Is it painful to do IVF: reviews, puncture and transfer. IVF: what doctors don’t warn about. Eco's personal experience is like any other

Reproductive medicine technologies are advancing by leaps and bounds. Thanks to progress in this area, the diagnosis of infertility is no longer so scary. For example, in vitro fertilization can bring happiness to people who are unable to conceive a child on their own. Women are very interested in the question, is it painful to do IVF? Their excitement is understandable; you don’t do such procedures every day.

In order to answer this question we need to bring some clarity. After all, IVF is just a general name for artificial insemination technology. The name means that fertilization will occur outside the mother's body.


IVF includes several stages, one of them is quite scary, but painless. We are talking about puncture of the follicles. Using a special needle, oocytes are removed from the ovaries. It sounds scary, but there is no need to worry. This procedure is performed under anesthesia, so only discomfort is possible afterwards.

Follicle puncture is done under intravenous anesthesia, so it is not painful.


The next stage does not require anesthesia at all, but local anesthesia is still sometimes used here. This stage is called replanting, another name is transfer. Very rarely, minor complications occur when fertilized eggs are transferred into the uterine cavity. If the specialist’s experience is low, he may slightly damage the cervical canal. This will only be known after the transfer, since minor bleeding may occur due to damage. The bleeding does not last longer than 1-2 days.

How is replanting done?

Let's look at this stage in more detail. The doctor will confirm the date of replantation. Usually this is the second or fifth day after the puncture. If the transfer is scheduled for day 2, then embryos that have reached the blastomere stage in their development will be transferred. On the fifth day, the embryos will already be blastocysts.

In this video, an embryologist explains why it is better to transfer a blastocyst:

Important tip! Under no circumstances should you worry about the transfer. Naturally, a woman is afraid that there will be blood and it will hurt. Believe me, this is not true. The maximum that the patient can feel is slight discomfort. If a woman is nervous, stress will trigger the production of cortisol, which can cause a hormonal disorder and the embryo may not take root.

A woman sits in a gynecological chair. The doctor inserts a special flexible catheter into the cervical canal of the cervix. At this moment, the embryos are in a nutrient solution. They are inserted into the uterus when the catheter passes the cervical canal.

This is how embryo transfer occurs. It is done without anesthesia. It's not painful, just unpleasant.

Currently, they are trying to transfer one embryo, but to increase the chances, it happens that two embryos are transferred. In some cases, a woman herself wants to give birth to twins with the help of IVF, you will agree that this is convenient, there were no children and there are two at once.

Transferring more than 3 embryos is dangerous; there is a high risk of multiple pregnancy. This type of pregnancy is dangerous for the mother. Typically, reproductive specialists recommend freezing the remaining embryos. If the first replanting is unsuccessful, they may be needed. In addition, in cryopreserved form they can be stored indefinitely.

Actions of a woman during replanting

The woman should not interfere with the procedure. You need to relax your lower abdomen as much as possible. This way, inserting the catheter will be as safe as possible and will not cause discomfort. If the patient is in pain, they will give her time to get used to it, perhaps giving her local anesthesia. After the catheter is inserted, the doctor will press the plunger of the syringe with embryos and the transfer will occur.

When the embryos are transferred, the patient should lie in the gynecological chair in a relaxed state for at least 30 minutes. After this, the woman goes home. Now she should rest, lie down, relax. Do not do household chores under any circumstances. Even minor physical stress or nervousness can prevent embryo implantation. Do you need this? Relax.

What to do after replanting?

Sometimes women who find it difficult to remain calm at home remain in day care for a couple of days. Under the supervision of doctors, some feel calmer and more reliable. There is no exact prescription here; it all depends on each patient individually, whether to stay in the hospital or go home.

After the transfer, the woman should not feel pain in the lower abdomen. At this point, it is very important to adhere to a course of hormonal stimulation to support implantation. Adherence to the schedule must be perfect. Typically, the hormones progesterone and human chorionic gonadotropin are used for support.

In this short video, a fertility specialist will tell you what to do after the transfer:

In addition to abstaining from stress and physical activity, you need to measure your weight on a scale every day and monitor your urination (frequency and volume). Also monitor your belly size and pulse. If you notice abnormal bleeding or pain, report it to your IVF clinic immediately.

Don't go to work, let it wait! To do this, you will be given sick leave for 12 days. All this time you need to be in a good mood and calm. If your doctor considers additional rest necessary, he will extend the sick leave.

