Mysterious Antarctica (36 photos). Rare photographs of Roald Amundsen - the first man to reach the South Pole

In 1968, the American meteorological satellite ESSA-7 transmitted strange images to Earth that baffled scientists. Photographs in the area of ​​the North Pole clearly show a huge hole of a regular round shape.

The authenticity of the photographs is beyond doubt. But how to explain this phenomenon? Several hypotheses have been put forward. For example, skeptics believe that this is not a hole at all, but a play of light and shadow, the result of the planet’s tilt in relation to the sun’s rays. But supporters of the Hollow Earth theory were sure that the ESSA-7 image showed the opened entrance to the dungeon. But most scientists have a different opinion.

School problem about the swimming pool

From school we know that the mighty warm North Atlantic Current, a continuation of the Gulf Stream, climbs far to the north, into the Arctic. But what attracts him to the North Pole? Geography textbooks explain this phenomenon by the rotation of the Earth.

However, another powerful current (only cold) from the Pacific Ocean rushes into the Arctic Ocean through the Bering Strait. If it were controlled by the Earth's rotation, the current would move east, along Alaska and through the Beaufort Sea to the shores of Canada. And contrary to theory, it carries its waters to the northwest, gravitating, again, towards the North Pole.

And now a school problem about a swimming pool. Water enters the Arctic Ocean as if through three “faucets”. The largest, with warm water, from the Atlantic - 298 thousand cubic kilometers per year. The second, with cold water, from the Pacific Ocean through the Bering Strait - 36 thousand cubic kilometers per year. The third is the fresh flow of the rivers of Siberia and Alaska - 4 thousand cubic kilometers per year.

In total, 338 thousand cubic kilometers of water flow into this basin annually. And the discharge occurs across the Atlantic, through the Faroe-Shetland Canal, which passes only 63 thousand cubic kilometers per year. There are no other known drains. Meanwhile, the water level in the Arctic Ocean is not increasing. Where does the “extra” water go?

Spiral movement

In 1948, by order of Stalin, the high-latitude air expedition “North-2” was organized under the leadership of the head of the Main Northern Sea Route, Alexander Kuznetsov. It included Pavel Gordienko, Pavel Senko, Mikhail Somov, Mikhail Ostrekin and other polar explorers.

The expedition took place in complete secrecy. There were no reports about her in the media. The materials of the expedition were declassified only in 1956.

On April 23, 1948, the expedition members took off on three planes from Kotelny Island, heading for the North Pole. During the flight, experienced polar explorers were alarmed by the view under the wing: there was too much open water, which is not at all typical for such high latitudes at this time of year.

At 16:44 Moscow time, the planes landed on a large ice floe. People came to it and became the first undisputed conquerors of the North Pole.

Having descended from the ladder, the expedition members looked around - and were very surprised. Gloomy gray sky, not cold at all. The weather is like a thaw during winter in the Middle Zone.

But there was no time to think about this oddity for a long time: you need to set up camp, set up tents to rest after a difficult flight, and then begin observations.

However, there was no rest. The lives of the polar explorers were saved by the fact that a guard, prudently left outside, noticed a crack that split the ice shell right under the ski of the landing gear of one of the aircraft. People pouring out of their tents at the alarm signal watched in horror as the gaping black rift widened before their eyes. A rapid stream of water bubbled in it, from which steam emitted.

A huge ice floe split into pieces. People rushed away, caught up in the powerful current. The hummock with the red banner crowning the conquered “point zero” disappeared in the swirling foggy darkness. And the unimaginable was happening around.

The ice rushed at incredible speed,” Pavel Senko, a specialist in the study of the Earth’s magnetic field, later said, “as it can only be imagined on a river during an ice drift. And this movement continued for more than a day!

At first, the sextant showed that the ice floe with the expedition was rapidly drifting south. But further measurements showed that the direction of movement was changing all the time. Finally, one of the polar explorers realized that they were drifting around the pole, describing circles with a diameter of about nine nautical miles.

One day a seal swam past the ice floe and even tried to get out on it, but the speed of the flow did not allow it. Where did it come from at the pole? After all, seals live only near the borders of the Arctic Circle.

Soon the polar explorers were horrified to see that the radius of the circles described by the ice floe was constantly decreasing. That is, the trajectory of movement is a centripetal spiral. People seemed to be drawn into a giant funnel, the center of which was located at the North Pole.

On the third day of the drift, when there was almost no hope of salvation left, it suddenly became sharply colder, and at the same time the rotation slowed down.

Gradually, the fragments of ice rubbed tightly against each other, froze and again became a strong monolithic shield. The miraculously rescued expedition was given the opportunity to return to the mainland.

