Phimosis in adult men. Do you need any preparation for the procedure? Circumcision: Pros and Cons: How to Decide

The head does not open in men for various reasons. Pathology occurs in both adult men and young children. If the problem arose before the age of 12, then there is no need to sound the alarm. The average duration of dilation is 14–16 years. In newborns, opening begins at 1 year of age. By the age of three, most boys have an open head. If the foreskin does not come off well, then the opening occurs more slowly.

How does pathology occur?

The structure of a man's penis changes over time. In the first years of life, the foreskin completely covers the head. The tissues of the foreskin fit tightly to its surface. With age, the penis grows. This affects the partial separation of the flesh from the head of the penis. By the age of 12, in 95% of boys, the foreskin completely frees the glans tissue.

For various reasons, this process does not occur in some boys. The pathology causes unpleasant symptoms and has a detrimental effect on the mental state of a man. Parents should supervise the disclosure. If the process is slow or does not occur, then you need to contact a specialist.

Reasons for the development of the disease

Problems with dilatation occur in men for various reasons. Experts identify several main factors:

  • Groin injuries;
  • Development of infection;
  • Genetic predisposition.

Injury occurs through no fault of the person. Tears and wounds lead to the formation of scar tissue on the annulus fibrosus of the penis. The foreskin cannot come away on its own. Such injuries must be treated promptly. After a short period of time, a hidden pathology is revealed in the man, which requires surgical intervention.

Infection of the soft tissues of the penis is a common cause of the problem. Many mothers of boys do not pay enough attention to personal hygiene. Even an unopened head should be thoroughly washed under warm running water. The use of soap is kept to a minimum. The alkali included in its composition dries the skin of the intimate area. To wash the child, you must use a special foam or gel. Superficial washing leads to the accumulation of pathogenic microorganisms under the foreskin. Microbes cause an inflammatory process, which leads to difficulty opening.

Genetic predisposition depends on nationality. Some peoples have a congenital problem that is corrected surgically. If such nationalities are found in a person’s family, then pathology can occur in children born after several generations.

Symptoms of the problem

If the head does not open, then the man will develop accompanying symptoms. Symptoms may be severe or develop slowly. In childhood, boys need to have their genitals examined daily. The presence of swelling or redness on the penis indicates the development of an infection. The mother should immediately visit a pediatric urologist with the child. Experts also identify a number of signs indicating pathology:

  1. Problems with urination;
  2. Pain when touching the foreskin;
  3. Decreased sexual desire;
  4. Development of psychological discomfort.

The foreskin, which does not move away from the head, significantly impairs the process of emptying the bladder. The stream of liquid becomes uneven, urine comes out intermittently. When touching the head, a man experiences severe pain. This symptom prevents sexually mature young people from leading a full sex life. The tissues of the foreskin are very sensitive, they are penetrated by a large number of nerve endings. During sexual intercourse, a man may experience early ejaculation, the process is accompanied by pain.

Pain syndrome leads to decreased interest in sexual activity. The man avoids the process of arousal. With severe pathology, excitement leads to increased pain and bleeding. General symptoms lead to the development of psychological trauma in men. The doctor needs to explain to the patient that the pathology can and should be treated. With proper therapy, a man completely restores his health.

Treatment of the disease

Therapy is carried out based on the stages of the disease. The pathology occurs in four stages. The first stage is characterized by the development of a small fibrous ring, which makes it difficult to open the head. Treatment at this stage is carried out using conservative methods. It is necessary to strengthen the implementation of personal hygiene rules. To reduce inflammation, you can use baths with plant extracts. An infusion of chamomile and oak bark will help reduce inflammation and reduce discomfort.

At the second stage of the pathology, a man has problems with sex life and urination. At this stage, the disease requires drug treatment. Specialists prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs and muscle relaxants. Anti-inflammatory drugs relieve swelling from the tissues of the head and reduce inflammation. Muscle relaxants are necessary to relax the smooth muscles of the penis. This will help relieve tension on the foreskin and reduce pain.

Some patients require additional antibiotics. These drugs are prescribed to patients whose opening is difficult due to a pathogenic microorganism. A harmful microbe causes disease not only of the head, but also of the entire genitourinary system. The bacteria can be destroyed by exposure to antibiotics. The drug must be selected in the laboratory using culture. It is prohibited to take such substances on your own.

