Discharge of mucus clots during pregnancy. Concentrate on how you feel. Late discharge

Discharge is present at all stages of pregnancy. By their consistency, color, and smell, specialists can determine whether there are pathological processes in the body and, if so, which ones. Let's look at the topic of mucus discharge during pregnancy: find out everything a expectant mother needs to know about it.

Mucous discharge during pregnancy - normal or pathological?

In the early stages of gestation, the discharge is colorless and odorless, sticky, and the consistency is viscous, thick, reminiscent of snot or raw chicken protein. Rarely contains tiny inclusions with light clots. Abundant mucous secretions contribute to the closure of the cervical canal, due to which the child is protected from the action of pathogenic microorganisms from the genital tract. At week 10, the expectant mother notices the appearance of a snot-like secretion with a nagging pain in the lower abdomen due to the fact that the uterus changes position.

The second trimester is characterized by a change in the properties of the discharge: at the 15th week of pregnancy, the woman notices that it becomes less viscous, slimy and more abundant due to the intense production of estrogen. At 20-21 weeks, the secretion becomes grayish, liquid and of a uniform consistency. By the 23rd-24th, false contractions appear along with milky discharge, which the expectant mother may mistake for the onset of premature labor.

In the 3rd trimester, the mucus becomes viscous and jelly-like or watery, but experts do not consider either option to be a pathology. At 28-29 weeks, the secretion becomes less abundant, maintaining a uniform structure and transparency. At week 30, the amount of mucous secretions increases, increasing noticeably by week 33, when maximum blood filling of the organs of the reproductive system occurs.

If bloody layers are found in the mucus, severe pain appears in the lower abdomen and then heavy bleeding occurs, these symptoms may be a manifestation of premature placental abruption. At 34 weeks of gestation, the volume of discharge decreases and becomes more slippery, similar to snot.

Even when pregnancy proceeds without any pathology, a certain time before the expected birth, the expectant mother notices changes in the nature of the vaginal discharge. At 38-39 weeks, snot-like mucus with a pinkish-red tint is produced.

Don't be alarmed: this is a plug coming off, signaling the imminent approach of labor. In the third trimester, at the onset of 40-41 weeks, the secretion acquires a yellowish tint, which is considered normal.

Why mucus forms - possible reasons

Normal discharge for the gestation period is synthesized by glands located in the uterine cavity and surrounding the cervix.

Hormonal changes

After fertilization, progesterone begins to be produced, which is responsible for the physiological development of the baby in the early stages and ensures the formation of the baby’s organs and systems. At the beginning of pregnancy, under the influence of the hormone, changes in vaginal discharge occur, which is why it is viscous, viscous and thick.

In the second trimester, estrogen production increases, and mucus becomes more abundant, but of a more watery consistency. If throughout the entire period it is transparent, does not have an unpleasant odor, foreign impurities or inclusions, this indicates the normal course of pregnancy.

Inflammatory process

When bacterial microflora joins during gestation, inflammation develops. The causes of the pathology are diseases of the urogenital tract, genital tract infections, exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Leucorrhoea is accompanied by the appearance of discomfort, itching and burning in the external genitalia, their redness, pain during urination, and is also characterized by the presence of pus in the mucus.

What does the color of the discharge indicate?

When vaginal discharge has a structure, shade and smell unusual for the norm, they are called pathological. Let's take a closer look at what disorder the color of the mucus indicates.

White color

They are considered physiological when they do not contain pathological impurities or unpleasant odors. From the 12th week, progesterone acts on the production of secretions, and on the 13th week the amount of secretions increases, but does not contain any foreign odor and does not cause itching or burning. If the secretion is abundant, it contains whitish inclusions that resemble cottage cheese and smell like beer, the expectant mother suffers from vaginal candidiasis. Thrush often occurs at 8-9 weeks and will need to be treated to prevent complications.


At 6 and 7 weeks, leucorrhoea of ​​this shade is considered normal if it is uniform in structure and is not accompanied by pain, itching, or foul odor. Yellow discharge may indicate the action of external factors - wearing underwear made of synthetic material, using panty liners with fragrances, failure to maintain regular hygiene of the external genitalia.

Also, yellowish mucus indicates an advanced inflammatory process, usually at the purulent stage of the pathology. The causative agents of infection are staphylococcus, E. coli, fungi of the genus Candida, chlamydia, gonococcus, trichomonas. A pregnant woman must undergo treatment so that microorganisms do not penetrate the fetus and cause various complications.

