Why does my period come 2 times a month? Menstruation twice a month

Many women experience menstrual irregularities, as a result of which menstruation may come twice in a month.

In youth, when the cycle is just forming, such phenomena, as a rule, do not indicate any disorders or diseases of the genital organs, but what can cause repeated periods in a mature woman who has not previously suffered from menstrual irregularities?


The menstrual cycle is a normal physiological process for women of reproductive age. Its duration varies among women (from 21 to 35 days). Menstruation is bloody discharge that occurs under the influence of hormones. Typically, women have menstrual flow once a month, however, if a woman's menstrual cycle is only 21 days, then menstruation can occur at the beginning and end of the month.

If menstruation comes again in the middle of the cycle, this may indicate problems in the body and require treatment. Let's talk in more detail about the reasons for the appearance of menstruation twice a month.

Possible causes of repeated menstruation

In fact, there are quite a few reasons why your period may start for the second time in a month:

  1. Taking oral contraceptives. During the first three months of taking the pills, a similar reaction of the body is possible.
  2. Hormone imbalance. With hormonal disorders in the body, the cycle is chaotic and unstable. Such disorders can be caused by inflammation of the female reproductive system. Also, menstruation can occur twice a month after an abortion or after childbirth, as these processes can cause hormonal imbalance.
  3. Age characteristics. So, girls can experience repeated menstruation in the first 2 years after the start of menstruation, when the cycle is just forming; the same phenomenon is quite common among women in the premenopausal period.
  4. Processes associated with reproductive function. Scanty spotting in the middle of the cycle is sometimes observed in women during ovulation or during implantation of a fertilized egg.
  5. The intrauterine device can also cause repeated menstruation; if menstruation comes ahead of schedule and is very heavy, then it is necessary to find another means of contraception, and the IUD must be removed.

In addition to the above reasons, there are a number of pathologies, in which menstruation can occur 2 times a month.

These include:

  1. Myoma is a benign tumor of the uterus that can be quite large. This tumor quite often causes hormonal imbalance and can provoke heavy and frequent menstruation. This pathology requires serious treatment, and sometimes surgical intervention.
  2. Adenomyosis is an inflammatory process caused by hormonal changes.
  3. Inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes, erosion of the cervix can also cause sudden menstruation.
  4. Polyps and endometriosis are pathologies of the female genital organs that cause unscheduled menstruation.
  5. With uterine cancer, extraordinary discharge appears regardless of the menstrual cycle; as a rule, it is brownish in color and watery. If such discharge appears, you should immediately visit a doctor.
  6. Menstruation may occur in the middle of the cycle if the body rejects the fertilized egg and a miscarriage occurs.
  7. When a fertilized egg is implanted into the fallopian tube, spotting may also appear. An ectopic pregnancy is very dangerous, so it is very important to diagnose it on time. Read more about ectopic pregnancy.
  8. Also, cycle failure can occur in women who have problems with blood clotting.

In addition to the above reasons, unscheduled menstrual bleeding can be caused by stress of any kind. It is worth noting that extraordinary bleeding is not menstruation - it is menstrual-like bleeding. Various stressful situations often cause a hormonal surge, which leads to discharge.

As a rule, such situations are one-time in nature and do not recur in subsequent menstrual cycles. Stress is not always triggered by a strong emotional shock; overwork, infectious diseases, and lack of sleep can also cause stress.

Often, extraordinary menstruation occurs during vacation, this is explained by changes in climate and time zones.

When to seek help from a doctor

As can be seen from the above, there are quite a few reasons that can trigger menstruation twice a month. If a similar situation occurs in a girl at the beginning of the formation of the menstrual cycle, then this should not cause much concern, since it is a completely physiological process.

Also, do not worry too much if you are taking hormonal contraceptives, but it is necessary to report discharge to the doctor who prescribed the drug.

If menstrual-like bleeding in the middle of the cycle recurs more than once, you should consult a gynecologist and undergo the necessary examination. Only competent treatment will help cope with hormonal disorders and gynecological pathologies that provoke unscheduled menstruation.