In the third and fourth stages, the problem can be eliminated surgically. The most famous operation is circumcision. With this method, the foreskin tissue is completely removed. After surgery, a man must wash himself in a timely manner.

If the boy’s head does not dilate, then it is necessary to visit a specialist. He will help identify the causes and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Phimosis in adults, as well as in children, is manifested by the inability to remove the head of the penis. If a man also has an infectious disease, he is concerned about the following symptoms:

  • pain in the head of the penis;
  • the presence of purulent discharge;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • high body temperature.

In addition, patients complain of decreased erectile function. As a rule, this is associated with pain during sexual intercourse. A decrease in potency in this case can be considered as a specific psychological reaction.


Phimosis in men can be congenital, that is, persist since childhood, if not treated, or it can be acquired. The second can be caused by injury to the genital organ. After an injury, scar tissue forms, causing the foreskin to narrow. This disease is called cicatricial phimosis.

Another cause of pathology is balanoposthitis. This is an inflammatory process in the foreskin of the penis. As a result of this phenomenon, scar changes also occur.

Do not hesitate to contact specialists - they know what to do

Degree of development of phimosis

Phimosis in adults can be expressed in different ways. In total, scientists distinguish four degrees of pathology.

  1. The head of the penis can only be opened when the penis is not erect. In an excited state, it is impossible to expose the foreskin; sometimes this causes pain.
  2. It is impossible to remove the head, even when the penis is not erect. During an erection, the foreskin is not exposed.
  3. The head of the penis cannot be removed at all, or it can be removed, but only in a calm state, not completely.
  4. It is impossible to expose the foreskin, and urination is difficult. In this case, urine flows in a thin stream or drips down in drops.

As a rule, in adult men the disease occurs at the first or second stage, if acquired. The third and fourth degrees of development are typical for those whose pathology is congenital and was not cured in childhood.


Treatment of phimosis in adults is possible in various ways.


The non-drug method is based on systematic stretching of the foreskin. According to experts who practice this method, the result is noticeable after twenty-one days. However, such treatment is possible only for phimosis of the first degree and solely according to the doctor’s indications.

Drug treatment

Medications can be used to treat phimosis in men. Thus, it is often suggested to apply corticosteroid ointments. They help increase the elasticity of the penis tissue, which leads to stretching. This therapy can reduce swelling, eliminate the inflammatory process and accelerate the regeneration of microcracks.


Surgical methods for eliminating phimosis in adults are used if other methods are ineffective. If scar tissue changes are observed, circumcision is performed, that is, a circular excision of the foreskin.

Circumcision using modern equipment allows you to deal with the problem as efficiently and quickly as possible. Unlike drug treatment for phimosis in adults, which can last for 12 months and not give good results, surgery gives quick results.

At the same time, the risk of complications is minimized, since the effect is on a specific area of ​​the organ. Recovery occurs quickly.

Surgery is the last step in the fight against phimosis

Deciding whether to treat phimosis should be done after consulting with your doctor.

First, it depends on the stage of development and symptoms. If pathology interferes with normal living and sexual intercourse, therapy is mandatory.

Secondly, eliminating the problem will help avoid complications.

This way, a man will be able to rinse the head normally, thereby preventing the development of infections. Thirdly, the inability to retract the foreskin affects the enjoyment of sex.

The presence of phimosis requires examination by a specialist. Timely treatment will avoid the development of complications.


A pathology in which a man’s head does not partially or completely open is called phimosis. This is a fairly rare disorder, occurring in approximately 3% of cases.

Have you had a full medical examination in the last 5 years?


It is customary to distinguish the following main reasons for the development of this condition:

  1. genetic predisposition;
  2. infectious processes;
  3. injuries.

If we are talking about heredity, the problem reveals itself already in adolescence. Other reasons can provoke phimosis at any age. The free movement of the foreskin in relation to the head is ensured by a high degree of elasticity of the skin folds in this area. In a normal state, they easily stretch and expose the head, after which they can also easily return to their original state. If for some reason the foreskin lacks elasticity, it stretches with great difficulty or cannot do so at all. As the process progresses, they become scarred during healing.

