Dry rash on the face of a child. Types of rash on the face with photos and its features. What complications can measles cause?

It has long been known that beauty and health are interconnected. Skin is an indicator of the body's well-being. If it is smooth and velvety, then the person is healthy. Various rashes and changes in the color of the skin indicate malfunction of any of the body systems. In this case, treatment is not always required - sometimes lifestyle changes are enough. What to do if you find a rash?

A rash on the face of a child has various causes, so before starting treatment it is necessary to determine the etiology of the disease

Why might a child develop a rash on his face?

There are a lot of diseases that are accompanied by a rash. In order to distinguish them, you need to take into account the nature of the rash: color, size, dynamics of manifestation. The accompanying symptoms should not be ignored. All rashes can be classified into 2 groups:

  1. primary - affecting healthy skin;
  2. secondary - appear as the primary develops.

The table shows the most common primary rashes:

Appearance of the rashCauseAssociated symptoms
Small red pimples. The boundaries are unclear, the rash appears in the form of clusters that can merge into one spot.AllergyItching, drowsiness, bad mood, slight fluctuations in body temperature. Sometimes - redness of the eyes, runny nose.
“Mosquito bites” are pinkish or red pimples. They have a pronounced center surrounded by a border. The boundaries are clear, the number is gradually increasing.Infectious diseases (measles, rubella, scarlet fever, etc.)Severe increase in body temperature, chills, itching.
Rashes in the form of blisters filled with cloudy or white liquid.HerpesSevere pain in the area of ​​the rash, increased body temperature (from 37.3 to 38°C). ARVI symptoms are often associated.
Watery pimples with a blackhead in the center. At first they appear in the form of compactions, but gradually become softer.Molluscum contagiosum (we recommend reading:)None. Rarely - itching.
Pink spots with purulent accumulations in the center.Streptoderma (more details in the article:)Febrile fever, general intoxication of the body, enlarged lymph nodes.
White pimples on the mucous membrane of the mouth or around the lips (we recommend reading:). Accompanied by a cheesy coating.CandidiasisBurning sensation in the affected areas, loss of appetite.
Small red pimples that appear after overheating.Prickly heatNone.

Types of rashes on the face in children of different ages

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As already noted, the rash can be primary or secondary. Primary rashes are of greatest interest, since they are the most common. It is with their diagnosis that difficulties arise. Based on shape and appearance, the following varieties are distinguished:

  • Tubercles are non-hollow lumps on the skin.
  • Blisters are dense areas that rise above the level of healthy skin. Blisters are an allergic reaction to poison from plants and insects.
  • Papules, or nodules, are non-hollow elements that differ from healthy skin in height and color. They usually go away on their own.
  • Bubbles are small pimples. They have a pronounced center filled with cloudy liquid.
  • Bubbles are large formations (from 0.5 cm).
  • Pustules are pimples filled with pus.
  • Spots are changes in the color of the skin.
  • Roseola are small pink or red spots that disappear when you apply pressure to the affected area.

Red rash

Acne can also appear in a child due to poor hygiene. If the baby is covered with bright pimples, then this is a skin reaction to pollution, to which children are especially susceptible in the first 6 years of life. To prevent your child from becoming covered with a painful crust on delicate areas of the skin, carefully monitor the baby’s cleanliness and accustom him to water procedures.

A consequence of unfavorable thermal effects is hyperhidrosis, or prickly heat. It manifests itself most clearly in infants, starting at one month of age. The baby’s body has not learned to adapt to the ambient temperature, so spots appear on his head and shoulders from sweat. All treatment comes down to frequent exposure of the little patient to the fresh air and regular ventilation of the premises.

Red spots on the forehead, cheeks and shoulders are often a sign of allergies. During lactation, this means that the mother should adjust her diet and also abandon aggressive household chemicals.

Allergic rashes

Allergies often occur in one-year-old children as a reaction to complementary foods. To avoid this, choose hypoallergenic products and coordinate your diet with your pediatrician.

