Chickpeas are the best cereal for weight loss, benefits and harms, recipes. Chickpeas - composition, benefits and harm

Chickpeas are a legume plant native to Asia, Africa, Australia and America. Chickpeas are often called Turkish, lamb or Volozhsk peas; in the East, chickpeas are usually called Nokhut. Today, chickpeas are often used to prepare first and second courses; they are an excellent appetizer, salad component, and even dessert. You can make a drink from chickpeas, an analogue of ancient coffee, the recipe for which we will tell you a little later. In the meantime, let's try to understand the beneficial and harmful properties of this overseas pea.

Useful properties of chickpeas

As soon as chickpeas appeared on the shelves of Russian stores, they firmly took their rightful place, more and more displacing ordinary Russian peas. This is not surprising; chickpeas contain amino acids, minerals, fats, fiber and vitamins. And most importantly, these peas contain a lot of protein, which is perfectly digestible and easily replaces meat products. This means that chickpeas must be included in the diet of vegetarians. In addition, chickpeas have many medicinal properties.

Chickpeas contain the substance methionine, which is included in many medications to support liver function. Chickpeas prevent the accumulation of fat on the liver.

Turkish peas have an excellent effect on the condition of blood vessels and reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.

A large amount of calcium and phosphorus improves the condition of bone tissue. Regular consumption of chickpeas protects against osteoporosis, improves the condition of nails, teeth and hair.

Chickpeas have a lot of potassium and magnesium, which are so beneficial for the functioning of the heart.

A large amount of vitamin C allows you to use peas as one of the best remedies for strengthening the immune system.

Chickpeas contain a large amount of fiber. Dietary fiber absorbs toxins and waste, like a brush cleanses the intestines of stagnant fecal stones. Regular consumption of chickpeas is an excellent prevention of constipation.

Chickpeas are very useful against allergies, both external and internal use are effective. If you want to relieve an allergic reaction, you just need to eat a handful of chickpeas. And ointments are made from ground pea flour that are effective against rashes, ringworm and burns.

Chickpeas are very beneficial for eye health. If you eat chickpeas at least 2-3 times a week, you can maintain your visual acuity until old age and protect yourself from the development of glaucoma and cataracts. Chickpea flour helps normalize eye pressure.

Peas are very beneficial for women's health, especially during pregnancy. Be sure to add chickpeas to your diet when pregnant - this will help maintain hemoglobin at the proper level.

A large amount of manganese reduces the permeability of nerve fibers, making a person more balanced and stress-resistant.

Chickpeas are a healthy, low-calorie protein snack. Dried peas are also very tasty - they crunch pleasantly on the teeth and can satisfy hunger quickly and for a long time. If you want to lose weight, be sure to include chickpeas in your diet.

Some people are afraid to eat chickpeas because they are beans that often cause gas and flatulence. However, chickpeas are quite soft and delicate in this regard. Turkish peas will not cause severe turmoil in your intestines and bloating, like beans or mung beans. To completely suppress the formation of gases, chickpeas need to be cooked with seasonings that have a carminative effect. These are cumin, dill seeds, coriander, rosemary, turmeric, etc. But don’t think that chickpeas are a harmless and simple product. Like many beans, chickpeas have a number of contraindications.

Who should not eat chickpeas?

If you have a weak intestine that is prone to flatulence, you should still avoid eating chickpeas. Peas are gradually introduced into the diet of older people, because their intestinal muscles weaken over the years. Also, chickpeas should not be consumed by breastfeeding women if the baby is under four months old. In this case, chickpeas can intensify the course of infant colic, the child will suffer from a storm in the stomach. Chickpeas can be quite aggressive towards the urinary system. If you have bladder problems, the use of this product should be limited. Acute kidney diseases, gout, thrombophlebitis, gastritis - all this is a contraindication for eating chickpeas, because the product is considered quite heavy, it increases the production of urea. In addition, there is such a thing as “individual intolerance”. If you've never eaten chickpeas before, start trying the product in small portions.