In some cases, discharge is a sign of leakage of amniotic fluid. The appearance of minor wet spots on underwear, which over time turn into large ones and have a specific odor, should alert a woman. If this phenomenon is observed in the second trimester at 25-26 weeks, it threatens complications for the health and well-being of the baby.

At week 37, the appearance of copious yellow, watery discharge indicates rupture of amniotic fluid and the onset of labor.


This color of mucus indicates the presence of an active phase of inflammation caused by bacterial microflora. In this condition, the genitals become hyperemic and there is severe discomfort with itching and irritation.

If the consistency of the mucus resembles foam, it is most likely that the expectant mother has sexually transmitted diseases - gonorrhea, trichomoniasis. Along with leucorrhoea, itching in the genitals and painful urination occurs.

Another reason for the appearance of green discharge is considered to be vaginal dysbiosis, in which it smells like fish, and when it dries, it remains on the underwear in the form of crusts.


The safest reason for the formation of beige secretion is the implantation of the embryo into the uterine wall, which damages the capillaries. This occurs after recent ovulation, and the discharge resembles discharge before menstruation. In the first and second trimester, a brownish tint indicates clotted blood, so experts regard them as a threat of spontaneous abortion. Sometimes, due to increased uterine tone, mucus with this color appears at 18 weeks. In addition, the secretion can be a manifestation of an ectopic or non-developing pregnancy, as well as cervical erosion.

In reviews in pregnancy forums, questions often arise: can brown mucus appear in late gestation. Yes, it can, but you need to worry: it is a harbinger of an imminent birth.


This color indicates the appearance of blood in the organs of the reproductive system. In the early stages, pathology occurs due to microcracks in the vaginal mucosa, traumatic effects during smear collection or sex.

During pregnancy, snotty discharge may have pink, barely visible streaks, accompanied by nagging pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region. This is a dangerous condition, regarded as a threat of termination of pregnancy.

At the 8th month of gestation at a period of 35-36 weeks, a mucous secretion appears mixed with pinkish drops. This is not considered a pathology: the body is preparing for labor.

When to see a doctor

During pregnancy, the secreted fluid should be clear, colorless and not have a foul odor. If you notice changes in the nature of vaginal discharge (unhealthy color, unpleasant odor, excessively watery consistency, impurities of pus or blood), you should definitely consult a qualified specialist. This will avoid threats to the health of the expectant mother and child.

If you experience nagging pain in the lower abdomen, followed by bloody discharge, call an ambulance immediately: such symptoms may indicate a threat of miscarriage!

Treatment of infections that cause mucus discharge

Therapeutic measures depend on the reason why the mucus has become pathological. Any leucorrhoea during pregnancy caused by infection should not be ignored. Do not doubt that the drugs will harm the baby. Currently, doctors prescribe medications that are approved for different periods of gestation and are safe for the child.

If the inflammatory process is caused by a nonspecific bacterial microflora, the use of antibiotics will be required - Cefazolin, Amoxiclav. They are prescribed only by a doctor, and he does not recommend using them until the 12th week, when the formation of fetal organs occurs. It is strictly forbidden to change the dosage or duration of therapy on your own. Vaginal suppositories with an anti-inflammatory effect are prescribed - Hexicon, Terzhinan.

If pathological leucorrhoea occurs due to sexually transmitted diseases, antibacterial drugs are prescribed taking into account the causative agent of the disease. For chlamydial, mycoplasma or ureaplasma infections, the antibiotic Josamine is used, for trichomonas or gonococcus - Metronidazole. At the same time, local antiseptic therapy with Miramistin and Chlorhexidine is carried out.

For thrush you will need antifungal drugs - Pimafucin, Nystatin. To restore normal vaginal flora, a specialist prescribes suppositories with bifidobacteria and lactobacilli - Bifidumbacterin, Vaginorm.

Preventive measures

When carrying a child, a pregnant woman must carry out a set of measures to prevent pathological processes in the body with the appearance of leucorrhoea:

  1. Watch your diet: food must contain essential nutrients.
  2. Do not overexert yourself: physical activity should be rational and alternate with proper rest.
  3. Regularly observe the rules of personal hygiene of the external genitalia. After each visit to the toilet, you need to wash yourself in the direction from the pubis to the anus.
  4. Choose underwear made from natural material, as synthetic fabric promotes the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.
  5. Take probiotics: they are designed to restore normal vaginal microflora.
  6. Wash your hands exclusively with soap, without using sponges or washcloths, as germs multiply in them.
  7. Treat all diseases in a timely manner, preventing them from becoming chronic.
  8. Have sex with only one trusted partner to avoid acquiring sexually transmitted diseases.
  9. Avoid prolonged use of panty liners.

