Basic element company. Basic element. From the editor: Who is killing Baikal

Everyone talks about this unique woman only with aspiration. And she deserves this kind of treatment one hundred percent.

Photo: Ilya Vartanyan

Tatyana Anatolyevna, to be honest, it’s a big surprise for me that we came to your home outside the city. There is such beauty here!

And I’ll honestly say that in general I don’t let anyone in here. I don’t promote myself... This is my place of solitude, I only invite friends here. But I love you very much, Vadim, and I love your program “Who’s There...”, where you talk about young talented people who are now gracing our stage. It’s as if you entered my house a long time ago, do you understand?

Thank you very much, Tatyana Anatolyevna. If you already touched on the topic of young talents... You yourself have always given a start in life to novice athletes. All your students are champions. European, world champions, or Olympic champions... I wonder if you always know in advance that a person can grow into a winner?

I had different athletes who were already masters of sports, members of the national team. But still, the European Championship is only the first stage. Of course, when you see and feel an outstanding person in front of you, you naturally prepare him for the Olympic Games. And not just to participate, but only to win. Because if the talent is real and you work with it correctly - develop it, come up with methods of influencing its psyche and develop yourself in parallel with it in order to run ahead of it, which is already outstanding - then, I believe, there will definitely be a result.

Is it true that you started working with Alexey Yagudin after Alexey Mishin abandoned him, deciding that he was not promising enough?

You know, Alexey Nikolaevich did not refuse him. He simply had several students, and Lesha felt that the coach loved Plushenko more. Lesha left on his own. Despite the fact that I won the World Championship, in general, by accident. They didn't want to take him there.

And you saw in him an extraordinary personality.

First he left Mishin, and then he called me. Yes, I never hire people that I couldn’t develop or change. I only take on those I can improve. In order to hit.

First of all, hit yourself or...

Well, yes. And them. Their. That's why they all skated for me.

Tatyana Anatolyevna, you started out as a figure skater, skating together with Georgy Proskurin. But at the age of 19 you had an injury...

Yes, I was in the national team, we had fourth place in the European Championship. Belousova - Protopopov were the first, Zhuk - Gorelik were second, the Germans were third, we were fourth. That is, we had good results. But I broke through, and first of all I had to free my partner, which is very difficult. Because this injury is a habitual dislocation of the shoulder - it has spread to two joints. I was unfit for work. At the age of 19, realizing that you are unfit for a job is a tragedy. I was very upset about this and wanted to get on the tram, anywhere...


Yes. But I understood that this was very ugly, and that I had a mother, and in general I had to somehow move on with my life. Then I decided to go to GITIS to study in the choreography department. Of course, it’s a pity that I didn’t go there, because the great ballerina Marina Timofeevna Semenova taught there. I admire her teaching talent and the talent of her students, who still teach in such a way that I can see her handwriting. But dad, having learned that this was an institute of theatrical art, said that we had no artists and never will, and you, Tanya, get ready tomorrow and go to the skating rink. Then my old partner called me and asked for help: one coach was leaving, but there was no replacement. I got a group of ten-eleven year olds. Ira Moiseeva was in it, Andrei Minenkov, Tanya Voytyuk... It was all a very long time ago, but it seems that, in general, it was recently, because life flew by very quickly. Very.

But you also pass on your coaching experience, right?

Yes, and I consider this one of my greatest achievements. Because this is a continuation of the profession. I am very proud that there are now a lot of trainers I taught working in Russia and all over the world. I was invited to work on the sports committee precisely to help the national team coaches. And I don’t mind helping and advising at all, because, thank God, my head still works... Well, I continue to put on programs. I try not to lose this skill because betting is very difficult. I am 65 years old after all. But I can’t, I can’t live without it... Shura, what are you eating there, Shura?

Are you talking to a poodle?

Yes, he is my friend. Shura, don’t eat the plum, it’s sour... Let’s return to our dialogue. I pass on my experience because I worked in all four forms - with sports couples, and with dance couples, and with girls, and with boys. I often felt very bad. I was treated in Germany and had spinal surgery there. This, of course, is of no interest to anyone. I had very severe pain in my hip. But when I go on the ice, I feel better. Now I spend a lot of time at the skating rink - sometimes I stand, sometimes I sit, sometimes I hang on the side. This is our raw air, this music that I live by, these children who need me... I have to see them, open them, force them, I have to help them take this life into their own hands.

