Postpone your period. How to delay the arrival of your period for a few days. It is easy to prepare parsley decoction from

Every woman of childbearing age has a menstrual cycle. But there are circumstances when it needs to be postponed. How to delay your period? Every woman has asked this question at least once in her life.

If a woman is completely healthy, then usually her menstrual cycle is regular. It can be determined accurately using a simple calendar. For some, menstruation is quite painless and not too heavy, which cannot be said about others. The whole process is controlled by special female hormones. Most often, the duration of the cycle is 28 - 30 days, the calculation is carried out starting from the first day of bleeding. Minor disruptions do not cause any harm to the female body. The duration of bleeding usually depends on the individual, but on average it is about 4-7 days.

Within a month, the uterine lining is renewed and begins to be rejected by the next cycle if conception has not occurred. At the same time, the egg matures, which enters the fallopian tube and then into the uterine cavity. If fertilization does not occur, the cell dissolves and is released along with blood discharge. Thus, in the female body there is a monthly rejection of the endometrium, that is, the inner lining of the main reproductive female organ.

The first day of menstruation is usually characterized by heavy bleeding and sometimes painful sensations. This is the norm. In this case, you should not take hemostatic drugs, as this can cause various complications. As a rule, 2-3 days of heavy bleeding passes without harm to health. But it is worth taking into account concomitant diseases and characteristics of the body.

On such days, a woman should take supporting substances that will help replenish all lost minerals, restore hemoglobin, and help the body restore blood reserves. Usually we are talking about taking a special vitamin and mineral complex. At this time, it is important to eat properly and well, as the body will certainly need strength to recover.

If there is the slightest malfunction, the appearance of uncharacteristic pain, or an increase in the volume and duration of bleeding, you should seek help from a specialist. An experienced doctor will definitely advise on all issues that concern a woman and help her choose medications to improve her condition and normalize her menstrual cycle.

When do you need help?

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that during the first day the discharge is most abundant. Then they begin to noticeably decrease. However, if this does not happen and the discharge becomes even more abundant, then most likely uterine bleeding has occurred, which was provoked by one or another negative factor. In this case, you need to immediately contact a specialist who will determine the cause and prescribe the correct treatment. You need to visit a doctor if hygiene products have to be changed every 30 minutes. Then it is better to consult a doctor without delay. Most likely, this or that disease manifests itself in this way.

Sometimes such days become unbearable and a woman begins to think that it would be nice to eliminate menstruation from her life. Sometimes this is simply necessary. Is it possible to postpone or postpone the onset of the red day?

There is certainly such a way. It is widely used by athletes, artists and models. Sometimes you just need to delay your monthly bleeding. But if you do this without the knowledge of a specialist, you can cause serious harm to the body.

Of course, in order to interfere with the natural female cycle and delay menstruation, you must have good reasons. This is a really big risk that can lead to irreparable disruptions in a woman’s hormonal balance.

You should not take emergency measures a few days before the start of a new cycle, as you can provoke various kinds of diseases at the hormonal level. You can interrupt your monthly cycle only if there are compelling reasons and under the strict supervision of your doctor.

There are a number of drugs that can push back your critical days. There are many folk recipes for stopping menstrual bleeding. But all these methods are fraught with danger, so you can resort to them only in case of emergency.

Menstruation is caused by certain female hormones that vary depending on the day of the cycle. In the first phase, estrogen is active, and in the second, progesterone. Any imbalance of these hormones in the body can delay your period. This often occurs against a background of severe stress or emotional distress. Sometimes there is a delay of several days, and this phenomenon is normal. But if you haven’t had your period for a week or a month, then most likely there has been some kind of malfunction caused by one or another illness.

You can delay your period by taking medicine prescribed by a specialist. But this measure is only permissible in emergency cases.

Applicable drugs

It is impossible to get rid of monthly bleeding forever, unless, of course, you remove the reproductive organs. All women of childbearing age experience monthly bleeding. This condition continues until approximately 45-50 years of age, then menopause occurs. You can cause a delay for several days or a week, but if the critical days have already begun, then it is impossible to stop this process.

Most often, drugs that delay the onset of menstruation are prescribed to normalize this process, as well as to make it painless.

To delay menstruation, the following types of pharmaceuticals are taken:

1. Contraception.

Taking contraceptives is widely used by modern women. This is due to the fact that this method of contraception is quite effective and safe. Often, specialists prescribe hormonal contraceptives to restore the organs of the reproductive system and balance hormones. Modern OCs, when used correctly, do not have any negative effects on a woman’s body. All hormones are contained in microdoses. However, such medications have a large number of side effects. OK should be prescribed only by a specialist, based on the patient’s medical history. Contraceptives are taken in courses. 1 course is equal to 1 cycle. But if you don’t take a break and start taking medications from a new pack, your period will not start. If you lengthen the cycle a little, that is, take 2-3 more tablets from the new course, then there will be no harm from this, but if you take it without a break for several months, the glands will stop producing hormones on their own and the reproductive system will fail.

This phenomenon can cause complete infertility and provoke various diseases. Most often, oncology occurs due to uncontrolled use of OCs.

Experts say that three-phase OCs are closest to a woman’s natural physiology. During the course, three hormones are replaced, which are responsible for the normal functioning of the reproductive system. There are a total of 28 tablets in the pack, which corresponds to the average cycle length of a healthy woman.

Before using this drug, be sure to read the instructions. All tablets are divided into cycle phases and should not be confused. You need to drink strictly according to the plan, otherwise you can provoke a malfunction.

2. Gestagens.

Medicines in this group are used as prescribed by a specialist for the purpose of:

  • avoid ovulation;
  • to delay menstruation;
  • affect the uterine mucosa.

