VTS on Gerasimov reviews. Interstitial electrical stimulation: mechanism of action, indications and contraindications. The impact of interstitial electrical stimulation on the body: principle of action

Interstitial electrical stimulation is the effect of currents on a pathological focus, the parameters of which are close to physiological ones. The advantage of the method is that the current is supplied directly to the diseased organ through a special electrode needle. This solution allows you to overcome skin resistance and significantly increase the effectiveness of electrotherapy.

Operating principle

Interstitial electrical stimulation improves blood circulation, reduces pain and restores the function of nerve fibers.

The effects of the procedure are due to physicochemical changes that occur in the tissues of the affected organ under the influence of current. The electromotive force causes a redistribution of ions (charged particles) near cell membranes, which leads to the activation of biophysical processes. The production of biologically active compounds is enhanced in tissues, metabolic processes are stimulated, and the absorption of nutrients increases.

The current spreads best through structures containing a large amount of water: blood and lymphatic vessels, nerves, muscles, articular cartilage - therefore, all reactions develop most intensively in them.

The use of interstitial electrical stimulation allows:

  • improve blood circulation in the pathological focus;
  • restore the functions of damaged nerves;
  • eliminate pain syndrome;
  • relax pathologically tense muscles.

Compared to other methods of physiotherapy, the procedure has more pronounced therapeutic effects, and also provides a longer period of remission of the disease.

The currents used during electrical stimulation are similar to those produced by human nerve cells, so the therapy does not cause complications.

Indications and contraindications

Internal electrical stimulation is prescribed for a wide range of diseases:

  • osteoarthritis;
  • arthritis;
  • scoliosis;
  • heel spur;
  • any localization;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • migraines and frequent headaches;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • nerve paresis, neuritis;
  • neuroses;
  • peptic ulcer and inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract (gastritis, colitis, etc.);
  • enuresis.

Those who suffer from:

  • arterial hypertension 3 degrees;
  • cancer;
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • mental disorders;
  • acute viral or infectious diseases.

Also, such therapy is not prescribed during pregnancy.

How is it carried out?

The procedure is performed by a trained physical therapist. The patient is asked to lie down on the couch. Then an electrode is placed on his skin, which sets the direction of the current.

This electrode is a thin metal plate, the lower part of which is covered with a hydrophilic gasket. Before the session begins, the pad is moistened with warm water. Sometimes there may be two skin plates. In this case, they are located on both sides of the projection of the diseased organ.

The doctor inserts a thin electrode needle into the area requiring treatment, from which biocurrents will be supplied. The procedure does not require pain relief. The specialist sets the treatment time on the device and presses the start button. On average, one session lasts from 20 to 30 minutes. After its completion, the patient can go home - no additional manipulations are required.

Procedures are carried out 1-3 times a week. One course includes 3-8 sessions.

Interstitial electrical stimulation can be used as an independent method of treatment or in combination with drug therapy and physical therapy.

A specialist from the Medicenter medical center talks about what interstitial electrical stimulation is:

Interstitial electrical stimulation (ITES)

Many diseases of the spine and musculoskeletal system are the result of improper blood circulation in the bones and joints. Usually they try to treat such disorders with the help of chiropractors, acupuncture or physiotherapeutic methods.And medications turn out to be ineffective: they only relieve acute pain and are powerless for chronic diseases. Medicines affect the person as a whole. The drugs need to be removed, and this is an additional burden on the liver and kidneys.Acupuncture uses stimuli that are too weak to reach the nerves and bones due to their location under the cartilage layer.Physiotherapy does not give the desired effect due to the fact that the skin is a powerful natural barrier to the penetration of any external influence through it. The current passing through the skin weakens hundreds of times until it reaches the bone, and there it collides with the end plate enveloping the bone, so the resistance becomes even greater and the effect of the current does not have a healing effect.In order for the current to reach the nerve structures, the researchers used a metal conductor in the form of a needle, which helped improve blood circulation in the bones, nerve fibers and surrounding soft tissues.

For the procedure, disposable conductor needles are used, which are inserted deep enough into the skin in the area requiring treatment, and a therapeutic current passes through this conductor to the diseased area, the impulses of which are as close as possible to the biocurrents of the body itself.

The result is not long in coming: blood circulation in the segmental nervous structures and bones improves, cartilage tissue in the intervertebral discs is regenerated, spasm and swelling in the muscles are relieved, vertebrogenic and “radicular” pain syndrome goes away, movements in the joints become flexible and regain their original amplitude. The procedure is slightly painful for the patient.