Menstrual irregularities are a common phenomenon experienced by many women of childbearing age. The female body reacts sharply to various factors; under their influence, disruptions occur in the cycle. Your period may start earlier or later, and the nature of your discharge may change, which should also make you suspicious. One of the most serious violations includes situations when menstruation occurs 2 times a month. A short gap between menstruation can be a harbinger of serious illnesses. In this article we will find out why menstruation occurs 2 times a month, and what the dangers of this phenomenon are.

Having periods twice a month is not normal

Reasons for repeated periods not caused by pathology

The female reproductive system is responsible for procreation. Normally, the menstrual cycle is 28-30 days. If conception does not occur, then the endometrium of the uterus is cleansed, all phases are repeated again. The female body works like a clock, each month going through certain stages of its functioning. Irregularities in the menstrual cycle indicate possible health problems. Menstruation twice a month is not the norm and warns of serious diseases. The exception is a few situations when menstruation twice a month is not caused by pathology:

  1. Repeated menstruation can be triggered by age-related changes in a woman’s body. This phenomenon occurs in adolescence, when the first menstruation occurs and the cycle is just beginning to line up, and in women who are on the verge of menopause and their reproductive function gradually fades. These periods are called crisis periods; hormonal changes occur in the body, so menstruation can occur 2 or 3 times a month. To make sure that the cause of premature menstruation really lies in the age-related characteristics of the body, it is recommended to visit a gynecologist.
  2. Changes in the level of hormones in the body depend not only on the age of the girl or woman. Hormonal imbalance can occur due to disruptions in the endocrine system. In addition to a gynecological examination, you will need to consult an endocrinologist. If there are no nodes or other pathological processes on the thyroid gland, then hormonal levels can be normalized with the help of herbal preparations and hormonal medications. Endocrine system disorders require additional treatment, while age-related hormone imbalances can stabilize on their own.
  3. Discharge twice a month may occur after childbirth or abortion. These processes expose the body to stress, as a result of which the concentration of hormones changes and the immune system weakens. After an abortion and during the period of stabilization of the cycle after childbirth, menstruation can occur even three times in a thirty-day period.
  4. Discharge 2 times a month, or even three, can occur if there is a foreign object in the body. We are talking about an intrauterine device. Bloody discharge that occurs two or three times a month may not be menstruation, but bleeding. If this phenomenon occurs several cycles in a row, it is recommended to remove the coil to prevent the development of pathological processes in the organs of the reproductive system.
  5. Bloody discharge two or three times a month can be triggered by the ovulatory phase. At this time, the follicle shell is destroyed, as a result of which the capillary vessels are damaged. The discharge caused by ovulation is brown in color and is scanty compared to normal menstruation.
  6. The use of hormonal contraceptives does not leave a mark on the body. Menstruation 2 times a month can be repeated several cycles in a row. When you start using oral hormone-containing medications, you may experience period-like bleeding even three times a month. After 1-2 cycles, the body will adapt to the changes, menstruation will stabilize. If this does not happen, you will need to consult a specialist.

There are situations when menstruation begins for the second time in a month due to stress.

This phenomenon is typical for women and girls with an unstable psyche; for them, a strong emotional shock can cause the cycle to repeat.

Abortion is one of the causes of hormonal imbalance and menstrual cycle disorders

Repeated periods as a sign of pathology

Menstruation two or three times a month, which is accompanied by sharp pain in the lower abdomen and poor health, indicates a possible pathology and the need for a medical examination:

  1. Menstruation twice may occur due to the presence of benign formations. As a result of their appearance in the body, hormonal levels are disrupted and the menstrual cycle fails.
  2. The second or third time in a month, menstruation can be provoked by malignant formations, and the name “menstruation” is used conditionally. Bloody discharge does not depend on the cycle; it is provoked by toxic organisms produced by a malignant tumor. If you notice red or brown discharge two or three times a month, get a gynecological examination and ultrasound. The earlier cancer is detected, the greater the chance of beating it.
  3. Failures in the cycle and increased frequency of menstruation cause inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs. These include inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes, cervical erosion, and adenomyosis. Very often, representatives of the fair sex do not differentiate between periodic bleeding and perceive them as menstruation.
  4. Ectopic pregnancy is a serious pathological process. The embryo does not reach the uterus and begins to develop in the fallopian tube. As a result of pressure and the unnatural start of fetal development, bleeding occurs. At first, there may be no pain symptoms; women think that their period has begun for the second time. Over time, severe pain appears, and health deteriorates sharply. The female body needs urgent surgical intervention. Delaying cleansing threatens infertility.
  5. Another reason for unexpected discharge is miscarriage. The body does not perceive the embryo and, with the help of bleeding, gets rid of it. As during an ectopic pregnancy, symptoms manifest themselves in an increasing order, and surgical intervention cannot be avoided.
  6. For the second time in a month, critical days may begin due to poor blood clotting. This cause can only be determined through laboratory testing.

There are various causes of premature menstruation. Menstruation two or three times a month can occur due to hormonal imbalances in the body during periods of crisis; they can be caused by stress, overwork, or the use of contraceptives (both hormonal and intrauterine). Menstruation that begins for the second or third time in a month can be caused by serious diseases, including cancer.

It is possible to establish a reliable cause of cycle disruption only with the help of gynecological, laboratory and ultrasound examinations. Do not try to find an excuse for premature menstruation on your own.

Serious pathological processes may be hidden behind menstruation that came 2-3 weeks ahead of schedule; if you have such a problem, visit a doctor immediately.

Many women have problems with menstrual cycle instability. It is believed that they indicate pathology of the pelvic organs, but this is not always the case. Gynecologists say that such cycle disorders are not at all a reason to sound the alarm, although you still need to visit a doctor.

We can say that in some cases, menstruation twice a month is normal and does not need to be treated. This problem is common among young girls whose menstruation is just beginning, and women at the age of menopause. For young girls, cycle disruption is also common, since in the first two years it will not be stable. If after this time the cycle is still not established, then you should take your health seriously.

Another reason for the repetition of menstruation during one cycle is a hormonal imbalance. Its violation occurs due to the use of oral contraceptives, ovulation, the presence of chronic diseases in the body or infection. Problems with hormones do not appear out of nowhere and do not disappear on their own; they require careful treatment and medical supervision.

Usually, menstruation, which occurs for the second time in a month, is not heavy, but is a thick discharge mixed with blood. An unstable menstrual cycle schedule can be considered normal only if such disturbances appear for no more than three months in a row. Otherwise, the situation is very serious, which requires qualified treatment.

Why do you have periods twice a month? The reasons are varied; a spiral may be a prerequisite for this phenomenon. But if you installed it and after that your cycle goes wrong, you will have to go to the doctor again, since this is not a normal situation. By identifying the problem early and starting treatment early, you can protect yourself from many more severe forms of disease and other problems. It is especially important for girls planning to have a child to monitor their women's health.

Another common reason for menstruating twice a month could be stress or overwork. You can’t even always tell when you’re too tired and your body has already reacted to an external stimulus. Also, the failure of the cycle can be affected by poor nutrition, constant lack of sleep, and incorrect rhythm of life. All these reasons can affect menstruation in women.

If menstruation twice a month is an isolated occurrence, and it lasts no more than three months, for example, after the prescription of contraceptives, then it is too early to worry. However, if such problems arise constantly or this happens over a long time, you need to go to a gynecologist. More serious causes of double menstruation include uterine fibroids, ovarian tumors, and problems with the thyroid gland.

Repeated menstruation does not always indicate problems with the female organs; sometimes they can occur due to thrombocytopathy. Too much leads to anemia and iron deficiency in the body.

Almost every woman at any age has experienced problematic menstruation at least once. Critical days fail for many reasons. This may occur due to problems of the reproductive system or due to nervous stress and anxiety. Most often there is a delay, but sometimes menstruation occurs twice a month. In order to understand why you have periods 2 times a month, you need to visit a doctor.