Such substances are prescribed only for medicinal purposes to normalize the functioning of the reproductive system. These drugs are quite strong and their independent use is prohibited. Typically, medications such as Pregnil, Orgametril, and Primolut are used.

They are prescribed 14 days before menstruation. In critical cases, treatment can be started 5 days before the start of a new cycle. If you do this later, the drug will not be able to stop the onset of bleeding. You need to stop taking the medication a couple of days before the expected end of your period; after stopping the medication, your critical days will resume.

What else can I do to stop the bleeding?

Other methods of stopping bleeding include:

1. Hemostatic agents.

Such medications will help delay the monthly occurrence for a couple of days. Among the drugs in this group, Dicinone is distinguished. This is a kind of lifesaver for some ladies. The medicine has a strong hemostatic effect, which causes a false delay in the cycle. However, long-term use of this drug can provoke the formation of blood clots and blockage of blood vessels. You can take it no more than once every 12 months and only as prescribed by a specialist. If a woman has problems with the cardiovascular system (for example, there is a predisposition to thrombosis), then she should refrain from taking the drug.

2. Placebo effect.

It happens that a woman “agrees” with her body to postpone her period for a week. This happens especially often due to a strong desire to do this. For example, wives whose husbands work in shifts for 6-12 months wait for them so much that they involuntarily cause a delay on those days when their loved one is supposed to come home for vacation. Sometimes the delay occurs due to a strong desire to get pregnant. Throughout the entire cycle, the woman hopes that her period will not come and that the long-awaited pregnancy will occur. This is a kind of false pregnancy state. There are no periods, but pregnancy has not occurred. In this case, the help of a psychologist is required, because this way you can bring yourself to a state of complete amenorrhea.

3. Vikasol.

This is a synthetic vitamin K that is able to clot blood and prevent blood loss. Timely administration of the drug can stop the onset of critical days for about one week. Often, prolonged and heavy bleeding is the result of insufficient vitamin K in the blood. Taking it can help cope with the problem. If you take the medicine in moderation, you can reduce bleeding and prevent exhaustion of the body and anemia. Excessive doses will be bad for your health. With the help of Vikasol you cannot get rid of your periods forever, but you can harm your health.

This drug is prescribed only after taking a blood clotting test. You can stop menstruation with Vikasol only in the first days. This remedy is considered one of the safest, but taking it independently is also prohibited.

Other drugs and medicines

Modern drugs are quite safe for the body and, when taken correctly, do not cause cycle failure. However, they have a lot of contraindications. Therefore, before taking this or that pill, you should consult your doctor.

1. Tranexam.

Helps in the presence of fairly long and heavy bleeding. This modern drug is available in the form of tablets and injections. It is prescribed only for certain indications, for example, when large blood losses are dangerous to a woman’s health. With a daily dose of 500 mg, you can shorten the duration of menstruation and reduce their intensity. If you take more than the specified dose, bleeding will stop completely.

2. Etamsylate.

It will not be able to delay critical days, but will reduce their duration and intensity. This will make the process more comfortable for the woman. Sometimes it is better to reduce the number of critical days than to eliminate them altogether. It is less painful for the body. Just for such a case, you can use Etamzilat. If the therapy is emergency, the medicine is taken by injection, in other cases - orally. The positive effects of using the medicine include strengthening the walls of blood vessels and stopping heavy bleeding. However, the drug can cause blood clots to form. An injection of Etamzilat helps stop severe bleeding in 15 minutes.


  • presence of blood clots;
  • taking anticoagulants.

3. Duphaston.

This medicine is based on synthetic progesterone, which is responsible for attaching the fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus and carrying the embryo in the early stages. This synthesized female hormone is as close in composition as possible to the natural one. This is a completely harmless drug; the only contraindication is individual intolerance to the components of the drug. Does not have steroid or corticosteroid effects. Duphaston has a beneficial effect on the blood, but does not increase its coagulability. Does not affect the liver. Even pregnant women at risk of miscarriage are allowed to take the pills.

The product does not have contraceptive properties, but can delay the onset of menstruation.


At all times, people have turned to nature to find the right remedy for various ailments. Among the folk recipes, there are also those that can gently delay the onset of a new monthly cycle. At the same time, the effect on the body does not cause any harm at all.

Traditional medicine questions the effectiveness of folk remedies. They can help some, but not others. You should not place high hopes on this or that recipe, as time must pass to find a suitable remedy. Here are the most popular ones:

1. Nettle.

A decoction should be prepared from this vitamin-rich plant. To do this, take 6 tbsp. l. dried herbs, and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over them. The composition must be placed in a water bath and brought to a boil. Leave the broth for another 5 minutes, and then leave for about half an hour. After this you can take the medicine. It can be used to delay and shorten the duration of menstruation.

2. Vitamin C

This is a very useful element that helps the body fight various viruses and infections, relieves pain, relieves spasms, and helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Used to delay menstruation approximately 10 days before the expected start. However, you will have to take the vitamin in large doses, which can lead to its excess. Vitamin C can cause a severe allergic reaction. Therefore, this method is not suitable for those who suffer from allergies. We'll have to look for something else.

3. Vitamin K

Another vitamin that has a beneficial effect on the condition of the female body. It stimulates blood clotting, which can help delay your period by a few days. It is recommended to use natural vitamin, as it is better absorbed. Water pepper is rich in vitamin K. It can be taken in the form of herbal tea. This will require 2 tbsp. l. dried water pepper. They need to be poured with boiling water and left for a quarter of an hour. Drink 1/3 cup once a day. You should start taking it 10 days before the new cycle.