Pain during transfer

Statistics indicate that pain after transfer is very rare. If there is pain, the woman may have a large bend of the uterus. Lack of pain after the procedure and good health are signs of a successful transfer.

Cases of damage to the cervical canal and subsequent pain and discomfort are very rare. If the transfer is unsuccessful, the next procedure should be well thought out. You may need a different shaped catheter or dilation of the uterus.

Here is the main tool for embryo transfer - a catheter.

Tatiana K.

My name is Tatyana, I am 28 years old. In 1998, in St. Petersburg, I underwent the procedure of in vitro fertilization, but the result, alas, was disastrous.

Firstly, the entire process - from the moment of collecting the necessary tests to the last stage - lasted from October to July. The embryo was implanted into the uterus on May 14. After this, the results of two pregnancy tests turned out to be radically opposite: a blood test showed a positive result, an ultrasound said the opposite. In the end, an ectopic pregnancy was determined. The result is surgery and elimination of one pipe. All this happened only on July 24th. So my memories are not the best.

Even now, when I write these lines, I feel terribly painful - despite the fact that a lot of time has passed, and, it would seem, everything should already be in the past. What I felt after the operation is very difficult to convey to someone who has not been through it all, so that they can truly imagine and understand my experiences. God grant that no one has to experience what I experienced. This trauma - and not so much physical as moral - I think will remain for a long time.

The hardest thing for me then was that the people involved in this procedure could not give any answer as to what was happening to my body, and only two months later the diagnosis was finally made. Don't worry, I don't want to blame anyone. Of course, it’s clear: everyone does their part of the work, we are all human and no one is immune from mistakes. But what is it like for a person who puts himself at the complete disposal of doctors, entrusts his life, his destiny into their hands?! I would like to make a small but very important request to all medical workers directly related to the implementation of IVF. Please arrange psychological support for women who have gone through this whole process and found out about the negative result. Do it for free, because you probably know that we, who came to you, have already spent a lot of effort, health and money. Many of us have been saving for years in the hope that this last chance will bring good luck. Listen to the person who was destined to go through all this.

I apologize if I offended anyone in any way. I just briefly told my IVF story - unfortunately, unlike a fairy tale, it does not have a happy ending. Good luck to everyone and good health.

“I succeeded in IVF!”

Natalya A.

The feeling of happiness and joy that our son gives us takes the painful days and years of waiting and failure far into the past. Our son is already 6.5 months old. Our first attempt at IVF was successful.

Over the course of 5 years, my husband and I underwent various examinations and courses of treatment. We consistently tried everything: hormonal therapy, laparoscopy and much more, leaving IVF for ourselves “for last” - as the very last option. Doctors had long advised us to take this step, but I stubbornly resisted. I believed that this was unnatural, that this sacrament should happen as nature predetermined, I was afraid for the health of the child, I was afraid of strong hormonal therapy, I simply could not imagine how a child would be conceived within the walls of a laboratory, and not in my body . And even with the help of people strangers to me. What effect will this have on the child’s attitude towards me and towards his father? Will he be a stressed child?

But we had no other way, we found ourselves in a dead end - as it turned out, a happy one.

We were told in detail how the whole procedure would take place and what elements it consists of. It turned out that to increase the likelihood of a positive outcome, a gentle dose of hormonal stimulation was enough for me. It must be said that the most unpleasant physiological sensation in the entire IVF procedure is the retrieval of eggs. The procedure is painful, it was carried out without anesthesia, but the pain is short-lived.

I turned out to be a “fruitful” woman - 7 eggs were taken from me at once. Then there was a painful wait. I couldn’t shake the feeling that part of me remained in the hospital. As it turned out, out of 7 eggs, only two were fertilized by my husband’s sperm (by the way, I always dreamed of twins), and they were implanted in my uterus.

Embryo transfer is completely painless, but the waiting is painful. Both my husband and I were very skeptical. But - lo and behold! - menstruation was delayed by 2 days, a hormonal test confirmed the presence of a singleton pregnancy. I continued to not believe, and neither did my husband. But the miracle really happened. One embryo implanted.

Pregnancy was absolutely no different from normal. I felt great, but due to the low location of the placenta (as doctors say, low placentation) and the associated threat of miscarriage, I had to be very careful. I was in the hospital several times, I was very nervous, which resulted in high uterine tone. And now I understand that I should have enjoyed every day of this long-awaited pregnancy.

