What to apply to broken knees? How long does it take for a knee wound to heal? Treatment of knee abrasions

A broken knee or other injuries to this part of the leg have always brought a person. This is especially true for athletes and people who lead an active lifestyle. Statistics show that over the past year, a huge number of patients who had complaints with their knees turned to surgeons. Therefore, it is very important to have information that will give you the opportunity to understand how to treat various knee injuries.

Types of knee injuries

Modern medicine identifies the following injuries associated with a broken knee:

  • bruises;
  • damage or rupture;
  • ligament rupture;
  • sprained ligaments;
  • dislocation of the knee joint;
  • fracture

Most often, children tend to break their knees, but adults often get such injuries. If a person is faced with an injury such as a bruise, then it is worth noting that this injury is the most common, because almost anyone can break their knee and get a bruise. It is quite easy to distinguish a bruise from other injuries, because the characteristic symptoms of this injury are as follows:

  • acute pain in the knee;
  • change in skin color in the place where the bruise was;
  • joint swelling.

Damage or rupture of the internal or lateral meniscus is more common for people who lead a sports lifestyle, because their legs are almost always in danger.

Important! This injury can occur if you sharply jerk your knee with a fixed foot, or when landing from a great height on straight legs.

Characteristic symptoms:

  • sharp and severe pain;
  • swelling;
  • bleeding in the joint;
  • feeling of leg injury.

Sprains and ruptures of ligaments can occur when there is a strong blow to the knee, when running or jumping, or when falling with an outstretched leg. This damage has the following symptoms:

  • pain;
  • the presence of a crunch;
  • tumor;
  • bleeding.

It will be quite difficult to distinguish between a sprain and a ligament rupture on your own. This can only be done by a traumatologist after an examination.

Nuance! After a sprain, a person simply will not be able to walk normally, because he will begin to have some difficulties with walking, and if the ligaments are torn, it will be very painful to step on the injured leg.

In case of dislocations, you should pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • pain from a dislocated joint;
  • swelling;
  • numbness;
  • bleeding;
  • various deformations.

A fracture is considered a serious enough injury that you need to see a doctor immediately. When a fracture occurs, the following symptoms may occur:

  • swelling;
  • bleeding;
  • rise in temperature;
  • joint deformities;
  • crunch;
  • sharp and unbearable pain.

If a person breaks his leg, it will simply be impossible to step on it due to severe pain shock.

First aid before visiting a doctor

For any injuries related to the knees (even if a simple bruise forms), you will need to contact a traumatologist, who will do everything necessary to ensure that the knee functions normally in the future.

As for first aid, it may differ for different injuries:

  1. So, if a person has a broken knee and there is a feeling of acute pain, then it is necessary to apply something cold to the wound. Ideally, this should be ice, which relieves pain and swelling. Ice will also prevent bruising from forming. Then the victim needs to raise the leg and keep it in such a position so that bleeding does not occur. Next, you need to call an ambulance and go to a traumatologist.
  2. If the internal or lateral meniscus is damaged or torn, you should also apply ice to the wound and then secure the wound with a bandage, but remember not to tie it too tightly. Then you need to go to an ambulance.
  3. If the ligaments are sprained, the same procedure must be repeated.
  4. In case of a dislocation, be sure to apply a splint to the injury site and cover the wound with ice to reduce pain and eliminate bruises.
  5. If bleeding comes from the wound, it must be stopped with ice, which can be wrapped in gauze. Then the fracture site should be wrapped with sterile gauze.
  6. To reduce the likelihood of bone displacement, you need to fix your leg with a splint. And, of course, call an ambulance.

You can see that first aid for knee injuries is basically the same, so learning the basic rules will not be difficult at all, and you can provide assistance even without special education.

Complications and risks

If you carelessly treat the wounds you receive, including contusions and bruises, this can lead to various complications. The main complications that can arise from knee injuries are the accumulation of fluid in the joints. Subsequently, this can lead to significant swelling of the joint and various deformities. Then the injury will need to be treated only by applying plaster and.

Important! If a knee injury also damages the kneecap, its untimely healing can lead to disability. Disability can also occur when the meniscus is destroyed.