Eating lemon will help delay the onset of bleeding, but not for long. It is necessary to start actively consuming citrus 5 days before the expected start. You need to eat 3-4 slices of lemon raw without sugar. But, of course, not everyone can do this.

5. Cold water.

If you keep your feet in cold water, bleeding may not start on time. However, such a procedure is quite risky, as you can get inflammation of the ovaries.

6. Parsley.

You need to prepare a decoction from parsley root.

To do this, pour boiling water over the dry herb and leave. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. You should not use the decoction if you have gallstones or low blood pressure.

Each recipe is good in its own way. It is necessary to choose exactly the one that is suitable in a particular situation. With the right method to stop bleeding, you can achieve good results. A distinctive feature of folk recipes is that they have a gentle effect on the body, without affecting the hormonal levels and reproductive health of a woman.

What can cause heavy discharge and how can I help ease the process?

Due to the individual characteristics of the body, women's critical days pass differently. For some, they are quite short and do not cause any discomfort at all. And for some, on the contrary, they are characterized by pain and profuse discharge. It is considered normal when the discharge is moderate, that is, the sanitary pad has to be changed every 2-4 hours. If such a hygiene product is not enough even for 30 minutes, then you should sound the alarm and immediately go to the gynecologist.

Infections, diseases, neoplasms, and sex can provoke heavy bleeding.

Sexual intercourse during menstrual periods will protect the couple from unwanted pregnancy, so many partners prefer not to abstain on these days. Of course, the risk of conception is minimal, but if the sperm are resilient enough, they can wait for the egg to be released. This phenomenon is especially likely in women, whose average duration of bleeding is 3-4 days.

At this time, an infection can be introduced, since the woman’s reproductive organs are not able to withstand pathogenic phenomena. Moreover, due to blood loss, immunity is sharply reduced. And some bacteria can multiply in the blood; for them this is the most favorable environment.

When infected, bleeding may increase significantly. That is, sexual intercourse can provoke an increase in the duration of menstruation. If this happens, then it is necessary to use hemostatic drugs that will help not lose too much blood and will not cause the body to suffer.

Some representatives of the fair sex await the onset of a new cycle with horror, as it will bring new pains and ailments. But modern medicine helps alleviate a woman’s condition. For this purpose, contraceptives and various homeopathic remedies are prescribed. If you don’t want to take pills, you can use the following folk remedies:

  1. Strengthening physical activity, such as exercise and stretching, will help get rid of menstrual pain and poor health.
  2. Walking in the fresh air has a beneficial effect on the body, relieves uterine spasms, relieves dizziness and nausea.
  3. A balanced diet will help cope with blood loss. It is especially important to eat foods that can stop bleeding. Typically, such foods are rich in vitamins C and K.
  4. Aromatherapy will help get rid of heavy bleeding and poor health during menstrual periods.

To delay, stop, or prevent periods, there must be a good reason, such as illness or other health problems. To prescribe special medications, consultation with a specialist is required.

Good things come in small packages

Nature itself decreed that every month a woman of reproductive age bleeds. This occurs under the influence of special hormones that dominate the female body. During the monthly cycle, the main reproductive organ of a woman undergoes significant changes. At first, he is actively preparing for conception and bearing a baby, but if fertilization does not occur, then as unnecessary, the inner layer of the uterus comes out along with uterine secretions.

If you regularly take contraceptives to delay the onset of menstruation or completely forget about this phenomenon, you can cause damage to the reproductive system. Usually the damage is irreparable and specialists can do nothing in case of complications. Interference with natural biological processes can lead to hormonal imbalances and disruption of women's cycles.

additional information

Some women listen not to doctors, but to their friends, which is something you should not do when it comes to your own health. You cannot take the medications that were prescribed to your friend, as they may not be suitable. If you use hormonal medication incorrectly, you can provoke a disruption in the natural detachment and excretion of the uterine mucosa. As a result, an inflammatory process will develop. This phenomenon threatens the removal of the organ.

Contraceptive and other hormonal drugs should not be taken by the following women:

  • over 35 years of age, since at this time the body begins to prepare for menopause, irreversible processes occur that cannot be interfered with;
  • having a genetic predisposition to vascular obstruction;
  • having bad habits that can provoke the development of cancer.

You should not delay your period unless there is a medical reason for it. For such a procedure, a doctor’s prescription is required after a complete examination. Interfering with natural processes is very dangerous. This is only possible if the risk of complications is much less than the expected benefit.

If you have doubts about the choice of method, it is better to use traditional medicine that will help alleviate the condition without causing harm to the body.

Sometimes menstruation causes women a lot of trouble and grief. Especially when it comes, to put it mildly, not quite on time. Then the fair sex asks the question: how to delay your period for a few days?

Interfering with the body's functioning is dangerous

  • Menstruation may even disappear for several months. If you voluntarily take a hormonal drug, you should be prepared for health problems, sometimes quite serious.
  • You can only take anything to stop menstruation under the supervision of a doctor. Age must be taken into account. If a woman is over 35 years old, she abuses smoking and is prone to thrombosis, she is generally strictly prohibited from taking birth control pills to stop menstruation. The drug "Postinor" is especially unsafe, since it has an abortifacient effect and can destroy the entire monthly cycle.
  • If you have cardiovascular diseases or liver problems, then you should not take pills to delay menstruation. We'll have to make do with folk remedies. Lemon and parsley root may help you solve the problem.
Two safe methods will help you delay the arrival of your period.
  1. Parsley root (decoction) can help you. This anti-inflammatory drug may delay menstruation. It is absolutely safe, but not always effective. The decoction can be consumed without restrictions.
  2. The second method is not so harmless, but more effective. Its essence is that you need to take a large dose of vitamin C. Two days before the expected start of menstruation, you need to eat 2 lemons a day. Instead of lemon, you can take 15 tablets of ascorbic acid. One condition: you should not have allergies or disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract.
Medicine does not recognize such methods. And they can affect each woman differently. Therefore, by using them, you take responsibility.

