View the problem "save Krylatsky hills". Video. Let's save the "Krylatsky hills". “The incompatible interests of three different groups collided”

To love nature is not to drill trees!

The Moscow headquarters of the ONF is fighting to preserve the “Krylatsky Hills”!

On July 7, 2017 at 15:00 in the Krylatsky Hills park, the Moscow headquarters of the Popular Front held an environmental campaign “ONF Ecopatrol” to identify intentionally damaged trees.

At the hands of poachers, 200 trees have already suffered here - holes were drilled in their trunks, as a result of which the trees dried out and died. As part of the campaign, all dead trees will be marked with special ribbons with the inscription: “Let's save the Krylatsky Hills” - symbols of the fact that the ONF is taking them under protection.

Concerned residents of the Krylatskoye district have been fighting various authorities for several months with a request to protect the natural and historical park. Activists of the Popular Front, co-chairman of the Moscow headquarters of the ONF, State Duma deputy Vyacheslav Lysakov joined the forest defenders, conducted raids on the territory of the Krylatsky Hills landscape park, photographing and video recording violations in relation to natural areas and green spaces. Information from local residents regarding damage to the park's forests was confirmed. Obviously, drilling and ruining trees is a deliberate step in order to subsequently receive a logging ticket for dead wood.

Cutting down trees will disrupt the natural balance - the park's inhabitants, brown hares, stoats, weasels, rare insects and plants from the Red Book of Russia will be deprived of their homes. The Popular Front and residents of the area are categorically against interference in the natural environment of the park with its variety of natural plantings. In addition to numerous picturesque landscapes, the Krylatsky Hills park is part of the green belt of the capital and is the lungs of our metropolis.

Local residents collected more than 30 thousand signatures in defense of the specially protected natural area. Together we will ensure that those responsible for deliberately damaging trees are found and receive the punishment they deserve, and that damage to the environment is compensated.

As part of the second stage of the environmental campaign of the Moscow headquarters of the ONF “ONF Ecopatrol”, activists will plant young seedlings next to each of the 200 dead trees.

Let the tree killers know that they will not succeed in their dirty deed! We will come and plant new trees. We will restore the forest of the capital's unique natural and historical park!

Fractures and bruises from the hills. “Krylatsky Hills” is a landscape park in the Western Administrative District of Moscow with an area of ​​about 200 hectares. For several years now, attempts have been made to develop this territory, which belongs to the Moskvoretsky Park. Residents of the area are resisting. Last week, the confrontation added a new victim. Lawyer Valentin Karelin, who has long defended the interests of activists in the courts, was beaten.

The attack on Valentin Karelin occurred in broad daylight when he was walking to the metro. About fifteen meters from the entrance to the subway, they ran into him from behind, knocked him down and started beating him with their ankle boots. The result is skull fractures, multiple bruises and abrasions. The beating did not last long - passers-by intervened. The attackers jumped into a car without license plates and hit the gas. Valentin Karelin does not doubt for a minute that the purpose of the attack was intimidation, and the reason was his professional activity:

Valentin Karelin lawyer “I have three main versions in descending order of probability. The first is connected with the company “Sports and Ecological Complex “Lata-Track”, an enterprise that leases the natural and historical park “Moskvorechye” from the city. The second version is that we have confrontation and hostile relations with some of the employees of the Krylatskoye administration, I help the deputies, one deputy is especially angry with me. His friend threatened to kill me. Third, I am now handling the case of residents of the former village of Potapovo in South Butovo. There is a certain influential housing cooperative that manages the houses in which high-status people live, right down to some people from the Prosecutor General’s Office.”

Over the past year, residents have discovered that many trees on the territory of the Krylatsky Hills protected area are drying up. Why this is happening, journalists from the Rossiya 1 TV channel found out in a large investigative story that was published in May 2017. It turned out that someone was drilling tree trunks at night and pumping herbicides into them. Suspicions converge, the confrontation does not stop, says municipal deputy of the Krylatskoye district Vladislava Gorshkova:

Vladislav Gorshkova municipal deputy of the Krylatskoye district “Under the guise of, say, a felling ticket for ten trees, hundreds were cut down. One of the residents made a fuss and published photographs. Lata-Track filed a lawsuit against him. Valentin Karelin led this case. Their claim was denied. They also sued me. There were several cases against activists. They lost some trials, and they withdrew their claims themselves. They are currently suing one of the activists. These three cases were led by Valentin Karelin.”

