The most powerful amulet is “the dream of the Blessed Virgin Mary.” Prayer “Dream” of the Blessed Virgin Mary Dreams of the Blessed Virgin Mary for love

The STRONGEST Amulet “Dream of the Blessed Virgin Mary”.

This amulet is very strong and, as already said,
in the text, who will not only have it in their diary,
and will also read at least three times, then this person
He will be visible to God and no evil force will approach him.
I give you this amulet in the hope that you can appreciate
my gift and you will not refuse to read this amulet.
It should not be given to just anyone. For only the truth
the believer will be able to use it.
I’ll warn you right away who wants to laugh or
mock this Amulet. He will be punished.
And not by me, but by our Lord Jesus Christ himself.
May the Lord bless you for deliverance from all
and any Evil that may meet you on your way.
May the Lord give you strength to survive everything and overcome everything.
Love is with you. Love rules the World!!!
Print and keep with you, read every day
three times in the morning and three times before bed


Under the vaults of heaven,
Under blue stains, on green grass
The Mother of God was sleeping,
She rested and shed holy tears in her sleep.
Her son, Jesus Christ,
He wiped away her tears with his hand,
He asked His Most Pure Mother:
“Mati My beloved, dear,
Why are you shedding your tears?”
“I slept in tears for all 17 days in March.
I saw a terrible and terrible dream about You.
I saw Peter and Paul in the city of Rome,
And I saw You on the cross.
There is great reproach from the scribes and Pharisees.
You were condemned by the order of Pilate,
crucified on the cross,
They beat him on the head with a cane, they spat in his holy face,
Vinegar was poured into the mouth.
The rib was pierced by a warrior,
Everything is covered in the blood of the saint.
They crowned with thorns and threw stones.
The earth will shake, the dead will roll over,
The bodies of the departed saints will rise,
The sun and moon will be darkened.
And there will be darkness throughout the Earth
From six to nine hours.
Your body Joseph and Nicodemus
They will ask Pilate
They will tie a clean shroud,
They will put it in a coffin and close it for three days.
The gates are copper, the doors are iron.
The stones will crumble
And on the third day you rose from the grave.
And he gave life to the world.
Freed Adam and Eve from hell forever.
Ascended to the throne at the right hand
God the Heavenly Father."
“My beloved mother,
Your dream is true and fair.
Who will copy your dream and read it?
And he will carry it clean with him,
Let Your sleep protect him.”
Guardian angel, save your soul
From all executions and demonic throwings,
And he will not fear hell,
Not a beast, and death will pass in vain.
And who will listen to this dream?
With diligence and attention,
That person will receive remission of sins.
Or who is a pregnant woman
Will read this sheet.
Heed these words,
She will give birth easily during childbirth
And the child will be preserved for longevity.
And who will read this dream by day and year,
The Mother of God and Christ will never forget that.
He will not see fear in days and nights,
He will not be crushed by the enemy.
If he reads the dream, he will return from the campaign with glory.
Enemies will flee from his presence.
Archangel Gabriel will show him the way.
Guardian angel will not leave
Before his fiercest enemy.
And who else will keep this dream in the house,
The house will be saved from fires,
There will be livestock and grain in it.
Who reads the dream with true faith,
That man was delivered from eternal torment, from fire.
This sheet “Dream” will be
At the Holy Sepulcher it is written,
From Jesus Christ, the son of God.
Which man truly belongs to this place,
Believes from the heart
And even if the sins of his family,
Like sand in the sea, leaves on trees,
That generation will be saved and forgiven
For the sake of the Virgin Mary's sleep,
Mother of God and Her tears for Him.
Forever and ever. Forever and ever. Amen.

They are read for serious painful illnesses, for exactly 40 days, they are also read for troubles and all sorts of troubles, they are taken with them on dangerous journeys as a safe-conduct from any trouble and sadness. These prayers are very powerful - rewrite them for yourself and let them help you!!!

The Holy Cross, the Cross-patience, the Cross, deliverance from death. There was a dream about the Cross. The Mother of God saw the cross in a dream, How the crowd crucified Jesus Christ on the cross, nailed his hands, nailed his feet. The blood flows in a stream, it will be covered with white fur. God's beauty will fade, the Royal Gates will open. Mother Mary saw this dream, in her dream she shed tears for her Son. Jesus Christ approached his mother, woke her up from a heavy sleep: - “My Mother Mary! I, Your dream, will write it down on white paper. Who will understand this dream and read it three times, He will be saved, he will be protected in any trouble. In dangerous places, in government affairs, On land and water. At God’s Judgment he will be forgiven and saved. He will be protected by the dream of the Mother of God. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.
DREAM OF THE HOLY VIRGIN (for the salvation of the soul).
Lord, help, Lord, bless.
In the holy cave, in the secret church, the Mother of God prayed for three days, became tired, closed her little eyes and dozed off.
I didn’t sleep much, I saw a lot.
There was that dream about Jesus Christ, the dear Son, the only Son, the good and beloved Son.
They grabbed Christ, nailed him to the cross, put a crown of thorns on his head,
A spear was driven into the rib, the white body was torn to shreds. Blood flowed in a stream, a crowd of people gathered, a drunken robber mocked and sang, the Lord suffered the torments of hell on the cross.
“Oh My Mother Mary! It was not a dream for you, but reality appeared.
They will take Me away during Holy Week.
On Maundy Thursday they will lead you to the cross.
They will nail you to the cross, they will pierce your heart with a spear, they will spill blood on the water,
The body will be removed from the cross and placed in a coffin for three days.
At the right time he will rise again. Whoever reads your dream will prolong his life.
He will be saved by this dream from fire, from the flood, from the beast and judgment, from weapons and an evil tongue.
From vain slander, From early and terrible death. From lightning in the field, from a snake under the mountain,
Dashing from adversity."
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Dream (1) The Most Holy Theotokos slept
in the temple of Jerusalem of Judea.
Our Lord Jesus Christ came to Her and went to -Her-
“My beloved Mother, are you sleeping or not sleeping?”
The Most Holy Theotokos answers:
“I slept for 17 days in March
and I saw a terrible and terrible dream about You, my child.”
Speech to Vey Jesus Christ:
“Mati My beloved,
tell me this dream that you saw.”
The Most Holy Theotokos answers Him with tears:
“Lord and My God, I saw Peter and Paul in the city of Rome,
and You, my son, with the thieves on the cross.
Crucified by Pontic Pilate,
condemned to death by the scribes and Pharisees.
You endured reproaches, your holy face was spat on.
They gave you vinegar to drink, crowned you with a crown of thorns,
there was a cane to the head.
The warrior pierced Your side, and water and blood flowed from it.
The stones fell apart, the dead rose from their graves,
The sun and moon darkened.
It was dark from six o'clock to nine.
Joseph and Nicodemus removed Your most pure body.
They wrapped them in a clean shroud and closed them in a new coffin.”
“Oh Mother, my beloved, this is a fair dream that You saw.”
Whoever has this “Dream” in his house, that house will be saved
and preserved from fire, filled with each and every earthly abundance.
Who will go on a journey and take him with him,
No one can offend that person:
neither a beast nor an evil man - now and throughout the age!
If a person at death has this dream with him,
then the evil spirits will take his soul,
and the angels will take it and carry it to the heavenly abodes.
Amen. 8 Dream of the Virgin Mary

