Special Forces Day. Special Forces Day in the Russian Federation

Special Forces Day in the Russian Federation becomes a holiday for an elite military unit performing the most complex combat missions. Warriors wearing maroon berets have always been respected among Russians, and the name of the special forces headdress itself is associated with the word “sprinkled,” that is, drenched in blood. So it is called in honor of the special forces soldiers who died during special operations, and among the military personnel of this unit of troops, the “speckled” beret is a symbol of courage.

Story: Today, Special Forces Day is officially celebrated by all military personnel of special forces military units, and this one has gone through a long evolution. The first such structures were created back in 1918 in order to effectively fight the Basmachi and rebels of Central Asia at the time of the establishment of Soviet power in the territory of the former Russian Empire.

These units are considered the founders of modern special forces, although the names of these military units and their structure have changed several times. However, the essence of the work of special units remained unchanged for decades, as groups of qualified military personnel were engaged in the search and subsequent detention of the most dangerous criminals, freed hostages and eliminated various gangs.

Currently, Russian special forces are modern paramilitary forces subordinate to various federal authorities, and each of them is characterized by having its own conventional name. Such squads include “Vityaz” and “Alpha”, “Rus” and “Vympel”, and the fighters of each individual unit are faced with specific tasks.

The distinctive characteristics of military personnel wearing maroon berets are coordination of actions, speed of response and mobility, and Special Forces Day was approved as recognition of the special merits of soldiers in ensuring stability in the state. special forces employees are celebrated on October 24 according to a presidential decree signed in 2006. But the troops have another “birthday”, which is celebrated on August 29, since on this date in 1957 it was decided to form five special battalions of special forces.

Peculiarities: GRU Special Forces Day is now an official holiday celebrated on October 24, however, neither mass celebrations nor any demonstrations are held on the streets of Russian cities at this time. GRU units were created back in 1950 on the initiative and the main task of this separate special forces unit was to combat the spread of what was being created in the territory

Airborne Special Forces Day coincides with the professional holiday of other troops, since October 24 is a date that unites all military personnel of the elite units of the Russian army. Only police officers serving in riot police can solemnly celebrate Special Forces Day on another date - November 9, listening to congratulations and parting words from their direct superiors - the heads of the Internal Affairs Directorate.

Celebration: Special forces serving in elite units celebrate their professional holiday in different ways, but outsiders are rarely allowed to attend ceremonial events. As a rule, on such a day competitions of various reconnaissance groups take place, but they are often held on the territory of closed combat units, and only the command is able to fully assess their level of tactical and special training. Many special forces soldiers celebrate the unofficial part of the holiday in a close circle of colleagues, reminiscing about past special operations, and almost no owner of a maroon beret celebrates their professional date in clubs.


Special Forces Day (Special Forces Day) is celebrated in the Russian Federation annually on October 24. In addition to this date, “Day of Special Purpose Units of the Russian Armed Forces” (August 29) and “Day of Special Purpose Police Units” are also celebrated.

In 1918, special forces were created to fight the rebels and the Basmachi of Central Asia, which became the ancestor of modern special forces. The structure and names of these troops have changed several times over their history, but the essence has remained the same - these are groups of highly qualified military personnel designed to search for and detain especially dangerous armed criminals, eliminate gangs, release hostages and other actions requiring a high level of training.

A distinctive feature of special forces units is mobility, speed of response, and coordination of actions. As recognition of the special merits of special forces in ensuring stability in the country, October 24 was established by presidential decree as the Day of Special Forces.

Spetsnaz also has a second birthday - August 29th. On this day, “Special Forces Day of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation” is celebrated. On August 29, 1957, 5 special forces battalions were formed.

Do you know why the special forces beret is not called red, crimson or something else, but speckled? And this comes from the word “sprinkled.” It is sprinkled with the blood of those who died serving in special forces units. What is a maroon beret for a special forces soldier? This is a symbol of the courage and perseverance of a fighter. This was not said for the sake of words. It was not for nothing that when the soldiers were given a choice - an order or a beret - many chose the second.

