An effective way to improve brain function. Tablets to improve brain activity and memory. Balance your stress

Memory problems are an important symptom of insufficient blood supply to the brain. This occurs with hypertension, atherosclerosis, heart disease, and stroke. Memory deteriorates with head injuries if the brain is damaged. Therefore, it is so important not to ignore bruises and blows, but to get checked by a doctor.

Stress, nervous overload, and chronic fatigue are also harmful. During sleep, the brain sorts and remembers the information received during the day. If he doesn't have enough time to do this, some of this information is lost.

Alcohol abuse affects memory. Gradually, memory begins to deteriorate more and more, thought processes slow down and the speed of information perception decreases.

The cause of memory impairment may be a deficiency of vitamins C, E, B6, B12, folic and nicotinic amino acids. Memory deterioration may be the first sign of thyroid disease associated with a lack of thyroid hormone production (hypothyroidism).

Serious memory impairment occurs with age-related diseases such as Alzheimer's disease or dementia.

How to improve brain function and develop memory?

Products that improve memory and brain function

The brain requires a balanced diet that contains proteins, carbohydrates, fats, all the necessary vitamins and microelements, as well as other biologically active substances.

Here is a list of foods that can improve memory performance. They are considered especially healing for the brain.

  1. Eggplants, or rather their peel, contain anthocyanin, a powerful antioxidant. It prevents the development of atherosclerosis and protects nerve cells from damage.
  2. Grapes contain epicatechin, a polyphenol that increases blood flow to the brain and improves memory.
  3. Walnuts contain lecithin, which improves brain function and activates memory.
  4. Green peas are the best source of thiamine (vitamin B1), without which attention, memory, and mood deteriorate.
  5. Red cabbage is a source of polyphenols, antioxidants that help prevent Alzheimer's disease.
  6. Cranberries are rich in antioxidants, which reduce the negative effects of stroke on the brain.
  7. Dried apricots contain iron, vitamin C, and a lot of potassium, which is necessary for the normal functioning of blood vessels.
  8. Carrots contain beta-carotene, which slows down the aging process in the brain and prevents cell destruction caused by free radicals.
  9. Sea kale is a champion in iodine content. The lack of this chemical element weakens the nervous system and is fraught with insomnia, irritability, depression and memory impairment.
  10. Beets are rich in betaine, a substance that helps improve mood, well-being, reaction and ability to concentrate.
  11. Pumpkin seeds are a source of healthy fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6), vitamins A and E, and zinc.
  12. Blueberries reduce the risk of brain decline due to aging.
  13. Sage strengthens the nervous system and memory thanks to the ideal combination of biologically active substances.

Forgetfulness or dementia?

Dementia is a serious disorder of the nervous system that causes irreversible changes in the brain. Memory suffers greatly, behavior changes - depression, apathy, sudden mood swings.

This is a disease, not an age characteristic, and it does not occur very often. Mild forgetfulness and absent-mindedness may increase with age, but do not always develop into dementia. According to an American psychiatrist, you can distinguish between absent-mindedness and dementia by the first signs: “if you forget where you put your keys, it’s not a problem, but if you forget what to do with the keys, what they are for, that’s already a problem.

The main reasons for the development of this disease:

  • Serious circulatory disorders;
  • Malignant tumors;
  • Infections;
  • Deterioration of metabolism.

The changes that occur in the body during dementia are serious, but this does not mean that it does not need to be treated. Self-medication in this case is ineffective, but medicine has the means to maintain a person’s mental abilities and slow down the progression of the disease. Drugs are prescribed to improve connections between neurons and stimulate blood circulation in the brain. Constant monitoring of blood pressure, reducing mental and physical stress, and providing food rich in natural antioxidants are important. In case of behavioral disorders, antidepressants and antipsychotics are used.

Herbs that improve memory and brain function

Medicinal herbs alone will not make your memory stronger; it needs to be trained. But they stimulate brain activity, have a beneficial effect on metabolism in nerve cells, and improve cerebral circulation.