THEY pierced a rib with a spear, they spat on my son's face,

“The Dream of the Mother of God” is a popularly known prayer amulet. There is a belief that such a prayer can get rid of trouble, tame troubles and help in any endeavor.

When there are scandals and misunderstandings in the family, when you urgently need to calm down a rowdy relative, when there is a threat of litigation at work or an important event is coming up, and you are worried that something will go wrong - in all these cases, the prayer “The Dream of the Virgin Mary” will help you.

These prayers are not canonical, unlike, for example, “Virgin, Mother of God, Rejoice”, so many call them conspiracies. But there is an opinion that conspiracies or prayers are not of particular importance, the main condition is to turn to the Mother of God with a pure soul and not wish evil. Mechanical repetition of prayer will not save the soul and will not help in trouble. It is important that your words come from the heart, even the simplest and most artless ones.

The “Dream of the Virgin Mary” prayer asks the Blessed Virgin for help. This is the most famous and compassionate intercessor in Heaven. They ask the Mother of God for material well-being, spiritual purification, and family happiness, and she does not deny people anything - if the request does not harm anyone. Praying for someone’s failure, failure or loss is a sin. Ask for good, give good to the world yourself, and it will return to you.

The protective prayer “Dream of the Virgin Mary” sounds like this:

The Mother of God saw a dream accompanied by the sound of bells. The Savior Christ approached her and said: did you rest well, what did you see in your dream? And the Mother of God saw the holy cross in a dream and said: they nailed you to the cross, broke your ribs with a spear, the crowd crucified you, and I shed bitter tears. But the Savior Christ approached his mother and woke her up from a heavy sleep: My Mother Mary! I'll write your dream down on white paper. Whoever understands this dream and reads it three times will be saved in soul and protected from all evil. In dangerous places, in government affairs, on land and water, at God's Judgment - everywhere he will be forgiven and protected by the sleep of the Mother of God. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

It is believed that the prayer amulet “Dream of the Mother of God” will protect from any misfortune. It is read in difficult moments of life, during illness and in the face of trouble that one cannot cope with on one’s own. But you can read other prayers to the Mother of God. Especially on our website.

We wish you Heaven's help in any matter. Do not refuse a good deed, and all good things will return to you according to the law of boomerang, because everything around us is interconnected. Remember the prayers to the Mother of God, do not forget to thank her when a bright streak began in your life, and don't forget to press the buttons and

23.08.2016 07:16

The Nativity of the Mother of God is the first twelfth holiday after the beginning of the new church year. On this day...

The miraculous image of the Virgin Mary grants healing to everyone who turns to it in prayer. Icon...

They say that all the dreams of the Holy Mother of God are prayers for salvation.

All the dreams of the Mother of God are prayers that are said by people to protect themselves from minor troubles, illnesses, thieves and to live a happy life in health. They are read at a time when life stops going well, a difficult time comes.

In order for a dream to have Divine power, it must be carried with you. You need to rewrite it yourself. From the outside it seems that doing this is as easy as shelling pears. But if there is even the slightest blot, mistake or typo, you need to set aside the copy and again take a blank sheet of paper, starting all over again.

The paper should only be of good quality, thick, with a fountain pen and black ink.

Dream of the Blessed Virgin Mary 51 (Read on the first day of the new year)

In the city of Jerusalem, in the Jordan River, under flesh and raft, under an underwater shield, a mossy stone, lies an incorruptible, holy letter - given by the Lord. Whoever knows this letter knows, whoever reads it on the first day of the new year and understands every word with his heart - he will receive God's blessing and remission of many sins. Mary, the Mother of God, was sleeping, she saw a wondrous dream: As if 3 angels flew to her, they blessed her and warned: Behold, you are Mary, the Virgin, waiting for the Infant Christ, His Glory will be without end. In 7 days, the grace of God will descend on you, through you, Virgin Mary, the Savior will come to the world. Whoever reads this dream on the first day of the new year will not find death this year! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

All Dreams of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Dream of the Blessed Virgin Mary 52 (For the month of January and February)