The treatment of injuries must be taken very seriously, otherwise you can end up with complications that will be much more difficult to cure later. Even treatment of abrasions on the knee must be mandatory, otherwise the consequences of these wounds can be very different.

Abrasion on the knee - how to treat?

Almost all parents during the development of their children sooner or later encounter such an injury as an abrasion on the knee. This damage awaits the baby everywhere - on the street, in the sandbox, in the park, in transport, at home, during sports, in kindergarten, and is especially important in the summer, when the knees are not protected by clothing. Abrasions, especially if they are treated correctly right away, are fairly mild and quickly healing injuries. But, nevertheless, we should not forget that even a small wound is fraught with inflammatory processes and can develop into a big problem.

If a child falls and blood is oozing from his knee, parents need to do the following:

  • - wash the wound
  • - stop bleeding
  • - apply an antiseptic
  • - apply a sterile bandage

Let's talk about each point in more detail. First, if possible, clean the abrasion (if the wound is deep and there are sharp fragments or stones in it, under no circumstances should you remove them yourself). You can clean the abrasion using one of the following methods:

  • - Using a sterile gauze pad, moving from the center to the edges of the wound, remove large dirt and rinse the knee under running warm water.
  • - to prevent infection, you can use laundry soap, which has a bactericidal effect.
  • - You can clean the wound and at the same time stop the bleeding using a solution of hydrogen peroxide diluted with water, pouring it on the abrasion.

Second, if the wound is deep and bleeding heavily, it is very important to stop the bleeding as quickly as possible.

The simplest methods are to lift your leg or press a cotton or gauze bandage tightly against the wound and apply light pressure with your hand. If the bleeding does not stop within 15 minutes, consult a doctor immediately

The third, most unpleasant thing is the use of an antiseptic (a substance that eliminates microorganisms that have entered the wound). There are different antiseptic drugs.

  • - Iodine is a strong antimicrobial agent, but at the same time it can cause an allergic reaction, chemical burns of tissues and coagulation of proteins on the surface of the wound, which slows down the healing process. It is better to treat the skin around the wound with iodine, after diluting the iodine with boiled water.
  • - Zelenka, like iodine, has a strong antimicrobial quality, but it acts more gently on the wound and rarely causes allergic reactions. The only downside is that it takes longer to wear off than iodine.
  • - For long-healing injuries, it is better to use tincture of eucalyptus or calendula.

But, in essence, they all have the same purpose - to “dry” and disinfect the wound, and also to promote a rapid healing process. You need to use an antiseptic only after the bleeding has completely stopped and use only one of them, since using several at once prevents each other from “working.”

If an abrasion on the knee does not heal for a long time, you can use sea buckthorn, tea tree or rosehip oil or ointment, which have a wound-healing and antiseptic effect.

Under no circumstances should solutions containing alcohol be used as an antiseptic, since they, when they get deep into the wound, quite often cause tissue necrosis and thereby prevent healing. It is worth choosing which remedy for rapid wound healing is best suited for you.

Fourth, applying a bandage, after drying the abrasion, to keep the cut clean until it heals completely, apply a sterile bandage.

  • - first, you need to check that the edges of the wound are really clean, and then not too tightly seal the abrasion with a plaster or apply a bandage. Tightly closed edges can provoke the development of infection; the wound can become soggy and fester.

If the abrasion is not large, then it is better to leave it open to allow air to penetrate and heal quickly. But if a child is going to play in the sandbox, then it is better to cover the wound from additional infection.

For minor abrasions, it is enough to do all of the above, but there are situations when medical intervention is required. It could be:

  • - heavy bleeding
  • - earth, stones, glass got into the wound
  • - injuries are accompanied by vomiting or nausea
  • - long-term non-healing wound

You need to urgently go to the hospital, they will provide the necessary assistance, treat the wound according to all the rules and give you an injection for tetanus (an acute disease that causes a serious condition, convulsions and damage to the nervous system).

In any case, you need to remain calm, because the child is looking at the reaction of mom and dad. The more adults scream, get nervous, panic and cry, the more children are afraid of their wound. Therefore, first of all, parents need to control themselves and try to calm the child down, explain that everything will be fine, you just need to be patient a little, but then everything will heal quickly.