According to the chairman of the union of special forces veterans “Brotherhood of Maroon Berets”, Alexander Zimin, there will be about fifteen of them in the union. There are only five people awarded the maroon beret. For example, my second interlocutor, reserve private Pavel Usachev, awarded three military medals, admitted that he did not have such a beret. This, of course, does not mean that he is not worthy. It’s just that the price of a maroon beret is sometimes more expensive than orders.

I would really like to wish the special forces soldiers nerves of steel, strong muscles, endurance and constant good luck on their professional holiday. Let every task be within your reach, and let your guardian angel and your comrade’s shoulder protect you from troubles and mistakes. May all the good that you do in the service return doubly to you at home.

I would like to congratulate you on Special Forces Day and leave wishes for good health and iron patience, courageous deeds and respect. May your life be accompanied by luck, determination, courage, perseverance and optimism.

Congratulations on the Day of Special Forces and from the bottom of my heart I wish you to be a brave lion to fight for your rights and principles, to prove yourself with dignity in any matter, to boldly and confidently move towards high goals and to always reduce to zero any existing danger of the situation or life in general.

There are various special forces units and service in them is honorable, so we congratulate everyone involved in them and wish them to always be proud of their work. Let what you do not be in vain.

I wish all the special forces of our country strong muscles, healthy nerves, endurance and good luck. Let your work bring not only benefits to all citizens of the country, but also worthy financial rewards for you and your family. May all the good and right things you do in your service return to you doubly. Happy holiday to you! Happy Special Forces Day!

You are a special forces soldier. And I want to congratulate you on your professional holiday and wish you only one thing: always return home safe and sound, to where you are expected and loved!

Any profession always leaves its mark on a person. What can we say about those who serve in special forces. A stern and calm expression on your face suits you, one of the valiant representatives of this important division of internal organs, because behind it hides a heightened sense of justice, prudence, courage and determination! But I ask you: smile! And may Fortune smile on you in return! Let her become your faithful companion and lead you through life far from troubles and sorrows!

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Spetsnaz - special forces units. The specificity of the combat use of special forces units is to organize and conduct active reconnaissance, conduct special events behind enemy lines, identify and destroy saboteurs and gangs in one’s rear, deploy and use formations in the interests of the partisan (insurgent) movement in enemy-occupied territory, and combat terrorism .

Information about the holiday

There was no single day uniting all special forces units in Russia. The beginning of the celebration of Special Forces Day is considered to be the meeting of special forces soldiers with the country's leadership on August 29, 1996. The heads of all ministries and departments of the federal bodies of the Russian Federation supported the idea of ​​the holiday and in 1999 signed an appeal to the President of Russia to give it state status.

By decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin dated May 31, 2006, 7 professional holidays and 14 memorable days were established to revive military traditions and increase the prestige of military service, as well as in recognition of the merits of military specialists in ensuring the defense and security of the state. Among them is Special Forces Day, which is celebrated on October 24.

History of Special Forces

In 1918, special purpose units (CHON) were created. This date is considered to be the beginning of the history of special purpose units.

Subsequently, special-purpose units were mainly owned by the Cheka (NKVD - MGB - KGB). On October 24, 1950, the Minister of War of the USSR, Marshal of the Soviet Union A.M. Vasilevsky, issued a directive ordering the formation of 46 special-purpose companies with a staff strength of 120 people by May 1, 1951. Over time, the structure and quantitative composition of army special forces changed more than once, but the essence of its purpose, in principle, always remained the same.

By the time of the collapse of the USSR, the ground forces, the Main Intelligence Directorate, the airborne troops, the navy, and the air force had their own special forces units. In 1970-1980 There were 13 special forces brigades in the army. It was during this period that their active combat work began, which took place in Angola, Mozambique, Ethiopia, Nicaragua, Cuba, and Vietnam. Then the war broke out in Afghanistan. As part of the Soviet contingent, eight special forces units operated there, organized into two brigades.

Over the years of its existence, the methodology for training fighters has been systematized and fine-tuned. During the Chechen campaign, special forces carried out their immediate duties, conducting search, ambush and sabotage and reconnaissance activities.