Chickpeas are used quite widely in cooking; peas are eaten in various forms. Here are some popular ways to prepare and eat it.

  1. Coffee. A few centuries ago, delicious and aromatic coffee was prepared from chickpeas. The peas were dried in a frying pan and then ground, and the powder was brewed like coffee. The drink had a characteristic nutty smell and taste, which gave it a special uniqueness.
  2. Boiled chickpeas. Before cooking, peas should be soaked for 8-12 hours. If you need to cook the chickpeas faster, you can add a spoonful of baking soda to the water. This will not only speed up the cooking process, but also activate the breakdown of carbohydrates, which will eliminate increased gas formation in the intestines. Boiled chickpeas are added as an ingredient to salads; in the East, not a single holiday or wedding pilaf is complete without chickpeas.
  3. Sprouted chickpeas. Chickpea sprouts are pure protein, very healthy and easily digestible. To germinate chickpeas, the beans should be washed and kept in water for about 10 hours. Then the beans need to be washed again, placed in a container with a small amount of water at the bottom, first wrapped in wet gauze. After this, you need to wash the peas every 6-8 hours so that they do not sour. As soon as the first sprouts hatch, you need to open the gauze and put the dishes in the refrigerator. Make sure that the chickpeas do not sour or dry out; carefully rinse them periodically. When the sprouts reach 4-5 cm, they can be eaten separately or together with beans. Mix sprouted chickpeas with green onions and cucumbers, season with lemon juice and oil. The result is a very tasty and nutritious salad.
  4. Chickpea flour. The peculiarity of this product is that the flour does not contain gluten. This is very important for people with celiac disease - intolerance to gluten products. Preparing flour is not difficult - the beans are dried and ground. This product makes very tasty and fluffy bread; chickpea flour is added to sauces and soups to thicken dishes; pancakes, pancakes and many other delicacies are prepared from it.
  5. Salted chickpeas. The modern vision of chickpeas has made it possible to use the beans as a delicious snack for beer. Chickpeas are soaked in highly salted water, and then dried and fried in a frying pan or placed in the oven. The end result is delicious, crispy, salty balls that go perfectly with beer. And if you soak chickpeas in sweet water, you get delicious dessert balls that can be used to decorate cakes.
  6. Hummus. We can say that hummus is one of the most common and famous chickpea dishes. Making hummus is not difficult. To do this, the beans are pre-soaked in hot water for a day so that they become absolutely soft. Next, the peas should be crushed with a mortar or chopped in a blender. Various spices and herbs are added to the resulting mass. Usually this is olive oil, garlic, lemon juice, sesame paste, paprika. Each family prepares hummus in its own way, taking into account its tastes and preferences. Cooked pasta is eaten with bread, chips, pita bread, pita bread, etc.

Chickpeas are an ideal product that goes well with meat, fish, poultry, and vegetables. Chickpeas are used to make porridges, soups, baked goods, cutlets, snacks, desserts, salads - the list is endless! Take advantage of these amazing recipes to pamper yourself and your loved ones with not only a tasty, but also incredibly healthy dish.

In some countries, chickpeas are an integral part of the daily diet, such as India or Italy. It is a rich source of dietary fiber and protein. Buy chickpeas, include them in your diet at least once a week, and very soon you will be surprised to note that your family is getting sick much less!

Video: benefits and harms of chickpeas

How - in detail in the pictures under the cut.

Prologue: not everything I’m currently cooking with chickpeas fits into the post. So I suggest repeating the method with a plus sign - if you boil and cook it, lighten up, but if only a few of the most desperate people decide to do this, then I will write about something else.

I have accumulated a lot and they all start with the fact that you need to “take boiled chickpeas.” It was high time to go into more detail.First of all, chickpeas come in different varieties. The most delicious, especially on its own, is large. I once wrote in the comments that it was almost the size of a hazelnut, but I blatantly lied, as it turned out when checking, I repent and ask for forgiveness. For clarity, the picture shows small and large chickpeas in comparison with our usual peas and hazelnuts. However, large ones are at least always much more expensive, and for many recipes that use chickpea crumbs, there is no difference in taste at all. Which one is more useful, and whether there is such a difference between them, I couldn’t find information anywhere.