Red pimples in a child are also observed with toxic erythema. The rash occurs in the facial area: on the head, forehead, cheeks, nose. Newborns and babies under one year of age are most susceptible to it. This type of rash does not require specific treatment and disappears on its own within 7-8 days. At a later age, erythema is rare and, as a rule, is a consequence of uncomfortable living conditions: humidity, ambient temperature.

As mentioned above, red rashes can be infectious in nature and observed in the following diseases:

Chicken pox rash

The most dangerous possible cause of skin changes is meningitis. The disease is severe and in some cases is fatal. A characteristic feature of the infection is a rapid increase in body temperature and the gradual spread of an itchy rash throughout the body. If you have the slightest suspicion of meningococcal infection, you should immediately consult a doctor.

White pimples

Milia, or white pimples, are a type of acne that occurs in adolescents during hormonal changes. They are a small cyst formed as a result of excess sebum. Appear on the cheeks, nose, forehead. The causes of milia are varied: poor diet, poor-quality cosmetics, hormonal imbalance. As a rule, rashes disappear on their own with age (at 15-16 years of age). If not, you should visit a dermatologist or endocrinologist.

The predominant localization of milia is the area around the eyes, cheekbones, T-zone (forehead-nose-chin). It is impossible to squeeze out such a tubercle - the source is deep under the skin. To get rid of white pimples on the face, you need to adjust your diet and provide quality skin care by choosing products that correct the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Similar rashes also occur in newborns and go away on their own within 1-2 months of life.

Milia in a newborn

Colorless rashes

Small colorless rashes that resemble nodules are called neonatal acne. Neonatal cephalic pustulosis appears on the face of children during the first month of life. This is how the baby’s skin reacts to the remnants of maternal hormones. No specific treatment is required - the baby will soon adapt to new living conditions. Acne usually clears up on its own within a few days, weeks or 1 year.

Colorless or flesh-colored watery pimples on the cheeks in later life may indicate a malfunction in the immune system: this is how a food allergy or reaction to emotional stress manifests itself. This phenomenon is called dyshidrosis. In emotionally stable children, it goes away on its own; otherwise, therapy is required, including the use of weak sedatives.

Minor rash

The first thing you need to pay attention to is whether the patient has a fever. If the thermometer shows more than 37.5 °C, an infection has entered the body.

If the fever is accompanied by low-grade body temperature (from 37.0 to 37.5 °C), allergic hyperemia, a systemic disorder or a sluggish infection occurs. In the presence of dermatological diseases (pyoderma, erythema, urticaria), body temperature may not increase.

Large purulent blisters

The appearance of purulent blisters can be caused by various factors:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • compaction of the apex of the epidermis - hyperkeratosis;
  • improper skin care;
  • abuse of low-quality decorative cosmetics;
  • frequent stress;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Other types of rashes

Almost every person is familiar with acne on the face firsthand. They can appear at any age and significantly spoil plans. Children with undeveloped immunity and during the period of hormonal changes are most prone to the appearance of acne and rashes (see also:). In most cases, acne on a child’s face is normal, but sometimes a rash is a sign of dangerous pathologies.

Skin rashes in adolescents are a normal variant during the period of hormonal changes in the body

If the symptoms are not similar to any of the cases described above, you should pay attention to the table with explanations of other types of rashes.

Type of rashDescriptionPossible diagnoses
UlcerA deep defect of the skin and mucous membranes with the obligatory formation of a scar.Diabetes, anemia, cancer, aerobic infections.
CrustThe dried contents of pustules, blisters or ulcers.Herpes, eczema, diathesis.
FlakeLoosened horn cells. The skin is severely peeling at the site of the lesion. Often localized on the head.Ichthyosis, fungal infection, tinea versicolor.
LichenizationThickening, compaction, dry skin, pigmentation. The skin pattern is clearly visible.Lichenification.

