West Siberian Laika. West Siberian Laika - description of the breed and character of the dog How much does the West Siberian Laika weigh

A hunting breed of dog from the forest belt of the Urals, Western and Central Siberia. She is a born hunter and shows excellent results in hunting wild animals: marten, squirrel, sable, arctic fox, mink, wild boar, roe deer, elk, bear, upland game: black grouse, wood grouse, hazel grouse and waterfowl. The husky's task is to tag along with the animal and signal to the hunter with his voice where the prey is. This breed with the appearance of a wolf is hardy, versatile, has excellent working qualities and is able to adapt to any climatic conditions.

ZSL is the pride and national treasure of Russia, as it is one of the few indigenous breeds bred in the USSR. In the veins of modern ZSL flows the blood of the Khanty, Mansi and Zyryan Laikas who lived with these peoples. The breeders did not set a goal to change the appearance of the dog, but, on the contrary, only reinforced its natural hunting instincts. Each species had its own characteristics, and in further breeding it was decided to preserve the Khanty and Mansi types, which are recognizable in modern West Siberian Laikas.

Since her ancestors accompanied hunters, shepherds and nomads everywhere, ZSL were bred under harsh conditions of natural selection. Only the strongest individuals survived and brought benefits to people. The “loafers” were eliminated, because in those days no one was fed for nothing. If the West Siberian Laika did not bring any benefit, did not hunt, did not pull a team of goods, no one needed it.

The modern West Siberian Laika is able to quickly restore strength, easily digests food, is lighter than others and tolerates malnutrition. The thick coat allows the ZSL to easily adapt to severe frosts and snow; it tolerates high humidity and wind well.

The breed is quite young, since it was bred in the 20s of the XX century. Its first standard was adopted in 1949. An amendment was made in 1952 that remains in effect today.

In 1980, the West Siberian Laika was recognized by the International Canine Association.

Description of the breed and characteristics of the West Siberian Laika

  1. Country of origin: Russia.
  2. Use: universal hunting breed.
  3. FCI classification: Group 5. Spitz and primitive types of dogs; Section 2 Northern hunting dogs. With performance tests.
  4. Important proportions of the West Siberian Laika:
  • The ratio of body length to height at withers for males is 100/103-107; in females 100/104-108.
  • The height at the withers in males exceeds the height at the rump by 1-2 cm; in females, the height at the withers is equal to the height at the rump or exceeds it by 1 cm.
  • The length of the head significantly exceeds the width of the head.
  • The length of the muzzle is equal to or slightly less than half the length of the head.
  • The length of the forelimbs from the ground to the elbows is slightly more than half the height at the withers.

Photo of a West Siberian Laika in nature in a side position

  • General appearance: West Siberian Laika of average and above average height with well-developed muscles and a strong build. The length of the body from the shoulder-scapular joints to the ischial tuberosities slightly exceeds the height at the withers. Sexual dimorphism is clearly expressed. Males are larger than females and clearly more courageous.
  • Behavior/Temperament: energetic, attentive, confident with a balanced psyche. The West Siberian Laika has an exceptionally developed sense of smell and a unique ability to detect game. He is a versatile hunter with a natural passion for hunting game birds and fur-bearing animals.
  • Constitution type: strong, dry.
  • Head: dry, wedge-shaped, proportional to the size of the dog. The shape resembles an elongated isosceles triangle with a narrow cranial part; Bitches are slightly narrower than males.
    • Skull: elongated (longer than wide); When viewed from the front, flat or slightly rounded. The parietal crest and occipital protuberance are well defined. The occipital part of the skull is rounded. The brow ridges are poorly developed.
    • The bridge of the nose is parallel to the top line of the skull.
    • Stop (transition from forehead to muzzle): slightly pronounced.
  • Nose: medium size, black nose. White huskies have a lighter (brownish) nose color.
  • Muzzle: The length of the muzzle is equal to or slightly less than the skull. When viewed in profile, the muzzle is moderately wedge-shaped.
  • Lips: dry, tight fitting. No jowls.
  • Cheekbones: poorly developed.
  • Jaws/Teeth: White, strong, evenly spaced and not crowded. A complete dental formula of 42 teeth must be present. The bite is regular, scissor-shaped, with the upper jaw tightly overlapping the lower jaw.
  • Eyes: small, oval-shaped, slanted, set deeper than those of other representatives of the Laika breed. The look is lively, intelligent, attentive.
    • The eye color of the ZSL is dark brown or brown in any color.

    In the photo, West Siberian huskies near the river

  • Ears: erect, set high, V-shaped with pointed tips, mobile. The earlobes are poorly developed.
  • Neck: muscular, dry, approximately equal in length to the head. Oval in cross section. The position of the neck in relation to the longitudinal axis of the body is 45-55°.
  • Withers: well defined, especially in males.
  • Topline: Strong, slightly sloping from the withers to the base of the tail.
  • Back: strong, straight, muscular, moderately broad.
  • Loin: short, slightly arched.
  • Croup: wide, moderately long, slightly sloping.
  • Chest: moderately deep (chest reaches the elbows), long, wide; oval in cross section.
  • Underline/Belly selected; the bottom line from the chest to the stomach rises smoothly.
  • Tail: tightly curled in a tight ring, kept thrown over the back or side, but always touches the back. In a straightened state, it reaches the hock joints or does not reach them by 1 - 2 cm.
  • Forelimbs of the West Siberian Laika: When viewed from the front, straight, set moderately wide and parallel. The length of the forelegs from the elbows to the ground slightly exceeds half the height at the withers.
    • Shoulder blades: long and laid back.
    • Shoulders: sloping, muscular. Good angles between the shoulder blades and humerus.
    • Elbows: close to the body. The elbow joints are well developed and directed strictly backward, parallel to the plane of the body. Should not be turned in or out.
    • Forearms: straight, not rough, muscular, oval in cross section.
    • Pasterns: Not long, slightly sloping when viewed from the side.
    • Forepaws: Oval, arched, pollen collected in a ball. The middle fingers are slightly longer. The paw pads are elastic.
  • Hind limbs of the West Siberian Laika: muscular, strong, with well-defined angulations. When viewed from behind, straight and parallel.
    • Hips: moderately long, obliquely set.
    • Knees: Well angled.
    • Tibia: moderate in size, sloping, almost equal to the thighs.
    • Hocks: set almost vertically. When viewed from the side, the perpendicular descending from the ischial tuberosity to the ground should pass close to the front of the metatarsus. Dewclaws on the hind legs are undesirable.
    • Hind legs: slightly smaller than front legs. Oval, arched, fingers collected in a ball. The middle fingers are slightly elongated.
  • Gait/Movement: free, energetic. The typical gait is a short trot alternating with a gallop.
  • Skin: dense, elastic, with poorly defined subcutaneous tissue, without sagging or folds.
  • Coat: The guard hair is thick, coarse and straight. The undercoat is thick, soft, fluffy. The hair on the head and ears is short and dense; on the shoulders and neck longer than on the body and forms a collar (muff); and at the junction with the hair growing behind the cheekbones, it forms sideburns. Males have longer hair at the withers.
    • The limbs are covered with short, harsh, dense hair, which is slightly longer on the back of the forelimbs. The hair on the back of the hind legs forms pants, but without fringes.
    • The fur between the toes (protective fur) is rough and brush-like.
    • The tail is abundantly covered with straight and coarse hair, which is slightly longer on the underside, but without dewlap.
  • Size/Weight:
    • Weight: 16-22 kg
    • Height at withers: Males 55 - 62 cm. Females 51 - 58 cm.