As usually happens, to get a really good product, you have to put in a lot of effort. And, again, as always, each product has its positive and negative sides. Chickpeas have a lot of beneficial properties, both for health and weight loss, in addition, they are tasty on their own, and are even more wonderful as an absolutely universal remedy for an endless series of recipes, but they are legumes, and accordingly there are some problems that can be solved , if you follow the rules of its preparation.

1) Rinse the chickpeas from dirt.

2) Soak the chickpeas in plenty of drinking water (about twice the weight of dry chickpeas). If you have special problems with digesting legumes, then you should dilute 1 tsp per liter of water. soda It is better if it is in a warm environment, so I use a multicooker: for the first 20 minutes I turn on the “warm” mode, then, without opening the lid, so as not to reduce the temperature, I turn it off. It is most convenient to do this in the evening. You can soak it in a food thermos, or you can just soak it in any bowl/pan.

3) Ideally, no less than 12 hours later, or even a day, but it is advisable to change the water a couple of times and rinse very thoroughly under running water. Although in the slow cooker it is already quite swollen after 3-4 hours, I am not sure that this time is enough for the necessary enzymes to activate, and this is important. So, in a pinch, you can prepare it just once, but It is better to pre-soak any grains and legumes in warm water.

4) Fill with water, about two fingers above the chickpeas.Bring to a boil, skim off foam. If the above-mentioned problems are relevant, it is worth draining this boiled water and pouring clean hot water from the kettle again. During the cooking process, if you need to add water, not cold either. I turn the multicooker on to “simmer”, and since the temperature is lower, practically no foam is formed.

5) Cook for one to three hours. Readiness is checked by taste: the peas should still be whole, but easily crushed with the tongue, without leaving small grains. The larger the chickpeas, the faster they cook; using soda and salt significantly speeds up the process. If you cook on the stove, be careful not to let the water boil over.

I cook in two stages. I usually use organic, it is especially small, so after two hours of “stewing” it is not yet completely ready, but it is great for some recipes. Therefore, I take out about half of it with a slotted spoon and lay it out in one layer on a cloth or towel. I leave the remaining half to “simmer” for another hour.

After half an hour, I transfer about part of the dried chickpeas into a baking dish, select the bad peas and sprinkle with plenty of curry - my favorite type of crunch. I cook for 30-35 minutes at 190 degrees with convection, sometimes taking it out and stirring during the process. At the end I often try to catch the right short moment, when they are already completely empty, but have not yet burned.

I turn the second dried part into crumbs. It can be used in so many recipes: lazy dumplings and cheesecakes, cheesecake, cookies, candies...

I used to bake just compacted crumbs for cookies and cheesecake, but the products turned out to be very fragile. One egg white per 150 g of crumbs solves this problem completely. As you can see in the pictures, it can be given any shape, and the finished ones also hold it well. I like cookies with lemon zest most of all; for children I made them with lemon juice and poppy seeds, sometimes with cinnamon.

I also experimented a lot with chickpea candies. I appreciate them for the fact that chickpeas are not subjected to repeated heat treatment, it seems like they can be cooked from simply soaked ones, but then it needs to be done a little differently so that they begin to germinate - the healthiest option, by the way.

For me, applesauce turned out to be the most convenient to use for making candy. Most often I steam it and puree it with stevioside, it turns out to be the perfect consistency, like baby food in jars. Or you can bake sweet apples until caramelized for several hours in the oven, or “baking” with a minimum amount of water (40 ml). Then you can do without a sweetener.

I chop the nuts, add chickpea crumbs, and then applesauce. (If you eat honey, it fits in very well, only then there is correspondingly less applesauce). Here it’s worth trying to see if it’s sweet enough and perhaps adding stevioside, for example..