Doctors advised me to give birth by caesarean section in order - due to the same low placentation - to reduce the risk to a minimum. I really wanted to give birth myself and at least in this way be natural in front of nature and the child. But the situation was in favor of a caesarean section. Now I don't even regret it.

A wonderful boy was born, weighing 3,950 kg and very similar to his dad. The thought that when the baby was born, I would be under anesthesia, I wouldn’t see him, I wouldn’t be able to put him to my breast, and he would be taken away from me and left alone was depressing. But I tried to quickly get to my feet and take the baby to my room. And the milk came quickly, although they say that after a caesarean section it appears later. Now, when I look into my son’s eyes and see with what love he looks at me and his father, all my worries that I wrote about at the beginning seem stupid, I am happy that I decided on IVF. We have a healthy baby growing up, and thank God that my husband and I had the patience, understanding and health to reach the end, that we were helped and guided along the way by highly professional doctors, thanks to whose great desire and efforts our dream became a reality.

Most expectant mothers are very worried about whether IVF is painful, what the expected sensations are, and whether bleeding is possible. Therefore, in order to get rid of fears, it is necessary to analyze the replanting process in detail.

Woman's behavior during transfer

The doctor decides how the embryo transfer should take place. You shouldn’t think that transferring embryos into the uterus will be painful. The procedure is completely painless, only slight discomfort is possible. For this reason, anesthesia is not used.

The patient is positioned on the gynecological chair, and then a flexible catheter is inserted into the canal. It is along this path that the embryos follow. Basically, two or three embryos are implanted, the remaining surviving embryos, after successful fertilization in the hospital, are frozen. If the procedure is unsuccessful, the woman can freely rely on frozen embryos and try again in the future.

When embryo transfer is carried out, the expectant mother should not tense up, her body should be relaxed as much as possible. The patient is advised not to strain the lower abdomen, so the catheter will be inserted more gently. As soon as the embryo transfer is completed, the patient remains lying down for about half an hour and does not get up from the chair. After the procedure is completed, some mothers remain in the hospital for 24 hours, and some go home, but with an escort.

You should not constantly think about the result of the procedure. There are times when a girl is very nervous at the moment; if she wishes, she has the right to stay in the hospital for several days. This process is influenced by a psychological barrier and the state of the nervous system. Some people feel good at home, where their relatives are nearby, while others feel more comfortable staying under medical supervision.

Post-transfer period

Embryo transfer does not hurt at all. After the procedure itself, there should also be no sensation of pain. It is imperative to follow all doctor’s recommendations regarding hormonal support. These instructions are provided by the doctor, this is a clearly indicated schedule.

Basically, after the transfer process, progesterone and human chorionic gonadotropin are prescribed. The important point is to keep yourself in control, not to worry, not to be nervous, and also to receive only positive things from the life around you.

Every day the woman weighs herself and controls how often and in what quantity she urinates. Pulse and abdominal size are also measured. If certain abnormalities or bleeding occur, you should immediately contact the IVF center.

At the center, the mother receives sick leave for ten days. This is necessary so that she is completely calm during this period. Further, if sick leave is needed, the pregnant woman contacts her gynecologist.

Painful sensations when replanting

According to studies, there is no pain for the patient when embryos are transferred during IVF. These are quite rare situations that occur only in the presence of a strong bend of the uterus. If the process was painless, then there is every chance of a successful result. If pain and bleeding occur, it turns out that the replantation was unsuccessful, therefore, next time the doctor should think through everything thoroughly.

There are cases in which it is necessary to dilate the uterus and use another catheter. After the insertion of the catheter is painful, the girl needs to be reassured; she should get used to the foreign object in her body. But for the process to be truly effective, the doctor uses the right treatment.

In cases of infertility, extracorporeal embryo transfer into the female uterus is used. This is artificial insemination. Naturally, you want the procedure to end in a successful pregnancy, but each stage of the procedure is performed with full responsibility and compliance with the doctor’s instructions. After the procedure, the patient is recommended to remain in a supine position.

When women come to have IVF, they have already gone through certain nervous disorders, tensions, and stress. Therefore, whether IVF is painful or not depends on overcoming the psychological barrier. When a girl is completely calm, not worried and in a good mood, then she sets herself up for a positive result.