For today Special Forces- the most combat-ready and combat-ready military formations with a rich history - paramilitary formations of the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Defense Ministry, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Justice and other federal government bodies (detachments, groups, reinforced groups), having their own conventional names. They are intended for counter-terrorism actions, actions to search and detain especially dangerous and armed criminals, liquidation of criminal groups, release of hostages and other special operations.

Main feature special forces units is their relatively small composition, excellent preparation, audacity, surprise, initiative, speed, coordination of actions; skillful use of the strike and maneuver capabilities of weapons, military equipment, as well as the protective properties of the terrain, time of day and weather conditions.

Each of special forces units federal bodies of Russia has its own creation date and its own history. Thus, the special forces of the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces were created on October 24, 1950. The special forces of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were formed by order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR on December 31, 1977. At first it was a special-purpose training company.

In 1989 - a training battalion, in 1991 - a special forces detachment "Vityaz". In 2000, the Vityaz detachment and the 1st operational regiment were merged into the Special Purpose Regiment. In the same internal troops, on August 1, 1994, the special unit “Rus” was formed. The following units were created in the Ministry of Internal Affairs: OMON - 10/23/1988, OMSN - 11/9/1978, SOBR - 04/1/1993. In the FSB the following units were created: "Alpha" - 07/29/1974, "Vympel" - 08/19/1981 10/8/1998 The Special Purpose Center was formed. On May 18, 1995, the Sigma special unit appeared in the Federal Border Service. The Federal Security Service, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and the State Customs Committee have special units.

Special forces during the Great Patriotic War

The vastness of Russian open spaces and huge forests contributed to the widespread use of partisan methods of action during past wars. In the initial period of the Great Patriotic War, reconnaissance army units acted in the interests of tactical formations. Basically, they obtained information about the enemy at a short distance from the front line. The partisans, on the contrary, being in the operational depths, concentrated their main efforts on inflicting fire damage on enemy troops.

The centralized control of forces operating behind enemy lines, organized by 1943, produced significant results. This is clearly illustrated by the example of Operation Rail War, which began on the night of August 3, 1943. The results of the first strike and further sabotage actions during August had a significant impact on the operation of the railways. In total, from July 20 to September 16, 1943, according to the operational department of the Central Headquarters of the partisan movement, during the operation 214,705 pieces of rails were disabled, which accounted for 4.3% of all rails on the operated sections of the railways. During the next operation on the railway communications "Concert", which lasted from September 20 to November 30, 1943, the sabotage actions of the partisans were largely aimed at disabling the enemy's rolling stock. At the same time, during September – November 1943, a special operation “Desert” was carried out to destroy the water supply system on railway communications.

Thus, on August 3, 1943, for the first time in the world practice of military art, a strategic partisan (special) operation began and was successfully carried out.

The tactics of reconnaissance and sabotage formations during the Great Patriotic War were very diverse. Ambushes, raids, sabotage and raids by sabotage units were used.

Special forces in the post-war period

Special forces units in the post-war period

In order to train personnel for operations behind enemy lines in wartime, in accordance with the directive of the Minister of War, the formation of 46 special-purpose companies began in the combined arms and mechanized armies, as well as in some military districts. This day is considered to be a birthday special forces Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

In 1951, in special-purpose companies, on the basis of regular platoons and squads, special formations were created to perform a specific combat mission, which were called “special-purpose reconnaissance groups.” Appearance in foreign armies in 1950–1960. tactical and operational-tactical missile systems with nuclear and chemical warheads, aircraft carrying nuclear weapons, nuclear artillery, and nuclear ammunition supply systems necessitated the search for effective means of their detection and immediate destruction. In order to increase the combat capabilities of operational-strategic and operational formations to detect and subsequently destroy (incapacitate) nuclear attack weapons and other important enemy targets, separate detachments were created in 1957, and separate special-purpose brigades were created in 1962. Special-purpose formations and military units were assigned both reconnaissance missions to uncover targets of enemy groups, and a number of special tasks, including the destruction (incapacitation) of important objects behind enemy lines. In 1953, it was decided to form seven separate naval reconnaissance divisions.