I take a full teaspoon of the mixture, mold it with wet hands and put it in a container with a mixture of cocoa and cinnamon (I use it a lot). Then I close the container with a lid and shake lightly so that the candies are completely covered. Be sure to cool in the refrigerator.

Meanwhile, the rest of the chickpeas were cooked. It seems to taste better if you remove the skin, but I never do that. Again, I leave some whole, for salads (I especially like them with tomatoes and radishes, grainy cottage cheese), side dishes, in particular

The romantic name garbanzo or the less sonorous name lamb's peas refer to the same plant. It is known as nukhat, bladderwrack, shish, Turkish or bird's peas. In our country it is better known as chickpeas. Refers to a legume whose fruits are similar to nasturtium seeds. Some housewives try to cook it, but nakhat does not have as many admirers as it could have. Only a few know how much benefit this plant can bring for a slim figure, beautiful hair and skin.

Let's take a closer look at chickpeas, the benefits and harms of which have long been known in Central Asia. Garbanzo fruits contain many chemical and organic compounds. One of the most important is the amino acid methionine.

Beneficial properties of nuts

Essential amino acids are those that are not produced in the human body, but must necessarily come from outside. There are not many of them. One of them is methionine. For women, its properties are especially relevant. In simple terms, this substance delays old age by actively fighting free radicals.

Also, the amino acid methionine introduces sulfur into our body, which improves the condition of hair, nails, and skin. Makes them more resistant to diseases. And who doesn’t want to have strong nails, luxurious hair and velvety skin?

This substance is actively involved in the breakdown of fats, preventing them from settling on the waist, in the liver or the walls of blood vessels, but turning them into pure energy. Thus, nakhat helps to preserve a thin girl’s figure. It is useful in detoxifying the body, helping to remove harmful substances and heavy metals.

Sometimes doctors prescribe it. In pharmacies, methionine can be found in tablet form. In complex therapy, he fights such conditions as:

  • toxicosis of pregnant women;
  • alcoholism;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • cholelithiasis, etc.

Methionine is also useful for athletes involved in strength exercises. This amino acid is involved in regenerative processes and accelerates muscle recovery. It helps you get back into working shape faster.

Other benefits

The seeds of this legume plant also contain a lot of useful substances and compounds. Chickpeas exhibit good properties in almost all areas of the body. Potassium and magnesium, molybdenum and phosphorus, a large vitamin group, biologically active substances - all these components will help you improve your health.

Selenium alone, so essential and involved in the functioning of all organs, can put bird peas on the list of must-eat foods. This element is also extremely important for the health of hair and nails, helps in the proper functioning of reproductive function, and promotes good functioning of the endocrine system in women and men.

Folic acid, which doctors insist on consuming during pregnancy, is also found in chickpeas. Garbanzo is considered a difficult food to digest, so it should be consumed with caution during this delicate period. 4-5 times a month is enough.

Chickpeas, whose beneficial properties are beyond doubt, are also rich in fiber. Many women who want to lose weight buy it separately in pharmacies. But you can just revise your diet a little and add chickpea dishes. Such fiber will be much healthier than purchased, processed fiber.

Sprouted garbanzo is actively used in raw food diets. For this purpose, it is first washed in a colander under cold water, then poured into a bowl with filtered water 2-4 cm above the chickpeas and left overnight. The swollen product is washed again under running water. Then we take gauze, wet it, fold it in 3 layers and cover the chickpeas, which were previously poured into an enamel bowl in a thin layer. In the evening, it is advised to rinse it again and cover it back with gauze. And in the morning we get wonderful, sprouted chickpeas. The widely known hummus can be prepared from such fruits.

The time when life processes begin in the seeds is excellent for eating them. We receive a living, whole and sprouted product in the phase of its maximum activity. At this moment, all biologically active compounds necessary for life are synthesized in peas. This is why sprouted chickpeas are so beneficial.