    Photo of West Siberian Laika - teenagers

  • Disadvantages/Defects:
  • Any deviation from the above shall be considered a deficiency and the seriousness of the deficiency shall be assessed in proportion to its severity and its effect on health, welfare and ability to perform her traditional work shall be taken into account.

    • Weak sexual dimorphism
    • Increased excitability or aggressive behavior
    • Weakly defined parietal crest and occipital protuberance; humped nose
    • Light brown eyes
    • Partial depigmentation of the nose, lips and eyelids
    • Deficiency of teeth: absence of no more than 4 premolars (from PM1 and PM2 in any combination)
    • Straight bite after 6 years
    • Low set ears; slightly loose, with weak cartilage; sedentary
    • Horizontal croup; excessively sloping croup
    • Straightened shoulder-scapular joints; elbows turned outward or inward.
    • Flat ribs, small chest
    • Flat paws, splay paws
    • Slight speckling on the head and limbs to match the color
    • Poorly developed undercoat, brushes, muff, sideburns (not during the molting period)
    • Excess height by 2 cm in females. 2 cm below the minimum height for males.
  • Serious Disadvantages/Defects
    • Excessive excitability
    • Males in the bitch type, bitches in the male type
    • Excessive obesity/thinness
    • Sharp stop, upturned nose, short muzzle; saggy lips
    • Depigmentation of the nose, lips, eyelids
    • The eyes are round; erect, convex, yellow; insufficiently fitting eyelids
    • Lack of teeth, small, sparse teeth
    • Ears set on the sides of the head; rounded at the ends; excessively large; with prominent lobe
    • Sagging or hunched back
    • The loin is long; narrow; straight, humped or sunken
    • Small breasts
    • Tail is too long or too short, or does not touch the back
    • Paws turned inward or outward; clubfoot or bowed front. Broken pasterns
    • Excessively pronounced or straightened angles of the hind legs; twisted knees; cow or goat hindquarters
    • Heavy, limited movements; stilted or unnatural gait
    • Significantly elongated hair on the back of the front legs, pronounced dewlap on the hind legs and tail
    • Wavy, curly, soft or too long coat; elongated coat with camber at the withers and back
    • Significant speckling (roan) of the same shade as the main color on the head and limbs, speckling on the body
    • Specks of a different color than the main color
    • Black or black and white color
    • Deviation from standard height by more than 2 cm in either direction; the height at the withers is less than the height at the croup
  • Disqualifying faults
    • Aggression or cowardice
    • Any West Siberian Laika clearly showing physical or behavioral abnormalities will be disqualified.
    • Malocclusion
    • Jaw distortion
    • 4 or more missing teeth, including PM1 or M3. Extra incisors
    • Clouding of the cornea, eye color interspersed with a different color
    • Drop ears; semi-erect ears
    • Tail in the form of a plume, rod or saber tail; scanty
    • Short-haired or long-haired
    • Genetic color brown; genetic blue; brindle or albinism.

    Note: Males must have two apparently normal testes fully descended into the scrotum.

    West Siberian Laika color

    • Zone gray
    • Zonar-red
    • Grey
    • Ginger
    • Pale yellow
    • Reddish-brown of all shades
    • Pure white or two-color (piebald), that is, white with spots of any of the above colors.
    • With a white coat, a brown nose is acceptable.

    West Siberian Laika character

    By nature, the West Siberian Laika is a brave, loyal, intelligent and friendly breed. She adores her owner and all members of the family in which she lives. This active, cheerful dog needs an experienced owner-hunter or a person with a sporty and active lifestyle.

    The West Siberian Laika tends to show character and stubbornness during training, but with early and proper training, it will grow into an excellent assistant and loyal friend. Like a true born hunter, the ZSL is hardy, energetic, courageous and has excellent terrain awareness.

    Gets along well with other pets (dogs, cats), especially if he grows up with them. But on the street, a strange cat is more likely to be prey for her, so the first time, stop any attempts to chase cats or small dogs during walks.

    The West Siberian Laika never shows aggression towards people, but when hunting in the forest, it completely changes its good-natured appearance. She is vicious and merciless towards the beast. She is able to grab hold of her prey and hold it until her last breath, until the owner gives the command to let go.

    Photo ZSL - three kids

    One of the most important aspects in raising a West Siberian Laika is communication with people. If, when kept in an apartment, the pet is not deprived of the attention of the owners, since you are obliged to raise and walk with it at least 2 times a day. But huskies kept in an enclosure are left alone and idle all day (which is unacceptable when keeping husky dogs). The owner is simply obliged to regularly take kennel dogs into the forest for hunting or into the field, give them the opportunity to run around and release energy.

    Experienced hunters know better than others how important mutual understanding during the hunt is for both, owner and dog. The pet must unquestioningly obey the commands of the owner, and understand that the owner is the leader of the pack, he hunts the animal, the dog is an assistant, a tool, she just directs the prey to the leader.

