Mucus discharge at the beginning of pregnancy. Transparent mucous discharge during late pregnancy. Mucus discharge during pregnancy

Women need to be very attentive to their own body, especially during pregnancy. After all, if you notice any changes or deviations in yourself, you can sound the alarm in time and find out the reason for their occurrence. Mucus discharge during pregnancy is one of the warning signs that often worries women.

However, most often they are not worth concern or close attention from the expectant mother, because they are considered the norm. Only in some cases, mucus secretion during pregnancy can be attributed to pathology. To answer the completely natural and common question “is this a normal phenomenon?”, you need to study more information about such an unusual discharge from the female vagina.

Initially, it is worth noting that periodically secreted mucus takes a direct, but rather unique, part in the successful fertilization of an egg by a sperm. Nature also provides for the adaptation of the female body to the conception, gestation and birth of a child. When determining whether pregnancy is normal or pathological, you must first of all be guided by your own feelings. That is, if they cause some discomfort, that means, and if they don’t interfere at all, then this is the norm.

The first twelve weeks of an interesting situation are often accompanied by the release of a small amount of mucus, and this is considered a completely normal state of affairs. This mucous discharge during pregnancy is not abundant, transparent in color and odorless. They are produced by glands located in the uterus and completely envelop the cervix. There are also white mucous discharges during pregnancy, as well as yellowish ones. Their characteristics are completely indistinguishable from colorless mucus.

These secretions appear as a result of changes in the hormonal background of a woman, when the sex hormone progesterone predominates. All the thick and viscous mucous secretions fill the cervical canal and thereby create obstacles for various infections to enter the uterus. Such mucous discharge during pregnancy is considered 100% normal only if it does not have an unpleasant odor and does not irritate the skin of the genital organs. Otherwise, their presence requires a visit to the doctor and passing the prescribed tests.

Starting from the third month of pregnancy, thick mucus is replaced by thinner and more abundant discharge. This occurs as a result of the increased influence of the female sex hormone estrogen.

In some cases, mucus discharge during pregnancy may result from an infection. The first sign of the presence of pathogenic bacteria in mucus is a sharp. Bacteria of this kind multiply very quickly, causing tissue irritation and an unpleasant odor in the process, but they extremely rarely lead to an inflammatory process. This condition is called bacterial vaginosis, the main danger of which is the imminent onset of the inflammatory process.

The onset of the inflammatory process cannot be missed, because it is indicated by the notorious unpleasant odor, yellowish-green color, mucopurulent nature, itching and burning in the genital area. The most common include trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis and chlamydia. It also happens that during this period, hidden gonorrhea is detected.

All identified infections, regardless of the stage of pregnancy, must be treated, because they can have a negative effect on the fetus. There is no need to be afraid of treatment, believe me - infections and their irreversible consequences are much more dangerous! Moreover, today doctors know how to cope with all infections of pregnant women. All medications required for treatment have undergone the necessary clinical trials and have been proven to have no negative effects on the expectant mother and her child.

Dear women, in order not to encounter such an unpleasant disease, you can follow simple and well-known preventive actions, and mucous discharge during pregnancy will not bother you!

When carrying a baby, every woman should pay a lot of attention to her health. It is necessary to include wholesome and healthy foods in the diet, as well as monitor physical activity. Hygiene of the external genitalia is also important during this period. The intensity and color of the mucus secreted indicates the condition of the mother's body.

Is mucous discharge in pregnant women normal or pathological?

After conception, a restructuring of the hormonal system occurs in the body of the expectant mother. This is reflected in the quantity and consistency of sexual discharge.

In the early stages of pregnancy, women secrete from the genitals a colorless, viscous, thick substance that looks like raw egg white. Small white clots may be observed in it. The increase in the amount of mucus secreted is explained by the fact that it closes the cervical canal, into which pathogenic microflora can enter from the genital tract.

At the beginning of the third month, sticky discharge, reminiscent of snot, becomes more abundant, and is often accompanied by nagging pain in the abdominal area. This should not cause concern to the expectant mother, since at 9-10 weeks the position of the uterus changes.

In the second trimester, a woman's production of the hormone estrogen increases significantly. This reduces the viscosity of vaginal secretions, which are released in large quantities. At 21-22 weeks, the discharge becomes grayish or milky in color.

Discharge during pregnancy in the third trimester becomes even more abundant. If the mother is completely healthy, they have no smell. To avoid discomfort during this period, pregnant women are recommended to use panty liners.

