Small uterus: when and how can it develop? Little uterus. Little uterus, what does it mean?

In official terminologies, this term is called uterine hypoplasia - underdevelopment of the org and is included in a larger group of diseases of the female genital organs - genital infantilism, from the word “infant” - “child”.

This is a fairly broad group of conditions, which includes various options for underdevelopment, reduction in size, and reduction in the functional load of the genital organs - the uterus, cervix, ovaries, fallopian tubes, and vagina.

There is an isolated decrease in size of the uterus with preserved volume of the ovaries and other genital organs - “pure” hypoplasia. In some cases, in addition to a decrease in the size of the uterus, there are congenital anomalies and underdevelopment of other reproductive units. An extreme manifestation of such anomalies of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, is Rokitansky syndrome - congenital severe underdevelopment of the body of the uterus, its cervix, and vagina.

There are many reasons for a small uterus. It is important to separate the two initial, so to speak, embryonic situations of the formation of an organ defect:

  • Congenital defects of an organ are, so to speak, the initially incorrect formation of an organ and its subsequent incorrect development.
  • Secondary changes in the complex system of hormonal and neurohumoral regulation of the growth and development of female genital organs during adolescence.

The fact is that initially a girl is born with a “baby” uterus - this is clear and logical - it is small, like all the organs in the baby’s body. Its structural features are the volume of the uterine body, the special ratio of the length of the uterine body and the length of the cervix, the location of the ovaries and fallopian tubes.

However, gradually with age, the female genital organs, like all systems of the child’s body, grow, increase in size, and change their position. The main growth spurt of the genital organs occurs during adolescence - under the influence of progressively increasing levels of sex hormones. If at this stage there are any provoking factors, the uterus may slow down in growth and development.

In this picture you can see how the uterus in girls and young women looks and changes with age.

Changes in the uterus with age. Source:

So, the factors in the development of primary genital infantilism, in which there are initial defects in the anlage of the organ.

Genetic diseases and disorders are the most common and widespread group of causes of developmental disorders of the reproductive organs in women. The most important in this matter are the so-called sex chromosomes - XX in women.

There are a lot of well-studied and little-known diseases associated with defects in sex chromosomes. The most common of them is Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome, in which a girl is missing one sex chromosome from the moment of conception. This syndrome occurs in a pure form with clear clinical manifestations and a typical appearance of patients, and so-called mosaicism, in which some cells have a normal set of chromosomes, and some have a pathological one.

Exposure to toxins and so-called teratogenic or disfiguring factors - certain drugs, poisons, ionizing radiation, chemicals. All these factors act on the female fetus in the womb, through the body of the pregnant mother. This is why a pregnant woman’s healthy lifestyle, her work schedule, and the rational use of medications are so important.

It is important to understand that this section of genital infantilism rarely has a small uterus as the only manifestation of the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, combinations with other anomalies of the structure of both the genital organs (anomalies in the shape of the uterus, the absence of ovaries or their underdevelopment, a short or rudimentary vagina) and defects of other organ systems - urinary, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, and so on are extremely common.

Such patients, as a rule, come to the attention of doctors in childhood or adolescence and by the time they reach puberty they already have one or another diagnosis.

Factors in the development of secondary infantilism of the genital organs, in which an initially correctly laid and formed organ begins to lag behind in growth and development:

  • Poor nutrition, starvation, vitamin and mineral deficiency. Fortunately, such risk factors are mainly relevant for third world countries and socially disadvantaged sections of the population, but they still occur. It is very important to monitor the child’s nutrition, provide him with a nutritious diet, especially during puberty, when girls go on diets en masse, give up many foods, join the vegan movement, and so on.
  • Infectious diseases, mainly of a viral nature. There are a number of diseases, the severe course of which can have a fatal effect both on the genital organs themselves and on the organs that affect their development (brain structures, adrenal glands, thyroid gland). Such diseases include mumps or mumps, severe flu, meningitis and other neuroinfections, and a common herpetic infection.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system, especially dysfunction of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, hormone-producing pituitary adenomas, adrenal tumors, hormone-active ovarian tumors, type 1 diabetes mellitus.
    Severe emotional stress, overload, lack of sleep, improperly organized rest regime. This, unlike fasting, is a real scourge of our time. Children and teenagers study a lot, do not spend time in the fresh air, sleep poorly, and constantly experience stress at home and at school.
  • Radiation and chemotherapy of cancer. Unfortunately, cancer sometimes does not spare even very young children. A number of therapeutic measures negatively affect the condition of the gonads and can cause secondary genital infantilism.