Pharmacology comes to the rescue

The most effective way to stop menstruation is to take medications. Although here, not everything is so simple. The hormonal drugs you have to take affect your health. Contraceptives or progestins should only be taken as prescribed by a specialist. Here are four ways to use medication to delay your period.
  1. In the case of taking monophasic birth control pills, in order to ensure a delay in menstruation, a woman should simply not take the planned seven-day break. In this case, she will not need additional means of protection. If she has three-phase contraceptives, then when starting a new pack, she should take only third-phase tablets using additional contraceptives (Condoms, suppositories, rings, etc.).
  2. If a woman does not take COCs, then if it is necessary to delay her period by a week, she should start taking them three days before the start of her expected period. In this situation, the pills will serve as a hemostatic agent, but not as a contraceptive.
  3. Progestin drugs will provide a 100% guarantee of delaying menstruation. Progestins should be taken 2 weeks before the start of the expected menstruation and only as prescribed by a doctor. You can drink them 5 days in advance, but not later. You need to stop taking them when your expected period is due to end. In a couple of days, your period will begin.
  4. You can take Dicinon once a year. It has a strengthening effect on the walls of blood vessels, so taking it can provoke the formation of blood clots. It is risky to take due to possible serious consequences.

Regular menstruation is a sign of a well-functioning reproductive system. However, there are situations when menstruation is not at all appropriate, and a planned vacation or celebration is overshadowed by constant thoughts about stomach pain and clean clothes. If a woman has calculated in advance that menstruation is expected to occur on an important date, she wonders about the possibility of delaying its onset. What tools can help with this?

Is it possible to postpone your period?

A regular menstrual cycle ideally lasts exactly 4 weeks, and menstruation lasts from 3 to 7 days. For a healthy woman, calculating the day of her next menstruation is not difficult - if there are any disruptions, they are rare and insignificant.

Each woman experiences the days of menstruation in her own way: they are accompanied by numbness in the legs, pain in the back and lower abdomen, and dizziness. Normally, the cycle should not be disrupted. If this happens, you need to establish the cause by visiting a gynecologist and undergoing the necessary tests. If in the previous month she experienced stress, the woman took medications, etc., there is no need to worry about a one-time change in the nature or time of the onset of menstruation.

However, sometimes it happens that a woman needs to influence her periods by artificially delaying them for several days. Often this measure is needed before an important event:

  • celebrating a wedding, birthday, New Year;
  • during vacation;
  • for a business trip, an important meeting with partners, etc.;
  • before competitions;
  • for a hike in nature, spending a weekend on the lake.

Postponing menstruation is not as difficult a task as it might seem at first glance. Attempts to delay should be made a few days before the start of menstruation. If they have already begun, it will not be possible to stop the bleeding using safe methods.

What can be the consequences of delaying menstruation?

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When thinking about how to delay your period for a few days, you should not forget about your health. It seems to many that shifting the cycle is a completely harmless event, but interfering with the functioning of the reproductive system can cause serious negative consequences:

  • cessation of menstruation for several months;
  • deterioration of health;
  • severe abdominal pain during the next period;
  • copious discharge;
  • increased duration of bleeding;
  • risk of anemia and other diseases.

In addition, before making a decision to postpone your menstruation, you need to take into account your health status. Thus, pills to delay menstruation are prohibited for women who have a history of vascular and liver diseases.

The uterus suffers from interference with the functioning of the genital organs. During menstruation, the blood washes out certain cells that are needed to form an embryo from the fertilized egg. If menstruation was artificially interrupted for at least a day, these particles remain in the organ cavity, which is dangerous due to the formation of sepsis and necrosis.

Ways to delay menstruation

If a woman is looking for a way to delay her period, she will definitely need to consult a gynecologist. Doctors usually say that it is not advisable to delay the menstrual cycle without significant reasons, and if this still has to be done, then no more than once a year. If the cycle is unstable or there are gynecological diseases, a woman should not use even folk remedies without a doctor’s recommendation.

Using oral contraceptives

Oral contraceptives are designed to protect against unplanned pregnancy, but they can also be used effectively to delay bleeding. Since the duration of the cycle is approximately 21 days, the blister contains 21 tablets with a certain amount of hormones. If there are 28 tablets in a blister, then the last 7 pieces do not contain active ingredients - this packaging is designed for ease of use.

Delaying menstruation if a woman takes monophasic or other contraceptives is simple - you need to change the schedule for taking the drug. Depending on the type of product, you need to follow some rules:

  • When using monophasic contraceptives, in which each pill contains an equal amount of hormones, there is no need to take a 7-day break. When the pack of tablets is finished, you should start the next one.
  • Two- and three-phase contraceptives are also drunk without interruption, but the second blister is started with the 2nd or 3rd part. It is these tablets that contain the amount of hormones that can shift the cycle. Your period will begin a couple of days after you stop taking the drug.

If a woman does not take contraceptives, but uses other means of contraception, hormonal drugs will help delay menstruation for several days. To do this, start taking the drug 3-4 days before it starts. Tablets Regulon, Qlaira, Novinet, Mercilon, Jess, etc. are suitable for these purposes.