The Most Holy Theotokos, the Virgin Mary, rested in the holy city of Jerusalem of Judea from the month January for the month of February. And the Lord, Jesus Christ, Her beloved only begotten Son, the Savior of the whole world, who came to Her, said to Her: “O My beloved mother, the Most Holy Theotokos, Virgin Mary, are You sleeping, or are you not sleeping, or what do you see in your dreams?” And the Most Holy Theotokos, the Virgin Mary, spoke to Him: “My Beloved Son, I saw a very wondrous and terrible dream about You.” The scribes and Pharisees tried You in the city of Jerusalem under Pilate of Pontus. Like a thief they commanded to crucify You, they wanted to nail Your white body to the cross with nails. And You went under Your cross to the mountain named after Golgotha. And Your sweat flooded Your hair, and You were in pain and afraid. And the watchman urged you, ordered you to go faster. And You walked under Your cross, and when you came, You were crucified. And heaven and earth were troubled at the sight of this, and the sun and moon did not want to look at it. And they drank You on Your cross, placing a crown of thorns on Your head. And You accepted death and suffering as a martyr. I, Your Mother, stood at the cross with Your dear disciple John the Theologian, crying and sobbing bitterly. And our Lord, Jesus Christ, Her beloved Son, spoke to Her: - Do not weep, My beloved Mother, Most Holy Theotokos, Virgin Mary! Truly, Your dream is righteous and unfair, and it will truly come true: I will be betrayed in the hands of sinful people and I will suffer from them, the accursed, the passions that You saw in Your dream and I will accept all of them. I will be taken down from the cross and placed in a tomb, and on the third day I will rise again. I will be alive from the grave and I will resurrect the first-created Adam, and I will resurrect all the prophets, and I myself, My Mother, the Most Holy Theotokos, the Virgin Mary, will ascend into heaven with the cherubim and seraphim. And You, My beloved Mother, Most Holy Theotokos, Virgin Mary, I will glorify, exalt and magnify, above all the heavenly powers. Whoever, sowing the dream of the Mother of God, rewrites it in January and begins to store it in February, he will avoid vein and semi-vein disorders, bone erysipelas, pestilence, flood, fire, duckling, devastation, any death and mortal poverty. Amen.

Dream of the Blessed Virgin Mary 53. (For the month of March)

The Most Holy Theotokos slept in the temple in Jerusalem of Judea. Our Lord Jesus Christ came to Her and said to Her: “My beloved Mother, are you sleeping or not sleeping.” The Most Holy Theotokos answers: “I slept for 17 days in the month of March and I saw a terrible and terrible dream about You, My Child.” Jesus Christ spoke to Her: “My beloved Mother, tell Me this dream that You saw.” The Most Holy Theotokos answers Him with tears: “Lord My God, I saw Peter and Paul in the city of Rome, and You, My Son, with the thieves on the cross.” Crucified by Pontic Pilate, condemned to death by the scribes and Pharisees. You endured reproaches, your holy face was spat on. They fed you vinegar, crowned you with thorns, beat you on the head with a cane. The warrior pierced your rib, and water and blood flowed from it. The stones disintegrated, the dead rose from their graves, the sun and moon darkened. It was dark from six o'clock to nine. Joseph and Nicodemus removed Your most pure body. They wrapped it in a clean shroud, closed it in a new coffin, and laid it. - O Mother, my beloved, this is a fair dream that You saw. Whoever rewrites this dream of the Mother of God and keeps it with him, in the month of March he will not be afraid of damage, the evil eye, bad slander, enemies - adversaries, winds, storms, fires, or floods. Amen.

Dream of the Blessed Virgin Mary 54. (For the month of April)

Jesus Christ says to His Mother, sitting on the clouds: - Mother of God, Most Holy Mother of God darling, where were you, where did you spend the night? Did you sleep well? What did you, My Mother, see in your dream? - I, My son, slept in the city of Gladishche, I saw a dream not a dream, reality not a reality, They led you up the mountain, Christ, You carried a cypress cross on Yourself. On the mountain they nailed you to the cross, stabbed you with spears, poured vinegar on you, cauterized your bloody wounds with fire. - This is not a dream, but reality, My Most Holy Mother. This is the Fate of Mine and this world, for which I shed My honest blood, taking all its sins upon Myself. Whoever rewrites this dream in April and carries it with him or puts it in his house, he will save him from lessons and prizes, from all kinds of dashing, fever, shaking, white gas, evil people, bad thoughts. Amen.

Dream of the Blessed Virgin Mary 55. (For the months of May and June)

The Lord Himself is coming, the Lord Himself is calling His Mother: “My Mother Mary, where did you live and live, where did you while away the dark night?” -Once upon a time, she lived and whiled away the dark night. She sat down at the throne to rest, and dreamed of three crosses on the mountain. There are thieves on two crosses, and on one you are. Christ, they nailed you, crucified you on the cross, beat you and tormented you, gave you vinegar to drink before death. - Mother, Your dream is fair, the myrrh-bearer will rewrite it and give it to people. Whoever reads this dream in May, rewrites it in June, and carries it with him, will not die in vain. He won’t drown in water, he’ll go into the forest, an animal won’t touch him, a thief won’t steal from him, fire won’t burn that man’s home. He will go to court and they won’t condemn him; he will ask for mercy and he will receive it. The Lord will add to his life, and if he dies, he will deliver him from eternal torment. Amen.

All Dreams of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Dream of the Blessed Virgin Mary 56. (For the months of July and August)

The book “Collection of prayers for every need” and Dreams of the Blessed Virgin Mary (all)

Dream of the Blessed Virgin Mary 57 (For September-October)

And so I, the Mother of God and Queen, opened My Word and told you my vision. I had a dream about my Son Jesus Christ, how merciless people mocked Him, mocked Him, beat Him with their hands, kicked Him, put a crown on His head, dragged Him to Mount Golgotha, raised expensive blasphemies against Him and made false accusations against Him. But He endured everything, pitied everyone, kicked us on His honorable cross, looked with His eyes, asked forgiveness for everyone, and forgave the sins of the whole world. They killed Him, but HE loved them and prayed for them before His Heavenly Father, the Creator of the world. HE shouted: - My Father! Be merciful to the unlucky and restless, they themselves do not know what they are doing, who they are kicking now, what they are raising their hands to. And the heavens opened, and a Voice came out like thunder: “My beloved son.” According to Your prayers it will be, according to their sins they will be rewarded. For whoever betrayed You betrayed Me! And whoever settled You in his heart loved Me! Whoever rewrites My Dream in September, and suddenly reads it in a row in October, will not recognize the need, everything will be fine for him, he will be in joy. Blessing of the Queen of Heaven and may the Lord have mercy on you through the prayers of the Saints! Amen I say to you! Testimony of the Mother of God!

