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People often wonder: how to quickly learn a text? The problem arises especially often if the amount of information is large and the topic has not been thoroughly studied. A person does not always manage to remember the material the first time, so there are several special techniques that will help you quickly memorize.

You should not thoughtlessly try to memorize information, such an action cannot lead to a positive result, therefore one of the main rules states that the ability to carefully read the material, try to understand and understand its main idea - these are two components of a positive memorization result.

Technique for quickly memorizing text

There are several special techniques that are aimed at accelerating the memorization of information of any volume. These include:

  1. Full parsing and understanding of read data, it is important to understand what is written and what is the main idea of ​​​​the information being studied.
  2. Visualization of what you read, namely, try to mentally select a suitable picture for each sentence or word.
  3. After reading the information, it is advisable rewrite everything what is remembered on a piece of paper. This will help you understand what data has been learned and what needs to be reworked.
  4. They consider it an excellent assistant for memorizing text. author's reading, that is, listening to data using audio recordings.
  5. Try several times a day reread what you're studying.
  6. In order to learn a text by heart you need read it before bed.
  7. To quickly memorize text you need take breaks during the work period.
  8. Comfortable environment and absence of external irritants will help you easily remember a large amount of data.

How to train your memory to memorize text

The human brain constantly needs to be trained, because without any stress it “switches off”, and information is not able to be absorbed well. You can train your memory using certain techniques that will help you remember information better. Learn the text by heart as quickly as possible:

  • An effective method of memory training is recalling various unpleasant situations that have happened to a person recently, and best of all, taking written notes of what was mentioned;
  • change of environment when memorizing certain types of information, for example, in different rooms, this method has a beneficial effect on memory development;
  • To quickly memorize text and train your memory, experts advise trying to pronounce each word loudly and clearly;
  • You can train your memory with the help of gestures and expression, namely, to help yourself by expressing feelings and experiences, for example, if you need to learn a dialogue, you just need to act it out with your interlocutor; gesturing individual words and phrases will also be an excellent help;
  • in order to train your memory and remember large amounts of information, you just need to listen to yourself from the outside, record a fragment of text on a voice recorder, and listen to the audio on headphones before going to bed;
  • Another effective method is walking while memorizing data, the fact is that while walking, brain cells are activated, and information is quickly and well absorbed;
  • You can train your memory using the 60 words in 60 seconds technique, that is, in 1 second you need to pronounce 1 word, these can be both the names of plants and the capitals of the world;
  • Learning foreign words can lead to improved memory.

Thanks to these techniques, you can train excellent memory and logical thinking, which will help improve the memorization of information, and the question “how to remember a large text?” will disappear by itself.

How to read to remember better

But, still, what is the best way to remember and assimilate a large amount of information? A trained memory is capable of accepting a large amount of information if one resorts to improving the quality of its assimilation. There is a whole technique that can help you absorb information and remember it in the shortest possible time:

  1. Concentrate and try to understand the goal, namely, think about how this information will be useful and whether it will bring positive results.
  2. Read the table of contents and contents of the material. The main purpose of this technique is to realize what the reader is about to learn. This method can not only train the memory, but also prepare the reader for long or short passages.
  3. To memorize and improve the assimilation of the information provided, it is advisable to choose only paper media, since proofreading text from electronic media reduces productivity by 30%.
  4. Getting rid of external irritating factors is another important point for a productive result.
  5. A brief summary of each chapter will be a useful method for better understanding of the information.
  6. Trying to retell the material you have read to your interlocutor will help the reader understand the information well. You just need to read, not memorize the information, but try to understand it.

How to quickly memorize a text and retell it

Often in schools or universities they are given a task - retelling the information they have read. This method is used so that the reader can not only improve and strengthen his memory, but also learn to express his thoughts correctly and correctly, especially for schoolchildren. In order to correctly retell the information you read, you should follow some rules:

  • for better assimilation of the data, it is necessary to read what is presented at least once in advance;
  • choosing the right time to read will help you absorb the material and accurately interpret it in your own words;
  • identifying difficult moments to study and repeating them separately;
  • identifying the key points of the text, the relationship and sequence of actions, this will help to fully and efficiently retell the learned material;
  • A good rest after studying the material is the key to a high-quality retelling of information.

