregnancy at the time of ovulation are very high.

    As soon as the “dangerous” period of the menstrual cycle ends, the discharge stops, and instead of it white mucus appears, which, when it gets on the panties and dries, leaves yellow or white spots. All these processes are completely natural for the female body, and their occurrence is determined by hormonal fluctuations. During ovulation, the production of sex hormones increases, and after it ends, it decreases. Thus, the hormonal background is constantly “on the brink”, which is accompanied by such changes.

    It should be noted that leucorrhoea is completely natural for girls. They secrete white mucus from the vagina most actively at the ages of 0–1 year and 7–13 years. In the first case, their appearance is associated with a high level of maternal hormones in the body, and in the second, the formation of hormonal levels and the approach of the first menstruation.

    Important! If a woman has no mucus discharge throughout her entire cycle, then she needs to make an appointment with a gynecologist as soon as possible, as this is abnormal. The absence of mucous secretion in the middle of the cycle may indicate a deficiency of estrogen in the body or an anovulatory cycle.

    The presence of discharge after menstruation is also not a deviation. They may contain streaks of blood and occur due to the cleansing of the uterus after menstruation and, as a rule, last no more than 2-3 days.

    White discharge, which contains streaks of blood, can be observed in girls and women after:

    • instrumental examination by a gynecologist;
    • intimacy.

    In this case, the discharge of mucus with blood from the vagina is caused by damage to the mucous membranes of the cervix. As a result of this, regeneration processes are activated in it, which leads to such abundant discharge.

    It should be noted that often the appearance of vaginal secretion similar to snot with streaks of blood may indicate the presence of erosion on the cervix. It can bleed on its own or after mechanical impact on it, for example, when gynecological instruments are inserted into the vagina, during douching, etc.

    Heavy discharge can also occur during sexual arousal. Their appearance is considered a natural reaction of the body, and they represent a lubricant that prevents injury to the mucous membranes when the penis enters the vagina.

    After unprotected sex, transparent, stretchy discharge may continue for several hours or days. In this case, they appear due to the cleansing of the vagina from male sperm.

    To summarize, it must be said that discharge in women is not at all pathological if it occurs:

    • When ovulation occurs.
    • At the end of menstruation.
    • During gynecological examinations.
    • During and after intimacy.

    It should be noted that discharge normally does not cause discomfort. During this period, a woman can only worry about one thing. And these are wet panties. There is no itching, burning or pain in the perineum.

    If vaginal discharge begins to change its character, becomes constant and abundant, acquires a specific smell or changes color, then this already indicates the presence of serious health problems. In this case, you need to immediately go to the doctor and get examined, because such symptoms can also signal serious infections acquired through sexual contact.

    During pregnancy and after childbirth

    Often, discharge in the form of mucus is a sign of pregnancy, especially if there is a delay in menstruation. They arise as a result of the active production of so-called “pregnancy” hormones and can be observed throughout the first trimester.

    Important! At the moment when pregnant women are supposed to have their periods, the discharge may become heavy, which is also normal. At this moment, they observe a pulling mucus on their panties, which does not have a specific odor and does not cause irritation in the perineum.

    In the second trimester, the discharge becomes less abundant, but does not disappear completely. They appear in small quantities and can also leave yellow or white marks on panties. At the beginning of the third trimester, the discharge intensifies again. There are especially many of them at 38–40 weeks of pregnancy, which is due to the body’s preparation for the upcoming birth.

    The appearance of a mucous, sticky clot, similar to phlegm, at the end of pregnancy indicates the passage of the plug. This process takes different times for all women. For some, the plug can come out completely in a couple of hours, while for others it comes out over several days. But in any case, if a woman’s lower abdomen hurts during the secretion of copious mucus, she should immediately call an ambulance. Childbirth can begin at any moment!

    A woman who has given birth may also have mucus coming from her vagina for several weeks after giving birth. It contains streaks of blood, which is completely natural. During this period, active contraction of the uterus occurs after childbirth and cleansing of the reproductive organs, which is manifested by similar symptoms.

    If after delivery, when quite a lot of time has already passed (more than 2 months), mucus with blood is released from the vagina and its amount does not decrease, you should definitely visit a gynecologist. Sometimes this phenomenon indicates cirrvicitis. This disease is characterized by inflammation of the cervical mucosa and poor healing after childbirth. It manifests itself as mucus secretion and abdominal pain, which may periodically intensify and subside.


    As noted above, clear mucus released from the vagina can change its character, which indicates the development of various diseases. Thus, vaginal discharge in the form of white flakes, which is accompanied by burning and swelling of the labia, indicates an acute course of thrush.

    In this case, both strong discharge with white streaks and a thick mass similar to cottage cheese may appear. The secretion coming out of the vagina during this disease always produces a sharp sour odor and provokes severe irritation on the labia. In the chronic course of the disease, these discharges before menstruation may intensify. They show streaks of blood. And after menstruation, the discharge becomes almost invisible, but this does not mean that the thrush has gone away. When chronic, it is very difficult to cure.

    If a girl or woman develops an STD, there is always a lot of discharge. Each disease has its own clinical picture:

    1. Gardrenellosis. When it develops, a mucous, stretchy mass of gray or white color is released from the vagina. It has a specific smell, reminiscent of the aroma that rotten fish exudes.
    2. Chlamydia. The main signs of this disease are the release of a greenish mucous mass from the vagina, which depletes the specific odor and provokes irritation on the skin of the external genitalia.
    3. Gonorrhea. With the development of this disease, green or yellow mucus comes out of the vagina, which is caused by the presence of pus in its composition.
    4. Genital herpes. It manifests itself mainly as watery discharge and the appearance of vesicles filled with liquid on the surface of the labia. They cause itching and discomfort.