Treatment and prevention

Prevention and treatment of rashes in a child begins with eliminating the factors that provoke this condition. If the exact cause cannot be established, all known preventive and therapeutic measures must be taken:

  • correction of nutrition for a nursing mother;
  • for children over 2 years old - strict control over the diet;
  • the frequency of hygiene procedures is increasing, they are performed according to all the rules with the obligatory use of creams, oils and powders;
  • acne will go away faster if you add a decoction of chamomile, string or celandine to the water when bathing and washing;
  • medicinal ointments (Bepanten, Desitin) and soft baby creams are used only as prescribed by a doctor.

Almost every mother, one day, encounters such a phenomenon as a rash on the child’s face. Don't be scared - in some cases, it can go away on its own.

Usually, the rash is not dangerous and goes away when the child is a month or two old. Most rashes appear due to hormonal changes in the child’s body.

Possible reasons for the appearance

  • gastrointestinal pathologies;
  • infectious diseases;
  • neurological diseases;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • allergic reaction;
  • temperature change.

In the first month of life, a rash is observed in many babies - this is a consequence of hormonal imbalance due to the need to sharply adapt to new conditions.

If the rash is red-pink, which appears on rough cheeks, is covered with small scales, and the child complains of itching, the situation is no longer so rosy.

Most likely, the baby has an allergy due to poor nutrition or medication. In such a situation, you need to take care of restoring intestinal function and correcting your diet.

Small, pinkish rashes with a characteristic bulge that do not cause concern in the child are heat rash due to overheating. Normalize the temperature, pay more attention to the baby’s hygiene so that the child sweats less often, and prickly heat will disappear without a trace.

Another, fortunately rare, cause of rashes is This is Ritter's disease. The rash mainly occurs around the mouth, but can spread further throughout the body. With this disease, the rash manifests itself in the form of blisters with a cloudy liquid inside.

When the blisters pass, the skin peels off in uneven stripes in the areas where they were. The cause of such a disease is an infection or allergy, and with it, You can't cope with folk remedies. Strict medical supervision is required.

Infectious lesions


First, a fever appears, and after 3-4 days a rash appears, and the lymph nodes become enlarged. The rashes do not last long.


As in the previous case: first there is a fever, and after 5 days there is a bright, large rash.

Chicken pox

First, spots appear, then they turn into blisters, which, bursting, form pustules. After healing, the pustules become covered with a crust.

Roseola (in children under two years of age)

The causative agent is the herpes virus. The temperature rises for 3 days, then the baby’s body becomes covered with a rash for 5 days.

Traditional Treatments

Adequate treatment should be prescribed according to the cause of the rash. For example, in the case of an allergic rash, it is enough to eliminate the allergen and take antihistamines.

An infectious rash should be treated with antiviral medications. Consult your doctor if the rash does not go away on its own or is accompanied by alarming symptoms.

At home

If your baby has heat rash, then choose products to dry the skin. They will show themselves well baths with string and chamomile.

Herbal baths not only successfully combat allergic reactions - they also have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Recommended water temperature is 37 degrees, recommended duration is 5 procedures, every other day, 10 minutes each. After bathing, you do not need to rinse your baby's skin with clean water - just pat it dry with a towel.

Perhaps this is the best folk remedy in terms of efficiency.

For prickly heat Air baths will be beneficial: place your naked baby on a diaper more often so that the skin can breathe.

Don't forget to trim your child's nails to prevent them from scratching pimples and causing infection in the wounds.

Get checked regularly at the clinic, even if the baby is absolutely healthy. It’s better to play it safe to ensure your baby’s safety.

There are many recipes in folk medicine that effectively combat allergic reactions in children, but the choice of a specific recipe should be made taking into account the child’s individual tolerance of all ingredients.

It is better to first discuss any remedy with a specialist and choose a treatment regimen with him. The most famous tinctures:

  • mixture of cocklebur and water,
  • burdock and dandelion roots with water,
  • yarrow with water.