The fact that someone could be dissatisfied with the activities of Lata-Trek surprises company representative Adam Eldarkhanov. And he generally considers the word “conflict” to be fundamentally incorrect:

Adam Eldarkhanov, representative of the Lata-Track company “I am very surprised by this formulation “conflict of local residents,” because a considerable part of our visitors are local residents. We have an exclusively social facility. Nowadays it has become generally fashionable to be an oppositionist, an environmentalist. There are people who are offended by something, there are some people with whom we had legal issues. We are on opposite sides of the barricades. But to call it a conflict, it is at least frivolous to express it that way. Our object is a kind of political instrument: when it is necessary to distract the people, we are distracted, when it is necessary to attract forces, we are attracted. This is a purely pre-election story.”

On Thursday, public hearings on changing the boundaries of Moskvoretsky Park are scheduled to be held at the Krylatskoye administration. In particular, it is proposed to remove part of the Krylatsky Hills from the regime of a specially protected natural area, allocating an equal plot in Mitino as compensation. Residents in the Facebook group “Save the Krylatsky Hills” claim that they learned about the legally required hearings by accident, since the government did not notify anyone about them.

Racing-park conflict

Civil activists are systematically beaten in a prosperous area of ​​Moscow

Bicycle track "Krylatskoye" in the Krylatsky Hills landscape reserve Anton Denisov/RIA Novosti

The quiet green district of Krylatskoye is located on the western outskirts of Moscow, which is considered prosperous. Elite villages on Rublevskoe Highway begin nearby, there are helipads on the roofs of some new buildings, and even apartments in houses built in the 80s are much more expensive than similar ones on the less prestigious outskirts of the south or east of Moscow. However, it is in this seemingly prosperous area that in recent years there have been attacks on public activists who defend the Moskvoretsky natural park and conflict with the district authorities.

The other day, on January 30, in Krylatskoye, lawyer Valentin Karelin was attacked as he walked from his house to the metro station. The attack occurred around two o'clock in the afternoon. An unknown person attacked from behind, then several more people ran up with their faces covered with scarves.

On September 20, 2017, independent municipal deputy Roman Miroshnichenko was attacked in a similar way (in January 2018, Miroshnichenko headed the administration of the neighboring Filevsky Park district), who shares activities with Karelin in the social movement “Save the Krylatsky Hills.” Miroshnichenko was coming from a meeting with the head of the Krylatskoye district government. Two years ago, in 2015, there was an attack on public activist Andrei Seregin, who was also involved in protecting Moskvoretsky Park. In neither case were the attackers found.


As a result of the attack, Karelin had a crack in his skull, cracked bones near his eye socket, a broken cheekbone, and a damaged nose. Now, on the fact of the attack, a case has been opened under paragraph “a” of part 2 of Article 115 of the Criminal Code - “Intentional infliction of minor harm to health”, however, it is possible that after the completion of medical examinations the case will be reclassified to a more serious article.

Karelin told the site that, indeed, in all cases of attacks, the victims are united by social activities. One of the most pressing issues is the confrontation with the Lata Trek company, which leases part of the territory of the Krylatsky Hills reserve for a ski resort. According to Karelin, the company has fenced off part of the hills, and on the bicycle road left over from the 1980 Olympics, it holds bicycle races and rallies, which local residents consider illegal.

“We met Miroshnichenko at a meeting with the new head of the council, Viktor Kutsev. At that meeting, residents named the situation with Lata Track as one of Krylatsky’s main problems. When representatives of this company saw the video recording of the meeting, they began to write to the residents present that they would sue them for damaging their business reputation, simply for the opinion expressed about the company at this meeting. That’s when the initiative group “Let’s Save the Krylatsky Hills” was created, which included me and Miroshnichenko,” says Karelin. “Lata Track” nevertheless sued people for phrases like “Construction is underway on the hills,” but lost the case, he said.

