Guide dog or guide dog. Guide dog for the blind: best breeds, dog training. Guide dog, hard life, video

In this article I will talk about the best breeds of guide dogs. In a few words, I will describe their distinctive features and advantages, and also touch on the main points of training and transferring the dog to a new owner.

According to dog handlers, only smart dogs apply for the role of a guide for the blind. Representatives of the breed with similar parameters are selected for work. Animals with sizes up to 70 centimeters, acute vision and hearing are considered optimal.

Collies, Labradors, German Shepherds, Giant Schnauzers, Rottweilers, and Aussies are better suited for this role.


Protective dog. Therefore, in the role of a guide for the blind, she not only leads, but also protects her owner. Combined with a good disposition, this makes the breed best for working with children and adolescents.

Collies easily adapt to new conditions and quickly become devoted to their new owner. They easily obey and learn to move along new routes. The advantage of the collie over other breeds is fearlessness and quick orientation on the ground.

Dogs are not afraid of city noise and easily tolerate travel in public transport. Such animals will become indispensable helpers for people who lead an active lifestyle and are often in public places or in the company of other people.


Labradors are favorites among guide dogs.

They do their job well and have virtually no flaws. Dogs are distinguished by irrepressible energy, endurance, a high level of intelligence, and easy learning ability. Thanks to their good disposition, they get along easily with blind children or elderly people.

Labradors are good at sensing their owner’s mood and helping them navigate difficult situations. Animals' fearlessness and quick reaction are indispensable when moving along busy city streets.

The only requirement they make of the owner and his environment is proper nutrition and active walks. Dogs are prone to easy weight gain.

From the outside they may appear to be aggressive dogs. But in reality this is far from the case. When properly trained, they show extraordinary intelligence, prudence and boundless devotion.

These dogs give their love to one owner to the end and demand reciprocity from him.

Cases often arise when Rottweilers are jealous of their owner towards other family members.

With proper care, the dog will become an excellent partner who can not only guide you in an emergency, but also protect you.

Giant Schnauzer

Like shepherds, they are often trained to be guides for the blind. Dogs are distinguished by their sociability, intelligence, and friendliness.

Such dogs easily adapt to crowded companies and new places. They quickly get along with their new owner and become imbued with boundless devotion to him.

Dogs are larger in size compared to other breeds. This makes them more suitable for working with tall people. A distinctive character trait of Giant Schnauzers is balance, good memory, strength, courage, and devotion.

German Shepherd

Shepherd dogs are universal breeds that have proven themselves well as rescuers, guide dogs, and guards. A distinctive feature of dogs is their extraordinary intelligence, quick reaction, balance and learning ability.

For the owner, such dogs become indispensable helpers. They guide, protect and assist in daily life. Shepherd dogs require a little more time to build a master-guide bond. Therefore, the owner must show greater patience during the period of transfer of the animal.

German Shepherds have courage, attentiveness, and resistance to stressful situations. They easily adapt to new conditions.

Features of training

Training begins with choosing the right puppy.

Not all dogs are able to undergo training and be adopted into a family. Candidates are selected as early as 2 months of life. At this stage, their life skills, endurance, goodwill, and patience are tested.

Traditional training of guides is divided into 2 stages:

  • general(audition course);
  • special(driving).

The audition course begins after the selection of puppies. It consists of candidates living in the families of volunteers. At this stage, regular meetings with dog handlers are held.

The task of the family is to socialize the dog, to develop immunity to external factors and loud sounds. Dogs with unsuitable characteristics are rejected.

During guide training, no violent punishment is used. It can instill aggression in a candidate.

General training lasts during the first year of the dog's life. Then special training begins.

Special training is carried out on the basis of dog handlers with trips to the city. This allows the guide to get comfortable in a real environment.

At this stage, the animals become familiar with the routes of movement of the future owner. They learn to deal with natural stimuli and obstacles. The duration of special training is six months.

Depending on the wishes of the owner, training can be supplemented with individual elements.

The special course ends with an exam. It goes before the commission. The main goal is to convince the examiners that the dog is ready to become the eyes of a blind person.

The exam takes place in two stages:

  • checking the general course;
  • passing the route.

The examiner and the commission check:

  • movement at the same pace with the owner;
  • movement on inclined planes, stairs;
  • passing between opposing objects;
  • stop in front of obstacles or danger;
  • passing given routes.

A trained guide knows up to 40 routes and moves harmoniously in tandem. The completion of the exam is a certificate giving the dog the right to perform guide functions and be in public places.