    The West Siberian Laika can increasingly be seen in the city as a companion and pet, but the active breed needs a release of energy and physical and mental exercise. If you are not a hunter, you can of course engage in various dog sports with your pet: canicross, bikejoring, but all these sports are designed for SES (northern sled dogs), and the West Siberian Laika is a hunter, and this cannot be taken away from her.

    Raising a West Siberian Laika begins from the first day it arrives in your home. He must understand that the owner is the leader of the pack and unquestioningly carry out commands, that is, obey. Laikas cannot be trained to be rude; they are very touchy. Only affection and proper upbringing will help you raise a reliable companion with a healthy psyche.

    Photo of West Siberian Laika female with offspring

    • Bitches are calmer, more obedient, more attached to their owner and home, good fur and bird hunters, neat and calm. They are obedient, rarely show character during training, work close to the owner when hunting, are eager, but do not tolerate rough treatment. They have ringing voices.
    • Males are stronger, more resilient, more aggressive towards the animal, viscous for prey, better suited for hunting wild boar, elk or bear. But they tend to show character and stubbornness and often run away. The voice is not as sonorous as that of bitches, and accordingly they are less audible at long distances.

    Care of the West Siberian Laika is of medium complexity. Laika has northern-type wool with hard guard hair and dense soft undercoat, and sheds. Shedding is seasonal and abundant. When kept in an apartment with dry and warm air (especially during heating periods), shedding will be constant, and the coat will be less fluffy and dense.

    But if you notice excessive hair loss, bald spots, skin redness, rashes or peeling, be sure to review your husky’s diet; perhaps some foods cause an allergic reaction, or there is a lack of foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for healthy skin and shiny coat.

    Photo of West Siberian Laika in the snow

    Comb: 1-2 times a week with a metal brush or comb to remove dead hair and dust. During the molting period (especially in spring), the West Siberian Laika must be combed every day with a slicker brush or furminator.

    Bathe rarely, as needed or before a show. In the summer, the West Siberian Laika enjoys swimming in open water, and in the winter, it cleans its fur by swinging in the snow.

    Trim the nails once a month with a nail clipper for large breeds.

    Check your husky's eyes regularly. If the eyes are clean and shiny, there is no need to touch them without tear tracks. Small gray lumps in the corners of the eyes are acceptable, since the West Siberian Laika is active, and the eyes are thus cleared of dust. They can be easily removed with a soft dry cloth or chamomile soaked in a decoction.

    Examine your ears every day to detect inflammation in time. A healthy ear has a pleasant pink color without excess wax or unpleasant odor. Wipe the inside of the ear with a damp cotton pad to remove dust and wax.

    After walks, paws are wiped with a damp towel or washed with warm water. After walking in the forest and especially after hunting, always inspect your paws for wounds, cracks and other injuries. Treat wounds with an antiseptic, and to prevent the appearance of cracks, especially in winter, rub vegetable oil (linseed, olive, sea buckthorn, etc.) into the paw pads and be sure to include 1 tsp in your diet. in a day.

    Ticks and fleas of the West Siberian Laika

    Symptoms of piroplasmosis (babesiosis) in dogs:

    • High body temperature (above 39 degrees)
    • Refusal to eat, drink
    • Apathy
    • Red-brown urine
    • Doesn't get up on hind legs
    • Yellow whites of eyes

    If you notice such symptoms, immediately seek help from a veterinarian, as huskies will require medication.

    Deworming: Laikas are dewormed 4 times a year.

    Photo of a Siberian Laika outdoors in summer, how to care for your pet

    Keeping a West Siberian Laika in an apartment

    The place in the house is carefully thought out and prepared in advance. When keeping in an apartment, place a lounger in a cozy corner so that the West Siberian Laika feels safe and does not squirm under the feet of household members. Do not place the sun lounger on the aisle, in a place where there are drafts or near heating radiators. Place a bowl of water next to the lounger and lay out a diaper for the toilet (you can put a rubber car mat under it). As soon as you bring your baby home, put him on a diaper, after the journey he will probably want to go to the toilet, if he does his dog business, be sure to praise him, and then put him in the lounger and command “Place”.

    If you are going to lock your pet in a cage during your absence (to protect the apartment from destruction), you should accustom it to it from an early age, or even better, from the first day it appears in your home, so that it perceives it as a house. Lay a lounger inside, put a bowl of water and, of course, a diaper for the toilet.

    Keeping the West Siberian Laika in an enclosure

    This will save you from fur and constant cleaning in the house; besides, living outside keeps your husky healthy and allows you to better adapt to different climatic conditions. The fur of huskies living outdoors is more luxurious and beautiful than that of individuals kept in apartment conditions. The enclosure is made spacious, with a roof, part of the platform is covered with wooden boards, and part can be left with soil so that the husky can dig. The booth should correspond to the size of an adult West Siberian husky, and a bowl of clean water should be placed next to it.

    Choose toys for baby huskies from thick rubber, squeaker balls, ducks, chickens, rope toys. Do not allow children to tug too hard with the puppy while playing, so as not to damage the baby’s bite and teeth. Do not use a wooden stick as a toy, and especially do not let your dog chew on it. The puppy can swallow wood chips, and this is fraught with problems with housing and communal services. After 6 months of age, the puppy is given toys made from tendons.

    Walk at least 2-3 times a day. Walk in the city on a leash (as long as possible to ensure freedom of movement). You can't go without a leash in the city, since huskies can run away, attracted by different smells and the hunting instinct. In addition, West Siberian huskies are true hunters who love to “disguise”. They are capable of getting dirty in all sorts of nasty things, be it garbage, animal excrement, rotten food or dead meat. They do this not out of malice, but simply so that the game does not smell them while hunting.

    Provide active and long walks with elements of training. Laika should not be bored, otherwise she will destroy your house from an excess of energy.

    Food of the West Siberian Laika

    The West Siberian Laika's diet is balanced and nutritious, with a complex of vitamins and minerals necessary for proper growth. The West Siberian Laika is not picky about food and has a good appetite. But with poor nutrition and an inactive lifestyle, you are prone to obesity.

    With natural feeding, the main products are those containing protein: meat (ideally raw), sea fish, dairy products, eggs.