Scared submarine

At the beginning of the 21st century, marine geologist, professor at the University of Hawaii Margot Edwards, who led the work to create a detailed map of the Arctic Ocean floor, managed to gain access to a secret report from the archives of the US Navy.

She learned that in the 70s of the last century, an American submarine mapped the bottom in the North Pole area. But the submariners failed to complete this task.

The crew was frightened by a constant strong roar coming from the depths of the ocean. In addition, some powerful force was constantly trying to divert the submarine from its course. It was as if she was being sucked into a giant whirlpool. Not wanting to further tempt fate, the commander decided to leave the dangerous area.

We believed that we already knew almost everything about the structure of our planet, but it turns out we were wrong,” concludes Margot Edwards.

Death of a rescuer

In 1998, Andrei Rozhkov, an experienced scuba diver, a world-famous rescuer, who was called the pride of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, organized his own expedition to the North Pole.

It was prepared very carefully; all the details of the upcoming operation were worked out to the smallest detail during numerous training dives under ice. Therefore, Andrei Rozhkov had no doubts about the success of his plan.

On April 22 (that is, half a century after the Sever-2 expedition), Rozhkov and five of his comrades arrived at the North Pole.

They cut a hole for scuba divers, strengthening its walls in case of fractures and ice shifts. Rozhkov and his partner were lowered into an ice well and went under water. Soon the partner surfaced, as planned.

Andrey continued his dive, wanting not only to be the first scuba diver at the pole, but also to conquer a depth of 50 meters. And this was also included in the plan. The underwater equipment had the necessary safety margin. The last signal from Rozhkov came when he reached 50.3 meters.

What exactly happened next - no one knows. He did not rise to the surface. The partner tried to come to the aid of his friend. However, immediately after the dive he was caught by such a rapid current that the scuba diver was forced to give a signal to the top about the ascent.

The speed of the circulation remained unchanged for about a day. There was no question of any new dive. Andrei Rozhkov was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

Will there be subtropics in Siberia?

What is this polar vortex? According to the hypothesis of the Russian researcher Kirill Fatyanov, in the immemorial times of Hyperborea, it functioned constantly, not allowing a huge ice cap to grow at the pole, threatening the planet with “overturning” and a worldwide flood as a result (those interested are referred to his book “The Legend of Hyperborea”).

After the planetary war between Hyperborea and its colony Atlantis, both continents sank to the bottom of the sea, the circulation of currents was disrupted, and the polar whirlpool disappeared. But in the 20th century it periodically began to resume its activities, and now this is happening more and more often. What does this promise for the Earth? Perhaps the climate will indeed return to the Cenozoic era, when Siberia was subtropical.

We invite you to look at the best photos from space over the past year.

1. Sunset for the shuttle.

While astronauts and cosmonauts often encounter stunning views of Earth's limb, this rare image is unique because it also captures the silhouette of the Space Shuttle Endeavor. The photo was taken by a crew member of the International Space Station as the shuttle landed on February 9th. The orange layer shown in the image is the Earth's troposphere, which contains clouds and forms the planet's weather. This orange layer gives way to a whitish stratosphere, followed by the mosesphere.

2. Star birth vortex

This Oct. 19 image from the Hubble Space Telescope shows spiral galaxy NGC 3982, located about 68 million light-years from Earth in the constellation Ursa Major. The colors in the photo have been adjusted to highlight hydrogen-rich star formation regions (pink) as well as young stars (blue). Old stars are concentrated in the white-yellow core of the galaxy.

3. Hot and fleecy Sun

Astrophotographer Alan Friedman set up a webcam and telescope in front of a high-end filter to capture this stunning view of the Sun from his backyard in Buffalo, New York. Using a special hydrogen alpha filter, Friedman was able to look at the red part of the light spectrum and film the reaction of hydrogen in the Sun's atmosphere. On October 20, the photo was retouched to give the Sun the orange hue of a Halloween pumpkin.

4. Gaze of the Sun

Scientists say this image, taken at California's Ursa Major Solar Observatory, is the clearest view of a sunspot ever captured in visible light. The photo was taken on August 24 to celebrate the incredible success in the study of sunspots. Scientists call such spots “the gaze of the Sun.” This is another reason not to look at a bright light - at the same moment it can stare at you.

5. Martian trees

This photo was taken by a high-definition camera on NASA's Mars Exploration Orbiter on January 14, 2010. Palm trees appear to be growing on the Red Planet. But scientists say these dark trunks are just dirt brought to the surface by landslides when frozen carbon dioxide melts, exposing sand dunes around Mars' north pole.

