Blood after chemotherapy. Norm of ROE in the blood - indicators of normality and deviation of ROE ESR after chemotherapy 50

Red blood cells are formed elements of blood that are not cells in the full sense of the word. They do not have nuclei (this adaptation arose in order to accommodate more hemoglobin with the same volume of red blood cells). The main function of red blood cells is transfer of oxygen to every cell of the body and carbon dioxide in the opposite direction.

Since red blood cells contain many different substances that are heavier than water, their density is greater than the density of blood plasma, and therefore, over time, red blood cells settle if the blood does not move and mix. At various diseases The density of erythrocytes and blood plasma changes, and at the same time the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) also changes. Based on these changes, it is possible to determine what exactly a person is sick with.

For the study, venous blood is usually taken (although capillary blood is also possible). Special substances are added to the blood that help separate red blood cells from blood plasma and prevent blood clotting. Then the blood is left in a test tube for an hour and they look at how many millimeters the erythrocytes have settled during this time.

Of course, it is impossible to see individual red blood cells, but they are what create the red color of the blood, and when they settle on top, a transparent layer of plasma is formed, where there are no red blood cells.

Norms for erythrocyte sedimentation rate can vary greatly among different categories of people. There is a clear relationship between ESR and age, ESR and gender. Let's consider the erythrocyte sedimentation rate in individuals of various categories.

Table 1. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate in individuals of various categories.

As you can see, the ESR norm can change greatly depending on the age and gender of the person. Another reason that can accelerate the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is pregnancy. The fact is that during pregnancy, the content of proteins that enter the blood plasma changes in the blood, and this leads to the fact that red blood cells begin to settle faster.

Noticeable changes begin only in the fourth month, and increase towards the ninth.

Thus, if in the first trimester the speed is about 15 mm/hour, in the second – 25, and in the third – already forty.

Which one for oncology?

In cases of cancer, there is a sharp increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Typically, the subsidence rate increases by 70-80 millimeters per hour, that is, several times.

At the same time, a similar reaction can occur in the body to any inflammatory process, and therefore a simple increase in ESR is not a sign by which cancer can be diagnosed.

Therefore, if the ESR has increased, the person is sent for further examination to find out what exactly caused the increase: cancer or simple inflammation.

Most often due to a change in ESR and subsequent additional examination detect such cancers:

  • Breast cancer;
  • Ovarian cancer;
  • Bone marrow cancer;
  • Cervical cancer;
  • Lymph node cancer.

There are cases of detection of other forms of cancer using this analysis with subsequent additional examination, but less often.

Benign tumor and ESR

As is known, in addition to malignant tumors, there are also benign tumors. They grow more slowly than malignant ones, or stop their growth altogether, but can put pressure on neighboring organs, disrupting their activity. Under certain conditions, benign tumors turn into malignant ones.

At the same time, benign tumors also increase the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, which can cause unjustified anxiety for the patient, who will suspect he has cancer after learning about the results. It should be understood that a benign tumor can exist for decades and affect the ESR for decades without degenerating into a malignant tumor.

What diagnoses besides cancer are characterized by an increase in ESR?

So, an elevated ESR does not always mean cancer. Who else has this symptom? Erythrocyte sedimentation rate increases for anemia(anemia) with normal erythrocyte morphology.

With anemia, the ratio of plasma and formed elements changes, and red blood cells settle to form characteristic columns that can be distinguished by an experienced specialist.

There is an increase in ESR with renal failure. At the same time, the level increases fibrinogen protein, which ensures changes in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate. This mechanism of increasing ESR also occurs in extreme obesity.

The blood of women in general and pregnant women in particular, as well as in older people, red blood cells also settle faster in the blood, as mentioned above. In addition, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate may be higher due to laboratory technician error during the analysis.

In what cases can ESR be reduced?

The erythrocyte sedimentation rate decreases when the morphology (external structure) of red blood cells changes, the number of leukocytes (white blood cells) increases, the amount of bile salts in the blood plasma increases, and during breastfeeding.

