Ointments for healing stab wounds. Weeping wounds. Treatment. What is required for home treatment

Wounds are damage to the integrity of the skin of varying severity; they can be cut, bruised, torn, punctured, etc. No one is immune from such damage, superficial or deep. Wounds, wounds, and abrasions are always painful and bring a lot of trouble to the victim.

But the main danger is that they become an open gate for infection, which can cause the development of various diseases, and also significantly complicates the treatment of the wound. Therefore, it is so important to treat the resulting damage as quickly as possible, and then begin treatment.

If the wound is deep or there is heavy bleeding, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. Small wounds, cuts and abrasions can be cured at home using folk experience.

How to properly treat damage and heal skin wounds at home, using folk recipes, how is it done? I'll tell you about this today:

Primary processing

Healing wounds at home should begin with cleaning them. The first step is to carefully rinse the damage with clean, warm water. It is even better to use a pink solution of potassium permanganate, boric acid or furatsilin. If there are stuck particles of dirt, glass, wood, etc. remove them with tweezers, previously wiped with alcohol. Treat the edges with an antiseptic (iodine, brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide, etc.).

Cover the treated wound with a bandage. To do this, use a sterile bandage and gauze pad. Do not forget that the bandage must be changed to a fresh one every two hours.

If you notice that severe inflammation has begun, go to the emergency room immediately. If the wound is not deep, there is no bleeding, and there are no signs of inflammation, proceed to further treatment at home with folk remedies.

During the treatment process, continue to regularly treat the affected skin surface. This will help activate regeneration processes, which promotes faster healing.

Wound healing with folk remedies

A very effective remedy for the rapid healing of skin wounds is freshly squeezed perennial aloe juice. Squeeze the juice of the leaf through gauze, then gently lubricate the damaged skin. The juice of this plant has a pronounced bactericidal effect, eliminates minor inflammations, and accelerates regeneration processes.

Wash the aloe leaf and remove the thorns. Cut it in half and apply it to the wound with the wet cut side. This should be done immediately after treating the damage. Apply a sterile bandage on top. Leave this compress on all night. The juice of the plant disinfects, draws out accumulations of pus and covers damaged skin with a thin film.

At home, you can prepare a tincture from calamus root. This remedy is also used to speed up the healing of skin lesions. To do this, pour 2 tablespoons of crushed, dried root into a clean jar. Pour a glass of vodka. Place the jar in a dark place. Let it sit there for a couple of weeks.

Pour the finished strained tincture into a bottle. Use for abrasions and wounds. Just moisten a cotton swab with it and treat the edges of the damage. This will prevent infection and speed up healing.

An ancient, very effective remedy - pine balsam, you can also prepare it yourself. This remedy quickly heals abrasions, open wounds, fistulas and boils.

When going to the forest, collect pine resin (resin). At home, mix it with the same amount of natural village butter (you can replace it with fresh melted chicken or goose fat). Mix everything thoroughly and lubricate damaged skin. Store the balm on the refrigerator shelf.

If the injury is bleeding, use fresh burnet grass or nettle leaves. To do this, the plant is steamed in boiling water, cooled, and then applied to the damaged skin. This will help stop the bleeding.

St. John's wort oil is a good healing agent. It is also easy to prepare at home. To do this, collect fresh, young shoots of the plant. Chop them finely. Fill a clean half-liter jar about a third full. Pour olive oil up to the shoulders and place in a boiling water bath. Keep it for half an hour. Then put the jar in the kitchen cabinet and let it sit there for 3 days. Keep the finished strained oil in the refrigerator. Use to lubricate shallow wounds and other skin lesions. Carry out treatment several times a day.

If suppuration occurs, use this home remedy: Collect fresh plantain leaves, wash them, dry them on a paper towel so that no water remains. Scroll through a meat grinder or simply cut finely with a knife. Mix with the same amount of natural honey. Lubricate several layers of bandage generously with this product, apply to the wound, and secure with a napkin. This homemade ointment perfectly disinfects and heals.

When treating wounds with folk remedies, pay attention to such a simple home remedy as baked onions. Just peel a fresh onion and pierce it with a knitting needle. Heat over an open fire until the surface is baked but not too black.

Peel off this layer and discard. And divide the middle into layers, which are applied to the wound. Secure with a bandage. Change the compress to a fresh one every 2 hours. It’s good to leave it overnight and change it in the morning.

During the treatment process, take care of the area of ​​the body that is damaged. Protect from unnecessary stress and friction so as not to cause re-injury. Be sure to carefully treat the wound, do not peel off the crust that appears, to avoid infection and suppuration. If signs of serious inflammation are observed, stop self-medication and consult a doctor. Be healthy!

In the form of a cut or wound. Most often, people injure their arms and legs. Young children may fall or get scratched during active play. Adults are cut with knives and scissors. Most often, no one is afraid of a minor injury, but not everyone knows how to properly treat a wound and what complications may arise.

Why are cuts dangerous?

Cuts and wounds can damage a large vessel, artery, or nerve. If dangerous microorganisms enter and the wound is not treated, you may even lose an arm or leg. If gangrene begins or a non-healing trophic wound forms, they can become a life-threatening source of infection. In medical practice, there are cases when a decision is made to amputate to save a person’s life.

At the inflammatory stage, complications such as purulent leaks and phlegmon may occur. This occurs when the pus that forms in the wound does not come out, but into the surrounding tissues or into the cavities between them. If, after receiving an injury, the condition of the whole body began to deteriorate sharply, fever and weakness appeared, then it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor.

Primary treatment of wounds

Regardless of where the integrity of the skin is broken and how, primary wound treatment is required. For small household cuts, first of all, it is necessary to remove visible contamination from the wound. To do this, you can twist a sterile bandage into a triangle to create a pointed tip, or use tweezers (tweezers) previously disinfected with alcohol or vodka. After cleansing the wound, it should be treated with an antiseptic ( germ-killing drug). Can be used as an antiseptic hydrogen peroxide 3%, iodine, iodinol, chlorhexidine biglucanate etc. Hydrogen peroxide not only chemically destroys microorganisms, but also brings them to the surface mechanically - due to the formation of bubbles.

In the absence of medications, they can be replaced with an aqueous 2% soda solution, a concentrated solution of table salt, chamomile infusion, and vodka. Unless a cut or wound is made with a sterile scalpel, there will always be germs in it. Even postoperative wounds become infected, not to mention household wounds. After treatment, the wound must be closed from possible re-contamination by applying a bandage or plaster. If we are talking about very small and shallow cuts, you can stop there.