    Photo of West Siberian Laika - kids waiting for lunch

    Number of feedings for the ZSL puppy:

    • up to 2 months the puppy is fed 6 times a day
    • from 2 to 4 months - 5 times a day
    • from 4 to 6 months - 4 times
    • from 6 to 9 months -3 times
    • from 9 months and an adult husky is fed 2 times a day

    Healthy foods:

    • Lean meat - beef, lamb, horse meat, turkey, rabbit, chicken (raw, scalded with boiling water or boiled) for puppies, cut into small pieces.
    • By-products (tripe, heart, lungs, liver, heart, etc.), but they should not completely replace a serving of meat (no more than 15% of the meat part of the diet). Boil or scald by-products with boiling water to avoid infection with worms.
    • Poultry by-products (entrails, heads, necks, etc.)
    • Beef ears and noses can be given as treats
    • Sea fish without bones (boiled) 2 times a week
    • Greens, lettuce leaves,
    • Add vegetables (carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, cucumber) raw or stewed to meat
    • Quail eggs 1-2 times a week
    • Chicken eggs (soft-boiled, steamed omelet)
    • Fermented milk products (low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, natural yogurt)
    • Cereals (rice, buckwheat)
    • Apples
    • Rusks from rye or gray bread
    • 1 tsp vegetable oil per day - flaxseed, sea buckthorn, (add to portion)

    Prohibited products:

    • Fat meat
    • Chocolate
    • Bakery
    • Smoked meats
    • Sweets, cakes
    • Raisins, grapes
    • Nuts (peanuts, macadamia)
    • Tubular bones of birds (injure the intestines)
    • river fish
    • Onion garlic
    • Spices
    • Legumes
    • Pasta
    • Potatoes (not digestible)
    • Pickles, marinades

    The West Siberian Laika will need two bowls for food and water. A bowl of clean water should be freely available. The water is changed 2 times a day. A bowl of food is placed only during meals. The portion should be eaten within 20 minutes; if she refuses to eat, we hide the food until the next feeding. The food is fresh, at room temperature (neither hot nor cold). Always wash bowls with hot water. The West Siberian Laika is fed exclusively after a walk.

    In addition to fermented milk products, it is useful for WSL puppies to give calcined cottage cheese.

    How to prepare calcined cottage cheese for a puppy

    1. Add 2 tablespoons of 10% calcium chloride (sold at the pharmacy) to 0.5 liters of boiling milk.
    2. Stir until curdled.
    3. Throw the curdled cottage cheese onto cheesecloth or a fine sieve to drain the whey.
    4. Give the cooled cottage cheese to the puppy.
    5. Its taste is less sour, and dogs usually eat it with gusto. Whey can be added to porridge.

    Diseases of the West Siberian Laika

    Photo of a West Siberian Laika with a deep gaze

    P.S.: Unfortunately, vaccination does not work against a bear or wild boar attack.

    If you live a sedentary lifestyle and are overweight, you may have problems with your joints.

    The friendly West Siberian Laika is a very proud and independent dog. However, she gives her affection only to members of the family in which she lives. Among its fellow dogs, the Laika will try to take a leading position. She only obeys her owner. She is a real specialist in catching wild boars, large predators, moose and fur-bearing animals. Another purpose of the husky is riding. Now it is very often used in the Urals and Siberia.

    The friendly West Siberian Laika is a very proud and independent dog.

    As you know, the West Siberian Laika was bred on the basis of 2 breeds. In the 20th century, cynologists from Russia created standards for huskies. Most likely, the formation of the breed would have been impossible if specialists had not selected animals for the best hunting qualities: endurance, speed, developed hearing, vision and scent.

    The brave dog will become an excellent companion to the owner and an excellent hunter. The dog quite quickly becomes attached to the person who raises him. From loneliness, a dog whose color is very beautiful can get sick. Therefore, she needs to pay maximum attention.

    The pet is kind and balanced. He is good with small children. However, the Siberian character makes itself felt. The dog can become aggressive when provoked for a long time. Very often, males have a desire to dominate among dogs.

    Having chosen this breed, you need to be prepared that huskies are very active, and you should work with them every day and teach them commands. This way, the dog will not accumulate excess energy.

    By going hunting with the pet or training it, the owner can very quickly find out that the dog is very efficient. Hunters say that huskies, when approaching an animal, blindly follow commands, even contrary to their instinct. That is why hunters give animals complete freedom of action.

    If the dog does not immediately carry out the required command, there is no need to immediately put pressure on it, since it most likely wanted to make the decision itself. It is better to check what mental abilities a dog has during training.

    The beautiful white husky is obedient and will teach commands for a long time. It's almost impossible to scare her. Most likely, in this case the Western nature of the Laika’s ancestors is reflected. Many years ago, hunters used them to track and hunt down bears.

    Gallery: West Siberian Laika (25 photos)

    West Siberian Laika (video)

    Choosing a pet

    Before you start looking for a puppy, you should determine why you need a dog. Do you need a hunter or a good companion? If you decide that you need a hunting dog, then puppies should be purchased from the best breed of Laikas. The puppy's parents must have the following breed characteristics:

    • oblique eyelid incision;
    • erect ears;
    • Brown eyes;
    • sharp muzzle with dark nose;
    • fluffy tail;
    • soft undercoat;
    • The spine is straight and hard.

    A very good sign in the ZSL is the presence of a tail, which is wrapped in a ring.

    The pet is kind and balanced.

    It must be remembered that an animal of this breed develops very quickly. That is why it is better to buy a dog at the age of 4 weeks. One should already have ears in the shape of a triangle, a gentle transition from the forehead to the muzzle, and there should be no folds on the lips.

    A husky's ears stand up by 3 months. The sooner this happens, the harder they will be. Most often the nose is black. If the dog is white, the tip of the nose may be brown.

    Experts consider gray and green eyes in a puppy to be vicious. Be sure to pay attention so that the hair on the animal’s cheeks does not reach the ear. It is better to choose an energetic puppy that has slightly pointed ears, thick paws and a rounded tail. Then the animal will grow up with a strong and powerful skeleton.

    How to make life comfortable for a husky?

    The active and restless West Siberian huskies, which can be white in color, should definitely be walked in parks or in the forest. The dog should be walked along the busy streets of the city on a leash, as he loves to explore the territory and strives to run away from his owner.