Dream of the Blessed Virgin Mary 58. (For the month of November)

The Virgin Mary walked from the city of Jerusalem, walked, got tired, lay down, fell asleep. I saw a wonderful dream: be Christ crucifixion. They took Jesus Christ from the cypress cross, hammered nails into his little hands and legs. They put on a black crown of thorns, threw spears at the lot, and tore them. The body flew like bark from a tree. It was not blood or water that was shed, but the gift of God. The monstrance was given to the whole world, sent throughout the world. Whoever reads this dream in November, rewrites it, accepts it with his mind and heart, Jesus Christ forgives him every day. Forgiveness of his sins, increase in his money, health in his body. The head is clear. Amen.

Dream of the Blessed Virgin Mary 59. (For the month of December)

The Holy Cross, the cross-patience, the cross - deliverance from death. There was a dream about the Cross. In a dream, the Mother of God saw the cross, how the crowd crucified Jesus Christ on the cross, nailed his hands and feet with nails. Blood flows in a stream from the right hand and streams from the left in red streams. God's beauty will not fade, the Royal Doors will open. Mother Mary saw this dream, and in her dream she shed tears for her Son. Jesus Christ approached his mother and woke her up from a heavy sleep: My Mother Mary! I'll write your dream down on white paper. Whoever understands this dream will read it in December, rewrite it himself, and pass it on to others. Will be saved. Protected in any trouble. In dangerous places, in government affairs, on land and water. At God's Judgment he will be forgiven and saved. Protected by the sleep of the Mother of God. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

How to correctly rewrite the Dream of the Virgin Mary

The person on whom the text is activated must write out the text “clearly” for himself!

What does it mean:

Special ink is prepared (a new bottle of ink is purchased without change). To enhance it, special ink is made, to which a few drops of holy water are added, as well as blood or saliva, but it can be replaced with red wine. The ink color is either red (for love) or black - all other themes.

As for the pen: you can write with a feather or a fountain pen. As a last resort, buy a special pen with which you will write dream texts, but then it should be yours alone and charged from the light of the sun. You need to write in complete silence, moving your lips slightly, but not in a whisper or out loud.

Take pure white paper of good quality, virgin, that is, not lined and taken from a new pack. Don’t read the text right away, but let the paper get acquainted with it (put a blank sheet of paper next to the text for a few minutes).

A church candle is lit, incense or nuns (preferably) are burned, and the person himself begins to copy the text onto a blank sheet of paper using a fountain pen with special ink (a pen that is refilled with ink is quite suitable). You need to rewrite the text calmly, slowly, thoughtfully and accurately. You need to write the text of the charm amulet as you use it, that is, whatever dream you need, we rewrite it. We do this during daylight hours: from dawn to lunch.

Required: write down to the first smallest blot!

If a blot occurs, no matter where in the text, even the most insignificant, sheet put it aside and start writing on a new sheet from the very beginning. And so on until everything is written out perfectly clean and correct.

If you think that it is very easy to write a text correctly and without blots, then I will disappoint you. You can’t even imagine what begins to happen to people while writing out a text: tears, hysterics, seizures, hand tremors, etc. Some simply cannot write out the text. Others prescribe only 28-30 times! In general, from the first time, not a single person, having negative feelings on himself, wrote. At best, from the third, and that’s a record.

Many people don’t see the complexity of the task, and when they start writing down the dream, they understand that the text needs to be written out, and not rewritten! Damaged sheets with unfinished text are torn with a cross along (the first tear), and then across (the second break) and burned on a church candle that is burning while writing out.

Throw the ashes out of an open window or vent. Be sure to look where you flew... up, down or back. It is important! After this, a person reads this prayer soulfully at home for forty days.

As for the ashes... If the ashes “go away” easily: they fly up away from you or to the side, then this is a good sign, the work was successful..... If the ashes are pulled down, then reconsider your outlook on life, your attitude towards the world... And if the ashes come back in your face, look for a different Dream for yourself or a different technique altogether….

After writing out the dream of the Mother of God, cleansing and protection go very well. The text of the prayer written out in white should be carried with you for protection.

How to rewrite a Dream correctly

"The person for whom the text is activated must write out the text “blank” on himself! What does this mean? Special ink is prepared. A new bottle of black ink is bought without change and pure white paper of good quality is taken. A church candle is lit, incense is burned and the person with his own hand he begins to copy the text onto a blank sheet of paper with a fountain pen using this ink (a pen that is refilled with ink is quite suitable). He only writes down to the first smallest blot! As soon as a blot occurs, no matter where in the text, even the most insignificant, the sheet is put aside and on a new sheet of paper, start writing from the very beginning of the text. And so on until everything is written out perfectly clean and correctly. I have been using this for many years. You should have seen what begins to happen to people while writing out the text. Tears, hysterics, seizures, hand tremors, etc. Some simply cannot write out the text. Still others write out only 28-30 times! In general, the first time, not a single person, having a negative feeling on himself, wrote. At best, from the third, and that’s a record. And most importantly, people, when I tell them what they need to do, look at me as if I’m crazy, not understanding what the complexity of the task is, and when they start writing it out, then they begin to understand what is happening. The text needs to be written out, not rewritten! Damaged sheets with unfinished text are torn with a cross along the first tear, and then across the second, and burned on a candle that is burning while writing out. Throw the ashes out of an open window or window, see where it went... up, down or back. It is important! After this, a person reads this prayer soulfully at home for forty days. As for the ashes... If the ashes “go away” from you easily... fly up away from you or to the side, then this is a good sign, the work was successful..... If the ashes are pulled down, then reconsider your outlook on life, your attitude towards the world... And if the ashes come back in your face go, look for a different Dream for yourself or a different technique altogether…. Cleaning and protection are very good. You need to carry the text of the prayer written out in white with you. You need to rewrite the text calmly, slowly, thoughtfully and calligraphically."