Deep wound care

If the wound surface is regarded as large, even in the subjective opinion of the wounded person, it is better to seek medical help. Cuts longer than 1.5-2 cm, will take a long time to heal on their own, cause discomfort and, quite likely, will cause complications. In this case, it is better to consult a doctor. The same applies to wounds that bring unbearable pain (possible damage to a nerve branch), or wounds that are accompanied by profuse, continuous bleeding. Medium-sized wounds and cuts cannot always be treated with surgery. But when suturing any wound, it will always heal faster. Medical care in this case includes: treatment of the wound, excision (circumcision) of the edges of the wound, stopping bleeding, suturing. Sometimes sutures can be placed a little later, when the inflammatory process in the wound decreases. The wound dressing must be changed daily. In the first week, a wet-dry bandage is applied, then they switch to ointment ones. Antiseptic drugs are used in wet dressings. Ointments for treating wounds consist of antimicrobial agents and substances that promote healing. For example, ointments such as levomikol, levosin, methyluracil are used.
In parallel, a prophylactic course of broad-spectrum antibiotics is prescribed.

Stages of wound healing

There are 2 types of wound regeneration - primary and secondary intention. In the first case, the edges of the wound should be smooth, located close to each other, and there should be no microbes in it at all. Then the cut will immediately be closed by epithelium (skin cells). The process of secondary intention is characteristic of injuries in which infection and cell death occurred during injury. The essence of secondary intention is that first inflammation begins in the wound, then intermediate tissue is formed, and the last stage is scarring.

Inflammation of the wound occurs due to microbes. It is accompanied by swelling of the edges of the wound, an increase in the temperature of the surrounding tissues, and pain. During inflammation, cells are released from the blood that kill microorganisms inside the wound. This is the body's protective response. If the cut is covered with a crust of blood, it should never be torn off, even if pus or serous fluid oozes from underneath it. This crust protects the wound from new microbes and allows the healing stages to proceed sequentially. After a week, the inflammation subsides, and the wound begins to be lined with granulation (intermediate) tissue. During normal healing, after another 7-10 days, granulations turn into a scar.

Sometimes wounds take a very long time to heal or become reinfected. In such cases, surgical intervention, wound revision, and antibacterial therapy are necessary. This can happen if the wound is treated incorrectly or not treated properly. There is also a risk of the wound becoming infected with dangerous microbes and developing diseases such as gangrene or tetanus.

Any cut, even the smallest one, must be treated. This is the first necessary condition for the prevention of possible complications. You should not ignore medical help, and if possible, it is better to consult a specialist.

Tell us in the comments about your worst wounds. How did you receive it, how did it heal?

Every person in the course of daily activities receives minor cuts, cracks, abrasions, minor burns or other superficial wounds of the skin. These small wounds are often very annoying, without being serious enough injuries to warrant a visit to the doctor. Typically, these changes are not dangerous, but can cause great discomfort. This is why it is very important to speed up the healing process. So how can you heal a wound quickly?

Acute and chronic wounds

Wounds are divided into acute and chronic. Acute ones occur after cuts or operations. These wounds heal quickly (2-7 days) and, if properly cared for, are not a serious problem. Chronic wounds, those that do not heal within a week, even despite maintaining hygiene. In this situation, it becomes necessary not only to treat wounds, but, above all, to find the reasons for this. Wounds that do not heal may indicate a serious illness in the body.

Chronic wounds more often affect older people. There may be several reasons. Worse tissue regeneration, the inability of the elderly to treat a wound, serious illnesses, for example, wounds that are difficult to treat in diabetes (persistently elevated blood sugar levels lead to damage to the arteries, a process that ends in injuries and even amputation of the foot) or venous insufficiency, where wounds are the result nutritional disorders of leg tissues.
A wound that does not heal within two weeks should be cause for concern. Especially when there are additional symptoms - redness, swelling or pain - that indicate infection or inflammation. You should then immediately go to the doctor to determine the cause. The earlier treatment is carried out, the greater the chance for rapid healing.

  • 1. Formation of wounds

In order to understand what are the possibilities for accelerating the process and what substances can affect the healing process, it is worth referring to the individual stages of the process. Damage to the skin triggers an inflammatory response, which leads to the accumulation of fluid on the surface, which contains, among other things, growth factors, and whose main function is to stimulate the proliferation and migration of immune cells to the wound area. These substances work best in a moist environment, and drying an open wound will significantly prolong the healing process. Under the influence of the above factors, epithelial cells and intact hair follicles grow to cover the site of injury and lead to the formation of new epithelium covering the wound. In this case, the wound heals without scars.

  • 2. Stages of wound healing

As we can see, the healing process is complex and involves many of our body's defense and regeneration mechanisms.

First of all, proper cleansing of the wound is very important for the healing process. The skin should be cleansed under running cold water or an inert liquid such as saline. The use of substances containing alcohol, iodine to clean damaged skin is not advisable, and the use of such compositions can further irritate the skin and cause large wounds. In addition, such opening of the wound causes drying, which delays the regeneration process of the epidermis and makes it an easy target for microbes. To speed up the healing process, keeping the wound surface moist is important. This environment delays crust formation. After cleaning the wound, it is worth applying a substance that provides a moist environment in the area of ​​damaged skin.

Several types of bacteria always live on human skin, which usually do not pose a danger to the body, but when the skin is damaged, there is a risk of infection. In addition, in the case of wounds, abrasions and burns, we are exposed to a number of bacteria in the external environment. That is why the drug applied to the wound surface must have antibacterial properties.

  • 3. Accelerate wound healing

A good choice for these minor skin lesions is a combination product that comes in the form of an ointment for topical application to the skin. The dosage form provides sufficient moisture to the wound so that the healing process continues as quickly as possible. It is desirable that such a composition has a composition of active substances with antibacterial activity. The influence of antibiotics reduces the risk of the emergence of resistant strains.