Thus, speaking about the topic of whether embryo transfer during IVF is painful or not, it should be noted that, first of all, the expectant mother can endure unpleasant sensations, but not pain. You need a positive attitude and faith in an effective result. The presence of stressful situations, nervous experiences, and hysteria is not desirable. It is recommended to communicate with friends and relatives, not to exert yourself physically, and to avoid unpleasant moments and bad moods.

She explained how in vitro fertilization works and how many times it can be done.

Anastasia Mokrova Reproductologist, gynecologist at the Life Line reproduction center

1. There are cases when IVF is the only opportunity to get pregnant and give birth to a healthy child

The first is when a woman lacks both fallopian tubes (they were removed in previous operations due to an ectopic pregnancy, severe adhesions or inflammation). When they are not there, it is impossible to get pregnant naturally - only IVF.

The second case is a severe male factor, when either a chromosomal disorder is observed on the part of the man (and, as a consequence, a violation of spermatogenesis), or it is a late age, when stimulation of spermatogenesis will not lead to anything, or hormonal factors.

The third case is genetic. This means that the couple has severe chromosomal abnormalities that do not prevent them from living, but prevent them from giving birth to healthy children. In this case, an analysis is made not only of the existing 46 chromosomes that determine the genetic composition of the embryo, but also of changes in the karyotype, which can be decisive for each pair. Theoretically, such a couple can give birth to a healthy baby without intervention, but the likelihood of success is small.

2. IVF can help if a woman has exhausted ovaries or wants to have a baby while in menopause

After 36 years, a woman is at an advanced reproductive age (no matter how good she looks). The likelihood of conception is extremely reduced.

For some women, menopause or changes in the ovaries that reduce follicular reserve occur early. There is still menstruation, but the cells are no longer there, or they are of poor quality. In this case, an IVF program is carried out to obtain a healthy embryo and transfer it to the uterine cavity.

If a woman in menopause wants to get pregnant and carry a healthy child, we also resort to IVF. In this case, the egg of a healthy woman from 18 to 35 years old is taken, fertilized with the sperm of the patient’s partner, and the embryo is implanted into her using IVF.

3. IVF has contraindications

There are very few contraindications for IVF, but they do exist. This is a severe somatic pathology that is rare in women planning pregnancy. Such patients with heart disease, lung disease, and severe mental disorders usually do not reach reproductive specialists. However, if the disease is in remission and specialists give the go-ahead for pregnancy planning, we work with the patient.

Oncological diseases are an absolute contraindication for stimulation for IVF. The oncologist must conclude that the patient is in stable remission.

4. IVF is possible at any age from 18 years old

According to the law of the Russian Federation, the age at which a woman can undergo IVF is not limited and starts at 18 years old. With older couples, the issue of pregnancy is discussed individually. Some people can give birth to a healthy baby at the age of 50, while others experience difficulties at 35.

5. The older the woman, the less likely she is to get pregnant with IVF.

I have already said that after 36 years a woman enters a late reproductive age. By the age of 40, even with IVF, the pregnancy rate is no more than 15. This is due to a decrease in the number of cells produced by the ovaries and a deterioration in their quality. For comparison, the probability of pregnancy with IVF before this age is about 70%.

6. Success in IVF depends 50% on the man

I recommend that couples come together for their initial appointment with a fertility specialist. Based on the medical history, the doctor issues an individual list of examinations that a woman and a man need to undergo. It makes no sense for one woman to be examined. It happens that a couple beats around the bush for a long time, trying to determine the problem on the woman’s part, and only then does some serious male factor become clear.

7. Short IVF protocol - the most comfortable for a couple

This is the most gentle program that requires minimal physical and material costs. At the same time, it has virtually no complications (including ovarian hyperstimulation), and is preferred by reproductive specialists all over the world. Especially for women with a good follicular reserve.

According to a short protocol, stimulation begins on days 2-3 of the cycle (before this, the doctor performs an ultrasound examination) and lasts about two weeks. When the stimulation is completed, the reproductologist sees follicles of a certain size and prescribes a trigger drug in order to carry out the puncture on time and bring the cells to maximum maturity.

The second stage is transvaginal puncture. On the day of the puncture, the partner must also donate sperm.

The third stage is embryo transfer. Between the second and third stages, embryologists work to fertilize eggs and monitor the development of embryos. On the 5th-6th day of development, the couple is informed how many of them have been produced, what quality they are and how ready they are for transfer. A woman can find out about pregnancy 12 days after the puncture by doing a blood test for hCG.