Calories and carbohydrates in chickpeas

It is a known fact that to lose weight it is desirable to minimize the amount of sugar, potatoes and other foods rich in carbohydrates. And in poultry peas there are as many as 50-60%. But don't worry. These are complex, the most useful for weight loss and necessary for the body. When a person eats foods with complex carbohydrates, he gets full faster and keeps a feeling of fullness longer, because they are not digested as quickly as simple ones. Nutritionists believe that legumes should make up up to 10% of the diet in a healthy diet.

What about calories? According to various sources, it varies and is approximately 130 Kcal for a boiled product. 286 Kcal is the norm for stewed peas. These data are calculated for a serving of 100 g. If you are on a low-calorie diet, your daily norm is approximately 1500 Kcal, then 200 grams. boiled garbanzo will add only 260 calorie units to the diet. With such a side dish there is room for both salad and porridge. And you don’t have to starve for the sake of an elegant figure. Garbanzo with complex, satisfying carbohydrates and low calorie content will make losing weight an enjoyable process.

Nahat seeds contain approximately 20 grams. protein per 100 g. product. If you are a vegetarian or decide to strictly adhere to Orthodox fasting, then you will have to think about additional sources of building material for the body. And this is where legumes come to the rescue.

Protein promotes weight loss. The body spends a lot of time and calories digesting it.

How to remove the harmful properties of nuts

We figured out how chickpeas are useful. What's wrong with it? Firstly, it is not recommended for those suffering from gout and bladder ulcers. Secondly, the product promotes increased gas formation. This feature is easy to deal with. Soak the garbanzos in water overnight. Just don't add soda. An alkaline environment will destroy B vitamins.

Now you know how much benefit there is in such a little-known product. Be always healthy and beautiful!

Just imagine, chickpeas have been known to mankind for more than 7 thousand years. It was cultivated in Ancient Greece, Rome, as well as in all eastern countries. Chickpeas are the closest relatives of our “classic” peas, and in many ways, bypassing their friend in terms of expediency of use - after all, chickpeas are relatively easy to digest, and are certainly not inferior to peas.

Actually, chickpeas are also peas. “Lamb” or chickpeas are known to many for their already international dishes - falafel, hummus, kichadi.

But the beneficial properties of chickpeas allow us to enjoy all this and at the same time legitimately consider ourselves adherents of a healthy diet.

Useful properties of chickpeas

There are many works by nutritionists proving that chickpeas are the most versatile source of vegetable protein. That is, chickpeas even outperform soybeans, a well-known food product for vegetarians. Chickpeas in combination with rice porridge will enrich you with a full range of essential amino acids - how can you not get inspired and write a dissertation on the topic of chickpeas!

Chickpeas are made into flour. It is used for certain diseases, and also as a prophylactic:

  • recommended for allergy sufferers and lactose intolerant as a source of protein;
  • recommended for stomach disorders, as an astringent;
  • recommended as the main ingredient for baby cereals, since protein from chickpeas is absorbed better than from peas;
  • It is advisable to prepare face masks from chickpea flour - with olive oil or egg white, depending on your skin type.

The beneficial properties of chickpeas are predetermined by its composition:

  • calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper, sodium and iron;
  • B vitamins;
  • cellulose.

Micronutrients in chickpeas can make your skin clear and elastic, and B vitamins will forever relieve nervous disorders, mood swings, and depression.

But fiber is the main argument in favor of using chickpeas for weight loss.

Chickpeas for weight loss

Chickpeas are the favorite of all nutritionists; as we have already said, many try to describe the beauty of this product in their scientific works. Thus, in 2010, information appeared in one American magazine according to which only 2 servings of legumes per day can reduce excess weight. We were talking about obese patients, and weight loss occurred (albeit to a lesser extent) from legumes, even if the rest of the diet turned out to be, to put it mildly, not dietary.