Tatyana Anatolyevna, as far as I understand, you are very strict in your demands. Andrei Bukin wrote somewhere that you forbade him to get married, have children, that only sports, sports, sports.

I don't know what he wrote. He got married anyway. And I told him: don’t rush. And after all, as soon as he got married and gave birth to a child, he immediately divorced.

That is, you are also a seer.

One coach told me: “What should I do with you? At least gouge out your eyes.” Well, if I see it, if I feel it in advance, what should I do about it? I'm rarely wrong, unfortunately. Because I live by it, I’m sick of it, I love it, I know it, I think about it all the time.

Do you use your wonderful gift of foresight in real life or only in your profession?

What is real life? For me, real life is the one I live. This is the family that was. Yes, she’s gone now, but we need to take care of Ilya Moiseevna, Vovina’s mother (Vladimir Krainev, Tatiana Tarasova’s husband, an outstanding pianist and teacher, died last year. - Note OK!). Over the past four years, I have buried all my loved ones... But we must move on, life goes on. It must be of some use. I have a beloved nephew, his children, my friends, I have a skating rink, without which I cannot imagine my life. I can’t even imagine, if I go on vacation, what will I do there? I understand that if I have to be treated, then I have to be treated for something. Right? I have to get treatment to go to work. As for my toughness... I'm not tough. During training, I do not accept discussions: if you trust me, then you obey me. I love my people so much that it even seems to me that they are tortured by my love. I don’t know what remains in their memory, but I really loved them very much. After all, I develop with them and therefore I always listen more than I speak. Because from every person, especially capable ones, you can get something that sometimes you can’t read in books.

You said that you wanted to study at the choreography department, but your father categorically forbade it and you obeyed. Did you obey your father without complaint because you were afraid of him?

No, he never barged into my life or the life of my sister Galya. We were not afraid of him, we were only afraid of upsetting him. In general, I am a completely disobedient person - I haven’t listened to anyone since childhood. In general, we were strict in terms of discipline, but I still did everything my way. And our family was quite democratic. And the basis of our Tarasov family was inhuman love and care for each other.

Your father, Anatoly Tarasov, was a great coach, he trained hockey players, real men. How did he raise you? Also masculine?

He loved us very much, but he raised us like men, yes. I was four years old when he taught me to swim. I threw it into the sea... What could I do - I swam.

I also read that every day at 7 am your father forced you to do exercises outside.

He forced me and did it very correctly, I understand that now.

Tell me, did you have any girlish joys - dolls, for example - or just sports?

We loved what we did. It was wonderful. Milka Pakhomova and I have known each other since we were five years old. We danced all day long, came up with these dances, we had no time for dolls. And then, in the post-war period, you know, children didn’t have dolls. There was one whose head fell off. There was one apple a day, and you had to stand in line for it, and if you lived very well, then two.

Have you been involved in figure skating since you were four years old?

Well, yes, but we had classical ballet, there were also folk dances, and we fell in love with it all our lives. It turns out that thanks to sports I developed a terrible love for ballet. Because everything that was shown in Moscow, that was shown in Leningrad, Novosibirsk, I saw all of it. That's it. And I watched twenty times all the performances that were on at that time. I watched all the rehearsals. I even remember the rehearsal of Maya Mikhailovna Plisetskaya’s “Bolero” by Bejart... I don’t know a place in the Bolshoi Theater where I wouldn’t stand or squat. I knew all the casts and was friends with the ballerinas. And this world was given to me by working youth school number eighteen, where future great directors, actors and dancers studied. And including the dancers of the Moiseev ensemble. Friendship with Igor Aleksandrovich Moiseev himself gave me a lot, because I sat at his rehearsals too... How I manage to do all this in my youth is unclear. (Laughs.)

Tell me, with this busy schedule, were there any crushes?

What are you talking about, Vadim?! I've been married three times. Of course, there were novels, wonderful novels... But you see, passion... passion is one.

Is this a sport?

Yes, that's my business. That hasn't changed. The only thing I regret is that I didn’t graduate from any real university. It's a pity that I didn't manage to study philology.

But you had your own universities...

Yes, but it wouldn't bother me. Even the fact that I didn’t give birth to a child, although I could have done it a hundred and fifty thousand times... But that’s a different question.

Did you not want to have a baby because you thought it would get in the way?

No, no, no, it’s just the way my head was structured: I always believed that this would definitely happen later.

And then time passed.