Preparations with progesterone

Products containing progestins are guaranteed to delay menstruation for seven days. They contain progesterone derivatives - dydrogesterone or norethisterone. Medicines can stimulate the secretion of female hormones. They are prescribed for the treatment of endometriosis, infertility, cycle disruptions, etc.

To delay the appearance of discharge, the concentration of progesterone must be maintained at a high level at the end of the 2nd phase of the cycle, so medications must be used according to a certain scheme. Here are the names of some drugs that can delay periods:

  • Norkolut. In medicine it is used to establish a cycle, but during its normal course the remedy acts in the opposite way. You can delay bleeding for a week if you take the medication 14 days before the start of your period. During menstruation, you can continue to drink it to reduce the amount of discharge.
  • Orgametril. To delay menstruation, take the medicine 1 tablet, starting 14 days before its onset.
  • Duphaston. The product is a synthetic analogue of progesterone. Once in the body, it slows down the process of endometrial rejection, postponing menstruation. You need to start drinking it 1.5 weeks in advance, 2 tablets per day, and stop taking it on the day of menstruation. Bleeding will begin after 3 days.

Hemostatics (hemostatic drugs)

Such medications are prescribed to reduce blood loss after surgery, with heavy periods, etc., but they are also used to ensure that menstruation begins later than the usual date. The medications Vikasol, Dicynon, Tranexam and Etamsylate help increase blood viscosity by increasing platelet production and enhancing blood clotting (we recommend reading:). To delay your period, any of the above remedies should be taken 5 days before their expected start.

Hemostatics can lengthen the cycle by 5-7 days, but the next period will begin on the woman’s usual day. You should be careful when taking such medications, given the possibility of side effects. Thus, Vikasol affects blood vessels - you should not drink it more than once a year.

It is important to understand that hemostatic medications increase the possibility of blood clots, so it is prohibited to take them without consulting a specialist. Before taking it, you need to study the instructions for the product and do not abuse the dosage, so as not to cause negative reactions.

Ascorbic acid

The cheapest way to delay menstruation is to take vitamin C. The use of ascorbic acid in large doses helps strengthen blood vessels, due to which the amount of discharge decreases until it stops.

To achieve the effect, a woman needs to take 1 gram of medication per day 3 days before her period. This will extend the cycle by 3-5 days. You can also eat lemons or make citrus juice instead of medicine. 1 gram of ascorbic acid replaces 2 fruits.

This method is not 100% reliable, but it is considered relatively safe. However, in case of heartburn or inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, it is strictly prohibited. It is also worth remembering that citrus fruits consumed in unlimited quantities can trigger the development of allergies.

Folk remedies for delaying menstruation

If a woman is looking for a way to delay her period, but does not want to use strong medications, you can use folk recipes. They are based on the properties of various herbs, products and many years of practice. Popular means are:

  • Nettle decoction. The drink is prepared from 5 tbsp. l. raw materials and 500 ml of boiling water. You need to leave it for 40 minutes and drink 100 ml three times a day 3-4 days before your period. The remedy delays the moment of their onset and makes bleeding less prolonged.
  • Parsley. Dry grass is poured with boiling water, and when the broth is infused, drink 1 tbsp. l. three times a day. For gallstone disease, this remedy is prohibited.
  • Honey. The product delays the onset of discharge by 2-3 days if eaten regularly during the week before your period.
  • A collection of mint, raspberry and shepherd's purse leaves in equal proportions. Place 1 tbsp per glass of water. l. raw materials. Start drinking the drink 5 days before menstruation.
  • Water pepper decoction. The drink is brewed from 40 g of raw materials and half a liter of water - it must be boiled for 5 minutes and left for 3 hours. Drink 150 ml of liquid three times a day.
  • Currant. A woman can consume 1 glass of berries per day and drink tea from the leaves. The effect is due to the presence of vitamin C in these products.

It is worth remembering that women over 35 years old should not experiment with their health. Contraceptives and folk remedies for postponing menstruation are prohibited for patients who are prone to thrombosis and smoke.

A stable cycle is always considered a sign of health and normal functioning of the reproductive system. Usually women are happy with this fact. Firstly, the absence of failures gives confidence in the proper functioning of the body. Secondly, it allows you to prepare in advance for critical days (it is possible to calculate how best to plan a trip to the sea, etc.). Thirdly, it makes it easier to calculate the date when there is a chance (or risk) of getting pregnant. In the week when ovulation occurs, you can plan a pregnancy or, conversely, take measures to avoid it.

But sometimes there are situations that make you think about how to delay your periods without harm to your health. It doesn’t matter what specific reasons became the motivating reason, but everyone thought about it at least once. In this case, a choice appears: leave everything as is, so as not to provoke instability of the menstrual cycle. Or take a risk and take measures to delay the start for a few days. The final decision should be made independently. But before that, it’s worth learning both about ways to delay bleeding and about possible negative consequences.

Why postpone your period?

Why is there a need to delay menstruation? If we consider the main reasons, they are usually associated with some kind of everyday problems and are rarely medical indications. Most often people want to delay the onset of menstruation:

  • before an important event (planning a business trip, important meeting, meeting with partners, etc.);
  • before a planned meeting with a loved one (for example, when he returns after a long absence);
  • during vacation;
  • for a trip to the sea, to nature (hiking, picnic, etc.);
  • during the celebration (before the wedding, on New Year).

As you can see, the desire to delay menstruation is mainly caused by purely everyday problems, although important for the woman. If your periods are difficult (symptoms such as pain, poor health, irritability are observed) or your periods are too heavy, a business woman or executive may think about the need to shift the cycle a little and be in great shape at the right time. We will look at how this is done in detail, but first we will learn about the recommendations of experts in this matter.