Throughout the entire gestation period, the secreted secretion should be transparent without the presence of foreign odors. If the mucus produced has an unpleasant odor, is yellow, green, pink, or contains blood particles, you should seek medical help.

Causes of mucus formation during pregnancy

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The cervical canal is located inside the cervix, which opens into the vagina. It is covered by columnar epithelium, in which mucus is produced. The mucous membrane of the cervix contains a large number of endocervical glands, which secrete a viscous, viscous secretion that fills the cervical canal. This secretion prevents pathogenic microorganisms from entering the uterine cavity, as it has bactericidal properties.

Changes in hormonal levels in women affect the amount of vaginal discharge. Before conception, mucus production depends on a certain phase of the menstrual cycle. During pregnancy, the production of various hormones doubles, helping the mother cope with the increased load.

An increase in progesterone concentration in the first weeks of pregnancy leads to thickening of cervical mucus. The change in the consistency of the secretion is due to the need to protect the embryo from microorganisms that can enter the uterus from the vagina.

For normal development and maturation of the fetus in the third trimester, estrogens are necessary. They regulate the formation of all internal organs and bone tissue of the baby. The increased activity of hormones contributes to the release of a large amount of mucous secretions, which at this stage become more liquid.

Discharge color

The nature of vaginal secretion is one of the most important parameters by which one can determine how much the processes occurring in the mother’s body during pregnancy correspond to the norm. If a woman is healthy and pregnancy proceeds without abnormalities, clear mucous discharge that does not have a characteristic stagnant odor is considered normal. When the color of the secretion does not correspond to the norm, a woman should consult a specialist. The cause of unnatural changes may be the accumulation of pathogenic microflora, as well as various pathologies and infections that can pose a threat to the development of the child.

White discharge

White vaginal secretions are considered normal if they do not contain clots or blood. Discharge similar to egg white is observed in women in the first months of pregnancy.

If white cheesy inclusions are noticeable in the transparent mucus, it has a pronounced beer smell and is accompanied by itching in the genital area, this may indicate the development of vaginal candidiasis in the mother. This disease requires mandatory treatment as it can cause serious complications.

White discharge in the third semester may indicate illness if the mother exhibits the following symptoms:

  • rashes on the body;
  • burning during hygiene procedures;
  • nagging pain in the abdomen and back;
  • the appearance of a putrid odor from the genitals.


Yellow jelly-like discharge is a sign of some sexually transmitted infections. Vaginal secretions acquire a yellowish tint due to a purulent process.

If the expectant mother notices that the mucus secreted in large quantities has become liquid and yellow, then most likely an infection with trichomoniasis has occurred. The characteristic symptoms of this disease are:

  • itching and burning in the labia area;
  • painful urination;
  • pustules on the vaginal mucosa;
  • yellow foamy discharge with a pungent odor.

If left untreated, the disease becomes chronic. Trichomoniasis can cause dangerous consequences for the health of mother and baby.

Very thick vaginal secretions with a yellow tint are a sign of gonorrhea. When the expectant mother becomes infected, nagging pain appears in the lower abdomen, burning in the genital area, pain during urination, swelling and redness of the labia.

If treatment is not started in time, the disease can cause spontaneous abortion. Women who have had this disease experience impaired reproductive function, which in most cases leads to infertility.

Green discharge

Green mucus during pregnancy indicates an inflammatory process in the genitals. Vaginitis (colpitis) is a group of diseases characterized by inflammation of the vaginal mucosa. The causative agents of the disease are gonococci, trichomonas, chlamydia, mycoplasma, Treponema pallidum, mycobacterium tuberculosis and other pathogenic microorganisms.

In addition, the discharge takes on a greenish tint when there is a threat of miscarriage or the pregnancy is fading. The same color of mucus is observed with bacterial vaginosis and cervicitis. The diagnosis is made based on the results of a gynecological smear examination.

The appearance of green discharge in the 3rd trimester may be a sign of inflammatory damage to the membranes. Untimely treatment can lead to infection of the amniotic fluid, and subsequently the baby itself. Infected women have a high body temperature and an increase in the level of leukocytes in the blood. To save a child in such a situation, long-term inpatient treatment is necessary.

Brown discharge

Mucous discharge during pregnancy acquires a brown tint when placental abruption occurs. This phenomenon has been observed in recent weeks due to excessive formation of amniotic fluid. To avoid fetal hypoxia in such a situation, it will be necessary to carry out procedures that accelerate the activation of labor.

