Electric comb for hair treatment. Divolux laser comb to stimulate hair growth. Review of laser combs for hair loss and hair growth

Hair is an integral element of the external image. Dull and devoid of vitality strands indicate that a person is tired or does not pay due attention to appearance. And the problems of early baldness, dandruff, and oily seborrhea risk completely negating all the positive components of his image. So what should you do - go to the doctors or not?

Many hair problems have similar causes, and to eliminate them it is not at all necessary to visit a trichologist and pay for expensive laser and light therapy sessions. You can take care of yourself at home by changing your lifestyle and diet, or you can go a simpler, but exotic way: buy a special Power Grow Comb laser comb. This is exactly the case when the affordable price of a solution saves a person not only money, but also time.

A new approach to hair care

It's worth considering if:

  • hair falls out rapidly and becomes sparse;
  • strands are dull, thin and noticeably weakened;
  • dandruff often appears;
  • the scalp does not regulate the production of sebum well and is tormented by itching;
  • Headaches often appear.

This is the usual price we pay for daily stress and fatigue at work. The reaction from the nervous system provokes disruption of blood circulation and tissue nutrition, which primarily affects our appearance.

It has long been proven that regular head massage can cope with many of the above problems. And if it’s not just a massage, but a set of modern physical procedures based on laser and light therapy, then the range of possibilities becomes even wider.

The Power Grow Comb laser comb is a portable complex, which, according to reviews, is in many ways identical to modern cosmetology lasers. With two significant differences: its price is hundreds of times lower, and its size allows you to carry this miracle, in the literal sense of the word, in your pocket.

Naturally, it is worth remembering that the use of such a comb is justified only if hair loss itself is not a symptom of internal systemic diseases, without eliminating which it will be problematic to cope with the task.

In what cases will using the Power Grow Comb give positive results:

  • various stages of baldness due to nervousness (stress, overwork, depression);
  • deterioration of hair condition after perm;
  • insufficient nutrition of the scalp (poor blood circulation, deficiency of vitamins and macroelements in food);
  • a consequence of the effects of drugs;
  • sexual and genetically determined problems (androgenetic alopecia, oily seborrhea);
  • dandruff of various etiologies;
  • age-related changes.

Using a laser comb to strengthen your hair, you can improve its appearance with minimal effort, adding shine, volume and strength to your hair.

Device and principle of operation

According to the principle of operation, the laser comb for hair loss is a portable laser therapy device. However, its compact structure differs little in appearance from a regular massage comb.

The device fits comfortably in the hand and is made of lightweight modern materials that do not cause allergies and are completely safe for humans. The main operating basis is a small massage device equipped with laser diodes with different wavelengths: 7 red diodes (660 nm) and 7 blue diodes (470 nm). The energy source is 4 AAA batteries (provided in the kit).

The set includes a special attachment that allows you to use the device for purely domestic purposes (for combing hair). However, if the volume of hair is too small to use a comb, it can be easily removed.

For a more detailed understanding of the device, the kit contains detailed instructions.

How does it work?

The effectiveness of the effect is ensured by a combination of 4 types of therapeutic effects:

  1. Light therapy with a wavelength of 470 nm (blue LED radiation with superficial penetration) affects the upper layers of the skin, improving blood circulation and nutrition of the follicles. This restores and renews the structure of the hair shaft.
  2. Light therapy with a wavelength of 660 nm (red LED radiation with increased penetrating power) affects deeper layers, covering the roots of the follicles. This provides stimulation to existing hair and unlocks growth potential from dormant hair follicles.
  3. Low-level laser therapy enhances the regeneration of scalp cells, which is necessary to strengthen the roots of existing hair and more actively form new ones.
  4. Vibration biostimulation acts on the principle of micromassage, restoring blood circulation in the scalp, and promotes better nutrition of the hair follicles for their intensive growth.

As a result of such a versatile influence, the comb has a potentiated effect on the condition of the hair: the structure is strengthened and restored along the entire length of the hair, damaged and weakened follicles are regenerated.

How to use?

The laser comb, if desired, can be used as a regular everyday comb (this fact is confirmed by numerous reviews), but if the therapeutic effect is especially important, you should pay attention to some features:

  • daily exposure time should be at least 10-15 minutes;
  • It is recommended to use a comb 2 to 5 times a week;
  • The combing process should be carried out slowly and deliberately.

