How to cure external hemorrhoids yourself. Hemorrhoids: risk groups, how the disease develops, symptoms, treatment methods - video. External and internal

External hemorrhoids are a disease characterized by inflammation of the blood vessels of the hemorrhoidal plexuses. In this case, hemorrhoids form in the outer part of the rectum and around the anal ring. As a rule, the disease occurs without infectious phenomena and with obvious symptoms in the initial stages.

The first symptoms of the disease are characterized by discomfort, itching and burning in the anal area. Then you can observe pain and bloody discharge that appear after the process of defecation. Doctors warn that external thrombosis not treated in a timely manner can lead to complications (swelling, inflammation and necrosis of soft tissues).

Treatment of such external hemorrhoids takes a lot of effort and time.

Root causes of the disease

  • Hemorrhoids develop as a result of congestion in the vascular system of the rectum. Proctologists distinguish 3 types of disease:
  • combined or mixed;


If any of these forms occur, you must immediately seek help from a specialist who will tell you what to treat and how to cure this insidious disease.

Due to its characteristics, the disease can constantly progress, which threatens further hospitalization with subsequent surgical intervention.

External hemorrhoids are characterized by enlargement of hemorrhoids outside the anus. This occurs due to pathological expansion of the veins that are located around the anus.

In severe stages, hemorrhoid cones may fall out with the formation of minor bleeding. In most cases, there may not be any bleeding. This is due to the fact that external hemorrhoids are covered by a layer of epidermis.

  1. As a rule, the appearance of the disease is facilitated by heredity, weakening of the walls of blood vessels and the presence of certain factors:
  2. Constantly being on your feet.
  3. Sedentary work.
  4. Lack of physical activity.
  5. Lack of normal nutrition (consumption of fatty, salty, smoked, spicy and dry foods). This leads to constipation and problems with bowel movements.
  6. Hard work involving constant moving of heavy objects.
  7. Strength sports (weightlifting, powerlifting, bodybuilding, etc.).
  8. Alcohol abuse.
  9. Stress during pregnancy and childbirth (hemorrhoids in women).

All these factors disrupt normal blood circulation in the pelvic organs, which leads to dilation of the veins and the occurrence of external hemorrhoids.

Symptoms of the disease

The first signs of the disease make themselves felt before the occurrence of pathological processes in the external hemorrhoids. As a rule, a person is accompanied by the following unpleasant sensations:

  1. Discomfort in the anal area.
  2. Burning and itching after bowel movement.
  3. Minor bleeding that can be observed after defecation.
  4. Swelling and inflammation.
  5. Cutting pain during defecation.
  6. Local enlargement of nodes, which can be determined by palpation of the anus.

All these symptoms tend to intensify with exacerbations of external hemorrhoids. Further development of the disease contributes to the occurrence of node thrombosis. Thrombosis causes sharp pain, which intensifies when sitting and walking. The causes of thrombosis are blood stagnation and the formation of clots in hemorrhoids.

Upon visual examination of the anus, you can see severe swelling and bluish discoloration of the soft tissues of the nodes. This subsequently leads to their necrosis. Also, patients often experience an increase in temperature, which indicates the presence of inflammatory processes with the formation of edema of the entire perineum. This can be most pronounced when hemorrhoids occur in women.

Failure to consult a doctor in a timely manner can lead to the formation of purulent paraproctitis. External hemorrhoids with thrombosis and purulent paraproctitis can be cured only by surgical removal of blood clots and dead tissue.

Treatment of the disease

Any stages and forms of this disease must be treated promptly. And the question immediately arises: how to treat external hemorrhoids? Modern proctology identifies several effective methods of treating the disease:

  1. Treatment method without surgery (conservative).
  2. Minimally invasive therapy.
  3. Surgical intervention.

The first method of treatment is aimed at relieving the main symptoms of the disease to alleviate and improve the general condition of the patient. Conservative treatment of external hemorrhoids includes a complex of therapeutic actions using medications in the form of capsules, tablets, gels, creams, suppositories, and ointments.

Medicine in the form of suppositories for external hemorrhoids should quickly relieve swelling and inflammation in the soft tissues, relieve pain, and reduce itching in the anal area. A medicine for hemorrhoids must contain the following components:

  • painkillers;
  • substances aimed at resolving blood clots;
  • wound healing substances;
  • substances that promote tissue repair.

Drug treatment of external hemorrhoids is carried out by applying ointments, gels or creams to the affected areas. These drugs include:

The use of tablets and minimally invasive therapy

Very often, complex treatment of external hemorrhoids is carried out using oral tablets and capsules. Among these drugs are:

  1. Pylex. These tablets consist of herbal ingredients. They help relieve swelling of soft tissues, improve blood circulation in the rectum, and reduce inflammation of the anus. The medicine also has an antibacterial effect, quickly heals wounds and restores the walls of blood vessels in hemorrhoids.
  2. Detralex. This drug has its own analogues - Venarus, Phlebodia and Venodiol. This medication is aimed at restoring the venous network of the rectum. It strengthens veins and capillaries, reduces the likelihood of blood clots, and increases their overall tone.
  3. Asklezan A. This medicine has established itself as an excellent venotonic, antithrombotic and analgesic agent. The components of the drug have a positive effect on the walls of blood vessels, reducing their ability to stretch. Asklesan prevents the formation of congestion and the formation of blood clots.
  4. Ginkor fort. This medicine for external hemorrhoids has an antiprotective and venotonic effect. The product increases the elasticity of blood vessels, reduces pain and reduces inflammation of tissues and mucous membranes.

All these drugs are prescribed only by the attending physician. It is strictly not recommended to use remedies for external hemorrhoids on your own.

Minimally invasive therapy involves the following treatment methods:

  1. Ligation. This is a little-known form of treatment that involves localizing hemorrhoids with special rings. The rings are made of latex. This material does not cause allergies and is excellent for this procedure. The essence of this therapy is that latex rings are used to compress the base of the node - it is deprived of blood supply, atrophies and dies. After 14-15 days, the node is rejected and comes out during bowel movements.
  2. Infrared coagulation. This minimally invasive treatment method is based on the therapeutic effect of infrared rays. Infrared rays are directed through a light guide directly to the node. Next, the flow is transformed into heat, which coagulates soft tissues.

All these methods have their own characteristics and contraindications. Hemorrhoids can be treated with these methods only after a preliminary examination and consultation with a doctor.

Surgery in the treatment of advanced stages of the disease

In advanced and progressive stages, hemorrhoids are treated with surgical intervention. As a rule, conservative methods in such situations do not show positive results. With severe thrombosis, there is also a need to treat external hemorrhoids using surgery. During the operation, the node is opened to remove the blood clot (thrombectomy).

The formation of blood clots is a dangerous phenomenon. It promotes necrotic damage to soft tissues, severe inflammation and bacterial infection of the blood. This, in turn, poses a threat to the patient’s life. The operation is performed in a hospital using local anesthetics. The intervention does not take much time and is not difficult to manipulate. Before treating external thrombosis with surgery, a comprehensive examination of the patient’s body is carried out, symptoms and treatment that was performed in the early stages of the disease are analyzed.

The operation procedure includes the following steps:

  1. Injection of local anesthesia.
  2. Section of the affected node.
  3. Injection of a physical solution, softening and removal of a blood clot from the hemorrhoid.
  4. Vessel restoration.
  5. Stitching the incision.

In all cases, after the operation, an improvement in the general condition of the patient is observed, pain decreases, swelling subsides and all inflammatory processes disappear. The first days of rehabilitation are characterized by pain in the area of ​​the incision. After a few days, the wound heals and the pain subsides.


Often, traditional medicine is used to complement conservative treatment methods. These actions are aimed at maintaining the body's defenses and accelerating the healing process. Before using traditional methods of treatment, you need to consult with a proctologist, take the necessary tests and find out if you are allergic to certain groups of folk remedies.

One way to combat hemorrhoids is to take sitz baths with the addition of infusions of medicinal herbs. Lotions using a decoction of calendula, chamomile and string have proven themselves to be quite good. They perfectly relieve inflammation. To obtain ointments, celandine juice, honey, propolis, mumiyo and birch tar are used.

Lotions using raw potatoes, onion juice, clay and young carrots are excellent for relieving inflammation. Sea buckthorn oil has been used since ancient times to treat external forms of the disease. Among the herbs, we can distinguish knotweed, rosehip, chestnut, and hazel. These medicinal herbs relieve inflammation, pain and have a wound healing effect.

There are many more medicinal herbs that will help in the fight against the disease. The main thing is to remember: self-medication and the use of suppositories for external hemorrhoids without a doctor’s prescription is dangerous to health and can simply aggravate the current situation.

How to properly treat hemorrhoids at home

Have you ever tried to get rid of hemorrhoids at home on your own? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, victory was not on your side. And of course you know firsthand what it is:

  • once again seeing blood on paper;
  • wake up in the morning with the thought of how to reduce swollen, painful lumps;
  • suffer every trip to the toilet from discomfort, itching or an unpleasant burning sensation;
  • again and again hope for success, look forward to results and be upset by a new ineffective drug.

Now answer the question: are you satisfied with this? Is it possible to put up with this? How much money have you already wasted on ineffective drugs? That's right - it's time to end them! Do you agree? That is why we bring to your attention the method of Marta Volkova, who spoke about an effective and inexpensive way to get rid of HEMORRHOIDS forever in just 5 days...

Among proctological diseases, the most common problem in women is hemorrhoids. Statistics say that eight out of ten people aged 28 to 65 years are familiar with the manifestations of hemorrhoidal disease. The pathology affects both sexes, but hemorrhoids are much more common in women.

This is due to the physiological characteristics of the female body, the specifics of professional activity and lifestyle. Let's take a closer look at what additional factors contribute to the development of the disease in women.

Women suffer from hemorrhoids more often than men, and there are special reasons for this. On the one hand, representatives of both sexes have common causes of this disease. This includes a sedentary lifestyle and sedentary work, long driving, as well as. However, many causes of hemorrhoids are of a purely female nature.

The main reason for the development of a delicate problem is impaired blood circulation and venous outflow in the pelvic organs, leading to the development of congestion, overflow of the venous vessels with blood and the formation of hemorrhoids. The main reasons leading to this condition are the same among both men and women.

This is a sedentary lifestyle, dietary errors, genetic predisposition, bad habits. But there are features and conditions that are characteristic only of women, and they are additional factors that provoke the development of pathology.

  • Menstrual cycle. This physiological feature of the female body can provoke hemorrhoids, since on critical days the blood flow to the pelvic organs increases significantly. But it is precisely on these days that women try to move less, and often “seize” the painful sensations with something tasty. The result of this behavior is congestion in the veins of the rectum.
  • Pregnancy and childbirth. These specific factors are the leading causes of hemorrhoids. During pregnancy, the pressure of the uterus on the rectum increases significantly, venous vessels are compressed, as a result of which blood flow is disrupted and congestion increases. During this period, the woman moves less, gains weight, and her physical activity decreases significantly. Changing your diet often leads to constipation, which is another trigger.

Inflammation of existing hemorrhoids is enhanced by prolonged pushing, which increases intra-abdominal pressure and adversely affects the condition of the venous vessels.

What does hemorrhoids look like in women, and is there a difference in the symptoms of the disease between different sexes?

Symptoms (first signs) - photos

The signs of hemorrhoids in women and men are the same, the clinical picture of the disease has the same symptoms and largely depends on the form and severity of the disease. Hemorrhoids can be external, internal and combined. At the initial stage, it manifests itself with such characteristic symptoms as:

  1. Discomfort in the anus
  2. Burning and itching in the anal area
  3. Sensation of a foreign body in the rectum
  4. Difficulty having bowel movements

If the first alarming signs occur, you should consult a proctologist. The initial stage of hemorrhoids is quite easy to treat. But if a woman, because of a false sense of shame, delays seeing a doctor and tries to cope with the problem on her own, the disease will progress and eventually become chronic, fraught with exacerbations and the development of serious complications.

If treatment is not started in a timely manner, the initial discomfort will soon give way to more severe manifestations. In women it manifests itself with the following symptoms :

Internal hemorrhoids in women manifest themselves with similar symptoms:

  • Burning and itching, discomfort in the rectum
  • Pain and bleeding during bowel movements
  • Sensation of a foreign body in the anus

But with this form of hemorrhoids, the nodes do not fall out; they are located inside the rectum, which can complicate diagnosis. Pathology is detected during a rectal examination, which is carried out by a proctologist using special instruments. In the combined form of the disease, hemorrhoids become inflamed inside and outside the rectum.

If left untreated, hemorrhoids become chronic and constantly recur with exacerbations. In advanced cases, the disease is severe, accompanied by painful symptoms and threatens with dangerous complications. The only radical treatment method in such a situation is surgical removal of hemorrhoids.

Classic surgical intervention to remove hemorrhoids is quite difficult for patients, the recovery period after such interventions is quite long and painful, and there is a high risk of developing postoperative complications. To avoid such developments, treatment should begin as early as possible. How to treat hemorrhoids in women, and what treatment methods should be considered the most effective?

Drug treatment

To treat hemorrhoids, conservative drug therapy or surgery are used.

Complex therapy of the disease includes not only drug treatment, but also adjustments in nutrition, lifestyle, and therapeutic exercises. This approach turns out to be the most effective and allows you to quickly cope with the main symptoms of the disease for stage 1-3 hemorrhoids.

Most often, manifestations of hemorrhoids are treated with topical medications: ointments, gels, creams, rectal suppositories. These dosage forms have proven themselves in the fight against pathology. They cope well with pain, relieve inflammation, eliminate itching and bleeding. Many drugs have an antiseptic and antibacterial effect, have a decongestant effect, and can strengthen the walls of blood vessels and prevent further thrombus formation. The most popular ointments for hemorrhoids are:

This form of medicine is most effective in eliminating the external manifestations of the disease. Rectal suppositories are prescribed; they best relieve inflammation and eliminate painful symptoms. Here is a list of the most common drugs:

Rectal suppositories have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, prevent the development of bleeding from the rectum, have a beneficial effect on the condition of the mucous membrane, and promote tissue regeneration and healing. Many drugs in the form of rectal suppositories are used to treat anal fissures, which often accompany the course of the pathological process.

In cases where local treatment is not effective enough, the doctor will recommend combining suppositories and ointments with venotonic drugs in the form of tablets or capsules. The following medications are prescribed for oral administration:

Such operations are more gentle, practically bloodless, they do not require hospitalization and a long recovery period. After the procedure, the patient goes home the same day and can return to their normal lifestyle. Which methods are the most popular?

All minimally invasive interventions are performed on an outpatient basis, using special equipment and local anesthesia. The procedure does not last long, after which the patient is under the supervision of doctors for some time, then goes home. Recovery after the intervention occurs in a short period, there are practically no complications.

Diet and proper nutrition

Comprehensive treatment of hemorrhoids in women involves not only the use of medications, but also to help normalize intestinal function and relieve constipation - the main cause of hemorrhoids. The doctor will advise the patient to avoid eating high-calorie, spicy, fatty, and salty foods. Excluded from the diet:

A woman’s daily menu should include more fresh vegetables and fruits containing fiber and vitamins. It is recommended to prepare vegetable salads with vegetable oil every day and consume fermented milk products (yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk).

You should give preference to dietary boiled meat (chicken, veal, rabbit), low-fat fish, and prepare dietary vegetable soups more often. It is recommended to drink more:

The daily norm should be 1.5-2 liters of liquid. This will help improve bowel function and relieve constipation.

In addition, women will benefit from special gymnastics designed to strengthen the muscles of the perineum and pelvic floor. The specialist will familiarize the patient with the rules for performing therapeutic exercises, after which she will be able to perform a set of exercises daily at home.

Along with the main treatment, women often use traditional medicine methods. In many cases, traditional recipes are beneficial, but in order to avoid unwanted complications, you should consult your doctor before using them.

Treatment of internal and external hemorrhoids in women with folk remedies

Treatment of hemorrhoids in women at home is often based on the use of folk remedies, but one must remember that these methods only help well in the initial stages of the disease.

Most often, microenemas or sitz baths with decoctions of medicinal herbs are used for treatment, homemade candles from raw potatoes and carrots are used, ointments are made based on propolis, honey, birch tar, and lotions based on infusions of medicinal plants.

External hemorrhoids in women are treated with cotton swabs soaked in celandine juice, burdock or sea buckthorn oil, and St. John's wort infusion.

Female hemorrhoids respond well to steam baths. For the procedure, take a metal container, place a hot brick on the bottom and place chopped onion or garlic on it. Cover the container with a wooden lid with a hole in the middle. A patient with hemorrhoids is positioned over the container so that the anus area is above the hole in the lid. Healing steam comes out through it; it should not be too hot, otherwise you can get burns. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes.

You can prepare a high-quality ointment at home based on bee products. To do this, it is recommended to take 1 teaspoon of propolis, honey, Vaseline, birch tar and sea buckthorn oil. Mix all components until smooth. Apply the resulting product to inflamed nodes before going to bed or make compresses by placing the ointment on a napkin.

For the treatment of internal nodes of the pharmacy, sage, St. John's wort, celandine. These herbs have anti-inflammatory and wound healing effects. You can make a microenema based on an aqueous solution of propolis; its volume should not exceed 30-50 ml.

Homemade candles made from raw potatoes relieve inflammation and eliminate itching. To do this, cut a smooth candle out of a potato, coat it with honey and insert it into the anus. Candles based on honey, propolis, birch tar and flour are no less effective.

External nodes can be treated with lotions made from finely grated vegetables:

  • raw potatoes,
  • carrots,
  • beets.

Ice lotions are good for removing painful sensations; to do this, you can take ice cubes from the freezer, wrap them in a sterile napkin and apply them to the affected area for a few minutes.

Treatment of hemorrhoids in women is no different from the treatment of male hemorrhoids. It is important to understand that the sooner you see a doctor, the greater the chance that the disease will be defeated and the disease will not become chronic.

Therefore, be more attentive to your own health and go when the first alarming symptoms appear. Only an experienced specialist can choose a truly effective treatment, taking into account possible contraindications and the individual characteristics of the patient.


In order to prevent the development of the disease or prevent relapses after a successful course of therapy, it is necessary to follow the doctor’s recommendations and follow preventive measures. After all, it is much easier to prevent any disease than to treat it for a long time and painfully.

- These are varicose veins of the external hemorrhoidal plexus, located under the skin of the perineum distal to the dentate line of the rectum. The main symptoms are pain and discomfort (itching or burning) in the perineum and anus, which intensify with prolonged standing or sitting and after defecation. Minor bleeding may occur in the form of traces of blood on toilet paper and underwear. External hemorrhoids are diagnosed by external examination, anoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, endorectal ultrasonography. Surgical treatment is the most effective; conservative methods are also used.



General information

External hemorrhoids are pathological changes in the external hemorrhoids, leading to stagnation of blood in the cavernous bodies, their inflammation and thrombosis. In the modern world, hemorrhoids are an extremely common disease: they affect from 5 to 25% of the population (according to some authors - up to 80%). The disease was known in ancient times; it is believed that Hippocrates first described it. The term itself is translated from Greek as “bleeding.” In practical proctology, a distinction is made between external (subcutaneous) and internal (submucosal) hemorrhoids. The share of external hemorrhoids in the overall structure of pathology ranges from 34% to 41%. Men get sick much more often than women. Approximately 80% of cases of hemorrhoids are diagnosed in representatives of the stronger sex who are of active working age - from 30 to 60 years.


The main cause of external hemorrhoids is a violation of the outflow of venous blood from the veins of the external hemorrhoidal plexus through the cochlear arteries due to congenital or acquired weakness of the venous walls. If the outflow is disrupted, the blood stagnates, the corpora cavernosa expand, and their hyperplastic changes develop. With a significant expansion of the corpora cavernosa, a mechanical factor also acts, the longitudinal muscle of the rectum is weakened, it can no longer hold the external hemorrhoids, and they protrude even more under the skin in the perineal area.

Provoking factors that lead to the development of external hemorrhoids are considered to be constant constipation, prolonged diarrhea, severe pregnancy and trauma during childbirth. In these conditions, excessive tension in the perineal muscles is created and pressure in the hemorrhoids increases. The disease is also provoked by a lifestyle with minimal physical activity, sedentary work, heavy lifting, abuse of spicy foods, and alcoholism. External hemorrhoids are often an occupational disease of programmers, office workers, drivers, hairdressers, loaders, and weightlifters. The hereditary factor plays an important role. Compression of the intestines by the enlarged uterus leads to the formation of hemorrhoids during pregnancy. Often external hemorrhoids are combined with varicose veins of the lower extremities.


Morphological changes in external hemorrhoids form in the walls of the cavernous bodies located distal to the dentate line. They exhibit hyperplasia of the endothelial layer with foci of sclerosis. With inflammation, damage and exudate appear, which favor the formation of blood clots. Changes also develop in the muscular-ligamentous apparatus of the anus and the terminal part of the rectum; collagen fibers are weakened, which leads to even greater protrusion of the nodes. The number of arteries and anastomoses increases, which provokes increased blood supply to the cavernous bodies, and when the outflow is impaired, blood accumulates, further stretching the walls of the nodes.


External hemorrhoids can be acute or chronic. Many authors believe that acute hemorrhoids are simply the first manifestation of a previously undiagnosed disease. According to the flow, external hemorrhoids are divided into complicated and uncomplicated. The pathology can occur in isolated or combined form, when the patient has both signs of internal and external hemorrhoids.

Symptoms of external hemorrhoids

The first symptom is pain in the anus. They can be associated with the act of defecation, but more often occur spontaneously. Sometimes the pain is provoked by sitting or standing for too long, or excessive physical activity. Unpleasant sensations may also intensify when coughing, sneezing, running, or jumping. The intensity of the pain syndrome varies: from mild discomfort to unbearable pain due to thrombosis. In addition to pain, patients sometimes complain of itching, burning and other unpleasant sensations in the anus.

Bleeding with external hemorrhoids occurs less frequently than with internal hemorrhoids, and is not too intense. Blood does not appear in stool, but on linen, toilet paper or towels during hygiene procedures. Sometimes you can see streaks of blood at the top of the stool. The patient can also independently feel small formations in the anus, similar to lumps, which are often painful. If the hemorrhoids are significantly enlarged, the patient may experience a sensation of a foreign body in the anus. When the nodes become inflamed, the pain intensifies, and the body temperature may rise from subfebrile to febrile levels.

Complications of external hemorrhoids include inflammation of the corpora cavernosa and venous thrombosis. They are often diagnosed together. Thrombosis, as a rule, develops in one of the nodes. The patient experiences sharp pain; it can appear after defecation or on its own. The intensity of pain does not depend on the magnitude of hemorrhoidal thrombosis and is very individual. Upon examination, you can see a bluish node and swelling near it, which gradually spreads to the entire perianal area. Long-term thrombosis with external hemorrhoids is always accompanied by inflammation.

External hemorrhoids, complicated by an inflammatory process, go through three stages. With the first, pain, itching and burning intensify, especially after defecation or after eating spicy, salty or pickled foods. Upon examination, an enlarged dense node is detected, slight swelling is possible. When moving to the second stage, all symptoms intensify, the skin around the node becomes red, and the swelling is more significant. Digital rectal examination cannot be performed due to pain. The third stage is characterized by the transition of the inflammatory process to the subcutaneous tissue and surrounding tissues. When palpating the affected area, a sharp pain occurs, the skin over the inflamed node becomes burgundy in color with a bluish tint. A dense formation with infiltrate around it is palpable, and areas of necrosis may be detected.


The diagnosis of external hemorrhoids can often be made during an external examination. Small characteristic lumps appear around the anus; they can protrude outward in the form of lumps or can be felt only under the skin. Sometimes the nodules have a bluish color, which may be a sign of thrombosis. If you press hard on the knot, the patient experiences pain. With exacerbation of external hemorrhoids around the anal area, swelling and redness of the skin can be detected.

Other research methods help the proctologist clarify the diagnosis and identify concomitant diseases. During anoscopy and sigmoidoscopy, the entire rectum is examined to exclude the combined form of hemorrhoids with expansion of internal nodes or their loss. This technique also allows us to exclude diffuse polyposis and cancerous tumors. If sigmoidoscopy turned out to be insufficiently informative, or there is a suspicion of any concomitant pathology, a colonoscopy is performed with examination of the entire intestine. If necessary, an X-ray examination with a contrast enema (irrigoscopy) is performed. In the presence of bleeding, in order to differentiate its source, angiography is performed to fill the basin of the inferior mesenteric artery.

Endorectal ultrasonography - ultrasound of the rectum, which makes it possible to better visualize changes in the cavernous bodies and adjacent veins, helps in making the correct diagnosis of external hemorrhoids. Laboratory methods for external hemorrhoids are not very informative. Using a general blood test, you can assess the presence of signs of inflammation of the hemorrhoids: an increase in ESR and leukocyte levels is typical. Thrombosis is sometimes accompanied by changes in the coagulogram.

External hemorrhoids are differentiated from node prolapse in internal hemorrhoids. In the latter case, they can be set inward (if this is not the fourth stage), the prolapsed nodes are covered with mucous membrane, not skin. Prolapse of the rectum or its mucous membrane should also be excluded. It is important to distinguish between external hemorrhoids and tumors of the perianal region, rectal polyps, genital warts, and hemangiomas. Sometimes enlarged anal papillae look like hemorrhoids. Inflammation of the nodes should be distinguished from acute or chronic paraproctitis. Itching in the perineal area can occur with fungal diseases, diabetes mellitus, but with these pathologies tumor-like formations in the anus are not detected. To establish a final diagnosis, additional studies are carried out.

Treatment of external hemorrhoids

Conservative treatment is symptomatic and does not lead to a complete cure. External ointments are prescribed with non-steroidal, sometimes with hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs. They can relieve swelling, reduce pain and discomfort. Patients are advised to stick to a diet, lead a more active lifestyle, and not lift heavy objects.

For thrombosis, anticoagulants (heparin, fraxiparin, acetylsalicylic acid) are prescribed. If thrombosis is diagnosed at an early stage, thrombolytics (streptokinase, urokinase) are effective. If conservative therapy is ineffective, the clot is removed surgically. To do this, the node is cut with a scalpel and the blood clot is removed. The procedure is minimally invasive and does not require hospitalization.

The most effective method of treating external hemorrhoids is removal of nodes. This technique can save the patient from the disease for a long time, if not forever. External hemorrhoids are operated on under local anesthesia; the patient does not need to stay in the hospital. The most common method of surgical treatment is hemorrhoidectomy. Surgery is indicated in cases where repeated thrombosis occurs and the hemorrhoids are large. Currently, minimally invasive treatment methods are widely used, such as ligation of hemorrhoids with latex rings, sclerotherapy, cryodestruction, photo- and electrocoagulation.

Prognosis and prevention

The prognosis for external hemorrhoids is quite favorable. If the pathology is diagnosed in time and all recommendations of a specialist are followed, then the disease can proceed in a latent form for a long time, without any complications. Problems arise with thrombosis of hemorrhoidal veins - then the patient needs urgent treatment. With proper medical care and removal of a blood clot or node, the patient quickly returns to normal life.

Prevention of external hemorrhoids consists of following a rational diet and moderate physical activity. Do not abuse spicy foods or alcohol. If work involves prolonged sitting or standing, exercise is recommended, but excessive physical activity and heavy lifting should be limited. Prevention should be carried out by persons who have a hereditary predisposition - manifestations of external or internal hemorrhoids, varicose veins of the lower extremities in relatives.

With external (subcutaneous) hemorrhoids, the nodes are easily palpable in the anus. They can be completely painless, with mild symptoms, or they can cause real inconvenience. This disease spares neither men nor women.
Factors that provoke the appearance of external hemorrhoids are unhealthy diet, mainly dry food. Often external hemorrhoids develop in women after childbirth. During lactation, it is especially important not to delay going to the doctor, so as not to harm yourself and your baby with self-medication.

Where to start treating external hemorrhoids and how to get rid of pain and discomfort? How to treat hemorrhoids after childbirth? Folk remedies can relieve symptoms no worse than pharmaceutical ointments and suppositories. But to cure hemorrhoids completely, you only need complex therapy; folk advice, unfortunately, is not enough. Sometimes it is possible to get rid of acute hemorrhoids only after surgical intervention. In the early stages there are ways to improve the condition.

Stages and symptoms of external hemorrhoids

There are 3 degrees of development of external hemorrhoids. At the initial stage, there may be itching and burning, slight pain after defecation. The nodes cannot be felt, or they are small and not painful. During this period, you can get rid of unpleasant symptoms at home, using traditional methods of fighting the disease or popular ointments.

The next stage is characterized by the appearance of blood after defecation, the nodes increase in size.

At stage 3, the nodes become painful, difficult to reduce, pain occurs not only after defecation, but also when walking or when the patient simply sits.

Sometimes stage 4 of the disease is distinguished, accompanied by thrombosis, necrosis and other complications.

Official medicine also distinguishes chronic external hemorrhoids. When periods of exacerbation are replaced by remission of the disease. Treatment of chronic hemorrhoids should be long-term and complex.

Complications of external hemorrhoids

With worse development, blood clots may form in hemorrhoids. Thrombosed external hemorrhoids are an acute form of the disease. It develops with prolonged stagnation of blood in the hemorrhoidal venous plexus. The blood thickens, and the resulting clot bursts the nodes from the inside. Thrombosed hemorrhoids are accompanied by severe pain.

The thrombosed external one turns blue and swells. Touching him is unbearably painful. It can only be treated under the supervision of a doctor. With active complex therapy, surgery can be avoided.

As a rule, acute external hemorrhoids are accompanied by severe inflammation. Pain with progressive inflammation spreads to surrounding tissue nodes, and the temperature may rise. Treatment of external hemorrhoids with folk remedies in the acute stage will no longer help relieve symptoms.

The best choice in the fight against external nodes is ointments

External hemorrhoids - how to treat? For external hemorrhoids, it is better to use ointment rather than suppositories. Among antihemorrhoids, Relief products are especially popular.

It has a convenient applicator that allows you to treat both external and deeper hemorrhoids. Therefore, with Relief ointment you can treat any type of hemorrhoids at home.

Relief products (ointments and suppositories) are prepared using natural ingredients, in particular substances obtained from shark liver. Relief ointment relieves pain, reduces bleeding, dries out nodes, and treats inflammation well. According to the instructions, Relief products can be used at home during pregnancy and lactation, but only after consultation with a gynecologist and pediatrician. Children under 12 years of age should not be treated with Relief ointment - there are appropriate warnings in the instructions.

You can buy Relief ointments and suppositories at any pharmacy without a prescription.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids are also well treated by other remedies - hemorrhoid ointment Troxevasin, heparin ointment, Vishnevsky ointment, and so on.

In parallel with the use of the ointment, you need to take medications that tone the veins, for example, Detralex. After childbirth and during lactation, you should consult your doctor before using any tablets or ointments!

Traditional medicine against external hemorrhoids

How to quickly cure hemorrhoids: If you have minor external hemorrhoids, folk remedies will perfectly help cure its symptoms. In addition, traditional methods can relieve women from discomfort after childbirth and during lactation. At this time, the use of remedies offered by traditional medicine can harm the baby. But remember that when breastfeeding, you must coordinate all treatment methods with your doctor, otherwise the baby may develop allergies.

There are numerous folk remedies against this disease that can relieve unpleasant symptoms. External hemorrhoids: treatment with baths, lotions, decoctions for internal use, homemade ointments, and so on. Choose the method that suits you best.

For example, compresses with propolis will help reduce pain and other unpleasant symptoms. You can do them yourself at home. Grind 13–15 grams of propolis, pour a glass of boiled water. You need to infuse the product for 3 days, and then apply compresses regularly for 2-3 weeks. This treatment is well suited against the inflammatory process. The swelling subsides, the nodes quickly decrease. This method is suitable for breastfeeding.

At home, you can try to treat external hemorrhoids (after childbirth) with celandine. For example, in this way: for a liter of boiling water you need to take one and a half glasses of chopped herbs. Leave the product at home for several hours. Drink 300 ml warm before meals.

You can also make a lotion with celandine: 1 tablespoon of dried herb is mixed with half a liter of kombucha infusion. The mixture is kept for a couple of days in a cool, dark place (at home this could be a pantry). The remedy is ready. It is better to do lotions at night.

But be careful with celandine. It is poisonous in large quantities. During lactation, such treatment is not suitable.

Garlic remedies against hemorrhoids will help overcome pain and burning. For example, at home you can prepare the following ointment: boil 200 grams of peeled and washed garlic + a teaspoon of natural honey + a quarter glass of milk. When it boils, keep it over medium heat until it thickens, then cool. This remedy is suitable for treating both men and women during lactation. Apply the ointment to the nodes every evening and you can cure the inflammation. You can use folk advice if you are not allergic to the components of medicinal preparations.

Another popular method is hirudotherapy, when the disease is treated with leeches. It is believed that after leech bites you can get rid of painful nodes. But it is better to do such procedures not at home, but in a good clinic. Hirudotherapy has contraindications, including the lactation period.

Remember 3 rules in the fight against hemorrhoids: proper nutrition, more movement and an integrated approach to combating the main symptoms.

Follow these rules and you will forget about pain and discomfort. And remember - treating hemorrhoids at home does not replace professional therapy under the guidance of a competent doctor. The treatment method is selected based on the results of a clinical examination. Without leaving home, you cannot get rid of the signs of hemorrhoids forever using only folk remedies and ointments purchased on your own.

Anal fimbriae. To get rid of it or not?

Often the appearance of anal fimbria is mistaken for an external hemorrhoid. But it's not exactly the same thing. Anal fimbriae are small folds of skin around the anus. They most often occur in women after childbirth, but can also appear in men. Unlike hemorrhoids, they do not cause pain to the patient. But they can interfere with hygiene procedures and cause discomfort when wearing tight-fitting underwear. If you suspect that this disease has occurred, contact a proctologist. The process of removing fimbriae using modern methods is quick and almost painless. Experts note the advantage of removing fimbriae using the radio wave method. The recovery period after such an intervention is from 3 weeks to a month. The only condition is that the surgical method is possible only after cessation of lactation. If the fimbriae do not bother the patient, they are not treated. They do not cause harm to the body.

Education: Graduated from the Russian National Research Medical University. N.I. Pirogov, Faculty of Medicine. Took advanced training courses. Primary specialization is in coloproctology at the State Research Center of Coloproctology. Worked at the City Scientific and Practical Center for Coloproctology of St. Petersburg.

Experience: Proctologist. Medical practice experience – 25 years. Author of more than 40 articles on medical topics. A regular participant in conferences and symposia, where problems of modern medicine are covered.

Provides highly qualified diagnosis and treatment of many diseases: hemorrhoids, anal fissures, various diseases of the colon, and successfully diagnoses neoplasms of the perianal area and rectum in the early stages. Also conducts examinations of children.

A large number of women in their lives have encountered such an unpleasant disease as external or external hemorrhoids. Although this disease is beautifully called the “royal disease,” it complicates life in a far from royal way.

External hemorrhoids occur due to varicose veins in the area of ​​the anus of the rectum. Impaired blood circulation in this area leads to the formation of external hemorrhoids on the surface of the anus. As the process progresses, they increase in size, periodically become inflamed, and blood clots can even form, which is a deadly complication and there is a need to get rid of them urgently.

Origin of the concept of “hemorrhoids”

Where did the name “hemorrhoids” come from? The famous physician Hippocrates coined this term. The fact is that hemorrhoids bleed periodically, since the venous wall becomes thinner over time and can rupture. When literally translated from Latin, “heme” means blood, and “rragia” means discharge, thus the term “hemorrhoids” is primarily associated with this characteristic symptom of the disease.

Anatomical background of the disease

External hemorrhoids arise in the terminal rectum and anal canal, which are surrounded by a double venous plexus. Under certain anatomical conditions, cavernous veins of the plexus and bodies of the submucosal layer overfilled with blood, expand and their tissue hyperplasias, that is, grows.

What are these prerequisites? This is a congenital increase in the tissue of the cavernous bodies, and a lack of optimal functioning of the connective tissue apparatus in this area, and disturbances in the innervation of the tone of the venous vessels. There may be other hereditary factors.

Causes of external hemorrhoids in women

In addition to hereditary predisposition, the occurrence and development of the disease requires a number of causes provoking the pathological process:

  • A woman’s lifestyle: unbalanced diet, leading to constipation or diarrhea, excess weight; dietary abuse of spicy seasonings, salt, fatty foods, alcohol, coffee, etc.; insufficient or, conversely, excessive physical activity;
  • Professional and social factor – heavy lifting (at work and at home) and, as a result, excessive tension in the abdominal muscles;
  • Inflammatory, tumor and vascular diseases of organs in the pelvis and disruption of venous outflow from this area;
  • Physiological factor: hormonal changes in a woman’s body during pregnancy and childbirth.

Depending on the location of the hemorrhoids relative to the jagged line, separating the rectal mucosa and the skin of the anal ring, are distinguished:

Since the course of the disease occurs with alternating stages of exacerbation of the inflammation process and subsidence of the manifestation of symptoms - remissions, then according to the stage of manifestation of external hemorrhoids they are distinguished:

  • Acute form;
  • Chronic form.

Also, depending on the presence or absence of complications, external hemorrhoids are divided into:

  • Not complicated;
  • Complicated.

At the very beginning of the disease, even before the expansion of the venous plexuses, a woman may feel in the area of ​​the posterior outlet discomfort, burning sensation, itching, pressure, distension.

You can also personally feel one or more small soft or hard tissue formations that are located in the anus.

As the process progresses, while visiting the toilet, a feeling of pain may arise during the act of defecation. A woman may also notice a small amount of scarlet blood directly on top of the stool, on toilet paper or panties.

How to get rid of external hemorrhoids? Currently, this is not difficult, since there are a lot of different methods and means to treat this disease.

The optimal treatment for external hemorrhoids is combined approach, using several factors at once. Treatment is selected depending on the presence of symptoms, the stage of development of the pathological process, the presence of complications, and the physiological state (the presence of pregnancy makes significant adjustments to the treatment).

Let us immediately note that only a doctor can prescribe any pharmacological agents, so information on how to cure external hemorrhoids is primarily for informational purposes.

Diagnosis of external hemorrhoids

Diagnosis of external hemorrhoids is carried out by a proctologist by visual inspection area of ​​the anus and palpation of nodes, as well as such instrumental studies as sigmoidoscopy, anoscopy, angiography, ultrasound examination of the rectum, etc.

Medicinal tablets

Among tableted medications for the treatment of the acute stage of external hemorrhoids, as well as in the postoperative period, the drugs of choice are:

All these means are used to alleviate the symptoms of the disease and to prevent complications.

External medicinal products

Ointments, gels, creams and suppositories for the treatment of the acute stage of external hemorrhoids are most often prescribed because they quickly relieve symptoms of inflammation and pain and are gentle on the liver:

When hemorrhoids are complicated by an intense process of inflammation, the doctor may additionally prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointments, such as:

  • Diclofenac;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Piroxekam.

How to remove external hemorrhoids radically

If hemorrhoids grow to large sizes or there are serious complications in the form of thrombosis, then the most reliable method of getting rid of them is surgical treatment with radical removal of the nodes - hemorrhoidectomy under local anesthesia.

Disarterization, ligation of the artery feeding the node is an effective and, most importantly, safe method of treating external hemorrhoids in women, which helps to cure both existing nodes and prevents their re-formation later.

Currently, minimally invasive operations such as cryodestruction, electrocoagulation, sclerotherapy, and other methods of excision of hemorrhoids have been developed and introduced into widespread practice.

How to treat external hemorrhoids using traditional methods

If the hemorrhoids are small in size and there are no life-threatening complications, then it can significantly alleviate the symptoms ethnoscience. The following non-traditional methods and remedies for external hemorrhoids are most effective for pain relief, inflammation relief and healing:

  1. Sitz baths, which are prepared on the basis of any anti-inflammatory herbs - calendula, chamomile, string, onion peel, oak bark, yarrow, sage, etc. It is useful to complete the procedure with a contrasting douse with clean water, alternating intensely warm and cool.
  2. Various lotions for the anal area: gauze swabs with various healing agents - sea buckthorn oil, celandine juice, birch tar, raw grated potatoes, beets or carrots, honey, clay, buckthorn berries, etc.
  3. Homemade candles: from a small piece of raw carrot or potato; melted butter with garlic, frozen in the refrigerator; from pieces of ice; sea ​​buckthorn oil
  4. Self-prepared ointments: based on butter and propolis; from mumiyo; from herbal homeopathic medicines such as comfrey and witch hazel, with the addition of a few drops of essential oil of mint, cypress, juniper, and to enhance the anti-edematous effect, you can add peony tincture.
  5. The method of hirudotherapy has proven itself well, using leeches to treat the disease, which effectively removes inflammation and congestion in the pelvis and quickly relieves discomfort.

It is imperative to take into account the possible intolerance to some components. Therefore, start applying all of these products to the nodes in small quantities and carefully monitor the body’s reaction.

Features of the treatment of external hemorrhoids in women during pregnancy and lactation

How to treat external hemorrhoids if a woman is pregnant or breastfeeding? Since periods of pregnancy and breastfeeding are a contraindication to the use of a number of medicinal substances, and even the use of most traditional methods is not recommended, the treatment of external hemorrhoids during this period has its own fundamental features. A woman is recommended to observe the optimal physical activity developed by physical therapy specialist, as well as healthy eating rules to prevent constipation.

The use of most tablets and suppositories by pregnant and nursing mothers is excluded. Without fear, unless there is an allergic reaction to the components, we can only recommend ointments such as Relief, Heparin, Posterizan. Vishnevsky ointment is especially effective and preferable for alleviating the condition.

Preventive actions

Even with radical removal of hemorrhoids, if the prerequisites already described remain, the disease may recur. Therefore, one of the important measures to get rid of hemorrhoids is its prevention.

General recommendations for preventing the disease and its relapses

Special therapeutic exercises

How to get rid of external hemorrhoids using physical therapy? When getting rid of external hemorrhoids, a special therapeutic exercises for the sphincter which is important to do regularly:

  1. The exercise is performed either standing or lying on your back. You need to squeeze your buttocks as much as possible, pull your perineum in, and in this state count at a slow pace to 5. Then, also on the 5th count, you need to relax. Repeat the exercise 10 to 15 times.
  2. The exercise is performed while lying on your stomach. Place your hands under your chin and alternately lift your straightened legs up, 10 approaches with each leg.
  3. The exercise is performed in a side position. First, we lie down on our right side and place our right hand under our head. The left arm is bent in front of the chest, the right leg is at the knee. Raise the left leg to the count of 1, bend the knee to the count of 2, straighten it to the count of 3, move it back to the count of 4. Lower it to the starting position. We do the same on the left side. We do a total of 10 approaches with each leg.

So, the appearance of inflammation of the hemorrhoids in a woman is unpleasant, but you can and should fight it. There are many methods and remedies that will help remove external hemorrhoids once and for all.