Stages of healing

Wounds, scratches, cuts happen every day. To make it easier to understand first aid in such cases, you should know the four stages of treatment:

1. Inflammation

The body's immediate defense response to any injury is to dilate blood vessels to speed up the transport of blood to the injured tissue - the blood vessels become more permeable, allowing fluids and white blood cells (leukocytes) to be transferred from the blood to the tissues. Increased blood flow causes unpleasant but transient symptoms:

  • - increase in tissue temperature due to increased blood circulation;
  • - redness due to vasodilation (dilation of blood vessels);
  • - swelling caused by exudation of blood to the tissues;
  • - pain due to increased tension and excess fluid in the tissues.

2. Thrombus

After being wounded, for at least 10 minutes, depending on the extent of the injury, the body forms a clot (thrombus) that connects the edges of the wound to prevent excessive blood loss.

3. Removal of dead tissue.

White blood cells begin the process of absorbing microorganisms, dead cells and foreign substances, after cleaning the wound area. The damaged cells then release chemicals to stimulate blood flow and attract more white blood cells to the site of damage. Dead white blood cells containing excess microorganisms and decomposition products are partially removed through the lymphatic system and partially form purulent discharge.

4. Wound healing.

In the following days, general tissue and epithelium grow to replace the damaged skin surface. In case of extensive injuries, a scar forms over the entire surface of the wound. The immune system and white blood cells play another important role - they produce antibodies that help the body fight infection. Therefore, the healing process proceeds smoothly if the patient's general health is good. A weakened immune system significantly reduces the body's ability to fight infections and impairs wound healing. Fever, which occurs with extensive injuries from infection, is part of a protective mechanism - it helps fight infection (increased body temperature does not encourage the growth of harmful microorganisms) and speeds up the healing process (fever increases the flow of blood and nutrients to the area of ​​injury).

First aid

  • - Stop the bleeding

A bleeding wound requires immediate application of direct pressure. Place a piece of clean material that absorbs moisture, such as gauze bandages, towels or a napkin, over the wound site and press firmly. If possible, the victim himself should clamp the wound, because he knows better with what force to do this. In general, pressure stops bleeding within 1-2 minutes. If blood leaks out, apply another layer of material and continue applying pressure. It is safe to apply a sterile compress to open wounds. Very heavy bleeding can be quickly controlled by using a hemostatic agent.

  • – Reduced pressure in damaged blood vessels

Wounds should be treated as soon as possible to prevent infection and skin trauma. The entire area around the injury site is washed with soap and water, hydrogen peroxide, antiseptic or water. This reduces the number of bacteria, foreign objects and dead tissue fragments that threaten the wound. The wound (wound surface) should be carefully washed with water and gauze or a cotton swab 2 times a day, from the wound outward, to avoid infection by skin bacteria. Then apply the patch and leave it overnight. The patch should only be applied when the wound is wet.

  • — Wound dressings

Exposure to air causes crusting to form, which slows down the process of growing new cells. Therefore, a sterile bandage with plastic or gauze coated with Vaseline is applied to the wound. This prevents the wound from drying out and allows a small amount of air to flow in. Cell regeneration is faster in moist tissues.
After the bleeding stops, wrap the wound with an elastic bandage in the right direction - the blood should flow freely. The bandage must be controlled; it should not interfere with blood circulation.

Ways to accelerate wound healing

In modern restorative medicine, hygiene without the use of chemicals is preferred. The method of maintaining hygiene affects the rate of healing of all skin lesions. Chemical cleaning of the wound with products (soaps, gels, shampoos, etc.) can irritate the wound and delay the healing process, but cleaning is necessary to prevent the development of secondary infection.
Therefore, the original solution is to maintain daily hygiene using the natural air-water sterilizing effect. Thanks to this, the healing process proceeds without interference, is enhanced and occurs much faster. In addition, microbubbles perform a unique micro-massage that stimulates blood flow within the wound. For these reasons, consistent use of microbubbles in daily hygiene significantly reduces the appearance of scars.
Japanese water nanotechnology experts have developed and patented home generators of medicinal bubbles in the form of shower heads and systems, bath faucets.

Traditional medicine for healing

Herbal infusions and oils can be added to the bath to further enhance the therapeutic effect.

Wound healing herbs.
The compress is soaked in a cooled and strained herbal solution and then applied to the wound. Recommended tinctures: nettle, sage, yarrow and St. John's wort.
Ointment for wounds.
The best are ointments containing broad-spectrum antibiotics, for example, Fenistil or Bipanten. People using antibacterial ointments show 30% faster healing and less scarring. Popular ointments containing preservatives can cause allergies - redness and itching around the wound, which can cause a secondary infection. Preparations containing components are the best alternative for local treatment of wounds with pharmaceuticals. Recommended: green clay, honey, echinacea, arnica, calendula and oregano ointments, broom oil, coconut oil, argan oil and essential oils to support wound healing:

  • rosemary oil;
  • bergamot essential oil;
  • patchouli oil;
  • rose oil;
  • geranium oil

Allantoin facilitates the separation of necrotic tissue and wound cleansing, stimulates the epidermal mucous membranes and skin. Hyaluronic acid as a skin component plays a key role in all stages of wound healing: it accelerates wound scarring and clot formation (at least 3 times faster). Promotes epidermis renewal. Hyaluronate containing preparations are recommended as a supplement for the healing of all types of wounds.

You should contact a DOCTOR in the following cases::

  • - the blood from the wound is pulsating and its color is light red - this may be due to damage to the artery;
  • - it is not possible to remove all foreign bodies from the wound;
  • - injury to a place where there should not be a scar, for example, the face;
  • — there is pus around the wound or redness at the edges of the wound wider than a finger;
  • - a large wound in which the bottom is visible - it needs to be stitched up!
  • - the wound is deep and can cause damage to blood vessels, nerves, tendons, ligaments and/or muscles (for example, puncture wounds.)
  • - wound caused by a bullet - gunshot wound;
  • - any wound on the head, serious wounds to the abdomen and chest;
  • - the injury does not begin to heal within 24 hours;
  • - Anti-tetanus injections are needed. A large surface of the wound and its contamination with earth, objects that were in the ground, and dust are indications for the administration of anti-tetanus serum. If you don't remember the last time you received a vaccine dose, be sure to see a doctor on the day of your injury!

If the wound does not heal - reasons

It is true that chronic wounds are difficult to heal, especially in older people. However, problems with the wound are often associated with non-compliance with the rules of behavior - the wrong choice of hygiene, medication or neglect of them. Very often, therapeutic measures are aimed only at the wound, and not at removing the cause. And this is a mistake! Wound healing depends primarily on the underlying disease.