Don’t do this procedure in a hurry, try to devote your free time to it, away from the everyday hustle and bustle. Pay special attention to areas with sparse hair growth, massaging them a little longer than usual.

It is best to work with dry hair. They are less susceptible to falling out, while wet strands are more vulnerable and fall out more easily with intense exposure.


With regular and correct use of a laser comb, the results will definitely please you:

  1. Hair will become thicker and stronger. By stimulating blood circulation and improved nutrition, “sleeping” hair follicles will wake up, and the regeneration process will contribute to the formation of new ones.
  2. Hair will become stronger. Increased blood circulation in the scalp optimizes the production of collagen and elastin fibers and keratin, which are responsible for elasticity and vitality.
  3. The volume of hair will become larger due to the thickening and strengthening of the shaft. This unusual effect is provided by the laser effect of the comb.

According to research, laser therapy can increase the size of follicles, ensuring the growth of thicker and stronger hair.

How long to wait?

To solve problems with hair growth, we can recommend buying the device for people of various groups (social, age, gender, etc.). Low price and high efficiency in this case are an ideal marketing combination. But how long will you have to wait for the result?

Everything here is individual and depends on the general condition of the body, age, genetic potential, lifestyle, use of additional funds and other factors.

Clinical trials based on the speed of exposure to the device divided people into 3 main groups:

  • 1-2 months of regular use (45% of subjects);
  • 2-4 months (50% of subjects);
  • more than 4 months (5%).

Please note that this refers to the time when the first results appear. To obtain the most comprehensive picture, the period of use of the device should be increased. Those who wish can use it on an ongoing basis.

At the same time, it is not advisable to change the frequency of use of the device (15 minutes a day, 5 days a week), since exceeding these doses does not increase the manifestation of the therapeutic effect. However, it makes sense to enhance the result with additional means - lotions, masks, sprays, taking vitamins and microelements.

When should it not be used?

Like any laser equipment, the comb has its contraindications:

  • cancer and precancerous conditions of the body;
  • hemophilia;
  • facial paralysis;
  • dermatitis of various etiologies;
  • sunburn (mainly on the head);
  • bleeding wounds on the scalp;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • children up to 12 years of age.

Where to buy?

You can buy a laser comb using the official dealer’s website. The official status of the seller in this case allows us to guarantee the certified quality of the product. And this is not only an adequate price, but also detailed consultations on operation, principle of operation and results. Here you can also view user reviews, which allows you to get a more complete picture of the product’s effectiveness.

Triple benefit

If you buy and use the Power Grow Comb, you solve three problems at once:

  1. Thick hair. Improvement in hair condition to varying degrees is observed in all users of the device.
  2. Save time. By performing your usual actions, you restore your hair “on the job.”
  3. Price. Purchase a portable analogue of a cosmetic laser for the cost of 1-3 therapy sessions.

The doctor will not prescribe this remedy for you, but its use will significantly reduce the number of reasons for contacting a specialist.

In the process of combing the strands are saturated with oxygen, cleaned of contaminants.

It promotes their growth and strengthening.

Stimulates blood circulation scalp and the appearance of curls.

Such an important stage in hair care as combing begins with choosing a suitable comb.

The most important criterion is the material from which it is made.

REFERENCE: The condition of the hair depends 50% on the comb, and the remaining 50% is a balanced diet and regular care.

Types of combs for hair growth: how to choose them correctly?

The choice of comb plays an important role both for everyday hair care and for the purpose of stimulating its growth. Ideally, you need to have several combs performing different tasks.

Preference should be given to those made from natural, organic materials.

The most useful are considered wooden combs, which can significantly accelerate hair growth. They are pleasant to the scalp, are not electrified using, environmentally friendly. Different types of wood are used for production: beech, birch, juniper, oak.

Combs made from horn good because close to the composition of the hair shaft according to its properties and do not electrify strands. But the process of their operation is limited, since over time damage appears on their surface.

The best option is brushes, since they combine the functions of combing hair for growth and massaging the scalp. Massage stimulates blood flow, improving nutrition of hair follicles.

Brushes with natural bristles are also a salvation for tangled and damaged strands. During use, they do not tear the hair, give it a healthy shine and have an antistatic effect.

