Scorpio zodiac sign man compatibility with Aquarius woman. Scorpio Man and Aquarius Woman (general characteristics, compatibility)

From the outside, the relationship between an Aquarius woman and a Scorpio man gives such an impression that they should not have made such a mistake and entered into their romantic union at all. Both Scorpio and Aquarius are extremely self-sufficient and independent natures. They could very well become enemies and haters of each other, and quite worthy ones at that. This is all in theory. In reality, slightly different scenarios for the development of events in this pair are possible.

How peaceful and calm their relationship will be depends on how mature each of the partners in this union is. No, maturity is not in the sense of the years of life lived, because how long a person lives on earth does not indicate how much knowledge, skills and wisdom he has managed to accumulate during all this time. By nature, it is typical for a Scorpio man to grow up early, which is very surprising: all the transitional periods of youth do not seem to affect them. That is why you will never be mistaken when you see a little Scorpio on the street - even at a very young age, this child looks like an experienced old man: serious and reserved, unlike all his carefree peers. Unlike Aquarius, Scorpios do not tend to suffer from frivolity during their youth, but one should not think that awareness of the serious aspects of their life comes to them so quickly; on the contrary, it can take a long time.

How would the life of those around him and the Scorpio man himself be easier if he understood one truth of life: if someone has a different opinion or outlook on life, then this does not mean that this opinion or outlook is wrong, and their owner automatically becomes a bad person. Scorpio will never realize this, because it is common for all bearers of the sign to be critics and demanding faultfinders. However, this does not work with the Aquarius woman: it is generally useless to demand anything from her. Even if Scorpio tries to put pressure on her, his words will most likely fly into her one ear and immediately fly out of the other. The fact is that she is worried about something else: Aquarius is constantly pursuing his dream (the next one), being active and restless. This woman is bored sitting at home, she is overflowing with enthusiasm and energy, and must constantly do something. Aquarians should absolutely not enter into official relationships too early: they are still not ready to take on family responsibilities, housekeeping, caring for a husband or, God forbid, children. Aquarians need to constantly develop, learn and strive for heights - in their case, their husband and children can wait.

This is why maturity was mentioned earlier. Both the Scorpio man and the Aquarius woman should not rush headlong into the pool until they feel completely ready and mature. Scorpio must accumulate a sufficient amount of knowledge, wisdom, understand himself and his attitude towards life, and Aquarius, in turn, must finally grow up and settle down, feel the need to build a family nest. It is common for all women to realize at a certain period in their lives that everything: they want children, a husband and a full-fledged family. In the situation with Aquarius, it is better if this realization comes later. Moreover, if she chose Scorpio as her companion, a hasty decision could bring her a lot of tears.

No one denies that the Scorpio man and the Aquarius woman still have many common qualities that bind them. It is typical for both partners in this pair to strive for personal growth, victories and recognition, which is very good. What’s even better is that they are ready to come to each other’s aid if something happens. If they realize the benefit of having such a reliable life partner at hand, this couple will very soon recognize that they are a harmonious complement to their other half. Scorpio is a conservative, Aquarius is an innovator, which when combined gives an average option. The woman in this couple is prone to excessive spontaneity, and this, in turn, is well balanced by the man’s stubbornness and determination. They have many ideas and plans for life and are incredibly inspiring to their partner. Scorpio and Aquarius enjoy the favor of Lady Luck: after all, she loves only those who are active and are not afraid to take risks. But they will not expect peace in their relationship - such couples are accompanied by constant minor and major conflicts. Both partners are extremely insane, only each with their own characteristics. The tandem of a Scorpio man and an Aquarius woman is capable of forging a tough nut to crack from their other half. She will never let him become despondent, and he, in turn, will become for her that stone wall behind which she will never suffer.

Scorpio man and Aquarius woman - this compatibility is very unusual. At first, it may seem that this love union is likely to experience big problems; it is very difficult to achieve harmony here. But if you look at most pairs of Scorions and Aquarius, then to your surprise they will live quite happily and experience positive emotions for each other for many years. The rule here is that despite the dissimilarity, and even possible confrontations, this couple grows together in such a relationship, and eventually falls in love with each other more and more.

The partners in these relationships have very different characters, temperaments, and have completely different views on life. The Scorpio man is very meticulous - he likes to see the deep meaning in everything, does not want to do something just like that, and is very attentive to detail. If he has already decided to propose to an Aquarius woman, then he definitely believes that this marriage will last until the end of his days, and does not see himself with anyone other than his beloved. The Aquarius woman, on the other hand, looks at this completely differently, and is usually not able to fully devote herself to family and marriage.