Basic requirements for a guide

Guide dogs are subject to general requirements related to physical and psychological health.

The guide must:

  • have excellent physical health(attention is paid to vision, hearing and smell);
  • have stable psyche and stress resistance;
  • have no genetic abnormalities;
  • be friendly;
  • have a sanguine type of temperament;
  • endure transportation in transport.

The dog must be able to accompany a blind owner without showing aggression towards others.

For this reason, in addition to checking physical and psychological health, the coach identifies the characteristics of the candidate’s behavior in various situations.

The future guide is checked for:

  • immunity to loud sounds;
  • ability to concentrate;
  • ability to remember new routes;
  • lack of response to external stimuli.

An important requirement for a candidate is patience. The dog must be able to wait for the owner and move only after the appropriate command.

Features of addiction

Exams are the final stage in learning. But they do not mean the end of working with the dog. After training, a crucial moment comes - the formation of a pair “blind person - guide”.

Before meeting the guide, the future owner also undergoes a course of classes. He gets acquainted with information about animal care, feeding characteristics, lifestyle, and individual habits. The course lasts from one to two weeks.

The meeting with the animal occurs at the final stage of training. The location is the center's training base. On average, addiction takes up to 2 weeks.

Adaptation is necessary for the dog to get used to the owner, learn his voice and accept him as an unquestioning leader.

The task of a blind person is to learn to understand and control the guide. In two weeks, basic travel routes are studied and practiced. The closest circle of the disabled person gets acquainted with information on how to help the couple explore a new route and cope with unexpected difficulties.

Properly trained dogs are more than just pets. They form a reliable blind-guide connection, where the person always remains in charge. Such animals are distinguished by boundless devotion and can be trusted with life without fear.

Including guide dogs.

What is a guide - it is a faithful friend for blind and visually impaired people, an indispensable assistant that gives them the opportunity to move freely in space and lead an independent, active life.

However, this dry formulation is not able to fully convey what a guide dog means to a blind person.

Great mission

It is known that for more than one millennium, faithful four-legged animals have been helpers, guides and protectors for people deprived of sight. However, this officially began to be done in 1819 in Vienna. Then an institute was founded for the education and training of the blind. After World War I in Germany developed a special training system for those who helped blind people, in particular veterans who lost their sight as a result of combat operations. At the same time, the English school is developing, one of the founders of which was Russian emigrant Nikolai Lyakhov, who rose from director to director of the institution.

Did you know? Dogs are often more effective detectors than humans. Thus, it is believed that one dog can replace up to three dozen people in search operations. The fact is that a dog’s sense of smell is 25 times better than a person’s, and even the brain center responsible for processing odors is larger in volume. Not a single device created by mankind can compete with a dog’s sense of smell in analyzing odors. Interestingly, animals with dark and black noses distinguish odors more acutely than dogs with light nasal mucosa.

IN 1929 a similar organization appeared in USA thanks to breeder Dorothy Eustis. Her article for the Saturday Evening Post inspired people with vision problems to use dogs. So, one of the Americans, Frank Morris, visited Europe to purchase a trained animal. Upon returning to America, they organized a tour of the country, where they demonstrated to people the amazing abilities of trained animals. This helped four-legged guide dogs gain access to transport and public places (hotels, cafes, restaurants, shops), where they were previously prohibited from appearing.

In the territory USSR dogs began to be trained for such an important mission after Second World War, in 1947. The training was carried out by specialists from the Central Dog Breeding School. The need for assistance dogs for disabled people has increased sharply, since after the war many young people suffered severe visual impairments, although they were physically healthy and strong, and were also valuable specialists in various fields. 13 years later, the Central Republican School was opened in the Moscow region, in which former officers and dog handlers trained guide dogs.
Assistance dogs for disabled people perform a number of important functions:

  1. The main function of a service animal is to warn the owner about obstacles and dangers: open hatches, holes, branches and trees, fences, vehicles and others.
  2. Able to remember the main routes used by the owner, also finds landmarks (stairs, benches, other signs and indicators).
  3. If the owner often takes new routes, the animal helps to follow the rules: bypasses other pedestrians, slows down at forks, in front of the roadway.
  4. The animal will come to the rescue if the owner has dropped his things: a cane, glasses.

Important! One of the key functions of a dog is psychological and moral support for a blind person. After all, blind people are often lonely, and the dog replaces their relatives, friends, and acquaintances.