Indications for VTES:


    arthrosis and arthritis;

    intervertebral hernia in the absence of pronounced compression of the segmental nerve;


    periarthritis of the shoulder joint;


    vegetative-vascular dystonia

Advantages of interstitial electrical stimulation:

    No side effects, complications or harmful consequences;


    refusal of drug therapy;

    disappearance of pain due to osteochondrosis in 90-95% of cases;

    remission period increased by 3 times compared to traditional medicine methods;

    the long-term results of the method are scientifically substantiated;

    alternative to surgical treatment;

    allows you to cure the disease 3-4 times faster compared to other methods, including laser technologies;

    not only the symptoms of the disease are eliminated, but also the cause, the peripheral nervous system is regenerated;

    the effect is noticeable after 1-2 sessions, and the stability of the treatment is visible after 1-2 weeks.

For complete healing of the disease, sometimes only five sessions of interstitial

electrical stimulation. During this time, the pain recedes, and another 3-4 sessions give a lasting effect. The course of treatment usually does not exceed 1-2 weeks.

A full cycle of electrical stimulation includes several individually prescribed sessions of half an hour each, and does not require bed rest.

For complete healing of the disease, sometimes only five sessions of interstitial electrical stimulation are enough. During this time, the pain recedes, and another 3-4 sessions give a lasting effect. The course of treatment usually does not exceed 1-2 weeks.

If we talk about scientific justification in numbers, then this method is 3 times more effective compared to traditional medicine. Thus, osteochondrosis is cured by conservative methods in 30-40% of cases, and with the use of VTES - in 90-95%.

The Gerasimov method can be combined with methods of traditional medicine, but its effectiveness allows it to be used in treatment only without the help of other methods. Finally, this is the only possibility of healing from ailments in the spine and musculoskeletal system, when pulsed current has a direct effect on the nerve structures, affected bone tissue and surrounding soft tissue.

How the VTES method was obtained

20 years ago, the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics of the Ural State Medical Academy took a new look at the bone and surrounding soft tissue. Then it was revealed that the cause of 98% of pain in joints and vertebrae is impaired blood circulation in bone tissue, cartilage, and segmental nerve structures. It was found that there are significantly more bone receptors than skin and muscle receptors, which means that it is much more effective (20 times) to act directly on them rather than on acupuncture points.

Electric current is the most physiological for the body. The biocurrent in the body travels through the nerves from the brain and spinal cord. Scientists managed to measure its frequency and amplitude and, based on these data, create a device for interstitial electrical stimulation. Improves regional blood circulation, relieves swelling of the segmental nerve, restores bone structure and nourishes cartilage tissue as a result of pain in the spine and joints.

Physiological rationale for the method of interstitial electrical stimulation

The main source of pain is the nerve structures, bone, periosteum and muscles. VTES acts with current on the receptors of segmental nerves and bone receptors directly in the pathology zone (cervical, thoracic, lumbar spine). The current passes through the nerves, normalizing their conductivity, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of organs and tissues. This improves blood circulation in the surrounding tissues and reduces swelling of the nerve fibers involved in the pathological process. .

In turn, this entails normalizing the nutrition of cartilage tissue and preventing its breakdown in joints and intervertebral discs; degenerative processes first slow down and then stop. This allows you to stop the formation of osteophytes on the bones and reduce swelling in the tissues that put pressure on the segmental nerves of the spinal cord. This eliminates the source of pain, and no trace remains of the trigger zones.

The essence of the interstitial electrical stimulation method

A conductor in the form of a thin disposable needle is inserted under the skin directly in the area of ​​pathology requiring treatment of osteochondrosis. The needle insertion procedure itself is not painful. Unlike acupuncture, special points are not calculated for inserting needles, but a scheme of segmental innervation of tissues is used.

After the current begins to flow through the needle, the patient feels only a slight vibration. One session lasts approximately half an hour, the full course is determined by the doctor individually for each patient. Usually 5-8 courses are enough. For severe pain, VTES is performed every day, the number of courses reaches 10-12 times

Over 20 years of work, reliable statistical data have been obtained and long-term consequences have been studied. Improvement occurs in 90-95% of cases. As practice shows, it is possible to achieve not only relief of pain, but also complete healing of the disease. Remission lasts from 3 to 10 or more years. No side effects were identified.

The method is approved by the Russian Ministry of Health and is listed in the state register under No. 2001/115.

VTES has been well studied in science; many dissertations have been defended on this topic. And most importantly, this method allows you to treat the disease on an outpatient basis, without changing your usual lifestyle. This is a fast, effective and inexpensive treatment.