Following simple rules will allow you to avoid unpleasant consequences.

In this video, the doctor will talk about female discharge:


After conception, the female body experiences hormonal changes that change the usual nature of vaginal discharge. As pregnancy progresses, the mucus acquires a different consistency to protect the fetus from adverse external influences.

However, pathological color, structure, smell and impurities indicate the development of a deviation that can cause harm to the baby and the expectant mother. When any mucus abnormalities appear, consult a doctor immediately to protect yourself from complications.

The concept of norm and pathology in pregnant women differs from that of non-pregnant women. During the period of preparation for motherhood, great changes occur daily in the female body. Such reforms also apply to the mucous membrane.

Why does mucus form?

information Glandular cells, which are located in large numbers in the cervix, constantly synthesize mucus. In healthy representatives of the fair sex, it is transparent or whitish, odorless, in small quantities, and does not cause unpleasant sensations (itching, burning). The amount of mucus depends on sex hormones and varies depending on the day of the menstrual cycle.

The main hormone of the first phase is estrogen, and second - progesterone. So immediately after menstruation there is practically no discharge, but closer to the middle of the cycle their production increases and remains at the same level until the next critical days. In addition to the quantity, the consistency also changes. On “dangerous” days, corresponding to ovulation, the mucus is liquid and promotes the penetration of sperm, but in the second half it becomes thick and viscous.

Progesterone is responsible for this. Its content is high not only in the second phase of the cycle, but also during the period of preparation for motherhood. Thus, mucous discharge during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, is viscous, thick and opaque. They do not require any additional examination or treatment. Be sure to observe the following rules:

  • No tampons, they increase the likelihood of an ascending infection.
  • Shower daily and wash your face twice a day.
  • Underwear should be made of natural fabric, clothing should be comfortable and not restrict your movements.
  • Do not use scented intimate hygiene products, sanitary pads with different scents, or perineal deodorants.
  • No vaginal douching. Some inexperienced expectant mothers try to wash away physiological leucorrhoea in such a blasphemous way.

Mucous discharge during pregnancy is normal if all hygiene rules are followed, does not cause discomfort in expectant mothers, and does not require any additional examination or treatment.

However, there are exceptions.

When should you see a doctor?

dangerous In cases where mucous discharge during pregnancy in the early stages begins to gradually increase, streaks of blood appear in it, and all this is accompanied by nagging pain in the lower abdomen, lower back and increased frequency of urination, immediately run to the doctor. All these are signs of a threatening spontaneous miscarriage, which requires hospitalization in a hospital.

Treatment in the hospital begins immediately. It includes the main positions:

  • Complete physical, emotional and sexual peace. Therefore, doctors often recommend bed rest and prescribe valerian.
  • Antispasmodic therapy( , ). Depending on the level of pain, they can be prescribed in tablets, intramuscular, intravenous injections or in.
  • Hemostatic therapy in the presence of bleeding. Includes drugs such as sodium ethamsylate, aminocaproic acid.
  • In the second trimester, if available, i.e. when the cervix is ​​not able to perform its functions and opens prematurely, to preserve and prolong pregnancy, it is possible to either apply a suture to the cervix or install.
  • Antibacterial therapy It is often prescribed in the presence of bloody discharge to prevent infection from penetrating to the fetus, since blood is an excellent medium for the proliferation of pathological microflora.

In what other cases can clear mucous discharge increase during pregnancy? This can often happen in both early and late stages for the following reasons:

  • exposure to thermal irritants, for example, in the summer, in the heat;
  • (for synthetic underwear, for pads from a new company, for shower gel).

Such discharge, most often, can be accompanied by slight itching, causes discomfort in women, it is transparent in color, and its quantity is abundant.

The main thing in their treatment is the removal of the provoking factor and careful adherence to hygiene rules.