Increasingly, children are developing food allergies due to lack of awareness among mothers. It has long been proven that you should not smoke during pregnancy and eat irrationally.

Otherwise, the risk of developing allergic reactions in children will increase.

When breastfeeding, you should pay even more attention to your diet than during pregnancy.

If you exclude all forbidden foods from consumption, the risk of developing an allergy along with a rash in a child will be minimized.

By being more informed, you won't be scared when your baby suddenly develops a rash. If it is not accompanied by alarming symptoms, you can cope on your own, without the intervention of a doctor. Be healthy.

Watch the video to see how to get rid of small rashes on a child’s face.

Despite the fact that a rash on the face of a child in the first years of life is a fairly common condition, it cannot be ignored. Regardless of the form in which the rash appears, whether or not it causes discomfort to the baby, or whether it is accompanied by additional symptoms, it is necessary to show the baby to the pediatrician.

Only a doctor can make a final diagnosis and recommend the best treatment option for the condition. Even if it is obvious that numerous small pimples covering not only the face, but also other parts of the baby’s body are the most common heat rash, you should not risk it by self-medicating. At the same time, you need to know what red, transparent or white rashes may indicate, and what actions to take if they are detected.

Often, numerous or single formations on the cheeks, behind the ears, and sometimes on the forehead are one of the symptoms of an infectious disease. In this case, the baby’s condition will be complicated by fever, pain in the lymph nodes, disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract, vomiting and nausea, and intoxication. In some cases, pimples or other formations act as a warning signal; sometimes a rash indicates the entry of the disease into the final stage.

The most common diseases accompanied by a rash on the face and characteristic of childhood:

  • Erythema of infectious nature. Large spots appear, light, sometimes almost white inside. The condition is accompanied by a cough and a slight increase in temperature.
  • Chicken pox. Rashes in the form of very small bubbles that are filled with transparent contents.
  • Measles. In this case, the rash is represented by pinkish spots, which over time are complemented by papules. After some time, the spots turn red and can merge.
  • Rubella. Despite the name, the spots in this case are pink, not red. But they are not prone to merging and usually disappear on the fifth day after appearance.
  • Meningococcal infection. The rash is represented by irregularly shaped spots of different sizes. It is usually localized on the cheeks and elbows, but can occur on other parts of the body. Often bright red or purple dots appear around the spots.
  • Vesiculopustulosis. With this disease, white and yellowish pustules, similar to pimples, rarely affect the skin of the face, but can spread to it from the neck area.
  • .
  • The pink rash usually occurs in children under two years of age and rarely lasts longer than five days.

Scarlet fever. Rarely occurs in children under 3 years of age. These are bright red dots on the cheeks, forehead and neck (can be localized throughout the body), which can merge into spots. The phenomenon is accompanied by intoxication, general malaise and sore throat.

Even if a rash as such has not yet formed, but the skin on the child’s cheeks, behind the ears or on the forehead begins to change, for example, redness appears, it is better not to waste time and consult a doctor.

Especially if there are changes in the general condition of the baby.

Other common causes of rash

  • In addition to the above situations, there are many more reasons for the appearance of formations in the form of bubbles or pimples. It is not so rare that red, burgundy or white dots form on the cheeks of infants and slightly older children.
  • Most often, this manifestation indicates:
  • Allergies. In this case, the type of rash can be very different, but the specificity is that the spots or pimples are usually very itchy. At the same time, a runny nose or sneezing may appear. If rashes on the cheeks are accompanied by swelling of the tissues around the eyes, this may indicate the development of Quincke's edema, which is life-threatening, because may cause suffocation.

Prickly heat.