Naturally, both man and dog need time to get used to each other, learn to hear and understand. It is important for the owner to adequately assess the dog’s abilities and capabilities, not to expect more than the norm from him, then his hopes for the animal’s help will be fully justified.

Best breeds

It so happens that the best breeds of guide dogs for the blind are considered to be Labradors, Shepherds, Collies, Rottweilers, Dobermans and others. In fact, the breed is not the key factor, since the dog must meet a number of other equally important characteristics. Its physical characteristics are also important, because the animal must be the right size for its owner.

He has unique intellectual abilities and can learn commands quickly and in large quantities - learning them will only require a few repetitions. The animal's intelligence goes well with loyalty and a cheerful disposition. Thanks to their natural courage, they are used as watchdogs and rescuers: for example, they come to the aid of water disasters, fires, and to search for those lost in the mountains. It is important that the animal shows kindness and affection not only to the owner, but also to the children. The dog is also tolerant of other animals.
However, trainers and dog handlers note that now shepherd dogs are less often used as guide dogs, since the breed has become more sporting and exhibition.

Like everyone else, collies are genetically endowed with a strong instinct to protect their owner, as well as small children. They are distinguished by their good disposition, activity, and devotion. This is especially often taught as a guide dog for children.
The main advantages of this breed:

  • lack of fear of street noise and busy traffic;
  • quick orientation even in unfamiliar terrain;
  • the ability to subtly sense the needs and desires of its owner.

Labrador Retriever

Truly considered a symbol and standard of a guide dog for the blind. They most often become guide dogs and many blind people (up to 80%) would like to have a Labrador next to them. Dogs get along well with children, can replace their nanny, are well trained and calm, their behavior is predictable. These animals take commands with great responsibility. The compact size of the dog is also appreciated: its small dimensions allow it to move around city streets with maximum comfort.
The animal has unique intellectual abilities and can learn more than two hundred commands. So, if necessary, the dog can be trained in such household commands as, for example, handing over a telephone, keys or medicine, turning off and on the light, and taking things back to their place.

This dog is known as the smartest dog among dog handlers thanks to its quick wit and amazing memory. The dog has strong protective and security qualities, is distinguished by its large size, strength and endurance. At the same time, he is calm, patient and prudent. Dogs of this breed are very sensitive towards their owner; they will try to share all his affairs with him, which is important for a guide. The animal can become an excellent working dog: it is hardworking and resilient.

Did you know?They are often used as mountain rescuers - thanks to their unique sense of smell, they are able to detect human scent even with a 4-meter snow cover! But they are considered the best water rescuers. These giants have remarkable strength, a strong physique and webbed feet, swim well and love this activity. The most amazing thing is that dogs intuitively sense danger and can independently make the right decisions in a critical situation!

The name of this breed is more associated with a vicious, warlike and aggressive dog than with the position of a guide dog. However, with proper upbringing, animals are successfully used in the rescue and customs services, the police and the army. often become guides for people with visual impairments.

Dogs of this breed are distinguished by boundless love and devotion to their owner and will get along well with all family members. Their love can reach the point of jealousy, which is why the dog requires a lot of attention from a person. Smart, thoughtful, fearless - all this is about the Rottweiler.
At the genetic level, a dog has watchdog qualities, therefore it is in dire need of proper upbringing - when training an animal, aggression and belligerence should in no case be encouraged. If the puppy is raised correctly, he will grow into a balanced, friendly, intelligent and devoted pet, on whom you can completely rely in a critical situation. At the same time, the owner must have a strong character, because Rottweilers are very sensitive to fear and uncertainty, so they can be uncontrollable.

Guide dog: features of education

As stated earlier, breed is only one of the criteria when choosing a guide dog. An equally important role is played by the individual qualities of the animal and upbringing.

It is known that no more than 20-30% of puppies are selected for training as a guide dog. A kind of “casting” occurs at 1.5 months of age. A suitable animal must be distinguished by kindness, high intelligence and quick wits, attentiveness, unquestioning execution of commands and high learning ability. It is especially important that the dog is capable of making independent decisions.
At two months old, puppies begin their one-year training. The duration of the process is explained by the fact that the dog must fully master those behavioral characteristics that are absolutely not characteristic of it. For example, if an ordinary dog, even occasionally, can show a reaction to small animals on the street, such behavior is unacceptable for a guide dog. If an obstacle appears on the way (a puddle, a hole, a curb), an ordinary animal will simply jump over it, unlike a guide.