Another article in favor of chickpeas for weight loss, again from America. Chickpeas, peas and lentils are the best foods for low-calorie diets. As you know, for our diet we choose foods with reduced energy value, which at the same time provide a feeling of fullness for a long time. So, chickpeas in one serving contain half the daily value and 14.5 g of protein. All this will certainly satisfy you for a long time.

At the same time, if you are planning to use chickpeas for weight loss, try to replace meat with this high-protein product. Still, legumes and meat are not the best combination, and the calorie content of a bowl of boiled chickpeas can easily fill you up even without animal protein - after all, it’s about 269 kcal.

Chickpeas beneficial properties and contraindications

Chickpeas are a very nourishing and, in principle, heavy product. To make it easier to digest, chickpeas should be soaked in water for 10-12 hours before cooking.

Chickpeas should not be eaten if you are prone to constipation, as this product is astringent. In addition, if you have digestive difficulties, it is better to refrain from consuming large amounts of legumes, and if you have never eaten chickpeas before, start with a minimum of 50 g as a side dish, and if there are no allergic reactions, gradually increase the portion.

Chickpeas (also called lamb or chickpeas) are a traditional dish of the East. But other nations also managed to appreciate the excellent taste of chickpeas. And the benefits and harms of this product have been known to healers since ancient times.

Having appeared in Slavic cuisine, the overseas bean immediately replaced the regular pea. Chickpeas, whose beneficial properties are used in folk medicine, are well absorbed by the body. And dishes made from it, as some lovers of this product assure, taste slightly reminiscent of lamb. Although historians claim that in the seventeenth century, Europeans prepared not first and second courses from chickpeas, but a coffee drink, appreciating its delicious nutty notes. This drink can still be prepared today. To do this, the beans are fried in a dry frying pan until brown (it is important not to burn them), ground and brewed like regular coffee.


Knowing the chemical composition of the product, it is not difficult to understand why chickpeas are useful. Its seeds contain:

  • protein, similar in degree of digestibility to egg (depending on the variety, Turkish peas consist of 20 - 30 percent protein);
  • fats, the content of which ranges from 6 to 8 percent;
  • soluble and insoluble plant fibers (fiber);
  • vitamins including riboflavin, thiamine, pantothenic acid
  • essential amino acids;
  • minerals (manganese, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, silicon, boron).

In total, about 80 components were found in chickpea seeds. In addition to those listed above, these are iodine, copper, molybdenum, selenium, nickel, etc.

Important. Due to the high content of easily digestible protein, chickpeas are especially useful for people who, for one reason or another, do not eat meat.

Healing properties

In the plant’s homeland, in Asia and the Middle East, chickpeas are called golden grain, emphasizing the nutritional value and beneficial properties of chickpeas.

First of all, the constant use of this product prevents the development of many diseases, and also significantly improves the condition of organs that have already been affected by certain diseases.

  1. Chickpeas reduce cholesterol levels, which harm blood vessels, prevent fatty liver and improve its function due to the plant seeds containing a large amount of methionine, a drug used in official medicine as a hepatoprotector.
  2. Strengthens bone tissue due to its calcium and phosphorus content.
  3. Increases immunity, improves blood composition due to the presence of potassium, magnesium and vitamin C.
  4. Prolongs youth, increases brain activity, and prevents cancer, since chickpeas contain a lot of selenium.
  5. Improves the functioning of the digestive system: insoluble fiber, present in large quantities in beans, stimulates intestinal motility and removes substances that harm the body (waste, toxins).
  6. Cures dermatitis and other skin diseases: in Eastern countries, special ointments are prepared based on chickpea flour to treat burns, lichen and scabies.
  7. Improves visual acuity and serves as an excellent prophylactic for the prevention of serious ophthalmological diseases such as cataracts and glaucoma. In particular, consuming chickpea flour helps normalize intraocular pressure.
  8. Normalizes the activity of the nervous system due to the high concentration of manganese.
  9. Has an astringent effect. In England, this property of Turkish peas has received official recognition from doctors.
  10. Chickpeas are the best legume for women's health. Its seeds contain a lot of easily digestible iron, which effectively raises hemoglobin. Therefore, Turkish peas are recommended for pregnant women. In addition, it also enhances lactation.

