Aman Tuleyev age. Statesman Aman Tuleyev: biography, family and personal life. Governor of Kemerovo region

Among the brightest political figures, Aman Tuleyev stands out, his biography, whose nationality is of interest to many residents of our country. The life of a politician is filled with happy and tragic moments, as well as the fight for a just cause. His many years at the helm of the Kemerovo region have proven that Tuleyev is a man of action, not words.


Aman Tuleyev’s nationality, biography and personal life are of interest to people far from politics. Before the recent tragic events in the city of Kemerovo, Tuleyev served as governor for many years. The famous politician comes from Turkmenistan. Born in the city of Kislovodsk in 1944. Over the years in politics, the governor has proven his professionalism, high level of leadership qualities, and enjoyed the respect of the population of his region.

The post-war period influenced the formation of character and development of little Aman. The boy did not see his own father, since he died at the front. Fate did not leave the future politician without a father - his stepfather became him. The mother married a Russian railway worker, Innokenty Ivanovich Vlasov, for the second time. Sharing his memories, Tuleyev notes that thanks to his stepfather’s upbringing, he was able to reach heights.

His father’s family belongs to ethnic Kazakhs, and his mother’s has Bashkir-Tatar roots, so throughout his life Aman Tuleyev, whose nationality is of interest to site visitors, was faced with the problems of ethnic minorities in the country. As was often customary in those days, Aman was given the name of a Kazakh communist. The family moved to Kuzbass in 1951. Finding himself in the Russian environment, the boy felt uncomfortable, because he had a distinctive appearance and name.


The boy was always independent, so when he turned 17 he decided to leave his family. To live, Tuleyev chooses the Krasnodar region, where he enters the railway technical school in Tikhoretsk. The young man chooses his profession in the footsteps of his stepfather. Graduates after three years with honors.

Without stopping there, he decides to get a higher education and enters the Novosibirsk Institute of Railway Engineers. In 1973 he graduated from college. Having reached the managerial level, he receives a second higher education degree from the Academy of Social Sciences.

Personal life

The family life of a famous politician is connected with one woman. After the wedding, Elvira Fedorovna Solovyova took her husband’s surname. The eldest son Dmitry was born in 1968. The second son Andrei appeared in the family in 1972. Dmitry has built a successful career in highway construction. One of the serious works was cooperation with the Federal Directorate “Siberia”. The family suffered a tragedy. The youngest son died at a young age. Andrei was in a car accident and died from his injuries at the age of 26. Tuleyev's wife took the blow seriously. The family managed only thanks to joint support. Children and grandchildren have always been the meaning for Haman.

After the death of his younger brother, Dmitry named his second child in honor of his tragically deceased uncle. The Tuleyevs' eldest son is the father of many children. He gave his grandparents two grandchildren - Andrei and Stanislav, and granddaughter Tatyana.

In addition to political activities, Tuleyev is active in social work. The “Help” and “Semipalatinsk Trace” foundations were founded.

In his free time, Aman Tuleyev enjoys spending time with his family, nature and reading.

Health problems

In 2011, Aman Tuleyev needed a planned operation on the spine. Health problems did not go away after surgery. In 2018, the politician again had to go under the surgeon’s knife.

The governor had to leave his post while on sick leave. Treatment was carried out in Germany. Aman underwent rehabilitation in Moscow.

A serious illness knocked the politician out of his chair for a short time. After undergoing short-term rehabilitation, the politician was brought home on a stretcher. I spent my first working days in a wheelchair. During the period of his illness, Tuleyev lost a lot of weight.

Political career

Aman Tuleyev began his career in politics in 1989 with an unsuccessful run for the post of People's Deputy of the USSR. A year later, his career took a successful turn and until 1993 he held the post of People's Deputy of the RSFSR, Chairman of the Council of People's Deputies of the Kemerovo Region. For his reliability and loyalty to his calling, he enjoyed the support of Boris Yeltsin, the first President of the Russian Federation. Since 1994, for two years he was the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Kemerovo Region, as well as a member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

In 1996, he served as Minister of the Russian Federation for Cooperation with the CIS Countries. For his great contribution to the development of the region, he was appointed head of the Administration of the Kemerovo Region. Kuzbass was characterized by an unstable social situation; Yeltsin decided to appoint a person in whom he was confident. After the elections in 1997, he became Governor of the Kemerovo Region.