You need to write the text of a spell, a talisman as you use it. That is, light from 5.00 until lunch. By candlelight. Use special ink, add holy water, and blood or saliva in any way (but you can replace it with red wine). Candle too. Another pen. You can write with a pen, but I tried it, scribbled for an hour and bought myself a pen. But the pen with which you will write the text should be yours alone and charged from the light of the sun. You need to write in complete silence, moving your lips slightly, but not in a whisper or out loud. And the color of the ink is either red (love) or black - all the others. The paper is virgin, as my grandmother told me, not lined, and taken from a new pack. Don’t read the text right away, but let the paper become familiar with the text.

Dreams of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Dreams of the Blessed Virgin Mary serve as a talisman. Some people write them on paper and carry them with them, others simply read them 3 or 7 times before leaving the house. The dreams of the Mother of God are the most powerful amulets in general. These amulets are also called Safeguards. There are 77 “Dreams”, they are all somewhat similar, but their actions are somewhat different. For example, the 1st Dream will rid your home of the servants of Satan, the 3rd “dream” removes the curse from the family, the 10th Dream removes even very strong damage (induced through icons, ringing bells), the 9th Dream reprimands the sign of death and etc., . They read them up to 40 times a day. Some dreams are read only on certain days (for example, on New Year or Christmas, on Kasyanov's day, on Kupala).

Dream of the Blessed Virgin Mary 77

(The 77th dream of the Mother of God removes all damage, kills demons, removes the devilish trinity, cancels any twisted and insidious schemes, removes impotence, male and female illnesses, it removes all troubles, all problems, it cancels the very canons of magic, it is impossible on you forge within 3 days, transfer, heal, forge, throw off, possess, vampirize, destroy, cancels couplings and blood damage, destroys the affairs of the devilish trinity, it is impossible to remove protection from you and take away strength and protection, it is impossible to influence you with the help not Christian magic, but also the devilish trinity, no schemes that cause harm are terrible, the main thing is to read this dream 77 times a week) read 11 times a day

“The Mother of God saw a dream - accompanied by the ringing of bells, Christ came up to her and asked - Did you sleep well - what did you see in the dream? - They nailed you on the cross - they broke your ribs with a spear, water flowed out of the right, blood poured out from the left. Login the centurion washed himself, "My mother, do not weep, do not suffer, destruction will not take me, the Lord will take me to heaven on the third day. Whoever keeps the seventy-seventh dream in his home will not be touched by the evil devil, Angels fly in and save him from any evil." They deliver from seventy and seven ailments and troubles. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Dream of the Most Holy Theotokos 3 (FOR ALL SALVATION) (removes the curse from the family)

Under the vaults of heaven, under the blue stains, on the green grass, the Mother of God slept, rested, and shed holy tears in her sleep. Her Son, Jesus Christ, wiped away Her tears with His hand, asked His Most Pure Mother: “My beloved Mother, dear, what are you crying about, what are you suffering about in your sleep, what are you shedding your tears about?” “I slept in tears for all 17 days in March. I saw a terrible and terrible dream about You. I saw Peter and Paul in the city of Rome, and I saw You on the cross. There is great reproach from the scribes and Pharisees. By order of Pilate, You were condemned, crucified on a cross, beaten on the head with a cane, spat in the holy face, vinegar poured into your mouth. The warrior’s rib was pierced, everything was drenched in the saint’s blood. They crowned with thorns and threw stones. The earth will shake, the church curtain will be torn in two, the stones will disintegrate, the dead will turn over, the bodies of the departed saints will rise, the Sun and Moon will become dark. And there will be darkness throughout the entire Earth from six to nine hours. Joseph and Nicodemus will ask Pilate for your body, wrap it in a clean shroud, put it in a coffin and close it for three days. The gates are copper, the doors are iron. The stones will crumble, and on the third day You rose from the grave, and gave life to the world, and freed Adam and Eve from hell forever. He ascended to the throne at the right hand of God the Heavenly Father.” “My beloved Mother, your dream is true and fair. Whoever copies and reads Your dream and keeps it clean with him, let Your dream protect him.” Guardian angel, save the soul from all executions and throwings of demons, and he will not fear either hell or the beast, and will avoid death in vain. And whoever begins to listen to this dream with diligence and attention, that person will receive remission of sins. Or if a pregnant woman reads this sheet and listens to these words, she will easily give birth during childbirth and will preserve the child for a long life. And whoever reads this dream day by day and year by year, the Mother of God and Christ will never forget. He will not see fear in days and nights, he will not be crushed by the enemy. He will read the dream - he will return from the campaign with glory, the enemies will run away from his face. Archangel Gabriel will show him the way. His guardian angel will not leave him before his fiercest enemy. And whoever keeps this dream in the house will save the house from fires, and there will be livestock and bread in it. Whoever reads the dream with true faith will be delivered from eternal torment and fire. This sheet of “Dream” will be written at the Holy Sepulcher, from Jesus Christ, the son of God. Which person truly believes in this place, from the heart, and even if the sins of his family are like sand in the sea, leaves on the trees. that generation will be saved and forgiven for the sake of the sleep of the Mother of God, the Mother of God and Her tears for Him. Forever and ever. Forever and ever. Amen.

Dream of the Blessed Virgin Mary 70

"Money Pot" "Full Cup"

This dream of the Mother of God is wonderful and has the power to give prosperity and abundance in the home of the one who reads it. The main condition of this dream is that it must be read three times within seven days; before reading, the Our Father is read once and the Virgin Mary once.

Whoever has this dream and whoever reads it will never know poverty and lack.