Combat practice has shown the high effectiveness of the use of special-purpose formations and military units in the fight against irregular armed formations. And it is no coincidence that in almost all armed conflicts that have taken place in recent years Special Forces The Armed Forces took a very direct part. The special forces have many heroic deeds behind them. These include special operations in Afghanistan, participation in establishing and maintaining peace in the Transcaucasus, Central Asia, and carrying out combat missions in the North Caucasus. And everywhere they solved and are solving the assigned tasks with honor.

Special forces in Afghanistan

The war in Afghanistan showed the possibility of independent combat use of military special purpose units and units. It became clear that the actions of special-purpose intelligence agencies when conducting armed struggle against illegal (irregular) armed groups and when performing other special tasks go beyond the scope of intelligence support for the operation (combat operations). The combat use of special-purpose formations and military units is becoming an independent component of the actions of groupings of the Armed Forces.

During the war in Afghanistan, counterinsurgency warfare became the most important component of combat operations. The Mujahideen used special tactics of guerrilla warfare, avoiding open conflict with Soviet military units and units. Having made a surprise attack on a convoy from an ambush or a raid on a stationary object, inflicting maximum losses in the minimum possible time in manpower and equipment, they immediately left the combat area when the situation was unfavorable for them.

Soviet troops also used various methods of conducting active special operations. Ambushes became widespread, which became the most effective way to combat caravans and detachments of Mujahideen as they moved. It was the threat of an ambush that deprived them of freedom of movement even in areas under their control, and often forced them to refuse to use one or another route.

Russian special forces units (special forces)- this is courage and perseverance, unparalleled self-sacrifice, readiness to instantly come to the aid of a comrade, determination. Maroon berets are a symbol of special forces units; they are supposed to be worn only by those military personnel who are worthy of this right due to their professional, physical and moral qualities.

Any terror, any danger can be stopped by special fighters. These are special forces soldiers. Their service and exploits are shrouded in mystery. They are not afraid of the cunning plans of enemies or bandits, or difficult conditions or situations. These elite fighters have their own professional holiday, and each structure has its own personal holiday.

Who has ever admired the incredible feats performed by special forces? Who has neither watched films nor read books dedicated to special forces soldiers? But these are not fairy tales, these are not myths. These are real stories that, in the understanding of the common man in the street, are perceived as feats beyond the reach of human abilities. But the fighters who commit them cannot easily be called ordinary soldiers, and the units where they serve are not called special for nothing. And even Special Forces Day is a day for which each unit has its own celebration.

Who's celebrating?

The history of special forces has its unofficial beginning since the post-revolutionary Civil War. The young country had to find its feet in conditions of hatred, misunderstanding and even brutal resistance. And even then the first special detachments were created that fought against fist uprisings and bandit robberies. Such detachments were especially relevant in the fight against Basmachi gangs in the southern republics of the country.

During the war with the Nazis, special sabotage groups were created that performed extremely complex tasks, both at the front and behind enemy lines. They went down in history as saboteurs. Also during the war years, special units were formed to perform special tasks. The famous first division after the war was named OMSDON named after Dzerzhinsky. This unit has survived to this day and is known as the Separate Operational Division.

The post-war years dictated new conditions for the activities of the military. During the Cold War, intelligence activities were important. Therefore, in 1950, on October 24, Marshal Vasiliev, who then held the position of Minister of War of the USSR, signed a directive according to which it was necessary to begin forming special companies. appointment of a total of 46 units, 120 soldiers each.

The main task of the GRU special forces has always been to combat the nuclear threat of NATO member countries. It was the fighters of these units who were trained to conduct reconnaissance, as well as sabotage operations behind enemy lines. Therefore, GRU Special Forces Day is celebrated in October.

But in 1953, the total number of armed forces was significantly reduced, which was also reflected in the number of special forces units, which were actually reduced to 11 companies.

But just a few years later, in 1957, the situation changed dramatically. On August 29, as many as five battalions are created, designed to solve special problems. This day went down in history as Special Forces Day.

Today, every law enforcement agency has its own special units. And each such unit has its own history, and a personal holiday when they celebrate Special Forces Day.

Special units exist not only in the internal troops and intelligence, but also in the drug police and customs, the border service and the Federal Security Service. However, despite their relationship to different security forces, special units perform similar tasks. So in the internal troops there are 16 special forces units.