Before the next elections in 2001, Tuleyev resigned. However, he again submitted his candidacy and was elected by more than 90% of the population of the Kemerovo region.

During his political career, he tried to run for president of the Russian Federation three times - in 1991, 1996 and 2000. For the successful and fruitful management of the region in 2005, Russian President V. Putin decided to extend Tuleyev’s tenure as governor until 2010. D. Medvedev, while serving as president, extended the term until 2015.

Aman-Geldy Moldagazyevich(Aman Gumirovich) Tuleyev(b. May 13, 1944) - Russian politician and statesman, governor of the Kemerovo region since 2001.

early years

Born on May 13, 1944 in the city of Krasnovodsk, Turkmen SSR. Father - Tuleev Moldagazy Koldybaevich (1914-1943), Kazakh by nationality, died at the front. Mother - Vlasova (nee Nasyrova) Munira Fayzovna (1921-2001), half Tatar, half Bashkir. He was raised and educated by his stepfather, Innokenty Ivanovich Vlasov (1923-1984). After 1964, for reasons of euphony, Tuleyev began to use the first and patronymic “Aman Gumirovich.” He graduated from the Tikhoretsky College of Railway Transport (1964), the Novosibirsk Institute of Railway Transport Engineers (1973) and the Academy of Social Sciences (1989). He has a specialty as a communications engineer for the operation of railways.

Political activity

  • 1989 - unsuccessful attempt to nominate people's deputies of the USSR.
  • 1990-93 - People's Deputy of the RSFSR.
  • 1990-93 - Chairman of the Kemerovo Regional Council of People's Deputies.
  • 1990-91 - Chairman of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies. In August 1991, the then chairman of the Kemerovo regional executive committee, Tuleyev, promised the head of the State Emergency Committee Gennady Yanaev to “sign to every word” of the State Emergency Committee’s appeal. For this, Boris Yeltsin subsequently appointed Mikhail Kislyuk, one of the leaders of the Kuzbass labor movement, as head of the region.
  • 1994-96 - Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Kemerovo Region, member of the Federation Council Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.
  • August 22, 1996 - appointed Minister Russian Federation on cooperation with participating states Commonwealth of Independent States.
  • July 1, 1997 - appointed head of the Administration of the Kemerovo Region. This appointment was accepted by Yeltsin in a situation of increased social tension in Kuzbass.
  • October 19, 1997 - wins the election for governor of the Kemerovo region (94.5% of the vote).
  • On January 25, 2001, he resigned from the post of governor of the Kemerovo region. He again stood as a candidate in early elections on April 22, 2001 and won, receiving 93.5% of the vote. On May 4, 2001, he again took office as governor of the Kemerovo region.
  • Three times - in 1991, 1996 and 2000 - he ran for the post of President of Russia. In the 2000 elections, he received 2.95% of the votes, almost all the votes were cast in the Kemerovo region, where the level of support exceeded 50% and even the final Russian result of V.V. Putin.
  • In the 1999 State Duma elections, Tuleyev was still on the list of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, but in Kuzbass he already supported Unity. In 2000, he was expelled from the NPSR. And in December 2003, the governor headed the regional list of United Russia, which thanks to this gained 52% of the votes in the Kemerovo region. All 35 deputies of the Council of People's Deputies of the Kemerovo Region were elected from the “Serving Kuzbass” bloc, formed with the support of Tuleyev.
  • 2005 — Russian President Vladimir Putin extended Tuleyev’s term of office until 2010.
  • 2005 - Aman Tuleyev joined the United Russia party.
  • Founder of the regional public charitable foundation “Help” and the public charitable foundation “Semipalatinsk Trail”.
  • April 20, 2010 — Russian President Dmitry Medvedev extended Tuleyev’s term of office until 2014.

Aman (Amangeldy) Gumirovich Tuleyev(Russian: Aman Gumirovich Tuleyev, Kazakh: Amangeldi Moldagazyuly ​​Toleev, Amangeldi Moldağazıulı Töleyev ), born 13 May 1944, is the governor of Kemerovo Oblast. He ran for President of Russia in 1991, 1996 (withdrawing during the campaign) and 2000, both times coming fourth. Tuleyev was born to Kazakh father and half-Tatar half-Bashkir mother in Krasnovodsk, Turkmen SSR, USSR.