The degree of elasticity can be affected by both congenital causes and conditions that affect it during life. For example, mechanical injuries in this area can lead to the formation of scars, which will cause a partial loss of elasticity. Infectious processes, especially with a long/chronic course, can provoke structural changes in the epidermis, disrupting not only the ability of the skin fold to stretch, but also many of its other characteristics. Regardless of the cause of phimosis, this condition requires mandatory medical intervention.

Symptoms and stages of phimosis

When a boy reaches a certain age (approximately 12–15 years), his reproductive system, in terms of functional indicators, should practically correspond to the adult state of the male body. In particular, the head of the penis should be freely released from the folds of the foreskin and completely covered by it when reversed. If this does not happen, the young man is likely to develop phimosis. This condition is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • difficulty in retracting the folds of the foreskin to the point of complete inability to do so;
  • difficulty urinating (intermittent stream);
  • pain when touching the foreskin;
  • accumulation of smegma, urine, seminal fluid between the head and foreskin (with high degree phimosis);
  • decreased sex drive;
  • psychological discomfort.

Depending on the extent of the disease, symptoms may be less or more severe. Possible complications and methods of treatment also depend on this. The pathology is differentiated according to the following characteristics:

  1. first degree - in a calm position of the penis, the foreskin comes off easily, the head does not open in an excited state;
  2. second degree - the head opens with difficulty even in a calm state;
  3. third degree - the head does not come out at all;
  4. fourth degree – the most severe course, accompanied by accumulation of urine, gland secretions and sperm in the preputial space, discomfort when urinating.

It should be noted that it is possible to do without treatment only in the first degree of the disease, however, even here, systematic observation by a specialist is required. In other cases, conservative treatment or surgery is necessary.

The head of the penis does not open photo

Possible consequences and treatment

In addition to the unpleasant sensations that accompany phimosis described above, this disease can lead to much more serious problems. Due to the fact that it is painful for a man to fully open the head of the penis, and, accordingly, it is impossible to carry out proper hygiene procedures, various secretions, glandular products, etc. accumulate in the cavity formed by the foreskin. This inevitably leads to the development of an inflammatory process called balanoposthitis. This, in turn, can lead to other complications.

This environment is also favorable for the development of infectious diseases. When pathogenic microflora enters this cavity, it will begin to actively develop, forming a focus of infection. It is worth noting that one of the main conditions for the treatment of such diseases is careful hygiene of the intimate area and treatment of the skin of the head and foreskin with the necessary preparations. In this case, this process is difficult or impossible.

If a man’s head does not partially open, or this process is difficult, in other words, in the first or second stage of the disease, drug treatment can be prescribed in combination with the use of a special technique for stretching the skin of the foreskin. In other cases, it makes sense to resort to surgical intervention, especially if we are talking about an adult man or acute conditions.

Many parents, if the head does not come out of the foreskin of a small child, begin to sound the alarm, others do not pay attention to it, hoping that the problem will be solved by itself.

Phimosis, a narrowing of the foreskin, is experienced not only by parents of young children, but also by teenagers and adults. Not everyone is ready to discuss sensitive issues even with a doctor, although the problem causes huge troubles - diseases of the genitourinary system often develop, sexual life becomes difficult... It is considered normal when the head opens by 6-7 years, acceptable - if complete opening occurs by 12-13 years. If this does not happen in time, or for some reason in an adult man the crown of the penis is not exposed, then symptoms of discomfort appear: itching, soreness and burning, difficulty urinating.

If the foreskin does not open completely, this is a good reason to consult a doctor. In this case, the help of official medicine is necessary.

  • Causes of phimosis and its symptoms

    The structure of the male genital organs changes depending on age. In a newborn boy, the foreskin completely covers the end of the penis - this is facilitated by multiple adhesions and synechiae. The preputial sac is almost inaccessible - this reduces the possibility of pathogenic flora entering the body and the development of an inflammatory process in the reproductive system.

    In the first year of life, the head of the penis is exposed in 20% of children, and by 3 years - in 60%. The norm is considered to be the condition when physiological phimosis ends by the age of 12. If this does not happen, you need to contact a urologist.