What qualities should an assistance dog acquire:

  • resistance to stress, calm reaction to noise, sharp and loud sounds;
  • etiquette, since the owner will be forced to visit public places with the four-legged dog;
  • the ability not only to carry out human commands, but to evaluate their correctness;
  • ability to make decisions independently;
  • zero aggression towards strangers, children, animals on the street.

The training ends with an exam, during which the dog goes through the route together with the instructor. Upon successful completion, the animal receives a certificate and access to public places. At this time, the dog is also introduced to the future owner, and for some time adaptation takes place between them under the supervision of a trainer. A dog is selected based on physical and psychological characteristics for a specific person, his character, habits and lifestyle. Therefore, if a blind person for some reason refuses an animal, he may have to look for a new owner for a long time, up to a year.

Important!According to statistics, guide dogs live less than regular pets and service dogs. This is explained by constant high psychological stress and great responsibility for the life of the owner. After all, often a blind man and his dog become two halves of one whole.

On the territory of Russia, the training of one guide requires from 250 thousand rubles; abroad, training reaches 25 thousand dollars. There is always a demand for trained animals, and many blind or partially sighted people have to wait for years for their turn to receive an animal. It is noteworthy that the dog and the owner become so close that after the death of the pet, a blind person often refuses a new dog.

We hope that now your understanding of who a guide for a blind person is has expanded a little. After all, for a blind person, a dog often replaces his entire social circle, shares all his joys and hardships, never abandons him, and walks side by side in any situation. For this she undoubtedly deserves respect.

Each of us has a different attitude towards dogs: some are afraid of them, while others have dreamed of a furry friend since childhood. However, there is a category of people whose life is simply impossible without this four-legged assistant. These are people with disabilities. They get themselves guide dogs, who take them along the street and generally stay with them around the clock. These are their ears or eyes.

What is their importance

This profession appeared in dogs several centuries ago. And this happened on the territory of modern England. But the first school for training guide dogs was opened in Germany after the First World War. Then the veterans of these terrible events desperately needed them.

Then such schools began to appear in America and England. Now in every country there are institutions in this direction where dogs are trained, and their skills are improved every year. In Russia, this practice began to be mastered only in 1960.

Laws state that a guide dog can accompany a person almost everywhere: on public transport, in a store, cafe or restaurant, and even on an airplane. After all, this is not just a pet, but a second pair of eyes for a blind person. And a person who does not allow such a couple into a restaurant or store will face criminal liability.

And in Germany they even erected a monument to such a dog. After all, many cases have been recorded in the world when a guide saved the life of his owner: he pulled him out of a fire or from a building that was collapsing.

Most often, guide dogs are purchased for the blind because these people cannot move normally on the street, and this causes many problems. When a guide appears in the life of a blind person, it is as if he gains a second pair of eyes. With this dog, he can go to various places where he has not been before and can be sure that he will definitely return home. And you also don’t have to worry about someone stealing your wallet or attacking it.

If before the appearance of this pet a blind person could not even leave the open spaces of the apartment, then after purchasing such a puppy he begins to live a new life. After all, now you can go out, communicate with people, visit new places and experience joy. It’s as if a person returns to life, begins to feel, love, experience again.

Not every puppy can become a guide dog. As early as two months, dog handlers begin to select the calmest and most docile dogs. In addition, it is preferable if it is a bitch. Because male dogs cannot help but pay attention to a female dog in heat, which can lead to unforeseen consequences.

There are a number of requirements that dog handlers put forward for these dogs:

  1. The average size is at least 68 centimeters at the withers.
  2. Hearing and vision should be excellent.
  3. This must be a very friendly and friendly dog.
  4. And most importantly, he must be able to restrain any of his instincts.

Among the variety of breeds, the best guide dogs are: German Shepherd, Collie, Labrador.

German Shepherds

This breed shows excellent results in many areas of life and is also successful among the breeds of guide dogs for the blind. Of course, because they are very brave and cheerful, quickly learn various commands and show incredible devotion to their owner.

You can often find this breed in police service; they can become rescuers. There have been many recorded cases of German Shepherds pulling people out of fire and water. If you train such a puppy, he will become a high-quality guide dog, the photo of which is presented below.


Another kind and smart breed. The main task for a collie is to protect its owner, especially if it is a child. She puts human safety first and only then thinks about her own health. In ancient times, these were shepherds' assistants who guarded the livestock. And now they are used as guards. Here's how you can see it more often with young children.


There are several varieties of this breed, but for a guide dog the name sounds like Labrador Retriever. Why them? Because this is the most friendly and loyal species. Over the years of training, they are the ones who show incredible intelligence and intelligence; they are able to control any of their emotions.