Political career

In 1990, he switched to politics and was elected to the Parliament of the Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic (RSFSR) from Kuzbas. In March 1990, Tuleyev was elected Chairman of the Kemerovo Regional Soviet. Through most of the 1990s, he was a prominent politician of the Communist Party of Russian Federation. In August 1991, he supported the GKChP coup attempt. In January 1992, Tuleyev offered his resignation from the Post of Chairman of the Kemerovo Oblast Regional Council in protest against the policies of Yegor Gaidar, but the deputies voted to refuse his resignation.

In October 1993, Tuleyev took the side of Parliament against Boris Yeltsin. In 1993 Tuleyev got the majority of the votes in Kuzbas and was elected to the new Russian Parliament. A year later, he was voted Chairman of the Council of People's Deputies of Kemerovo. From August 1996 to June 1997 he was a Russian minister responsible for relations with the CIS. In this capacity, he proposed plans for a union between Russia and Belarus.

In March 2000 as a candidate he took part in the Russian presidential elections. In 2000, he was expelled from the nationalist-communist umbrella organization called Popular-Patriotic Union. In December 2003, he led the electoral list of United Russia in Kuzbass. In November 2005, he formally joined the United Russia, one of the last regional governors to do so. The same year, Vladimir Putin extended Tuleyev's term as governor to 2010. Tuleyev has been criticized for creating near-to-authoritarian regime in Kemerovo Oblast.


Amangeldy Tuleyev was born on May 13, 1944 in Krasnovodsk (Turkmen SSR) in the family of Moldagazy Koldybaevich Tuleyev (1914-1943), a Kazakh by nationality from the Balykshy subgenus of the Adai clan, who died at the front. Mother - Munira Fayzovna Vlasova (née Nasyrova; 1921-2001), half Tatar, half Bashkir. He was raised and educated by his stepfather - Innokenty Ivanovich Vlasov (1923-1984). After 1964, for reasons of euphony, Tuleyev began to use the first and patronymic “Aman Gumirovich.”

In 1964 he graduated from the Tikhoretsky Technical School of Railway Transport. In 1973, he graduated in absentia from the Novosibirsk Institute of Railway Transport Engineers (now the Siberian State Transport University) with a degree in “transport engineer for the operation of railways.” In 1989, he graduated in absentia from the Academy of Social Sciences under the CPSU Central Committee (now the Russian Academy of Public Administration.

In 1964, he began working as a station attendant at the Mundybash railway station of the Novokuznetsk branch of the West Siberian Railway. After serving in the ranks of the Soviet Army (1964-1967) in the engineering units of the ZabVO, he returned to his previous place of work, where he worked as a station duty officer (1967-1968), senior assistant to the station chief (1968-1969) and head of the Mundybash station (1969- 1973). Then - head of the Mezhdurechensk station of the Novokuznetsk branch of the West Siberian Railway (1973-1978), deputy head (1978-1983) and head of the Novokuznetsk branch of the Kemerovo Railway (1983-1985).

In 1985-1988 - head of the transport and communications department of the Kemerovo regional committee of the CPSU.

In 1988-1990 - head of the Kemerovo railway.

Aman Tuleyev while working as the head of the Novokuznetsk branch of the Kemerovo Railway


In 1989, he unsuccessfully ran for People's Deputies of the USSR.

In 1991, he nominated himself for the first presidential elections in Russia. He received 7% of the votes and took 4th place (after Yeltsin, Ryzhkov, Zhirinovsky).

In 1990-1993 - People's Deputy of the RSFSR.

In 1990-1993 - Chairman of the Kemerovo Regional Council of People's Deputies. In 1990-1991 - chairman of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies. In August 1991, the then chairman of the Kemerovo regional executive committee, Tuleyev, promised the head of the State Emergency Committee Gennady Yanaev to “sign to every word” of the State Emergency Committee’s appeal. For this, Boris Yeltsin subsequently appointed Mikhail Kislyuk, one of the leaders of the Kuzbass labor movement, as head of the region.

In 1994-1996 - Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Kemerovo Region, member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

On August 22, 1996, he was appointed Minister of the Russian Federation for Cooperation with Member States of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

On July 1, 1997, he was appointed head of the Administration of the Kemerovo Region. This appointment was accepted by Yeltsin in a situation of increased social tension in Kuzbass.