The most common mistakes that prevent wounds from healing are changing dressings too often.

The rule is this: the dressing should be changed as often as necessary and as little as possible. In the case of chronic wounds, it is changed once a week, and in case of copious discharge from the wound - every 2-3 days. Frequent changes damage new, soft tissue and destroy reparative processes.

The second mistake is pouring disinfectant liquids into the wound (for example, hydrogen peroxide or salicylic alcohol, as well as iodine).

Wounds are also not treated with antibiotics. These disinfectants and antibiotics cause damage to healthy cells and slow wound healing.

The safest wound environment is normal saline and medications that prevent the entry of pathogens and infections from outside without damaging the wound environment. Vaseline or zinc-based ointment also cannot be classified as a good solution. They are used only to protect the skin around the wound.

  • 1. Wounds are washed with saline, 0.9% or Ringer's solution. You should not use disinfectants - alcohol, iodine or hydrogen peroxide, because they destroy the newly formed, very delicate skin and granulation tissues that are newly formed.
  • 2. Avoid frequent and excessive application of ointments, creams and gels to the wound (without consulting a doctor).
  • 3. The wound should be kept in a moist environment, thanks to modern dressings. They do not stick to the wound surface and therefore do not cause tissue damage or pain.
  • 4. The skin around the wound is nourished with preparations with a slightly acidic pH, which inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria.
  • 5. The wound should not have any contact with clothing and the dressing should be placed so as to prevent contamination.
  • 6. Depending on the stage of healing, the doctor indicates the frequency of changing the dressings, preferably once a week.

Preparations for rapid wound healing

There are hundreds of different types of drugs. They can be divided into the following types:

  • hydrogels (for example Intrasitegel, aquagel) - capable of absorbing exudate, maintaining high humidity, and also having cleansing properties, which leads to hydration of necrotic tissues;
  • hydrocolloids (for example Granuflex, Tegasorb), which are in the form of layered plates and upon contact with exudate form a gel, which occurs during the granulation process;
  • dextromers (for example, Acudex, Debrisan) - dressing materials consisting of polysaccharide grains that form a gel upon contact with wound exudate; used to treat large, deep and infected bedsores;
  • alginates dressings (for example, Kaltrostat, Tegagel.) - Dressings, natural polysaccharides obtained from seaweed with very high absorbent properties;
  • semi-permeable polyurethane film (for example, Opsite, Tegaderm.) - Capable of ensuring free evaporation of wound exudate from the surface, but not permeable to water and bacteria from the outside.

How to speed up wound healing?

1. Medicines applied locally

The classic patch or bandage has now been replaced by so-called hydrocolloid dressings. Preparations of this type Fenistil for wounds. Hydrocolloid acid creates optimal conditions for wound healing. Provides sufficient moisture to dry wounds, absorbs excess exudate from the wound, and protects against external factors. As a result, the dressing hydrocolloid accelerates tissue repair and reduces scar formation. Such a dressing can be applied to the wound surface, such as minor abrasions, cuts and wounds - bedsores. They should not, however, be applied to purulent wounds. The drugs are applied directly to the wound. In addition, you can apply a regular bandage or plaster on top.

To speed up the healing of serious wounds, Solcoseryl is prescribed in the form of a gel on a wet wound and Solcoseryl ointment on a dry wound and Curiosin gel. The drugs are applied to the cleaned wound 2 times a day. The active ingredient of Solcoseryl is dialysate from the blood of calves, which facilitates access of oxygen and nutrients to the cells inside the wound. In Curiosin, the active component is zinc hyaluronate, which ensures adequate hydration and an appropriate response of inflammatory cells.

For slow-healing, purulent wounds, medications can be used to speed up cleaning. Ichthyol ointment has an anti-inflammatory effect, slightly astringent. It can be used for boils, 2-3 times a day. Medicines may temporarily irritate the skin.

The new skin that forms must be properly hydrated and nourished from the outside. It is necessary to use ointments or moisturizing creams with allantoin (Alantan), dexpanthenol (Bephanten, Dermopanten), vitamin ointments. The creams are safe and can be used several times a day for adults and children.

2. Diet and nutritional supplements to speed up healing

For large cuts, surgical wounds, it is important to supplement the amount of vitamin C in the body. It participates, together with the amino acids lysine and proline, in the formation of collagen, which is a kind of scaffolding for cells. The body cannot synthesize vitamin C and lysine, so it must be obtained through diet. Lysine-rich foods include hard cheeses, legumes, fish, and meat. Take vitamin C supplements with a high content - 1 g, preferably of natural origin.

Before operations, as well as to promote skin regeneration, it is worth enriching your diet with omega-3 preparations, taking flaxseed oil, B vitamins, especially vitamin B5, vitamin A and E.

What can you eat to speed up healing?

One thing to keep in mind is that the wound healing process is supported by carnosine. Typically, the main source of carnosine is beef and pork. If, however, for various reasons, the patient cannot eat meat, drugs containing carnosine must be taken. Carnosine is thought to aid in the healing of bedsores (and prevent the formation of new bedsores), but it actually helps in the healing of all wounds. Colostrum, or the first milk that is produced after childbirth, is a unique immune support system. Colostrum accelerates the healing of all types of wounds.

In order for the wound to heal quickly and painlessly, it must be treated correctly and immediately, and then treated with various medical means.

Treatment and treatment should be done as quickly as possible and very carefully, first the dirt and dead tissue is properly removed from the wound, so as not to touch the wound.

What is a wound?

A wound, that is, vulnus, is a mechanical injury of various kinds to a human organ or its tissues, accompanied by destruction of the integrity of the skin or mucous membrane. It is precisely this destruction that differs from a rupture, bruise, and also sprain; a wound differs from a wound and is the result of tissue destruction. A wound has three main signs: bleeding, as well as gaping and pain, which depend on the nature of the wound itself, the volume of tissue destroyed and the blood supply to the wounded area.

The wound area has walls, a wound bottom and wound volumes; they can be of two main types, that is, accidental or surgical.