And then yes, somehow... But you know, we assume, but God disposes. Here. I help my students so much. And I considered them the most perfect people. Now grandson Fedya, son of Lesha’s nephew, plays hockey and looks very much like his great-grandfather. He is currently at summer training camp. He just turned five years old, and he has training five times a day, they finish at ten in the evening. I really like it because it develops discipline for life. And he tries, I see how he, a small child, already knows how to endure. Because our life, and any life, requires patience.

Tatyana Anatolyevna, on the issue of passion. As far as I know, you very quickly got married to Vladimir Krainev...

Nine days after we met. Yes Yes Yes. (Laughs.)

Listen, this is incredible!

And they lived together for 33 years.

This is some kind of frivolity - to go to the registry office after nine days of dating.

Terrible. My mother was simply in shock.

Moreover, you already had two marriages before. And Krainev has one.

Yes, I didn’t intend to at all, to be honest. My second husband died...

Was he an athlete?

No, he was an engineer. I didn't have any husbands who were athletes. Somehow God had mercy. My first husband was the actor Lesha Samoilov, the son of Evgeniy Valeryanovich and the brother of Tatyana Samoilova. We didn't live long - only a year. I fell in love with Sovremennik.

After the death of your second husband, did you close this topic for yourself?

Yes, and so, of course, it was opened by Vladimir Vsevolodovich, Krainev Vova. A priceless person, and a perfect child. A very strong, very talented, very gifted person. Loving life like no one has ever loved. With an amazing sense of humor - he simply created jokes out of thin air every second. Programs with his participation could now be shown on Channel One, entertaining the whole country. Vova often said that he was bored with life because he had already read all the books. He was a big-hearted man, very kind. And his courtship left me confused.

I wonder how he looked after you?

Like this. He threw flowers when there were no flowers in the country. On the first day, he and his friend, pianist Oleg Maisenberg, came to have dinner with me and broke the service that I had because they were depicting an orchestra and timpani. (Laughs.) It was only my grandmother who told me Vova... I didn’t want to guess, but she said: you will meet a person with whom you will be happy all your life, don’t look at how short he is. He is like an artist, but not an artist. Not the one they show on TV and in movies. Marry him right away, you will be behind a stone wall. On the same day I met him at our mutual friend’s place.

On which of the nine days did you meet Vladimir’s mother?

He got married while his mother, Ili Moiseevna, was not here - she was at that moment in Chisinau, where she was caring for her mother. She suffered a stroke. We came to get acquainted for one day. And my grandmother, who only spoke after her illness, asked me: “What is your education?” I hesitated: I worked so hard, this and that, fifth or tenth, I became the youngest honored coach, I didn’t have time yet... Well, of course, I received an education at the Institute of Physical Education. By the way, it was very useful to me... In general, she said: “A person without a higher education is not a person, but a beast.” She turned to the wall and didn’t say another word. I laughed so hard. In general they were very funny. They are very funny.

Tatyana Anatolyevna, your husband lived in Germany for many years...

Yes, I worked there like a fierce beast. He worked great. I came, and he came to me, we always vacationed together when we had a vacation... We talked every day on the phone and saw each other every one and a half to two months. He loved coming to America. He adored her. I traveled with him all over Europe, attended his concerts in both America and Japan. I was, of course, very lucky: I saw and heard Yevgeny Mravinsky conduct, and was in the Golden Hall of Europe in the Musikverein. And always at Volodya’s concerts the halls were not only full, but overflowing, the hall always stood up for applause...

Did Krainev come to your main performances? For example, at the Olympics, where your students performed.

Well, no, we didn’t do that.

Why? What's wrong if your husband comes to the competition?

There's nothing wrong with that, but I don't live my life at competitions. At this moment I cannot pay attention to anyone except my students. Volodya was generally very proud of me. As Yura Rost says: “He was bragging about you.” He helped me a lot. He played a rhapsody on Paganini themes for Bestemyanova and Bukin. It was Vova who invented the theater for me, which I had for 14 years, wrote me the entire program that I staged in the theater, all 14 ballets. He took an active part in my life, but for my competitions... I was used to being alone. One to be against all. Many trainers and their husbands run this business. Or maybe my husband is a journalist... I’m used to relying only on myself and my student. I'm not used to being supported.

Has it always been like this? Even when you were married to Krainev?