Important. During meals, you should not drink chickpeas with cold water, otherwise you can provoke severe stomach cramps.

Some restrictions and warnings

Despite the fact that the benefits of chickpeas for human health are obvious, there are certain contraindications to its use.

  1. Sometimes individual intolerance to the product occurs. Chickpeas will bring nothing but harm to such people.
  2. Lamb peas, like all legumes, can cause increased gas formation in the intestines. Because of this, you should be especially careful when introducing it into the diet of older people.
  3. Chickpea seeds, due to their irritant effects, can be harmful for bladder diseases.
  4. For the same reason, chickpeas will do more harm than good to people with acute kidney disease.
  5. Contraindications apply to patients suffering from gout, thrombophlebitis, inflammation of the gastric or intestinal mucosa, since peas are considered a “heavy” food and, among other things, contribute to an increase in the level of uric acid in the blood.

As you can see, there are few contraindications, but they should be kept in mind.

Important. A teaspoon of soda added to water while soaking legumes accelerates the enzymatic breakdown of carbohydrates even before cooking begins and thereby helps solve the problem of severe gas formation and bloating.

Cooking features

Before cooking, wash the chickpeas well, carefully kneading them with your hands.

To speed up the cooking time, soak the peas for 4 hours. You can leave it to swell overnight, it won’t do any harm.

As a rule, chickpeas are sold and cooked unshelled. But to prepare especially tender hummus, it is better to get rid of the shell. To do this, boil the grains for about an hour, cool quickly (it is better to do this under the tap, transferring the peas to a colander), pour in cool water and rub with your hands, freeing the peas from the skin. After this, the water with the husks floating in it is drained, the cereal is filled with fresh water and cooked for another hour.

It is believed that there is no need to salt beans when soaking and cooking (especially if you plan to mash them into porridge), since salt makes the beans harden. But traders from the East claim that it is correct to soak chickpeas in water with the addition of salt, sugar and soda (a teaspoon of each ingredient per liter of water). Those who have tried it say that the taste is amazing, and the cereal cooks faster.

To prepare a tasty and healthy porridge from chickpeas, after the peas have boiled well and “puffed” in the pan, add a little good butter to it, stir, close tightly, wrap in a blanket and leave to simmer for about half an hour.

Important. Chickpeas are soaked only in cold water. Hot water will not speed up swelling, but will cause harm. Under the influence of high temperature, the protein will coagulate, and the upper shell of the grains will become even more dense.

Cleansing and weight loss

Many people eat sprouted chickpeas. The benefits of such a product for the body are invaluable, since during germination the grains are at the peak of biological activity and all their beneficial properties at this moment increase many times.

To sprout, peas are soaked for eight hours, then washed and scattered on a wet cloth. After a day, sprouts appear.

Seeds sprouted this way are very tasty. But to make it easier to chew, they are passed through a meat grinder.

To cleanse, lose weight and saturate the body with valuable active ingredients, weekly courses are practiced (they eat sprouts for seven days and take a break for seven days). And so - for three months, although the first positive changes will be noticeable much earlier.

Important. Various dishes are prepared from sprouted seeds. However, for health purposes, it is better to consume sprouts in their natural form.

  • increased sweating;
  • weakened immunity, frequent colds;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • nervous state, depression;
  • headaches and migraines;
  • alternating diarrhea and constipation;
  • I want sweet and sour;
  • bad breath;
  • frequent feeling of hunger;
  • problems with losing weight;
  • decreased appetite;
  • night grinding of teeth, drooling;
  • pain in the abdomen, joints, muscles;
  • cough does not go away;
  • acne on the skin.

If you have any of the symptoms or are in doubt about the causes of your ailments, you need to cleanse your body as quickly as possible. How to do it .

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