Means for rapid healing of wounds

It is impossible to say unequivocally which remedy will help to speed up the healing of the wound in your particular case. Each person has his own individual traits, which were genetically predetermined and acquired throughout life, as well as chronic diseases and bad habits. The state of immunity also changes from time to time. Therefore, a remedy that you remember as effective from childhood will not necessarily help you quickly heal wounds in old age.

How to quickly heal abrasions

An abrasion is a damage to the integrity of the skin or mucous membrane. Typically, the abrasion is covered with a small amount of fluid (blood or lymph).

Light abrasions, for example due to scratching, affect only the upper layer of the dermis. Despite the fact that an abrasion is a fairly simple injury, it can become the cause of infection. In this regard, even a very small wound must be properly treated.

Treatment of deep wounds

Wounds are mechanical damage to tissues in which violations of the integrity of the skin or mucous membranes occur. They can be punctured, cut, crushed, dissected, gunshot, and also occur after animal bites.

How to properly help a child who has been injured in a fall? How to provide assistance so that the wound does not become infected, heals quickly and without scars? Read your doctor's advice.

The most common problem that arises while walking outside is skinned elbows or knees. If the baby cries in pain, then his mother is ready to echo him from the feeling of her own helplessness. After all, there is nothing at hand to provide assistance except a disposable handkerchief or wet wipes.

What is the complexity of such abrasions?

Such wounds, although superficial, are often take a long time to heal, if located in the flexion area of ​​the joint. The crusts formed on the abrasions split when moved, exposing a fresh wound from which blood or ichor flows again. As a result, the crusts become simply huge. And when the surface is finally cleaned, the stain remains for a long time: pale or, conversely, too dark. If the child also tears off the scabs, then there is a very high probability of the formation of scars devoid of pigment.

But cosmetic defects are not the worst thing. Infection of the wound with pyogenic microbes is dangerous. Local inflammation slows down healing and at any time threatens to spread not only to nearby tissues, but also to the breakthrough of microbes into the blood with the development of osteomyelitis and sepsis.

How to provide first aid for superficial abrasions

Mom needs to solve two main problems:

  • quickly clean the wound from contamination;
  • dry and stop the flow of ichor or blood.

Due to the danger of infecting the wound, you should not rub it with anything, including wet sanitary napkins. Moreover, it is forbidden to use fabric handkerchiefs. In such situation your salvation will be a tiny, up to 50 ml, bottle with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide. The child will be more willing to overcome his fear of pain and allow him to wash his skinned knee with clear “water”, which hisses and bubbles in a funny way and does not sting at all (except maybe a little tickle). Active oxygen radicals of hydrogen peroxide will lift any contamination from the wound surface. Mom will only have to wash it off with a new portion of the solution.

Peroxide has a hemostatic and tanning effect. That is, after cleansing, you will not need to apply any other products to the wound.

Immediately upon arrival home and then - regularly once a day the abrasion should be washed with a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate. It perfectly disinfects and dries the skin. After crusts have formed, the potassium permanganate is replaced with water and baby soap.

To prevent the skin from cracking, after washing the crusts are lubricated with sterile vaseline oil and rich baby cream. More expensive option - silver sulfadiazine ointments, for example, Argosulfan, Silvaderm, Dermazin. They have powerful antimicrobial activity, stimulate rapid healing and prevent the crusts from hardening excessively. Fabric bandages have a good effect Branolind, which must be changed daily.


After washing the wound (with peroxide, potassium permanganate solution, soap) it must be gently blotted until completely dry. For this, sterile gauze wipes sold in a pharmacy from a single-use package will be useful. A less safe option is disposable handkerchiefs or cosmetic discs taken from a plastic bag rather than from a pocket. Cotton wool cannot be used.

How to properly assist with deep abrasions

On the playground, the procedure does not change: Wash with peroxide solution and dry with a clean, preferably sterile, cloth. If the bleeding cannot be completely stopped, you can press the wound with a new napkin and bandage it on top with a piece of any fabric.

When you get home, you need to bruise wash again with peroxide or a more concentrated - pink - solution of potassium permanganate. No need to pick off dried gauze: While you wash it, it will come off on its own. If the napkin is stuck very tightly, then, provided that the wound is well washed immediately after the injury, you can not touch it at all. Trim the loose ends to prevent them from being accidentally pulled while tying.