Within the structure of the Internal Affairs Directorate there is a special police detachment called OMON. But the level of training and tasks that such detachments solve do not quite correspond to those of the special forces. After the reform, OMSNs appeared in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, into which SOBRs were actually reorganized.

It is worth mentioning separately the soldiers who serve in the GRU special forces. The audacity, maneuverability, experience, and training of these warriors are legendary. They participate in almost all anti-terrorist operations, search for and detain dangerous criminals, eliminate criminal groups, free hostages and, of course, participate in complex special operations.

Soldiers from all these units, as well as retired officers, gather in a close circle on Special Forces Day in Russia, remembering their fallen comrades, but do not really like to remember their valiant exploits.

history of the holiday

Almost all military and security holidays in the Russian Federation are regulated by a Presidential Decree, which was signed in 2006. The special forces were the luckiest of all. These fighters have several official dates to celebrate their professional holiday.

The single date on which Special Forces Day is celebrated is October 29. On this day, all special forces are congratulated, regardless of the type of troops and the type of law enforcement agencies where they serve.

On October 24, GRU special forces celebrate their holiday. This day went down in history as the birth of intelligence. There is another holiday in October - October 3, when riot police officers accept congratulations.

November is also full of holidays associated with special forces units. On November 5, military intelligence officers celebrate the holiday. SOBR has its own holiday, which falls on November 9th. And the units that are part of the penal system celebrate their triumph on November 13th. And, of course, the well-known Special Forces Day in August.

It is on August 29th that special forces troops are congratulated. The background of the holiday is connected with the formation of a training company, which was entrusted with the task of ensuring the safety of the Olympic Games. Then this company became the basis of the special forces elite. The “Vityaz” detachment was formed from the soldiers who served in it.

Interestingly, the celebrations do not take place in a solemn atmosphere. You cannot see open parades or parades with the participation of special forces. On the holiday, fighters demonstrate their skills only in a closed circle of comrades. And only the top leadership is able to celebrate all the achievements of these soldiers serving for the sake of peace in Russia.

Of course, especially distinguished fighters are awarded special awards and receive extraordinary titles. But no public events are held these days.

There is such a profession - special forces

Yes, there is such a profession - special forces soldier. And this is not just a military profession, it is a call from the soul. After all, only people who are ready to devote their lives to fighting the most dangerous enemies, capable of performing the most unimaginable and complex tasks, are able to serve in such units.

Special forces are always there where there is an armed threat to civilians or the police. They fight organized crime and terrorists. They are called when it is necessary to free hostages or capture or eliminate armed bandits. In fact, the help of these fighters is resorted to when all other resources have been exhausted, and only warriors with special training can complete the task.

However, there is virtually no information in the press about their actual affairs. Of course, most units are classified and their actions are not advertised. It’s not for nothing that special forces work in special masks.

And even on days free from dangerous and difficult tasks, the fighters know no rest. They must always be in shape. Therefore, a special forces soldier’s rest sometimes does not exceed 4 hours a day. The daily routine is scheduled minute by minute. Marches, overcoming obstacle courses, practicing throws and strikes, working in a group and solo training, studying theoretical materials, and after lunch everything again. And so on every day.

This is a job for real men who are not afraid of dangerous and extreme situations; they are used to performing tasks both under bullets and behind enemy lines. His experience and knowledge are not limited only to knowledge of hand-to-hand fighting. He is fluent in any weapon, drives absolutely any type of transport, is familiar with the basics of medicine and knows how to provide the necessary assistance.

Special forces soldiers are subject to increased requirements regarding physical, mental, and psychological qualities. They must be ready to withstand incredible everyday, mental, and physical stress, live in field conditions and eat pasture or available food.

A man must be ready to leave his home at any time to go to a hot spot. And even after retirement, a special forces soldier does not cease to be a warrior. Every year on their holiday, former colleagues always get together and visit the graves of their fallen comrades. A special organization has even been created that unites soldiers and takes care of former special forces soldiers and helps solve pressing problems. Since the state, unfortunately, does not worry enough about retired fighters.