    Reasons why the head of the penis does not dilate:

    • groin injuries;
    • introduction of an infectious agent;
    • hereditary predisposition;
    • genital (nonspecific) infections.

    The condition in which the head does not come out of the foreskin gets worse. Attempts to remove it lead to injury to the delicate skin. At the site of scars, collagen fibers are replaced by connective scar tissue, which increases the density of the ring. If multiple scars form, it is impossible to solve the problem without surgery.

    Violation of personal hygiene rules also aggravates the condition. It is impossible to allow infection of the child’s penis and accumulation of smegma under the foreskin. Wash the baby with warm running water, without using soap - it causes the delicate skin to dry out. Special detergents are made for children. If they are not there, then you first need to foam the baby soap, and only then wash the boys’ intimate area.

    How can you understand that the head of the penis does not open?

    Symptoms of phimosis in young children and adult men are similar:

    • pain when urinating and when trying to retract the foreskin;
    • swelling and redness of the head;
    • swelling of the flesh on the edge of the penis so that it begins to resemble a fly agaric.

    Men complain of decreased libido.

    One of the signs of congenital phimosis is deviation of the stream of urine when urinating to the side or inward, crying of the child during urination, redness of the face during reflex emptying of the bladder.

    Based on this behavior of the baby, one can already assume that not everything is in order with his genitals, and notify the pediatrician.

    If the foreskin is firmly attached to the end of the penis and does not separate even partially, the operation is performed without waiting for the child to be 2-3 years old.

    Many nations solve the problem radically - they circumcise children within the first year after birth.

    If the inflammatory process occurs constantly, surgery may be recommended, regardless of nationality and religious preferences.

    Difficulties with urination lead to the fact that the bladder does not empty completely - urine stagnates in it, which increases the risk of infectious diseases of the urinary system. Pathogenic microorganisms from the bladder invade the kidneys and prostate, and serious diseases develop - pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis, prostatitis.

    If you try to open the baby’s head on your own, you can provoke bleeding, and subsequently the appearance of adhesions and scars on the foreskin. Complications of childhood phimosis are paraphimosis. During this disease, the foreskin compresses the head of the penis, causing severe pain, swelling, and necrosis of the corolla. Treatment of paraphimosis is only surgical.

    What to do if the head of the penis does not open?

    One of the methods of conservative treatment when the head of the penis does not fully open is corticosteroid ointments. They are applied to the head, the skin is pulled back a little so as not to injure it, and they ensure that the ointment gets inside. (At the same time, healing of microtraumas takes place). Thanks to medications, the adhesions soften, and gradually the penis opens completely.

    Sometimes parents are advised "help nature". To do this, during bathing, when the skin is well steamed, you should gradually move away "hood" from the corolla of the penis, without making significant effort. Gradually the head will be completely exposed.

    Phimosis in adults can be classified as follows.

    • Level 1 is the easiest. At this stage, difficulties with the removal of the head appear only during an erection; in a calm state, it is completely exposed without much effort. The disease does not cause discomfort; treatment is required only for complications.
    • 2nd degree - in this case, it is difficult to expose the crown of the penis even in a relaxed state; during an erection it is completely impossible to do this. If pain occurs, you should consult a urologist. Treatment is carried out by conservative methods using the method already described above - the use of ointments with corticosteroids or gradual stretching of the foreskin ring. Before stretching, it must be well steamed in a bath of decoctions of medicinal herbs that have anti-inflammatory properties. Stretching takes 10-15 minutes a day. If "exercise" If you do it regularly, you can get rid of the problem within 1-2 months.
    • 3rd degree. It is impossible to remove the end of the penis from the preputial cavity on your own. If treatment is not done on time, the condition affects sexual function and becomes the cause of the development of inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.
    • 4th degree – the disease manifests itself acutely, the accumulation of smegma in the preputial sac contributes to the development of a general inflammatory process, urination is difficult.

    Phimosis of degrees 3 and 4 is treated only surgically - the decision on the type of operation and form of anesthesia is made by a urologist surgeon.

    Surgeries to eliminate pathology due to which the head of the penis does not open can be recommended for children and adults.