Until dense crusts form, the abrasion must be bandaged daily with an antiseptic solution. Miramistin, Betadine, Yodiskin have proven themselves well. They are applied directly to the wound surface or to a dried gauze pad, and a thin bandage consisting of a small number of layers is applied on top. For fixation, not a plaster is used, but “ breathable mesh bandage.

To prevent the wound surface from becoming colonized by pyogenic microbes, it must be dry as quickly as possible. A regular home hair dryer is suitable for this. After applying an antiseptic solution to the wound, they dry the skin and only then bandage it.

After crusts have formed, they are washed once a day with one of the listed antiseptics, warm water and baby soap. Next, fibrin deposits are carefully scraped off the surface of the crusts, without effort. Then apply antiseptic ointment(Levomekol, Betamycin, Povidone-iodine) or with silver sulfadiazine. A thin bandage is applied on top. To prevent the crusts located on the bends of the articular surfaces from splitting, it is necessary to limit the range of movements in the affected limb.

The napkin that has dried to the wound should fall off on its own. If this does not happen when the wound is almost completely cleared of crusts, you can apply a bandage with Silvaderm or Boric ointment on top of the tissue. Within 24 hours, even the most stubborn scabs will “give up” without pain.

Special dressings are painlessly removed, do not stick to the wound and ensure rapid healing of abrasions. Urgotul and mesh silicone pads Mepitel. When using them, it is enough to change the dressing once every 2-3 days.

“Cheap and cheerful” - a time-tested method of healing deep abrasions

A sterile gauze cloth of the same size is applied to the washed and dried wound. Apply on top 5% potassium permanganate solution and dried (naturally or with a hairdryer) until an analogue of a real crust is formed. Additional application of a solution of potassium permanganate is required only to those places where the ichor appears again. After a few days, the crust along with the gauze will fall off on its own, the surface will not become infected.

  1. When walking, carry a 50-ml bottle of 3% hydrogen peroxide and a pack of sterile gauze wipes.
  2. In your home medicine cabinet, store a pack of KMnO4 crystals, any cream with silver sulfadiazine, sterile gauze wipes, a regular and mesh bandage. You can buy something else without haste.
  3. Do not apply an adhesive plaster to a wet wound.
  4. While ichor or blood is leaking from the wound, it must be treated with liquid antiseptic solutions.
  5. You can quickly dry the wound with a regular hairdryer.
  6. Apply a rich cream to dry crusts to prevent them from splitting.
  7. Do not forcibly tear off the scabs - they will fall off on their own when the wound is cleansed.
  8. It is preferable to heal abrasions in an “open” way, that is, without using an adhesive plaster or applying thick bandages.
  9. During the healing period, trim the child’s nails so that he does not tear off the scabs with them and does not introduce an infection into the wound from under the nail plates. Scratching can become a source of infection in other areas of the skin.
  10. If there is a sharp reddening of the wound or an increase in body temperature, a course of antibiotics is required, which will be selected by the doctor.

Bruises, scratches and abrasions are an integral part of every person’s life. This is especially true for people who play sports, as well as children who, due to age and increased activity, constantly play, fall and get injured. The most common type of superficial wounds are abrasions. Of course, they do not pose a great threat to life and health, but if an infection gets into the wound, the healing process of the abrasion will be complicated. Therefore, every person should know how to properly treat abrasions and cure abrasions at home.

An abrasion is a mechanical injury that occurs due to a blow with a blunt object, a fall, a blow, etc. When an abrasion occurs, only the top layer of skin (epidermis) is damaged. The red spot left at the injury site may bleed or swell, so it should be treated immediately. The general ones also apply to abrasions: the main thing is to disinfect the damaged area and stop the bleeding.

Having received an abrasion, a person feels pain, burning, bleeding, the intensity of which depends on the depth of the abrasion. If the damage is not severe, then you can cure the abrasion at home easily and quickly. If there is severe bleeding that does not stop, or the person’s body temperature rises, or the abrasion suppurates, then in such cases it is necessary to seek specialized medical help.

Methods for treating abrasions at home.