I note that during IVF a woman may have more abundant discharge. It may seem to her that she is about to start ovulating, but in reality this is not the case, because the whole process is controlled by a fertility specialist. During the IVF process, a woman is prescribed vitamin therapy and blood thinning medications to reduce the risks of hypercoagulation (increased blood clotting) and blood clots.

8. Before and during IVF, avoid heavy physical activity and adjust your diet

During the period of preparation for pregnancy, it is better for a man to avoid alcohol, saunas and hot baths. When entering an IVF program, a couple is not recommended for heavy physical activity and active sex life - this can lead to the maturation of a large number of follicles, which will cause injury to the ovaries.

During IVF, I advise you to focus on protein foods (meat, poultry, fish, cottage cheese, seafood) and drink a lot (from 1.5 liters of liquid per day). This is necessary to ensure that you feel as comfortable as possible this month.

9. The IVF procedure is painless

Don't worry about this. Stimulation injections are inserted with a tiny needle into the subcutaneous fat layer of the abdomen and may cause very mild discomfort (but not pain). As for transvaginal puncture, it is done under intravenous anesthesia for 5 to 20 minutes. Immediately after, heaviness may be felt in the lower abdomen, but under the influence of the painkiller, the discomfort goes away. The patient is allowed to go home on the same day, and the next day she can work.

10. The average pregnancy rate as a result of IVF is 35-40%

These figures are relevant for both Russia and Western countries. The success of IVF depends on the age of the patient and her partner (the higher, the smaller it is), the quality of his spermogram, previous manipulations with the uterus (curettage, abortion, miscarriages, etc.). The quality of the cells also plays a role, but there is no way to know about this before IVF.

11. IVF has no side effects if you trust a competent specialist

If the patient follows all the recommendations, the only side effect is pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby. At the same time, it is important to trust a competent reproductive specialist. If stimulation is performed incorrectly, ovarian hyperstimulation, intra-abdominal bleeding, and ectopic pregnancy are possible (extremely rare if there was already a pathology of the fallopian tubes).

12. A cold without complications is not an obstacle to IVF

If you do not take antibiotics and antiviral drugs, and you do not have a high temperature, then a cold will not affect IVF in any way. This does not impair the quality of cells and embryos.

But if there are complications after ARVI, then the embryo transfer is temporarily canceled. A man is also not recommended to take antibiotics two weeks before donating sperm.

Previously, after IVF there were indeed many cases of multiple pregnancies. Now reproductive specialists around the world recommend one embryo for transfer. This is done in order to get a healthy child.

Multiple pregnancy is difficult for the female body to bear, and often ends in premature birth, which is risky for children.

It is much better for the patient to become pregnant after the second embryo transfer than to immediately give birth to twins with cerebral palsy.

14. Children after IVF are no different from children conceived naturally

Of course, these children also suffer from acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, they have a certain heredity, they may have somatic diseases, but in no case are they inferior to other children in physical development and mental potential.

15. There are no restrictions on the number of IVFs

Typically, patients undergo IVF until results are obtained. In this case, embryos can be used from the first program, which are frozen and stored for as long as the patient wishes. You can try again after an unsuccessful IVF attempt the next cycle or every other cycle. It is not advisable to wait 3, 4, 6 months, but I advise you to discuss the possible reason for not getting pregnant with a fertility specialist.

16. You can freeze your eggs “for the future”

Many couples do this. For example, if a man and woman in a couple are 33-34 years old, and they are planning a child by the age of 40, it makes sense to think about freezing oocytes - by this time the quality of their own cells will deteriorate.

This is also done when a woman is not sure about her partner or wants to have a child for herself in the future. Then no additional stimulation is required, you will only need to prepare the endometrium and conduct an examination of the body.

17. IVF can be done for free

To carry out IVF within the framework of the compulsory health insurance program, you need to contact your doctor at the antenatal clinic to receive a quota based on the results of tests and indications. This is done by doctors at the place of residence. I would like to note that in private clinics, reproductive specialists perform IVF only on the basis of ready-made referrals.

18. A single woman can also undergo an IVF program

For this purpose, donor sperm is used from a donor bank, which undergoes a thorough examination and is as fertile as possible.

19. There is a relationship between IVF and cesarean section

Often, women after IVF undergo a cesarean section during childbirth. This happens because their body has already undergone a single operation, there is adhesions in the abdominal cavity, and a somatic history. Plus, for many women after IVF, pregnancy is a very long-awaited pregnancy, they worry about everything and are simply not in the mood for a natural birth.