One of the additional reasons for the increase in the amount of mucus is. This is a harbinger of childbirth. The mucus plug is the secretion of the cervical glands. It leaves approximately 10-14 days before birth. Its quantity is 20-30 ml. A small amount of blood is released along with the mucus. This occurs due to microtears of the edges of the internal pharynx, since from 38 weeks of pregnancy the cervix begins to gradually shorten, soften and open slightly. All these phenomena indicate the gradual preparation of your body for the onset of labor. Many people don’t pay attention to this. In this case, there is no need to seek medical help.

All expectant mothers experience mucous discharge during pregnancy. And in most cases, this phenomenon is not pathological, but natural. However, in some cases, you need to pay attention to vaginal discharge and report it to your doctor. Let's look at different situations by trimester.

1st trimester

Excessive mucous discharge during pregnancy is one of its first signs. Sometimes the tests do not yet show a positive result, while the woman notices that she is literally “pouring.” If the vaginal discharge does not cause discomfort, does not smell and has a calm whitish color - everything is in order, the matter is in hormones, which will soon “calm down” a little.

Another thing is that if brown mucous discharge appears during pregnancy, this situation is no longer normal. And do not listen to those who say that in this way “the fruit is washed.” Especially if an ultrasound has not been performed previously. Since such discharge can be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy, a frozen one, as well as a threatened or already beginning miscarriage. "Dauce" is blood mixed with mucus.

White mucous discharge during pregnancy, which smells unpleasantly like fish and provokes itching and swelling of the genitals, is a symptom of bacterial vaginosis, a frequent companion of expectant mothers. This is not a sexually transmitted disease, but a violation of the vaginal microflora. It is treated with antimicrobial drugs, but only under the supervision of a doctor, since in the first trimester many medications are contraindicated or can have significant side effects.

2nd trimester

Atypical discharge during pregnancy in the second trimester should not go unnoticed. For some reason, many people believe that only in the first trimester the fetus is affected by negative factors, and in the second and third it is protected by the placenta. The placenta, of course, protects against infections, but they are not always the cause of the discharge... And for the placenta, such tests do not pass without leaving a trace. FPN, fetal hypoxia are the diagnoses that doctors make as a result, and it’s good if there is not much time left before birth...

Mucous discharge during pregnancy in the second trimester may turn out to be... amniotic fluid. Usually, when water leaks, the discharge is quite noticeable. To confirm or exclude leakage of amniotic fluid - a rather dangerous diagnosis for both the mother and the fetus, it is necessary to do an analysis of vaginal discharge, something like a test. This test is sold in pharmacies, but it is better to perform it not independently, but together with a doctor. Using a vaginal tampon, he will take the discharge for analysis and place it in a test tube with a special solution (all these components are available in the pharmacy test). And after a few minutes, the result is assessed by the number of stripes: 1 – rupture of the membranes has not occurred, no water is leaking; 2 – water is leaking.

In case of leakage of amniotic fluid, doctors look at the condition of the pregnant woman, the fetus, and the gestational age. When the membranes rupture, in most cases they become infected, so prolonging the pregnancy for more than 1-2 weeks (at best) will not work. Therefore, in the case of a short pregnancy (14-18 weeks), the woman is offered to terminate the pregnancy. If the period is far beyond 20 weeks, doctors administer antibacterial drugs to the woman, intravenously inject saline solutions, and also a drug that promotes the rapid maturation of the child’s lungs. After which a caesarean section is performed.

Especially mucous transparent discharge during pregnancy in large quantities should be of interest to women with isthmic-cervical insufficiency, when the cervix opens under fetal pressure already in the second trimester. As a result of even a slight dilation of the cervix, the membranes can become infected and rupture.

3rd trimester

Mucus discharge that appears during pregnancy in the third trimester, almost at its end, is most likely a mucus plug. The mucus plug protects the uterus from pathogens entering it. Distinctive features: a lot of mucus is usually secreted, and streaks of blood can be seen in it. There are not many of them. And this is the norm. If bleeding begins, this is a serious pathology, most likely placental abruption, requiring urgent surgical delivery.

Heavy discharge in pregnant women can also be associated with the discharge of amniotic fluid (we wrote about this above). And also with gynecological diseases. Some infections are hidden and begin to appear only before childbirth. Thus, yellow mucous discharge during pregnancy can sometimes be a symptom of gonorrhea. If you notice a change in the color of the discharge or its consistency, especially if this happened shortly before the expected date of birth, be sure to tell your doctor about it. If there really is an infection, the baby may become infected during a natural birth. It is necessary to urgently carry out treatment or resolve the issue regarding surgical delivery.