  1. 1 tbsp. l. Divide the powder from the rhizome of calamus into 3 parts and take 30-40 minutes before meals with hot water or tea. Take calamus for 6 weeks with a break of 7 days after 4 weeks.
  2. Take equal parts of lemon balm, capsicum, hawthorn flowers, Veronica officinalis herb, and strawberry leaf. 1 tbsp. l. pour a glass of boiling water over the mixture. Leave for 20 minutes. Strain and drink as tea with honey or sugar.
  3. Mix 3 parts clover herb with flowers, 3 parts fireweed herb with flowers, 2 parts birch leaves and 1 part St. John's wort herb. 1 tbsp. l. pour 300 ml of boiling water over the mixture and leave for 20 minutes. Strain and drink instead of tea, adding a teaspoon of honey.
  4. Smell marjoram herb several times a day, or mix marjoram in equal quantities with lemon balm herb. 1 dec. l. Brew the mixture with a glass of boiling water. Drink 1/3 or ½ glass twice a day.

How to improve memory using bee products?

Honey contains almost all the minerals and vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of blood vessels and the brain. Honey is rich in natural sugars - glucose, fructose, dextrose, which serve as an excellent source of nutrition for brain cells. The active substances it contains improve the tone of the walls of blood vessels, relieve their spasms, and normalize the composition of the blood.

A tablespoon of any natural honey per day, washed down with warm water, is enough. But we must remember that when heated, honey loses a significant part of its beneficial properties.

A nutritious mixture with honey is very useful for brain function:

  • Aloe juice - 100 ml;
  • Honey - 300 g;
  • Walnuts - 500;
  • Lemon with zest.

Grind everything thoroughly, mix and take a tablespoon three times a day half an hour before meals. Store the mixture in a glass jar and stir before use.

Be sure to consume pollen. It contains a lot of rutin - a substance that strengthens the walls of blood vessels and prevents heart attack and stroke. Mix it with honey in a 1:2 ratio and eat 1 dess. for 2 months. l. per day, dissolving in the mouth, half an hour before meals. After this, do not drink anything for at least 20 minutes.

Don't forget about such a healing beekeeping product as bee bread (bee bread). This is a unique repository of vitamins and microelements.

Simple soothing massage

What can you do if you are stressed and cannot calm down?

Do the following exercise: lightly press your tongue against the upper palate and, holding it in this position, count to 5. Repeat several times. Then use your fingertips to feel the jaw joints (near the earlobes). Gently press them, open your mouth slightly and, counting to 30, move your chin up and down and from side to side. After this, open your mouth wide, try to widen your eyes and stick out your tongue as far as possible. Remaining in this position, count to 12.

If you are at home, start doing some things that require your attention, for example, washing clothes, tidying up your closet. Or go for a walk, about 2 hours. Walk at a brisk pace, but do not become completely absorbed in yourself, but pay attention to everything you pass by. You can, for example, count people who wear clothes of certain colors, or cars of specific models.

Take a contrast shower. Douse yourself first with warm water, and then with cold water, and repeat such transitions several times. Imagine how streams of water wash away all negative emotions from you.

Try to remember a simple, soothing self-massage using the Tai Chi system.

Shake your hands and rub them together - they should be warm. Then stretch your whole body and shake yourself, like a dog shaking water out of its fur after a bath.

Using your fingertips, massage your scalp in a circular motion from the temples, forehead and neck to the crown. Next, go over the head with tapping movements of your fingers, like on a typewriter. Finally, stroke until you feel warm and relaxed.

Using light movements, massage your forehead from the center to your temples. Using almost imperceptible tapping movements, go over your eyelids.

Rub your ears with your hands. Then grab a small area of ​​the ear shell with the pad of your thumb and the edge of your index finger and massage it thoroughly in a circular motion.

Carefully knead the entire surface of both soles with your thumbs.

Exercises to improve memory and brain function

There are many different exercises that improve memory and brain function. I suggest some of them.

  1. After you wake up, without getting out of bed, say out loud all the letters of the alphabet in turn, coming up with a word for each letter. If you think for more than 15 seconds, move on, skipping that letter. Try to do the same in reverse order from Z to A. Do the same with numbers from 1 to 100. If you have ever learned a foreign language, remember the alphabet and counting in it.
  2. If you have playing cards or any other cards with pictures or letters on them, place them face down on the table. To start, 2 rows of 4 cards each. Quickly turn them over, look at them for 10 seconds and return them to their original position. Now, before turning the card over, name what was depicted on it. Gradually make the task more difficult by laying out more rows.
  3. When solving crosswords and scanwords, do not look at the answers or special reference books, but try to try to fit as many words into the boxes as possible, relying only on memory. After all, you probably know a lot, but you simply forgot.