  • Small red dots are familiar to almost every mother. Contrary to popular belief, they can appear not only in natural folds, but also on the neck and face. Especially if the baby is hot and he is not washed as he sweats. Rash as a result of diaper rash is also not uncommon. Pimples appear behind the ears or in the folds of the neck and rise to the face, localizing mainly on the cheeks.
  • Internal diseases. The development of a number of pathologies of a non-infectious nature may also be accompanied by the appearance of characteristic or ordinary-looking rashes. The pancreas, nervous system, liver, intestines or kidneys can act as provocateurs.
  • Hormonal imbalances. The hormonal background in newborns is not yet fully formed, so the appearance of small pimples, which generally do not cause discomfort to the child, may be due to this.
  • Sign of adaptation. One of the consequences and signals of the ongoing adaptation of the child’s body to new environmental conditions is the development of toxic erythema. Despite the scary name, the condition is not dangerous for the baby and in the vast majority of cases goes away on its own within 2-3 days.

No matter what form the rash appears, parents should always adhere to the same course of action. It will reduce possible risks to a minimum and help the baby as quickly as possible.

Parents' actions when rashes are detected

Pimples, blisters, dots and spots located on the face of a small child require the following measures:

  1. We visit the pediatrician as soon as possible. If the rash causes obvious discomfort to the child, and an immediate visit is not possible, we call an ambulance. The use of any medications, even to alleviate the condition of children, is strictly prohibited.
  2. We do not touch the affected areas, we do not try to remove crusts or contents from the blisters. This threatens tissue infection and even the appearance of small scars.
  3. You cannot even use such “proven” home remedies as brilliant green, potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide and iodine. Do not use cream or oil. Such an effect can blur the clinical picture and complicate the diagnosis process.
  4. We try not to bathe the child, even if the rash is only on the cheeks. Only if these are the next manifestations of miliaria can you organize a bath for the baby with a decoction of string or chamomile.
  5. It is necessary to ensure that the sick child receives a sufficient amount of fluid. It doesn’t matter whether his skin is covered with small pimples or large spots, it is necessary to prevent the formation of constipation. If the baby’s intestines are cleaned efficiently, then the immune system will begin to take an active part in eliminating the rash.
  6. We monitor the general condition of the toddler and note any changes in him. The doctor will need this to make a diagnosis.

After the doctor examines the child, conducts the necessary tests and makes a final diagnosis, we begin treatment according to his recommendations.

Treatment options for baby facial rash

Even in cases where the rash is one of the symptoms of a disease, doctors recommend symptomatic treatment, consisting of local manipulations. It will reduce the severity of discomfort or pain and speed up the restoration of the skin.

Most often, the following approaches are used as therapy:

  • Cauterization of formations using solutions of brilliant green or potassium permanganate.
  • Bathing in a bath with a decoction of chamomile, yarrow or string. In some cases, wiping the affected areas or applying compresses is sufficient.
  • It happens that you have to use medicinal ointments, lotions, creams. In some cases, protective sterile dressings are applied to problem areas, which need to be changed regularly.

The specialist must not only prescribe treatment, but also monitor its results. Only in this case the rash will go away as soon as possible and will not return.

An allergic rash on the face of a child can be a manifestation of a serious illness from the internal organs. Therefore, the treatment of such allergies should be comprehensive, including not only eliminating the rash, but also preventing the recurrence of symptoms. Long-term and unjustified use of local creams and ointments can transform the disease into a chronic form, and the lack of therapeutic measures can lead to serious consequences that threaten the life of the child. That is why treatment should be strictly under the supervision of a pediatrician.

Where do children get facial allergies?

The appearance of an allergic rash on a child’s face is possible from the very first days. In fact, an allergy on the face is not a separate disease, but a manifestation of a complex of allergic reactions occurring inside the body.

It is important to know that an allergy is a protective reaction of the body to the introduction of foreign material. In a healthy body, this reaction occurs unnoticed; in a sick or weakened child, the response of the immune system can manifest itself in allergic rashes.

Any allergen (foreign material for a child’s body) can enter through the skin (in contact with skin), through the mouth (together with food, water, medicines), through the respiratory tract (together with inhaled air), through the blood (together with injections). ).