A normal menstrual cycle is considered to be one that occurs regularly from 3 to 7 days, but it can also be longer. The gap between critical days should be from 28 to 32 days. But it happens that they happen twice. This is why many people are interested in why menstruation occurs twice a month. There may be many reasons for this.

For example, if a girl experiences this for the first time, this means that her hormonal levels are just getting better, and then everything will go on as usual. But if such a problem occurs in an adult woman, then an examination by a gynecologist is required, as this may indicate some kind of pathology.

If you get your period for the second time in a month, there can be a wide variety of reasons, and it is not easy to identify them, since they occur normally and painlessly. If a woman has a period between menstruation of 21 days, then it is considered normal for her period to appear a second time in a month.

Available two phases of the menstrual cycle:

  1. Follicular phase. It occurs at the initial stage on the first day when ovulation occurs.
  2. Luteal phase. This type of phase occurs during the period when the egg is released and the corpus luteum appears.

This is exactly how normal menstruation should proceed for every woman.

The norm for the appearance of repeated periods

Very often on forums it is discussed why menstruation came for the second time in a month. There is no definite answer to this question, since each case is individual:

If your period comes twice a month for these reasons, then you should just wait until everything gets better, since there are no pathologies.

Pathological conditions

In addition to the above, it happens that critical days come twice a month, and this indicates illness. When they first appear need to see a doctor for diagnosis and treatment:

There are cases when women confuse spotting with menstruation. After all, it happens that, against the background of emotional stress, your period lasts only 2 days, this is normal. As a rule, this happens once, and the next cycle proceeds without interruption.

For some, small amounts of spotting is normal.. This mainly happens during the first menstruation, then you should not panic and run to the doctor, but if this manifestation occurs in mature women, then this is definitely a disease, and you simply cannot do without drug treatment.

One conclusion can be drawn: if menstruation occurs every two weeks after the previous ones, that is, three times a month, then there can be many reasons, and it is very difficult to establish the exact ones on your own. In any case, you need to go to a gynecologist to protect your health.

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If menstruation appears 2 times a month, the reason for this cycle failure may be completely normal, or it may be pathological. The gynecologist will help you figure out what caused the disorder and conduct an examination to talk about the prospects for recovery.

Cycle failure in a healthy woman

When menstruation is just becoming established, some shift in the cycle in time is normal. For girls from 13 to 17 years old, especially in the first year after menarche (first menstruation), the concept of a cycle is often completely absent. If a girl has recently started her period, there is nothing to worry about. Up to 17 years of age, there are delays of 1-6 months, menstruation occurs twice a month. In order to make sure of her health, the girl needs to have an ultrasound and tests from a gynecologist. In women before menopause, a similar picture is observed: or they are delayed in their onset. At the age of 55 to 60 years, serious hormonal changes occur, which affect the functioning of all body systems, especially the endocrine one. Why do menstruations occur twice a month in a woman who previously had a stable cycle? Possible physiological reasons are as follows:

  • stress, which affected the functioning of the hormonal system and accelerated the maturation of the follicle;
  • change of climate zone, for example, a vacation by the sea;
  • installation of an intrauterine device;
  • switching to oral contraceptives.

The intrauterine device can cause various reactions, and if after installation menstruation appears 2 times a month, you should consult a doctor. In some cases, the gynecologist removes the IUD because it negatively affects the functioning of the uterus and ovaries. Not all women have this reaction, but if a woman does not respond to changes in her cycle, there is a danger of adverse consequences. The most important things you need to know about normal menstruation are:

  • bleeding is a detachment of the upper layer of the endometrium, the mucous membrane that lines the uterus from the inside;
  • Normally, bleeding occurs 2-4 days every 28-50 days;
  • menstruation is caused by a decrease in progesterone levels;
  • progesterone is synthesized by temporary gland -;
  • every month the corpus luteum dies and a new one is formed;
  • the corpus luteum is formed from the follicle;
  • follicle is the membrane in which the formation of the egg occurs;
  • with normal hormonal background, each cycle only 1 follicle matures;
  • the follicle is located in the ovary, after maturation it ruptures, and the egg is released into the fallopian tube;
  • the release is called ovulation;
  • if there is no pregnancy, after ovulation the egg degrades and dies within 24-48 hours;
  • with the death of the corpus luteum, the level of progesterone decreases - this is what causes contraction of the uterus and endometrial detachment.