Facebook "Save the Krylatsky Hills"

Now residents are suing Lata Track, since the park is a public area. However, the company, declaring that it has ownership rights to the sports facility, prohibits the free passage of citizens, reduces the number of entrances to the park, and surrounded part of the territory with a fence under the pretext of reconstruction, activists say. Another problem is the plans of the city authorities to allow the installation of non-stationary objects in the park for the implementation of the Ethnomir project. Activists appealed the competition in court, and the Moscow City Court partially granted their claim.

During the election campaign for the municipal elections in Moscow in 2017, Karelin represented the interests of the candidate Miroshnichenko, in particular, filing eight lawsuits against the then head of the council of municipal deputies of the district, United Russia member Nikolai Tyurin, for violating the legislation on campaigning.

As a result, the new convocation of the municipal assembly included five activists of the movement to save the Krylatsky Hills and five pro-government candidates. Not a single United Russia member from the previous convocation was able to be re-elected, including Tyurin. However, taking advantage of the fact that the deputies split in half cannot elect a new head of the municipal assembly, Tyurin refused to leave his post, despite the fact that he was not even elected. Tyurin, rumored to be a good friend of Moscow’s vice-mayor for housing and communal services, Pyotr Biryukov, combines this post with the post of head of the administration of the Krylatskoye municipality and the head of the Krylatskoye municipality.

“I was on vacation, and I just found out about the attack on Karelin...

Karelin helps independent municipal deputies of the new convocation on a number of issues, for example, they are now accusing the authorities of falsifying the minutes of a meeting of municipal deputies.

One of the pro-government municipal deputies, Roman Bezkorovayny, had a birthday on January 30, the day Karelin was beaten. In the fall of 2017, Bezkorovayny wrote to Karelin on Facebook: “It’s very comfortable to hide on social networks behind emoticons and trolls, portraying folk heroes. In real life everything is completely different.”

At night (when Karelin was in the hospital and then testified to the police), a certain Maria Ostrovskaya, whose place of work is listed as “Lata Track” in her profile, wrote in the comments to the post of human rights activist, founder of the organization “Rus Sitting” Olga Romanova about the attack on Karelin. .

“Citizen Karelin is a very extraordinary person. Therefore, his list of “well-wishers” is very extensive. It’s bad when any inadequate and evil person is whitewashed with words. Human rights activist, environmentalist. In the legal confrontation with our organization, he proves himself to be an outstanding lawyer, but an absolutely unprincipled, dishonest, ignoble person who does not care about rights,” Ostrovskaya wrote in a comment on Romanova’s post.

Facebook group "Save the Krylatsky Hills"

Roman Miroshnichenko told the site that he was attacked back in October, and he learned about the initiation of a criminal case into the attack only in January, while he was never questioned as a victim.

“At first, back in August, they threatened me over the phone. A certain Sasha called and said that he had been given money to cause moderate harm to my health - to break something for me. He offered to “come to an agreement.” I thought at the time that the threats were coming as part of the election campaign, but the attack happened after I won the election. Now I am inclined to think that these threats could be more likely related to my activities in protecting the Krylatsky Hills. The attack and threats could hardly have been connected with my work activity as a lawyer,” says Miroshnichenko.

Local resident and activist Andrei Seregin suffered at the hands of unknown persons back in 2015. He recalls that that day he was at a reception with the prosecutor of the Western Administrative District of Moscow in the government building, after which he went home. When Seregin passed the “dead zone” of the surveillance cameras, several people ran up to him and began to beat him. The police interviewed Seryogin only once; he never saw a criminal case regarding the attack on himself. Speaking about the situation with the Krylatsky Hills and the Moskvoretsky Park in general, Seregin believes that the main problem is the complete lack of control on the part of the city authorities, in particular the Moscow Department of Environmental Management, which is headed by Anton Kulbachevsky. Seregin recalls, for example, how several years ago the mayor’s office wanted to give a section of the Tatar floodplain in the same natural park to the Night Wolves club in order to begin the construction of a military-patriotic club in a specially protected area. The project was eventually scrapped, but the memory of it remained a road built literally from nowhere to nowhere.