    If the doctor decides to perform circumcision, then during the operation a circular incision is made, cutting out the edges of the skin covering the corolla of the genital organ.

    If the condition is not complicated, surgery takes no more than 20 minutes. The patient is discharged home for 2-3 days. There is no relapse of the disease.

    During plastic surgery, incisions are made in the tissue of the preputial sac, widening the opening. This operation takes longer, but it is possible to eliminate phimosis and get rid of the foreskin.

    The main prevention of phimosis is following the rules of personal hygiene. No other ways to avoid narrowing of the foreskin have yet been invented.

  • About three percent of adult representatives of the stronger sex have encountered a condition that is characterized by the narrowness of the epidermal structures of the foreskin of the penis and has the medical name phimosis. We are talking specifically about adult men, since the vast majority of newborn boys are born with physiological phimosis of the foreskin, which resolves itself during the first years of the child’s life, without requiring the use of special therapeutic techniques.

    If this disease manifests itself in adulthood, they speak of pathological phimosis, which most often requires medical supervision.

    Symptoms and stages of the disease

    The main manifestation of phimosis in men is the occurrence of difficulties in releasing the head of the penis or the absolute impossibility of stretching the foreskin. In this case, one should take into account the complex structure of the epidermal structures covering the body of the genital organ.

    On the outside, the foreskin is represented by a skin fold, while its inner surface is lined with a mucous membrane, allowing the skin to slide freely relative to the surface of the head. With phimosis, the movement of the foreskin is limited or impossible at all. Experts distinguish four stages of this disease, the severity of which will determine the treatment strategy for phimosis.

      Phimosis I degree. The mildest degree of severity of the pathological process, in which exposure of the head of the penis in a calm state is carried out without effort and discomfort. Minor problems with the release of the head from the foreskin arise only during an erection, when an increase in the size of the penis is observed. This stage of phimosis usually does not cause significant discomfort to a man and requires treatment only if complications or concomitant diseases develop. Phimosis of the first degree is usually called relative;

      Phimosis II degree. The condition is characterized by difficulty in releasing the head of the penis, even in a relaxed state. During an erection, it is possible to expose only a small part of the head, which may be accompanied by pain of varying intensity. The second degree of phimosis is considered an indication for contacting a specialist;

      Phimosis III degree. This stage of the disease is accompanied by the inability to remove the head of the genital organ from the preputial cavity. Phimosis of the third degree, in the absence of timely treatment, can affect the sexual function of a man and can lead to the development of acute inflammatory and traumatic complications;

      Phimosis IV degree. The most complicated condition in which the inability to expose the head of the foreskin is accompanied by difficult painful urination and accumulation of seminal fluid in the preputial space.

    Determining the severity of the disease is especially important when deciding how to treat phimosis.

    Types of phimosis and causes of disease development in adult men

    Regarding the nature of the pathological condition, doctors distinguish two main types of narrowing of the foreskin:

    • Hypertrophic phimosis– caused by excess foreskin, which may be a consequence of anatomical features or the presence of excess weight in a man;
    • Cicatricial phimosis– characterized by insufficiency of the epidermal structures of the foreskin and can be triggered by injuries and damage to the skin.

    The most common cause of phimosis in adult men is the persistence of this condition from childhood, which is often associated with abnormalities in the development of connective tissue. In addition, the importance of the hereditary factor in the development of this pathology has been proven.

    The influence of pathological phimosis on sexual function

    Some men do not experience discomfort due to the presence of narrowing of the foreskin, which forces them to refuse treatment for phimosis. At the same time, most representatives of the stronger sex suffering from this disease note a particularly strong influence of the pathology on the quality of sexual life. The most common complaints are:

    • Decreased sensitivity of the penis due to lack of mobility of the foreskin;
    • Discomfort or pain during sexual intercourse;
    • Premature ejaculation;
    • Difficulty achieving orgasm;
    • Decreased sexual desire.

    Some representatives of the stronger sex, subconsciously expecting the occurrence of pain and difficulties in achieving orgasm, note not only a decrease in potency, but also complete sexual dysfunction. In addition, the visual characteristics of the genital organ of a man suffering from phimosis often give rise to complexes, which also does not contribute to a full sexual life.