Types of wounds

  • Bitten, that is, vulnus laceratum. It may be due to a bite by an animal or a person, the features are the same as those of a laceration, the main point here is scattered, deep and extensive damage, as well as a large infection with the microflora of the animal’s mouth.
  • A wound that is crushed or crushed, that is, vulnus conqvassatum. It can be formed due to the action of blunt objects, where the overall surface is quite wide, as well as in the presence of solid support, that is, other objects or bones. The tissues can have extensive wounds and be crushed, the gap is wide, the bones can be destroyed, the edges of the wound are quite complex, the general pain syndrome is bright, and blood loss is minimal.
  • Chopped, that is, vulnus caesum. It can be formed due to the action of sharp certain objects, such as a checker, saber or axe, in which the wound occurs only perpendicularly or at an angle to the tissues. It is characterized by deep, various general injuries, there is a wide gaping, as well as concussion and bruises of tissues, and occupies a middle position between a bruised and an incised wound.

  • The wound is incised, that is, vulnus incisum. May occur when exposed to sharp objects such as a razor, knife, shards of metal and glass. Such a general large wound is characterized by maximum tissue destruction towards the wound channel and other tissues; the edges of these tissues can be smooth, even and complex. Bleeding due to an incised wound is usually significant, the pain syndrome is moderate, and muscles, blood vessels and tendons can also be damaged.
  • Punctured, that is, vulnus punctum. May occur due to deep general penetration of long and sharp instruments such as a bayonet and sharpener, awl or knitting needle. The main feature is the minimal entrance hole, as well as minor tissue damage, the wound quickly sticks together and creates conditions for the development of various infections.
  • Bruised, that is, vulnus contusum. It can occur due to the action of a hard and blunt object, the surface of the bruise is usually quite wide, the muscle tissue and bones of a person are often destroyed, which can be bruised and crushed.
  • Ragged, that is, vulnus laceratum. It can occur when an object is applied at a certain angle to a person’s skin, such an object can be a saw or a transmission, the amount of damage here is significant, skin detachment often occurs, the gap is quite wide, and the hemorrhage is significant.
  • Wound vulnus venenatum. It can be formed by the bite of various poisonous snakes, the main difference from others is the ingress of toxic substances into the wound, and it can also form due to radioactive and even household pollution.

Immediate actions in case of injury

General medical and first aid to a person who receives a wound is a complex of various measures, the purpose of which is to eliminate the effect of the factor and remove the threat to human life.

Also, such medical care serves to relieve suffering and prepare a person for transfer to a medical facility for further treatment.

Such actions are among the simplest, and they must be carried out in the shortest possible time right at the scene of the incident. For this purpose, the working personnel must undergo special training and master the simplest techniques, which is of great importance in this case.

The most optimal is considered to be medical care provided to a person in case of injury within 30 minutes after the injury itself; working personnel should be trained in methods of providing medical care for injuries typical for the work of a given organization or company.

The wound is usually accompanied by destruction of the integrity of the skin or mucous membrane of a person, wounds may vary in depth, size and shape.

  1. It is necessary to free the victim himself from the dangerous destructive factor, this could be a mechanical action, electric current, water or chemicals that are harmful to humans. To do this, a number of general first aid tools can be used, and you also need to know techniques that are safe for yourself and others, which everyone should know.
  1. The condition should be assessed and the person removed from clothing if it restricts his breathing., if necessary, it is better to take it out to where the air will be fresh. Determining the extent and nature of the damage itself; for this purpose, the damaged area or part of the body is carefully exposed, and then it is immediately necessary to take medical care measures for the person.
  1. Stop bleeding. You need to know that if blood loss is up to 2 liters, then this leads to death; here the rate of blood loss depends on the size of the vessel, the location of the damage and the depth of the wound. The larger the size of such a vessel, the less time there will be during which blood loss occurs; such bleeding can be venous when the skin is wounded and arterial when an arterial vessel is injured. If the injury was arterial or even parenchymal, that is, due to organ damage, then you definitely won’t be able to stop it on your own; you need to urgently contact a doctor for this purpose.

  1. Disinfection. It is necessary to immediately and quickly rinse the wound with water or a special solution; if the wound is dirty, then it must be carefully cleaned with hands or tweezers, which must be clean and treated with alcohol. Next, the wound should be washed, this can be done using a weak pink solution of potassium permanganate, and hydrogen peroxide is also suitable, which should be in every enterprise and company. If the wound was caused by acid on the skin, then wash it with a regular soda solution, and if the wound was caused by an alkali, then it must be treated with a vinegar solution.
  1. Treatment of the skin around the wound itself is required, for this purpose, around the wound at a distance of 2 cm from the edges, smear it with iodine solution or brilliant green. And if iodine is missing, then you can use a solution of ordinary potassium permanganate, and an alcohol-containing liquid will also work. Such treatment must be carried out very carefully so that alcohol does not get into the wound; this is a very important condition.
  1. Special pressure bandage for wounds. In order to immediately and very quickly stop bleeding in a person, as well as reduce swelling and create balance in the body, it is necessary to make special pressure bandages in the area of ​​the wound; this can be done using non-synthetic material, although it is best to take the most ordinary bandage, which will sterile and reasonably clean.

Thanks to timely and rational treatment, as well as regular wound management, you can quickly heal mild and even moderate wounds at home.

Only here you need to know all the rules of care and be able to distinguish dry wounds from wet ones, which determines the correct choice of the most effective means of healing. Traditionally, such home treatment consists of regular regular dressings using special products required to quickly heal wounds.

If your wound healing is slow and takes too long, you will need to consult a surgeon who will explain the reasons for this phenomenon. You should also periodically visit a specialist so that he can change the treatment regimen in a timely manner.

What is required for home treatment:

  1. Clean oilcloth
  2. Hand sanitizers
  3. Hand soap
  4. Clean good towel
  5. Alcohol-containing solution for treatment around the wound, iodine, brilliant green, etc.
  6. Antiseptic aqueous solution, miramistin, hydrogen peroxide, furatsilin
  7. Be sure to buy tweezers and scissors, which must be treated with an antiseptic
  8. Medicines for treatment
  9. Material for dressing, that is, gauze and bandage, as well as means for fixing the bandage

Before dressing at home, you should wash your hands very thoroughly, wiping them with a clean special towel, then you need to lay out everything required for treatment on an oilcloth. Now you can remove the bandage from the wound and then wash your hands again after treating them with an alcohol solution; be sure to wear sterile gloves when treating the wound.

Now the napkin is removed to cover the wound, and if it is stuck, then It’s better to first moisten it with a solution of a regular antiseptic; the best option is hydrogen peroxide.