You know, it was only when I lost him that I realized that I had my back. Now I understand it... It's hard for me. And it was very easy to live with him, because I was not denied anything. And he never asked me where I spend my money. Although I never wanted anything mind-blowing... I don’t care what car we drive, what bag I carry. I’d rather spend the money on costumes for athletes, I’d rather pay for the music that they bring me first, or give it to the girl whom I’ve been helping for twenty years, she’s from an orphanage, and she has two children. For me, this is more important than looking fashionable.

Are you a maximalist by nature?

Yes. Unfortunately.

In the ice shows that you have judged in recent years...

They made me famous. (Laughs.)

Everyone admired you, but they also feared you like fire. My brother Igor, participating in the Ice Age, was happy when you said some kind words to him. All the Olympic athletes and participants in the show were just as happy.

Apparently, I didn’t irritate them, or my assessments were correct, and they weren’t offended by me.

Well, you can say some kind words in advance.

If you listen, I always gave up hope because I loved and respected them so much. Because we have very hard work. It hurts for us to ride. And falling hurts too. And they were all very traumatized.

Tatyana Anatolyevna, who is your favorite student? Lesha Yagudin, perhaps?

Yes, all my favorites. And Kulik, and Mao Asada, Japanese, and Sasha Cohen. I loved Moiseeva and Minenkov uniquely, and Bestemyanova and Bukin - I was happy with them in different years in my own way. It’s just that Leshka, perhaps, got it the hardest for me. I wanted to show the whole world what a tremendous talent this man has. And I succeeded. Because it was as if I alone had brought down the Berlin Wall - everyone was against me: the country, the federation... They didn’t want Lesha to win, because Plushenko was the first for them. And I knew that we would win. I knew, even if you kill me. This was before the Olympic Games in Salt Lake City.

Tell me, your father’s example, what did he teach you in life? He has a difficult fate: he was retired at the age of 56...

From childhood I knew that he was a genius, that he was great. Exactly great. And there is no other coach like him in the world. And they will all have to come to terms with this. Let them win eighteen times in a row, then they will be compared with him... I realized that there are more envious people and mediocrities than decent and talented people. But mediocrities know that talented people are very vulnerable, and they try to bite them in all places - these mediocrities need to survive somehow... But even in retirement, my father was still constantly coming up with something - he took up the “Golden Puck”. And “Puck” still lives, and our hockey players draw strength from there. But not a single palace in the country has been named after him. And in Moscow, on the Walk of Fame in CSKA, his bust has been standing for only three years. All this had to be broken through. Terrible. But nothing, the main thing is to be healthy in spirit. Even in a wheelchair you can ride and be useful. We see how our... What is our strongest team?

Paralympic. Does this mean anything? You can, sitting on a gurney, bring great benefit to the country.

You still have such an optimistic nature, Tatyana Anatolyevna!

Well, you have to live somehow, right? What to do? We must live and look forward.

Read the full interview in OK! No. 34

Tatiana Tarasova - outstanding Russian figure skating coach. Tatiana Tarasova has coached more future Olympic and world champions than any other coach in history. Until 2003, her students won a total of 41 gold medals at the World and European Championships, and until 2004 - 8 gold medals at the Olympic Games in three disciplines out of four possible.

I started working at the age of 19, and this work colored my whole life. From the very first day I always go to training with the same feeling of happiness

Biography of Tatiana Tarasova/Tatiana Tarasova

Tatiana Tarasova is the daughter Anatoly Tarasov, a famous hockey coach. At the age of 5, her father introduced her to figure skating: “If she was born a girl, then at least she’ll learn to stand on skates.”

Tarasova dreamed of GITIS and a career as a choreographer, but her father categorically objected, and the girl entered the Institute of Physical Education.

Paired with Georgy Proskurin Tatyana Tarasova won the World Universiade, but due to injury she was forced to end her own figure skating career.

In 1964 she entered State Central Order of Lenin Institute of Physical Culture, from which she graduated in 1969.

Career of Tatiana Tarasova/Tatiana Tarasova

In 1967, she began coaching and setting up programs. Among her students were Irina Rodnina, Alexey Yagudin, Ilya Kulik, Natalya Bestemyanova, Marina Klimova, Sasha Cohen, Alice Dray, Johnny Weir, Shizuka Arakawa, Oksana Grischuk, Barbara Fusar-Poli and others.

“The most difficult thing in figure skating,” admits Tatyana Anatolyevna, “is the selection of music, these four minutes of music that should shock everyone, torment the soul of you and your student. Because the music is primary, and the program that should be skated is secondary.”