Yes, there is no need to say that the Aquarius woman will “walk”; most often she is quite decent, and will not commit completely rash acts that could destroy a marriage. But at the same time, she does not want to sit within four walls, doing only housework, living her life only at the stove, and takes care of the children from morning to evening. And this is exactly how the Scorpio man sees his wife - economical, homely, peaceful and creating comfort and coziness at home. The Aquarius woman clearly does not meet the ideal of a wife.

It is quite possible that because of this, both will begin to present endless claims to each other, and will eventually slide into eternal disputes, scandals and showdowns. But if both in this couple experience such moments, and have patience and learn wisdom, then real harmony and happiness can come in this union, and on an almost daily basis.

Positive compatibility - Scorpio man and Aquarius woman

The ideal union of a Scorpio man and an Aquarius woman is this - their relationship is based fundamentally on love and utmost respect for the personality of the other person. But this does not come immediately, and you should not expect such mutual understanding and dissolution in your loved one immediately after the first dates. This couple will have to build such a relationship, day after day, and year after year. Having overcome obstacles and obstacles, they can get along well with each other, but for this they need to go through this rather difficult path.

When Scorpio and Aquarius are in the company of other people, they usually quickly attract everyone's attention. Both are very extraordinary, bright and even extravagant characters, and can surprise and amaze when communicating.

Scorpio-Aquarius together find great support in each other, and are mutually ready to protect each other. Scorpio in society can often be sarcastic and skeptical, and perhaps only his Aquarius woman can cope with his difficult character. She is not afraid of him, and takes his barbs with humor. Sometimes even she suddenly begins to laugh, reacting to another not very appropriate joke from the Scorpio man, and thereby also supports him to a certain extent - and he really appreciates this.

Negative compatibility - Scorpio man and Aquarius woman

The difficulties in the compatibility of the zodiac signs of Scorpio and Aquarius are that they have very different characters, and their temperaments are completely different. The Scorpio man is more of an introvert, he is focused more on the inner world, and is in no hurry to run into society to gain communication or any emotion. The Aquarius woman is different - she is always looking for communication, always needs new friends, impressions, and events in a new society.

Freedom means a lot to an Aquarius woman, and even strong love for her man will not give her the inner determination to sacrifice it. Therefore, in essence, a Scorpio man, when he tries to keep his beloved within, will achieve nothing, but will only push her away from him even more. He won’t change his character either, and he can only try to endure and make concessions for his woman, so that she stays with him for a long time, even if not in the ideal role in which he sees her.

Horoscope Scorpio-Aquarius - well-being of the union

The compatibility horoscope between Scorpio and Aquarius says that in order to achieve peace and prosperity in this love union, they need to open their souls to each other. This does not mean that the Scorpio man needs to dump all his work problems on the Aquarius woman every day, but sometimes a heart-to-heart talk, talk about your mood, what you think about your partner - this is very necessary for a couple.

The Scorpio man in this relationship must learn wisdom, calmness, and acceptance of the interlocutor’s point of view. It’s difficult for him, but he can do it. When he makes constant attempts in this direction, the Aquarius woman will definitely notice this, and in return will give Scorpio more love, tenderness and affection. He will be even more inspired by this, and this can turn into a real ever-growing cycle that will lead to the development of the relationship of this unusual couple.

The Aquarius woman must also show restraint and patience. If she uses feminine cunning and does not enter into open conflicts with Scorpio, then she will be able to achieve much more than from constant “sawing” and attempts to persistently remake the character of her chosen one. Both need to understand that Scorpio’s possessiveness and Aquarius’ love of freedom are normal, and these qualities just need to be accepted and come to terms with them.

How an Aquarius woman will interest a Scorpio man and attract him

A Scorpio guy can get carried away by an Aquarius girl when he needs something from her, and he acts for selfish reasons (these are sad cases, since of course they do not lead to a long and happy relationship), or if he falls very much in love with her - and sometimes this happens from the first meetings.

When the first situation occurs, the Aquarius woman can remain in the dark about Scorpio’s true plans for a very long time, and after everything is revealed, it will be a real shock for her. Since they will very cynically use her to their advantage as long as she allows it. After all, the Aquarius woman is often very trusting, and sincerely cannot imagine bad thoughts regarding her loved one. But the truth will definitely come out.