On January 25, 2001, he resigned from the post of governor of the Kemerovo region. He again stood as a candidate in early elections on April 22, 2001 and won, receiving 93.5% of the vote. On May 4, 2001, he again took office as governor of the Kemerovo region.

Aman Tuleyev as Chairman of the Regional Council of People's Deputies

Three times - in 1991, 1996 and 2000 - he ran for the post of President of Russia. During the presidential elections of the RSFSR on June 12, 1991, he received 6.81% of the votes (the fourth result out of six). In the 1996 presidential elections, he withdrew his candidacy on the eve of the first round of elections and called on his voters to cast their votes in support of the candidate from the “people's patriotic bloc” Gennady Zyuganov. In the 2000 elections he received 2.95% of the votes, almost all the votes were cast in the Kemerovo region, where the level of support exceeded 50% and even the final Russian result of V.V. Putin.

In the 1999 State Duma elections, Tuleyev was still on the list of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, but in Kuzbass he already supported Unity. In 2000, he was expelled from the NPSR. In December 2003, he headed the regional list of United Russia, which thanks to this gained 52% of the votes in the Kemerovo region. All 35 deputies of the Council of People's Deputies of the Kemerovo Region were elected from the “Serving Kuzbass” bloc, formed with the support of Tuleyev.

Meeting of the Government of the Russian Federation. Minister for Cooperation with CIS Member States A. G. Tuleev and Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation V. S. Chernomyrdin

In July 1999, he refused to accept the Order of Honor from B. Yeltsin, explaining it this way: “I simply cannot, on principle, accept awards from the government, which has plunged the country into poverty.” However, in September 2000, he accepted this award from V. Putin.

In 2005, Putin extended Tuleyev's term of office until 2010. In the same year, Aman Tuleyev joined the United Russia party.

Founder of the regional public charitable foundation “Help” and the public charitable foundation “Semipalatinsk Trail”.

In 2013-2014, he was among the ten most effective governors in the Russian Federation according to the Civil Society Development Foundation.

In 2014, he became a member of the advisory commission of the State Council of Russia.

Aman Tuleyev and Vladimir Putin at a meeting of the State Council of the Russian Federation on problems of the Russian coal industry, Mezhdurechensk, 2002

On April 16, 2015, due to the expiration of his term of office, V. Putin appointed Tuleyev as acting governor of the Kemerovo region until the person elected as governor of the region took office. On May 26, 2015, at the United Russia primaries for the post of candidate for governor of the Kemerovo region at the Novokuznetsk Drama Theater, he received the majority of votes. On September 13, 2015, he was again elected head of Kuzbass, gaining 96.69%. On September 22, 2015, he took office as governor of the Kemerovo region.

In the parliamentary elections in the fall of 2016, he headed the United Russia party list in the Altai Republic, Altai Territory, Kemerovo and Tomsk regions.


In 2011 he underwent spinal surgery.

In October 2016, a decision was made about the need for elective surgery, which was postponed until May 2017. In May-June, rumors began to appear about his resignation from office, generated by the politician’s long absence from public view: on May 9, he did not participate in the Victory Day celebrations; on May 22, he went on vacation, which was extended several times.

In May 2017, I paid for spinal surgery at a clinic in Germany from personal funds. During the treatment process, doctors decided to increase and expand the scope of the operation, which ultimately lasted more than nine hours; doctors used metal structures. In the postoperative period, complications arose (pneumonia), which were managed. Since June 11, Tuleyev was in the regional clinical emergency hospital No. 3 named after. M. A. Podgorbunsky in Kemerovo.

On July 1, 2017, Tuleyev was brought on a stretcher to the Kemerovo airfield and taken to Moscow on an Emergency Situations Ministry plane equipped with means for transporting passengers in serious condition. In Moscow, employees of the All-Russian Center for Disaster Medicine “Zashchita” took him to the Central Clinical Hospital of the Presidential Administration, where almost round-the-clock monitoring was organized over his health and a number of procedures were prescribed that should help him recover from spinal surgery.

On August 12, 2017, he returned to Kemerovo. He immediately started working while in a wheelchair; held a meeting, criticizing a number of high-ranking regional officials who did not refute rumors of his death.


Aman Tuleyev repeatedly took part in negotiations with terrorists. In 1991, as a people's deputy of the RSFSR, Tuleyev helped free Masha Ponomarenko, who was taken hostage near Red Square, from a bus, offering himself in exchange for the girl.