Since cancer damage to various organs can lead to both an increase in the number of leukocytes and an increase in the amount of bile in the blood (this is cancer of the bone marrow and liver, respectively), it turns out that cancer gives two opposite effects that compensate for each other. Thus, the increase in erythrocyte sedimentation rate in cancer may be lower than expected.

ESR and chemicals

The use of various substances may affect the test results. For example, dextran, some hormonal contraceptives, vitamin A, and the hepatitis vaccine increase the ESR.

Valproic acid, cortisone, glucose, fluorides, quinine can reduce this figure. That is why before the analysis you need to say that you took certain medications. The analysis may have to be rescheduled, since it is impossible to obtain a reliable result while these substances remain in the blood.

What tests are required besides ESR to determine cancer?

In addition to ESR, cancer affects hemoglobin levels. With cancer of the stomach or intestines, the level of hemoglobin decreases, with cancer of other organs - too, but not so noticeably. With bone marrow cancer, there may be a drop in hemoglobin levels with a decrease in the number of platelets and the rate of blood clotting.

Cancer cells also produce special substances that are not produced in healthy cells. These substances are called tumor markers, and it is their presence that is serious evidence of the presence of cancer.

Moreover, it is almost impossible to determine brain cancer in this way, so it is not always possible to detect the disease using tumor markers.

How to prepare for the test?

In order for the analysis to show the correct result, you need to follow a few simple recommendations: do not eat 8 hours before the analysis (that is, donate blood in the morning without breakfast), stop consuming alcohol, fried foods and foods containing large amounts of fat. Do not smoke a couple of hours before the test.

If you are using any medications at the time of taking the test, you need to tell your doctor about it, because medications can also affect the result.

Anyone who does not follow the rules for preparing for analysis runs the risk of getting an underestimated or overestimated result, which will result in suspicion of a serious illness and unnecessary worries.


Thus, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is an indicator that does not remain in a person throughout his life, but changes over time, depending on age and the state of the body. Of course, a speed increased by 60-70 units may be a sign of cancer, but not necessarily, because it could also change due to an inflammatory process, poisoning or other reasons.

ESR also increases with the development of benign neoplasms. Therefore, there is no need to panic if the ESR increases; instead, you should take other tests and, based on their results, talk about a diagnosis.

ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate) is an important diagnostic indicator; it can indicate both a banal infection and oncopathology.

The normal value of this indicator depends on many factors: gender, age, physiological processes in the body. Its meaning can also change beyond the disease state, in completely healthy people, especially women. It is associated with the menstrual cycle, pregnancy and childbirth, as well as the postpartum condition.

Normal ESR values ​​are considered:

  • Children 1-2 mm/h
  • Men 1-10 mm/h
  • Women 2-15 mm/h

How is ESR level related to cancer?

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate is a very practical indicator, since it is part of a general blood test, without which no medical examination is complete. This fact contributes to the early detection of the disease.

The ESR level most often increases during inflammatory diseases in the body, but if its value does not decrease after a course of anti-inflammatory therapy, it is necessary to be on alert for cancer.

Blood consists of plasma and formed elements (erythrocytes, platelets, leukocytes), the indicator shows the sedimentation rate of all formed elements, but the number of erythrocytes significantly exceeds all others, for this reason they are taken as the basis for the indicator.

The value depends on the ratio of proteins in the blood plasma; with an increase in the fraction of globulins, fibrinogens and a decrease in the amount of albumin, it increases. The protein is necessary for actively dividing cancer cells, the number of which increases exponentially. Also, the immune system, trying to overcome an unfamiliar formation, reduces the amount of protein in the blood.

ESR level in oncological diseases

With such a serious pathology, its value rises to enormous numbers, most often 70-80 mm/h. But it should be remembered: this indicator is not a specific tumor marker, and it is even more impossible to establish a diagnosis based on one indicator of a blood test. This finding can only prompt the doctor to think about further diagnostic search in a certain direction.

The above indicator should be considered in conjunction with clinical symptoms and the results of other tests and diagnostic procedures. A malignant process may be indicated by a simultaneous decrease in hemoglobin content to 70 g/l.