    There are no special recommendations for caring for a dog that has a beautiful color. The pet's fur will not roll into tangles. Therefore, the owner just needs to brush the dog once a week. If the molting period has begun, this procedure needs to be done more often.

    Bathing too often will harm the dog, whose color may become less vibrant. Experts recommend bathing working huskies only 2 times a year. In addition, representatives of this breed have dark-colored wool that has the very important property of self-cleaning. Most likely, thanks to this, even an adult dog does not have a characteristic odor.

    In order to comb your animal well, you need to purchase a furminator, a double-sided comb with sparse and fine teeth, as well as a metal massage brush that has a special antistatic coating.

    A dog who lives in a city apartment should be brushed 2 times a week during shedding. Start combing from the head, and then tidy up the sides, back and tail. After this, you need to start brushing the dog’s belly, chest and limbs.

    West Siberian and Russian-European Laika (video)

    Walking, feeding and illness of the animal

    Little and adult huskies love to run and jump. Therefore, every day you need to walk with them outside for an hour. Before going for a walk, be sure to put a special one on your dog.

    You can feed your beloved pet with natural products and dry food, which help out owners who do not have the opportunity to prepare food for the dog every day. Experts recommend choosing super-premium and premium food. The animal must be transferred to dry rations in stages over a period of at least 7 days.

    An adult dog should receive food 2 times a day. Meat should have a place of honor on a husky plate. The animal should eat 400 g of this product per day. It must be remembered that a dog of this breed still remains a carnivore, which is capable of obtaining the required amount of nutrients and beneficial substances from by-products and bones.

    Your dog's daily menu should include approximately 200 g of fruits or vegetables and 100 g of whole grain cereals. Several times a week you need to give your dog foods that are filled with calcium. And only once in 7 days you are allowed to pamper your beloved pet with egg yolk. You can cook fish for your animal. The most important thing is not to overfeed your pet. A fasting day, the menu of which includes water and crackers, will be useful for him.

    Laikas do not have hereditary diseases, as they spend a lot of time in nature. It is safe to say that they have a very strong immune system. But the lack of movement most often causes damage to your pet’s health. The most common animal diseases are fractures and injuries. The dog must be vaccinated at 1.5 months. A rabies vaccination is required, especially if the animal is hunting.

    Attention, TODAY only!

    Experienced dog breeders are well acquainted with the characteristics of the West Siberian Laika. It is usually classified as a hunting dog, which in appearance resembles a wolf, but unlike it, it has a balanced character. We first met representatives of this breed in our country in the 20s. last century, and even then many dog ​​lovers liked these animals.

    History of Laikas from Siberia

    It is no coincidence that many hunters respect the West Siberian Laika. After all, this highly specialized breed, which was created for hunting. In numerous videos, she perfectly demonstrates her hunting skills: they clearly show how easily this animal picks up the scent of its prey.

    Modern representatives of this breed are descendants of huskies that lived in Siberia and the Urals. They had to live in difficult conditions of the taiga, where they were able to acquire the necessary hunting qualities. The conditions for breeding dogs of this breed were not easy: only the strongest individuals were selected, and the breeders dealt with the weak ones without pity.

    Today, the West Siberian Laika is presented in two main types: Khanty and Mansi. The difference between them mainly lies in their appearance. If the former are distinguished by a dense body, a wide head with a short muzzle, then the latter look like sinewy creatures with a long muzzle. For the first time in our country, work on breeding huskies began only in the twentieth century. Then the breeders set themselves the goal of forming standard of this breed. At first, it included no more than a dozen eco-types. As a result, the first standard was formalized only in 1925. At that time it included five types of huskies.

    But over time, interest in these dogs increased, which was facilitated by their universal hunting qualities. Subsequently, they began to be actively used during the war years, adapted as sled dogs for transporting goods and for carrying out explosions.

    In the 50s. last century, a significant event occurred regarding this breed - at that time a standard was formed for each of the four breeds. Subsequently, work in this direction continued, and already in 1952 the West Siberian Laika standard was officially established. After some time, this breed was awarded world recognition by the International Association of Cynologists.

    Standard Features

    The distinctive external features of the West Siberian Laika are: average height, strong constitution and muscles. Based on the standard, these animals usually have a height of no more than 50-80 cm.

    The characteristic shape of the head is triangular with equal hips. They traditionally have a wide skull and a long muzzle. This image is complemented by almond-shaped or oval brown eyes. The ears are usually triangular in shape and erect.

    The chest has developed muscles, the stomach is tucked. The legs are quite powerful, the tail is crescent-shaped.

    When you first meet the West Siberian Laika, you will be struck by its short fur. The undercoat has a thick layer; in the neck area it is very dense and forms a collar. In accordance with the standard, it is customary to distinguish several types of husky colors:

    • grey-white;
    • grey-red;
    • piebald;
    • pale yellow.

    Sometimes there are black and white animals, but such animals are not very popular.

    West Siberian Laika and its character

    Many owners of dogs of this breed confirm that every avid hunter is represented by this animal. will find a faithful assistant. Although they resemble a wolf in appearance, their behavior completely disproves any connection with it.

    West Siberian huskies are balanced creatures that do not show any aggression towards humans. Throughout their lives, they remain very active and energetic, easily getting along with children and other pets. These creatures are very friendly and flexible. They easily establish friendly relations with the owner and members of his family. But sometimes there are specimens that are distinguished by disobedience, trying to demonstrate their stubbornness and perseverance at every opportunity.

    The main feature for which Western Siberian Laikas are respected by many owners is their fearlessness. They acquired it thanks to their wonderful past, because their ancestors hunted many large animals, including bears. Quite a lot of likes understanding, smart and confident. Many hunters who have chosen these dogs as their assistants have never been disappointed in their choice. They are easy to raise and train, even at home.

    The standard of a hunting dog

    The main thing that attracts hunters to dogs of this breed is their versatility. They cope with their tasks perfectly, regardless of who is hunting, fur-bearing or large animals, waterfowl or game in the forests. In these situations, they are required to be active and ingenious, which they demonstrate perfectly. Weather conditions have little effect on their effectiveness as a hunting dog, so they can be taken to hunt animals not only in the southern but also in the northern lands.