But if Scorpio falls in love - and this happens when the Aquarius woman is very sexy, beautiful, and has qualities that are attractive to Scorpio - then Aquarius needs to “hold the line.” , to rudely and persistently woo a woman, and in order not to slip into outright vulgarity, the woman will have to make some efforts. If she maintains her character and fights back at the first stage, then Scorpio may well turn into a real romantic, and will look after his chosen one in every possible way and very beautifully in order to achieve her favor.

Friendly compatibility between Scorpio man and Aquarius woman

Friendship between a Scorpio man and an Aquarius woman is possible, but does not always happen. Sometimes this happens when they are related by family ties, or their families converge on some basis. They don't have many common interests, and that's why they rush to meet every day. Rather, they accidentally cross paths, and in this case they communicate quite nicely with each other, and build pleasant, but not burdensome relationships.

A Scorpio man, if he wants, can prove himself to be an excellent interlocutor, but at the same time he will remain closed in terms of his state of mind. He will not let such a friend inside his emotions, so the communication between Scorpio and Aquarius is more superficial than touching on some deep topics that are truly interesting to both. Philosophy, intellectual growth, smart books, and other abstruse things are not about this relationship.

An Aquarius woman usually maintains a benevolent mood and is in a good state of mind, and a Scorpio man enjoys communicating with her, and sometimes he can even ask her for advice in different situations. A romance between them during friendship most likely will not happen - these people are too different.

Work and career - how compatible are Scorpio and Aquarius?

It will most likely not be possible to ensure that the pair of Scorpio man and Aquarius woman work well together. They are too different in temperament and character, their work styles are very different, and it will be very difficult for them to adapt to each other. At the same time, both are rather “hard-headed” and stubborn, so they are unlikely to accept their colleague’s point of view or take his side. Rather, they will fight to the last for their principles, ideas and beliefs, and thereby destroy the work process.

The Scorpio man is usually very irritated by the behavior of the Aquarius woman nearby at work, but at the same time is not able to accept and forgive her. Too proud and also self-willed. The Aquarius woman will not want to work with a person with whom she does not have a good relationship. She will simply reject him as an “undesirable” element and stop communicating on any topics. It is clear that in such an atmosphere it will be problematic to achieve any big goals.

There are only a few secret words, upon hearing which the Scorpio man will begin to fall in love.

Discover a secret that only a few women know. Click the button and watch the video to the end.

In terms of compatibility between a Scorpio woman and an Aquarius man, this union is very difficult emotionally. On the one hand, an Aquarius man and a Scorpio woman have excellent sexual compatibility. for two, and the bright Aquarius man brings enchantment and unpredictability to this relationship. They often fall in love with each other on the first date, but in their life together, differences in character make themselves felt, resulting in heated showdowns.

We can safely say that an Aquarius man and a Scorpio woman meet in order to grow spiritually. This couple confirms the aphorism: “What does not kill me makes me stronger and more robust.”

The Scorpio woman is a person of action, and the Aquarius man is a dreamer. They will never be able to understand each other. In addition, they have very large differences in temperament and character, in views and opinions, in beliefs and worldview. The Scorpio woman does not like to decide or do anything just like that, or by the way. For her, every little thing carries a certain meaning and meaning. Moreover, love and marriage, which she dreams of concluding once and for the rest of her life. The Aquarius man prefers open relationships, he likes free love, and he does not understand the possessive habits of the Scorpio woman. They have completely different attitudes towards such concepts as “love and marriage”, “duty and obligation”. Everyone understands them so differently, as if they speak different languages. Over time, the Scorpio woman manages to tame the negative traits of the Aquarius man, his self-will and wilfulness, stubbornness and obstinacy, and even teach him to be faithful.

A happy couple in Scorpio-Aquarius compatibility does not fit any standards: she has her own path, often incomprehensible to others.

Compatibility between Scorpio woman and Aquarius man – PLUSES

Even the ideal couple of a Scorpio woman and an Aquarius man does not look very harmonious in appearance. There is mutual respect in this couple, but none of those around them can understand what connects these people. The fact is, even after many years of living together, each of them has their own friends who do not really like their other half. The Aquarius man's friends don't like the Scorpio woman because they think she's ruining their friendship. As soon as an Aquarius man gets married, nightly gatherings and visits without warning immediately end. And the Scorpio woman’s friends are unhappy that now her attention entirely belongs to her husband.