During pregnancy, the first period is often not considered menstruation at all. The discharge does not arise from desquamation of the endometrium, but from implantation of the egg. A woman mistakes this phenomenon for repeated menstruation, does not take a test and misses the opportunity to detect pregnancy. If your period begins for the second time in a month, it means that for some reason a blood vessel was damaged, or 2 follicles have matured. Not every follicle carries a viable egg ready for fertilization, so this in itself does not indicate the possibility of getting pregnant. If such a cycle disorder occurs once and is clearly associated with contraception, you just need to visit a doctor.

If menstruation twice a month has become commonplace, it means that the problem is a systematic violation of ovarian function.

Often, with hormonal imbalances, not only 2 follicles mature, but also the risk of ectopic pregnancy and hydatidiform mole, fertilization of a defective egg increases. It takes a certain time to form a full-fledged egg, and this period cannot be halved. The most basic thing you need to know about egg maturation is the following:

  • At the base of the brain there is a gland called the pituitary gland;
  • the pituitary gland synthesizes follicle-stimulating hormone (FH);
  • FG is responsible for the growth and development of follicles;
  • 1 day before exiting the fallopian tube, the corpus luteum begins to produce huge amounts of estrogen;
  • estrogen stimulates the pituitary gland to produce luteinizing hormone (LH);
  • LH causes ovulation;
  • after ovulation and death of the egg, the pituitary gland returns to the synthesis of PG, and the whole cycle repeats.

Dysfunction of the pituitary gland or ovaries can cause serious disruptions in this system. For the examination, you will need to do an ultrasound and take a biochemical blood test for sex hormones.

Critical days and conception

If fertilization occurs after ovulation, the egg begins to move along the fallopian tube towards the uterus. Exiting into the uterine cavity, it finds a place for implantation. Implantation is the introduction of an egg directly into the endometrium, its fusion with the wall of the uterus and the formation of a branched system of vessels that will nourish the chorion (embryo). Implantation is one of the reasons, for the second time in a month. If the second bleeding is very scanty, spotting, and dark in color, it may not be menstrual. That is, this bleeding is not caused by desquamation of the endometrium, but, on the contrary, by the introduction of the egg into the loose layer of the mucous membrane.

In order to test this hypothesis, you need to take a pregnancy test 1-4 days after the start of your missed period. Not every egg that penetrates the endometrium survives. The body constantly weeds out non-viable mutations and defective genetic material. Some women naively believe that every fertilization ends in pregnancy and childbirth. But according to rough estimates, only 1/5 of all fertilized eggs have the prospect of becoming a child. The death of everyone else should not be regretted, since defective genetic material cannot in any way lead to the formation of a viable fetus. The body eliminates an unsuccessful pregnancy as follows:

  • the corpus luteum, which still produces progesterone, keeps the uterus from starting menstruation;
  • if the formation of the placenta has occurred, then from 10-12 weeks of pregnancy the placenta takes on this function, and the corpus luteum dissolves;
  • if the placenta cannot take on this function, the volume of progesterone decreases and the uterus begins to contract;
  • pregnancy ends and menstruation begins;
  • fertilization of the fertilized egg is one of the reasons why menstruation occurs 2 times a month.

Pregnancy does not occur every time, so the violation will not be systematic, but episodic.