The female body is initially adapted for the conception, gestation and subsequent birth of a child. Everything inside is adjusted and configured so that at the most convenient moment, when the egg and sperm merge, successful fertilization occurs. And the mucus that is periodically released from the vagina also takes a unique part in this process.

The secretion of a certain amount of mucus, both in pregnant and non-pregnant women, is considered a normal state of affairs. Mucus is initially produced by glands located in the uterus and envelops. This mucus is transparent, odorless and not abundant. During the menstrual cycle, it is excreted from the body through the vagina, and the intensity of the discharge changes under the influence of hormones. In the first phase and until the middle of the menstrual cycle, mucus production gradually increases under the influence of estrogens. During this period, the mucus has a liquid and viscous consistency - this is necessary to ensure the normal movement of sperm in the direction of the egg, and to help the egg exit the ovary. In the second phase of the menstrual cycle, the nature of the discharge, as well as the consistency of the mucus, changes dramatically. Thus, the mucus loses its transparency, becomes viscous, and the amount of its secretion decreases. The hormone progesterone is responsible for such changes.

As you know, during pregnancy a major restructuring occurs in the female body. This also applies to hormonal levels. Due to a noticeable hormonal shift, the nature of mucus secretion from the vagina also changes. Thus, during pregnancy (especially in the first trimester), the presence of progesterone in a woman’s body is very high: this hormone is responsible for the preservation and development of the fetus in the initial stages of gestation. Therefore, we can say that at this time the pregnant woman’s body is in a state close to the second phase of the menstrual cycle. This explains the fact that mucus at this stage of pregnancy is viscous, opaque, and in small quantities.

Against the background of increased hormonal activity, the opposite situation is also possible: the amount of vaginal discharge may increase. Thus, clear or whitish odorless mucous discharge, which is not an irritant, is classified by doctors as normal. To eliminate discomfort from heavy discharge, expectant mothers can use special sanitary pads. But it is better not to use tampons to avoid the risk of infection in the birth canal.

If mucous discharge is not accompanied, has a normal consistency for this period and does not cause pain, then the pregnancy is proceeding normally. But if any changes appear in the nature of mucus secretion, in its structure, or discomfort appears, you should immediately consult a doctor. The most common reasons why the natural process of mucus secretion is disrupted may be for a pregnant woman (), bacterial vaginosis, or any other infections. If the body has one of these diseases, it will immediately affect the mucous secretions. Thrush, for example, is accompanied by a white, cheesy discharge with a sour odor. However, they are often abundant and cause itching and burning in the perineal area in the pregnant woman. Bacterial vaginosis, in turn, is characterized by watery, non-irritating discharge with an unpleasant odor. In any case, if a pregnant woman notices any changes, it makes sense to visit a specialist. With its help, it will be possible to determine the cause of the changes and, if necessary, decide on treatment.

Especially for- Tatyana Argamakova

Mucus and other discharge in women is normal if they are not accompanied by additional symptoms. But sometimes mucus is a sign that means that an inflammatory process begins in the reproductive system area. Therefore, you need to know about the peculiarities of discharge in the form of mucus during pregnancy - in case of any disturbances, you should go to the hospital.

Causes of mucus formation

Mucous, snot-like secretions in women during pregnancy are formed in special uterine glands. Their number depends on the level of hormones in the body. Before pregnancy, the occurrence of discharge depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle. But after conception this changes.

In the absence of pregnancy in the first phase of the cycle, secretion occurs due to the presence of a large amount of estrogens in the female body. During and after ovulation, the consistency of the mucus changes - it thins out. This is necessary so that the fertilized egg penetrates the uterus more easily. From the second phase of the cycle, the discharge becomes thicker, as progesterone is produced in large quantities in the body.

What happens during pregnancy?

When fertilization occurs, significant changes in hormonal levels are observed in the body of a pregnant woman. After the zygote is fixed, the uterine cervix closes. In order for the pregnancy to continue, a mucus plug is formed under the influence of the hormone hCG.

A large amount of progesterone is released. Therefore, mucous discharge during early pregnancy is similar to discharge in the second phase of the menstrual cycle. Progesterone is responsible for the proper development of the embryo and its preservation in the uterus. If the hormone level is too low, a miscarriage may occur.

Starting from the second trimester, estrogen levels in the body increase. Therefore, mucus discharge during pregnancy is very liquid and there is quite a lot of it. So white or colorless discharge of a mucous consistency during gestation is considered normal.