Shortly before the baby is born, the mother may periodically experience brown, streaked discharge. This occurs due to the release of the mucus plug, which is a dense clot formed from the secretion of the cervical glands. During gestation, it performs a protective function. The plug blocks the cervical canal, creating a barrier between the uterine cavity and the external environment.

Pink slime

The cause of pink discharge is microcracks formed in the vaginal mucosa. They may appear as a result of mechanical damage during sexual contact, medical examination or collection of biological material. In this case, the color of the mucus returns to normal after 2-3 days.

Prolonged discharge of pink vaginal secretion is a characteristic sign of ectopia or erosion of the cervix. The cause of these diseases is infections of viral and bacterial etiology.

Bright pink streaks in the white mucus released by the expectant mother are a sign of a threatened miscarriage. The woman experiences severe pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the back.

In the last trimester, pregnant women often have pink droplets in their vaginal secretions. This phenomenon is considered normal because the body is preparing for delivery.

In what cases is it necessary to consult a doctor?

The expectant mother should be wary of the appearance of discharge containing blood or pus, since this is a clear sign of infection, which can lead to spontaneous abortion. Associated symptoms of infection are nagging pain in the lower back, cramps in the lower abdomen, burning in the vagina, and pain when urinating.

To eliminate the threat that has arisen, you must consult a doctor and undergo the necessary tests. Timely diagnosis and treatment in most cases help to avoid dangerous consequences.

Treatment methods

The treatment method for the appearance of discharge containing blood elements depends on the established diagnosis. When a threat of miscarriage is identified, therapeutic measures are taken aimed at preserving the fetus and normalizing its further development. If the cause of the bleeding is an ectopic pregnancy, emergency surgery is required.

For vaginal candidiasis, the expectant mother is prescribed antifungal agents approved for use during pregnancy. Since the main cause of the disease is reduced immunity, a woman also needs to take medications that increase the body’s natural resistance.

If bacterial infections of the genital organs are detected, the pregnant woman must take a course of antibiotics. The choice of drugs for treatment is made by a gynecologist and depends on the severity of the disease. When prescribing medications with antibacterial properties, the doctor must take into account the likelihood of side effects on the body of the woman and baby.

Prevention measures

Pregnancy is an important period in the life of every mother. To give birth to a healthy and strong baby, she needs to take responsibility for her health throughout the nine months.

The concept of norm and pathology in pregnant women differs from that of non-pregnant women. During the period of preparation for motherhood, great changes occur daily in the female body. Such reforms also apply to the mucous membrane.

Why does mucus form?

information Glandular cells, which are located in large numbers in the cervix, constantly synthesize mucus. In healthy representatives of the fair sex, it is transparent or whitish, odorless, in small quantities, and does not cause unpleasant sensations (itching, burning). The amount of mucus depends on sex hormones and varies depending on the day of the menstrual cycle.

The main hormone of the first phase is estrogen, and second - progesterone. So immediately after menstruation there is practically no discharge, but closer to the middle of the cycle their production increases and remains at the same level until the next critical days. In addition to the quantity, the consistency also changes. On “dangerous” days, corresponding to ovulation, the mucus is liquid and promotes the penetration of sperm, but in the second half it becomes thick and viscous.

Progesterone is responsible for this. Its content is high not only in the second phase of the cycle, but also during the period of preparation for motherhood. Thus, mucous discharge during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, is viscous, thick and opaque. They do not require any additional examination or treatment. Be sure to observe the following rules:

  • No tampons, they increase the likelihood of an ascending infection.
  • Shower daily and wash your face twice a day.
  • Underwear should be made of natural fabric, clothing should be comfortable and not restrict your movements.
  • Do not use scented intimate hygiene products, sanitary pads with different scents, or perineal deodorants.
  • No vaginal douching. Some inexperienced expectant mothers try to wash away physiological leucorrhoea in such a blasphemous way.

Mucous discharge during pregnancy is normal if all hygiene rules are followed, does not cause discomfort in expectant mothers, and does not require any additional examination or treatment.

However, there are exceptions.

When should you see a doctor?

dangerous In cases where mucous discharge during pregnancy in the early stages begins to gradually increase, streaks of blood appear in it, and all this is accompanied by nagging pain in the lower abdomen, lower back and increased frequency of urination, immediately run to the doctor. All these are signs of a threatening spontaneous miscarriage, which requires hospitalization in a hospital.