We remember numbers and numbers.

Numbers are not so easy to remember. Meanwhile, it is necessary to keep at least the most important numbers in mind. For example, banks do not recommend writing down PIN codes of cards and storing them next to them so that fraudsters do not have the opportunity to use your account.

One of the effective ways to memorize numbers is the association method. Assign each number a specific letter. The most convenient way to do this is by the serial number of the letter in the alphabet (1-A, 2-B, etc.). And then you can build a phrase that will be somehow associated with the number and at the same time will be easy to remember. For example, your friend Boris's phone number is 235-45-39. Try to make a sentence that is associated with some memories for you. For example: “Boris painted a huge house in the village green.” This proposal will work if your friend really has a large house in the village, painted green.

Another way is to create an association with some memorable dates for you. Let's say your PIN is 9025. 90 is the year your child was born, 25 is the age when you got married or entered college.

Write the number you need several times in a row and it will be etched in your memory. Even if you forget it, just take a piece of paper and a pen - most likely, your mechanical memory will tell you the numbers.

How to improve visual memory?

With age, visual memory can deteriorate. To develop it, you need to regularly perform simple exercises.

  1. Place any picture in front of you. Look at it for 10 seconds, trying to remember as many details as possible. After this, turn the picture over, close your eyes and try to mentally reproduce what you saw. Look at the image again and check how accurately you remember everything. Do it every day.
  2. Try to draw from memory the exact plan of your summer cottage - the relative position of the beds, greenhouses, water barrels. Go out onto the porch and take a close look at the area. Have you noted everything? Practice this with the layout of your apartment and stores you go to all the time.

Vitamins for the eyes.

Our eyes are a complex organ in which dozens of chemical reactions occur every second. This requires vitamins, and some of them are important for the eyes.

Vitamin A (retinol) is part of the visual pigment of retinal rods - rhodopsin, and the visual pigment of cones - iodopsin. With its deficiency, vision in the dark worsens (“night blindness”).

Vitamin A is not found in pure form in plant foods. But apricots, almonds, carrots, spinach, eggplant, asparagus, beets, cherries, green onions, red peppers, black currants, peaches, tangerines, and melon are rich in carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body. Fat is required for normal absorption of carotene, so Season vegetable salads with vegetable oil, yogurt or sour cream.

Vitamin A is found exclusively in animal products, such as butter, egg yolk, and liver.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) takes part in many important reactions associated with redox processes and promotes tissue restoration and healing. It protects the lens from free radicals. The most affordable and ascorbic acid-rich foods are dry rose hips, sauerkraut, sweet peppers, strawberries, currants, citrus fruits, and nettles. When heated, most of the vitamin is lost.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) is involved in almost all chemical reactions occurring in the tissues of the eye. The body does not produce this vitamin, so it must be supplied with food. Eat nuts, seeds, bran, beans.

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) is important for blood circulation and good functioning of the optic nerves. Vitamin B12 enters the human body only with food of animal origin and brewer's yeast. If you follow a vegetarian diet, you need to take a multivitamin with vitamin B12.

Vitamin E (tocopherol acetate) is a natural antioxidant. Vegetable oils are the richest in tocopherols, especially corn and cottonseed oil, as well as oil obtained from wheat germ. But animal products are not rich in it.

There are a lot of different gymnastics for the eyes. For farsightedness, for example, the following exercise is recommended.

Pick up two pencils of different colors, for example, red and yellow. Hold the red pencil vertically at a distance of 10 cm from the nose, and the yellow one at arm's length. Place the hand in which you are holding the yellow pencil on a table or pillow. After this, you should make movements as if you were running the tip of your nose along the edges of a yellow pencil, rising and falling. Do this exercise 3-4 times. Then do the same with the red pencil several times in a row. Do this exercise for a short time and stop after the illusion of doubling each pencil appears.

Indian yogis advise looking at the sun at sunrise and sunset. They are confident that this is a good remedy in the fight against visual impairment. It is also very useful to rest your eyes to look at the horizon and green meadows, forest, blue sky, clouds, water.

Protection against cataracts and glaucoma

Glaucoma is one of the most dangerous age-related eye diseases. In order to notice it in time, every person after 40-45 years of age needs to regularly check their intraocular pressure with a doctor.