The nature of discharge in the early stages

Mucous discharge in early pregnancy should be colorless and odorless. The consistency should be jelly or viscous. Sometimes small light clots may be found in the mucus.

A mucus plug formed under the influence of progesterone blocks access to the cervix. Therefore, the fetus is protected from pathogenic microorganisms that occur during sexually transmitted infections. If there is discharge in the form of snot, this is normal, but not always. If they are accompanied by other symptoms (itching and burning, pain), the woman should consult a doctor.

However, in most cases they are harmless. But this condition can bring some discomfort to the expectant mother. To get rid of it, you can use panty liners.

In the second trimester, their quantity changes - they become more liquid and abundant. Therefore, a woman may feel constant moisture in the vaginal area. During pregnancy, discharge, like snot, should not be painful or have an unpleasant odor.

A woman should monitor the nature of the mucus. If it changes abruptly or contains blood, urgent medical attention is needed. Otherwise it may be too late.

Mucous discharge during pregnancy in the third trimester remains almost unchanged. But they may become less abundant. Normally, mucous discharge during this period is viscous, thick or watery. If they are clear and do not have an unpleasant odor, there is nothing to worry about.

If blood appears in the mucus during late pregnancy, this may indicate placental abruption. The woman will experience severe pain in the lower abdomen. Gradually the bleeding will increase until it becomes very heavy. You should seek medical help as soon as possible.

Even if the process of gestation proceeds normally and without complications, before the upcoming birth, snotty discharge during pregnancy may change. A few days or weeks before giving birth, thick mucous discharge may take on a reddish or pinkish tint. This indicates the passage of the mucus plug and the imminent onset of labor.

Pathological discharge requiring immediate treatment

Snotty discharge during pregnancy should not suddenly change consistency. During the transition from the first to the second trimester, they should thin out gradually. If they suddenly acquire a jelly-like or cheesy consistency, this may indicate various pathologies in the body.

If discharge during pregnancy, like snot, is observed at 4-5 months, the woman should be wary. This condition may indicate premature removal of the plug. And this can lead to serious consequences, and even miscarriage. A woman should be examined by a gynecologist and undergo an ultrasound.

In the last weeks of pregnancy, mucous discharge interspersed with blood can be a pathological sign and indicate leakage of amniotic fluid. This condition is quite dangerous for mother and child. If the pregnancy lasts less than 22 weeks, the fetus cannot be saved - it dies due to suffocation.

If the period exceeds 23 weeks, the woman is transferred to a hospital, where she undergoes a course of treatment. It consists in the use of antibiotics and special drugs that accelerate the development of the respiratory system in the fetus. But due to a constant lack of oxygen, a child may be born with various brain pathologies.

To diagnose the pathological condition, a woman must undergo a special test for water leakage. If it turns out to be positive, the patient will be given a special ring that will tighten the cervix and prevent the removal of amniotic fluid.

If copious mucous discharge during pregnancy has an incorrect color, unpleasant odor or strange consistency, this is considered a sign of a pathological process in the body.

It is important to pay attention to the color and consistency of the discharge:

  • White or clear mucous discharge is considered normal. But if they acquire a cheesy consistency, this may indicate vaginal thrush.
  • Yellow discharge during pregnancy, like snot or jelly, indicates advanced inflammatory processes in the woman’s reproductive system. This may be a symptom of a purulent bacterial infection.
  • Greenish discharge like snot during pregnancy is a sign of inflammation in the active phase. If their consistency is foamy, it means the woman has gonorrhea or trichomoniasis. This condition may be accompanied by additional symptoms - itching and burning, pain when urinating, etc.
  • Brown mucous discharge during late pregnancy may indicate an approaching birth process. During childbirth, the cervix dilates and contractions begin. Therefore, a woman should monitor her feelings. But if such a symptom appeared earlier - in the first or second trimester, there is a high probability of termination of pregnancy.
  • Pink discharge is a sign of blood in the vagina. If they appeared during the period when menstruation was supposed to begin, this is not a sign of pathology. But if at the same time a woman experiences severe nagging pain in the lower abdomen, there is a threat of miscarriage.

Therefore, if uncharacteristic symptoms appear, or if the discharge is abnormal in color or smell, you should consult a doctor. Only clear mucus during pregnancy is not dangerous, while other cases can be a health hazard. Every woman should know the signs of normality in order to react in time when the pathological process begins.