Typically, the opinion of an experienced gynecologist consists of several points:

  • you cannot use deferment methods more often than once a year;
  • It is not recommended to postpone your critical days without the most serious reasons, even if you only need to slow down your periods by a day or two;
  • Before making a decision, consultation with a specialized specialist is required if: the cycle is unstable or there are gynecological problems (for example, a course of hormonal medications is prescribed not as a contraceptive, but as a therapeutic method for treating any pathology).

If artificial delays are practiced regularly and without sufficient justification, there is a risk of causing serious problems. Hormonal imbalances are always stressful for the body; how it will react to such changes in the future is impossible to predict. Therefore, you should not abuse the opportunity to delay the onset of menstruation without sufficient grounds. Even if relatively safe methods or folk remedies are used for this.

For those who decide to try to slightly delay the arrival of menstrual periods, it is important to choose the right method. We will look in detail at how to do this, how far you can move your periods and what you should drink to get the desired result.

How to postpone your period

There are several proven methods that can delay menstruation. Sometimes the delay occurs due to natural reasons:

  • against the background of increased blood clotting;
  • as a result of hormonal imbalance;
  • from excessive physical exertion;
  • as a reaction to stress.

Although the desired effect is achieved, these options should not be considered as a way to delay menstruation. The result in such cases is doubtful. For example, delay during stressful situations is just one of the options for an individual reaction. And even for the same woman it may differ in different cases. It is impossible to predict exactly how and by how many days stress delays your period. If we talk about hormonal imbalances that can cause a delay, then this is rather a reason to think about possible health problems and contact a specialized specialist.

It is worth mentioning one more technique, which is sometimes considered as a means of delaying menstruation. Hunger or too strict a diet can delay their arrival. But this option is too dangerous an idea: the result is unpredictable and there are no guarantees, and a voluntary hunger strike can cause serious harm to the body.

In order for menstruation to begin later than usual, there are proven methods such as:

  1. one-time medication intake;
  2. changing the contraceptive regimen;
  3. folk remedies.

Their use will allow you to achieve the desired effect, so let’s look at each option in more detail:

  1. In this case, a single (one-time) use of certain drugs means both a mini-course of taking contraceptives and the use of tablets that have completely different effects. Modern birth control pills are divided into several types. Their main function is to prevent pregnancy. But in some cases, if taken as part of a recommended regimen, they can cause hormonal imbalance and are guaranteed to change the timing of your period. You can also achieve the desired effect if you take an increased dose of vitamins or medications that can thicken the blood in advance.
  2. If you constantly use birth control pills, then it is enough to change your usual dosage regimen to cause a delay in menstruation for a certain period. Important: this method cannot be used frequently to avoid permanent hormonal imbalance.
  3. Folk remedies are a proven way to delay the onset of menstruation. In this case, there is a choice. But you can't use them too often. Even if you change the method of delaying your period, the result will affect your health.

Any cycle failure is associated with hormonal changes. You can delay your periods if necessary, but you should understand that you are delaying their arrival by changing the second phase of the menstrual cycle, when the unfertilized egg is destroyed and the endometrium begins to detach, which is accompanied by bleeding - menstruation. At this time, progesterone prevails in the body, and estrogen levels decrease. Changing this balance can slow down the rejection process, therefore, the desired effect will be achieved.

The process of endometrial shedding (menstruation) can be slowed down by delaying ovulation, which occurs in the middle of the cycle. The egg will mature more slowly, which will lengthen the cycle slightly. Since it is controlled by hormones (their balance changes constantly, this is how they control the maturation and destruction of the egg and related processes), abuse of the opportunity to shift the cycle leads to serious hormonal and gynecological problems. But in emergency situations, you can delay your period for a week (no more) without much harm to the body. In this case, you should take care of additional methods of contraception (up to stabilization of the cycle) to avoid unwanted pregnancy. Let's consider all the medicines and folk remedies that are recommended as reliable and proven.

Oral contraceptives

If you need to delay the arrival of your period for a couple of days (maximum 7, then the delay is relatively safe), it is best to use contraceptives. Their use is recommended for several reasons:

  • there is a choice of drug;
  • the delay period is accurately calculated;
  • modern medicines have been tested, are designed for long-term use and are safe;
  • the provoked hormonal imbalance will not cause significant damage to health.

Oral contraceptives will help delay your period if you strictly follow the recommendations. All modern drugs are divided into two groups:

  • Monophasic: these medications contain the same amount of hormones, their dosage regimen is usually as follows: you need to take one (any) tablet from the pack, and then, when your period begins, take a break.
  • Multiphasic: they contain different amounts of hormones, so there is a marking on the pack that indicates when you need to take this or that pill.

You can delay your period using birth control in the following ways:

  • For those who use monophasic contraceptives constantly: forget about the prescribed break, and when the pack is finished, immediately take the next pill. It is recommended to drink them for as long (but no more than a week) as you want to delay your menstruation. After you stop taking it, a “withdrawal effect” will occur, that is, you should expect the onset of menstruation;
  • If you are taking multiphase medications, then skip the first phase, use only those labeled with the second and third phase;
  • Not using birth control pills at all? Then, a week before your expected period, start drinking a monophasic contraceptive. Or use part of a package of two- or three-phase medications. In the first case, you should drink those intended for the second phase, in the second - those labeled as the third.

Contraceptives are sold in pharmacies without prescriptions; there are no difficulties in purchasing them. You can use monophasic (Yarina, Zhanine, etc.) or multiphasic (Triziston, Triquilar, Milvane, etc.) medications.