Serious deviations

Deviations from the norm can occur in many conditions and situations. This fact can lead to false positive test results and lead the attending physician on the wrong trail.

The reasons may be:

  • Vaccination against hepatitis B;
  • Administration of large amounts of heparin;
  • Anemic conditions;
  • Kidney failure;
  • Obesity, hypercholesterolemia;
  • Taking oral contraceptives;
  • Elderly age;
  • Violation of the rules of analysis.

All these reasons can lead to significant deviations in ESR.

Where to look for pathology?

Here the opinions of oncologists differ: many believe that the sedimentation rate increases only with certain types of tumors, while others say that it can be high for all types of tumors. One thing is clear - this is not a 100% indicator, since often this process occurs even with normal ESR values.

Most often it increases with the following types of formations:

  • Bowel cancer;
  • Mammary gland;
  • Ovaries;
  • Cervix;
  • Malignant lung disease;
  • Lymphatic system and bone marrow.

If we talk about a benign process, then most often it is localized in the intestine.

Analysis of ESR in cancer

It is a very important indicator because it is the first one to fall into the hands of a doctor. Neoplasms in the human body very often do not manifest themselves in any way at the initial stages of development, and this indicator can help in early diagnosis.

This test is routine and is performed in any hospital or clinic, this is its advantage. Diagnostics do not require any complex and expensive devices and reagents. Most often it is carried out using the Panchenkov method. It includes the following steps:

  • Capillary blood collection (from a finger) for research;
  • Place it in a graduated glass tube and add substances that prevent clotting;
  • It is installed vertically and after an hour the results are measured (red blood cells settle, forming a vertical column of red color, its value in mm is recorded).

REMEMBER! A high ESR does not mean anything; it is only a signal for the doctor that it is necessary to pay attention and conduct a diagnostic search.

Erythrocytes - red blood cells - perform vital functions in the human body. For example, they are responsible for the synthesis of hemoglobin and the transport of iron to organs and tissues.

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)- an important indicator that can be considered as part of a general blood test or studied separately.

Using this analysis, you can diagnose various diseases - from the common cold to oncology.

ESR- an indicator of the time period during which red blood cells - erythrocytes - settle in test tubes or capillaries under the influence of anticoagulants. This analysis greatly facilitates making almost any diagnosis in both adults and children.

Attention! For preventive purposes, blood should be tested for ESR at least once a year, and in old age - once every six months.

During the study, the specialist determines the height of the plasma layer that has formed in the test tube, and this indicator is measured in millimeters per hour. ESR is characterized by high sensitivity, although it is a nonspecific indicator.

Based on the results of the analysis, one can judge:

  • About the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment and the body’s response to therapeutic techniques. For example, this information is necessary for tuberculosis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus and other diseases.
  • About the presence of diseases and pathological conditions of the body (heart attack, acute appendicitis, ectopic pregnancy, osteoarthritis).
  • About the presence of hidden diseases inside the body (including the occurrence of neoplasms).

What is ESR and what this indicator can indicate is explained in the video:

How is this indicator related to cancer?

It is a known fact that cancer begins with random cell division. Cancer cells form a malignant tumor, and as they grow, they affect neighboring or distant healthy cells.

In affected cells, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate increases several times. Interestingly, ESR in oncology increases even at an early stage. At the same time, the amount of hemoglobin remains unchanged, and the concentration of leukocytes also increases.

This condition is observed in many pathologies, so a more thorough diagnosis is required.

Reference! The highest ESR is found in myeloma, Hodgkin's disease and in the formation of metastases in any type of cancer.

An increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate is due to the fact that blood cells begin an active fight against pathogenic organisms and particles, including cancer cells. But even more informative is a repeat study after taking a course of anti-inflammatory drugs: if we are talking about oncology, the ESR does not decrease.

Another reason for the increase in the indicator is related to changes in the chemical composition of the blood:

  • Abnormal cancer cells recreate mutant proteins that do not and cannot exist in the body of a healthy person.
  • Since inflammation occurs in the body during oncological processes, the concentration of acute-phase specific proteins also increases.
  • As a result of the large number of proteins, they settle out faster and in greater numbers during analysis.