In the mid-1990s, she organized a very successful show - the ice theater " All Stars", whose troupe included many famous figure skaters. The theater existed for 14 years. Tarasova performed there in several capacities at once: she was a coach, a choreographer, and a director. Real classical ballet performances were created in the theater: " Night on Bald Mountain", "sleeping Beauty", "Cinderella", "The Scarlet Flower"The repertoire also included series staged by Tarasova." Russians on Broadway"famous Broadway shows" West Side Story", "Phantom at the opera", "Cabaret", "Corps de ballet", "Cats" and etc.

Tatiana Tarasova has produced more future world and Olympic champions than any other coach in history. Until 2004, her students won a total of 41 gold medals at the World and European Championships, as well as 8 Olympic gold medals in three out of four possible disciplines (Irina Rodnina and Alexander Zaitsev (pairs - 1976 and 1980), Natalya Bestemyanova and Andrey Bukin (dance - 1988), Marina Klimova and Sergey Ponomarenko (dance - 1992), Ekaterina Gordeeva and Sergey Grinkov (couples - 1994), Ilya Kulik (men - 1998), Oksana Grischuk and Evgeny Platov (dance - 1998), Alexey Yagudin (men - 2002).

“Work has always been everything in life for me. And I am a happy person, because while serving my profession, I did not have to sacrifice my family. Unfortunately, God did not give me children, but I realized my parental potential in my students - they all became family to me.”

In 2005 Tatiana Tarasova was appointed coach-consultant of the Russian Figure Skating Federation.

Tatyana Tarasova / Tatiana Tarasova on television in the Ice Age project

In 2006 Tatiana Tarasova became the chairman of the jury " Stars on Ice "on Channel One. The favorites are the winners Tatiana Navka and Marat Basharov.

And in 2007 Tatyana Tarasova became the chairman of the jury « Ice Age» (Stars on Ice-2) on Channel One. Got on the pedestal Roman Kostamarov and Chulpan Khamatova.

“These programs reminded Russians that we have a winter country and that our Ice Age can last almost forever. Thanks to the show, parents took their children to the skating rink. This year, in Moscow alone, instead of the traditional thirty to forty children, about three hundred enrolled in figure skating sports schools! And what’s also important is that such projects show that in sports you have to work hard and hard. Only then can everything be achieved.”

On March 21, 2008, during the World Championships in Gothenburg, T.A. Tarasova was introduced into World Figure Skating Hall of Fame.

"Ice Age 2" aired on September 6, 2008. This season, Ekaterina Gordeeva and Egor Beroev won.

“I come out of filming devastated, they cost me a lot - I waste myself emotionally and physically. It’s hard for me to judge the contestants, I love them all very much. I try to be objective. I like that the guys overcome themselves and learn more and more. And no one wants to leave the project without a fight.”

"Ice Age 3" started in 2009 and was dedicated to the anniversary of Irina Rodnina. The first were Yulia Kovalchuk And Roman Kostamarov. The panel of judges was headed by a permanent Tatyana Anatolyevna Tarasova.

"Glacial period. Professional Cup" took place in 2012.

In 2013, the next season of the popular project was released: « Ice Age 2013 ». AND Tatiana Tarasova took the helm.

Personal life of Tatyana Tarasova/Tatiana Tarasova

About your charges Tarasova knows literally everything. She herself remains a sealed secret for students. Tatiana Tarasova She was married three times. Her first husband was the son of the famous people's artist Yevgeny Samoilov. But their union did not last even two years. The second marriage is with track and field athlete Vasily Khomenkov. In 1976 he committed suicide...

About the third spouse, an outstanding pianist Vladimir Krainev, People's Artist of the USSR, Tarasova is ready to talk for hours. They were married for over 30 years. She dedicated her ice performance “Sleeping Beauty” to his memory.

Honored Coach of the USSR(1975), Honored Trainer of the RSFSR(1972).

Awarded two Orders of the Red Banner of Labor, Order of Friendship of Peoples(1984) and " Badge of honor" (1976),Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree (1998).

On February 13, the outstanding figure skating coach Tatyana Tarasova turned 70 years old. On this occasion, the sports star decided to gather her friends in GUM. Many celebrities came to congratulate the legendary Tatyana Anatolyevna, including Alla Pugacheva, Vyacheslav Zaitsev, Alexey Yagudin, Roman Kostomarov, Tatyana Navka, Ilya Averbukh and many others. Guests began to gather at 19 pm. First, Tarasova held a press conference, then a skater show took place, and after that, the birthday girl’s relatives, friends and colleagues gathered at a luxurious table to raise a glass in her honor.