The size of the uterus can also change in adulthood, for example, during long-term treatment with antihormonal drugs (Tamoxifen, Zoladex, etc.) after operations for breast cancer and other hormonally dependent types of cancer.


We move on to the most important section in our article - namely the clinical manifestations of this condition.

It is very important to understand that it is not enough to simply say that a woman has a small uterus by measuring its size on an ultrasound examination. This is NOT a diagnosis! Uterine hypoplasia is always a combination of instrumental methods for measuring the three sizes of the uterus and clinical manifestations!

Menstrual irregularities are the basis for the diagnosis of genital infantilism. The options here can be primary amenorrhea - that is, the complete absence of menstruation from the very beginning of puberty, secondary amenorrhea - long, over 6 months of delay in menstruation, oligomenorrhea - rare and scanty menstruation. Irregular (once every 2-4 months), insufficiently heavy menstruation is the main clinical symptom of uterine hypoplasia.

Infertility is the absence of pregnancy in a married couple with regular sexual intercourse for a year without the use of any contraception. This is the second significant symptom, which can be combined with both the small size of the uterus, the inferiority of the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity, and other associated disorders in the sexual sphere - underdevelopment of the ovaries, low hormonal levels, hypoplasia of the fallopian tubes, and so on.

Recurrent miscarriage is two or more consecutive spontaneous abortions. Uterine hypoplasia is characterized by early spontaneous miscarriages, often after several days of missed menstruation with a positive pregnancy test.

As a rule, the primary diagnosis of genital infantilism is not particularly difficult. It is more difficult to determine the primary cause of this condition.

The patient's appearance is often the first clue to the doctor. Patients, especially those with genetic diseases, have a fairly typical appearance, like... For example, patients with Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome. It is also important to pay attention to the nature and intensity of hair growth, the degree of development of the mammary glands and external genitalia, the shape and size of the pelvis.

The chairside examination is also very important. The doctor can evaluate the size and shape of the cervix, the size of the uterine body, and the hormonal nature of vaginal discharge.
Ultrasound examination is a real help to the gynecologist, allowing him to assess the size of the uterus, its relationship with the cervix, determine the size and follicular apparatus of the ovaries, and also evaluate the effect of the treatment.

The size of the uterus depends on the patient’s age, the number of pregnancies and births in the past and is compiled in special tables. Once again, we emphasize that only measuring the size of the uterus during scanning does not give the right to make a diagnosis of uterine hypoplasia!

The diagnosis is made with a combination of reduced size and symptoms! It is impossible to tell a patient with a reduced size of the uterus according to ultrasound or an incorrect length index of the cervix and body of the uterus that she has genital infantilism if she has had normal regular full periods since the age of 12. We must not forget about the individual characteristics of each organism.

Hysterosalpingography or HSG is a very valuable x-ray method for studying the condition of the uterine cavity and the patency of the fallopian tubes. Such a study is necessarily indicated for patients with infertility, since underdevelopment of the uterus is quite often combined with similar hypoplasia of the fallopian tubes, and pathological tortuosity and, accordingly, obstruction.

A blood test for sex hormones, adrenal hormones and thyroid hormones, blood sugar and insulin are very important diagnostic criteria that make it possible to exclude secondary causes of infantilism and determine the direction of treatment.

Karyotyping - determination of the set of chromosomes and consultation with a geneticist are necessarily indicated for patients with primary amenorrhea and long periods of secondary amenorrhea, to exclude genetic defects.


Treatment of a “small uterus” is a very complex and rather lengthy process that occurs at the intersection of specialties. This process involves gynecologists, endocrinologists, and when monitoring a patient for infertility, reproductive specialists.

The basis of treatment is the elimination of the root causes of this condition. It is the basis for the development of hypoplasia that will determine the line of therapy.

If you are underweight, a nutritious, varied diet is required for normal synthesis of sex hormones and uterine growth.

In case of hormonal imbalances, its correction is necessary, for example, in case of hypothyroidism, thyroid hormones are prescribed, in case of hyperprolactinemia - bromocriptine preparations, in case of disorders of the adrenal glands - glucocorticoids.
With a combination of deficiency of sex hormones and a decrease in the size of the uterus, replacement regimens for sex hormones - estrogens and gestagens according to the phases of the cycle - have proven themselves to be excellent.

In recent years, drugs originally created for hormone replacement therapy for menopause have been successfully used for this purpose, for example, Femoston, Estrogel, CycloProginova and others. Such drugs, over the course of 1-2 years of constant use, help enlarge the small uterus to normal size and help the patient become pregnant.

Physiotherapy works well in combination - pulsed stimulation of the cervix, magnetic therapy, laser, various types of electrophoresis, which improves blood flow in the genitals, which stimulates both growth and function.
Features of the onset and course of pregnancy.

Small uterus and pregnancy

I would like to immediately reassure our readers that a small uterus during pregnancy is not a death sentence. With proper and timely treatment, a natural pregnancy can occur, its normal course and the birth of a healthy child.

Features of such pregnancies are:

  • Frequent occurrence of pregnancy against the background of hormonal support, for example, while taking Femoston and similar drugs. It is important to understand that such drugs should be discontinued immediately after the first positive test in consultation with the doctor.
  • As a rule, immediately after discontinuation of the combination drug, the patient is prescribed a progestin or another gestagen to support pregnancy. The patient must clearly know what exactly she needs to take when pregnancy occurs immediately after stopping the estrogen-progestin drug.
  • Quite often, such pregnancies are accompanied by the threat of termination at various stages, so such patients are identified as at risk for miscarriage and appropriate preventive measures are taken.
  • Often such patients have peculiarities of the course of labor - namely, primary and secondary weakness of labor, incoordination of labor, delayed ripening of the cervix before childbirth, and therefore childbirth often ends with a cesarean section.

Unfortunately, for genetic disorders associated with loss or defect of sex chromosomes, treatment is mainly symptomatic. Hormone replacement therapy allows the patient to acquire secondary sexual characteristics and have a menstrual-like reaction, but their own pregnancy is almost impossible for them. However, modern reproductology works wonders - there are children born from donor eggs, surrogacy, which makes it possible for such patients to have a child.

A woman finds out that she has a small uterus, usually after an ultrasound. Some first encounter this diagnosis only during pregnancy. Sometimes the size of the uterus is slightly smaller than normal, but in some cases they can make a very specific conclusion: hypoplasia, aplasia, infantilism. The doctor may frighten the patient by telling her that she is unlikely to be able to get pregnant and carry a child to term.

However, many women with this pathology successfully give birth to children. Adequate hormonal treatment plays a big role in this. Such a conclusion can indicate both a subjective assessment and indicate a pathology that leads to miscarriage.

Reasons leading to the formation of a small uterus

The normal size of this organ in gynecology is: length 7-8 cm, width 4-5 cm, myometrial thickness 2-3 cm, neck length 2.5 cm. These are the average parameters that doctors take as the standard. However, a woman also has a normally functioning organ of other sizes.

It can be small, medium or large, but without pathologies in structure and operation. Small sizes are often found in thin and petite ladies. This is explained by body type, equipment, and physiology.

How to get pregnant with a pathologically small uterus, if the organ is not able to perform its main function - to bear a child?

If a comprehensive examination has indeed confirmed a serious disorder that prevents pregnancy, the following diagnoses are often made:

  • Hypoplasia is insufficient development in size. The condition is accompanied by underdevelopment of other genital organs, hormonal imbalance;
  • Aplasia - the size of the organ in an adult woman is the same as in a newborn girl (no more than 3 cm);
  • Infantilism - size does not exceed 5.5 cm.

In addition to the pathologically small organ, as a rule, there are other symptoms of the disorder: an irregular menstrual cycle or complete absence of menstruation; if they are present, they are quite painful, there is a weak sex drive, difficulties in conceiving or bearing a child.

Disturbances in the formation of the reproductive system occur either in the prenatal period or during puberty. If a woman suffered an infectious disease during pregnancy, had a hormonal imbalance, suffered from a vitamin deficiency, or was exposed to other unfavorable factors, this means that the fetus may experience developmental disorders, including abnormalities of the reproductive system.

In a teenager, pathology can occur against the background of a disease (infectious viral, genitourinary system), insufficient or poor quality nutrition, vitamin deficiency, physical exhaustion, hard work or stress.

If the small size of the organ is not a physiological feature of the body, then this condition is accompanied by other disorders that together make bearing a child impossible. If there is simultaneously a hormonal imbalance, pathology of the tubes or the structure of the cervix, then pregnancy becomes problematic.

Diagnosis of “small uterus”: is it possible for a woman to successfully become pregnant?

If, along with pathology, other disorders of the reproductive system are identified, then it is necessary to prepare for planning a child in a special way. Often such preparation does not involve radical measures.

To increase blood circulation and promote the growth of the uterine epithelium, a number of physiotherapeutic procedures may be prescribed. But most often hormonal therapy is used.

It is worth noting that this measure is very effective and many can become pregnant in the first and immediate cycle after stopping oral contraceptives.

Hormonal drugs in combination with other measures help to increase the size of the reproductive organ. But, for example, with hypoplasia, a comprehensive examination is necessary, since the disease is often accompanied by other ailments that are a contraindication to taking hormonal drugs.

You can conceive a child even after vitamin therapy. You just need to take a course of a complex of vitamins and minerals, balance your diet, and adjust your daily routine.

What to do if you are diagnosed with a small uterus

As already mentioned, the development of this organ is influenced by hormones. In addition, an increase can occur with regular sexual activity. The main cause of hypoplasia is hormonal imbalance, which means that treatment will be associated with the correction of hormonal levels. Treatment of a small uterus with this method usually takes quite a long time.

Various physiotherapeutic procedures are aimed at improving blood circulation in the pelvic organs. The violation can be eliminated using electric shock. Gynecological massage is also indicated, which consists of active stimulation of the reproductive organs. Treatment of a small uterus is not complete without a complex of vitamins and minerals.

As for folk methods, the most popular is the recipe with clay. It can be purchased at a pharmacy. The clay is diluted with water to a creamy consistency and applied in a thick layer to the lower abdomen. Then a piece of cling film or cellophane is placed on top.

This kind of compress is kept for about 2 hours and then washed off with running water. Procedures must be done daily, each time using a fresh portion of clay. Traditional treatment methods complement the main therapy prescribed by the doctor.

Small uterus during pregnancy: what does it mean?

Once the diagnosis is made, it is necessary to undergo an ultrasound to confirm it. It is worth noting that a small uterus and pregnancy are often quite compatible conditions. In addition, many ladies learn about this phenomenon already during pregnancy.

As a rule, as the period increases, the uterus grows along with the fetus. This is facilitated by hormones actively produced by the female body at this time. However, it is quite possible that it will be necessary to additionally take special hormonal medications.

The main reasons causing difficulties during pregnancy are hormone deficiency, thin, loose myometrium, short cervix and other disorders of the reproductive system. The consequences of such conditions include: miscarriage, premature birth, weak labor, difficult dilatation of the cervix. However, modern methods of pregnancy management significantly reduce negative risks.

After childbirth, the organ will return to its previous size, or it may happen that the pathology disappears without a trace. In addition, sometimes other developmental disorders of the reproductive system organs, for example, bending of the tubes, also correct themselves.

The real difficulties arise when the uterus is very small and poorly developed. And with aplasia, natural pregnancy becomes almost impossible. But even in such situations, reproductive technologies are very effective in helping a woman become a mother.

A woman's uterus is smaller than her gestational age

Successful gestation is judged by several parameters: the amount of amniotic fluid, the size of the fetus, its presentation, the number of fetuses, etc. The height of the fundus (namely, this parameter is taken into account during pregnancy) can vary significantly from case to case, for example, in large women who have a wide pelvis, this indicator is less than normal, and in women with a narrow one it is more.

The normal size of the uterus is about 7 cm in length and about 4 cm in width. It is typical that women who have given birth have a larger size. The term small uterus speaks for itself and implies a decrease in the size of this organ. It could be infantilism. Moreover, infantilism is characterized by an uneven change in the size of the uterus - a large length of the cervix and a small size of the uterine body. And hypoplasia is characterized by a proportional decrease in all sizes of the uterus. Often, such developmental disorders are combined with excessive bending of the uterus forward (hyperanteflexia) or backward (hyperretroflexia).

Small uterus - causes and consequences

A small uterus develops when exposed to negative factors during the so-called critical periods for the development of the reproductive system. That is, during embryonic development and puberty. Among the main causes of a small uterus are:

  • infectious diseases;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • insufficient consumption of nutrients, vitamins, microelements that are necessary for the full development of the body;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • stressful situations, nervous overstrain;
  • severe concomitant diseases.

After we figured out what a small uterus means, it remains to understand the manifestations of this condition. The main consequences of a small uterus include the following:

  1. Menstrual irregularities. This can be either painful periods or a complete absence of menstruation.
  2. Infertility.
  3. Due to disruption of the formation of the uterus, an ectopic (tubal) pregnancy may occur.
  4. Frequent pregnancies.

Pregnancy and a small uterus

The reason for the lack of pregnancy in this case is concomitant hormonal disorders. Or the size of the uterus is so small that it makes the development of pregnancy simply impossible.

But don't despair. In some cases, in the absence of other abnormalities, pregnancy and childbirth with a small uterus go quite well.


So, now it remains to understand what to do if the uterus is small and find out ways to influence its size. Treatment of a small uterus is possible only if the cause is hormonal disorders. In such a situation, timely administration of medications will eliminate the deficiency of hormones necessary for normal formation of genital organs.

Procedures that stimulate uterine circulation are considered quite effective: gynecological massage of the uterus, thermal procedures. At the same time, with increased blood flow, more nutrients enter the uterine tissue. And, as a result, a slight increase in size. After all, when treating a small uterus, every additional millimeter is important. But the main thing is to prevent the development of a small uterus if possible. And this can be done through a timely fight against the above reasons.

Surely every representative of the fair half of humanity will agree that gynecological problems always cause serious danger, since many of them directly affect the process of childbirth. Therefore, all women should pay close attention to their health and regularly visit a gynecologist. It is noteworthy that some diseases are congenital, and modern ecology often leaves much to be desired. The most common reason why a woman cannot get pregnant is the so-called small uterus.


Experts, as a rule, cite mechanical injuries to the abdomen received in childhood as the most common reason for this diagnosis. In addition, from the age of 11, when the body begins to develop at the hormonal level, this organ may also develop incorrectly. Various types of diseases that arise at this age, including infectious ones, are also dangerous. For example, the most common tonsillitis often leads to the diagnosis of “small uterus.” Moreover, improper development of the reproductive system can be observed with a lack of vitamins or microelements, which is why proper nutrition in adolescence plays an important role. A small uterus is often formed when the ovaries are underdeveloped. They, in turn, are not able to produce the required amount of hormones, and as a result, the process of direct maturation of the egg is disrupted.

Little uterus. First signs

By what symptoms can a young girl suspect this diagnosis? Firstly, during the first mandatory examination by a gynecologist. The doctor will visually determine that the girl’s vagina is of irregular shape. In addition, tortuous fallopian tubes with the presence of lumens in them will also indicate the presence of the above-mentioned diagnosis. Often, scanty periods, irregular cycles, and severe pain during menstruation signal possible problems.

Little uterus. Treatment with hormone therapy

Experts say that the development of the uterus is directly influenced by the hormones themselves. So, if a woman lives a constant sex life, then there is a high probability that changes will happen on their own. Taking into account the fact that a child’s uterus, the treatment of which is often not started in a timely manner, appears due to a lack of hormones, therapy should be related specifically to them. Of course, in this case the treatment will be quite long, but, on the other hand, you will be pleasantly rewarded.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

Doctors often prescribe special procedures for this diagnosis, the purpose of which is to improve blood circulation in this area. It is noteworthy that the uterus very quickly returns to its normal state with regular exposure to current or massage on the lower abdomen. It is important to note that in this case, you will most likely need a course of vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of the entire body.

Women usually find out that they have a small uterus either after an examination by a gynecologist in a chair, or after undergoing an ultrasound. Many of them hear the diagnosis at a fairly young age, others - after becoming pregnant. Some women are told that their uterine sizes are simply smaller compared to the norm, and some are given specific real diagnoses: hypoplasia, infantilism, aplasia. Very often, doctors scare young girls that they are unlikely to be able to get pregnant and carry a child in the future due to the fact that they have a small uterus; but also often women with such an anatomical feature easily become pregnant and give birth safely (and more than once) after undergoing hormonal therapy or even without it!

In general, we are leading to the conclusion that when a doctor says “you have a small uterus,” in absolutely every individual case it can mean anything: from a subjective visual assessment of the organ by a specific doctor to a very serious pathological condition in which infertility and miscarriage occur. . Therefore, it is impossible to measure everyone with the same yardstick, and such a diagnosis - a small uterus - does not exist in obstetrics and gynecology.

Small uterus: causes, symptoms

The uterus of the average sexually mature woman usually reaches 7-8 cm in length, 4-5 cm in width and has a myometrial thickness of about 2-3 cm; The length of the neck is on average 2.5 cm. These dimensions are not standard, but normally doctors are guided by these parameters. Due to the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the body, a woman may have a normally functioning organ of a different size. Visually, a doctor can determine that a woman’s uterus is medium, large or small, but this is not about pathology in the structure and functioning of the organ. A small uterus is often found in fragile, petite, thin young ladies, which is explained by their configuration, body type, and physiology (accordingly, in large ladies it is often larger than average).

However, very often this definition means precisely the abnormally small size of the female organ, at which it is not able to perform the functions assigned to it by nature - to participate in the production of offspring. Pathologically, a small uterus is diagnosed with the following diseases:

  • hypoplasia- insufficient development of the female organ in size, accompanied by underdevelopment of other genital organs and hormonal disorders (such a uterus is equated in size to that of a teenager or a child);
  • infantilism (children's uterus)- pathology in which the size of the organ in a woman of childbearing age corresponds to the size of childhood (does not exceed 5.5 cm);
  • aplasia (uterine uterus)- a pathology in which the size of an adult woman’s organ corresponds to its size in a newborn girl (does not exceed 3 cm).

As a rule, a small uterus is diagnosed during an ultrasound examination, the results of which are then interpreted by a gynecologist. The diagnosis is confirmed by the presence in a woman of at least one or more symptoms accompanying underdevelopment of the uterus:

  • absence of menstruation;
  • irregular menstrual cycle;
  • painful menstruation;
  • low sex drive;
  • difficulties conceiving and/or bearing a child.

Doctors believe that disturbances in physiology occur either during the formation and formation of the female organ in utero (at the end of the first - at the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy), or during the girl’s puberty.

In the first case, it may be infectious diseases suffered by the mother during pregnancy, hormonal imbalance, nutritional deficiencies, or her exposure to other unfavorable factors. Diseases (especially the genitourinary system, infectious viral diseases), insufficient or poor-quality nutrition, lack of vitamins and minerals, physical exhaustion, hard work, and stress can prevent the full growth of the uterus in adolescence.

A small uterus, which is the cause of underdevelopment, and not a physiological feature of the body, is almost always accompanied by other disorders, which individually and in combination with each other, one way or another, affect the conception and bearing of a child. Quite often, pregnancy with a small uterus becomes problematic if at the same time a hormonal imbalance is detected in the woman’s body, underdevelopment or pathologies in the structure of the cervix and fallopian tubes.

How to get pregnant if your uterus is small: pregnancy planning

Typically, women who have such an anatomical feature are worried about whether it is possible to get pregnant in this case, what to do, and what kind of treatment can be carried out.

If a woman is diagnosed with a small uterus and other problems of the reproductive system, then she will most likely have to prepare in a special way for the upcoming pregnancy. However, such preparation often does not provide for anything special.

In rare cases, to increase blood circulation and promote the growth of the uterine epithelium, a woman planning to conceive may be prescribed a special gynecological massage or physiotherapeutic procedures. Much more often, pregnancy planning with a small uterus takes place against the background of hormonal therapy. It usually happens that after a course of oral contraceptives, a woman becomes pregnant in the first or one of the next menstrual cycles after stopping OK. Together with other effects, hormonal drugs also contribute to an increase in the size of the organ. However, hormonal therapy for uterine hypoplasia can be prescribed only after a comprehensive examination of the woman’s health, because for some diseases that cause infertility, taking hormonal drugs is strictly contraindicated!

There are also frequent cases when pregnancy with a small uterus occurs only after vitamin therapy: as soon as the expectant mother takes vitamin and mineral supplements, balances her diet and optimizes her daily routine (lead an active lifestyle, but at the same time ensure adequate sleep and rest), the desired pregnancy occurs without any difficulties.

Small uterus during pregnancy

It should be noted that a small uterus is not such a rare phenomenon. Women often hear similar conclusions addressed to them. True, we are not always talking about pathology and it is not at all necessary that a preliminary medical diagnosis will be reliable. Therefore, you should not be upset when you hear such a verdict. And you always need to confirm the gynecologist’s preliminary conclusion with an ultrasound examination, and also, possibly, visit not one, but several doctors.

Life experience shows that a small uterus and pregnancy are completely compatible concepts in a large number of cases. Moreover, just with the onset of pregnancy, many ladies find out that their uterus is small. Doctors reassure: it’s not scary, as the period increases, the organ will enlarge and grow along with the fetus, which is also facilitated by the hormones intensively produced by the female body during this period. But in order to reduce the risk of miscarriage and premature pregnancy due to insufficient uterine size, you may have to take hormonal medications and exercise increased caution on dangerous days for pregnancy.

In general, a small uterus in itself is neither a contraindication nor an obstacle to pregnancy.

And if, in addition to this feature, no other disorders have been identified in the expectant mother’s body, then we can hardly expect problems caused by this feature. Difficulties with pregnancy will most likely be associated with hormonal deficiency, thin loose myometrium, short uterine cervix and other features. The consequences of such deviations can be premature birth and miscarriages (miscarriage), difficult dilatation of the cervix during childbirth, and weak labor. But modern medical methods of pregnancy make it possible to minimize all risks and safely carry a baby even with a small uterus.

After childbirth, the uterus, enlarged during the period of bearing a child, will again regain its previous parameters. For many women who have given birth to a child or several, it remains small, like a nulliparous girl. Meanwhile, it happens that the pathology after childbirth disappears without a trace, and along with it other disorders: a small uterus, a bend of the uterus or fallopian tubes - everything returns to normal with the birth of the baby.

Be that as it may, you can get pregnant with such a pathology. Real difficulties arise mainly with a very small, completely undeveloped organ. And when aplasia is diagnosed, it becomes completely impossible to become pregnant naturally. But even in such situations, assisted reproductive technologies can help a couple become parents.

Especially for - Ekaterina Vlasenko