It is impossible to diagnose cancer based on the ESR indicator alone, but it is necessary to make an assumption and continue the study.

If the erythrocyte sedimentation rate increases many times (for example, to 70-80 mm/h when the norm is 10-15 mm/h), a biochemical blood test and MRI (to determine the location of the tumor) are additionally prescribed.

What else could an elevated level indicate?

A high erythrocyte sedimentation rate often shocks the subject. Does ESR always increase in cancer?

However, a high ESR is not always a sign of cancer; this feature is recorded when:

  1. Acute infections;
  2. Chronic inflammatory processes;
  3. States of immunodeficiency (HIV, hepatitis);
  4. Autoimmune diseases;
  5. Anemia and decreased hemoglobin levels;
  6. Pathologies of blood clotting;
  7. Atrophy of organ tissue due to poor blood supply;
  8. Injuries and fractures;
  9. Intoxication (food, respiratory, skin poisoning);
  10. Severe burns;
  11. Amyloid dystrophy;
  12. Menstruation and pregnancy;
  13. Taking certain medications (estrogens, glucocorticosteroids);
  14. Shock or postoperative states.

How is it determined?

The most common is Panchenkov method.

Its essence is that capillary blood is located inside a clean test tube (pipette) located vertically. Over time, the solid part of the blood (cells) forms a sediment, the height of which is measured by a specialist.

How the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is determined using the Panchenkov method is described in the video:

Normal values

The ESR level changes not only during pathological processes in the body. It depends on gender, age, what time of day the blood is taken for analysis and other factors.

Therefore, the analysis is carried out only under certain conditions, and then it is possible to judge whether the patient’s indicator corresponds to the norm.

Normal ESR values ​​at different ages:

  • In children under 1 year - from 2 to 10 mm/h;
  • From 1 to 11 years - from 2 to 12 mm/h;
  • From 11 to 18 years - from 2 to 12 mm/h;
  • In adult women - from 2 to 15 mm/h;
  • In adult men - from 1 to 10 mm/h;
  • In men and women over 50 years of age - from 2 to 20 mm/h (maximum - 30 mm/h).

Attention! The norm increases in women during pregnancy to approximately 40 mm/h (starting from the 4th month).

Sometimes the norm for older people is set using a special formula: for men it is age divided by two, for women it is age + 10 divided by 2. These calculations are appropriate for people over 60 years old.

Cancer indicator table for men and women

ESR indicators in oncology are very different from the norm. So, if with other infectious and inflammatory processes it is possible to increase the sedimentation rate to 30 mm/h, then with cancer the rate increases several tens of times.

If both men and women have an ESR above 100 mm/h, it can be assumed that metastases have spread to distant areas of the body.

Reference! ESR reaches its maximum values ​​in chronic lymphocyte leukemia and malignant lesions of the lymph nodes. In myeloma, an ESR of 90 to 150 mm/h can be diagnosed.

What an increased level of ESR in the blood indicates is shown in the video:

Blood test for erythrocyte sedimentation rate

It is advisable to carry out an analysis of ESR for preventive purposes or in case of unclear pathogenesis approximately once a year (after 45 years - once every six months).

Sometimes this analysis is the main one for making a diagnosis (for example, for cancer of the intestines, cervix, ovaries, mammary glands, bone marrow and lymph nodes), but generally (cancer of the lungs, stomach, liver) other studies are required.

Reference! If ESR levels are high, the doctor may recommend repeating the test in a day. If the multiple increase persists, other diagnostic methods are prescribed.

The procedure itself can be carried out in different ways. Depending on the characteristics of the institution, reagents, blood can be taken from a finger (capillary) or from a vein (venous).

The most common, Panchenkov method, which we already talked about above, is carried out using special capillaries with 100 divisions:

  • The analysis uses sodium anticoagulant.
  • A control mark is selected on the capillary, which the specialist will not exceed. The patient's blood is mixed with an anticoagulant and placed in a vessel to the selected level.
  • Next, the capillary is fixed on a tripod for exactly 60 minutes. After time, the level of the liquid part of the blood is measured, i.e. top, excluding settled cells.