The Mother of God was sleeping in the air, Jesus Christ came to her and asked: “Oh My Mother, write or see?” The Most Holy Virgin spoke to Him: “O my beloved Son, I lay down to rest from earthly labors, from the worries of the day, and I saw a terrible, terrible dream. I saw you in a dream from your evil disciple Judas, who suffered, but sold you to the Jews, the Jews approached you, they threw you into prison, tortured you with whips, spat on you with unclean lips, brought you to Pilate for trial, committed an unjust judgment, crowned you with a crown of thorns, lifted you up on a cross , the ribs were perforated. And there were two robbers, they were erected on your right hand and on your left, and one was cursed, and the other repented, and was the first to go to heaven.” The Lord Jesus Christ spoke to her: “Do not weep for Me, Mother, when you saw me in the tomb, for the tomb will not hold and hell will not swallow, I will rise, I will ascend to heaven and I will put you, my Mother, over the whole world. And whoever is a person will know this verse, he will have good, and will not put death to death. I will keep him from all evil, and I will give gold and silver and all abundant goods into the house.” Amen.

Dream of the Blessed Virgin Mary 22

(Prayer - request)

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. May the Most Holy Theotokos be my mother. You slept in the mountains, spent the night. She had a dream, scary and creepy. That Jesus was crucified on three trees. They gave us vitriol and placed a crown of thorns on our heads. And I bring this dream to Christ on the throne. Here Jesus Christ walked through distant lands. He carried the life-giving cross. Jesus Christ, save and preserve. Bless me with your cross. Mother, Most Holy Theotokos, cover me with your veil. Deliver me, God's servant (name), from all bad weather, misfortunes and illnesses. From a creeping serpent, from a running beast. From thunderstorms, from drought, from floods. From all enemies visible and invisible. From scrip, from prison, from courts. Here Nicholas the Wonderworker walked, bearing a salutary bow to save me, the servant of God (name), from all bad weather, misfortunes and diseases, from a creeping serpent, from a running beast, from a thunderstorm, from a drought, from a flood. From all enemies visible and invisible. From scrip, from prison, from courts. Jesus Christ, Mother Most Holy Theotokos, Nicholas the Wonderworker, I ask you... (state your request here in your own words) Amen. Amen. Amen.

Dream of the Most Holy Theotokos 33 (for all healing)

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Mother of God saw a dream: They are chasing after her son, they want to take him, Crucify him, tie him by the arms and legs, nail him to the cross, shed holy blood on the ground. The Mother of God groans in her sleep and opens her eyes from sleep. Her son came to her: “My mother, are you sleeping?” - I am not sleeping. I see you, my son, standing on the mountain. You walk among the robbers, carrying a huge, heavy cross. You walk between the mountains, between the Jews. They crucified your hands. They hammered nails into your legs. On Sunday the sun sets early. The Mother of God walks among the stars in the sky, leading the Son of Christ by the hand. She went to the morning and from the morning, went to mass from mass, from evening to evening, to the blue sea. On that blue sea the stone lies lying. And on that stone there is a three-domed church. In that three-domed church there is a Throne, and where the Throne stands, there Christ sits. He sits with his legs down, his head bowed, and reads a prayer. He sees Peter and Paul and calls them over. Paul asks Jesus Christ: “Lord, in Your hands and feet there are wounds from the nails.” You read prayers for everyone and accepted torment for everyone. And the Lord said to him: “Don’t look at my feet, don’t look at my hands, but take the prayer into your hands, go and carry it, let anyone who knows how to read this prayer.” And whoever reads it and repeats it will not know torment and will not burn in fire. And whoever is sick gets up, walks, and no more trouble will take him. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Dream of the Blessed Virgin Mary 10

(From all damage and negativity)

Read this Dream up to forty times a day for three days in a row

Most Holy Theotokos Mary, Where has she been, where has she been, where has she slept and slept? - I slept in a church in the city of Gladishche, where I had a dream about My Son, Jesus Christ. I saw how they took Him down from the Cross, and before that I saw how they tormented Jesus Christ, shed His holy blood, burned His wounds with fire, put a crown of thorns on His head, nailed His legs and arms to the Cross, pierced His rib with a spear, on the face of My Son they spat at him, laughed at him, shouted at him, called him different names. And the voice of Jesus Christ said: “Great power has been given to the Mother’s sleep.” And let these words of this dream become a prayer. Whoever has this prayer will leave all enemies behind. And whoever reads this prayer, this “Dream” will help him. When the soul departs, all sins will be forgiven, and he will be freed from eternal torment. The angels of God will take his soul, bring it to the kingdom of heaven, give it to Abraham and Isaac, and give it to Jacob. That person will have fun and rejoice forever. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen

Dream of the Blessed Virgin Mary 15

Mother Lady, Most Holy Theotokos. Where did you sleep? Where did you sleep and spend the night? - On Mount Zion, In God's house, in the desert, in the church, with the true Christ. She is at the table, behind the throne. I didn’t sleep as much as I saw it. I saw a terrible dream, condemned. As if they had caught the true Christ, they shed His Holy blood, lashed Him with sharp thorns, and put a crown of thorns on His head. Whoever knows this dream, reads it three times a day, I will save that slave, save him and give him salvation, forgiveness from all obligations. Wherever he doesn’t go, he won’t go, everything is his way. If he goes through the forest, the beast will not take him; if he goes through the fields, lightning will not kill him. He will go to court - the court will not judge, will forgive his guilt, will not destroy him. All the judges' hearts are touched, They are surprised at his guilt. For three days the lips of the judges will be caked with blood, and will not open against his benefit. The sun and the month are bright, but the guilty person is forgiven all his guilt. Just as water cannot escape from the ocean-sea, no one can count the yellow sand, so the judges cannot condemn the servant of God (name), cannot take him to prison, cannot captivate him. The key to words is in the sea, the lock is in the mouth. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Dream of the Blessed Virgin Mary 30

Before an important trip, read this plot on a candle three times, and the trip will be successful

On the island of Buyan, on the sea-Ocean, there is an oak tree. Near the oak tree stands the throne of God. On this throne the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos slept and slept. The son of God came: “Wake up, Mother, wake up, wake up!” “I saw a terrible, terrible dream about you.” Whoever understands and reads this prayer will be a blessed person, on the road from illness, disease, damage, from a fierce beast, from a mad dog, from an evil person, from a snake! Amen. Amen. Amen.