Do you urgently need to remember the text? How easy is it to learn it? Similar questions arise in people’s minds before tests, exams and other important events. Our brain has limitless possibilities, only it should be helped in their development. At the moment, there are a sufficient number of techniques in the world aimed at developing thinking and memory. It is worth noting that absolutely all mental processes can be improved throughout life. By engaging in self-development, a person can achieve a lot. We are used to seeing such successful people on the TV screen, reading about them in magazines and on popular websites on the Internet.

The process that allows us to remember and forget information is called memory. It has its own volume, i.e. a person can only remember a limited amount of information. But by developing memory, its storage can be significantly increased over time.

In order to understand exactly how much information a person can remember, special techniques are used to determine the resource of not only short-term, but also long-term memorization. It is possible to quickly learn a large text by heart by following recommendations that have been tested by many people.

Types of memory:

  • tactile;
  • taste;
  • figurative;
  • visual;
  • auditory;
  • olfactory.

Starting from childhood, a person develops a certain type of memory. For example, if he liked to read books on his own, then in the future it will be quite easy for him to remember information from paper and other media, that is, which he can read on his own. Thus, visual memory will be well developed. Let's consider another option for memory development. If in childhood the child’s parents read books at home, then his auditory memory will be well trained.

How to learn text quickly and easily? In order for a person to quickly memorize a stream of information from any source, he should regularly develop his memory, and cover absolutely all types of it. Classes using various techniques that suggest regularly performing special exercises will help with this issue.

First of all, in order to remember the text, you need to read it and understand what the author wanted to convey to the reader. By understanding what each paragraph is about, it will be much easier to remember it than just a bunch of words. A sure way to memorize is also to visualize what you read, that is, create a small movie in your head using images of a given text. Correctly fulfilling all the conditions of the methods, you can quickly memorize the work.

It has long been proven that it is easier for any person to solve a problem in parts, this also applies to memorizing text. To make it easier to store information in memory, you should divide it into parts.

When studying the text, it is worth organizing a calm environment around you. It is advisable to turn off the radio, TV and privacy, since if someone is talking on the phone nearby, it is unlikely that you will be able to remember the theorem or poem.

In some cases, from a work that needs to be learned, it is worth writing out some words, you will get something like a cheat sheet, and they, as has long been proven, are useful for studying. Notes allow you to highlight the main information from an essay; visual memory works when writing. Also, when reading a book, remember the font of the text and the pictures on the pages.

If you suddenly feel that you are tired and your brain is not processing the information, take a break, drink coffee, rest, and then begin studying with renewed vigor, having previously remembered the text you have already memorized. Memorizing prose at home is much easier than in another environment, and it takes less time.

There are many methods and exercises for memory training in the world, almost all of them are effective. Let's look at the most popular of them, which have many positive reviews.

  1. During any mathematical calculation, you should put the calculator aside. By counting in your head or on paper and doing it regularly, a person increases your memory capacity significantly.
  2. Start your day by counting from 100 to 1. You need to count in this order and try to increase the speed every day.
  3. A fairly effective exercise is called “Cities in a Minute.” It's easy to do: in just one minute you need to name 60 cities, one city per second. You won’t be able to do this the first time, but by doing this task every day, you can notice positive results within a week.
  4. You can try learning new words. This technique will allow a person not only to train his memory, but also to learn a foreign language. Such exercises should be performed regularly, since just once the picture will not change, just like when training muscles. It is recommended to learn fifteen words a day and increase this barrier with each subsequent week.
  5. The simplest and most well-known exercise is considered to be the usual memorization of a poem. The important thing about this technique is its consistency, that is, you need to learn new poems systematically.

Techniques for quickly learning a poem

Don't know how to quickly learn texts by heart? Using some techniques and recommendations, this will become much easier and faster.

After this, be sure to visualize the poem; this is a little more difficult than in the case of prose, but the result will be effective. For example, if the poem talks about a prisoner sitting behind bars (A.S. Pushkin), then you can even draw this picture on paper.

When memorizing a poem, pay attention to the rhymes. You can also try to read the work in roles, create a dialogue, for example, with a close relative or friend.

Have you memorized a poem, but are you afraid to make a mistake when telling it? Write down the first words of each line on paper, this will make the task much easier.