It’s bad to tear off the napkin right away, let it first soak thoroughly and thoroughly, and when the napkin is already removed, treat the area around the wound with an alcohol antiseptic.

When the napkin has already been removed from the wound, the condition of the wound itself should be determined., that is, whether it is wet or dry, the healing process should be rationally checked each time.

When the napkin and bandages are removed, it is necessary to use healing agents; gels and jelly are used for a wet wound, and a special ointment for a dry wound. Such treatments and dressings need to be done 1-2 times daily, preferably in the morning and then at the end of the day., only high-quality products and effective cell growth stimulators should be used here.

When making such home therapeutic dressings, you should pay attention to such criteria as the size of the wound and its depth
As it heals, it should slowly decrease in size.

You should pay attention to changes in the amount of discharge from the wound, as well as its smell and necessarily color; it should not deepen or increase. Also here you should check your sensations, the pain should gradually go away, and the treatment should give a slow and sure result.

Temperature change, general chills and lack of results, skin redness and swelling is a reason to consult a doctor for advice.

Pharmacy products for rapid healing of various types of wounds

Every person encounters various wounds and abrasions many times in his life, from childhood, when preschool children often have knocked-out knees and other injuries, to an adult who, although rarely, receives various levels of injuries at work.

In young people and adults, such injuries can often occur both at work and just at home in everyday life, making repairs in an apartment or preparing food. It is because of this common reason that every home should have means to treat wounds, and they should be treated immediately, as infection can get there.

There are many pharmaceutical products that can help a person heal faster and improve their health after injury.

Pharmacy best remedies:

  1. Solcoseryl. Solcoseryl is a modern unique remedy, which is most often recommended by doctors for the very rapid healing of various abrasions and wounds in humans. The main and active component here is calf blood extract, that is, a deproteinized hemoderivative required to stimulate collagen synthesis in cells, which is required for rapid wound healing. Solcoseryl was created by scientists from Switzerland, and is produced in two forms, that is, a gel for a fresh wound and an ointment for wounds already covered with a crust, required for protection against microbes. The product will accelerate the regeneration of normal tissues at each stage of healing, and can be used to treat abrasions and wounds, ulcers and others.
  2. Actovegin. It is an analogue of Solcoseryl, the main component here is the same biological unique composition that was taken from calf blood. It is manufactured in two substances, that is, a gel for a deep ordinary wound and an ointment, which is required for wounds with the injured area already closed. Such a wonderful modern unique drug is used both for abrasions and wounds, and as a means of protection against blood stagnation and venous diseases in humans. The gel and ointment must be used once a day under gauze or bandage dressings; use by nursing mothers is prohibited.
  3. . Levomekol is a classic, unique remedy already known to many in the world; in Russia, Levomekol has long won trust, as it heals wounds well and also serves as an antibiotic. This remedy is effective for the treatment of purulent wounds; it is used for skin inflammation, trophic ulcers and eczema, and 1st degree burns. The ointment is definitely available in every surgical office, where it is used immediately after operations, since this product serves to easily and quickly fuse the edges of the wound, even if it is festering. Used 1-3 times a day, the product has no restrictions on use, and you can buy it in the form of an ointment of 40 grams, which costs up to 90 rubles in a pharmacy.
  4. Eplan. A unique and effective anti-infective agent with a wide spectrum of general action, it is universal, and reduces healing time. The product has many qualities, it can anesthetize and remove swelling, and is used at every stage of the treatment of abrasions and wounds. It can also be used for burns and frostbite, and may even be suitable for microbial eczema, herpes, treatment of condylomas and various skin diseases. It is usually made in the form of a solution and cream; the pharmacy also has soaked gauze wipes and antiseptic special wipes; the ointment costs up to 180 rubles.
  5. Baneocyon. The product can be sold in the form of an ointment or powder; it quickly forms crusts for small and medium-sized wounds; the composition is complex and contains antibiotics. It can be used immediately after receiving a wound, but you should first use the powder, and only then the Baneocyon ointment itself, which can be used together with Lanolin. Modern ointment and special powder are used to treat folliculitis and ulcers, as well as eczema; you can use it to treat the navel of children; this ointment costs up to 270 rubles in pharmacies.

Folk remedies for quick healing

Wounds, that is, various injuries to human tissue and skin with shallow depth and weak bleeding, can be treated at home, whereas with a deep wound, the help of specialists is required.

As soon as a wound appears, it must immediately be treated with a special solution for disinfection, and You can also use water for this, but you just need to boil it first.

Then around the wound itself you should lubricate the edges, this can be done a solution of ordinary iodine or alcohol, now only it is possible to treat this wound in different ways, of which there are many.

The simplest and most effective methods of treatment:

  1. Celandine leaves you need to knead it thoroughly and then apply it directly to the wound, it is best to use fresh leaves, and if you only have dry ones, then they should be steamed first.
  2. The roots of celandine and burdock are taken in an amount of 30 grams, and after that the mixture is poured with 100 ml of sunflower oil, then this mixture needs to be boiled over low heat for 15 minutes and then strained well. The mixture is used to lubricate wounds 2-3 times daily for 12-15 days.
  3. Eucalyptus leaves in the amount of 50 grams you need to pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, and then this mixture is boiled for about 3-5 minutes on average, now the mixture is filtered and 2 liters are added. honey The product is used for baths and lotions; do this daily for 12-14 days or more.
  4. Can be used to treat severe wounds liquid honey, which is taken in equal proportions with spermaceti, you can also add 10% calendula ointment. Various honey ointments are excellent for treating weak and moderate wounds, and the ointment is also used to prepare a person for major surgery.
  5. Cushion herb taken in the amount of 1 tbsp. and pour boiling water, the mixture should stand for 30 minutes, and then you need to strain it and add another spoonful of honey. Then the mixture is thoroughly mixed, after which you can only take 1 tablespoon orally. daily 3 times before meals.
  6. Shredded root ordinary legume parfolia is mixed with vegetable oil, as well as lard or lamb, and used as an ointment.
  7. Taken 50 g of rhizome of pharmaceutical kupena, and then crushed and filled with 0.5 liters of water, the mixture is boiled for 20 minutes, and after cooling it can be used as a lotion and compress for a bleeding or ordinary wound. You need to work carefully, since the plant is mildly poisonous, so it is prohibited to consume it internally.
  8. Resin collects from a coniferous tree, which is then melted and mixed with cow butter in a ratio of 1:1 exactly, this balm should be used to cover the wound twice daily.
  9. Birch buds need to be left in 0.5 liters of vodka, after 3 days the composition is used for processing. The whole remedy can be prepared differently, crushed birch buds should be mixed with 2 parts of butter, the resulting ointment is used to treat the wound every day.