A special feature of the special forces is the maroon beret. It is neither red nor crimson, but speckled. Because it was sprinkled in battle with the blood of guys who died defending their homeland. Not every fighter can receive such a distinctive sign. Only after passing a certain rather difficult exam is a special forces soldier awarded the honor of wearing a maroon beret.

The profession of a special forces soldier is always associated with a threat to life. But all the “pitfalls” of the profession are compensated by a sense of responsibility for the fate of other people and boundless respect from compatriots.

Congratulations to the special forces

Your every day is associated with danger. And you go to the feat in an ordinary way, like someone going for a walk. For you, daily risk is just work. There is simply no doubt that you are a hero. And on Special Forces Day, we sincerely congratulate you. May your service and life not present any unpleasant surprises. And only real friends will be nearby.

On this festive day - Special Forces Day, we say words of congratulations with gratitude and respect to the strongest, bravest and bravest men. And, of course, we wish not to lose strength of spirit, not to weaken morally and physically. Happiness, love and days without shelling to you, special forces.

I congratulate you on Special Forces Day,

And, of course, I sincerely wish

So that the enemies don't shoot,

And friends never upset me.

So that your beloved waits for you,

And fate smiled without concealment.

Find and neutralize

The order I will give is not an easy one.

For every slightest mistake

The commando responds with his head.

Low bow to you, warrior,

Serve without loss at all.

Thank you, special forces,

The country is fast asleep, believe me.

Larisa, August 15, 2016.

In 2000, by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, October 24 was officially declared GRU Special Forces Day. This was a kind of public act of recognition of the merits that army special intelligence entered into the history of the Armed Forces of the USSR and the Russian Federation.

Intelligence officers, by their nature, are not public people. Of course, they have their own memorable dates, which are celebrated by a narrow circle of professionals. Basically these are the days of the founding of specific parts. The idea that we should celebrate a holiday common to everyone arose in the nineties of the twentieth century. We remembered the story.

On October 24, 1950, the secret Directive of the USSR Minister of War No. ORG/2/395/832 appeared. It marked the beginning of the creation of special-purpose intelligence. In the fall of the same year, 46 separate special forces companies of 120 people each were created in all military districts. The leadership of combat training was entrusted to the Main Directorate of the General Staff, better known as the GRU.

GRU special forces were created to operate deep behind enemy lines, even on US territory. It was assumed that if NATO launched a mechanism for starting military operations against the USSR, and the situation became irreversible, the special forces would be the first to enter the battle. Reconnaissance groups were to appear in close proximity to all command posts and strategic objects of the North Atlantic bloc. Their task was to conduct reconnaissance and, if necessary, begin to destroy control centers, missile launch sites, strategic aviation and even nuclear submarines in the bases. And also disrupt communications, energy supplies, destroy transport communications, sow panic and bring chaos to the military and government administration of the aggressor countries.

Despite the improbability of these tasks, the GRU special forces were able to solve them very effectively. The special intelligence arsenals had everything they needed, including portable nuclear mines. To penetrate enemy territory, various options were provided: from classic parachute landing to completely legal travel abroad. In this case, the illegal GRU agents had to prepare in advance for the reconnaissance saboteurs the base locations and appropriate weapons. Combat training for special forces was developed individually and was highly intense.

It is clear that such lethal force could not be revealed prematurely. And the GRU special forces were classified more strictly than even the nuclear forces of the USSR. In any case, even a child knew that the Armed Forces have the Strategic Missile Forces, strategic bombers carrying atomic bombs, and a nuclear submarine fleet. Not all generals and marshals knew that GRU special forces existed in the structure of the Armed Forces. And if they knew, then in the most general terms.

The first open mentions of these units appeared after the end of our war in Afghanistan. At the same time, special forces began to appear en masse in all law enforcement agencies. For some reason they were initially romanticized. As a result, the word “special forces” was worn out and erased. It has lost the romantic flair of intelligence and has become as dull and faceless as “cop” or “riot police.”