Allergic rashes occur in children from birth

Common causes of facial allergies

  1. Food products. As a rule, these are foods that are red, orange or yellow in color, or contain preservatives and dyes. Also, children are often allergic to milk or cereals.
  2. Tap water. Reaction to microelements contained in untreated water.
  3. Drug allergies (antibiotics, antipyretics, cough syrups, analgesics and other drugs).
  4. Creams, lotions, powder and other cosmetics.
  5. Plant pollen, animal hair, household or book dust.
  6. Intramuscular and intravenous injections (lidocaine, antibiotics, etc.).
  7. Cold allergy - immunity to low temperatures.

Possible types of allergic rash on the face of a child

A rash on the face is the main manifestation of an allergy. Elements of the rash may be present only on the skin of the face or be distributed throughout the body. There is an acute form of allergy (occurs immediately after contact with an allergen) and a chronic form (occurs with repeated contact with allergens).

  • The following elements of rash in children are distinguished:
  • papules or nodules are bumps that rise above the skin, with a diameter of 1 to 30 mm. They look like pimples on the cheeks. After disappearing, they leave no traces;
  • vesicles or bubbles filled with clear or cloudy liquid, up to 1 cm in diameter;
  • a blister (urticarial rash) is a fluid-filled bubble with a diameter of over 1 cm. May be accompanied by itching and swelling of adjacent tissues;

pustule - a bubble filled with pus. Deep pustules can leave scars on the skin.

Photo gallery: symptoms of allergies on the cheeks in newborns and infants

At the first manifestation of an allergy on the face or the appearance of any rash, you should immediately contact your pediatrician. It is very difficult to make a diagnosis on your own, given the similarities between allergic rashes and rashes associated with various infections.

Treatment of allergic rashes in children

The first and main point in the treatment of allergic dermatitis is to eliminate the impact of the allergen on the child’s body.

To do this, you need to know what an allergic reaction occurs to. For convenience, pediatricians advise children with food allergies to keep a food diary, which helps identify the allergen.

Treatment is divided into systemic (general), aimed at eliminating symptoms throughout the body, and local (local), which is aimed at skin manifestations of allergies (rash).

Table of general treatment measures for facial allergies in children of different age groups

Child's age

Therapeutic measures


  1. Children under one year old/infants
  2. Avoid contact with the allergen.
  3. Hypoallergenic diet of the mother (if the child is breastfed).
  4. Hypoallergenic mixture (if the baby is bottle-fed).
  5. Correct introduction of complementary foods (compliance with age and quantitative norms, introduction of products strictly separately).
  6. Antihistamines (Zodak, Cetrin, Fenistil, L-cet).

Adsorbents (Enterosgel, Sorbex, Smecta).

  1. Children under one year old/infants
  2. Children from one to three years old
  3. Hypoallergenic diet with food diary.
  4. Antihistamines (Claritin, Eden, Lordes, Erius).
  5. Adsorbents (activated carbon, Polyphepan).

Probiotics (Linex, Biogaya, Enterozermina).

  1. Children under one year old/infants
  2. Children over three years old
  3. Hypoallergenic diet, split meals (every 3–4 hours).
  4. Antihistamines (Loratadine, Aleron).
  5. Adsorbents (white coal, Enterosgel).
  6. Probiotics (Acidolac, Lacidofil).

Glucocorticosteroids in severe cases (prednisolone, dexamethasone intramuscularly).

Table of drugs used in the local treatment of allergic dermatitis

Drug name

Release form

For what purpose is it used?

At what age is it allowed and duration of use?