Disadvantages of the method:

  1. There may be an error in the measurement divisions;
  2. Subjectivity of assessment;
  3. The maximum value is 100 mm/hour.

Another method that has a number of advantages over the Panchenkov method is Westergren method (in vitro).

This method is international and is used in all countries of the world:

  • For this test, a 200 division vessel is used; venous blood is mixed with an anticoagulant (sodium) immediately after collection in a 4:1 ratio.
  • After an hour, a corresponding measurement is taken.
  • The advantages of this research method compared to the previous one are high sensitivity and an increase in the maximum value to 200 mm/h.

The third method of research is micromethod, in which a special test device is used. The maximum permissible value is 200 mm/h.

Reference! Free analysis is carried out in any government medical institutions; in private clinics, the cost of the study starts from 150 rubles.

Serious deviations

Serious deviations mean exceeding the norm by tens of times. This indicates the advanced stage of the cancer process and the spread of metastases throughout the body.

Important! After a course of chemotherapy or surgical removal of the tumor, the ESR should return to normal.

If critical values ​​remain after enhanced therapy, we can conclude that the chosen treatment method is ineffective, or that the disease has relapsed or metastasized. Even if after a course of treatment the ESR indicator returns to normal, it must be constantly monitored and monitored.

In very rare, one might say abnormal, cases, a constantly high erythrocyte sedimentation rate is recorded in an absolutely healthy person.

This is observed in only 5% of the population.

In addition to these, there are other causes of too high erythrocyte sedimentation rate:

  • anemia,
  • myocardial infarction,
  • stroke,
  • tuberculosis,
  • diseases of the endocrine system,
  • leukemia,
  • lymphoma.

According to statistics, most clinical cases (about 40%) of increased ESR are associated with infectious diseases. The second place is given to oncological diseases.

Preparation for the procedure

Despite the simplicity of the procedure, some requirements must be observed. conditions for the most reliable research result.

  1. The last meal should be no later than 8 hours before blood donation.
  2. Alcohol must be completely eliminated during the day.
  3. You should not smoke 2-3 hours before the procedure.
  4. You must first tell the doctor if the patient is taking any medications. In some cases, they will need to be excluded the day before the analysis.
  5. In the morning before the test, you are allowed to drink only clean drinking water without gas.
  6. 20-30 minutes before the analysis must be spent in a calm (emotional and physical) environment.

In a sterile environment, blood is collected from the 3rd or 4th fingers of the left hand or from a vein. After donating the required amount of biological material, the patient can go home and wait for the test result.

General and biochemical blood test

A general blood test can take into account from 8 to 30 points, among which may be ESR (sometimes ROE).

Attention! This is the most informative blood test, which is also called clinical.

A general blood test is aimed at determining the concentration of blood cells and their characteristics. If the general analysis revealed a high erythrocyte sedimentation rate, in almost 100% of cases a biochemical blood test is required.

Also, a general blood test takes into account the number of leukocytes, hemoglobin level, immature cells, granular leukocytes.

A biochemical blood test is more detailed:

  • With its help, you can determine the amount of various proteins, lipids, enzymes, carbohydrates, pigments, vitamins and microelements and other structural units.
  • For the diagnosis of a malignant tumor, proteins are most interesting: increased amounts of protein and antigens - so-called tumor markers - are produced only by tumor cells.
  • However, even this is not enough to make a diagnosis: ultrasound, biopsy and other diagnostic methods will be required.

ESR is determined during a general clinical blood test or as a separate indicator.

Important! As a rule, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate increases with any pathological changes in the body, as well as during pregnancy, menstruation and in the postoperative period.

Sometimes ESR is an indicator that helps to suggest the occurrence of malignant processes, while in some cases it helps to confirm the diagnosis.

Since in most cases it is very difficult to diagnose cancer in the early stages, it is recommended to donate blood for ESR at least once a year.

One of the most terrible diseases of our time is cancer. What is oncology, what tests are taken, how is it diagnosed and how does ESR change in oncology?

Oncological diseases are malignant formations in the human body. These are tumors that appear as a result of the degeneration of ordinary cells into tumor cells and their subsequent rapid division.