Precautionary measures

A large number of different wounds are accompanied by general bleeding, which entails loss of large volumes of blood and infection.

You need to know that you can only treat small and medium-sized wounds on your own, when their width does not exceed 1 cm, otherwise you will need the help of a specialist. If you forget to treat the wound in a timely manner, this will lead to anaerobic and pyogenic infections, and will also cause tetanus and even hepatitis infection.

The infection can then lead to abscesses and cellulitis, lymphadenitis and lymphangitis, as well as sepsis, erysipelas, gas gangrene and so on. The patient should also be administered antitetanus serum, and also requires toxoid and various vitamins, plasma and gamma globulin.

Healing ointment for open wounds is used not only for rapid healing, but also to eliminate a cosmetic defect. Wounds are a common occurrence in the life of every person. They can appear in the form of cuts, abrasions, after minor or major operations.

Healing ointment for the effective treatment of open wounds

Any wound is a damage to the integrity of the skin. Open injuries go through three stages of healing. At first, the wound should clean itself.

After this, the inflammatory process begins. Depending on how well the self-cleaning took place, the inflammatory process can be more or less pronounced. The last stage is granulation and wound healing.

The main criterion for choosing agents is antiseptic and anti-inflammatory action. It is important that the composition dries the skin, disinfects the surface and promotes tissue regeneration.

Ointments containing an antibiotic have shown to be most effective for open wounds:

  1. Levomekol. Healing ointment for open wounds, capable of penetrating to the source of infection, has a disinfecting, anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Ichthyol ointment. Has local anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. Eliminates itching, accelerates tissue regeneration processes.
  3. Vishnevsky ointment. Despite the unpleasant odor, it was highly praised for its antiseptic properties. Suitable for application to open wounds in case of purulent processes.
  4. Methirulacil. Has a strong analgesic effect.
  5. D-panthenol. One of the most common types of ointments. It has a high content of vitamins and promotes skin regeneration.
  6. Solcoseryl. Contains a natural biological component that promotes collagen synthesis.
  7. Baneocin. It has earned popularity due to its high efficiency. Contains 2 types of antibiotics.

Directions for use and permissible dosages

Each ointment or cream for healing cuts has its own characteristics in terms of application method and timing of use. It is important to strictly follow the dosage and not exceed the permissible period of use of medications. This is due to the fact that many ointments contain strong antiseptic components and antibiotics.

Levomekol ointment is applied only to the cleaned surface in a thin layer. When using it for open wounds, it is allowed to use the ointment in the form of a compress on a sterile napkin. Multiplicity of applications from 2 times depending on the complexity of the situation. The treatment period ranges from 5 to 14 days.

Ichthyol ointment can be used in two ways. In the first case, it is applied to the damaged area and rubbed until a feeling of warmth appears. In the second, the ointment is applied in a thin layer and covered with a napkin. Bandages are changed daily. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.

Vishnevsky ointment is applied to open wounds in a loose layer, so that the entire damaged surface is filled. Dressings are carried out 2-3 times a day.

Methirulacil is applied to the damaged area 1-2 times a day. To enhance the effect, it allows the use of film or compress paper. The duration of treatment is 2-4 weeks. After this, you should take a break for 10 days and then repeat the course as necessary.

D-Panthenol cream or ointment can be used several times a day until symptoms disappear completely. When treating cracked breasts, the ointment is applied after each feeding of the child.

Solcoseryl cream or ointment is applied 1 to 3 times a day. It can be used under a bandage. The duration of treatment depends on complete healing of the wound and the appearance of scar tissue. After this, it is recommended to use drugs to resolve scars.

Baneocin is applied to damaged areas of the skin 2 to 4 times, depending on the form of the drug. The main requirement is not to exceed the maximum permissible dosage of the active substance. It is 1 gram per day. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.

We influence the resulting abrasions

Abrasions are the type of injury that occurs most often, especially in childhood. To prevent them from causing trouble, it is important to apply the healing composition on time.

It will relieve inflammation, disinfect the surface, and heal microcracks in the skin.

Thanks to the action of the ointment, infection of the deeper layers of the skin will be prevented, and the formation of a scar or scar after the skin has healed:

  1. Balm Rescuer. This remedy is one of the most popular for treating minor abrasions, wounds and burns. It contains sea buckthorn oil, beeswax components and other active ingredients. Thanks to the action of the Rescuer, the pain syndrome goes away and the skin calms down. It promotes wound healing. The main advantage of the product is its safety. The rescuer is suitable for use in early childhood, pregnancy and lactation.
  2. The keeper. Created on the basis of propolis, eucalyptus, sea buckthorn, lavender oils. It contains vitamin E. The product is an analogue of Rescue Balm. Suitable for treating bruises, abrasions, small wounds, cuts, skin rash. It has a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and analgesic agent.
  3. Cream D-Panthenol. The product is an analogue of Bepanten. Suitable for healing the skin, eliminating inflammation and dryness. Shown to be highly effective for dermatitis, burns, and damage to the integrity of the epidermis. Actively used in gynecology.

When treating abrasions, products that do not contain local antibiotics and hormonal substances are used. The main task of creams and ointments is local anti-inflammatory effect and tissue regeneration.

The best remedies for cuts

A cut is a very unpleasant type of skin injury. Often short in length, it may vary in depth. As a result of constant movement, the skin separates, which contributes to slow healing of the wound.

To treat deep cuts, it is necessary to use products that will promote skin regeneration. Medical glue BF-6 has shown high efficiency for this type of damage.

The glue is applied in a thin layer to the wound. As a result, a thin film is formed that does not get wet in water. This allows the patient to lead a normal life without worrying about bacteria getting into the wound. Glue is actively used in surgery and dentistry. It does not cause an allergic reaction and promotes rapid wound healing.

The action of the glue is based on the seamless connection of the skin. The code shrinks under the action of glue. Thanks to the antiseptic and disinfecting properties, the inflammatory process in the wound stops. Complete healing occurs within 3-4 days.