Reading quickly improves memory

Very few people know how to quickly learn a text by heart. First of all, you need to master the technique of speed reading; this is what will help you identify the most important information from a large text or from an entire book in a short time.

Reading may be different:

  • leisurely - it is classified as reading works of fiction (novels, detective stories, etc.);
  • concentrated - required to study very important information;
  • fast reading - with its help it is easy to highlight the main thing from a large text;
  • fluent – ​​the essence of the information is remembered without details.

Using the speed reading technique, a person can easily highlight the main information in the text and not waste his time on unnecessary water in it.

To master the technique of speed reading, it is recommended to initially read the table of contents of the book, this will help to form a general impression of it. Then read the introduction, chapters, pay attention to the highlighted information in the text, what the author emphasizes.

Train your speed of reading words per minute, each time take a new page from the book for the exercise.

Remember the information we read

Some people do not have a very good memory, and always wonder how to quickly learn texts by heart. To do this, you don’t need to do anything complicated, just follow the recommendations that will help reduce your learning time significantly.

The surest way to remember something easily is through recollection. This is the name given to the memory function, which helps a person remember information learned in the past.

Reading the text again, a few hours after the first time, will strengthen it in memory.

Having understood the information presented in the work, a person can remember the entire text in a fairly short period of time. Also memorize the piece in parts, it’s easier than learning everything at once. Read thoughtfully, understand the words, understand what you are reading about. Proven fact: what you read before bed is remembered better.

What helps memory to be in good condition?

Everything in the human body is interconnected, this also applies to memory. To keep her in order, you need not only to train your thought processes, but also to monitor the state of your brain.

  • Both adults and children should get enough sleep every day. Experts say that people who sleep less than seven hours a night are prone to forgetfulness and inattention. Therefore, be sure to follow your daily routine;
  • Our brain, like the whole body, needs energy to work, we take it from food. Therefore, watch your diet, exclude processed foods and other harmful foods from it. Eat more cereals, vegetables and fruits;
  • Don’t forget about physical activity and walks in the fresh air, this will help saturate the blood with oxygen, which has a good effect on the entire body and memory.

The Mysterious Powers of Memory

Our memory, as mentioned earlier, has unlimited capacity. There are different ways to remember necessary and unnecessary information. By training your memory every day, you can discover a lot of new and unknown things.


Read the text you need to remember out loud. When you read to yourself, the text is remembered much worse. This happens because in this case only the visual organs are involved. When you speak a text out loud, both speech and auditory receptors also work. It turns out that you read, speak, and listen to information that you need to remember.

Imagine what you are talking about. People with creative abilities have more developed imaginative thinking. So, if you imagine what you are reading about, you will have a much greater chance of remembering the text. In addition, the perception of information makes the process of reading itself more effective: if you are completely absorbed in this activity, then you are less likely to be distracted by thoughts.

Return to those fragments of the text that remain unclear after reading. It will be much more difficult to remember the text if you do not fully understand what is being said. In addition, when you reread a particular passage, it is imprinted in your memory. Then it will not be difficult for you to remember what was discussed.

Remember the associations that arise during the reading process. Often extraneous thoughts interfere with reading, but they are the ones who remember the text. Imagine that you have read this or that passage. And after that, for no reason, you thought about something that has meaning for you, but is absolutely not related to the text. When it comes time to reproduce the material, just remember what you associated this or that word, sentence or paragraph with.

If there are unknown words in the text, look up their meaning in the dictionary. This applies to a greater extent to articles that are scientific in nature. To remember the text, you must know the meaning of all the words present in the material you are studying.


It is remembered faster if the information makes sense. Before you memorize, try to figure it out. If you have a lot of information, divide it over several days, so you will remember it much better. There is no need to waste time on memorizing information over and over again at once; it is better to repeat it constantly.

Helpful advice

It is difficult to speak unequivocally about methods of memorizing text. Remember that learned information is forgotten especially quickly immediately after memorization, then the rate of forgetting slows down significantly, so it makes sense to repeat the material a few hours after memorization, and then...

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Probably every person in his life has encountered a problem when some important information was erased from memory. This problem is especially close to students and schoolchildren. There are several ways that simplify memorization and make it reliable. These methods can be called the laws of memory.