But it’s better to get rid of the plastic comb. Despite such advantages as hygiene, durability and low price, she electrifies her hair and over time they become dull and brittle.

Cheap plastic combs with a seam in the center of the teeth during use “scraping” the keratin layer from the hair shaft. As a result, the strands become weakened and lifeless. Also When drying with a hairdryer, plastic releases harmful substances, dangerous to the health of curls.

Metal combs are considered the most traumatic. They are tough and can easily injure the scalp.

In addition, even wooden combs that are useful for hair can be harmful if they are not cleaned regularly. They accumulate dust, dirt and sebum, which promotes the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

Also products made from natural materials must be changed at least once a year.

On our website you can find a huge number of recipes for homemade masks for hair growth: , or , , and .

Look at the trichologist's comments about combs:

Electric comb to stimulate hair growth


The electric hair growth comb acts as a massage for the scalp. Through special movements hair follicles are stimulated And improved blood supply skin, which is why hair grows faster.

How to choose?

First of all, you need to pay attention to the functions provided by the manufacturer.

If there is a need specifically to stimulate growth, you should purchase electric combs that help improve blood flow to the scalp.

It is better to choose a product from well-known, proven brands.

More information about using various oils to accelerate hair growth:,.

How to comb your hair correctly?

You need to comb your strands head down(lying on the bed, hanging his head; sitting on a chair, lowering his head between his knees; standing, bowing his head). It is necessary to start the procedure from the back of the head, and then in all directions, performing at least 50 movements with a comb or brush.

This method ensures blood flow to the scalp and hair follicles. However, people suffering from high blood pressure are not recommended to stay in this position for a long time.

Better start combing your hair with a natural bristle brush, providing a kind of head massage, and finish with a wooden comb.

ATTENTION: Long curls need to be combed, starting from the ends, gradually rising to the roots, and short ones - vice versa.

It is also necessary take into account the type of curls:

  • normal comb 2 times a day;
  • dry and brittle you need to comb a little more often - 3 times daily, guide the comb carefully so as not to harm them;
  • fatty- morning and evening, you need to comb the comb without touching the scalp, so as not to provoke the release of fat.

Aromatherapy for hair growth

Aroma combing is combing curls using different essential oils, a very popular and effective procedure. Easy to use independently at home.

How to do it?

Take a clean comb made of natural material(plastic and metal are prohibited as they react with essential oil).

On the surface of the ridge it is necessary distribute 3-4 drops of oil.

REFERENCE: The best essential oils to stimulate growth are ylang-ylang, cinnamon, cloves, bey, rosemary, blue chamomile, cassia, sandalwood.

Need to comb strands from the roots, smoothly descending to the ends, barely touching the ridge of the scalp with the teeth. Up to 3 procedures can be performed per day. Duration - from 3 to 10 minutes.

The duration of the course is 1 week, after which it is recommended to take a break for 14 days.

After finishing the aroma combing, it is necessary to ventilate the room well.

IMPORTANT: Make sure you do not have an allergic reaction to the selected essential oil. To do this, you need to rub a drop of it on the inside of your wrist. If there is no itching or redness, you can safely use it.

Useful materials

Read our other articles on the topic of growing hair:

  • Tips on how to grow curls or others, return natural color, accelerate growth.
  • The main reasons which are responsible for their growth and which influence good growth?
  • How

Experts involved in the study of human hair, its diseases and treatment, have come to the conclusion that laser has a positive effect on the hair structure and stimulates its growth.

The working principle of a laser comb

A laser comb for hair loss, reviews of which are often found on social networks and forums, is the latest invention. The operation of the device is based on the principle of laser energy.

After using a laser comb, hair becomes healthy, stops falling out, and acquires a beautiful shine.

Transforming into bioenergy, it effectively acts on the walls of blood vessels, increases blood flow and strengthens them. Hair stops falling out, its growth accelerates, and a healthy shine appears.

Blue and red LED radiation

A laser comb is a semiconductor device operating on the principles of a light-emitting diode. LEDs built into the device produce spectral radiation of various properties.

After conducting numerous experiments, the researchers came to the conclusion that red and blue radiation activates the lower root part of the hair follicle. As a result, hair loss stops, its structure improves and strengthens.