Astrologers unanimously claim that all pairs of a Scorpio woman and an Aquarius man were formed in order to grow spiritually. Ordinary everyday happiness is not available to these partners. Married to an Aquarius man and wife. She selflessly serves her husband, as she understands his high mission to live in the future and bring many new discoveries into this world. An Aquarius man next to a Scorpio woman learns not to get distracted by numerous little things. She organizes external control for him and helps him maintain discipline. By the way, if an Aquarius man learns self-discipline, then he is truly capable of great things.

In an ideal couple, the Scorpio woman supports and participates in many of the interests and hobbies of her Aquarius man. They are interested in spending time together; there is always something to talk about. Therefore, despite numerous difficulties, this bright and extravagant union can be very long.

Compatibility between Scorpio woman and Aquarius man – CONS

The difficulties described below in a couple of a Scorpio woman and an Aquarius man apply only to those couples in which there is true love. Couples in which there is no love break up very quickly, even before they encounter difficulties. They are very different. But those families in which there are real strong feelings deserve to be happy and therefore it is not a sin to fight for a loved one.

The main problem of compatibility between the zodiac signs of Scorpio and Aquarius lies in stubbornness and the inability to find compromises. Both the Scorpio woman and the Aquarius man are incredibly stubborn. Of course, the Scorpio woman tends to doubt more that she is right, but if she has already decided something, she will stick to her decision until the bitter end. And the only correct ones. As a result of clashes between two “correct” but opposite decisions, the couple quarrels. Most often, disputes arise over money and the distribution of the family budget. They have different views on who should lend and in what cases. As a result, the Scorpio woman forbids her husband to borrow “five before payday” for beer, but in the end she is faced with the fact that the Aquarius man, out of spite, gives her entire salary to his friends, and even on the terms “they will give it back someday later” . In addition, the Aquarius man does not understand the difference between the fact that he lends to his friends for “party”, and that his wife bought medicine for her nephew with her last money. By his actions he demonstrates resentment and misunderstanding.

Another problem that couples of a Scorpio woman and an Aquarius man face is much more serious than money. The Scorpio woman is very partial to her husband. She is ready to do anything for him, because he is the most beloved and important person. For a Scorpio woman, this is already a significant reason to distinguish him from all other people. And the Aquarius man, despite his love for the Scorpio woman, continues to treat her the same way as he treats his other friends and evaluates her from a position of objectivity. The Scorpio woman is perplexed and falls into a stupor, because it seems to her that she, too, has the right to count on special treatment.

Scorpio-Aquarius horoscope – compatibility and harmony

According to the compatibility of the horoscopes of Scorpio and Aquarius, in order for there to be harmony in their family, it is necessary to try to avoid quarrels due to the stubbornness of both partners. This can be achieved by assigning areas of responsibility or influence in advance. The Scorpio woman and the Aquarius man must agree who and in what cases is responsible for the decision made. In this case, the second partner simply does not have the right to insist on his decision. The best distribution will be one where the Scorpio woman will be responsible for all subjective and personal moments, those where receptivity and feelings are important. For example, for the atmosphere in the family (and, therefore, for which guests to invite and which ones not to be allowed into the family “fortress”). And an Aquarius man should be entrusted with objective relationships with the outside world (for example, which of his friends and when the couple will go to visit).

As for the second problem - the desire of the Scorpio woman (quite justified) to be “special” for her man, here she will have to long and persistently explain to the Aquarius man that she should not occupy an equal place among his many friends and not be subjected to the same assessment as friends. The Scorpio woman will have to gradually raise her partner. It is worth noting that she is able to do this and explain to him that if he does not forgive her for what he does not forgive his friends, then she will do exactly as much for him as others. For example, she will begin to wash his clothes and prepare food no earlier than this. A Scorpio woman should remember that Aquarius men, as a rule, grow up in problematic families and he just needs to be taught to distinguish family relationships from friendly ones.

How can a Scorpio woman win an Aquarius man?

The Scorpio woman rarely relates to the ideal that the Aquarius man is looking for. Therefore, it will not be easy to interest him in himself. To attract the attention of an Aquarius guy, a Scorpio girl will have to find out what her chosen one loves and is interested in. You can turn to astrology for help and read about the preferences of a given zodiac sign.

Firstly, the Aquarius man pays attention to everything that is not familiar, non-standard, new. The Scorpio woman is distinguished by her observation and depth of analysis of all phenomena. She loves to get to the essence of things, their root cause. Of course, this approach seems original and unusual to the Aquarius man, simply because few people think like this. Most people “skim the surface” and are not interested in the essence of things. So from this we can conclude that in order to attract the attention of an Aquarius man, a Scorpio woman needs to communicate with him more often and shares with him her unusual view of ordinary things.