The GRU special forces really had their finest hour, although in principle it should not have operated there - it was not created for such a war. One can talk endlessly about the Afghan special forces epic. In this case, it is worth noting that, faced with unusual tasks, the GRU combat units very quickly adapted and began to fight in such a way that their effectiveness became higher than, for example, that of airborne units, especially motorized rifles. Special forces are essentially partisans. And since in Afghanistan the war was fought with irregular, one might say, partisan detachments of dushmans, the GRU special intelligence units found themselves in their element. Although, it is worth repeating, no one has ever prepared them for long-term combat operations. However, the individual training of the intelligence officers was so high-quality, and the general cultural level was so high, that junior special forces officers not only fought successfully, but also brilliantly solved the most complex military-political problems. It happened that one GRU detachment could pacify and calm an entire rebellious province for a long time.

Perestroika ended with the collapse of the Union. And immediately blood began to flow on the outskirts of the Soviet empire. In 1992, massacres began in Tajikistan. Terrible atrocities took place, which only eyewitnesses know about to this day. There was no Internet then. Information from the war-torn republic was not particularly disseminated. Meanwhile, the darkest forces were rapidly gaining the upper hand there. The whole of Central Asia was about to explode. So much so that the still unborn CIS would shudder.

The leadership of the new Russia, declared the legal successor of the USSR, had no choice but to intervene directly. The best decision in that situation, oddly enough, was made by Yegor Gaidar, who was then acting head of the Russian government. He instructed the GRU special forces to restore order in Tajikistan.

The choice fell on the 15th brigade, stationed in the city of Chirchik, not far from Tashkent. That brigade was commanded by the now widely known “enemy of Chubais, who was Gaidar’s best friend,” Colonel Vladimir Kvachkov. According to the brigade commander, Moscow gave him literally dictatorial powers. He could, at his discretion, execute and pardon everyone in Tajikistan, regardless of person or position. Colonel Kvachkov immediately refused such dubious power. He undertook to put out the war, but set the condition: not to interfere, and to completely entrust the special forces to carry out the pacification of Tajikistan in the way only they can. And he received all the necessary powers, from the same Gaidar, by the way.

In September 1992, the 15th Brigade quietly entered Tajikistan and... disappeared into it. In the republic itself, practically no one knew that Russian intelligence officers had entered the war. Surprisingly, the terrible massacre that engulfed the entire republic stopped as if by itself and quite quickly. There were no airborne assaults, no massive bombings and thousands of senselessly killed soldiers. There were losses, of course, but they were literally isolated. But it was possible to save hundreds of thousands, and maybe millions of lives of Uzbeks, Kyrgyz, Slavs and the same Tajiks who were at war with each other. For many years, not only Tajikistan, but the whole of Central Asia fell silent.

Two years later, the pacification of rebellious Chechnya began. For some reason, the GRU was initially not allowed to carry out this mission. The result is known to everyone: large-scale hostilities, Grozny destroyed to smithereens, an innumerable number of refugees, killed, maimed, missing.

Only after it became clear that the situation in Chechnya was getting out of control, GRU special forces were rushed there in a fire operation.

The hasty and ill-considered actions of the then leadership of the Ministry of Defense led to the fact that the intelligence officers suffered completely unjustified losses and found themselves in the stupidest situations - almost detachments of “punchers” found themselves captured by the militants, albeit temporarily. However, that’s what special forces are for: they can get out of any situation. The scouts not only got used to the new mountain conditions, but began to fight so skillfully and, in general, cleanly that even in Grozny, which after Khasavyurt came under the complete control of the separatists, on one of the buildings for a long time there was an inscription: GLORY OF THE GRU - a remnant of the past slogan GLORY TO LABOR.

In the second counter-terrorism operation in the North Caucasus, the special forces were treated completely differently. The GRU was given very great powers. The defeat of the gangs took place relatively quickly and resulted in relatively little bloodshed.

The GRU special forces never waited for the “X” hour, when they would have been thrown into the depths of Western Europe, especially in the USA. Maybe it's for the better. Over the past thirty years, he has fought where, as they said, he should not have fought in principle. And he fought wonderfully! Perhaps this is why the leadership of the Ministry of Defense decided that the special forces should formally occupy the niche in which they themselves had actually settled for a long time. That is, not to be a “scarecrow” for NATO, but to participate in ground counter-terrorism operations. Perhaps these parts will indeed be reborn in a new quality. Long live the special forces!

Sergey Ptichkin