Contraindications for use


Used to reduce itching and allergies

From 1 month, course of treatment 7–10 days

Children under 1 month, individual intolerance to the drug

Dermalex atopic

Used to restore the damaged layer of the epidermis

From the age of 8 weeks, there are no restrictions on the duration of use

Children under 8 weeks of age

Cream, ointment, external emulsion

Lokoid cream from 6 months, other forms - from 3 months. The course of treatment is no more than 10 days

Presence of infected wounds, skin ulcers, intolerance to corticosteroids, children under 6 months

Used as a drug that creates a protective film on a child’s skin

From birth, course of treatment until allergy symptoms disappear

Individual intolerance to the drug

A combined drug with anti-inflammatory, decongestant, antiallergic, antifungal and antibacterial effects

Children under 2 years of age, allergy to gentamicin or clotrimazole, intolerance to corticosteroids, chicken pox, herpes

It is important to understand that long-term treatment with only local drugs without eliminating the cause of the allergy can lead to the development of a chronic form of allergic dermatitis, and long-term use of local corticosteroids without medical supervision can lead to necrosis (death) of the skin.

Photo gallery: drugs that can help with allergic rashes

Lokoid cream - a local hormonal drug for the treatment of allergic dermatitis Fenistil gel - a local antiallergic drug Triderm ointment is used to treat infected elements of the rash

The use of folk remedies

  1. Bay leaf treatment. To reduce inflammation in the skin, reduce itching and rashes, bay leaves are often used in the form of an infusion, decoction or ointment.
    • To prepare the decoction, take a bay leaf (15 grams), pour two liters of boiling water and boil for 15 minutes. After which the broth is filtered, the leaf is removed, and the broth is added to the bath and the baby is bathed for 15 minutes. After the bath, treat the skin with cosmetic oil. Such procedures must be done daily, for at least two weeks;
    • To prepare the infusion, take 2 bay leaves, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for six hours. After infusion, children are given one teaspoon orally three times a day. Allowed from the age of 3 years;
    • To prepare the ointment, bay leaves are ground into powder. Take a tablespoon of this powder, add two tablespoons of vegetable oil and leave the mixture in a water bath for half an hour. Damaged skin should be smeared twice a day.
  2. The use of string and celandine. Herbs are taken in equal proportions, a small amount of manganese is added, 200 ml of boiling water is poured in, and infused. Then the infusion is added to the baby’s bathing water.
  3. Treatment with herbal mixture of violet (leaves), string and strawberry leaves. The ingredients are mixed in a 1:1 ratio, a tablespoon of the mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water, and boiled over medium heat for 20 minutes. Take a teaspoon of decoction three times a day. Allowed for children over 3 years old.

Video from Dr. Komarovsky’s school about dermatitis in children

Facial dermatitis is one of the most common types of allergies in children. The causes are varied, and treatment is effective only when the effect of the allergen on the body is eliminated. Therefore, the attention of parents should be directed to establishing a connection between the appearance of a rash and the influence of one or another irritating factor. Finding the cause of the allergy ensures treatment success by 80%. If you follow the recommendations and begin treatment measures as soon as the first signs appear, you can successfully and quickly get rid of the manifestations of an allergic reaction in a child.

Irritation and redness on the skin occur quite often in children. The health of babies is always of particular concern, so a rash on the face of an infant leads to worries for parents. Indeed, a rash can be either an independent problem or a symptom of some more serious disease.

In infancy, pathological elements can affect the skin on the face and body. There are different reasons that most often lead to the formation of a rash:

  • In the first three months of a child’s life, the cause of the rash is usually hormonal disorders and simple acne. The skin is most often affected in the face and neck. Such rashes go away on their own and do not cause much discomfort in the baby;
  • then from 3 to 6 months, babies usually suffer from food allergies and diathesis, which lead to rashes all over the body. At this time, it is important to monitor the foods that the nursing mother eats, as well as the composition of artificial formulas and complementary foods;
  • Between the ages of 7 and 10 months, children become more susceptible to infectious diseases. Red spots can appear from rubella, measles, smallpox or scarlet fever. The incubation period for such diseases is about 10 days.