Contraindications to interstitial electrical stimulation:


    acute infections;




    individual intolerance to electric current;

Many diseases of the musculoskeletal system develop due to improper blood circulation in the bones and joints. Physiotherapeutic treatment does not give the desired effect for the reason that the skin is a natural barrier to the penetration of any external influence through it. The current that passes through the skin weakens hundreds of times. It reaches the bone and encounters the endplate that envelops the bone. The resistance becomes even greater and the current is not used as intended. To ensure that the current reached the bone, Gerasimov used a metal conductor in the form of a needle, which helped normalize bone circulation.

Doctors at the Yusupov Hospital use new medications, manual therapy, acupuncture and physiotherapeutic procedures to treat patients. But medications are not always ineffective. They relieve acute pain and are powerless in chronic diseases. The irritants generated during acupuncture sometimes do not reach the bone receptors, which are located under the cartilage.

Physiological rationale for the method of interstitial electrical stimulation

The main source of pain is the bone and periosteum, while nerves and muscles are indirectly involved in the pathological process. Interstitial electrical stimulation acts with current on bone receptors directly in the area of ​​the painful focus. The current passes through the nerves, normalizing their conductivity. This has a beneficial effect on the vital functions of tissues and organs and improves bone circulation.

The nutrition of cartilage tissue is normalized, its breakdown in joints and intervertebral discs is prevented. Dystrophic processes first slow down and then stop. The formation of growths on the bones stops, swelling in the tissues that put pressure on the roots of the spinal cord decreases. This eliminates the source of pain in the bone tissue and eliminates trigger zones.

Indications for interstitial electrical stimulation using the Gerasimov method

Interstitial electrical stimulation using the Gerasimov method is used for the following diseases:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • arthrosis and arthritis;
  • migraine;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • periarthritis of the shoulder joint;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia.

The procedure has the following advantages:

  • painless;
  • has no side effects, does not cause complications;
  • allows you to refuse drug therapy;
  • in 90-95% of cases it leads to the disappearance of pain due to osteochondrosis;
  • increases the remission period by 3 times compared to traditional medicine methods.

Electrical stimulation according to Gerasimov is an alternative to surgical treatment; it allows you to cure the disease 3-4 times faster compared to other methods, including laser technologies. Under the influence of therapeutic current, not only the symptoms of the disease are eliminated, but also the cause, and the structure of the tissues of the peripheral nervous system is restored. The effect is noticeable after 1-2 sessions, and the stability of the treatment is visible after 1-2 weeks. A full cycle of electrical stimulation consists of several individually prescribed sessions of 30 minutes each, which are carried out with a break of 1-2 days and do not require bed rest.

Contraindications to electrical stimulation using the Gerasimov method

Contraindications to interstitial electrical stimulation are similar to other electrical procedures:

  • hemophilia;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • presence of a pacemaker;
  • hypertension in the stage of decompensation;
  • individual increased sensitivity to electric current;
  • cardiopulmonary failure grade 3 or higher;
  • severe form of arrhythmia.

For complete healing of the patient, sometimes two sessions of interstitial electrical stimulation are enough. During this time, the pain recedes, and the next 3-4 sessions give a lasting effect. The course of treatment for most diseases usually does not exceed 1-2 weeks. Doctors at the Yusupov Hospital combine Gerasimov’s method with traditional methods of therapy.

Method of interstitial electrical stimulation according to Gerasimov

The method of interstitial electrical stimulation according to Gerasimov was approved by the Russian Ministry of Health and is listed in the state register under No. 2001/115. Disposable needles are used for the procedure. Unlike acupuncture, special points are not calculated for inserting needles, but a scheme of segmental tissue innervation is used. Needles are inserted under the skin in the area requiring treatment. A therapeutic current passes through this conductor to the area affected by the pathological process. Its impulses are as close as possible to the biocurrents of the body itself. After the current begins to flow through the needle, the patient feels only a slight vibration.

As a result of exposure to current, the following changes occur in the bones:

  • bone circulation improves;
  • cartilage tissue in the intervertebral discs is regenerated;
  • the bone structure is normalized;
  • muscle spasm is relieved;
  • the pain goes away;
  • become flexible and regain their original range of motion in the joints.

The procedure is absolutely painless for the patient. There are only positive reviews about interstitial electrical stimulation according to Gerasimov.

In order to undergo a course of interstitial electrical stimulation using the Gerasimov method, you should call the Yusupov Hospital. The contact center is open 24 hours a day. The procedure is carried out by specialists who have undergone special training in the use of electrical stimulation methods for diseases of the musculoskeletal system.


  • ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases)
  • Yusupov Hospital
  • Badalyan L. O. Neuropathology. - M.: Education, 1982. - P.307-308.
  • Bogolyubov, Medical rehabilitation (manual, in 3 volumes). // Moscow - Perm. - 1998.
  • Popov S. N. Physical rehabilitation. 2005. - P.608.