To heal an abrasion quickly and effectively, follow the rules below:

  • The first thing to do is wash the abrasions. If the contamination is not severe, use running water. In case of severe contamination, it is necessary to treat the abrasion with an antiseptic solution. This can be a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, a 2% alcohol solution of boric acid, potassium permanganate, etc. If you don’t have the necessary antiseptics on hand, use a soap solution. To avoid tissue burns, do not use iodine and brilliant green to treat the wound itself;
  • Apply a pressure bandage to the injury site to help stop bleeding. Please note that the bandage must be sterile. Use cotton wool or gauze for this;
  • Do not apply a patch to the abrasion, and do not immediately use ointments. In order for the abrasion to heal quickly, it is necessary to keep it open for treatment;
  • Take hot baths 2-3 times a day. Just add sea salt to the water. This will help the abrasion heal faster;
  • Use a germicidal patch. But change it every day for a new one or leave the abrasion open;
  • Neosporin, Bactin are antibacterial ointments that can be used in case of poor healing of an abrasion.

How to treat abrasions on the hands.

It is very easy to get an abrasion on your hand while doing daily household chores, at work, or while walking. Children most often receive abrasions on their elbows and palms.

To treat abrasions on the elbows and palms, it is recommended to wash the wound with antiseptics and stop the bleeding by applying a pressure bandage or cotton swab for 10-15 minutes. This is usually enough to leave bleeding after an abrasion. If it is necessary to treat an abrasion on a child’s hand, then use aqueous solutions of an antiseptic; they do not cause a burning sensation. Please note that in case of severe bleeding, if the bandage is soaked in blood, do not tear it off your hand. The best way is to soak it at home or with hydrogen peroxide.

Since abrasions on the fingers and palms are at risk of infection, it is better not to leave them open. Use a germicidal patch or bandage the abrasion to keep dirt out. To speed up tissue regeneration, use ointments, but they must be applied to already dried abrasions.

How to treat abrasions on the legs.

Each of us at least once in our lives has fallen off a bicycle or received an abrasion while roller skating. Sounds familiar, doesn't it? Therefore, before the onset of the summer season, it is very important to find out what methods exist for treating knee abrasions at home. After all, the knees are the most vulnerable place when falling or getting hit.

As mentioned above, to ensure proper treatment, it is necessary to clean the abrasion area of ​​contaminants. This is necessary in order to prevent the development of infection due to bacteria. Next, apply a sterile bandage and rest your leg. To make a knee abrasion heal faster, try to move it as little as possible.

Traditional medicine is also an effective remedy for treating abrasions on the legs. For example, lavender oil can be used as an antiseptic to treat abrasions on the knees. An excellent remedy for stopping bleeding is cayenne pepper; apply a small amount of cayenne pepper to the abrasion. To stop a bacterial infection from developing, use honey or tea tree oil.

If an abrasion on the knees does not heal for a long time, then an oil balm is used for treatment. To make it, you need to take equal quantities of crushed pine needles and butter. Mix thoroughly and apply 2-3 times a day to the abrasion until it heals.

How to treat facial abrasions.

The face, of course, is one of the most vulnerable places. Getting an abrasion is not only unsightly, but also very painful. This is explained by the fact that there are many nerve endings on the face, and the vessels located under the thin skin and softer tissues allow bruises on the face to develop faster. And if a person has received a microtrauma, then he wants to heal the abrasion on his face as soon as possible, because it is quite difficult to disguise it.

Firstly, do not forget about first aid for facial abrasions. This is washing with water, treating with an antiseptic and stopping the bleeding. Secondly, use various ointments for quick healing. The most effective are Bepanten, Actovegin and Panthenol. They can be applied several times a day. You can also use Astroderm cream; it not only promotes rapid healing of facial abrasions thanks to vitamins and natural ingredients in its composition, but also has a cosmetic effect.

Children's bruises, cuts, and abrasions are inevitable. When a child injures his knee or arm, he inevitably introduces an infection into the blood. The child’s immune system easily copes with a small amount of pathogenic bacteria. If the amount of infection exceeds the capabilities of the immune system, a weeping wound occurs that does not heal for a long time. Parents often do not know what to do if the wound does not heal for a long time. How should such damage be treated?