    Among the advantages of the West Siberian Laika, the first thing that attracts attention is its endurance. These dogs tolerate harsh conditions well, especially long periods without food. After all, from birth they have a passion for hunting, so they can easily endure any adversity.

    With great success, the West Siberian Laika can be used for round-ups, individual hunting and hunting in pairs. In any role, she lives up to the hunter's expectations. It can be used on a wide variety of animals, be it small birds or animals, as well as large ones, like a wild boar or a bear.

    Considering that this breed was bred for hunting, it is not surprising that it is of interest primarily to hunters. However, there are cases when ordinary city residents buy this dog for their home. But this decision must be very carefully considered, because in terms of keeping West Siberian huskies there are some peculiarities.

    First of all, you need to create, in addition to space, conditions where they can move and remain active. Them will have to pay a lot of attention to maintain excellent physical shape. Among the activities, training is of great importance. However, if hunting is one of the owner’s favorite activities, then neither the person nor the West Siberian Laika will have any problems.

    Caring for the West Siberian Laika also seems quite simple. You don’t have to worry too much about choosing food for this animal. Although you still need to take into account that in order to effectively demonstrate their hunting qualities, their diet must consist of certain products. The recommended ones here are:

    • meat and fish;
    • porridge;
    • vegetables and fruits;
    • supplements with vitamins and minerals.

    At the same time it is necessary exclude from your pet's menu:

    • sweet;
    • salty;
    • roast;
    • flour.

    There is no need to pay attention to the husky's fur; the main thing is to be attentive to it during the molting period. At this time, loose pieces of fur must be removed using a rough brush.

    Features of training

    From the very first days of the appearance of a West Siberian husky puppy in your home, you need to thoroughly engage in its upbringing and training. To gain basic knowledge, it is useful to watch a special video where a professional dog handler shows how to train a dog to carry out a command to attack an animal.

    In the first years of life with a puppy need to exercise regularly so that he has time to master the commands: “Sit”, “Come to me”, “Nearby”. Usually these commands are very easy to teach, since the dog very easily understands what is required of him. When the puppy turns 10 months old, you can begin special “hunting” training. If the results are successful, then you can move on to learning how to hunt the animal.

    Features of choosing a West Siberian husky puppy

    Buying a dog is not that difficult, but first you must understand why you need it. If you want to use a husky for hunting, it is best to buy it from a hunter. However, before you make your final decision, you must watch the animal. To prevent you from getting a sick husky, make sure that it remains active throughout the day and has a well-groomed appearance.

    It would be useful to get to know the parents in order to understand, based on their qualities, what to expect from their offspring. The living conditions of the animals are no less important. In some cases, hunters can provide valuable advice on training or conditioning a puppy. This option will be most preferable for you, since you will imagine what their parents are capable of. As a result, you will have confidence that her puppies will be little different from them.

    You can search for a West Siberian husky puppy by looking for an advertisement. Typically, sellers can, in addition to a description of the dog, post a photo of the puppy being offered. Please note that the seller may not always be able to provide the animal's pedigree. However, if you have no plans to take part in exhibitions, you should not pay attention to this.

    An important issue for the buyer is the cost of a West Siberian husky puppy. The photo will be useless to you, so you need to look at it live. If you want to have a guarantee, then you should contact a nursery, where they can offer you a West Siberian husky puppy for 20 thousand rubles. If you want to save money and buy a puppy second-hand, you will have to pay about 2-5 thousand rubles for it. However, such a difference in price does not mean that this puppy will differ in quality. After all, there are different situations when, for example, a hunter simply wants to quickly place his offspring. Therefore, when choosing a West Siberian Laika, do not focus too much on the cost. The qualities of the puppy should be of much greater importance to you.

    However, this drawback easily outweighs all its other advantages. These are very friendly and cheerful creatures that are quick-witted and have excellent hunting skills. Having them in your home, you will not experience problems with maintenance, training and care.


    Among dogs, there are many quite interesting breeds that can attract attention with their appearance. Especially in this regard, West Siberian huskies stand out, which can easily be mistaken for a wolf. However, they have nothing in common with him; moreover, they are very good-natured and playful creatures. It makes sense to have this animal if you need a hunting assistant.

    After all, West Siberian huskies were specially created for hunting, which is why these dogs are most popular among hunters. But if you need an ordinary pet dog, then you should not expect that the Laika will suit you in this capacity. In order not to destroy this beautiful animal, you must maintain its high activity, after all, this is a hunting breed, so it will demonstrate its hunting qualities throughout its life.

    West Siberian Laika puppies

    The West Siberian Laika is in great demand among dog breeders and hunters, for whom it serves as an indispensable assistant. To understand whether the West Siberian Laika is suitable for keeping at home, you need to become more familiar with the characteristics of this breed.

    An indispensable assistant in hunting

    For many centuries, it was the West Siberian Laika that helped hunters catch such large animals as moose, deer and even bears. Besides, West Siberian Laika It also did an excellent job of catching small fur-bearing animals and waterfowl. This animal has a fearless character and poise that does not weaken even in the most stressful situations. Considering the enormous energy of these dogs, all these qualities become indispensable for hunting.

    There have been cases when, in an extreme situation, a Siberian husky distracted a wild animal, thereby saving its owner. Life in the harsh north has hardened this breed and made it extremely hardy and strong. The West Siberian Laika survived even in the harshest living conditions.

    Formerly dog ​​breeders in the taiga they simply killed those dogs that were considered weak and passive, so as a result of this cruel selection, a breed of strong dogs was formed, endowed with powerful hunting instincts.

    Previously, huskies were classified according to the nationality that domesticated them. Later, dog handlers divided the huskies into several groups:

    1. Karelian.
    2. Mansi.
    3. Khanteiskaya.
    4. Zyryanskaya.

    This division occurred in 1925 in the USSR. From that moment on, the name West Siberian Laika appeared. Nurseries began to be organized for the production of fur-bearing animals, and in the seventies the breeding of the West Siberian Laika breed reached a large scale. Currently, this is a very popular dog breed.

    West Siberian Laika - description of the breed

    West Siberian huskies are very loyal animals to their owner. They are ready to obey commands, even if they are not very meaningful. Therefore, experienced breeders believe that this dog, given its high intelligence, should be given greater freedom of action and less limited by commands. . This breed is not too demanding and all she really needs is to love her master.