Retrievers are bred to help disabled and blind people around the world. They are constantly nearby and become one with their owner. Over time, a retriever can learn almost anything. He knows how to turn off the lights, bring various items for the owner and even medicine. Therefore, they can be safely put in first place among the guides.

Guide dog training

An important point in keeping a guide dog breed is training. After all, the health, and sometimes even the life, of a sick person depends on how trained the dog is. The pet must study all the owner’s routes down to the smallest detail. He must lead him from home to the store, hospital, work and other places where a person is used to going.

You can go out with a guide dog, no matter what breed it is, only if you are fully confident that he has been trained in all routes and knows how to restrain his instincts. There is a whole list of commands that are mandatory for guide dogs to learn, the names of which were given above.

Movements and turns

To teach these commands, dog handlers have special training grounds with many paths. Dogs are led along them and taught to walk at an absolutely calm pace, and also to stop in time. The dog must stop moving at the first request of the owner. For this purpose, the dog handler pronounces the phrase “Stop” and abruptly freezes in place. The guide's task is to immediately complete the task.

The development of such an instinct occurs over time. The dog stops under any circumstances, even if he does not see the need for it.

Obstacles and their bypass

It seems impossible to teach this to a dog. After all, the task of the guide is to inspect the entire space around the blind person and warn him in time about the danger. Moreover, there are obstacles that are absolutely not significant for a dog, but are important for a person. These could be various branches, wires, canopies or small holes. The dog's task is to prevent any obstacle from colliding with the blind man.

Training is carried out in ordinary courtyards or streets, where there are a variety of obstacles at different heights. Here the dog handler will use the already familiar commands - “Stop” and “Fu”. How to explain everything to your pet? The dog handler takes a cane, the kind that blind people usually use, and moves around the site. When an obstacle is detected, an already learned command sounds, requiring you to stop. And then the trainer knocks on the obstacle with a stick, explaining to the dog why the stop occurred.

The guide must respond to these movements. If there is no reaction, then the person forcibly turns the dog. And a dog that completed the task and led its owner through the obstacles unharmed should be rewarded with treats and praise.

Narrow passages

Training is possible only after mastering the previous point. Here everything happens similar to training with obstacles. After tapping, the dog must go around objects that are too close and guide the owner so that he does not catch anything.


The main words here will be: “Forward” and “Quiet.” When the dog steps on the first step, the command “Quiet” is heard and a light tapping of the stick is heard, then “Forward” and the guide rises one more step, and then again “Quiet” and tapping. Thus, the dog must go through all the steps.

Similarly, pets are trained to overcome various holes, ravines and other uneven surfaces.

City streets

A guide who works with a blind person must have this skill. All previously learned commands are used here, and in addition, the dog must remember the names of all the places where the owner can go and the road to them. But this is not the most difficult thing.

The dog handler’s task is to teach the dog all the skills that a person possesses, namely:

  • distinguish between traffic lights;
  • walk on the right side of the street;
  • teach the rules of crossing the road where there is no traffic light.

Hearing the word "Park", the guide must immediately find his bearings and lead the owner to the destination.

Getting to know and getting used to the owner

When the animal goes through all the above stages of training, it is time to meet the owner. After all, he was taught the routes he would take, introduced to his habits and characteristics. But in this matter, much depends on the person, on his behavior and reaction to the dog.

You need to constantly be in contact with your pet. Feed him, praise him for completing tasks, talk more so that he gets used to his owner’s voice and can immediately respond to any of his commands. At this stage, the trainer accompanies new acquaintances to control the process of their movement along the street. However, he follows a little away and just watches.

In some schools, not only dogs, but also people are taught. There is a special two-week course in which the future owner is taught to correctly give commands, care for the pet, move correctly and react to the dog’s actions. For this period, the person is accommodated in a special room, which is located right at the school, and is introduced to his future roommate and assistant.

Within a few days, the pet moves into a room with a new owner, where they learn to live together. Cases of dog abandonment are kept to a minimum. Almost always, humans and animals get along well with each other.

Trainer mistakes

Some dog handlers allow themselves to treat the animal roughly and demand that it execute commands through violence.

You cannot praise a pet if it shows aggression towards various animals and people it meets. And some trainers practice such rewards.

Many people want to train one dog as soon as possible so they can start working with another. This cannot be done. All commands must be taught consistently and efficiently. Practice every movement and every sound, because someone’s health and even life depends on it.