Laser energy effectively acts on the walls of blood vessels, increases blood flow and strengthens them

Besides, Cellular immunity and anti-infective defense of the body increases.

The laser comb for hair loss, reviews of which indicate the growing popularity of this device, operates on the basis of two interrelated factors of phototherapy.

One of the key points is improving blood circulation. As a consequence of this process, cellular metabolism is accelerated. The revived environment strengthens the hair follicles, making them more viable.

Interesting fact! Laser combs have been used for over 10 years. The laser comb appeared in Australia, and in 2000 Lexington International was founded in Florida. Its goal was to research and distribute a new product.

Why should you use a laser comb?

One of the modern methods of combating intense baldness is the use of laser therapy. The procedures take place in special trichological clinics equipped with the latest laser equipment.

A course of treatment in such a clinic is not cheap. However, such a device as l laser comb will help against hair loss at home. User reviews indicate that one of the advantages is the fairly reasonable price of the device.

It is simply necessary to use a special comb if the following signs of unhealthy hair condition are present:

  • hair became brittle;
  • growth has deteriorated;
  • after combing, a tuft of hair remains on the comb;
  • hair loss after perm;
  • dandruff of any type and itching;
  • the hair became dull and the shine was lost.

Will it help with baldness?

About 40 percent of men of all races and ethnicities experience hair loss by age 45. To a certain extent, women also face this problem. The technical parameters of a laser comb are the results of thousands of experiments and studies carried out by laser experts.

If you are experiencing baldness, it is recommended to use a laser comb.

The laser comb combines two principles: massage vibration and laser therapy. As a result of a gentle massage, blood circulation in the brain vessels increases. This improves the function of the central nervous system, improves immunity, and regenerates the body's endocrine system.

And as a result of the dosed action of light rays, diodes, a biological reaction is triggered, which helps the hair follicles absorb nutrients.

The interaction of two factors gives a positive therapeutic effect: the hair becomes “alive” and elastic, and fluff appears in areas of bald spots.

However, when experiencing baldness, the following must be considered:

  1. The treatment takes quite a long time. However, this helps the resulting effect to take hold.
  2. If the hair looks weakened due to insufficient nutrition of the hair papillae or poor blood circulation, the effect of using a laser comb will be visible quickly.
  3. The hair structure of each person is individual, and the result of using a laser comb is also individual.
  4. Treatment of baldness is a complex process. Therefore, a laser comb for severe hair loss is often used together with medications. Feedback from people indicates the effectiveness of an integrated approach.


Low-intensity laser therapy, as one of the physiotherapeutic treatment methods, has its contraindications.

  • cancer;
  • radiation burn;
  • immobility of the facial nerve;
  • allergic reaction;
  • bleeding

It is important to know! Using a laser comb is not recommended for women during pregnancy and lactation.

How to use a laser comb

A laser comb for hair loss, as experts advise and reviews say, requires regular use. The device is used three times a week with an interval of one day(let's say on odd weekdays).

The session lasts from 10 minutes to a quarter of an hour. After a few months, you can notice the first result: in certain areas of the head, the hair will become thicker. It is important not to stop the procedures ahead of time, otherwise the effect may gradually disappear.

Before use, you must wash your hair and then dry your hair.

Before using the device, you must wash your hair and dry your hair. Movements should be slow and smooth. It is recommended to stay in one place on the scalp for 2-3 seconds.

For those with long hair, it is better to use two combs. You can easily lift a strand with a regular comb, and use a laser comb in your other hand to massage the desired area.

Note! Using a laser comb too often does not lead to faster results, so there is no reason to ignore these instructions and use the device more than three times a week.

When using a laser comb, you must remember the following precautions:

  • do not touch the ears, eyes, eyelids, mouth with the comb;
  • Do not use the device on areas of skin disease or areas of skin inflammation resulting from exposure to chemical, physical or biological factors.

When purchasing a comb, you need to make sure that you have a certificate and instructions for use in Russian.

What experts say

A laser comb for hair loss, reviews and opinions of experts about which differ somewhat, once again confirms that the truth is in the middle. Some, citing research and practical application, claim a positive therapeutic effect, others are quite skeptical.

However, trichologists agree that the comb is effective for seborrhea and itchy scalp, dandruff and brittle hair. Laser therapy stimulates cellular metabolism. This occurs due to the delivery of energy to the skin cells of the head.