    Laika is close in appearance and behavioral manners to a wild wolf. She has a wolf-like shape of her skeleton, head and teeth. At the same time, the dog shows aggression exclusively towards prey, but never towards a person. West Siberian Laikas are reliable and loyal friends for their owners, always ready to help. This is a pack dog that becomes very attached to its family. She treats children with love and even other pets. The Laika is friendly towards other dogs and is not conflict-prone by nature.

    Externally, it is a medium-sized dog with a proportional and strong build. The weight of an individual ranges from 16 to 22 kilograms, and the height of males is 58–65 centimeters, and that of females is 52–60 centimeters.

    1. The head is elongated, wedge-shaped.
    2. Straight forehead and bridge of the nose.
    3. Smooth muzzle with widening in the canine area.
    4. Teeth with large fangs and correct bite.
    5. Almond-shaped eyes.
    6. The ears are erect and in the shape of a triangle.
    7. The body is elongated and rectangular.
    8. Oval neck of medium length.
    9. Strong back with pronounced withers.
    10. The chest is muscular and strong, quite wide.
    11. Strong limbs, the height of the front ones is half the height of the dog or even a little more.
    12. The tail is curled in a ring.

    Coat with thick undercoat, the fur is thick and very coarse; on the muzzle and front of the paws it is shorter than on the rest of the body. The following colors are found:

    1. White with black or brown nose pigments.
    2. Grey, wolf-like.
    3. Red, brown.

    The fur has zonal or spotted patterns. But specks on the face or paws are considered a fault. At the same time, specks that match the shade of the coat and are located on the body are considered completely acceptable.

    Western Siberian huskies cannot have black fur.

    Despite the fact that popular opinion suggests that huskies love freedom too much, puppies of this breed grow well at home. These dogs become extremely attached to humans and do not tolerate loneliness well. Free space They, of course, need active games in the fresh air, walks and attention from the owner.

    This breed has a huge reserve of energy that simply needs to be released. Therefore, the owner should take care that the energy splashes out in the right direction. If you keep your dog bored and inactive, he may begin to indulge and cause chaotic destruction. In general, it is very difficult for this breed to tolerate a sedentary lifestyle, as well as too much feeding coupled with little activity.

    If the West Siberian husky is purebred, then it always eats limitedly, without overeating. Under natural conditions, these dogs are accustomed to eating once a day, for example, catching mice as food. The dog eats at home maximum twice a day. Outwardly, these dogs are always lean, fit and easy-going. And this benefits their health, since overeating and excess weight harm the health of the West Siberian husky.

    The future owner, before getting a West Siberian Laika, should make sure that he will be ready to share its interests and lifestyle. This dog will never become a pet that sits on the couch and behaves passively. These dogs are worth getting for those who love an active lifestyle, long walks, and trips to nature. You don't have to be a hunter to keep a West Siberian Laika, but you do have to be an active person.

    Breed care

    Caring for the West Siberian Laika not too difficult, since this breed is unpretentious by nature. In fact, the main tasks of care are to create a diet for the dog and give food at strictly defined times, as well as walking the dog every day and giving it the opportunity to burst out with energy.

    These dogs desperately need protein in their food. The diet should primarily contain meat and fish.

    In addition, your diet should include:

    1. Cereals.
    2. Vitamin and mineral supplements.
    3. You can feed a balanced dry food suitable for the breed.
    4. You can give milk and vegetables.

    You should exclude from your diet: all kinds of smoked meats, flour and sweet foods.

    It should be taken into account that the dog tolerates the lack of food calmly, but, of course, you should not abuse it. The West Siberian like and her strength is restored very quickly - she only needs food and a little rest to become active and ready for action again. The breed has an excellent metabolism, which allows it to tolerate both extreme cold and heat.

    No special coat care is required. The fur of huskies is short and very thick, and during molting it comes off easily and does not fall into clumps. If the dog lives at home, then you need to carry out wet cleaning and collect wool during the molting period. It is possible to comb the fur, and the West Siberian Laika has a positive attitude towards this process.

    How to choose a puppy

    If the choice was made in favor of the West Siberian Laika, then it is worth understanding the nuances of searching for and purchasing a puppy for home keeping. To do this, you need to choose a breeder or nursery. If you don’t have experience in purchasing huskies and don’t have good knowledge of the breed, then it’s better to contact dog handlers who can advise you in choosing or at least read in detail the description of the breed and ask for advice from experienced dog breeders. Otherwise, buying a puppy from someone else, there is a risk of purchasing a breed that is far from the one you wanted.

    Before purchasing, you should meet the puppy’s parents and find out if they have documents and confirmation of mating plans. If one of the parents is located in another place, then it is worth asking about his description and documents. Find out what class the puppy is suitable for - whether he can perform at exhibitions and shows or is he more suitable for work. As you know, a dog’s working skills deteriorate if the emphasis is primarily on the exterior, and this must be taken into account.

    The breeder must be able to advise on all issues of caring for the puppy, its vaccination, training, feeding and other issues. Worth paying attention on the puppy itself - it should look healthy and active, and be kept in good conditions.

    When the choice of a puppy is made, all that remains is to surround it with care, love and proper care, and the owner will be provided with a faithful friend for many years.

    The pride of Russian cynology, a combination of intelligence and courage. The West Siberian Laika is an unsurpassed hunter and loyal friend of its owners. They have long won the hearts of dog lovers not only in Russia, but also far beyond its borders.

    Speaking about the emergence of the breed, two time periods should be considered:

    • several centuries of careful selection by the indigenous inhabitants of Siberia and the Urals of the hardiest dogs that showed outstanding working qualities during the hunt;
    • selection of West Siberian huskies since the beginning of the 20th century by dog ​​handlers in order to bring the breed to the same standard.

    The breed is based on populations of dogs bred by representatives of the Mansi, Zyryan and Khanty tribes.

    The indigenous population of the Urals and Siberia survived for many centuries in the harsh conditions of the taiga due to traditional crafts for local residents, the main one of which was hunting.

    Invaluable assistance in this matter was provided by the so-called “northern wits” - strong and unpretentious dogs, distinguished by an unquenchable passion for hunting.