If it is necessary to delay menstruation, you can use hormonal drugs that are used in gynecology to stabilize the cycle and treat certain pathologies. Progestogens contain progesterone, that is, they affect the second phase of the menstrual cycle. You should start drinking them in advance, about 14 days before your expected period and not stop until you are ready for their arrival.

Important: it is useless to start taking it less than 5 days in advance. and should not be abused and cause a delay of more than a week. Otherwise, you can forget about the relative safety of this method. It is recommended to stop taking it a couple of days before the expected (normal) end of your period. That is, the scheme looks like this: the medicine is used for 2 weeks, if the bleeding period is short (3 days), then you can take 1 more, maximum 2 tablets. If it is long (7), then you need to take another 4 - 5 pieces daily.

You can delay your periods with Prengyl, Duphaston, Primolut, ExLuton, Orgametril or other progestin-type drugs. Before taking them, it is better to consult a gynecologist, as there are a number of contraindications. These definitely include a history of diabetes mellitus, angina pectoris, fibroids, infectious or inflammatory gynecological diseases and tumors of the reproductive organs.

Hemostatic agents

To delay menstruation, medications that affect blood clotting are often used. An increase in its viscosity can cause a delay. But before you drink them you need to:

  • carefully study the contraindications (absolute and relative): kidney disease, cardiovascular system, asthma, diabetes, a tendency to thrombosis and an increased platelet count categorically exclude the use of homeostatic agents. Problems may arise with obesity and some gynecological diseases;
  • consult with a specialist;
  • adhere to the recommended number of tablets (the dose indicated in the instructions) and do not abuse them.

You can postpone your periods using homeostats such as:

  • Dicynone. Improves platelet production, use begins 5 days before. before menstruation (but no more than a week);
  • Norkalut (menstrual cycle regulator). Start drinking 2 weeks before the expected critical days. It can be taken as a remedy that can reduce the amount of discharge directly during menstruation, thus reducing the level of discomfort;
  • Tranexam. Increases clotting and may delay the onset of menstruation if you significantly exceed the dose recommended in the instructions a couple of days before it begins;
  • Etamzilat. A hemostatic drug that can both reduce the amount of discharge and delay its onset.

There are several other medications that delay the arrival of menstruation, for example, vitamin C. Take 1 gram (in tablets) for 3 days. before the start of menstruation, and you can slow down their arrival by 5 - 6 days;

Traditional methods

To delay your periods, there are several proven and effective methods that do not involve taking medications. Women have long known that certain plants can cause the desired reaction in the body. And they used folk remedies when necessary. We will look at the recommended options, but before using them, you should remember that the achieved effect will also affect your hormonal levels. Therefore, abuse is excluded.

To delay your period for a certain period (from 1 to 5 days), it is recommended:

  • Nettle: its decoction is a long-known method that will help solve the problem of untimely arrival of critical days. 4 or 5 days before, you need to take half a glass before meals twice daily. It is prepared as follows: dry nettle leaves (5 or 6 tablespoons) are dipped in boiling water and boiled for 5 minutes. Afterwards it is cooled, allowed to brew and filtered;
  • Parsley. You can easily use this option at home. It is brewed and used according to the same method as nettle. Just take fresh herbs, which are finely chopped (if you don’t have them, you can use dried dill). It will take 40 -50 grams. It should be noted that this decoction has a diuretic effect and thickens the blood well. Therefore, this method is contraindicated for those who have kidney problems or a tendency to form blood clots;
  • Tansy. Its decoction is prepared in the same way; start drinking 1 glass a couple of days beforehand;
  • Vitamins. To delay your period by a few days, you can use a “boosting dose” of vitamins. The effect of vitamin C has already been mentioned; if you want, instead of ascorbic acid in its pure form, two or three days before your menstruation, start eating lemons in large quantities. If you are allergic to citrus fruits, you can use foods that are rich in vitamin K (celery or kiwi are suitable). As an extract, you can buy a solution of water pepper at the pharmacy. It should be taken 1 teaspoon before meals three times a day. Or you can make your own decoction of dried leaves (you will need 40 grams per liter), which should be left for 3 hours.

Using folk remedies you can achieve the desired effect. If these methods are not suitable (there are contraindications) or are not available, then there is another, rather extreme one. We're talking about an ice bath that you can plunge into, or just soak your feet for 10 minutes. However, it should be remembered that a side effect of such an act may be a cold or hypothermia will lead to inflammation of the ovaries. And this method is unlikely to suit “walruses” - their body is already accustomed to low temperatures, and for those who have a weakened body (the risk of getting sick from hypothermia along with the delay is too great).

Almost every woman has encountered such moments in life when she wondered how to delay her period for a few days. Often in such situations even small delays of one or two days can save the day. It is so established by nature that a healthy normal woman has bleeding every month. Exceptions here may be pregnancy and other various situations that occur extremely rarely.

Who needs it?

Women have already adapted to their functions and know how to adjust and control some of the processes that occur in the body. Even in ancient times, methods were known by which one could delay menstruation by several days. Often these methods are used by athletes who have competitions or women who are about to have surgery or a long trip. However, doctors do not recommend doing this often, as this can lead to various health problems in the future.

So, let's figure out how to delay your period?

Features of the female body

Absolutely all representatives of the fair half of humanity know that menstrual periods are a normal occurrence for women of a certain age. This is a natural process that should not be disturbed again.

If there is a need to delay your period for a couple of days, then you can use some remedy, but you should not experiment with this often. Since such special delays in the menstrual cycle can lead to the development of various diseases. A one-time attempt that ends in success will not cause any harm to the woman’s health. How to delay your period for a week is of interest to many.