The second way to attract the attention of an Aquarius man is to simply become friends with him. Look for a reason not for a romantic relationship, but for a friendly one. The Aquarius man values ​​friendship very highly. Friends always come first for him. And best of all, a friend is known in trouble or in some common endeavor. If a Scorpio woman finds a job that she will do together with an Aquarius man, then she will soon notice how he sympathizes with her more and more and discovers common traits. For example, he will be happy to note that the Scorpio woman has the same perseverance and tenacity.

But, when conquering an Aquarius man, under no circumstances encroach on his freedom. Hide your thoughts and conversations about marriage and family life away. The Aquarius man likes to think about the future in matters of technology, economics and politics, but not about his own future.

Compatibility of Scorpio woman and Aquarius man in friendship

A Scorpio woman and an Aquarius man are able to build long-term friendships. The Aquarius man is easy to talk to and friendly. And this attracts the attention of the Scorpio woman, while he himself is able to be friends with literally the whole world.

The halves of this friendly couple should not be afraid of cheating. It's hardly possible. The Aquarius man values ​​friendship highly and does not bring sexual relations into it. And for a Scorpio woman, an Aquarius man is not so physically attractive that she can forget about obligations and cheat.

Compatibility of Scorpio woman and Aquarius man in business

Business cooperation between an Aquarius man and a Scorpio woman can develop in different ways. It can be either very productive (unfortunately, this does not happen often) or very problematic. An Aquarius man and a Scorpio woman most often refuse to work together, as it is difficult for them to understand each other. And if circumstances force them to cooperate, then everyone pulls the “blanket” over themselves. But this cooperation can bring unprecedented success and material well-being if the Scorpio woman sees the original ideas of the Aquarius man and begins to bring them to life.

When a Scorpio woman and an Aquarius man are colleagues or partners, the situation can turn out differently. Basically, an Aquarius man and a Scorpio woman try not to intersect or work together. They have different working styles and find it difficult to understand and adapt to each other. Cooperation can be very successful if the Scorpio woman takes on the implementation of the innovative ideas of the Aquarius man. Great success and material prosperity await this couple if they implement the latest technologies.

When a Scorpio woman is a boss and an Aquarius man is a subordinate, this is a very bad combination for work. The Aquarius man does not tolerate being controlled, and the Scorpio boss is used to keeping everything under control and her clear guidance.

When a Scorpio woman is a subordinate and an Aquarius man is a boss, this combination is very rare and completely unproductive for work. The Scorpio woman is in the role of a subordinate as rarely as the Aquarius man in the role of a boss. And, naturally, in this situation, being together is an even rarer occurrence. If such an alliance is nevertheless formed, then it will be of little use.

This is an intriguing relationship, but their love compatibility is one of unfavorable ones. Their relationship usually ends after a short time, even before serious problems arise. Fueled by the energy of Scorpio and the imagination of Aquarius, the intimate side of relationships can become quite extraordinary for them. But Aquarius is not touched by the intense passions of Scorpio, and Scorpio will not be satisfied with the unpredictability of his partner. Aquarius is constantly involved in various public affairs, but Scorpio is unlikely to be interested in them.

Aquarius is extremely sociable, Scorpio tends to keep to himself. Scorpio will not be able to subordinate Aquarius to his or her will, the reason for this is the partner’s love for freedom. Pleasant moments in bed will not help this couple create a happy union. It is better if each of them goes their own way and chooses a more compatible person.

Compatibility of Scorpio woman and Aquarius man

Compatibility of a Scorpio woman and an Aquarius man in love and marriage is 40%. Most likely, they will become close by chance, due to circumstances, and not because of their own choice. There are many inconsistencies between these zodiac signs. She lives by emotions and intuition, he mainly relies on logic and intellect. Scorpios prefer loneliness, having only a few close friends, while Aquarians interact with many people without really getting close to anyone. He is freedom-loving and independent, loves to spend time with friends, which will create tension in the couple due to her jealousy and suspicion. She will try to control her partner, but with Aquarius it is not so easy. They may be attracted to each other and intrigued, but neither will be in a rush to start a love relationship. The Scorpio woman needs time to study a potential partner, and the Aquarius man does not like to commit himself, so the decision to enter into a relationship may be delayed.