During training, you need to use clearly visible obstacles that would immediately attract the attention of the guide.

What should a dog be able to do?

These skills are considered mandatory for a dog that has been chosen as a guide dog for a blind person:

  1. The dog must focus on a specific task and not react to his own desires and instincts.
  2. He must be able to overcome any obstacles in his path and warn the owner about them in advance so that he can react in time.
  3. Be able to guide a blind person on any ups and downs.
  4. The dog must skillfully guide a person along city streets so that he does not collide with people or other obstacles. He must know the basic rules of crossing the street, as well as respond to traffic lights.
  5. Memorize all the owner’s routes and accurately lead him to his destination, and then just as accurately return to his home address.

Help for the blind of Russia

Statistics show that there are currently approximately 240 thousand people living in the Russian Federation who cannot see. But, unfortunately, not even half have a guide dog. It’s a shame to talk about this, because in European countries almost every blind person has such a pet.

This may be due to the fact that in our country there are not many schools that teach such skills to animals. Is it even possible to get such a pet in Russia? Can. But for this you need to collect a lot of certificates, first of all, a visual disability of the first group. You also need to visit a rehabilitation center, where the doctor can give a referral indicating that the blind person needs a guide dog. But that's not all. If the specified certificates are available, an inspection of living conditions will be carried out.

Based on this examination, a commission from the social service will be able to draw a conclusion about whether the person needs such a pet. If the conclusion is positive, then a request will be sent to the school for training such dogs, and only then the dog handlers will begin training the dog.

To train one such dog, the school needs 250 thousand rubles and eight months of time. Here they can train not only a guide for the blind, but also a therapy dog ​​that will be close to children who have mental or physical disabilities.

A guide dog is a full-fledged member of the family, without which a person with disabilities cannot live. It is these animals that are truly devoted life companions.

If a person is faced with blindness, he may lose interest in everything around him. However, if he is provided with the help of a guide dog, then the taste for life and faith in a bright future returns again. A new friend gives you the opportunity to feel the freshness and all the colors that fill the world around you.

Thus, after a blind person finds a new friend and assistant, he again has an interest in life and new strength to bring all his plans and plans to life.

If you need an excellent dog who has the qualities of a guide, then this choice must be taken very seriously. Out of a hundred individuals, according to experienced dog handlers, only twenty-five can become guide dogs. The most common option is a bitch whose character is balanced and calm. This is due to the fact that a dog, even under conditions, can be distracted by, thereby harming its owner.

Therefore, after two weeks have passed since the birth of the puppies, it is worth choosing the most affectionate of them and preferably female. The main criteria and requirements for a pet are as follows:

  • height should not exceed sixty-eight centimeters at the withers;
  • the disabled person must be confident in the pet’s clear hearing and vision;
  • the dog must be kind and loyal;
  • instincts must be almost completely absent or perfectly controlled by the animal.

Thus, as for the breeds that are mainly used for this activity, they are mostly as follows:

  1. This dog is an international variant, used specifically for the purpose of helping humans. The dog knows how to perfectly control his emotions and instincts.
  2. . Kindness and sensuality are the most basic qualities of this breed. In ancient times, the breed was used as a herding dog, which greatly united it with humans.
  3. . This variety is the most stress-resistant and kind. It is their intelligence and friendliness that make them one of the best guides in the world.

Basic learning process

Each person, especially the visually impaired, has his own route of movement. It is along this route that he travels every day to work, school, the store, and so on. Thus, a faithful guide dog for the disabled and blind must know this main route with precision. Dogs for this purpose are trained in the following during the training process:

  • Turning in front of a blind person.

These actions must be mastered by the pet on a training ground with different paths. The dog must move slowly and stop as soon as it hears the appropriate command from its owner. Thus, for better assimilation, the specialist should walk in front of the animal and sharply dictate “Stop!” After proper assimilation, the dog will be able to stop on its own even without any visible obstacle.

  • Stops when an obstacle is detected and bypasses it.

Every dog ​​handler who must train a pet in basic escort skills must take this maneuver into account. This is due to the fact that the main one stipulates that a person completely trusts his companion and must be sure that the dog will guide him past all possible obstacles.

Thus, in order for a dog to master this skill, it is necessary that it first master such words as “Ugh!” and “Stop!” For this purpose, you can exercise with your pet both in the yard and in open areas. To create the effect of a supposed obstacle, you can use objects such as crossbar benches or other elevations.

After a guide dog and a blind person begin to avoid obstacles together thanks to the pet’s skills, it is necessary to reward the animal’s efforts. You should offer him his favorite treat or some new toy.