In addition to the above reasons, the following factors can affect the rash of infants at different ages:

  • dermatitis. This is a fairly common problem in children. It is believed that atopic dermatitis, for example, affects every 10 babies. The thing is that contact of the skin with certain tissues can often lead to the formation of chafing in the baby;
  • prickly heat. The occurrence of this disease is associated with overheating of the child. Excessive sweat contributes to the development of small rashes;
  • taking medications. Some drugs cause side effects in infants whose immunity is not yet strong enough;
  • hives. Constant friction of the skin against fabric, exposure to extreme cold or heat contribute to the formation of a rash that looks like a nettle burn;
  • dysbiosis. Gastrointestinal disorders in young children are reflected on the skin of the face. Often, a rash can be a symptom of a worm infection.


To accurately determine the cause of the rash and establish methods for its treatment, you should consider the characteristics of a particular skin rash.

  • Red rash. Such skin manifestations are most often associated with diathesis. A child's body is more susceptible to certain diseases than an adult. Allergies and acid-base imbalance worry babies with poor nutrition, including the nursing mother herself.
  • Colorless rash. The main reason for the appearance of transparent raised formations on the skin is hormonal imbalances in the body. Acne is also accompanied by the appearance of colorless pimples.
  • Minor rash. Small blisters form due to atopic or contact dermatitis. Also, small rashes are signs of infectious diseases, such as scarlet fever. Significant sweating also leads to small formations on the skin.
  • Rough skin. Peeling during the rash can occur due to an allergic reaction, the development of urticaria, and dermatitis. It is necessary to pay special attention to the quality of children's clothing, diapers and diapers, since they are the ones that provoke the occurrence of such abrasions in the baby.
  • Severe rash. Typically, the area of ​​skin damage increases as the body continues to encounter the allergen. A severe rash appears on the baby’s body even during the period of active development of a virus, for example, measles or rubella.


  • Quick relief from most types of rashes can be achieved by constant use of various creams and ointments. Hormonal preparations or those containing zinc can be used, depending on the diagnosis established by the pediatrician.
  • In the case of allergies, specialists usually prescribe sorbents and antihistamines.
  • Antiviral drugs are prescribed for children with infectious diseases.
  • Inflammations on the child’s body can be relieved by bathing in herbal solutions that have an antiseptic effect.
  • A rash on the face of a month-old baby goes away in many cases when the feeding process of the baby and his mother is normalized. Following a diet and eliminating allergenic foods from the diet quickly improves the condition of the skin.
  • Monitoring your baby's hygiene reduces skin rashes almost immediately. You should observe the temperature regime and keep the air in the room with the child sufficiently humid.
  • Air baths help with rashes on the face. You shouldn’t wrap your baby up unnecessarily. At the same time, you need to monitor the dryness of the diapers and change diapers quite often.

Let's sum it up

  • To properly treat a rash, it is necessary to determine its real causes. You should observe other possible symptoms of the child and his general condition in order to understand what is causing the rash.
  • Different diseases cause skin formations that are different from each other. If you consult with your pediatrician by phone, be sure to tell him about the color and shape of the rash.
  • The location of the rash also helps in making the diagnosis. Keep an eye on where your baby's rashes begin to appear: on the head, neck or other parts of the body.
  • Treatment of the baby with medications and ointments is possible only after a visit to the doctor. Otherwise, you can cause even more irritation to the skin.
  • The best way to reduce the rash is to review the diet of the baby and the nursing mother. It is also recommended to carefully monitor the hygienic conditions in which the baby is located.
  • Trim your baby's nails when the rash occurs. This will protect the skin from permanent damage when combing. The child will not be able to scratch the sore spot and will not spread a possible infection to other parts of the body.
  • It is better not to use alcohol solutions when treating rashes, as they dry out the skin greatly. You need to be especially careful when treating the scalp in children.
  • If a rash appears on your baby's face, it is better to refrain from using hormonal ointments.
  • In order for the child to have less diaper rash, you need to maintain the temperature in the children's room in the range of 22–23 degrees. The minimum comfort temperature is 18 degrees. In this case, the humidity in the house should be no more than 70%.
  • If the rash is accompanied by fever, purulent discharge on the skin and loss of appetite, you should immediately show the baby to a pediatric specialist.