Tatyana Anatolyevna herself also made toasts. One of them was dedicated to her parents - Anatoly Vladimirovich and Nina Grigorievna Tarasov. At one time, they did a lot to make little Tanya fall in love with sports and start doing different exercises every day. A video of the legendary coach remembering loved ones was shared by her favorite student Alexey Yagudin. Earlier, he published a touching congratulation on social networks.

“Dear, beloved, unsurpassed! Thank you for the door that you opened for me into this life! For believing in me! For making an Olympic champion out of a “flying stool”! Because I have two mothers! Just for being you. I love you with all my heart and wish you many years, health and happiness,” Yagudin wrote on his microblog.

It is worth noting that on the same day the famous athlete went on the ice to please Tatyana Anatolyevna. Alexey Yagudin appeared in the image of Andrei Mironov from the cult film “The Diamond Arm”. The figure skater's elegant steps and graceful jumps were highly appreciated by the guests of the evening. Tatyana Navka and Roman Kostomarov also had a brilliant performance. They demonstrated true harmony to the song “Loving Do Not Renounce.” In turn, Tatyana Totmyanina and Maxim Marinin also amazed the audience with their polished movements. The couple chose another, no less famous song - “I Like” with lyrics by Marina Tsvetaeva.

Users of social networks joined in numerous congratulations from friends and colleagues of the sports star. “Great Tatyana Anatolyevna, happy birthday!”, “Health for many years”, “Man-legend”, “For a wonderful woman! She has everything - work, friends, even enemies and talented students who idolize her! Life is in full swing. And thank God,” they wrote.

Tatyana Tarasova is known to figure skating fans as a professional and competent coach who has educated and trained a record number of future winners of the World Championships and Olympics. But even now Tatyana is full of strength and plans for the future: she is still working in the world of figure skating and heads the jury in ice shows. While doing what she loved, Tarasova did not have to sacrifice her personal life. Despite the fact that she and her husband did not have children, she was able to realize her parental potential by raising her many students, who became like family to her.

Tatyana Anatolyevna was born in 1947 in Moscow. Her father, Anatoly Tarasov, is a famous hockey player and coach, and her mother was a physical education teacher. Her sister Galina also grew up in the family, who found recognition in pedagogy after working for many years as a school teacher. When the girl was four years old, her parents put her on skates. From that time on, figure skating became firmly established in her life. Performing in tandem with Georgy Proskurin, the young athlete achieved success at the World Universiade, held in 1966. However, a year later Tarasova was injured, which forced her to leave the sport.

She found a use for herself by teaching young skaters and staging numbers. Among her famous students are such athletes as Natalya Bestemyanova, Alexander Zaitsev, Irina Moiseeva, Andrei Minenkov, Johnny Weir, Shizuka Arakawa and many others. During her coaching work, Tatyana Anatolyevna received her education at the Institute of Physical Culture.

In the photo Tatyana Tarasova with her father

In the 90s, Tarasova created an ice theater, where she had to be not only a mentor, but also a director and choreographer. Figure skating stars performed all over the world with their favorite performances. Since 2006, her collaboration with television began, where the renowned coach served on the jury of numerous ice shows aired on Channel One.

Tatyana Anatolyevna’s personal life did not develop happily right away: her first two marriages were unsuccessful. The union with her first husband, actor Alexei Samoilov, lasted about two years. However, the former spouses separated without scandals and remained good friends for a long time. Now he lives in France. The athlete’s second husband was track and field athlete Vasily Khomenkov, but the man died tragically in 1976. Tarasova loved him very much, but she does not like to remember this period.

In the photo Tatiana Tarasova with her husband Vladimir Krainev

According to the famous coach, a fortune teller predicted what her third husband would be like. She said that the future husband will sing and dance. Soon she met musician Vladimir Krainev. This union, which lasted more than 30 years, was very harmonious and happy. The couple often loved to sing together, and many friends always gathered in their house. Unfortunately, children never appeared in this marriage. The husband died in 2011 after a serious illness. Her parents and sister are also no longer alive. Now in Tatyana Anatolyevna’s personal life there are her nephew Alexey and his sons, Matvey and Fedor. Fedya is passionate about hockey, and he is assigned the number 10, which his illustrious grandfather had.

see also

The material was prepared by the editors of the site site

Published 12/04/2016