  • Training an animal to pass between two objects that are located very close to each other.

After the dog has completely mastered the previous skill, you can smoothly begin the transition to the next one.

You need to train an animal only in a good mood, so that the dog feels it.

Only under this condition will the puppy correctly perceive everything offered, for which the dog will also need to be rewarded with his favorite treat.

  • Going up and down the stairs.

You can get the desired result in mastering this skill very simply, thanks to such skills as “Forward” and “Quiet”. Thus, when the dog begins to walk down or rise, it is necessary to give the command “Quiet”, and then during the movement - “Forward”.

  • A faithful guide dog, how to get a pet that can lead its owner through the streets of the city.

If an animal has this skill perfectly, it simply has no price. It is this quality that is key, since it is in urban traffic conditions that there are a lot of dangers and other obstacles for a blind person. Thus, the pet must master such skills as “Quiet”, “Forward”, “Stand” and so on.

The dog must perfectly perceive traffic lights, as well as other sounds, in order not to expose its owner to danger.

History knows cases when guide dogs literally saved their owners from any danger, which simply cannot be overestimated. In honor of this irreplaceable helper, the World Day of Devoted Guide Dogs was created, which is a manifestation of boundless respect, love and gratitude for animals who are ready to help people. The place of a devoted guide dog in the life of such a person with disabilities is rightfully a priority.

How to accustom an animal to one owner

After the dog begins to work properly, it is necessary to make it clear who its true owner will be. No matter how many trainers the pet has, it must obey exclusively the person it will accompany.

Thus, after the dog has learned to correctly perform all the necessary maneuvers, he must be introduced to his ward. It is very important that the dog masters the exact route used by a blind person. This will help the pet feel at ease when it needs to fulfill its intended purpose.

It is very important to note that it is the behavior of the new owner that plays a key role in their relationship with the dog. Therefore, a person should devote as much time as possible to the dog and try to make friends with him. Only if there is complete trust and mutual understanding will the dog try to do everything as best as possible.

However, in the process, the instructor may make mistakes that do not reflect in the best way on the relationship and the performance of direct duties by the dog. Most of these negative aspects are as follows:

  • the trainer allows himself to be rude to the dog;
  • approval is made towards people or other pets;
  • speed training. Such an irrational approach can have a very negative impact not only on the learning process, but also on the perception of certain animals;
  • very small obstacles. In real life, there may be larger obstacles that can frighten the animal.

If we talk about the basic skills that should be available to all guides, they are mostly the following:

  • the dog must be distinguished by a certain restraint and concentration;
  • the ability to significantly overcome all natural instincts and desires;
  • the ability to independently cope with one or another obstacle. In this case, it is necessary to notify your owner about them;
  • the ability to direct a blind person in the direction of ascent or descent;
  • the dog must accompany its owner throughout the city, especially along familiar routes. It is also very important that the pet can recognize the situation when movement is safest and can lead its owner across the road at this time.

Based on all that has been said, we can conclude that guide dogs are dogs that should be distinguished not only by willpower, but also by intelligence and kindness. Only the most decent and kind dog can engage in such a very important activity.

A guide dog is an indispensable assistant for a visually impaired or blind person. This faithful friend provides the opportunity to move freely and lead a dynamic life, gaining confidence in one’s own abilities.

The best breeds of guide dogs

The experience of using dogs as guides for visually impaired people goes back hundreds of years. During this period, breeds were identified whose representatives are distinguished by high intelligence and the ability to quickly understand their owner, helping him navigate in space. Who tops the ranking of the best guide dog breeds?

Practice shows that the best helpers for people with disabilities are guide dogs of the following breeds: Labrador, German Shepherd, Doberman, Collie, Rottweiler. Each tribe is different in physical characteristics and has its own characteristics.

Labrador Retriever

Training and preparing an assistant is not an easy task, for which not every dog ​​is suitable. The Labrador Retriever is recognized as the best breed for raising a guide dog.

Representatives of this tribe often work among teams to rescue victims of water disasters and on land. They turn out to be more effective searchers than the most experienced employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Labradors are calm and highly trainable. Their habits are easy to predict. In addition, dogs get along wonderfully with children and, if necessary, can replace a caring nanny for them.

The main advantage of retrievers is their intelligence. As an example, let us cite one indicative fact: at the time of the collapse of the Twin Towers in New York on September 11, 2001, a Labrador named Dorado saved his charge from certain death. In the first seconds of the disaster, the dog ran away in an unknown direction, and then returned and pushed its owner towards the emergency exit.