In the early stages, the disease does not manifest itself in any way, and when the first symptoms appear (lacrimation, pain in the eyes and head, decreased vision), it is much more difficult to stop glaucoma.

To treat this disease, drops to reduce intraocular pressure, diuretics and other medications are prescribed. In severe cases, surgical treatment is used to improve the drainage of fluid from the eye.

Remember, folk remedies cannot help with glaucoma! If you are diagnosed with this disease, be sure to follow the treatment prescribed by your doctor.

What can be done to make the treatment successful?

  1. Follow the regime. Regular sleep (7-8 hours), walks in the fresh air, dairy-vegetable diet.
  2. Do not drink coffee or alcoholic beverages; Limit fluid intake to 4-5 glasses per day.
  3. Eat foods that have a diuretic effect. These are watermelons, birch sap, parsley, currants, grapes, strawberries, dill, rose hips, pumpkin, horseradish, cabbage, radish, rowan.
  4. Heavy work, bending work and at night are contraindicated.
  5. You should not wear tight collars and belts - this causes an increase in intraocular pressure.
  6. The green color of meadows and forests reduces increased intraocular pressure - give your eyes a rest when traveling outside the city.
  7. On sunny days, you should wear sunglasses with green lenses.

Cataracts are a serious disease that threatens complete loss of vision. It is associated with irreversible metabolic processes in the lens of the eye, which lead to its clouding. The most important thing is to detect cataracts as early as possible. You can check the transparency of the lens yourself.

Cut out a piece of black paper measuring 3x3cm and make a hole in the center using a needle. After this, bring the homemade glasses close to your eye and look at a white piece of paper. If the sheet is white over the entire surface, then your lens is transparent. If dark spots appear on the sheet, then these are signs of clouding of the lens, and you need to consult an ophthalmologist.

In the initial stages of cataracts, medications are used to normalize metabolic processes in the lens. Such remedies must be used regularly and constantly, strictly following the treatment prescribed by the doctor.

Not a single herbal medicine or folk remedy can cure cataracts. They can slow down the process, but they cannot get rid of the cloudiness.

Self-medication is dangerous, you can drag out time, destructive processes will progress and vision will deteriorate.

The most effective treatment today is lens replacement surgery. There is no need to be afraid of it - the technology has been worked out to the smallest detail, side effects are extremely rare. Techniques are used that minimize eye injury - ultrasound, laser.

Proper rest for the eyes to improve memory performance

An American ophthalmologist has developed a palming technique that allows the eyes to quickly rest. There is nothing complicated about it, it does not require any special equipment, all you need is your hands.

Take a position that is comfortable for you, no matter sitting, lying, standing. The main thing is that the body is relaxed. Straighten the fingers of one hand and place your palm on your face. Place the little finger of your other hand across the base of the four outstretched fingers of the hand lying on your face. In this case, both arms are crossed in the form of an inverted checkmark, like the letter “A” without the middle crossbar. The intersection of the bases of the little fingers forms something like the temple of glasses, which should be located on the bridge of the nose. The middles of the palms should be above the orbits of the eyes. The eyelids are closed. Don't tense your fingers, relax your wrists and elbows. Your palms should not put pressure on your eyes!

Each person places his palms on his face in a special way. Don't try to follow the recommendations exactly. It is better to choose the most acceptable and comfortable position for you. For example, sit in front of a table with your elbows on it.

There are no strict time limits. Usually one minute or even less is enough for the eyes to completely relax. Due to this, nerve cells are activated, tension is relieved from those muscles that pull the eyes in one direction or another, disrupting their synchronous functioning.

Palming should be done regularly, in small portions. It will not restore your vision if you are severely nearsighted or farsighted. But in the initial stages you can improve vision, and in other cases stop progression.

Conclusion: you can improve your memory by regularly doing memorization exercises, try it and you will definitely succeed.

A computer is an analogue of the human brain, but increasing the “computing power” of the brain is not so easy. When neurologists and neurophysiologists talk about brain speed, they mean the speed at which a person receives new information, processes it, and formulates a response. Based on this definition, increasing the speed of the brain can be done by creating strong connections in the brain, which will lead to an increase in the speed of signal transmission. Most connections are formed during childhood, but you can still take steps to maintain and even increase the speed of your brain.