There are several types of cancer: sarcoma, lymphoma and leukemia, cancer. There is no clear answer to the question of why oncology occurs; there are only a certain number of reasons, such as smoking and alcoholism, a polluted environment, hormonal disorders in the human body, and exposure to toxic and carcinogenic substances.

Oncology in humans can be asymptomatic for decades. However, you should be attentive to your body. The main signs of cancer are chronic fatigue, insomnia, lack of appetite, nervousness, and skin thickening. If any of these symptoms appear, be sure to consult your doctor.

The first and simplest test that is taken if cancer is suspected is a general blood test. The results of this analysis are the identification of changes in the qualitative and quantitative composition of leukocytes, determination of ESR and hemoglobin level.

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Leukocyte formula

Leukocytes are blood cells, the so-called white blood cells, they play a very important role in the human body. First of all, they are protectors of our body. It is leukocytes that secrete antibodies that fight various diseases and are a component of our immunity. There are many leukocytes in the body, they come in different types, but they perform one function - they protect us from poisons and foreign microorganisms. The ratio between all these types is called the leukocyte formula. It is in this formula that changes can occur and the ratio of types of leukocytes can change.

There are norms for the level of leukocytes in the blood. If these indicators are increased or decreased, then this indicates pathological changes in the body, that is, the presence of pathogenic processes.
Leukocytosis is an increase in white blood cells in the blood. Leukopenia is their decrease. Both phenomena may indicate the presence of cancer.

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Erythrocyte sedimentation rate, hemoglobin

ESR is the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, an indicator of the rate of separation of blood into two layers: plasma and red blood cells. The ESR indicator is a nonspecific indicator, that is, it can serve as a sign of the appearance of both inflammatory processes in the human body and a common cold. However, very often an increase in ESR indicates the appearance of cancer; this is the first signal for further diagnosis of cancer.

ESR (the old name is ROE, erythrocyte sedimentation reaction) is widely and often used by doctors to recreate a complete picture of the patient’s condition. A deviation of the actual ESR from the norm indicates an intense occurrence of inflammatory or pathological processes in the human body.

Erythrocytes are red blood cells. Their main function is to transport oxygen through the cells of the body and assist in oxidation processes. Red blood cells also play an important role in immunity and blood clotting.

To determine the ESR, anticoagulants are used. They prevent blood clotting. Blood with anticoagulants is left in a test tube in a vertical position for an hour. Subsequently, the plasma will separate from the red blood cells and they will settle at the bottom of the tube. After the separation process, the ESR level can be assessed. The assessment is made based on the level of detached plasma in millimeters.

The layer of red blood cells depends on the presence of inflammatory processes in the human body. It thickens in the presence of pathogenic processes. The ESR level also increases.
There are several methods for determining the ESR indicator: the Panchenkov method and the Westergren method (the first has gained great popularity).

For the Panchenkov method, capillary blood is used. The anticoagulant is a 5% sodium citrate solution. In a test tube, blood is mixed with an anticoagulant and left in an upright position for an hour.

After this, the results are assessed on a 100 mm scale.

The Westergren method has become widespread abroad. The differences between the two methods are the test tubes and measuring instruments used. Therefore, results may vary.

For the Westergren method, blood from a vein is used. The anticoagulant is a 3.8% sodium citrate solution. The results are measured using a 200 mm scale.

There are a number of recommendations that should be followed before taking a blood test. According to the Panchenkov method, blood will be taken from a finger, and it is best not to eat spicy, salty or pepper foods on the eve of the test. If the analysis is carried out using the Westergren method, then it is necessary to abstain from food 12 hours before the procedure.

Hemoglobin is a protein found in red blood cells and consists of protein and iron. The main functions of hemoglobin are to transport carbon dioxide and oxygen from the lungs to all other organs.
A general blood test for oncology shows a low level of hemoglobin - anemia. Anemia is a lack of iron in a person's blood. At the same time, oxygen and carbon dioxide are poorly transmitted throughout the body, body cells do not receive the required amount of nutrients, and functions and metabolism are disrupted.