Treatment in the hospital begins immediately. It includes the main positions:

  • Complete physical, emotional and sexual peace. Therefore, doctors often recommend bed rest and prescribe valerian.
  • Antispasmodic therapy( , ). Depending on the level of pain, they can be prescribed in tablets, intramuscular, intravenous injections or in.
  • Hemostatic therapy in the presence of bleeding. Includes drugs such as sodium ethamsylate, aminocaproic acid.
  • In the second trimester, if available, i.e. when the cervix is ​​not able to perform its functions and opens prematurely, to preserve and prolong pregnancy, it is possible to either apply a suture to the cervix or install.
  • Antibacterial therapy It is often prescribed in the presence of bloody discharge to prevent infection from penetrating to the fetus, since blood is an excellent medium for the proliferation of pathological microflora.

In what other cases can clear mucous discharge increase during pregnancy? This can often happen in both early and late stages for the following reasons:

  • exposure to thermal irritants, for example, in the summer, in the heat;
  • (for synthetic underwear, for pads from a new company, for shower gel).

Such discharge, most often, can be accompanied by slight itching, causes discomfort in women, it is transparent in color, and its quantity is abundant.

The main thing in their treatment is the removal of the provoking factor and careful adherence to hygiene rules.

One of the additional reasons for the increase in the amount of mucus is. This is a harbinger of childbirth. The mucus plug is the secretion of the cervical glands. It leaves approximately 10-14 days before birth. Its quantity is 20-30 ml. A small amount of blood is released along with the mucus. This occurs due to microtears of the edges of the internal pharynx, since from 38 weeks of pregnancy the cervix begins to gradually shorten, soften and open slightly. All these phenomena indicate the gradual preparation of your body for the onset of labor. Many people don’t pay attention to this. In this case, there is no need to seek medical help.

As soon as a woman’s suspicions about pregnancy are confirmed by a positive result, and then by the corresponding doctor’s conclusion, the expectant mother always pays special attention from that moment on to her health and new sensations. She listens carefully to their needs, evaluates them critically, worrying about the normal course of pregnancy and the upcoming development of the baby. The expectant mother also does not ignore the issue of discharge during pregnancy, the nature of which in most cases changes already in the early stages - during this period, a woman, as a rule, observes mucous discharge during pregnancy, which previously was usually characteristic of the second phase of the menstrual cycle.

Mucous discharge during pregnancy, reminiscent of the consistency of egg white, in varying quantities, transparent or slightly whitish - for the period of bearing a child is the perfect norm, experts reassure. This is especially true in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, when the “dominant position” in a woman’s body is given to the hormone progesterone. This hormone is also called the pregnancy hormone: it is responsible for its preservation and successful development. Progesterone, among other things, takes part in the formation of a mucus plug, which will protect, providing protection to the fetus and protecting it from the negative effects of infections and other unfavorable factors.

It is during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy that the expectant mother regularly discovers a certain amount of mucus on her underwear. Mucous discharge during pregnancy during this period is usually quite viscous, in most cases opaque, and the amount of mucus can vary from extremely scanty to quite considerable. The nature of the discharge in this case depends on the individual characteristics of the woman, but, in any case, mucous discharge during pregnancy is classified as normal - the result of hormonal changes in the body.

If before the 12th week a woman observes increasingly viscous mucous discharge during pregnancy, then, starting from the 13th week, as the production of estrogen also intensifies, the mucus thins out and becomes less viscous. At the same time, the amount of discharge can increase significantly, which causes the expectant mother some discomfort. To avoid it, you should use special sanitary panty liners - without fragrances, so as not to irritate the genital mucosa. But doctors strongly recommend avoiding tampons, because using them is likely to cause such an unnecessary and even dangerous infection.

In any case, both in the early stages and throughout subsequent pregnancy, changes in the nature of the discharge should be recorded. At the same time, paying attention not so much to the “degree” of viscosity, but to the color of the discharge, the smell, its consistency - the appearance of curdled discharge, or bubbling, with an unpleasant pungent odor indicates the addition of an infection and the development of an inflammatory process. As a rule, in the presence of infection, not only does the nature of the discharge change, the inflammatory process is also accompanied by the appearance of unpleasant sensations in the genital area in the form of painful urination. All these symptoms should be the reason for mandatory examination by a doctor, establishing a correct diagnosis and prescribing appropriate therapy if necessary.

Especially for- Tatyana Argamakova