    Phimosis of the fourth degree can be the main cause of mechanical male infertility, which occurs due to difficulty in normal ejaculation.

    The danger of pathological phimosis for the health of an adult man

    Typically, questions about how to get rid of phimosis are of interest to patients who feel a certain discomfort and experience inconvenience caused by this condition. The asymptomatic course of the disease often leads to a long-term lack of rational treatment for phimosis in men, and as a consequence, the development of complications and concomitant pathologies.

    First of all, abnormal narrowing of the foreskin significantly increases the risk of developing infectious diseases and inflammatory processes. This is due to the gradual accumulation in the preputial space (the cavity between the foreskin and the head of the penis), the natural biological fluid of smegma, which is a product produced by special glands located on the inner mucous surface of the foreskin.

    This substance is a natural lubricant of the genital organ, which not only protects the head from drying out, but also simplifies sexual intercourse. The chemical composition of smegma is an extremely favorable environment for the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria, which leads to the development of complex inflammatory conditions such as balanitis and balanoposthitis.

    In addition, it has been proven that the inability to provide complete hygienic care for the genitals, which is observed in men with severe forms of phimosis, can lead to the accumulation of carcinogens in the preputial cavity. These substances contribute to the development of cancer, such as penile cancer.

    One of the most unpleasant and acute complications of pathological phimosis in an adult man can be paraphimosis, which is manifested by clamping of the head of the penis with a tight ring of the epidermis of the foreskin. Typically, infringement occurs during sexual intercourse or masturbation. This condition requires immediate contact with a medical institution for phimosis surgery.

    Which doctor treats phimosis?

    Many men put off visiting a specialist, simply not knowing which doctor to see for phimosis. The initial consultation, as well as the appointment of tests and the development of an effective treatment strategy, is carried out by a urologist or andrologist. If it is necessary to undergo phimosis surgery in an adult man, he will be examined by a surgeon.

    How to treat phimosis?

    When wondering how to cure phimosis, many men rely on the use of traditional methods, which in most cases come down to the use of baths and lotions made from natural herbs. To carry out competent therapy, it should be understood that this method of treating phimosis in men is ineffective and can only have a weak anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Two main methods are considered effective methods for getting rid of phimosis:

    • Method of stretching the foreskin;
    • Surgical correction of narrowing.

    How to stretch the foreskin with phimosis?

    Correct and careful stretching of the foreskin allows you to overcome grade 1-2 phimosis in less than a month. In this case, this method should be used only on the recommendation of a doctor, after undergoing an examination and determining the severity of the pathology. It is important to remember that this method of correcting narrowing can only help in the presence of hypertrophic phimosis. Daily pulling of the skin of the foreskin until pain appears, for 10-15 minutes, is considered effective. It is best to carry out this manipulation while taking a shower.

    In some cases, the doctor may prescribe the simultaneous use of hormonal ointments that help improve the elasticity of the skin, including the foreskin. Such medicinal formulations are prepared on the basis of corticosteroid drugs.

    Phimosis surgery in adults

    The surgical treatment of phimosis can be divided into two main methods:

    • Circumcision for phimosis (circumcision);
    • Plastic surgery of the foreskin for phimosis.

    Circumcision involves a simple operation performed by circular excision of part of the foreskin that covers the head of the genital organ. At the same time, it is possible to get rid of phimosis of any type and severity once and for all. The manipulation takes no more than 20 minutes and does not require a long hospital stay or special rehabilitation measures. Having found out how the phimosis operation is performed, most men decide to undergo this type of surgical intervention.

    The only drawback of circumcision is the complete removal of the foreskin, which led to the development of plastic surgery. This type of surgical intervention involves widening the opening of the foreskin by making an incision in the epidermis. Thus, it is possible to eliminate phimosis, while maintaining all the important functions that such a formation as the foreskin performs.

    The cost of an operation to eliminate phimosis performed in this way is slightly higher than in the case of circumcision, but many men insist on preserving the original anatomical structure of the genital organ.

    The choice of the optimal method of correction, as well as the cost of treating phimosis, is always individual and depends on many factors, however, timely medical care can significantly make the patient’s life easier, and sometimes eliminate the risk of developing severe complications.