How to treat a child’s abrasion after a fall?

Traumatologists consider abrasions and scratches to be skin injuries in which only the upper layer of the epithelium is injured, the bleeding is slight, and the fat layer and muscle tissue are not affected. An abrasion or scratch, no matter how minor, is an open path for infection. Timely and thorough treatment is the key to ensuring that the damage does not have serious consequences.

Basic rules for treating a child’s wound:

What to do if the skin is torn off?

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Skinned knees and elbows are common occurrences for any little fidget. Falls on asphalt are especially unpleasant. Sometimes there are injuries when the scalp is torn off. In the latter case, after providing first aid and disinfection, the baby should be immediately taken to the emergency room. Such damage cannot be avoided without the help of a specialist.

If the skin is torn off over a large area, then the danger of such damage is that it becomes covered with crusts over time. The keratinized crusts crack and ooze blood or ichor. Pyogenic microorganisms penetrate through the cracks. Suppuration occurs and healing is delayed.

In order to avoid unpleasant complications, you should adhere to the following rules:

Rules for the treatment of weeping wounds in children

If a child does not seek help in time and a significant infection occurs, as well as in cases of improper treatment of the wound or the child’s weakened immunity, a weeping wound occurs. This is a non-healing injury that produces liquid exudate (ichor, pus). The wound requires examination by a specialist and special treatment.

Mandatory consultation with a doctor

The presence of a weeping abrasion or cut (for example, after a child fell off a bicycle) means infection has entered the wound. A consultation with a surgeon in this case is mandatory, since only a doctor can assess the extent of the lesion and, if necessary, prescribe medications with antibiotics or surgery to clean the lesion site from pathogenic microorganisms.

Drying with powder

Treatment of any wounds involves disinfectant rinsing, drying and applying healing medications. Drying can be done using an iodine mesh, but this is risky and painful, especially with open wounds. For drying, there is a special Zhitnyuk powder, which is available in any pharmacy.

It includes:

  • antibiotics - streptocide or tetracycline;
  • antimicrobial drug – sulfanilamide;
  • astringent and drying component – ​​xeroform;
  • painkiller - anesthesin (we recommend reading:);
  • auxiliary ingredients – boric acid, sucrose.

Sprinkle the wound surface after washing and cover with a napkin soaked in medicine, ointment or saline solution. In addition to the traditional Zhitnyuk powder, pharmacies offer a number of more modern dry powders for these purposes: Baneocin, Xeroform (does not contain antibiotics and can be used in newborns).

Bandages with ointments

When treating weeping wounds, it is important, in addition to disinfection and relief of inflammation, to ensure a reduction in swelling and tissue regeneration. Levomekol ointment copes well with this task. The ointment contains an antibiotic that destroys pyogenic bacteria and methyluracil, which accelerates healing. The drug is applied to a washed and dried wound and covered with a sterile napkin. The procedure is carried out at least 1 time per day. Analogues of the drug are Streptonitol, Lingesin, Levosin, Vishnevsky ointment and others.

Folk remedies

When treating wounds, including weeping ones, folk recipes come to the rescue. The following plants are effective:

  • Potato. The juice of raw potatoes draws out the liquid exudate. Grated raw potatoes are applied to the wound for 5 hours and bandaged.
  • Onion. Relieves swelling and disinfects. Onion pulp, wrapped in gauze, is applied to the wound. There may be a burning sensation.
  • St. John's wort. Popular wound healing agent. Dry herbs are infused in olive oil and used as a compress.
  • Aloe. Freshly squeezed juice draws out pus well. They moisten a napkin for dressings.

Features of the treatment of weeping wounds on the face, head, legs

If the head is wounded, the hair in the area of ​​the wound must be cut off, and then the wound must be treated and the head bandaged. Wounds on the face should be washed with hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate or furatsilin. To avoid unsightly scars on your face, you should consult a doctor. This is especially important for children. Sores on the lips and mouth should be treated with dental products such as lidocaine ointment, sage, and chamomile. If a child has injured his leg, it should be treated using the methods described above. In case of suppuration, consultation with a doctor is required! Self-treatment of purulent wounds on the legs is fraught with consequences.