The interpretation of a general blood test for oncology is carried out only by the attending physician. In the presence of tumor processes and malignant formations, a blood test shows an increased level of leukocytes, an increased ESR and a low level of hemoglobin. All these indicators taken together may indicate the presence of cancer in the body.

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Cancer diagnosis, treatment, prevention

People with cancer do not immediately detect their disease. Cancer can only be determined in a hospital setting using numerous tests and diagnostics. Basically, the symptoms of oncology appear late, namely when the size of the tumor becomes impressive and disrupts the functions and functioning of the body as a whole.

If cancer is detected in time, the chances of recovery increase several times. Timely diagnosis and detection of oncology – 80-90% recovery.

Cancer prevention is about keeping your body under control. First of all, you need to undergo fluorography, mammography, visit gynecologists and other standard procedures in a timely manner. Another significant factor for prevention is comfortable living conditions. It is necessary to protect yourself from exposure to carcinogenic factors, which will significantly reduce the risk of getting cancer.

Treatment for cancer is primarily surgery followed by chemotherapy, radiation therapy or hormonal treatment. Depending on the stage of the disease, its speed of spread and the affected areas, the type of treatment is selected.

Cancer treatment can have positive benefits. However, there is such a thing as relapse. Relapse is the complete return of the disease (sometimes with greater force). A relapse may be due to the fact that during treatment the pathogen was not completely removed from the body and, due to exposure to irritating factors, the disease returned in full. Or, with the help of treatment, only the symptoms were destroyed, so there was a false recovery. Such cases are not uncommon. In oncology, relapse and its subsequent problems are quite often encountered.

Most often, ESR in a blood test is an indicator indicating the presence or absence of inflammatory processes in the body. Whether the ESR indicator is used as a diagnostic method for cancer and whether it is informative for such a serious type of pathology, we will consider in this article.

ESR: what is it?

An indicator that carries information about how blood is separated into plasma and blood cells, namely the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, is called ESR. Previously, this analysis was called ESR - erythrocyte sedimentation reaction. Most often, ESR is checked in combination with other indicators of a general blood test. But, for one reason or another, it may be recommended for passing as a separate analysis.

As you know, cancer is a dangerous pathology that often leads to death. People attribute the loss of appetite and weakness that most often accompany a cancer patient to fatigue and do not consult a doctor. Suspicion of cancer can be detected by chance when a person takes a general blood test and the ESR may be significantly higher than normal numbers. In this case, the specialist refers the patient for additional examination to refute or confirm the presence of cancer in the body.

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Important! ESR alone cannot indicate the presence of cancer. To establish an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to carry out a number of diagnostic procedures.

It should be noted that experts do not believe that just by changing the ESR indicator, we can talk about the presence of malignant tumors. There are many cases where, even in the later stages of cancer, the erythrocyte sedimentation level was normal. In addition, the rate of this analysis depends on several factors:

  • Depending on the person’s age and gender;
  • From the presence of chronic diseases;
  • If there is a hormonal imbalance, changes in indicators are possible;
  • During pregnancy, as well as depending on the day of the menstrual cycle in women, the level of analysis may also change;

Usually, with such cancers as leukemia (blood cancer), malignant neoplasms in the lymph nodes, and the presence of metastases, the value increases to critical levels.

Scientists have proven that erythrocyte sedimentation is affected by changes in the composition of the blood. When cancer cells rapidly multiply in the body, the amount of nonspecific protein in the blood increases, which is secreted by these harmful cells. And during inflammatory processes, the amount of acute-phase proteins increases. Due to the fact that the concentration of all kinds of proteins in the blood increases, erythrocyte sedimentation accelerates, which is detected when donating blood.

Most often, an excess of the ESR level is observed in cancer of the breast, uterus, intestines, and stomach. But, it should be noted that there are cases when, when cancer cells spread, the morphological structure of leukocytes changes, their number increases, the so-called leukocyte formula changes, which leads to a decrease in the indicator. Therefore, it is believed that ESR is not a reliable indicator of the presence of cancer in the body.