I am for natural childbirth (this is right for mother and baby). But it all depends on the indications at 38-39 weeks of pregnancy and the woman’s mood.

He may be a wonderful professional, but he will not suit the couple intuitively, you will be uncomfortable. This is a very important factor, as is the number of patients in the corridor. A doctor who sees 2-3 patients a day is probably not in great demand. If patients tell their friends about the doctor, share reviews and return to him for subsequent children, this is an indicator of the qualifications and human attitude towards the couple.

The choice of clinic is not of great importance, because completely different specialists can be gathered in one medical institution where IVF is performed.

The clinic may be young, but there is a real team working there. Price also does not play a determining role; in this case, advertising may simply work.

Well, I found information a long time ago on how to increase the chances of eco.
how to increase the chances of successful embryo implantation??? The first stage is pre-infusion. 1. It is believed that on the day of replanting (several hours before) you need to have good sex with your husband (preferably with orgasm). Why? Because this will best enhance blood circulation in the uterus, which means it will be easier for embryos to implant. But after the replantation, until the hCG analysis (or until the first ultrasound - then consult a doctor) - you should not have sex, you must maintain complete sexual rest. 2. Eat pineapples and protein foods, drink plenty of fluids. 3. 2 hours before embryo transfer, you must take one PIROXICAM-Piroxicam tablet, which increases the likelihood of successful implantation. The second stage - after replanting
1. The transfer was successful and you are already home. For the first three days, you need to lie down, so to speak, “like a corpse,” only getting up to go to the toilet and to the kitchen for reinforcements. These first days are very important, as implantation of the embryos will occur. It is known that blastocysts are implanted on the first day (the day of transfer does not count), and blastomeres in the first 2-4 days. I don't agree with this. IF I HAVE PROBLEMS WITH HEMOSTASIS AND, THEREFORE, WITH BLOOD CIRCULATION IN THE UTERUS, THEN I CAN'T LYE AS A CORPSE.
In the following days, it is advisable to start moving: do not strain, do not run, but just walk, walk, and preferably in the fresh air. An hour or two walks per day is enough. 2. It is very important to insert Utrozhestan correctly, since many IVF pregnancies are lost in the early stages due to its incorrect use. Our body needs appropriate progesterone support, so it is important to promptly and correctly follow the doctor’s instructions for taking the necessary medications. As for the insertion of Utrozhestan (many doctors do not focus on this - and this is important!) - to do this, we lie down on the bed, put a pillow under the butt, spread our legs wide apart and stick it far, far away (preferably directly to the cervix or to the very ears)) in the vagina. It is advisable to lie down after this for about an hour and not get out of bed or from the pillow. Thus, Utrozhestan will not spill onto the pad and its maximum absorption into the body will occur. I don’t entirely agree with this either. Of course, it needs to be inserted correctly, but it dissolves in about an hour. It’s enough to lie down for an hour, if then a part falls out, the body will take for itself what it needs during that time. You really need to push it in as deep as you can.
3. You need to aim for success and remain calm.
4. Discuss the situation with your doctor in advance; if you begin to experience pain, how to eliminate it (cannot be tolerated). The pain is the same as during menstruation, but can be stronger. But they cannot be tolerated. The most harmless remedy is no-spa. But, unfortunately, it doesn’t help everyone. Everything else is more harmful. But in the period 3-7 days (the first day is the day of puncture), you can take almost everything (even analgin and other GINS). But you need to discuss this with your doctor. Suppositories with papaverine help well (absolutely harmless), but, again, not for everyone
5. Then, during the period 3-7 days, maintain semi-bed rest. No stress, no household chores. Walk in the yard on a bench (I quietly went out into the yard with a book, sat on the bench for a couple of hours - and went back to bed). There are no dog walks, shops, etc. Forget about all this
After the 7th day, you can begin to move slowly. But everything is very, very moderate. I do not agree. It's better to take a little walk. Especially in summer. Nothing good comes from screwing up.
6. From the 4th day you can lead a normal lifestyle, with the exception of the following:
- lift weights more than 2 kg, jump, run;
- be sexually active until the next menstruation;
- take hot baths and wash in a sauna (you can take a shower);
- it is advisable to avoid hypothermia and overheating, and protect yourself from colds;
- take medications without special instructions (which can only be given by a doctor);
- avoid all possible conflicts if possible;
- preferably avoided