In 1995, he negotiated with Yevgeny Zherenkov, who captured people at the Kemerovo bus station and threatened to detonate a homemade bomb.

In 2001, Tuleyev took part in the neutralization of Andrei Pangin, who took a taxi driver hostage at Kemerovo airport.

In 2007, after telephone conversations between Tuleyev and police warrant officer Shatalov, who threatened to blow up a residential building and barricaded himself in his apartment, Novokuznetsk security forces managed to neutralize the terrorist and take him alive.

On March 13, 2009, Aman Tuleyev negotiated with a robber who had taken hostage three female cashiers and two security guards at a bank.


In 1999, in Chechnya, Tuleyev was sentenced to death for allegedly accepting Christianity.


Aman Tuleyev at a meeting in connection with the tragedy in Kemerovo, March 27, 2018
On March 25, 2018, a fire broke out in the Zimnyaya Vishnya shopping and entertainment complex in Kemerovo. As of March 30, 64 people died as a result of the fire, including Aman Tuleyev’s young niece. Tuleyev himself did not come to the scene of the tragedy, explaining that he did not want his motorcade to interfere with the rescuers.

On March 27, 2018, a rally was held in the city. More than four thousand protesters in Kemerovo demanded Tuleyev’s resignation. Despite the presence of relatives of the victims at the rally, Tuleyev said that 200 “troublers” were present at the rally, but there were no relatives of the victims. On March 30, he transferred his one-day earnings (5,803 rubles) to the account to help the families of those killed in the fire at the Winter Cherry shopping center.

On April 1, 2018, he made an open appeal to the residents of the Kemerovo region and addressed the President of the Russian Federation with a statement of resignation of his own free will. President Putin accepted his resignation.


Wife - Tuleyeva (nee Solovyova) Elvira Fedorovna (born 1943). The marriage produced sons Dmitry (born 1968) and Andrey (1972-1998; died in a car accident in Tashkent).

Grandchildren - Stanislav Andreevich Tuleyev (born 1992), Andrey Dmitrievich Tuleyev (born 1999) and Tatyana Dmitrievna Tuleyeva (born 2005).

He promised 1 million rubles for the capture of Bigfoot.


A.G. Tuleev is actively engaged in scientific work, is the author of more than two dozen books and brochures, hundreds of publications and speeches in foreign, Russian, Kuzbass electronic and print media. He has 2 patents for the invention of modern methods for increasing the efficiency of loading and unloading operations in railway transport. On March 2, 1999, A. G. Tuleev defended his dissertation for the academic degree of Candidate of Political Sciences

The life of a politician is radically different from the life of an ordinary person. It’s not for nothing that they say that if you are an honest and kind person, then neither money nor power will spoil you. Because if you are an honest and kind person, then you will have neither one nor the other. This truth can be disputed for a very long time, but, in general, everyone will agree that in order to be a politician, you really need to have a strong character and the ability to turn a blind eye to many things.

And now, in this article we will talk about such a politician as Aman Tuleyev, who in the late nineties was appointed to the post of governor of the Kemerovo region. What his life is like, how he became a politician in the first place, whether he had any connections for this, we will look at all this here so that we can put together a holistic picture of his personality.

Height, weight, age. How old is Aman Tuleyev

Height, weight, age. How old is Aman Tuleyev - this is everything we consider in every celebrity, because, one way or another, it is always interesting to learn about the appearance and parameters of a person who managed to attract public attention. Today, Tuleyev is already 73 years old, that is, he is at a very respectable age, his height is 190 centimeters and his weight is 90 kilograms. It must be said that for his age, the elderly man looks very good, which is not surprising.

After all, with the money he has, he has the opportunity to take care of himself, to do as he wants. Despite his nationality, which is far from Russian, he proposed his candidacy for presidential elections three times, and he still holds the post of governor to this day. That is, despite the fact that he is far from young, he has enough energy that allows him to take part in politics.

Biography and personal life of Aman Tuleyev

The biography and personal life of Aman Tuleyev definitely deserves attention, because he lived long enough, and his path was eventful and varied. In fact, he never had a father. According to some sources, the boy’s father died before he was born; others claim that he died in the war when Haman was still very young. But, one way or another, the future politician’s childhood was quite difficult, but at the same time happy. The fact is that the child was raised by his mother’s second husband, and he treated his adopted son as his own, and Tuleyev himself repeatedly said that he owed him a lot, and many questions would have remained unanswered if not for his second father.