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*The information on the site is for informational purposes only. All materials and prices posted on the site are not a public offer, defined by the provisions of Art. 437 Civil Code of the Russian Federation. For accurate information, please contact the clinic staff or visit our clinic.

Interstitial electrical stimulation is considered one of the most effective methods for treating various diseases of the spine, blood vessels, and joints of the nervous system. This technique was developed back in the mid-80s of the last century by academician A.A. Gerasimov, and became a real panacea for patients with severe pain, since after 2-3 sessions it allowed them to refuse painkillers. In addition, VTES has virtually no contraindications and provides long-term remission.

The essence of the interstitial electrical stimulation technique

Interstitial electrical stimulation according to Gerasimov’s method is based on the use of electric current with physiologically comfortable parameters for humans. When performing VTES, a needle is inserted into the tissues of the diseased organ and a current is connected. This procedure effectively eliminates the root cause of pain, since it acts directly on the diseased organ - bone, periosteum, joint or muscle.

VTES normalizes blood flow in tissues, relieves swelling and inflammation, and reduces the process of cartilage destruction. Years of medical research have shown that electrical stimulation of tissue produces results that are 20 times more effective than acupuncture, without causing pain or discomfort.

Indications for the use of VTES

Interstitial electrical stimulation using the Gerasimov method has proven itself in the treatment of many diseases, including:

  • pain in the spine and joints caused by poor circulation, epicondylitis;
  • osteochondrosis, herniated disc;
  • osteoarthritis of the limbs, except stage 4;
  • heel spur;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia, bronchial asthma and bronchitis;
  • gastritis, peptic ulcer;
  • headaches, migraines.

Advantages of using VTES

Compared with traditional methods of treating pain in bones, joints and soft tissues, such as antispasmodic and analgesic drugs and acupuncture, interstitial electrical stimulation has a number of advantages:

  • the effect is absolutely harmless and does not require the use of any medications;
  • treatment can occur on an outpatient basis, the patient does not need to be admitted to a hospital;
  • the duration of remission is on average 3-4 times longer than remission after physiotherapy or laser and ranges from 3 to 10 years;
  • During the process of VTES, not only pain goes away, but also peripheral nerve endings are quickly restored.

At the Rehabilitation Center, interstitial electrical stimulation is actively used to restore the health of patients suffering from pain and complex diseases of the bone tissue, spine and musculoskeletal system. The procedure is quite simple. First, a disposable needle is inserted into the tissue of the damaged organ, serving as a conductor of electric current. Through this needle, current pulses are introduced into the diseased area, the characteristics of which are close to human biocurrents.

A tangible effect is noticeable after the first procedure, but on average the course of treatment consists of 3-5 procedures. The duration of each session is 20-40 minutes, the frequency is every other day or daily (if necessary).

The duration of the course and each session, as well as indications for the use of VTES, are determined by the doctor of the Rehabilitation Center individually for each patient. Contraindications to treatment are standard and include oncology, pregnancy, infectious diseases, cardiac and respiratory failure, as well as individual intolerance to electric current.

A low-frequency pulse current, the parameters of which are close to physiological, is supplied directly to the affected organ (pathology site) through a disposable electrode needle using a special apparatus. This effect causes physical and chemical changes in tissues and activates biophysical processes, enhances metabolism, and increases the absorption of nutrients.

Pathologies that arise in bone or cartilage tissue always cause pain to the patient, and also negatively affect blood circulation and oxygen supply to tissues. Classic physiotherapeutic procedures cannot affect these tissues using electric current, since the skin protects them, reducing the impact of various techniques. The method of A. A. Gerasimov allows you to work directly with the area in need of pain relief or treatment. This has a positive effect on the effectiveness of the procedure, increasing it from 35-40% to 90-95% and significantly reducing the likelihood of relapse of the disease.

  1. osteoarthrosis, periarthrosis, osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, scoliosis, arthritis, muscle and musculoskeletal injuries;
  2. migraine, severe headache, dizziness, neurosis, cerebrovascular accidents (including after ischemic stroke), VSD;
  3. paresis;
  4. peripheral nerve damage.

The procedures eliminate inflammation, improve blood circulation, restore the function of damaged nerves, and relieve swelling and muscle spasms. They are also indicated in cases where the patient’s muscles cannot function independently and need to be stimulated using current.


Doctors do not recommend resorting to the procedure for patients with arterial hypertension of the 3rd degree, cancer at any stage, mental disorders, coagulation disorders and progressive blood diseases, acute infectious or viral diseases, purulent inflammatory processes, heart failure, and cardiac arrhythmias. It is also contraindicated for women during pregnancy.