If the place on the endometrium of the uterus into which the egg has implanted is unfavorable for its development, the pregnancy also ends. To contain the ever-increasing needs of the chorion, the place must have a powerful vascular system, be sufficiently smooth and suitable for the formation of the placenta. Surgical abortions and difficult childbirth leave scars on the endometrium, which consists of connective tissue that is poor in blood vessels. The egg either cannot attach to such a place and dies, or attaches and dies. There is no point in regretting any failed pregnancy, because there is always a reason for such an outcome. The body always puts the mother's survival first, which makes sense from a biological point of view, since a woman can give birth to many children. Pregnancy failure can be determined by the following signs:

  • periods begin to go out of schedule;
  • discharge is abundant, bright red, then changes to burgundy and brown;
  • usually accompanied by painful contractions of the uterus;
  • when a large fetal egg dies, the second menstruation contains an admixture of yellow-white mucus, but it is often stained with blood and becomes invisible.

If the previous (scheduled) periods were scanty and spotting, and then after 2 weeks the second heavy ones came, it is possible that there was a pregnancy. Only a gynecologist can tell you exact information.

Cycle changes

Hormonal processes that occur sequentially are greatly influenced by emergency intervention. Any abortion, even a medical one, causes a restructuring of the entire system and disruption of the menstruation schedule. After childbirth, the resumption of work as usual occurs gradually. Breastfeeding and enormous physiological stress cause delays and premature menstruation. The reasons for these failures are as follows:

  • postpartum depression, which affects the functioning of the pituitary gland and ovaries;
  • massive blood loss during childbirth;
  • chronic lack of sleep, overwork and psycho-emotional stress that a new mother cannot cope with;
  • accelerated maturation of follicles.

After giving birth, the likelihood of getting pregnant again immediately increases many times over. Many women experience pregnancy within 1-2 months after the birth of the child, and this is an unhealthy and devastating pregnancy for the body. Since there are no resources for the full development of the embryo, the body ends the pregnancy and removes all accompanying formations in the order of unscheduled menstruation. Not every birth results in double periods, but it is a very common cycle disorder.

Ectopic pregnancy

Another unfavorable scenario for a woman’s health is the implantation of an egg directly in the fallopian tube. This disorder requires immediate medical attention; an ultrasound will help determine whether there is a threat to life. If the embryo continues to develop in the fallopian tube, it puts pressure on the walls of the tube and sooner or later causes a rupture of the organ. In this case, all the contents enter the abdominal cavity, septic shock and internal bleeding develop. A woman may not even suspect that an ectopic pregnancy has occurred, and then die suddenly. The movement of the egg from the tube into the uterine cavity is ensured by the movement of the cilia of the epithelium, which push the cell in the desired direction. The causes of ectopic pregnancy most often involve disruption of this transport function. An ectopic pregnancy at the beginning of its development has the following features:

  • scanty and spotting bleeding begins;
  • a woman experiences a nagging pain in her side;
  • blood pressure decreases.

After the size of the embryo becomes significant, the pain becomes unbearable, and bleeding remains scanty.

The main outpouring of blood goes into the abdominal cavity, and not into the uterus. If you suspect an ectopic pregnancy, you should immediately call an ambulance, and if the condition is not critical, then contact a gynecologist at your place of residence.

Consequences of the disease

Even if there is no pain or pregnancy, you still need to normalize the cycle. If each period occurs 2 weeks apart, there is an increased likelihood of the following disorders:

  • fertilization of a defective and immature egg, subsequent problems, threat to life and abortion;
  • the development of a number of diseases caused by unfavorable hormonal levels;
  • decreased sexual desire and mood, development of depressive syndrome;
  • anemia.

The large volume of red blood cells that a woman loses negatively affects the balance of iron and electrolytes in the body. Anemia can develop if your periods are frequent or heavy. Prolonged uterine bleeding, for example, if menstruation goes on for a month and does not end, has a bad effect on the functioning of the heart. With such symptoms, you need to contact a gynecologist immediately and conduct an examination for uterine tumors: cysts, polyps, fibroids. Twisting of the cyst or death of the polyp can cause bleeding, which the woman mistakes for her second menstruation. Without special blood tests and without an ultrasound, it is impossible to say why your period came for the second time in a month.