Dream of the Blessed Virgin Mary 60

(The power of this dream protects and exorcises evil spirits. Also, this dream reveals hidden things through sleep.)

To do this, read it 33 times before going to bed and go to bed. In a dream, what you are looking for will be revealed to you.

The Mother of God slept in the holy city of Bethlehem. And a terrible and terrible dream appeared to her. The Mother of God toiled all night, she could not find a place, she was tugging at her heart and soul. She dreamed of her only son, Christ, tied to a post, tied with strong ropes, beaten with a whip, beaten with whips. The Mother of God saw how they beat her son with steel rods, crushed his bones and flesh, kicked him, spat on him, tormented him, did not give him peace and rest, drove him up a mountain, crucified him on a cross, drove nails into his hands and feet, pierced his rib with a spear, vinegar they brought it to the lips, took it down from the cross, covered it in linen, and hid it in a coffin. The Lord Jesus Christ blessed his Mother’s dream and punished his servants: Whoever carries this dream with him, then any evil spirits will bypass him; whoever reads this dream 33 times before going to bed, will know the whole truth through the dream. Whoever rewrites this dream 7 times, God will cover him with his generous hand. Whoever gives this dream to his loved ones to read, the Lord will grant his grace to him in the family. This holy dream, whoever keeps it in his home, that house will be saved and blessed from all troubles, strengthened by the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos. Holy God, glory to You. Mother of God, glory to you. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen

Dream of the Blessed Virgin Mary 25

(Read over the patient 9 times and make passes from top to bottom. This is done for 3-7 days. Treats many diseases and removes guidance)

The Mother of God had a dream. Her son came to her:

“My mother, are you awake?” - “I’m not sleeping, I keep hearing that you are walking among the robbers, between the mountains, among the Jews, that they crucified your hands on the cross, that they hammered nails into your feet.”

On Sunday the sun sets early; The Mother of God walks across the sky, leading her son by the hand. She spent it at morning, from morning to mass, from mass to vespers, from vespers to the blue sea.

A stone floats on the blue sea, a church stands on that stone, and in that church there is a throne.

Jesus Christ sits behind the throne. He sits, legs down, hands clasped, reading a prayer.

Peter and Paul came to him:

“Jesus Christ, son of God, you read a prayer for us, you accept torment for us.”

-Peter and Paul, don’t look at our hands, but take the prayer in your hands and carry it all over the world, and teach the old, the young, the lame.

Those who know how, let them pray, and those who don’t know how, let them study. Whoever reads this prayer does not know any torment, does not drown in water, does not burn in fire.

I will send two angels, and I will come down myself and save the soul and body of God’s servant (name).

God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.

Dream of the Blessed Virgin Mary 26

The Most Holy Theotokos in Jerusalem of Judea in the month of March.

Our Lord Jesus Christ came to Her and spoke to Her, to His dear Mother:

- Mother, my beloved, are you sleeping or not?

The Most Holy Theotokos spoke to Him:

— I slept in tears for seventeen days in March. I saw a terrible, terrible dream about You, My dear and dear Son.

And our Lord Jesus Christ says to her:

- O My beloved Mother, Tell Me Your dream that You saw. What made your heart flutter.

And the Most Holy Theotokos said to Him:

- My Beloved Child, My Son and My God, I saw Peter and Paul in the city of Rome, and You, My Child, with the thieves on the Cypress Cross, were greatly mocked by the Pharisees and were condemned to the Cross by Pontic Pilate.

You were crucified on the Cross, beaten on the head with a cane, they spat on your holy face and gave vinegar to your lips. They crowned you with a crown of thorns and pierced one of your rib. The warrior broke through and from the body of Your saint Water and blood was poured out.

The earth shook, the stones disintegrated, the curtains in the churches were torn in two, from the top to the bottom, the bodies of all the departed saints rose from their graves, the sun and moon became black, the clear stars darkened, darkness fell on the earth from six o'clock to the ninth o'clock.

Pilate will ask for your body, they will take it off the Cross, wrap it in a clean shroud, put it in a coffin, close it and lock it, and still they will not guard you. On the third day the Lord rose from the grave. He gave life to the world forever, freed Adam and Eve from hell and ascended to Heaven, sat on the right hand of God the Father.

And the Lord our God Jesus Christ says:

- My beloved Mother, the Most Holy Theotokos, You saw a just dream, and also, whoever writes and reads Your “Dream” and keeps it with him in purity, then the Guardian Angel will protect that person from all the machinations and dreams of demons, and that person He will not see hell, he will not fear the beast. He will be delivered from all unnecessary death, from famine, fire, drowning and flood.

From captivity by enemies and earthly judgments, from attacks during the day and in the night, from the robber.

Or whoever listens to this “Dream” with attention, fulfills these words with diligence, will have all his sins forgiven.

Or a woman in childbirth reads this “Dream”, then this “Dream” preserves and helps her during difficult childbirth, and that woman will easily give birth to a child, and the Lord will reward that child with a long life.

And whoever reads “The Dream” in the fight against enemies will not lose his battle and will return home with glory. Whoever goes on a journey and takes this “Dream” with him. That person cannot be killed, not destroyed, and no harm will come to him, the Lord will never forget him anywhere, Archangel Gabriel will show him the way.

And whoever keeps this “Dream” in his house, that house will be filled with goods, and livestock, and health, a fire will never destroy that house, a cunning thief will not approach that house.

And also, when death happens to the servant of God (name) and at death he remembers this “Dream”, then that person will not die an evil death, the demon will not take his soul from hell, and the angels of God will come and carry his soul to the tabernacles of the bright paradise.