Healthy lifestyle

    Do more aerobic exercise. The speed of the brain depends on the speed at which signals are transmitted along axons, which are essentially conductors of nerve impulses within the brain. The white matter of the brain is made up of axons and is nourished by blood vessels, which means that vascular problems, such as diabetes and high blood pressure, lead to a decrease in the supply of oxygen and glucose to the axons. So, do more aerobic exercise to oxygenate your blood and increase your brain speed.

    Eat the necessary foods. Physical health is linked to brain health. Along with exercise, you should maintain a balanced diet. Eat certain foods that affect brain health, such as:

    • Blueberry. It contains many antioxidants that protect the brain from excessive oxidative processes and reduce the impact on the brain of processes associated with aging. Eat one glass of blueberries daily. Pomegranate juice and dark chocolate are also rich in antioxidants.
    • Salmon (sardines, herring). Rich in fatty acids necessary for the proper functioning of the brain. Eat 100 g of fish two to three times a week.
    • Nuts and seeds. They contain vitamin E, which helps fight the negative effects on the brain of processes associated with aging. Eat 100 g of nuts daily.
    • Avocado. Helps prevent vascular diseases (such as high blood pressure) and improves blood flow, which is important for brain health. But avocados contain a lot of fat, so eat no more than a quarter or half of an avocado daily.
  1. Get enough sleep. Doctors recommend adults sleep 7-8 hours (and teenagers 8-9 hours). During sleep, new connections are formed in the brain; Moreover, adequate sleep directly affects learning and memory. Sleep also plays a big role in restoring the body's circulatory system, which supplies the brain with oxygen and other substances.

    Keep learning. The brain forms new connections throughout a person's life. Mastering new skills and studying new subjects allows you to form new and strengthen old connections in the brain, which leads to an increase in the speed of signal transmission along axons. (Glial cells surround nerve fibers (axons) to form the electrically insulating sheath of myelin.)

    Learn to play a musical instrument. It also leads to stronger connections between different areas of the brain (since when you play a musical instrument, you are simultaneously reading notes, listening to what you're playing, and moving your fingers and/or hands, which causes different areas of the brain to work).

    Maintain social connections. Here we are talking not so much about social networks on the Internet, but about live communication with other people, since such communication requires quick thinking, which will help you maintain the speed of your brain at the proper level.

    Stop smoking. If you don't smoke, don't start; otherwise, quit smoking. Besides the fact that smoking causes cancer and emphysema, it is also responsible for reducing connections in the brain. Smokers lose nerve cells much faster than non-smokers, which negatively affects their cognitive abilities.

    Brain Games

    1. Enlarge the picture by opening it in a new window. Research has shown that brain games sometimes have an impact on cognitive abilities and sometimes not. The popularity of brain games is growing, but so far there has not been a single serious (long-term) study that has confirmed or refuted their effect on brain function. Many people believe that brain games help them learn new things. This section describes a demanding brain game.

      Moving from left to right and from top to bottom, name the direction of the eyes - down, left, up, right. Ask someone to time it. Do it without errors in 30 seconds. Keep practicing until you can do it in just 15 seconds.

Good day, dear readers of the blog site. Today's post will be on the topic "How to improve brain function." Not many people are interested in this issue, because humanity is degrading, staring at the computer or schizo (TV) all day long.

Well, if you are still worried about the question of how to improve brain function, then I will give you 20 effective ways so that you can increase the performance of your gray matter without any strain.

20 points to improve gray matter

You probably know that more than one computer cannot compare with the human brain, but if you don’t know that, it is so. He is much faster and more functional, has intelligence, builds relationships with other people and a bunch of other things, but that’s not what we’re talking about now.

My task is to tell you ways to develop gray matter. So, let's begin.

1. Develop gray cells!

Some scientists from California have proven that with high physical activity, the brain develops better. Although the experiments were carried out on mice, this does not change the essence. I am an athlete myself and I know that with long mental work, the body (brain) simply needs physical activity, after which the strength immediately appears for new feats and new information.

You may say, why not just go and relax? Yes, you can rest, but the brain develops better with physical activity. loads

2. Engage your thinking.

Develop different areas of your brain, for example, if you are right-handed, then try to do some things with your left hand. Learn something new, fall in love with art, try reading a Dostoevsky novel. If possible, travel more.

3. Ask the question “Why?”

Our brain is very curious, so don’t limit it in this, but on the contrary, promote its development; the first steps are to constantly ask the question “Why?”

Try to make it a habit, at least asking it about 10 times a day, and you will be amazed at the opportunities that will open up for you in life and at work.