Aman’s youth was quite ordinary, because after school, he entered a technical school, which he graduated with honors. After studying, the guy was drafted into the army, where he served with all conscientiousness and diligence. He claims that it was the army that helped him become a real man and toughened him up. Having already served in the army, he began to work in railway activities, where he even held the position of chief, that is, even here he managed to achieve certain heights. But a political career awaited him, which was not long in coming, so the young man soon embarked on a completely different path.

He took part in various parties, constantly organized rallies, and repeatedly called on the people to take action. All this allowed him to win the trust of the common people, which was to his advantage. At the very beginning of the nineties, when the collapse of the USSR occurred, Aman put forward his candidacy for the post of President of Russia. Also then he proposed to mark the rallies for now, because he believed that they undermine labor discipline, and, of course, do not benefit the nation. By the way, in the elections, I can then take fourth place, losing to a politician like Boris Yeltsin.

Already in the second half of the nineties, he again applied for the presidency, but this time again everything was unsuccessful. True, this time, he voluntarily refused in favor of another candidate, which, however, also did not help much. Because Boris Yeltsin became president again for the second time. At the beginning of the 2000s, a man was engaged in education, defended a dissertation on a political topic, that is, he continued to improve, continued to make sure that he was noticed, and his actions were approved in politics. As a result, he managed to become the governor of the Kemerovo region, whose post he still holds. It must be said that this politician is a tough nut to crack; during his time in office, he managed to undergo spinal surgery, after which he again took on obligations to become governor.

Politics is a complex thing, and only the most persistent and those who truly strive for power and this type of activity survive. And according to some data, Tuleyev is one of the ten most successful governors of the Russian Federation. That is, today Aman Tuleyev has truly established himself as a politician and statesman. As for his personal life, Aman has everything arranged here too, because he has been married to the same woman for decades. Although there were also tragedies here, because the husband and wife had two sons, but by a fatal coincidence, the youngest son, whose name was Andrei Amanovich, died in a car accident at the very end of the nineties. The wife did her best to help her husband survive the loss, which was a heavy blow for the politician; for some time he even thought about leaving politics.

Family and children of Aman Tuleyev

The family and children of Aman Tuleyev are a separate topic, because the politician clearly separates his political activities and personal life. In addition, the man had his own heavy losses and falls throughout his life, which he nevertheless managed to survive. As for the family hearth, it would seem that everything is arranged. The fact is that Aman Tuleyev is a married man, and the marriage has lasted for a very long time. They had two sons, the eldest’s name is Dmitry Amanovich, and he is a successful businessman, but the youngest son, Andrei Amanovich, has a more tragic fate. He was the head of the Federal Highway Administration, and in the late nineties he died tragically in a car accident. And although it was a very difficult test for the married couple, they were still able to find the strength to move on, achieve what they had in mind and simply feel the joy of having each other.

Son of Aman Tuleyev - Dmitry

Aman Tuleyev’s son Dmitry became the first heir in the marriage of Aman and his wife. He was born in 1968, that is, today, he is already a fully grown man who has his own children, thanks to which Tuleyev had the opportunity to become a grandfather and get some relief from the loss of his youngest son. The eldest son today is a successful businessman, that is, we can say that he does not depend on the influence of his father, lives his life calmly and does what he considers necessary. It’s difficult to say anything truly definite about him, because the guy doesn’t show off too much in front of the cameras, and generally prefers a non-public life, because the slightest mistake could have negative consequences for his father. In any case, he has everything an adult could want, from material status to family happiness. After all, a man has a wife and children who will always support him at the right time. Sometimes more is not needed.

Son of Aman Tuleyev - Andrey

The son of Aman Tuleyev, Andrei, was born in 1972; a not very good fate was written in heaven for him. Although, it would seem, he had every prospect of living well, at least in the material sense. He grew up in a good atmosphere, after he became an adult, he took a good leadership position, but this did not save him from sharp turns of fate, and in the most literal sense of the word. The fact is that in 1998, he died in a car accident, in which no one could be saved at all. In such a tragic way, Aman Tuleyev lost his youngest son, who tragically left this world at a young age.