Whoever is sick and puts “Dream” into his head will see a speedy recovery. And whoever listens, prints or who reads “The Dream”, at that moment the Angel remembers, Prays for his soul, everywhere with him and everywhere. Whoever reads and listens to this “Dream” with faith will be saved from eternal torment.

This sheet was written at the Holy Sepulcher from Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

Through death, Divine Scripture wants us to believe and pray. They submitted to the Lord God.

And who will not believe this sheet?

Because of this, the Lord will turn away and forget, and whoever believes this sheet of paper and will have it in his possession in order to distribute it from house to house and read it, reread it, write, rewrite it, then even if that person has sins, there is as much sand in the sea, on in the sky of stars, on the trees there is foliage, then even then his sins will be forgiven and he will receive the Kingdom of Heaven forever and ever.

The “Dream” of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a prayer that is aimed at solving various problems. In total, there are 77 such prayers that have enormous power. They are believed to help find the right solution even in the most difficult situations. The only thing that is of great importance is a strong belief in, otherwise even repeated reading will not allow you to get a good result.

“Dream” of the Blessed Virgin Mary - prayer before surgery

In the general list of prayers related to “Dreams” you can find many options designed to help in critical situations. Prayer requests sent to the Guardian Angel have enormous power. You can ask him for help before the operation:

“- Mother of God, dear Most Holy Mother of God, where were you, where did you spend the night? Did you sleep well? What did you, My Mother, see in your dream?

- I, My son, slept in the city of Gladische, I saw a Dream, not a dream, reality, not reality, They led you up the mountain, Christ, You carried a cypress cross on Yourself. On the mountain they nailed you to the cross, stabbed you with spears, poured vinegar on you, cauterized your bloody wounds with fire.

Angel-Archangel, whoever reads this dream, you will save him in all ways: take him away from a vain, untimely death. From the gates, from the court, from pestilence and evil persuasion. Be this dream a guarantee in all matters, in all long journeys, in all long roads, on enemy, dangerous thresholds, in war, in water and fire. Whoever keeps this dream in the house cannot be killed by a villainous hand. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

“Dream” of the Blessed Virgin Mary – prayer-request

In some situations, outside help is simply necessary. In this case, you can enlist powerful support from the Higher Powers. To do this, you should read a prayer and at the end say your request.

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen. May the Most Holy Theotokos be my mother. You slept in the mountains, spent the night. She had a dream, scary and creepy. That Jesus was crucified on three trees. They gave us vitriol and placed a crown of thorns on our heads. And I bring this dream to Christ on the throne.

Here Jesus Christ walked through distant lands. He carried the life-giving cross. Jesus Christ, save and preserve. Bless me with your cross. Mother, Most Holy Theotokos, cover me with your veil. Deliver me, God's servant (name), from all bad weather, misfortunes and illnesses. From a creeping serpent, from a running beast. From thunderstorms, from drought, from floods. From all enemies visible and invisible. From scrip, from prison, from courts.

Here Nicholas the Wonderworker walked, bearing a saving bow, to save me, the servant of God (name), from all bad weather, misfortunes and diseases, from a creeping serpent, from a running beast, from a thunderstorm, from a drought, from a flood. From all enemies visible and invisible. From scrip, from prison, from courts. Jesus Christ, Mother Most Holy Theotokos, Nicholas the Wonderworker, I ask you... (state your request here in your own words) Amen. Amen. Amen".

“Dream” of the Blessed Virgin Mary - prayer for an endless supply of money

Many people turn to Higher powers when problems arise in the material sphere. In this case, you can use one of the 77 “Dreams”, which will allow you to attract cash flow. Prayer will help in business, attract and give strength for new achievements.

“On Mount Zion, on Mount Elion

There is a kupar tree and a golden cradle.

The Mother of God of Christ swayed and had a strange dream.

Eight visible spheres appeared

Air, earth, fire, water,

Day, night, Moon and Sun opened slightly

The eight names of God Eloavaad appeared,

They whisper, they shout, they say with fire and flame:

What kind of person would read “The Dream”?

The endless eighth fills the wallet with money,

For walks, for worldly life, for any waste,

To have enough money for everything - that’s what the soul is tired of.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

How to correctly rewrite and read the amulet prayer “Dream” of the Blessed Virgin Mary?

Since the texts are quite large, it is difficult to learn them, so you need to rewrite them correctly, following certain rules. To do this, you need to purchase: ink, incense, a wax candle and a pen. You cannot take change for any purchase. First, drop three drops of your blood and saliva into the ink bottle, and then refill the pen. You need to rewrite “Dream” in the morning from 5 to 12 o’clock. Light a candle and smoke incense. Copy the text beautifully onto a thick sheet of paper. Don't say anything, not even in a whisper. The main thing is that there are no blots or mistakes, otherwise you need to repeat everything all over again. In addition, during work there should not be any bad thoughts in your soul. If the sheet is damaged, then it is not thrown away, but torn “along the cross” and burned over a candle flame. The remaining ashes are scattered in the wind, paying attention to his behavior:

  • fell down - pay attention to your lifestyle;
  • flew up - the path in life was chosen correctly;
  • returned back - select another “Sleep”.

While writing a text, various unpleasant sensations may arise; it is believed that in this way the body and soul get rid of accumulated negativity.

It is recommended to constantly carry with you the “Dream” of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which will be a talisman, but other people should not see it. During the first forty days, the prayer is read every day before going to bed. This must be done in privacy from other people in absolute silence. Light church candles near the icon of the Virgin Mary, close your eyes and fully concentrate on your request. When you feel relaxed, you can open your eyes and bow in front of the icon. After this, repent and ask for forgiveness for your sins. You can start reading the prayer, but it is important to do it meaningfully, understanding every word. The text should be spoken in a whisper. Repeat "Sleep" three times. If different emotions arise during reading, then do not hold them back, because at the end you will feel significant relief. Immediately after this you need to go to bed, not eat anything and not talk. Remember that sincere appeals sent from the heart always receive a response, and the Mother of God will certainly provide help in a difficult situation.