They are also incompatible on an emotional level, since Scorpios are distinguished by the intensity of their feelings, and Aquarians are rather cold. In addition to this, there is another disadvantage in their relationship. They are both representatives of fixed zodiac signs and are stubborn by nature, neither of them will want to give in to the other. They will have to go through difficult moments so that the relationship can develop in a positive direction. Communication can strengthen the bond, as they both love to talk. In general, there are more contradictions than commonalities, so it will take a lot of effort and dedication from partners to make love and relationships bring joy.

Compatibility of Aquarius woman and Scorpio man

Compatibility of an Aquarius woman and a Scorpio man in love and marriage is 60%. In this couple, the success of the relationship largely depends on the woman. Dating a Scorpio man requires patience and time to delicately process him and, to some extent, yourself. Most people do not even notice how strong passions live in the depths of his soul, but the Aquarius woman is endowed with a sharp mind; she will be able to catch his mood by fleeting signs. On the other hand, thanks to intuition, it will not be difficult for him to understand her internal motives. She will have the feeling that he is quietly directing her actions and behavior in the direction he desires.

The Scorpio man will admire the independence and free-thinking of the Aquarius woman. This same trait of her character will become a source of tension in a love relationship. Her love of freedom will clash with his Scorpio possessiveness. Men of this zodiac sign are jealous, it will be difficult for him to accept her desire to spend time away from home and from him, her wide circle of acquaintances may also arouse his suspicions. If the Aquarius woman finds a way to curb his desire to control her, then the chances of success increase. Another bottleneck is the stubbornness of the partners, which makes it difficult for them to come to an agreement. To become a happy loving couple, they need to pay attention to each other’s characteristics and accept their partner as he is.

Compatibility of Scorpio in love with other zodiac signs

Compatibility of Aquarius in love with other zodiac signs

The relationship between them begins immediately. At first these are only his views, which she, with her insight, understands as well as possible. Then he takes action, but she is too wise to immediately fall into his arms. She starts her game by giving him the opportunity to feel like a hunter. Her dreams may drive him crazy, but this will only fuel his desire to be with her.

Compatibility of Scorpio and Aquarius in LOVE

In love they can overact. She may get carried away and not see how tired he is of the chase. But he is not always ready to seek compromises in other people's rules. Therefore, she should know the limits in her desire to teach him a lesson, to make him suffer. And after establishing a warm relationship, he will begin to study her character. He will see how independent, strong and vulnerable she is at the same time. This cannot but please a man like him.

Disputes and friction often arise between them. The point here is her independence, and his desire to subjugate. They can bicker for a long time, but quarrels between them usually end well. He understands that he likes her life positions. And she will not want to part with him, since he gives her so many emotions like no one else. It is these feelings that will bind them. It is important to note that every quarrel between them makes the relationship fuller and more harmonious.

Compatibility of Scorpio and Aquarius in MARRIAGE

In marriage, this couple creates a whole plan. First of all, he will make a career. Then, perhaps, she will be able to achieve something more. Only after this they will begin work on creating a reliable home. In next place are their children, whom both will work with full dedication. And after that, they will be able to devote time and money to realize their desires, dreams and personal goals.

In living together, problems are unlikely to arise between them. He makes great money, she becomes his support. And this is enough to get satisfaction. They will achieve a lot, but for this she will need to sacrifice her friends and some hobbies. However, she is too sensible to reject him because of her friends or too risky adventures, so everything will be just fine between them.

Compatibility of Scorpio and Aquarius in BED

If the couple has just entered adolescence, their intimacy will become a field of competition. Their desires are so different that it is difficult for them to sort them out. Everyone will insist on their own, and this is simply unacceptable in a couple. As a result, they may even break up. In this case, he will be the initiator, since for him physical intimacy is an important area, without which he cannot live. He simply cannot understand why she doesn’t want unity as much as he does.

If the couple is in adulthood, then their love will become a real revelation and message to the partner. They will be able to achieve spiritual intimacy, since everyone will understand what needs to be done for this. She is like air, so she cannot give herself over to passion the way he does. And in order to maintain that fragile closeness of souls, she will have to make some efforts. This will be the secret of possible harmony in this area between them.

Important for girls to know!

To keep him, she needs to be the same as always. You just have to get rid of the habit of forgetting about everything because of some unrealistic desires. She must weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of an alliance with him. And it is unlikely that she will find that there are more shortcomings. They are comfortable together, and for this they can give up some habits, because living together is a series of compromises. There may not be too many compromises with it.