Laser comb is effective for brittle hair

By penetrating the hair follicles, the laser activates chromophores and creates complex metabolic activity from a biological point of view. This has a positive effect.

However, keep in mind that hair will not grow overnight. Many trichologists believe that you should not use the device if your hair is severely damaged. There is no reason to place high hopes on a comb for alopecia at an advanced stage.

A laser comb, if you listen to the opinions of some users, is simply a miracle cure for hair loss. Other reviews are not so optimistic. This once again confirms that the physiological characteristics of each person’s body are purely individual: what is good for one is not necessarily good for another.

Many experts are confident that it can improve the health of hair roots, resulting in thicker hair growth.

Laser hair therapy is becoming increasingly popular in our country. Sessions are carried out in specialized medical centers and cosmetic institutions.

Laser comb eliminates dandruff and flaking

A high-quality laser comb from a reputable manufacturer can be a worthy alternative to cosmetic therapy methods. Many experts are confident that it can improve the health of hair roots, causing hair to grow thicker.

Also, using a comb has a beneficial effect on the scalp, relieving a person from dandruff, dryness and flaking of the skin.

How to get rid of baldness using a laser comb:

How to use a laser comb and the results of its use:

How to use a laser comb: for detailed instructions, watch the video:

The growth and condition of hair directly depends on the comb. Currently, there are a huge number of them, they differ in shape and material. Therefore, in order to make the right choice, you need to know their characteristics.

It should be noted that combs made of metal, plastic and silicone are not the best option for long-term combing.

They can injure the skin, and they also cause damage to colored and brittle hair. Also, some of them, which are of poor quality, can emit toxic substances.

For therapeutic combing, it is recommended to use flat brushes made of wood or horn. They should have teeth with rounded ends. Natural bristles are also suitable.

They do not harm the skin and hair and have a calming effect on them. With their help, subcutaneous fat is produced, which has a strengthening and healing effect.

Electric comb for hair growth

Electric combs are quite convenient and useful devices.

They not only comb the hair efficiently, but also massage the skin at the same time.

As a result, there is a significant improvement in blood supply, the hair follicles wake up, the hair itself becomes smooth, elastic and begins to grow quickly.

Electronic combs for hair growth are available in various versions. Some of them have special containers into which you can pour various cosmetics (oils, vitamin complexes, etc.).

This allows you to carry out additional health and therapeutic procedures while combing.

There are electric combs for stimulating hair growth with ozone therapy function. With its help, the skin and hair absorb the maximum amount of nutrients. Thanks to this, hair loss stops, growth is activated and the overall condition of the hair improves.

Combing to activate hair follicles

The rules for combing hair for growth are as follows.

  1. Short hair is easiest to care for. They are simply combed with smooth, careful movements from roots to ends.
  2. If your hair has an impressive length, then you first need to make a bun out of it and untangle the ends, and then start combing it.
  3. For greater effectiveness, the procedure should be performed standing or sitting with your head hanging down. This will ensure blood flow to the head, which will improve its circulation. This will stimulate dormant hair follicles.
  4. To achieve the desired result, it is recommended to comb your hair at least fifty times. During this time, the scalp will be sufficiently massaged and the follicles will be sufficiently activated.
  5. After each combing, the hair should be smoothed from roots to ends. This will normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and distribute sebum evenly throughout the hair. This will strengthen them, they will gain elasticity and shine.
  6. This treatment procedure is recommended to be carried out in the morning and evening hours before bedtime.
  7. If possible, it is better to comb in the fresh air. This will allow the hair to be saturated with oxygen and cleared of dust that accumulates on it.

IMPORTANT: Do not comb wet hair. Since water greatly weighs them down, they can easily break out or break.

Aroma combing

Aroma combing for hair growth is a procedure that uses essential oils.

When carried out regularly, the hair roots are strengthened, and they themselves restore their structure, attractive appearance and begin to grow quickly.

In addition, these sessions help relieve stress, get rid of depression, normalize sleep, and give a boost of vigor and good mood.