Slow down menstruation

In some cases, it is possible not only to postpone the period of menstruation, but also to slow it down. The situation here is a little different, because in special cases it may even be necessary from a medical point of view. For example, in cases where a woman is bleeding too much. And if their number is not reduced and emergency measures are not taken, then this may develop into nervous disorder and anemia in the future.

Normally, the amount of discharge should be about 100 ml. If more is released, then this must be dealt with. Such situations can occur as a result of intense physical exertion or under severe stress. The amount of bleeding will return to normal when the woman is completely at rest during menstruation. However, if a woman produces too much blood even at rest, the bleeding should be stopped using special methods.

Long periods

It should be emphasized that some women have concerns about their periods being too long. Normally, menstruation should last no more than seven days, but there are cases when women experience spotting for much longer. But all this can be corrected with medications or traditional home remedies.

If there are any irregularities in the menstrual cycle, excessive periods or other related problems, you should consult a doctor. It is possible that these problems signal the presence of more serious diseases.

Signs of pathologies

Prolonged and heavy menstrual bleeding may be signs of the following diseases:

  • polyps;
  • endometriosis;
  • uterine fibroids.

Women who have poor blood clotting often face such situations.

How to delay your period?

The easiest way to delay or shorten your periods is to take medications. But before using them, it is better to consult with specialists. In addition, it must be remembered that most medications have a number of contraindications.

Hormonal drugs that contain progestins can give a one hundred percent guarantee. Such contraceptives should be taken in the middle of menstruation, and on the day of expected menstruation, stop taking them. Thus, your period will come with a slight delay of up to five days.

If the contraceptive drug is single-phase, it should be taken one tablet per day. In this case, there will be no protection against pregnancy, but after stopping use, menstruation will be delayed, guaranteed by 2-3 days.

Birth control pills are so effective. They may delay the onset of menstruation if taken continuously.

Reception without interruption

According to the rules, oral contraceptives should be taken with breaks, but if you ignore them, menstruation will not come on time. And such a delay will be possible until you stop taking the pills. While taking these drugs, the female body will protect itself from unwanted pregnancy. But still, doctors strongly do not recommend using such drugs for more than two months without breaks.

Absolutely all oral contraceptives have side effects and contraindications. They should not be taken without a doctor's prescription. As a rule, birth control pills are prohibited for liver disease, diabetes, thrombosis, poor circulation and during pregnancy.

How to delay your period with medications?


In medical practice, medications are used that gynecologists use to treat various diseases. They cause side effects such as delayed menstruation. And at the same time, bleeding may be absent for quite a long time.

These drugs include period delay pills, Norkolut, which are used to regulate the menstrual cycle. It is usually prescribed if there is a delay in menstruation, but if there are no problems with this, then it can give the opposite effect. If you start taking it two weeks before the expected start of your period, your period will come a week later.

This remedy can also be used during menstruation to reduce the amount of blood released. The use of Norkolut is prohibited for women who have problems with the liver, blood clotting, diabetes, obesity, and asthma. Is it possible to delay your period with Duphaston?


Also among hormonal drugs we can highlight Duphaston, which can also be used to delay your period for a week. It is not a contraceptive and does not affect pregnancy or the ovulation process. It is usually prescribed for women with endometriosis problems.

"Duphaston" affects the lining of the uterus and encourages the body to produce progesterone. In this case, the development of the endometrium stops, as does its rejection. Thus, periods come late.

To achieve the desired effect, you need to start taking this drug in the middle of the cycle. It is recommended to take two tablets every day.

The big advantage of Duphaston is that it does not affect blood viscosity, which means that it has much fewer contraindications. Side effects include headaches, discomfort in the liver, high breast sensitivity and an allergic reaction.

How else can you delay your period?


It is also worth mentioning the drug “Ditsinon”. It stimulates the formation of platelets, thickens the blood and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. It is recommended for internal and external bleeding, as well as for surgical interventions.

"Dicinon" is indicated for women who suffer from strong and heavy periods. Their cause may be vascular diseases or fibroids.

It is necessary to take Dicinon five days before the start of menstruation. It may cause side effects such as:

  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • numbness of the legs;
  • stomach ache;
  • low pressure;
  • allergic reaction in the form of a rash on the face.

How to delay your period at home?

Natural remedies

Of course, drugs are very effective, but they are also very dangerous. If you are afraid of using pharmaceuticals, then you can try natural remedies, among them there are also those that can delay your periods.

Traditional medicine says that you can influence menstruation with the help of products that contain a lot of vitamin C. Most drugs from pharmacies have a high content of this vitamin, up to 500 mg in each tablet.

Thus, even the most common ascorbic acid can affect the arrival of menstruation. That's why lemon is so popular for women who want to postpone their period for a couple of days. The high concentration of vitamin C contained in lemon has a beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels, thereby reducing the chance of damage to the capillaries. Therefore, bleeding comes later.

But of course, it’s not easy to just eat lemon. It can be mixed with honey and consumed a couple of days before the start of menstruation. You can also drink a glass of lemon juice every morning.

Effective remedies for reducing bleeding and blood thickening are decoctions of water pepper and parsley root. Nettle and shepherd's purse can help well. Such remedies do not guarantee a delay, but the duration of bleeding will definitely be reduced.

Such nettle decoctions will be very useful for women who suffer from prolonged and heavy periods. If you regularly use these products, your menstrual cycle will return to normal and your periods will become less painful.

But you should remember that you cannot deliberately disrupt your menstrual cycle. Such activities can lead to the development of pathologies.

And before using medications, you should consult your doctor.

We looked at how to delay your period for a few days.