4. Laugh more!

Stop walking around sad and always offended by everything and everyone, change your thinking to the opposite, laugh more, smile, joke, stop thinking about bad things! Since the topic is about laughter, you can watch 10 videos that will make you laugh. 10 funny and curious videos

When we laugh, endorphins are produced, they help to relax and relieve stress from the brain, thereby recharging the brain.

5. Include fish in your diet!

Walnuts and fish contain oil that is good for the heart and brain. By consuming these foods, fish (sardine, tuna, salmon) will be enough to eat 3-4 pieces per week, nuts 2-5 kernels per day.

About the main thing: these products improve the circulation of air (oxygen) that is supplied to the head and improve the function of cell membranes. Please note that people who consume enough fish suffer less from depression, dementia, and even attention disorders.

Scientists say that fatty substances should be consumed from childhood - this will develop better intelligence and improve mental development in general.

6. Develop your memory

Pay attention to the development of memory, take, for example, an old photo album or diary, remember what happened and how everything happened.

Do not limit your brain to social networks, TV series and useless news that are imposed on TV around the clock, let your mind plunge into the past, reflect and remember the past. Pleasant thoughts will warm you up and help you solve your current problems.

7. Eat right!

Fats are divided into harmful and healthy ones, and so, bad fats can make you stupid. Again, experiments conducted by University of Toronto scientists on rats showed that when you increase the amount of unhealthy fats, the flow of oxygenated blood to your brain decreases.

Balance your diet, try to avoid fats that are found in various crackers and snacks.

8. Solve more riddles!

Riddles are absolutely delightful, they simply explode the activity of the brain. But maybe you don't like riddles, then take up solving crosswords or puzzles. This is fun for you, but development for your brain.

9. Mozart effect

Do you have problems with math? Then a disc with Mozart's compositions will help you! Again, experiments were carried out on poor rodents, a certain psychologist Francis Rocher and his colleagues, a discovery was made that proved that Mozart's music has a positive effect on the logic of rodents.

One rat was given Mozart to listen to, and the other something in the style of Philip Glass. They were released into the maze and observed the following picture: the one who gave preference to the classics completed the maze faster than the one who listened to Philip.

But, keep in mind that this method of listening to classics is not suitable for everyone; only after trying, you will feel whether it is for you or not. Listening should bring pleasure and relaxation at the same time.

10. Sharpen your skills!

Are you good at embroidery, drawing or solving crossword puzzles? This is good, but try to diversify your actions. Read different books, not just novels, fantasy or action films. Learn new drawing techniques or solve harder crossword puzzles. By moving in a variety of directions, you will achieve great results, which in turn will help your brain to be healthy.

11. Stop fermenting!

Numerous studies have shown that small amounts of alcohol have a positive effect on brain function, improving cognitive function. And those who do not drink alcohol at all will be subject to less cognition, something like this.) But, an overabundance means an immediate deterioration of memory with slow rehabilitation.

12. Play

No matter how strange it may sound, games help improve mood and brain function in general. If you have free time, spend it on games. Games can be very diverse, from cards to video games.

13. Sleep with a pen and paper

Before going to bed, review the information that you need to remember - this could be a poem, a report, etc.

Why pen and paper? These items are necessary for writing down the obsessive thoughts that come into your head and prevent you from falling asleep. By the way, viewing the necessary information just before going to bed improves its memorization by as much as 20-30%.

14. Concentration

Here such a thing as concentration comes to our aid, yes, it is precisely this that will improve brain function. Develop it, a small example: learn to notice the things you need, even when you are distracted.

Ask yourself the question: “What thoughts are in my head right now?” Let's say you need to call someone at a certain time, the call is important and it constantly haunts you. So put it on your regular to-do list and get on with your pressing matters. This very thought about the call will be the thief of your concentration. So why complicate things?

15. Love for the brain

Sexual intercourse has a positive effect on women; sex at least once a week leads to regular menstrual cycles, shorter periods, delayed menopause, increased estrogen levels and a slower aging process.

By increasing estrogen levels (increased by having more sex) it improves brain function.

16. Play with passion!

When inspiration hits you, you are ready to give it 127%. Due to your inner admiration, you are bursting with activity. Do something that you enjoy, that inspires you and gives you vitality.