Although ESR is not a direct indicator of cancer, its significant changes become a compelling argument for referring the patient to undergo a number of complex diagnostic measures.


ESR in a blood test is not a constant indicator. Its level depends on several factors. Even the time of day matters. So, during the day the value is higher than in the evening. During pregnancy, ESR is always higher than normal, especially in the second trimester. If the woman’s health is satisfactory, then this fact does not bother the doctors. Approximately three weeks after birth, these indicators should be normal.

Norms also depend on age and gender.

As can be seen from the table, the values ​​​​for men and women differ. Experts explain this phenomenon by the fact that in women, due to physiological characteristics, the number of red blood cells is lower, and therefore their sedimentation rate is faster.

Indicators for oncology

As mentioned earlier, it is impossible to judge the presence of cancer in the body only by changing the value. But, if the following changes in the clinical composition of the blood are observed in the tests, the doctor may suspect the presence of cancer in the body:

  1. If the value rises to 60-70 mm/h or more;
  2. Usually, when indicators are above normal, they talk about the presence of inflammatory processes in the body. But, if a person is really sick with cancer, then when treating inflammation, the ESR level does not decrease;
  3. In blood tests, you can find that against the background of an increase in ESR, hemoglobin decreases, along with an increase in ESR, the level of hemoglobin decreases to a level of 70 g/l.

Typically, anemia, that is, a decrease in the number of red blood cells, often accompanies many cancers. This is especially true for tumors formed near blood vessels and bone marrow. Cancer intoxication is also accompanied by severe anemia.

Attention! There is no specific norm for ESR in the presence of a malignant tumor, since neoplasms manifest themselves differently and the human body is individual.

If the test results are unsatisfactory, the doctor recommends retaking them one day after the previous one. If a repeated analysis shows high ESR levels, then an extensive examination is prescribed to make an unambiguous diagnosis and determine the cause of the high values.

Important! Only a doctor can interpret the tests. Self-diagnosis, especially based on the ESR level, is unacceptable, since this indicator can indicate many pathologies.

Determining the ESR level over time is also important during cancer treatment. So, during chemotherapy, as well as after surgery to remove tumors, ESR levels should gradually return to normal. Otherwise, we can talk about a relapse or the presence of metastatic processes in the body. Once a month, when treating cancer, oncologists always check the level of ESR in the blood of patients.

Don't waste your time searching for inaccurate cancer treatment prices

*Only upon receipt of information about the patient’s disease, a representative of the clinic will be able to calculate the exact price for treatment.

ESR analysis

Analysis to determine ESR is not expensive. Roughly speaking, the blood is allowed to settle for a certain time, after which the degree of red blood cell precipitation is determined. There are several ways to determine:

  • The Panchenkov method is the most commonly used method for studying ESR. Blood is drawn from a finger. As you know, blood has the property of clotting. To avoid this during analysis, use the anticoagulant sodium citrate. A 5% composition of this substance is used in a ratio of 1:4 to blood. They are mixed in a special concave glass. Then the capillary tube is filled with this mixture. The analysis takes about an hour. Within an hour, the red blood cells settle, and a translucent liquid forms on top. It is the length of this liquid that is determined as the rate of sedimentation of red cells. This indicator is measured in millimeters per hour (mm/h). Also, when performing analysis, the air temperature in the room plays a role. It should vary within 20 0 C.
  • The Westergren method is the international standard for determining ESR. It has more accurate indicators compared to the Panchenkov method, since the division scale in this method is two hundred. Another difference from the previous method is that blood for analysis is taken from a vein. The anticoagulant is mixed with blood in a test tube. The ESR level is also determined after an hour.

Experts, even in the absence of any health complaints, recommend taking ESR tests at least once a year. And after 45 years - once every six months.

How to get tested

  1. You should not eat in the morning before going to get tested. Drinking strong tea and coffee is also not recommended, as these drinks lead to vasospasm;
  2. A few days before taking the test, it is better to exclude fatty foods, alcohol from the diet, refrain from smoking, and, if possible, not take medications that reduce blood clotting;
  3. If there is a need to check the value over time, it is better to donate blood in the same laboratory in order to avoid errors in the analysis.