Aman Tuleyev's wife - Elvira

Aman Tuleyev's wife Elvira was his faithful friend throughout his life. Although there are rumors that politicians can change women underground, each time choosing younger and younger, but here, the family has always been strong. Elvira was born in 1943, no one can say for sure how they met, except that they fell in love with each other in their youth and went through life together. So, even politicians have eternal love, because they were able to create a strong family and gave birth to children. The wife always supported her husband in politics, and simply in life, which sometimes he simply needed.

Tuleev Aman-geldy Moldagazyevich (Aman Gumirovich) was born on May 13, 1944 in the city of Krasnovodsk, Turkmen SSR, into the family of an employee. Father - Moldagazy Koldybaevich. After his death, Tuleyev was raised by his stepfather, Innokenty Ivanovich Vlasov (died in 1984). Aman Gumirovich calls him his second father. Mother - Vlasova Munira Fayzovna (died in 2001).

Labor activity

He began his career as a switchman at the Krasnodar-1 railway station. In 1961 he entered the Tikhoretsky Railway College, from which he graduated with honors. After completing his studies, he came to Siberia, to the railway village of Mundybash, Kemerovo region, where he worked as a station attendant. Then there were three years of service in the engineering and sapper troops of the Trans-Baikal Military District. Military profession - sapper.

After service, he returned to Mundybash to his previous place of work. In 1969, he became the head of the Mundybash railway station of the West Siberian Railway.

In 1973 he graduated from the Novosibirsk Institute of Railway Transport Engineers with a degree in railway communications engineer for the operation of railways. From 1973 to 1978 - head of the railway station in the city of Mezhdurechensk. From 1978 to 1985 he worked in Novokuznetsk: first as a deputy and then as the head of the Novokuznetsk branch of the Kemerovo Railway.

A skilled business executive and competent leader A.G. Tuleyev was appointed head of the transport and communications department of the Kemerovo regional party committee in 1985. In 1988, Tuleyev graduated from the Academy of Social Sciences. In the same year, he was appointed head of the Kemerovo Railway, one of the largest in the Soviet Union.

In 1990, he was elected to the Supreme Council of the RSFSR for the Gorno-Shorsky national-territorial district. In March 1990, he was elected as a deputy of the Kemerovo Regional Council of People's Deputies, then as its Chairman. At the same time, he was appointed chairman of the Kemerovo Regional Executive Committee. He worked as Chairman of the Regional Council of People's Deputies until October 1993.

In 1993, A. G. Tuleyev was elected to the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from Kuzbass. From March 1994 to July 1996, he headed the Legislative Assembly of the Kemerovo Region.

From August 22, 1996 to June 30, 1997, A. G. Tuleev - Member of the Government of the Russian Federation, Minister of the Russian Federation for Cooperation with Member States of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Governor of Kemerovo region

In July 1997, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, A.G. Tuleyev was appointed Head of the Administration of the Kemerovo Region.

In October 1997, he was elected Governor of the Kemerovo Region, receiving 95% of the votes. In April 2001, he was re-elected Governor of the Kemerovo Region, practically repeating the results of the 1997 elections - 93.5% of the vote.

On April 20, 2005, on the recommendation of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, he was vested with the powers of the Governor of the Kemerovo Region for a period of five years.

On March 18, 2010, the regional parliament again unanimously approved Aman Gumirovich to the post of Governor of the Kemerovo region, extending his powers for another 5 years. Tuleyev’s candidacy was submitted to the regional council for consideration by the President of the Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev.

On April 16, 2015, due to the expiration of his term of office, Russian President V.V. Putin appointed A.G. Tuleyev as acting Governor of the Kemerovo region, and on September 13, 2015, Aman Gumirovich was re-elected Governor of the Kemerovo region, scoring 96.69 percentage of votes, which became an all-Russian record.

All activities of A. G. Tuleyev as governor are devoted to improving the living standards of Kuzbass residents and improving the socio-economic situation in the region.

Scientific activity

A.G. Tuleev is actively engaged in scientific work, is the author of more than two dozen books and brochures, hundreds of publications and speeches in foreign, Russian, Kuzbass electronic and print media. He has 2 patents for the invention of modern methods for increasing the efficiency of loading and unloading operations in railway transport. On March 2, 1999, A. G. Tuleev defended his dissertation for the academic degree of Candidate of Political Sciences