17. Cycles of consciousness

There will be many more articles about consciousness, but here is a piece of advice. If you learn to determine when your consciousness is at its peak, then do the most important things at that time.

18. Write.

Writing also stimulates the brain. Keep a personal diary, or even better start yourself a blog

and write there, expressing your thoughts, actions, intentions - this will first of all allow you to develop and may even be useful for other readers.

19. Aromatherapy to activate the brain

Aromas can invigorate, uplift and relax. Aromas that are classified as “energy drinks” are mint, cypress, lemon. And for relaxation - geranium and rose.

Adding just a few drops to your bath will leave you feeling blissful. But you don’t always have time for a bath, so you can drop the same couple of drops on a handkerchief, just make sure that you are not allergic to these oils.

20. Drugs to activate the brain

No, no, don’t think that it’s marijuana, LSD or anything else... Light drugs include coffee and other caffeinated drinks.

Caffeine activates the brain and allows students to score high on tests. But, as you know, coffee doesn’t last long. I recommend replacing coffee with tea based on Gingko Biloba. It will improve blood flow to your brain and increase concentration.

No matter how old you are, your brain is constantly in need of exercise, don't let it get rusty! Read magazines on a variety of topics, communicate with interesting people, approach problems from a different angle, learn a new language, in general, choose what inspires you.

That's all for me guys. Don't forget these tips, practice regularly, and after a while you will feel like you are better than others!

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Methods available to everyone And also, a cool online service for pumping up the brain. The brain is the most complex part of the body. It is formed throughout our lives and it depends on us whether it will develop or degrade.

The key to a successful life is a flexible and developed brain. All decisions are made in it, which then determine your life.

Our brain, like our body, needs to constantly exercise to stay in shape.

It is possible and necessary to develop the brain. It will work faster and more efficiently. And in old age there will be less chance of developing sclerosis or Alzheimer's disease. It has been proven that brain dysfunction is directly related to the occurrence of these diseases.

Effective brain function

In order for the brain to work effectively, it simply needs to be given a constant load, for example, solving logical problems, playing chess, using those methods in which the brain will constantly work.

In today's information overload, a key role is played by not the amount of information that we have and skill quickly find what you need and at the same time quickly process it, structure it, systematize it and make decisions.

How to improve brain function

According to research, drugs that improve brain function are:

1. Physical activity

During training, blood flow is directed not only to the muscles, but also to the brain.

Research shows that after physical activity human cognitive abilities increases up to 15% . 30 minutes 3 times a week is enough to achieve these indicators.

Particularly useful aerobic training (saturation of the brain with oxygen, for example, jogging, cycling), which enlarge the hypothalamus. He is the one responsible for

Hypothalamus connected by nerve pathways to almost all parts of the central nervous system.

It secretes hormones and neuropeptides. Regulates the feeling of hunger and thirst, thermoregulation of the body, sexual behavior, sleep and wakefulness (circadian rhythms).

Recent studies show that the hypothalamus also plays an important role in the regulation of higher functions, such as memory and emotional state, and thereby participates in the formation of various aspects of behavior.

2. Proper nutrition

Products that improve brain function must be added to your diet. This:

  • fish high in omega-3 (salmon, herring, tuna) 1-3 times a week,
  • a handful of walnuts daily,
  • salads with olive oil or flaxseed oil,
  • fresh vegetables,
  • flax-seed,
  • seaweed,
  • pumpkin seeds.

To improve brain function It is important to include antioxidant foods in your diet.

The role of antioxidants in brain development

The brain is constantly at work, the most complex processes take place in it. This means that by-products from these processes are also formed.

These are free radicals. They are the ones who contribute to cell death.

Antioxidants can neutralize the effects of free radicals.

Rich in antioxidants:

  • Red beans,
  • black currant,
  • artichoke,
  • broccoli,
  • Bell pepper,
  • red grapes,
  • lemon,
  • garlic,
  • cranberry,
  • blueberry,
  • beet,
  • spinach,
  • dried apricots,
  • kiwi,
  • avocado,
  • carrot.

An abundance of sugar in the diet impairs memory and reduces learning abilities.

Excess sugar destroys neural connections in the brain. Omega-3 fatty acids reverse the effects of this disorder.

3. Sufficient mental activity

If the brain is not challenged daily, it becomes decrepit. Thought processes gradually begin to fade away.

Brain stimulation exercises can help maintain healthy brain function.