But to achieve this result, you should follow a number of recommendations:

  • the oils used must be of high quality, and the massage comb must be made of only natural material (wood, pork bristles);
  • the procedure can only be carried out with a clean comb, so after each procedure it should be washed thoroughly;
  • Before the session, the hair needs to be detangled and combed;
  • Five minutes is enough for one procedure;
  • It is recommended to conduct no more than two aroma combing sessions per week;
  • As a rule, essential oils have a fairly high concentration. Therefore, you should not apply more than five to seven drops to the massage brush;
  • Before starting the procedure, you should test the oil for an allergic reaction. This can be done by applying a few drops of it to the patch and breathing over it for two to three minutes. Repeat after a few hours. If during this time no irritation or any unpleasant sensations appear, it can be used;
  • If after the session migraine attacks, headaches, irritability appear, then the procedures should be stopped. In the future, it is recommended to contact an aromatherapist so that he can select the appropriate essential oil.

IMPORTANT: To achieve maximum effect from the procedure, it is recommended to alternate oils with a relaxing and tonic effect. Also, for the convenience of conducting sessions, you can purchase a special aroma comb.

Watch the video below to see what aroma combing is:

From all of the above, it becomes clear that proper combing is an important component of hair care.

And if you follow all the rules for its implementation, use combs made of natural materials and high-quality cosmetics, it is quite possible to restore their structure and activate growth in a short time.

The Darsonval apparatus is a special comb that solves most problems with strands and scalp, be it increased oiliness, baldness or insufficient growth. The effectiveness of the device is recognized by doctors. The comb has good reviews from dermatologists, trichologists and neurologists.

What is Darsonval for hair

The modern Darsonval device is a device for carrying out medical procedures aimed at eliminating problems with hair, skin, and eliminating neurological diseases. The instructions included with the comb contain a clear and detailed explanation of how to use it at home. The device set consists of a generator, a transformer and electrodes, which are attachments of different shapes. The device is used for various purposes. Nozzles can be mushroom-shaped, comb-shaped, elongated, or T-shaped.

How does the Darsonval apparatus work?

Darsonvalization is an electrotherapeutic method that involves influencing the body with a high-frequency current of low power, high voltage and ultraviolet radiation. When the comb operates, living tissue receives stimuli in the form of small electrical discharges. Pulse action increases cell activity and has a good effect on the structure of the skin, the condition of the hair follicles, and the structure of the strands.

What hair problems does the Darsonval procedure solve?

Massaging the head with a Darsonval comb relieves:

  • Alopecia – baldness. The device has a stimulating effect on the roots and strengthens them.
  • Seborrhea, dandruff. A gentle scalp massage removes sebaceous deposits and provides better ventilation of the root part of the hair.
  • Hair thinning. Electric combing helps to create thicker hair.
  • Slow strand growth. Current pulses improve blood supply to the scalp. Therefore, you can use the Darsonval apparatus for hair growth.
  • Increased fat content. The comb eliminates excessive secretions of sweat and sebaceous glands.

How is hair darsonvalization performed?

A session of treating strands with a Darsonval comb is beneficial, pleasant, and takes from 8 to 12 minutes. The optimal course of use is 10-20 procedures. The exact number of sessions is calculated individually and depends on the problem. To carry out the first procedures, you need a minimum power of the comb. As you get used to it, increase the force of the device. If you need faster hair growth, use a special oil to treat your scalp. The effectiveness of the procedure increases with the subsequent use of therapeutic masks and balms.

The Darsonval comb is used as follows:

  1. Let your hair down, remove all metal objects (hairpins, barrettes, etc.).
  2. Gently comb through the strands.
  3. Sit comfortably, relax.
  4. Start slowly combing your head with a device with a comb attachment. With long hair, you should make movements from the forehead to the back of the head. Directing the comb against the growth of the strands is also the correct option.

Darsonvalization device from the best manufacturers

The following models from the French company Gezatone have gained great popularity:

  • BT201S is one of the most powerful devices. The device has an ergonomic design, a convenient box for storing the device itself and attachments.
  • BT-101 is a pulse-massage device with a wide range of applications. The device set includes a comb, a mushroom, and a curved nozzle.
  • Healthy Skin is a home pulse massager that helps take care of your facial skin and strands. The device is used in the presence of neurological diseases.
  • Family Doctor is a relatively new device that is convenient for family use.

Among Darsonval devices from other manufacturers, they have proven themselves well.