Unusual images of Mars show the illusion that trees grow on the planet. Clouds of dust that naturally erupt near the planet's north pole create structures that surprisingly resemble trees in shape. “But don’t be fooled – it’s just an optical illusion,” say NASA scientists.

6. Our house from space

The silhouette of the Earth's horizon is clearly visible in this image against the contrasting darkness of space. The photo was taken on February 9 from the space shuttle Endeavor as it approached the station for docking.

7. Casting a Big Shadow

A satellite photo shows the long shadow cast by the Burj Khalifa building in Dubai. The image was taken from an altitude of 400 miles by the GeoI-1 satellite. The Burj Khalifa building is known as the tallest building in the world. Its height is 2,717 feet (828 m).

8. Hanging in outer space

Astronaut Nicholas Patrick works on the International Space Station's new observation deck, known as the Dome. The picture was taken on February 17 during the astronaut's space walk. The orbital observation post Dome is equipped with seven windows, which provides excellent opportunities to see the Earth from space.

9. Night of Two Moons

The bright surface of Saturn's icy moon Dione is clearly visible against the background of the foggy and ghostly Titan. This photo was taken on April 10 by the Cassini orbiter and published on June 21.

10. Beautiful background

This image clearly shows the underside of the Space Shuttle Discovery. The photo was taken on April 17 from the International Space Station some time after the shuttle separated from the station. The visible silhouette on Earth is the southern part of Isle de Providence, about 150 miles off the coast of Nicaragua. The island belongs to Colombia.

12. Happy twentieth anniversary, Hubble
This image from the Hubble Space Telescope, released April 22, captures the chaotic activity of a towering column of gas and dust stretching across three light-years. Currently, this glow is absorbed by the bright light of neighboring stars. Turbulent cosmic activity is located at the site of active star birth in the Carina Nebula, located 7,500 years from Earth in the southern part of the constellation Carina. The photo was published in honor of the 20th anniversary of Hubble's launch.

The Hubble team is celebrating the 20th anniversary of the orbiting observatory's launch with a new image from the space telescope showing a column of dust and gas in the Carina Nebula.

12. Facing disaster

The small plane shown in the upper left of the image flies over the spilled oil in the Gulf of Mexico after the explosion on the transoceanic deepwater drilling platform Horizon. This photo was taken from space on April 26 by DigitalGlobe's QuickBird satellite.

13. Swan song in space

Space Shuttle Atlantis docked with the International Space Station in orbit on May 17. Atlantis conducted a 12-day mission to deliver new Russian-made equipment and replacement batteries. The shuttle crew is scheduled to retire due to retirement in 2011.

14. Northern lights in space

This striking image of the dawn phenomenon was captured on the International Space Station during a geomagnetic storm likely caused by coronal mass ejections on May 24. The space station was flying over the southern Indian Ocean at that moment.

History: Spectacular aurora displays at Earth's south pole were captured by astronauts on the International Space Station during the latest solar storm.

15. Sky walkers

Skywatcher Michael Jäger of Stixendorf, Austria, took this image of Comet McNaught on June 6th while the celestial body was clearly visible in the morning sky.

History: The comet surprises.
A newly discovered comet surprises skywatchers by becoming brighter than first thought and is now visible even to the naked eye.

16. Volcano Eyeball

Partly cloudy skies over Papua New Guinea's Manam volcano on June 16, as well as a thin blue-gray volcanic plume over the crater, were a topic of discussion at the summit. The bright white clouds may have been the result of water vapor escaping from the volcano, or they may have had nothing to do with volcanic activity. This image was taken by a camera aboard NASA's Earth-observing satellite known as EO-1.

17. Spread of the spill

NASA's Aqua satellite captured images of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico on June 26. Cameras on Earth-observing satellites captured sunlight reflecting back into space from the surface of oil slicks.

18. Asteroid close-up

This view of the largest asteroid ever visited by spacecraft was compiled from three different images taken by the European Space Agency's Rosetta probe on July 10 as it flew past Lutetia. The colors are taken from much further away and superimposed by Ted Strick, a philosophy professor at Roana State College. Like most surfaces in the solar system, Lutetia has long been weathered and has a reddish color.

19. Black sun

July 11. A total solar eclipse appears as a black spot through the haze of clouds in the sky over Easter Island. The totality of the eclipse was visible only over the South Pacific Ocean, as well as on the coasts of Chile and Argentina.

20. Galaxy Gem

The Hubble Space Telescope's long-distance telescope reveals a majestic spiral galaxy deep within the Coma galaxy cluster, which extends 320 million light-years from the northern constellation Coma Berenices. The photo was taken on August 10. The galaxy, known as NGC 4911, contains abundant bands of dust and gas near its very center. They stand out clearly against the backdrop of glowing clusters of newborn stars and iridescent pink clouds of hydrogen, the existence of which indicates ongoing star formation.

21. Phantom Secret

This image from the Hubble Space Telescope shows a ghost-like nebula known as IRAS 05437 +2502. The nebula is a small star-forming region filled with dark dust that was first seen in infrared images taken by the IRAS satellite in 1983. The new images show a lot of new details, but still do not shed any light on the reasons for the glow of the bright, sharp arcs.

22. Shadows of the rings

The image, released Aug. 27 by Cassini's orbital photography team, shows the thin shadows of Saturn's rings projected onto clouds above the planet's surface. The photo was taken as Saturn approached its equinox in August 2009.

23. Dance of galaxies

NGC 5426 and NGC 5427 are two similarly sized spiral galaxies engaged in a dramatic dance. It is not yet completely certain that the interaction will end in a collision and final merger of the two galaxies, although they have already managed to influence each other. The pair, known as Arp 271, will dance together for tens of millions of years. This image, published on August 30, was taken by the New Technology Telescope at the European Southern Observatory La Silla in Chile.

24. Spiral in space

The photograph, taken by the Hubble Space Telescope and released to the public on September 7, shows an unusual spiral nebula around the star LL Pegasus, located 3,000 light-years from Earth. According to astronomers, the spiral shape was the result of the eruption of substances from one of the stars of the bi-solar system.

25. X-shaped spot

This image, taken by the Hubble Space Telescope and released Oct. 13, shows what appears to be a strange X-shaped comet leaving a trail of glowing material. According to scientists, the cross may indicate the location of the collision of the body with the asteroid. The object, 400 feet wide, is believed to be a fragment of some larger body that collided at a speed of approximately 11 thousand miles per hour with a rock measuring approximately 10-15 feet in cross-section. The force of the impact was equal to the explosion of a small atomic bomb. UCLA astronomer David Jewitt believes the collision occurred in February or March.

26. Landing options.

SpaceShip 2, owned by Virgin Galactic, docked with the aircraft carrier White Knight 2 for landing on the runway at the US Spaceport near Las Cruces during a special ceremony on October 22. It is planned that in the next couple of years, SpaceShip 2 will begin accepting paying passengers on board for excursions in near outer space.

History: The spaceport takes a step towards opening commercial space flights. British tycoon Richard Brenon has dreamed of going to space since he was a teenager. Now he will be able to fulfill his wish as soon as Virgin Galactic begins accepting tourists for suborbital flights at a specially designed spaceport in New Mexico.

27 Station on the Moon?

In this photo, the International Space Station appears to have landed on the Moon, but in reality, the station is just passing over the Moon as it follows its orbit around the Earth. The picture was taken on October 21 in Hungary in the city of Guergufalu, 75 km from Budapest.

28. Night lights.

The island of Sicily and the "boot" of Italy sparkle in this orbital image taken at the International Space Station's Dome Observatory on October 28th. The main window of the Dome, located on the roof, has a circular shape with a diameter of 80 cm. This is the largest window in space. Six additional windows located on the sides provide visibility in all directions.

29. Space peanuts.

NASA's Deep Space probe sent this photo of the binary Comet Hartley on November 7th. The image was taken while the probe was flying 700 km from an object shaped like a peanut. The circumference of the "neck" or the narrowest point of the core is 2.4 km. Also visible in the image are jets escaping from the nuclei.

30. Space Sea Creature

This image from NASA's wide-angle infrared researcher known as Wise clearly shows what appears to be a colorful creature in the sea of ​​stars. The photo, published on November 17, shows infrared radiation that has been retouched so that we can perceive it with our own eyes. The jellyfish-like object is actually a pair of very close dying stars (white) surrounded by their own emissions (green), and we can also see two unusual dust rings (orange) discovered by Wise.

31. The flaming dragon goes into space

This photograph shows the launch of the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket at Launch Complex 40 at Cape Canaveral, Florida. The launch was to test the company's Dragon capsule, which was specifically designed to supply the International Space Station when NASA withdraws its shuttle and its crew. The dragon, shaped like a round lollipop, successfully landed by parachute in the middle of the Pacific Ocean after completing two orbits.

32. Space ornament

Delicate spheres of gas, photographed by the Hubble Space Telescope, float unperturbed through space. A bubble is a gas that has taken this form as a result of the action of a blast wave generated by the appearance of a supernova. Dubbed SNR 0509-67.5 (or SNR 0509 for short), the bubble is the visible remnant of a massive stellar explosion in the Large Magellanic Cloud, a small galaxy extending about 160,000 light-years from Earth.

It would seem a strange hobby to travel to the poles of our planet. However, for Swedish entrepreneur Frederik Paulsen, it became a real passion. It took him thirteen years to visit all eight poles of the Earth, becoming the first and so far only person to do so.

Achieving each of them is a real adventure!

South geographic pole - a point located above the geographic axis of rotation of the Earth

The geographic South Pole is marked with a small sign on a pole driven into the ice, which is moved annually to compensate for the movement of the ice sheet. During the ceremonial event, held on January 1, a new South Pole sign, made by polar explorers last year, is installed, and the old one is placed at the station. The sign contains the inscription “Geographic south pole”, NSF, date and latitude of installation. The sign, installed in 2006, featured the date when Roald Amundsen and Robert F. Scott reached the pole, and small quotes from these polar explorers. The flag of the United States is installed nearby.

Near the geographic South Pole there is the so-called ceremonial South Pole - a special area set aside for photography by the Amundsen-Scott station. It is a mirrored metal sphere standing on a stand, surrounded on all sides by the flags of the Antarctic Treaty countries.

June 1903. Roald Amundsen (left, wearing a hat) makes an expedition on a small sailboat

"Gjoa" to find the Northwest Passage and simultaneously establish the exact location of the north magnetic pole.

It was first opened in 1831. In 1904, when scientists took measurements again, it was discovered that the pole had moved 31 miles. The compass needle points to the magnetic pole, not the geographic pole. The study showed that over the last thousand years, the magnetic pole has moved significant distances from Canada to Siberia, but sometimes in other directions.

The geographic coordinates of the North Pole are 90°00′00″ north latitude. The pole has no longitude, since it is the intersection point of all meridians. The North Pole also does not belong to any time zone. The polar day, like the polar night, lasts here for approximately six months. The depth of the ocean at the North Pole is 4,261 meters (according to measurements by the Mir deep-sea submersible in 2007). The average temperature at the North Pole in winter is about −40 °C, in summer it is mostly about 0 °C.

This is the north pole of the dipole moment of the Earth's geomagnetic field. It is now located at 78° 30′ N, 69° W, near Toul (Greenland). The earth is a giant magnet, like a bar magnet. The geomagnetic North and South poles are the ends of this magnet. The North Geomagnetic Pole is located in the Canadian Arctic and continues to move in a northwesterly direction.

The North Pole of Inaccessibility is the northernmost point in the Arctic Ocean and the farthest from land on all sides.

The North Pole of Inaccessibility is located in the pack ice of the Arctic Ocean at the greatest distance from any land. The distance to the North Geographic Pole is 661 km, to Cape Barrow in Alaska - 1453 km and at an equal distance of 1094 km from the nearest islands - Ellesmere and Franz Josef Land. The first attempt to reach the point was made by Sir Hubert Wilkins in an airplane in 1927. In 1941, the first expedition to the Pole of Inaccessibility by plane was carried out under the leadership of Ivan Ivanovich Cherevichny. The Soviet expedition landed 350 km north of Wilkins, thereby being the first to directly visit the northern pole of inaccessibility.

The south magnetic pole is a point on the earth's surface at which the earth's magnetic field is directed upward.

People first visited the South Magnetic Pole on January 16, 1909 (British Antarctic expedition, Douglas Mawson determined the location of the pole).

At the magnetic pole itself, the inclination of the magnetic needle, that is, the angle between the freely rotating needle and the earth's surface, is 90º. From a physical point of view, the Earth's magnetic south pole is actually the north pole of the magnet that is our planet. The north pole of a magnet is the pole from which the magnetic field lines emerge. But to avoid confusion, this pole is called the south pole, since it is close to the South Pole of the Earth. The magnetic pole shifts several kilometers per year.

At the South Geomagnetic Pole, which was first reached by the sleigh-and-tractor train of the Second Soviet Antarctic Expedition led by A.F. Treshnikov on December 16, 1957, the Vostok scientific station was created. The south geomagnetic pole turned out to be at an altitude of 3500 m above sea level, at a point 1410 km away from the Mirny station located on the coast. This is one of the harshest places on Earth. Here, the air temperature remains below -60° C for more than six months of the year. In August 1960, the air temperature at the South Geomagnetic Pole was 88.3° C, and in July 1984, a new record low temperature was 89.2° C.

The South Pole of Inaccessibility is the point in Antarctica that is farthest from the coast of the Southern Ocean.

This is the point in Antarctica that is furthest from the Southern Ocean coast. There is no general consensus about the specific coordinates of this place. The problem is how to understand the word "coast". Either draw the coastline along the border of land and water, or along the border of the ocean and ice shelves of Antarctica. Difficulties in determining the boundaries of land, the movement of ice shelves, the constant flow of new data and possible topographic errors all make it difficult to accurately determine the coordinates of the pole. The Pole of Inaccessibility is often associated with the Soviet Antarctic station of the same name, located at 82°06′ S. w. 54°58′ E. This point is located at a distance of 878 km from the south pole and 3718 m above sea level. Currently, the building is still located in this place, and there is a statue of Lenin on it, looking towards Moscow. The place is protected as historical. Inside the building there is a visitor's book that can be signed by the person who reaches the station. By 2007, the station was covered with snow, and only the statue of Lenin on the roof of the building was still visible. It can be seen from many kilometers away.

Already in the 70s, the first photographs of the North Pole with its huge round hole in the center of the earth appeared. So why were these facts hidden from the public eye?

Most satellite images of both poles turned out to be shaded or blurred. But the good news is that today more and more pictures and videos are appearing indicating that these holes exist.

The South Pole turned out to be even more interesting. Judging by photographs from 1992, it turns out that the hole occupies 1/3 of the entire Antarctic, swallowing 18 parallels.

Theories that the Earth is hollow and inhabited inside were expressed back in the 19th century. That the North and South Poles are entrances to the underworld. The next hypothesis was that inside the planet there is its own sun, which supports internal life.

Science of the 20th century completely refuted these ideas, citing the fact that knowing the mass of the earth, the thickness of the earth's crust and other indicators, they are groundless. Well, just in case, I hid information about huge holes at both poles of the globe.

But research was still carried out. In 1947, Vice Admiral Richard Byrd led an expedition to the North Pole. He noticed a bright spot of color. As he approached, it seemed to him that he saw forests, rivers, meadows with animals that looked like mammoths. Then he saw unusual flying cars and a beautiful city with crystal buildings. And what was most strange was the air temperature, which rose to +23 degrees Celsius - this was absolutely impossible for the North Pole.

In his diary, the vice admiral wrote that he communicated with the inhabitants of the underworld, who in their development were thousands of years ahead of earthlings. Representatives of the inner world turned out to be similar to people, but more beautiful and more spiritual. They had no wars and had their own energy resource. Bird was further told that they had tried to establish contact with people earlier, but all their attempts were perceived incorrectly, and that some of their equipment was destroyed. After which they decided that they would contact the outside world only in the event of its probable self-destruction. Residents of the “inner” land showed all their achievements and escorted Richard to the “outer” world. Upon returning home, it turned out that the plane had used 2,750 km of fuel.

For the rest of his life, Vice Admiral Byrd was under constant surveillance and was advised not to tell anyone what he saw.

5.5.2. Food for thought. View of the Earth's poles from space

This section will provide information that may be perceived ambiguously, but, nevertheless, it is so interesting in itself that it would be wrong not to indicate it. Below I will touch upon the issue of observations from space of the North and South poles of the Earth. They also show a number of interesting analogies, and I would like to do some comparison of the data.

The most objective study of the polar zones would be a targeted and systematic study of the field structure of the Earth and other planets from space. Repeatedly duplicated photography is required in different radiations, from different points, at different positions in the orbits of not only the Earth, but also other planets (to take into account their influence). It is necessary to systematize photographic documents and make them accessible to a wide range of researchers in various specialties. Even if this is done, there are no systematic publications. Those materials that appear in the press, on the websites of NASA and some others, are scattered, sometimes edited and retouched, and sometimes completely fake. Commentary on them, from a scientific point of view, is often unsatisfactory or non-existent.

Let's analyze from the perspective of the proposed hypothesis several images of our planet obtained from space. Mostly, information leaks into publications that are not very respected in scientific officialdom, but still, still... If you put everything together and try to compare it, you get very interesting generalizations. Excerpts with photographs from such publications (and comments on them) are presented below. But they are all popular in nature and look like possible overblown journalistic sensations. Science, on the other hand, has taken water into its mouth and remains silent (at least as regards the poles of the Earth and the Moon).

4 , 5 , 6 - stills from the video

In the Foto 1 a little north of Greenland we see a “black hole” or a black “patch”. The image very clearly captures the outlines of the continents, inland seas, Greenland, the Scandinavian Peninsula, and a chain of islands. In the Foto 2 The same area is shown, also from a satellite. The difference is obvious, however, the Arctic Ocean is covered with ice. Here, as they say, comments are unnecessary. Finally, in the photo 3 we see just a huge and very impressive hole.

Regarding the last photo in the following is written:

In 1968, the American meteorological satellite Essa-7 transmitted strange images of the North Pole to Earth. In the complete absence of clouds, which is extremely rare in such photographs, a huge hole is visible in the area of ​​the pole - an opening. The photo is genuine - examinations were carried out several times. Without denying the authenticity, a counterargument is given that, they say, this is the result of the tilt of the planet in relation to the sun's rays, this is not a hole, but a play of light and shadow. Some pictures supposedly have a hole, while others don't.

In the bottom row there are also photographs of the North Pole, but from the video (the link is indicated under the picture) - 4 -Me and 5 -The photos are exactly the same, but one does not have a “patch”, while the other does. On the right, the Earth is rotated differently, and the “causal place” is again covered.

The reliability of all the photographs presented can be questioned. Moreover, they do not specify either the conditions or the shooting dates. But... still there is no smoke without fire.

It turns out that there are photographs of the North Pole with reliable links directly to NASA, confirming the presence of, if not a hole, then some kind of strange funnel. And since it still seems inexplicable to science, it is practically not discussed. The picture was taken by the American ESSA-7 spacecraft. Photo from (Fig. 5.37).

Rice. 5.37. Photograph of the North Pole at different magnifications,

I managed to find another completely independent evidence of the existence of something very strange, very similar to the presence of a hole or funnel, and precisely at the North Pole. The most important thing is that the publication has nothing to do with discussing the hollow Earth, the presence or absence of a hole, etc.

In 2007, NASA launched a mission called Mesosphere Ice Aeronomy, or Target for short, to study noctilucent clouds. Noctilucent clouds occur 50 miles (80 km) above the Earth's surface and can reflect light from the Sun. These were the ones “Target” photographed (Fig. 5.38).

Rice. 5.38. Noctilucent clouds over the North Pole,

In addition, from the images obtained by this mission, a video was compiled even indicating the dates of daily shooting in the period from May 20 to September 2, 2007. Several frames from the video are shown in Fig. 5.39.

Rice. 5.39. Stills from the video with noctilucent clouds,

The most important oddity of this study was left out of discussion. True, it was dealt with by specialists in atmospheric physics and meteorologists, But still... Or again, excuse me, “noodles on the ears”, but a “patch” on the pole?

Now let's look at the South Pole from the same positions.

South Pole

The situation is similar with the filming of the South Pole: in some photographs there is a “hole”, but in most there is none. In Fig. 5.40 ( 1 ) a photograph with a “hole” is shown. The shooting conditions are not specified. Right – photograph 2 – without a “hole”, but with aurora (photographed by NASA).

Rice. 5.40. Antarctica near the South Pole,

Photo 2 and its peculiar interpretation is given in the article by Mark Sokolov “Hole in Antarctica. Do the aurora come from the Earth? (UFO newspaper, October 2006). The issue is considered from the perspective of Hollow Earth supporters. The comments are mainly about the nature of the auroras (the so-called “southern aurora”). M. Sokolov writes:

The authors of the Radarsat website, offering their analysis of these sensational NASA materials, ask to take into account that this is by no means the type of hole that, being on a flat horizontal plane, ends abruptly downward. No, in fact, almost the entire area of ​​​​Antarctica surrounding the hole is a gradually descending terrain, as if going down, similar to what we can see in an hourglass. For us, the problem is that we cannot feel the volume of this landscape - after all, we have a flat picture taken from above. And therefore the hole looks as if it was drilled on a flat surface. In reality, however, this is not entirely true. Or rather, not at all like that... The photographs were provided by Jones McNibbley, one of the most active proponents of the idea of ​​a hollow Earth. As he himself explains, the filming of Antarctica was made by the IMAGE satellite, whose task is to “supply” video materials about the planet’s magnetosphere. And on his Internet block, McNibbley provides two fragments of these videos. If you look at them more closely, you will notice that fog is coming out of the hole - on the right side of the dark spot.

Exactly fog and allows supporters of the hollow Earth hypothesis to consider our planet hollow and claim that it comes from an internal cavity as evidence of its ventilation (!!!).

Photo 2 I have added points 1 – 4, in order to roughly indicate the places mentioned in the article: 1 – South Geographic Pole, 2 – McMurdo Station (USA), 3 – Vostok Station (Russia), 4 – “hole” point (84, 4 degrees south latitude and 39 degrees east longitude), the coordinates of which are given by M. Sokolov. In the left photo, Australia is visible at the top left.

By the way, the position of the supposed holes in the left and right photographs does not coincide in coordinates.

Rice. 5.41. South Pole. Stills from the video,

Exactly the same story as with photographs of the North Pole: somewhere there is a “patch”, somewhere there is not (the South Pole is indicated by a yellow button). In the left photo we see a clearly defined area against the background of ice. It is also visible in the right frame. This is what in the language of geophysicists is called a depression (lowering of the terrain), and in this case it is very similar to a funnel. And in the two photographs in the middle, even the “patch” is not quite well placed: the bright spot of the funnel is not completely covered.

Well, the most powerful chord that concludes this topic is the video, three frames from which I have shown in Fig. 5.42. This is simply phenomenal, but it is also not discussed anywhere in the scientific world, at least not in the open press.

Rice. 5.42. Shooting of the South Pole from the Mir orbital station (1987),

Well, where can you go? And “patches and blotches” cannot be adapted. Filmed by astronauts from the Mir orbital station, launched in 1986. In the said video, the hole is called a Portal, but that doesn’t matter to us. The fact itself is important. True, I must admit that at first I began to doubt the reliability. Our orbital stations with people in polar orbits do not fly. The limit, then and now, is somewhere around 50º latitude in both the north and south. But then I thought that the orbital altitude was 400 km. Therefore, it is quite possible. Voyager filmed the planet Jupiter almost from the equatorial plane, but the poles, although not very successfully, can be seen quite clearly with some computer processing (this will be discussed in detail in the chapter on Jupiter).

In some publications regarding the study of the Earth's polar zones using spacecraft, the assertion that probes lose their orbits and crash over the poles is used as a fig leaf to cover secrecy. And so, after several unsuccessful attempts, the orbits of the satellites were shifted so that they did not pass over the pole itself - what you see in Fig. 5.43.

Rice. 5.43. Polar orbits of satellites,

Are satellites getting lost over the poles? Quite possible. Just remember the information about what happened to the planes flying over the pyramids of Giza during the Israeli-Egyptian war in the 50s of the last century. American planes fought on the Israeli side, and ours on the Egyptian side. Both noted that as soon as the plane was above the pyramids, the instruments failed, orientation was lost, and the planes were poorly controlled. By some miracle they managed to avoid collisions in the air. Since then, aircraft flights over the pyramids have been prohibited in Egypt. There is similar evidence of aircraft flying over the pyramids of China.

But these are only pyramids with their energy pillars above the tops. And at the poles there are Hyperboloid funnels with incredible power of cosmic and terrestrial energy vortices!


I will not make any generalizations or repeat certain points. You've already read it all. The main thing in this chapter, as in the entire book, is the idea of ​​the Field Hyperboloid. I was struck by the very simplicity of the subtle structure of the Hyperboloid, the governing and communicative organ of the Entity called PLANET EARTH. And the thought immediately sunk in that such a phenomenon could not be something exceptional, purely individual, characteristic only of our planet. Still, the Principles of Hermeticism and fractality in the Universe long before entered the depths of my worldview.

And then information from automatic space probes began to appear. The first photographs of Jupiter's North Pole taken by Voyager and animations showing its "strangeness" were for me a direct confirmation of the correctness of the idea of ​​the Field Hyperboloid as the heart for another celestial body. Then information came from Cassini about Saturn... etc. Further more. Confirmations of my thoughts poured in from American probes like from a cornucopia. And I realized that the Field Hyperboloid is a Universal Principle. Why doesn't anyone see this except me? The implementation of the Field Hyperboloid Principle on the scale of the Solar System became clear to me, but I wanted to convey this idea to people. Thus the idea was born - to write a book using actual experimental data to explain what science is still at a dead end.

Doesn’t it seem very strange to you, dear friends, that we are given much more information about the poles of Jupiter, Saturn, even Uranus and Neptune than about our own?

And another important point: recently, great attention has been paid to the study of the poles. The governments of all countries suddenly began to fuss and, as they say, “dig the earth with their horns.” It's not just about the richness of fossils on the shelf of the Arctic Ocean or Antarctica. Oh, not only... Information about the Earth is extremely closed, but information is already coming from Juno, which reached Jupiter in July of this year and revolves around it only in polar orbits. Why did the poles suddenly become so important and interesting to Americans?

Science is interested in the poles!!! What would this mean???

The next chapter, using the solar system as an example, will examine scientific data obtained from space probes and telescopes confirming that magnetic manifestations in the polar regions of the planets are very similar to what we talked about regarding the Earth. This suggests that The process of Creation occurs according to a single scenario. And, most importantly, this is not just a pattern template, this is a UNIVERSAL PRINCIPLE OF THE UNIVERSE.