Law of attention. In order to remember any material well, you must fully understand it. The main factors that negatively affect the memorization of information are: distractions (for example, noise or radio), fatigue, extraneous thoughts, haste or irritation.

Law of brightness. Everything unusual and bright is remembered most firmly. During the day you can meet a huge number, but by the evening you will remember only those that were different from the others. Therefore, before memorizing the material, try to make it unusual.

Work on remembering material in the absence of external stimuli. Turn off your phone, TV, background music for a while. This way you will absorb much more information. Get involved in the learning process, try to become interested in the topic at least for a while. Visualize all images and actions.

Remember everything you already know about the topic. This will make it easier for you to outline this base with lace from new knowledge. If you are “swimming” in the material, try to explain it in your own words to someone else, even if your interlocutor is a cat sleeping comfortably next to you. If you can explain the information you receive, it will be much easier for you to remember it.

Periodically review the material you have learned. But don’t cram the same paragraph, but return to the entire semantic block in a couple of hours. Take breaks not only to eat, but also to completely abstract yourself from the topic for a few minutes. This will put things in order in your head and make room for a new portion of material.

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  • “Supermemory, or how to remember in order to remember?”, E.E. Vasilyeva, V.Yu.Vasiliev, 2002

Remembering any information can sometimes be very difficult. Moreover, if a student needs to do this during a lesson, because in most cases, children do not consider it necessary to “clog” their memory. But sometimes, you need to remember a lesson in order to successfully pass exams in the future.


Concentrate all your attention on the material you are studying. Try to think only about this, without being distracted by the desk and the view behind. Get rid of unrelated thoughts - you can think about everything else during the break. Listen carefully to the teacher. If something becomes unclear to you, immediately ask a question. This way, the lesson will definitely stick in your memory.

Take notes on the material covered in class. It will be good if you write down the plan. This will make it easier for you to find the information you need in the future to use it. In your notes, shorten them so that after some time you still have what you wrote down. Use a pen of a different color to highlight the most important points (thoughts). If it’s easier for you to remember diagrams, draw them.

Read if you don't like writing. Follow the textbook what the teacher tells you about. You can purchase additional literature on the subject and review it.

Review the material covered at home. Just don’t put off repeating it “on the back burner,” as this may not happen. The next day you will receive new knowledge, and accordingly you will need to memorize them. Therefore, try to repeat with a “fresh” head.

Do your homework. The exercises that need to be completed will help you remember and consolidate new knowledge. If you cannot cope with them on your own, ask an adult for help.

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Be sure to remember everything that the teacher focuses your attention on.

Helpful advice

Take your studies at school seriously so that when you enter a university you don’t have to learn all the material again.

Reading is one of the best ways to study, work and just have fun. Not everyone likes reading, but the rest read without compulsion, because thanks to books we receive a lot of useful information. A person’s reluctance to read books and textbooks is caused by the fact that he simply does not know how to remember them. Don't despair, there is a special technique with which you can easily learn to memorize even the most complex texts.


First, take care to isolate yourself from the outside world. The absence of distractions and silence will make it much easier to remember information. Take a position that is comfortable for you. It is advisable to lie on your back, with your legs either at the level of your head or generally above it. This will give additional blood flow to the brain, which will stimulate its activity.

Having prepared yourself, you can move on to memorizing the text itself. First, read the text to have at least some idea of ​​its volume, key places, and content. After this, it is necessary to correctly divide this text into 2-3 blocks, each of which will not be meaningless in isolation from the other parts. Each block consists of several parts (paragraphs), which in turn are divided into several minimal portions.

When you have mastered the task of breaking up the text, you can begin to study it. Read the first one, then try to mentally reproduce it, then read the sentence again, paying attention only to those parts that you could not remember the first time. Depending on your abilities and the volume taken, you will need from 2 to 4 repetitions. After this, you can move on to the next sentence and repeat the procedure. Having memorized two sentences, try to remember them in conjunction; if nothing comes of it, then turn to the text itself again. Continue in this order until you have memorized the entire paragraph.

Having memorized the first paragraph, move on to the next. Read it in the same way as the first time. Only when repeating sentences from the second paragraph, forget about the sentences of the first. Only when you completely remember the second one, try to remember all the material.

Using this scheme, you can learn the entire text. When repeating, you should not speak the information out loud, otherwise your throat will quickly get tired, which will distract you from the process. Repeat everything to yourself.

Video on the topic


  • Useful tips for everyone
  • how to memorize text the first time

The volume of information in the modern world is growing like a snowball, and not only students, but also adults need to navigate it. Memorization is always a conscious activity of the mind to organize the material to be remembered. The skill of memorization, like any skill, can be brought to automatism if you put some effort into it and use it. Mnemonics is entirely devoted to learning to remember - the art of developing memory and teaching memorization skills.


Learn to analyze simple elements and connections in the material you are studying. Parse the text from simple to complex, from part to whole, which makes it easier to memorize. With complex and voluminous texts, work the other way around - first get acquainted with the text, break it into parts, and then study each part in detail sequentially.

Train the work of all your analyzers (visual, auditory, sensory). For 3-4 days, when memorizing any information, evoke any visual, auditory or kinesthetic images. Over time, they will arise easily for you and help you remember the material.

Use artificial associations. To do this, specifically connect the memorized material with associative images, sounds, movements, everything that is closer to you. Combine images into chains, sequences, groups. Gradually this skill will become automated.

Connect the material you are studying with any emotions. Try it on yourself and imagine how you would feel. This is also one of the ways to associate information. It is believed that information that evokes an emotional response in a person is easily remembered.

Actively use your imagination to connect your images. Try to colorfully draw in your mind what you need to remember. You can combine the presented images according to the principle of opposition, absurd juxtaposition, and analogies, which will help you remember them.

Develop stability and concentration with special exercises. Practice focusing on the subject, counting, sounds. These are auxiliary components of memorization.

Practice repeating memorized information. Retell what you read and saw. Share your thoughts with people, write them down on paper.

Expand your horizons to be able to look at the memorized material from different points of view and find ways to organize it.

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Remember that only something bright, with natural connections, is remembered by itself. In order to remember dry information, you need to analytically process it, be it a phone number, a to-do list, or the text of a paragraph.


  • Library "Speed ​​Reading and Memory"

Human memory is an important and reliable tool. It can and should be trained and developed. This is especially important for students when memorizing lectures and other large amounts of information. There is a well-known ancient method that makes it easy to deal with such problems.


Use the “method of places” of the ancient Greek poet Simonides. Currently, this method is used to ensure long speeches and large amounts of accurate information. It is based on the discovery that memory is closely related to location. When meeting an acquaintance and trying to remember his name, everyone initially recalls in his memory the place where he met him for the first time. The same effect occurs when a person is distracted from his occupation. He will be able to remember in detail what he was doing and what thoughts came to him if he returns to the place where he acted and focuses his attention on objects nearby.

Practice and memorize some words or chains of words using associative thinking. For example, you need to remember the words: elephant and camera. Remember them as a pair. Let the elephant hold the camera with its trunk. Later, when you remember “elephant,” you will definitely remember the word “camera.” By creating entire associative chains from a large number of words in this way, you can remember most of the lecture verbatim. You need to learn how to quickly create connected chains of completely different words, where each image comes from the previous one.

Choose a background for associations. Take a walk in a place that will serve as your backdrop. This could be any room that you know down to the smallest detail. Determine the order in which you will remember the location of objects. For example, clockwise. At the same time, choose bright, eye-catching objects that are always in place. Don't use the same items. Otherwise, when reproducing the material, you may make a mistake, for example, in the sequence of presentation.

Attach new words to objects in pairs in a well-studied place. Prepare approximately 10 rooms with 10 rooms if you have a very large amount of information to memorize, such as an entire textbook. The lecture you remember using this method will only be stored in your memory for 3 days unless you repeat the test recall process. For each new lecture it is necessary to create a new background. It all depends on how much information you need to perceive and for what period of time you need to remember it.

Some people don't have to put in much effort to remember a lot of information. But some people have difficulty remembering even the smallest fragments. To facilitate this process, you need to try to be extremely careful and follow the logic of presentation.

You will need

  • - paper;
  • - pen.


Don't be afraid to ask the speaker to repeat this or that part of his speech. If you need to remember a written one, then go back to the place that you did not remember. It's better to spend a little on this than to miss an important part of the speech or.

Try not to get distracted while memorizing information. Attention cannot focus on one object for more than 5 minutes. This is also the perception of information: no matter how interesting it is, sooner or later your thoughts will move on to something else. Therefore, every time you notice that you are distracted, try to focus all your attention on the speaker.

Take notes on important information. This is doubly useful: firstly, you write down what you need to remember, and, therefore, visually remember the material. Secondly, you can always refer to the notes and remember what was discussed.

Remember your emotions and associations that arise in the process of receiving information. For example, in the speaker’s speech you heard something important for yourself. You are more likely to remember this position than one that did not cause any emotional reaction in you.

Divide all the information you receive into small blocks. Each block should have a specific meaning. It is recommended to memorize no more than 7 parts at a time, because... It is this quantity that is perceived best by the human brain.

Follow the logic of presenting the information you need to remember. The material is perceived more easily if one part of it logically follows from the other. When you understand the connections between the different blocks, it will be much easier to remember them. It will also be possible to restore the missing element if you have all the others.

Video on the topic

When learning a foreign language, you want to master the conversational level as quickly as possible. After all, any person needs to see the result of his work. What are the secrets to memorizing new words?

You will need

  • - dictionary;
  • - paper;
  • - pen.


Memorizing words is quite a difficult task. This is due to the fact that the new is accurate information, i.e. you need to remember it 100%, because... any modification will cause difficulties in communicating with foreigners. Please note that cramming will not help in this case.

Arrange the words you need to remember in any order, but not in alphabetical order. This will prevent the displacement of one memorized word by another that is consonant with it.

Remember the following sequence of learning foreign words: – pronunciation – spelling. Those. first you must imagine in your imagination what you want to say (for example, the sun). Then select a word that is consonant with it for the pronunciation of this word (for example, for the English word “sun”, the consonant word is sledge). In your imagination, model the situation, for example, the sun is riding in a sled. The result was a “key phrase”. Hold it in your imagination while visually remembering the spelling of this word in the language you are learning. It is this method that helps in the future to easily remember the necessary words for using them in spoken and written speech.

To make the memorization process easier, try to group new words into specific topics or situations in which they can be used.

Remember the emotions that the word you are studying evokes in you. Any positive emotions can activate the brain, tuning it to the “training wave”. This is the basis of the method of learning a language by reading foreign books, watching films or communicating with foreigners.


Believe in your abilities and never think that learning to speak a foreign language fluently is impossible.

Helpful advice

Try to use new, learned words as often as possible. Repeat them as soon as you see objects or actions in everyday life that represent them.

The exam serves as a test of the knowledge that you have acquired during the training period. Most often, a few days before the exam, exam tickets are issued, which must be memorized in order to successfully pass the test.

You will need

  • - Internet;
  • - computer;
  • - markers;
  • - list of exam questions.


Review the list of all questions. Use a marker or colored pencil to highlight those questions that you can answer without any preparation. If you attended classes, then, in general, there will be such questions. If they are not there, don’t be upset, just keep in mind that it will take more time to prepare.

Count how many questions you don’t know at all and how many remain unmarked. This is exactly the number of tickets you will receive. Tickets that you can answer now, just repeat before the exam.

Determine the number of days you will need to prepare. You can calculate this as follows: 5-7 tickets for one evening. Anything more will be difficult to perceive. Remember that the main thing is to understand what we are talking about, and not to chase quantity.

Select materials to study. Set aside one day for this. Create a document where you collect the answers to all the exam questions you plan to study. Keep them consistent. Very often, the answer to one ticket can logically follow from the answer to the previous one. When searching for material, you can use the Internet, literature, textbooks, etc. Much depends on the wishes of the teacher.

Start reading the material you found. It is best to keep the questions consistent. The fact is that most often one ticket contains 2 questions. The first of them is from the first half of the list, and the second, respectively, from the last. Therefore, even if you do not have time to learn all the questions, the likelihood that you will come across a ticket that you cannot answer at all is excluded.

When memorizing, try to rely on the images and impressions that arise in you while reading. This will help reproduce the information more accurately. Before the exam, review the list of exam questions again to make sure you can answer any of them.

Every day a person receives an incredible amount of information. If some part of it can be lost without consequences, then the other is extremely important and must be remembered. To make remembering information more effective, you should make sense of it.

You will need

  • - pencil


Set yourself up for the fact that you need to remember something. You don't need all the information, so you don't pay attention to it or remember it. If you give your brain a signal that you need to pay attention to this text, phone number or phrase, then this information is more likely to be stored in your memory.

Review the table of contents of the book or the contents of the text you need to remember. This will allow you to mentally form a structure for the information. Then it will be much easier for you to connect semantic blocks with each other if you know exactly what follows what.

Formulate the main questions to which you should find answers in this material. Then your attention will be focused on them, and you are more likely to remember the necessary information the first time.

Read the text carefully. Be sure to highlight important passages and main ideas. Such a detailed reading will leave important elements of information in your memory, clinging to which you can then recreate the whole picture. If you feel distracted, start reading from the point you remember.

Retell the text to yourself or friends after reading. Explain difficult to understand points and emphasize important points. If you realize that you have forgotten the material a little, look at it again after a day.

Give up rote memorization based on vision, hearing, etc. It is not designed for long-term memory and after 2-3 weeks you will not be able to remember what was discussed.

If you need to remember a phone number or other sequence of numbers, assign a letter to each one. The easiest way is to “name” numbers by the letter with which they begin. For example 0-H, 1-O, 2-D, etc. Convert the phone number into a code. And then compose a phrase, each next word of which will begin with the next letter. Based on the fact that you come up with a sentence yourself, remembering and deciphering it will be much easier than memorizing a faceless series of numbers.

Video on the topic

One of the conditions for successful learning is the ability to remember the material covered. In order not to have to return again and again to topics that have already been studied, you should remember and use some rules to improve the perception of information.

You will need

  • - textbooks;
  • - cheat sheets.


If you are a school student or a student, the teacher’s explanations play a significant role in mastering the subject you are studying. It is very important not to be shy to ask questions if you do not understand something. The fear of asking a question leads to the fact that part of the explanation is not assimilated. If you later fail to figure out the unclear point on your own, a gap in understanding will appear. Therefore, make it a rule to immediately ask again if something is not clear to you. Not only will you understand the material better, but you will also be in good standing with your teachers, as you will clearly demonstrate your interest in the subject you are studying.

Learn to understand the essence of the theories explained to you. You can simply memorize a formula without understanding its meaning, in which case there is no need to talk about any knowledge. Conversely, understanding the specific processes hidden behind the dry lines of formulas will allow you to quickly and efficiently master the material. Always try to find practical explanations that allow you to better understand the essence of the explanation. For example, you can learn that speed is equal to the ratio of distance to time, and mechanically use this formula. But if you visualize how a car travels a certain distance over a certain period of time, it will become absolutely clear to you.

Always take notes during lectures, and try to write neatly and legibly. Separate blocks of text with spaces, leave margins, and underline important phrases. The structure of the text should be easy to understand. The important thing is that the correct structuring of the text significantly helps its assimilation.

Look for the “correct” textbooks, that is, those in which the explanation is given in the most understandable language. There is a rule according to which only the author who really understands the issue can convey the material clearly to the reader. An example of such a textbook is the lectures of Richard Feynman.

Remember that the material you remember best is the material in which you have an interest. Therefore, try to find something interesting even in those topics that do not attract you. Look for practical use of them; this process in itself contributes to the assimilation of the material.

If you have an exam coming up and you feel that you are not ready for it, write cheat sheets. This does not mean that you should use them, but the process of writing them makes it much easier to learn the material.

Video on the topic


  • how to remember things better

Quite often, the need to remember a lot of information confuses people. However, following a number of simple rules makes it much easier to remember information. The main thing is not to try to embrace the immensity.


First of all, remember that it is almost impossible to learn a colossal amount of information in one night. Especially if your notes and materials are initially out of order and poorly organized. So try to handle your study materials carefully throughout the year and, if possible, copy them into your computer’s memory. This will make your life much easier before exams.

Study the material in silence. Don't leave even a small portion of information to review while waiting for the exam. A large number of people around, rush, bustle and turmoil will not allow you to absorb information.

Be sure to take breaks while studying information. A tired brain is significantly less productive than a rested one. Even short breaks of five to minutes will make it easier to remember information.

Make a schedule for studying and reviewing information. Even if you have a week left, think about the order of mastering the topics. Don't blame everything on the last day. But ideally, it is necessary to repeat the old and study the new for at least a month before the exams. This will significantly reduce your stress levels.

Don't focus on one type of learning - reading. Use audio recordings of lectures, write down the most important formulas, concepts or, for example, a list of irregular verbs several times. A person has several types of memory, and it is best to use them all. Don’t neglect diagrams - they are visual and easy to remember, allowing you to remember information in a condensed form. This is why it is recommended to make cheat sheets. In the process of compiling them, the information is absorbed, and there is no need to use cheat sheets.


Learn all the tickets in a row. This will give a more holistic picture when studying information.

If time permits, do not neglect additional materials.

Helpful advice

Be sure to get enough sleep before the exam, so your brain will work at full capacity, and your efforts to remember information will not be in vain.


Agree, when trying to learn twenty French words, or a speech to defend a thesis, or driving theory, we usually resort to classical methods: putting a book under the pillow, re-reading the same paragraph until we cry bloody tears, and covering the entire living space with stupid pieces of paper. Often they all turn out to be useless. But the science of memorization is far from being exhausted by them. Yes, yes, exactly science! “You shouldn’t give up and think that it’s your memory that’s bad,” says Mark Sheed, coach and author of the Productivity Lessons blog. — Initially, everyone’s input data is more or less the same. The secret is to learn how to memorize by choosing a technique that suits you." I have selected some of the most interesting methods - I recommend trying them all!

How to improve memory?

1. Write letters. A study conducted in 2008 at Kyoto University showed that if you spend 15-20 minutes remembering and writing down your sad thoughts and minor troubles that have happened recently before you start cramming, your study efficiency will increase dramatically. The fact is that we remember everything negative a priori very well. And all the information that arrives immediately after the epistolary outpourings will be perceived by the brain as “bad” by inertia, and therefore will be reliably recorded. Not the most fun method, but it really works.

2. Protect the environment. It turns out that the tradition of domestic students to prepare for exams at their dachas is very wise. Three years ago, psychologists from the University of Michigan found that contemplating nature increases cognitive function by as much as 20%. By the way, you don’t have to go out into this very nature; you can just look at the photographs for 5-10 minutes.

3. Scream louder. Words are remembered 10% better if you shout them. It sounds stupid, but thanks to this method I learned almost half of the Russian-Spanish dictionary. It is not necessary, of course, to yell “cat!” or “go for a walk!” at the whole house. It is enough to say each word loudly and clearly several times.

4. Be more expressive. Another tip for learning difficult languages: sign all the words and phrases you learn. Literally: if you are learning the conjugation of the verb “to jump,” jump. And if you need to learn a dialogue or a complex phrase, act out a skit. You'll see, everything will be remembered amazingly quickly.

5. Listen to yourself. Having learned some information, speak it into the recorder. And when you fall asleep, turn on this recording quietly - you need to sleep to it. This is an incredibly effective way to reinforce already familiar but poorly remembered things.

6. Don't sit still. Learn poems, textbooks and reports by making circles around the room. The fact is that walking activates your brain, and your ability to remember increases significantly.

7. Change your surroundings. If you need to study for two exams (or meetings) in one evening, do it in different rooms. The information that we remember under different circumstances is not mixed up in our heads.

8. Throw out the words. A super way to learn a large amount of continuous text, for example, the words of a song or a report. Rewrite this text, leaving only the first letter of each word, and learn it, trying to remember these words. Naturally, at first you will have to look at the original, but in the end you will only need to look at the truncated version and the text will instantly come to mind. This cheat sheet is very convenient to take with you.

9. Sleep more. The longer you sleep after you've learned something, the better you'll remember that information the next morning. Sleepless nights, on the contrary, significantly impair memory. I want all students to read this and take note. It’s better to sleep a couple of hours before the exam than to try to learn “a couple more tickets.”

10. Play sports! A lot of research has been conducted on this topic, and everything has been confirmed: aerobic exercise improves cerebral circulation and memory. Study or before you sit down to books: you can at least learn “Eugene Onegin” by heart. Well, or at least the first stanza.