“The problem is not with the tenants, but with the fact that the authorities that are supposed to control their activities in such territories do not do their job, and a huge layer is created for the growth of corruption. Not a single businessman renting any objects in a protected area (specially protected natural area) will do more than the authorities allow him, because the fines for violations are very high,” says Seregin. He says that the rally on the Olympic cycling road began after Sergei Sobyanin came to power, and the rallies take place in the spring, when birds build their nests, some of which are listed in the Red Book. At the same time, the prosecutor’s office takes a difficult position: sometimes it’s possible to hold a rally in protected areas, sometimes it’s not,” notes Seregin.

“The incompatible interests of three different groups collided”

Independent municipal deputy of the Krylatskoye district Maxim Petrunin told the site that he personally has not yet received any threats, but after the attacks on Miroshnichenko and Karelin, activists and independent municipal deputies “have no sense of security.” “The conflict between residents and Lata Trek has been going on for a long time. For example, activist and now deputy Gorshkova encouraged residents to walk along the Krylatsky Hills on Tuesdays, but the Lata Track company considered that residents did not have the right to walk in the part of the park they rented without their permission, and sued it, which, By the way, she actually won, and Karelin represented her in court. Local residents do not like the car rallies organized by Lata Track because of the noise and damage to nature in a specially protected natural area. If you look at an aerial photograph of the Krylatsky Hills over several years, you can see how their wooded part is thinning out. Unknown criminals are destroying living trees on the territory of Lata Track: they drill them at the rhizome and pour in certain chemicals that provoke the death of the trees. As for the sensational project "Ethnomir", the story is not yet completely completed. There have been no official announcements about the termination of the project, although there are rumors that it has lost its relevance,” says Petrunin.

Alexey Prikhodko was the only independent municipal deputy in the last convocation, but did not stand for re-election. Prikhodko actively participated in the confrontation between local residents and Lata Trek and Ethnomir. Karelin represented his interests as a candidate during the 2012 election campaign and then helped him as a deputy.

Prikhodko recalls that Lata Track once occupied a tiny former school building in the village of Krylatskoye.

“When Lata Track got on its feet and began holding various competitions, it became clear that the incompatible interests of three different groups collided on the Krylatsky Hills. On the one hand, local residents walk there and children run around. On the other hand, cyclists ride there at high speed. There were even a few deaths. There is also a third group - on the Hills there is the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Ministers previously drove there from the street in cars directly along the bike path, and only recently a separate entrance was made for them, and parishioners go to the temple on foot along the same bike road. The interests of these three groups are incompatible with each other. At the same time, it is possible to hold sports competitions in the protected area zone according to the law, but strict compliance with the regulations is required. On the territory leased by Lata Track, with the approval of the Moscow mayor's office, car rallies are held, although animals listed in the Red Book are found on the Krylatsky Hills. Karelin helped local residents write requests for Lata Track activities,” says Prikhodko.

Prikhodko was the only municipal deputy who voted against the already mentioned Ethnomir project.

Web camera frame

“Local residents were outraged by the idea of ​​​​building a Disneyland in the hills because they wanted a place to walk, not an amusement park. Then several hundred residents came to a meeting with the head of the council. Also at the same meeting, problems with the activities of “Lata Track” were voiced, and the “Save the Krylatsky Hills” movement was formed with Miroshnichenko and Karelin,” recalls Prikhodko.

According to the SPARK system, among the founders of the Sports and Ecological Complex Lata-Track CJSC are the Moscow Federation of Trade Unions, headed by the current Moscow City Duma deputy Mikhail Antontsev, as well as the sports center of trade unions “Krylatskoe” and the management company “Latair”, headed by entrepreneur Ruslan Eldarkhanov.

the site sent a request to Lata Track, but the company did not respond to it.

In an interview with the Kommersant FM radio station, the head of Latair Management Company, Ruslan Eldarkhanov, said that the Lata Track company has no conflict with Karelin and cannot have anything to do with the attack on him.