Universal service dogs of this breed were considered leaders among guides until the appearance of Labradors on the world market. Dogs of this breed are very smart and at the same time perfectly balanced. They show loyalty to their owner, kindness to children and tolerance towards other animals.

Their natural courage makes them indispensable rescuers and excellent watchdogs.

Possessing high intellectual abilities, shepherd dogs are able to literally learn various kinds of commands on the fly and in large quantities. They only need a few repetitions to accurately reproduce the task. Shepherd dogs easily remember the main routes and find landmarks in the form of stairs, benches and signs.

The ever-popular herding dog breed called collie is distinguished by its incredible intelligence and natural ability to imitate. They are genetically endowed with a strong instinct to protect their ward.

Animals are famous for their devotion and good disposition, as well as the art of subtly sensing the needs of their charges, which is an important criterion when selecting partners for young children.

Looking through photos of collie guide dogs, it is easy to determine that the only stumbling block in choosing animals of this tribe is the need for coat care.

Long-haired dogs require regular brushing. Unfortunately, their fellow short-haired collies are more active and restless by nature, and therefore do not meet the strict criteria of guides.


Representatives of this tribe are guides and bodyguards rolled into one. Dogs are famous for their strength and endurance. They have no fear of busy traffic and street noise. Living in a large family, Rottweilers get along well with all members of the household, but they show true devotion only towards their owners.

In many countries, Rottweilers are not widely used as guides. And the reason for this is the formidable appearance of animals, which can confuse and even frighten people in public places. Therefore, in order to become the owner of such an assistant, the owner will first have to get the “okay” from the neighbors.


Strong and dexterous representatives of this breed are famous for their excellent accompanying skills; they easily capture the mood of their owner, instantly adapting to it. In addition, they have a keen sense of smell and excellent vision, which, with a fairly high intelligence for animals, gives them the opportunity to adjust their route of movement in advance.

If the owner prefers to walk along new routes, then smart animals help them move according to the rules: they stop at forks, avoid obstacles and other pedestrians, and slow down in front of the roadway.

Such assistants will come to the rescue if the ward has dropped his cane or glasses. If necessary, they will be able to stand up for their owners.


Dogs of this breed are universal companions. They are strong, but at the same time restrained and calm. Boxers are often trained to accompany people with disabilities. Thanks to their powerful build, dogs are able to help their owners in wheelchairs when they need to overcome an obstacle or drive up a ramp. And if necessary, boxers can even forcibly stop the movement of the stroller.

How much will it cost to purchase a dog?

Let's say right away that buying a faithful assistant is an expensive pleasure. The price of a guide dog, depending on the breed and level of training, will cost about 700 thousand rubles. This is due to the limited reserve of ready-made personnel.

On the territory of our huge country there is only one public school and kennel for raising and educating guide dogs. Initially, it was founded in Veshnyaki on the territory of Moscow in 1960. The training of four-legged assistants was carried out by dog ​​handlers and former officers. Over time, the nursery was expanded and moved to the village. Kupava.

There is also a private center for this type of work in the capital. It is funded by charitable contributions.

To find out how much a guide dog costs and to purchase a four-legged assistant, you need to contact the center. In accordance with the stated criteria, the dog handler will help you choose the best option. The main task is to achieve unity between the animal and the ward, so that the dog becomes his eyes, and, if necessary, his hands.

The process of training four-legged helpers is long, labor-intensive and also expensive. Here are just a few facts:

  • On average, it takes from 12 to 15 months to raise one puppy.
  • Expenses during this period average 250 thousand rubles.
  • For training, 4-6 month old puppies are selected, which are the most receptive to training.
  • After completing the training course, the dogs are sent to families for socialization, upon return from which their behavior is corrected through additional training.

Animals that have passed “accreditation” receive an appropriate certificate with the right to access transport and public places.

As part of the state program, blind people can become the owner of such an assistant for free. But for this you need to stand in line for a long time. Only 3-5% of the country's blind population can afford to buy a guide dog privately, since the cost of such an assistant often reaches 10 thousand.

For comparison: in European countries, government programs cover the needs of 60-80% of visually impaired people and citizens with disabilities. In percentage terms, the maximum number of trained four-legged helpers live in the UK. There is no special selection of individuals based on blood purity in these countries. Almost all representatives of herding breeds are trained to become guide dogs. The only condition is height, at which the owner would not have to bend down in search of a harness fixed on the animal’s neck.