    From generation to generation, fishermen selected the best huskies in terms of endurance and hunting qualities, not allowing weak individuals to produce offspring and even destroying them. They made sure that their dogs did not interbreed with representatives of other breeds. The result of their efforts pleases hunting fans today: Experts unanimously call the West Siberian Laika a universal hunting dog. And for good reason.

    With it, they are equally successful in hunting birds and large animals, catching fur and waterfowl.

    The formation of the breed was completed by the seventies of the 20th century, and in 1980 it was officially recognized by the International Association of Cynologists.

    Breed standard

    FCI standard No. 306 dated 03/02/2011 “West-Siberian Laika”.
    Group 5 “Spitz and primitive type breeds.”
    Section 2 “Northern hunting dogs”.

    According to the official description of the breed, the West Siberian Laika is a dog of medium height (about 60 cm at the withers for males and 58 cm for females), with a strong skeleton and well-developed muscles.

    Outwardly, the West Siberian Laika resembles a wolf, to which it is genetically very close.

    The head is triangular, the skull is wide. The occipital protuberance is clearly defined. The transition from the frontal part to the muzzle is smooth. The muzzle is long, with close-fitting lips (without hanging jowls). The jaws have a scissor bite.

    The ears are set high, shaped like an elongated triangle with a pointed apex. They are located parallel to each other (unlike East Siberian huskies, whose ears are set to the side).

    The eyes are sometimes oval-shaped, but most often they are almond-shaped, have an oblique eyelid and a deep set. A characteristic feature of real West Siberian huskies: their eyes are exclusively brown.

    The dog's chest is wide, the withers are well developed and located a couple of centimeters above the sacrum. The back is straight, with pronounced muscles.

    The legs are strong and straight, the shins are slightly longer than the thighs. These features are clearly visible in the photo.

    The tail is ring-shaped and is usually curled over the back (or side). A related breed, the East Siberian Laika, has a sickle-shaped tail.

    The West Siberian Laika has a short and thick coat with a warm undercoat. On the shoulders and neck it grows thicker, forming a collar. What is the difference from the East Siberian Laika? The latter has wool that is denser and coarser.

    Black and white coat color is rare. Combinations of white and gray colors predominate, Reddish, fawn, and piebald shades are often found.

    The way dogs of this breed move is a wide trot, sometimes breaking into a gallop.


    Under good conditions, West Siberian huskies can survive 16 - 17 years, but if they work hard, they die much earlier.

    The lifespan of these dogs is largely determined by how often their lives are put at risk while hunting. It happens that a dog dies in its prime, entering into a fight with a large predator.

    Character of the West Siberian Laika

    Dogs of this breed have a balanced psyche, at the same time they are very active and energetic, they love to run and play. They have a highly developed pack sense and are therefore very attached to their owner and his family.

    The characteristics of the breed are contradictory: they have an easy-going character, but at the same time they are self-confident and ready to show independence (if this does not go against the authority of the owner).

    It's amazing how one dog combines such qualities as malice towards game animals and lack of aggression towards humans.

    The West Siberian Laika does not attack strangers unless they provoke it and pose a threat to those it cares about. She is tolerant towards small children, does not offend other pets, but strives to dominate dogs of other breeds, if there are any in the house. In a word, is the standard of friendliness (but without softness and familiarity).

    One of the main character traits is fearlessness, bordering on contempt for danger.

    It is this quality that allows a hunter to go bear hunting with a West Siberian Laika.

    They differ favorably from other breeds in their less pronounced excitability and the ability to work silently, barking to notify its owner only if they find prey.

    Features of training

    Laikas are famous for their keen intelligence and ability to learn, which allows them to be successfully trained. Puppies are taught general skills by early childhood, and from ten months they are ready to accept special hunting commands.

    Experts insist that training huskies should be limited to only doing the most basic tasks. According to dog handlers, an overtrained dog relies on a person for everything and will not act without his command. And one of the main advantages of the West Siberian Laika is precisely its pronounced independence.

    Dogs of this breed do not need training in tracking game. This skill, like the ability to accurately navigate the terrain, is inherent in them at the genetic level.

    Conditions of detention

    How to care for a husky? Of great importance movement and the ability to move freely in space, therefore, the conditions of a city apartment are very inconvenient for her.

    A booth (imitation of a den) in a village yard is much more suitable, especially if the owner is an avid hunter. This is an ideal option: only having the opportunity to spend a lot of time moving in nature, chasing game, will such a dog be happy.

    West Siberian huskies are not picky about feeding; if necessary, they can go without food for a long time. However, it should be remembered that this is the basis for good health and good performance of any dog. That's why the diet must be balanced.

    Ideally, it includes meat, fish, crackers, cottage cheese, and bone meal.

    Here's what you need to know about nutrition:

    • every day the husky should eat raw or boiled meat(based on the calculation of 20 grams per kilogram of weight), you can mix meat with fish (2/3 meat + 1/3 fish);
    • to maintain health and good physical shape of a dog you need do a fasting day once a week(give only some crackers and water);
    • from time to time it is worth including boiled rice in the diet, to which you need to add a small amount of raw liver and animal fat;
    • It is forbidden to feed smoked meats, boiled bones, spoiled food, as well as feed them with sweets;
    • It is not recommended to give excessively hot or, conversely, frozen food;
    • the puppy is fed with a mixture of milk and egg yolk, pureed boiled vegetables; As it matures, raw meat (in scraped form), bread, boiled rice, bone meal, meat and fat are added to dairy products.

    Owners need to ensure that their pet does not overeat - this is very harmful to its digestive system.

    Caring for the coat of dogs of this breed is not particularly difficult - comb out with a metal brush only during the molting period.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    The West Siberian Laika has many more advantages than disadvantages. This is a wonderful watchman and reliable bodyguard. She never tires of proving her love for her owner and is not shy about demonstrating her ardent affection for his family.

    Dogs of this breed are wonderful, sharing with them a passion for prey. At the same time, it is this quality that is a big difficulty, a minus for people who want to keep a West Siberian Laika

    It would be a mistake to purchase a husky when the owners do not have the time or desire to go hunting with their four-legged friend or at least replace it with long walks. In this situation, the animal experiences great suffering, and its owners suffer significant inconvenience.

    If a person needs a companion, then it is better to choose a representative of a different breed. This could be, for example, or.

    Additionally, check out a short video about dogs of the West Siberian Laika breed: