How to test for Trichomonas in men. Testing for trichomoniasis: correct procedures. Decoding and readiness dates

Tank culture for Trichomonas. If trichomonas are detected in a smear, the patient is diagnosed with trichomoniasis or trichomoniasis. This inflammatory disease of the genitourinary system occurs not only in women, but also in men. Among all sexually transmitted diseases, trichomoniasis has become especially widespread, so you should find out the causes of this pathology and eliminate all risk factors. Trichomoniasis is a very common disease that is sexually transmitted. Tank culture for Trichomonas is one of the modern methods of diagnosing the disease.

Trichomoniasis (Trichomonas)

Trichomoniasis or trichomoniasis is an inflammatory disease of the genitourinary tract in men and women. Caused by the protozoan T.vaginalis (translated as Trichomonas vaginalis). Trichomonas is not a microbe, but a “unicellular animal,” that is, a creature more adapted to antimicrobial drugs and living conditions in the human host.

Very often, trichomoniasis is mistakenly called gonorrhea, but this is not so. Gonorrhea is another inflammatory disease of the genitourinary tract caused by gonococcus. Trichomoniasis is transmitted sexually - this is not only traditional contact, but also oral and anal.

The incubation period is 3-5 days (from the moment of infection to the appearance of the first signs of disease), but given our era of antibiotics and antimicrobial drugs, as well as their unreasonable prescription, I had to consult patients when trichomoniasis dragged on for up to 3 weeks.

Symptoms of trichomoniasis

The first symptoms of the disease are foamy-mucous discharge in men and women, pain when urinating, itching in the urethra and vagina. Quite often, when other microorganisms are attached, i.e. a concomitant infection, pus may appear. But I already wrote above that trichomoniasis is a uniquely insidious, little-studied disease.

Trichomanada becomes “its own” in the human body. According to the statistics of my patients (up to 80%), the disease is asymptomatic, and people present with various types of complications when the chronic form is already raging. According to the authors, the acute form lasts 2 months, but this is very conditional. It shortens with repeated infection and decreased immunity.

Diagnosis of trichomoniasis in women

Tank culture for Trichomonas. During the first examination in the mirrors, the doctor takes a so-called general smear for bacterioscopic examination. To test for trichomoniasis, discharge is taken from the posterior vaginal vault. It is better if this analysis is done immediately - the beating of Trichomonas cilia and the high mobility of oval microorganisms are clearly visible under a microscope, and the result of the study is ready within 20 minutes.

This type of diagnosis allows you to determine the total number of microbes and the severity of the inflammatory reaction.

If the smear is examined after drying and staining, the result is most often negative, because Trichomonas, when dried, loses its mobility and specific anatomy. In this case, diagnostic errors are possible, since vaginal epithelial cells can be mistaken for Trichomonas.

To confirm, flora seeding is used - a cultural method. Its meaning is that the discharge taken from the vagina is placed (“sown”) on a special nutrient medium favorable for the reproduction of Trichomonas. Culture allows the number of pathogens and sensitivity to antibacterial drugs, which helps in prescribing the optimal treatment for trichomoniasis. Therefore, culture can be used not only directly for diagnosis, but also to adjust treatment methods.

The polymerase chain reaction for determining Trichomonas DNA (PCR) is currently considered the most accurate method. The accuracy of this study is about 95%, and the analysis is done in 1-2 days.

In doubtful cases, when diagnosing trichomoniasis, the direct immunofluorescence (DIF) method can additionally be used to detect antibodies to the infectious agent in the patient’s blood.

Tests for trichomoniasis

Tank culture for Trichomonas. If you notice the above symptoms and symptoms of complications, which I will discuss below, “take” your sexual partner and go to the doctor. I believe that initially it was a dermatovenerologist. Why?

1) Neither a gynecologist nor a urologist (if he is a “Specialist”) will treat your other half, and this is important, the problem is common. Very often, treatment is prescribed to a partner without examining him, which is extremely unacceptable.
2) Only a dermatovenerologist can treat a couple and advise when they can begin sexual activity after examination and treatment. If people are treated in different offices, then we often have to deal with the following cases: one sexual partner is cured, but the other is not, one doctor says that you can be sexually active, and the other continues examinations and treatment. This is how a person is designed to follow the path of least “resistance...”.

Sometimes a doctor, when a mini-surgical intervention (for example, cauterization of cervical erosion) or an examination (urethroscopy-hardware examination of the urethra) is needed, may prescribe a consultation with a gynecologist or urologist.

I have come across people who explain the symptoms of trichomoniasis by saying that “I have a cold” (or “got a cold”), and they begin to take completely unnecessary antibiotics, thereby “silencing” the infection, complicating life for themselves and the doctor, who will then inevitably treat you.

What tests will you need to take? Definitely - these are strokes. Men from the urethra, women from the vagina and urethra. It is best if the stronger sex comes to the doctor with morning urinary retention (urine in the evening, but not urinate in the morning).

In this case, it can be very difficult to detect. We often encounter patients who present with complications of trichomoniasis and who have elevated leukocytes in the smear (cells responsible for the body’s protective function), but trichomonas are not detected in any smear. This is where the good old provocation comes to the rescue... It consists in sharply reducing the patient’s immunity and creating favorable conditions for trichomonas in order to identify them in tests.

Tests for suspected urogenital infection, including trichomoniasis:

  • general blood analysis
  • general urine analysis
  • bacterioscopic analysis of secretions (smear)
  • PCR diagnostics
  • culture with determination of sensitivity to antibiotics and antifungal drugs

The main method for diagnosing trichomoniasis is a gynecologist's assessment of the symptoms of trichomoniasis during a gynecological examination and the result of a vaginal smear analysis.

Identification of the opportunistic flora accompanying trichomoniasis is helped by culture of vaginal discharge for dysbacteriosis while simultaneously determining the sensitivity of the flora to antibiotics. For a general assessment of the disease, it is also recommended to conduct tests for chlamydia, mycoplasma, HIV, hepatitis and other sexually transmitted infections, which are often detected with trichomoniasis.

The most informative are analyzes of vaginal discharge - PCR diagnostics of trichomoniasis. PCR is a time-tested method of molecular diagnosis of STIs, including trichomoniasis. The PCR method allows you to determine the presence of the causative agent of trichomoniasis, even if only a few DNA molecules of the microorganism are present in the sample. The accuracy of PCR analysis when performed correctly reaches 100%. The PCR method for diagnosing STDs allows you to detect even single cells of bacteria or viruses. PCR diagnostics detects the presence of the causative agent of trichomoniasis in cases where this cannot be done using other tests.

PCR analysis is especially effective for diagnosing latent forms of microorganisms, including ureaplasmas, which are often encountered in asymptomatic and chronic STDs.

Using PCR analysis, the causative agent of trichomoniasis is determined, and not the body’s reaction to its introduction. Thus, trichomoniasis can be diagnosed during the incubation period and during its latent course, when there are no clinical or laboratory symptoms of trichomoniasis.

But even PCR diagnosis of trichomoniasis is not an ideal analysis. This is a very high-tech research method that requires compliance with the strictest laboratory equipment rules. A sample of the material for any analysis must be taken by a qualified physician, strictly following the instructions given by the laboratory. The results of the PCR analysis should be assessed by the doctor who is treating a particular patient.

A positive PCR test result does not always mean the presence of trichomoniasis. False positive test results are possible if:

Tank culture for Trichomonas. False-negative test results are possible even in the presence of obvious symptoms of a urogenital infection. Possible reasons for this analysis result:

  • the material for analysis was taken or examined unsuccessfully
  • less than a month before the test, the woman took antibiotics, or used suppositories, douches
  • it was not taken into account that before collecting material from the urethra you should not urinate for 1 hour
  • absence of a microorganism's genome in a sample of material (in secretions) when the inflammatory process is localized in the deep parts of the reproductive system (ovaries, fallopian tubes, prostate gland)

PCR analysis is a powerful and effective diagnostic tool that allows you to quickly and accurately find the causative agents of many STDs. Most often it is used to diagnose sexually transmitted infections. In any case, you cannot limit yourself to just one analysis. It is best to combine various tests and take them several times if the results are questionable.

In addition to determining the infectious agent itself using PCR diagnostics, it is also necessary to evaluate the body’s immune response, which is determined by serological methods, for example, ELISA.

General information about the study

Tank culture for Trichomonas. Urogenital trichomoniasis (trichomoniasis) is a widespread infectious disease of the genitourinary system, transmitted primarily through sexual contact. Its causative agent is the protozoan Trichomonas vaginalis. The most commonly affected areas are the urethra and vagina (in women). The source of infection is a patient with trichomoniasis. The main route of transmission is sexual.

The incubation period in women is 5-28 days. Signs of the disease often appear (or intensify) with the onset of menstruation: foamy yellowish discharge from the vagina, itching and burning in it and in the vulva, pain during urination and during sexual intercourse. Often the infection is asymptomatic. During pregnancy, trichomoniasis can cause low birth weight or premature birth.

In men, trichomoniasis is accompanied by a constant white discharge from the urethra, but often there are no symptoms. Occasionally, trichomoniasis causes balanoposthitis, prostatitis, epididymitis, and cystitis.

The “gold standard” for diagnosing trichomoniasis is cultivation on nutrient media (seeding). This is the most sensitive test. It is used, as a rule, to confirm the diagnosis or in cases where microscopy results are negative for symptoms of trichomoniasis.

What is the research used for?

  • To establish the cause of inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • To identify trichomoniasis or confirm the diagnosis.
  • For differential diagnosis (along with other studies) of diseases that occur with similar symptoms, such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma infection.

When is the study ordered?

  • With symptoms of trichomoniasis and negative microscopy results.
  • For chronic inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • If the results of a serological test are positive.
  • When planning a pregnancy.
  • If the patient is known to be promiscuous.

In 75% of cases, trichomoniasis is accompanied by a diverse bacterial flora, while up to 40% of such patients are simultaneously infected with mycoplasmosis. If you do not test for Trichomonas, most of these patients will be assigned to the group of bacterial urethritis.

In addition, cases were repeatedly recorded when, even after effective treatment, urogenital trichomonas of round shape appeared in the body of patients. In some specimens, up to 3-5 nuclei were isolated, and the absence of flagella and undulating membrane was noted.

In addition to the possibility of self-preservation of trichomonas in the body of a patient who has undergone treatment, the possibility of re-infection cannot be ruled out. For this reason, patients who have a regular sexual partner are strongly recommended to undergo treatment with him. Treatment options can only be selected by a doctor and only after receiving the results of all necessary tests.

Treatment of trichomoniasis

Tank culture for Trichomonas. The main group of drugs in the treatment of trichomoniasis are 5-nitromedazoles (Trichopol, Metrogyl, Tiberal..). It should be taken into account that the doses of the drug indicated on the packaging are small and ineffective. Broad-spectrum antibiotics (Unidox, Azitrox, etc.) are used to treat concomitant infections. In the chronic form, immunomodulators (pyrogenal, immunal...), absorbable drugs (Lidase, trypsin, wobenzym), drugs that improve
intestinal flora (hilak-forte, normaza...). Local treatment in the form of baths and infusions into the urethra (chlorhexidine, miramistin...).

Sexual activity and drinking alcohol during treatment are strictly prohibited. It is advisable after treatment, especially the chronic form of trichomoniasis, to undergo a course of treatment with drugs that improve intestinal microflora. A person is considered cured of trichomoniasis if trichomonas are not detected in women - within 2 monthly cycles, in men 2 weeks after treatment and also after a month.

Trichomoniasis is a disease of the genitourinary system, the causative agent of which is the simplest anaerobic microorganism called Trichomonas vaginalis. This disease mainly affects women of reproductive age. Testing for Trichomonas in men will help determine the carrier of the disease, because in most cases they have no symptoms of the disease.

Diagnosis of trichomoniasis is based on determining the clinical signs of the disease and identifying pathogenic microorganisms in the patient’s smear, blood or urine. In order to confirm the presence of infection, several methods can be used, including Trichomonas PCR.

If trichomoniasis is suspected, both sexual partners should be tested.

What are Trichomonas

Some strains of Trichomonas do not cause unpleasant symptoms in their carrier, but after sexual transmission and a change of habitat they become pathogenic and contribute to the development of inflammatory processes.

Infection with trichomoniasis occurs through sexual contact, through vaginal or anal sexual contact. In rare cases, the disease can be transmitted through household contact. Factors contributing to infection include:

  • Having a large number of sexual partners.
  • Unprotected sexual intercourse with new partners.
  • Presence of other sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the immune system.
  • Malfunctions of the endocrine system.

After the disease is cured, the immunity remains rather weak, so re-infection is possible, in which the symptoms are not so pronounced.

In what cases is it necessary to get tested?

Many people are interested in what tests need to be taken to identify trichomoniasis and when to see a doctor. Diagnosis of trichomoniasis in women is carried out in the following cases:

  • The presence of foamy discharge of a gray-yellow or greenish hue, with an unpleasant odor and an admixture of blood.
  • Redness and itching in the vulva area.
  • The appearance of mucopurulent plaque on the mucous membranes of the genital organs.
  • Painful sensations during sexual intercourse.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Frequent urination and pain accompanying this process.
  • Enlarged inguinal lymph nodes.

Women need to be tested for trichomoniasis if they have chronic diseases of the genitourinary system, pathologies of pregnancy, cancer or infertility.

A man should be tested for Trichomonas if he has the following symptoms:

  • Mucus discharge from the urethra.
  • Frequent urination in the morning.
  • Pain when urinating.

It is also necessary to make sure that there is no trichomoniasis in case of prostatitis, urethritis, epididymitis, erectile dysfunction or infertility.


There are three forms of the disease:

  • Fresh trichomoniasis. It occurs immediately after infection and the incubation period has passed. It is characterized by vivid symptoms, redness and itching of the external genitalia, foamy discharge in women and painful urination in men.
  • If the disease is not treated after a month, the symptoms of the disease weaken, the discharge turns creamy, and in men the signs of the disease completely disappear. After excessive sexual activity, colds or alcohol consumption, trichomoniasis worsens.
  • Trichomonas carriage. Trichomonas are detected in the smear, although there are no obvious signs of infection. Most often, this form of the disease can be found in men.


There are various methods for diagnosing the disease. In most patients, trichomoniasis is a mixed protozoal-bacterial inflammatory process. Trichomonas play a major role in this, since they can capture and reserve other pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, trichomoniasis causes tissue loosening, which makes it possible for bacteria and viruses to penetrate into the intercellular space and join the inflammatory process.

They often occur without obvious symptoms. Time passes before a person realizes that not everything is in order with the body. And during this time, a loved one may become infected with the disease.

Sometimes a person learns about the disease only after being tested for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) or during a routine medical examination, since the infection does not always show symptoms immediately after infection. Therefore, at the first suspicion or after sexual intercourse with an untested partner, you must immediately make an appointment with a venereologist, who will refer you to get tested for sexually transmitted diseases.

People who have discovered the first symptoms of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are embarrassed by the problem that has occurred and are lost in this situation. The best option in this case would be not to panic. A venereologist will anonymously consult and prescribe the necessary examination, the result of which will confirm or refute your guesses.

If you self-medicate, you may not fully recover, “driving the disease into a corner.” And the infection will subsequently develop into a chronic form with various complications.

Getting tested for infections after casual sex

If you have had a casual relationship and want to check your health, you can seek qualified help from our clinic. You can call us and find out how much tests for sexually transmitted infections cost, and also make an appointment with a doctor by phone or fill out a feedback form.

After casual questionable sexual intercourse, you should get tested for sexually transmitted diseases as soon as possible. At an early stage, you can be cured with one dose of the drug. But if you delay going to the doctor, the infection will progress and may become chronic.

What tests to take for STIs

Patients with signs of a sexually transmitted disease always have a question: what tests to take for STIs?

Tests for sexually transmitted diseases are a set of various tests that determine the presence of a sexually transmitted infection in the body.

Basically, several types of tests are used to detect sexually transmitted infections:

  • The PCR method is a test that allows one to detect an infection in the absence of any signs. In women, the analysis is taken from the cervix, and in men from the urethra.
  • A blood test for infections helps not only to detect antibodies, the causative agent of the infection, but also to assess the general condition of the body. This analysis is prescribed to almost all citizens - from military personnel to people undergoing a routine medical examination.
  • Analysis of urine. Urine examination allows you to determine the pathogen and stage of the disease.
  • A smear involves taking biological material not only from the vagina and urethra, but also from the nasopharynx. This smear helps identify a number of dangerous infections.
  • The ELISA method recognizes antibodies that have an individual character. Thanks to ELISA, the entire history of the infection in the body can be traced.
  • A comprehensive analysis is designed for the most accurate diagnosis of sexually transmitted diseases.
  • The rapid test is a quick test for identifying STIs. This method can be used both in a medical facility and at home. The test is sold at any pharmacy.

Accurate diagnostic methods

Methods for diagnosing sexually transmitted diseases have become more accurate than those previously used. Any modern laboratory, private or public clinic uses methods for diagnosing sexually transmitted diseases, which are characterized by a high degree of detection of people who are carriers of harmful viruses, bacteria and other representatives of the microcosm.

Today, the PCR method for diagnosing infectious diseases is the fastest and most reliable. You will receive your test results from us within 24 hours. The method is also good because it detects not only acute, but also latent infections.

Preparing for tests for sexually transmitted diseases

Before taking tests for sexually transmitted diseases, certain preparation is necessary:

  • It is necessary to avoid sex for 3 days before the tests;
  • Before collecting material, you should not urinate for 3 hours;
  • Do not use any vaginal or disinfectant products.

These are general rules, but each analysis may have its own specifications, so it is better to go to the appropriate analysis page or category to read more there.

Where to get tested

In our clinic, every patient can get tested for sexually transmitted infections in Moscow at affordable prices.

We offer:

  • Accurate STI tests in a short time, for example:
    • express analysis in 10 minutes;
    • PCR diagnostics within 24 hours.
  • painless smear collection;
  • the latest methods for diagnosing chronic sexually transmitted infections, when standard tests are powerless to detect the disease.

We are a center where the pricing policy is aimed at providing every patient with the opportunity to undergo diagnostics. Prices for tests for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are presented in the table.

Culture for Trichomonas vaginalis- this is a test that allows you to detect infection Trichomonas. Trichomoniasis of the genitourinary organs is caused by the protozoan Trichomonas vaginalis. The disease is transmitted sexually. Women typically complain about itching, hyperemia and swelling of the cervical mucosa and vagina, foamy discharge. With the onset of menstruation, complaints may intensify. Men may complain of itching and mucous discharge, discomfort when urinating However, in almost 50% of patients the course of the disease is asymptomatic.

Trichomonas first infect the distal parts of the genitourinary system. Actively moving upward, they affect the mucous membrane of the urethra, prostate gland, epididymis and seminal vesicles in men, the cervix and ovaries in women. The inflammatory process can affect the kidneys and bladder.

The lack of timely diagnosis and treatment of acute trichomoniasis leads to the transition of the disease into a chronic course and threatens complications: premature birth, endometritis- among women, epididymitis, prostatitis- in men.

Microbiological culture is the “gold standard” in diagnosing trichomoniasis and allows identifying acute trichomoniasis, as well as its asymptomatic carriage.

The material for research can be: prostate secret, ejaculate, urethral discharge, vaginal discharge, the first portion of urine.

Culture for Trichomonas vaginalis is prescribed

  • For diagnosis of trichomoniasis;
  • For differential diagnostics of diseases of the genitourinary system who have similar complaints;
  • In the presence of clinical manifestations and suspected pathological conditions of the genitourinary organs of an infectious and inflammatory nature;
  • For examination of people at risk (under 25 years of age and without a regular sexual partner);
  • To confirm the results of microscopic examination;
  • In a comprehensive examination for pregnancy planning;
  • For chronic inflammatory urogenital diseases.

Preparing for a culture test for Trichomonas vaginalis

Patients are recommended
before culture for trichomoniasis adhere to the following rules:
  1. Do not use local treatment for 3 days before the test.
  2. Before collecting the material, the external genitalia are not cleaned.
  3. It is recommended to abstain from urination for at least 2 hours.

Urine collection
for analysis should be carried out no earlier than 4 hours after the last urination. Collect 5-10 ml of an average portion of urine in a sterile container (100 ml). If it is not possible to deliver the biomaterial to the laboratory immediately, it should be placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator and stored for no more than 24 hours.

Sperm collection performed by masturbating into a sterile container, without touching the walls of the container and the lid with your hands.

Collection of prostate secretions performed only by a urologist.

Urogenital and vaginal smears carried out by a gynecologist at a medical center.

After collecting the material, it is sent to the laboratory, where under certain conditions it is sown on a nutrient medium. The growth process can take up to 7-10 days.

Decoding the results

In the absence of disease and carriage of Trichomonas the result of the study is negative. A positive culture result indicates the presence of Trichomonas vaginalis in the genitourinary system.

The analysis is carried out using several methods:

All types of disease diagnosis, except serological, are carried out using a smear.

In addition to examining scrapings and blood, a urine test is required, and for representatives of the stronger sex, a sperm test. An integrated approach allows you to identify an infectious disease and prescribe the correct treatment.

How to prepare for the test

The reliability of the data obtained during the study depends on the correct preparation for the delivery of biological material.

Before scraping, women should adhere to the following rules:

  • visit a gynecologist during the absence of menstruation or 5-6 days after the bleeding stops;
  • do not take tests after performing an ultrasound examination using the vaginal method;
  • 4-5 days in advance it is not recommended to use any suppositories or douche with antiseptic medicinal and herbal solutions;
  • on the eve of scraping, the woman should avoid sexual contact.

A man must also adhere to certain rules:

  1. 2 hours before collecting the biomaterial, you should avoid urinating.
  2. In 1-2 days you need to give up intimate contacts.

Preparation for serological tests also requires compliance with recommendations that the doctor should familiarize you with the day before. In order for the results to be reliable, a couple of days before donating blood, patients should avoid consuming fatty foods and alcohol. In the morning before the test, you should not smoke or drink drinks containing caffeine, juices, or lemonade. A small amount of clean drinking water is allowed.

In some cases, provocation with medications aimed at reducing immunity and activating the pathogen is possible.

How do they take it?

Venous blood, urine, and seminal fluid are collected in the morning. The container for analysis must be prepared in advance. It must be sterile and airtight. Urine, sperm is collected at home. A smear for microflora is carried out during examination by a gynecologist.

Blood from a vein is donated on an empty stomach, from 8 to 11 am. The procedure is carried out using a disposable syringe or a vacuum system consisting of a test tube with chemical reagents, a needle and a holder device. The patient sits on a chair next to the medical table. His hand is fixed with the palm raised up and the elbow placed on a special roller. After applying a tourniquet and cleaning the surface of the skin with a cotton swab and alcohol, the healthcare worker inserts a needle into the vein. At the end of blood sampling, the patient should bend his arm for a few minutes along with a sterile bandage soaked in an antiseptic.

How long does it take to test for trichomoniasis?

Trichomonas smear analysis using a microscopic method is carried out within 60 minutes.

This type of research is carried out as soon as possible after collecting biological material, otherwise pathogenic microorganisms begin to die without favorable conditions.

Data using molecular genetic methods are usually obtained within 2 business days. Microbiological diagnosis takes longer. Results are provided to patients on average in 1-2 weeks. In addition to Trichomonas, yeast, gardnerella and other pathogenic bacteria can be detected in smears.

Tests obtained using polymerase chain reaction usually take 2 days to prepare. If trichomoniasis is detected, results may be delayed for a confirmation test to be performed.

The analysis is valid for 1-3 months. It is better to check with your doctor about how long the result lasts.

Decoding: norms and deviations

The results obtained by enzyme immunoassay or polymerase chain reaction can be positive or negative. When immunoglobulin is detected (an antibody produced in response to the introduction of an infectious agent), a “+” is placed on the analysis form.

The detection of IgG in the absence of IgM means that the infectious disease caused by Trichomonas has become chronic without activity. If class M immunoglobulins are detected and G antibodies are not detected, we can talk about recent infection and an acute course. The detection of two types of antibodies at once indicates a period of exacerbation of a chronic infection.

In some cases, it is possible to obtain a questionable laboratory test result. When receiving borderline data, doctors recommend taking the test again after 10 days.

When to get tested after treatment for trichomoniasis

After drug therapy, it is important to confirm that the disease has been cured. This is necessary for:

  • return to sexual activity, from which it is recommended to abstain while taking antibacterial drugs;
  • preventing the risk of complications that often occur with a protracted form of trichomoniasis and manifested by inflammation of the reproductive and urinary systems;
  • excluding the latent course of an infectious disease.

Some doctors believe that control tests should be carried out after the end of therapy only for asymptomatic forms of trichomoniasis. After treatment of patients with severe symptoms of infection, which has led to the complete disappearance of all signs of the disease, it is considered that repeat tests need not be carried out.

Other doctors adhere to the old principles and prescribe biomaterial for control tests after completion of treatment for any form of trichomoniasis. In order to ensure the complete absence of pathogenic microorganisms, patients are recommended to undergo repeated tests 3 times at intervals of 30-60 days.

If negative results are obtained, we can talk about a complete cure of the infectious disease.

Cost of analysis and where to take it

Tests for trichomoniasis can be done in the following laboratories:

  1. Invitro. The studies are carried out using the ELISA method and take 5 working days. Cost - $12.54. The price of the biomaterial collection procedure is $3.5.
  2. Sinevo. Blood tests to detect IgG immunoglobulins are performed within 3 business days and cost $8.4.
  3. Center for Molecular Diagnostics CMD. Services for the study of biological material with determination of RNA using the NASBA method cost $25.1. Results are due in 1-2 days. The cost of analysis with qualitative DNA determination is $5.6. The price for the quantitative method is $7.4. Results are provided within 1-3 days.

Tests of biomaterial for trichomoniasis are carried out using several laboratory methods. Complex diagnostics, including serological, enzyme-linked immunosorbent, microscopic and cultural tests, allow doctors to make an accurate diagnosis and select the right medications. If the result is false positive or questionable, repeat tests are prescribed. The reliability of the data depends not only on the qualifications of laboratory workers and the quality of reagents, but also on patients’ compliance with the rules for preparing for the delivery of biological material.