In addition to medical glue, Streptocid ointment has received positive reviews in the treatment of cuts. It has an antiseptic effect. Balm Rescuer will relieve pain, disinfect the wound and speed up the process of tissue regeneration.

Apollo gel also showed high effectiveness. It contains miramistin and anicolaine, which provides it with high antiseptic and analgesic properties. Ointments and gels for treating cuts require applying a sterile bandage to the wound and constantly replacing it.


Effective and fast-acting ointments

Wounds appear very often. Sometimes they occur in inconvenient places, where they need to heal as quickly as possible. In such a situation, it is necessary to use a proven remedy. There are a number of remedies that have shown high effectiveness for treating various types of injuries.

They have a wide spectrum of action and give instant results:

  1. Baneocin. In the pharmacy you can find it in the form of an ointment or powder. The powder form is most effective for primary skin damage. The presence of corn starch allows you to create a protective crust on the wound. Antibiotics protect against infection. After the protective layer of the skin appears, Baneocin ointment is used. It contains 2 types of antibiotics and lanolin. This combination helps prevent cracking of the crust on the wound and the penetration of microbes. The product is suitable for the treatment of long-term non-healing wounds, boils, umbilical wounds and other types of skin damage.
  2. Eplan. The product has received the title of universal due to its wide range of applications. It is distinguished by a strong anti-infective effect. Eplan has an analgesic effect and significantly reduces skin recovery time. The product is suitable for use at different stages of healing, for burns of varying severity, frostbite, eczema, and herpes. Eplan has become widespread due to its release forms.

Using Lokoid ointment

Lokoid is a hormonal-based drug. Its main task is the treatment of superficial non-infected skin diseases. It has shown the greatest effectiveness in the treatment of eczema, dermatitis, and psoriasis.

Most people who have used the product note that Lokoid quickly relieves itching, reduces swelling, and helps eliminate the inflammatory process on the skin.

The drug should not be applied to skin where there are open wounds or scratches.

This drug is available in the form of ointment and cream and is intended for use in children after 6 months. It has been praised for its effective itching relief, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.

This cream is prescribed only for damage to the upper layers of the skin, since it does not have a serious cumulative effect and does not work if the infection spreads to the deeper layers of the dermis.

It should be noted that this drug is not suitable for the treatment of open skin lesions.
It is indicated for psoriasis, dermatitis, lichen, seborrhea.

Products for weeping wounds

A weeping wound differs from other types of skin injuries in its appearance. The tissues are not only injured, but also blood or ichor is constantly released at the wound site. The presence of infiltrate makes the surface of the wound constantly moist.

Such wounds appear more often as a result of thermal, chemical or sunburn. They can be the result of bedsores in bedridden patients, skin inflammation, calluses or corns. Causes of weeping wounds include abraded skin or an open cut.

When treating weeping wounds, the first task is to clean and dry the surface. The release of ichor is a positive thing. It allows bacteria to come to the surface, but at the same time it is a big risk for infection.

For this reason, the wound is cleaned with antiseptic compounds and dried. After this, a healing composition is applied; it should be noted that it is forbidden to use cream for a weeping wound.

Only gel or ointment is allowed.

Wound healing ointments:

  1. Gel Fuzidin. This product belongs to the category of bacteriostatic antibiotics. Suitable for the treatment of weeping wounds, burns, furunculosis, purulent diseases. Relieves tissue swelling, reduces inflammation, heals tissue.
  2. Levosin ointment. The product is suitable for external use only. The main effect is antibacterial and anesthetic. The main contraindication to this remedy is individual sensitivity. The ointment can be used during pregnancy and lactation under the supervision of a physician.
  3. Solcoseryl gel. The product is easily absorbed. It does not create a film on the surface of the wound. Thanks to the action of Solcoseryl, the wound quickly dries out and is cleared of purulent formations. The composition of the gel activates the regenerative functions of the skin, which promotes rapid healing.

In addition to the listed ointments and gels, there are other drugs on sale. Only the attending physician can prescribe the most suitable one. Levomikol ointment has been highly praised by practicing surgeons for its effectiveness.

Post-operative ointments and creams

In the postoperative period, it is necessary to pay special attention to the process of tissue regeneration and restoration. It is necessary to remove the possible inflammatory process and prevent pathogenic bacteria from entering the suture area.

In the normal state of the body, the postoperative suture closes quickly.

The entire recovery period can be divided into several stages:

  1. Formation of a collagen layer. It is necessary to strengthen the scar and eliminate skin defects.
  2. Transition of the epithelial layer of skin throughout the wound. Already 5 days after the operation, tissue functions are restored if there is no infection.
  3. Contraction of skin tissue. The final stage of recovery, when the entire wound contracts and heals.

In order for these stages to pass faster, it is necessary to use ointments and creams.

Depending on the complexity of the seam, they are divided into two categories:

  1. For shallow, surface seams. Products with a simple composition are used. Their main task is to soften and absorb the scar.
  2. For deep seams. Hormonal compounds are used.

In addition, all ointments contain vitamins, essential oils, and minerals that have an anti-inflammatory effect and help lighten the scar:

  1. Stellanin ointment belongs to the new generation category. It promotes rapid healing and relief of inflammatory processes.
  2. Levomekol. This ointment is well known. It falls into the affordable category. Suitable for use after suture removal. It is distinguished by its bactericidal effect.
  3. Dioxysol. This drug has shown effectiveness in the treatment of inflamed sutures, abscesses, paraproctitis, purulent sutures and fistulas. The product contains lidocaine, so Dioxyzol has not only an anti-inflammatory, but also an anesthetic effect.
  4. Bepanthen cream. Suitable not only for healing scars, but also other types of wounds. It activates regenerative processes in tissues, which promotes rapid healing.

Real customer reviews

According to patients, the most effective were publicly available healing ointments for wounds, which have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Thus, for minor abrasions, diaper rash, shallow skin damage, burns, D-Panthenol ointment or its analogue Bepanten turned out to be most in demand.

They have antiseptic properties, soothe the skin, and relieve irritation. These ointments are suitable for use in childhood, pregnancy and lactation. Balm Rescuer is also good for treating burns, cuts, and open wounds. It has earned positive reviews due to its natural composition.

For wounds with purulent discharge, the most effective were Vishnevsky ointment, Solcoseryl, Baneocin, Eplan.

In the case of resorption of postoperative scars, the most positive reviews were about Levomekol ointment. It is actively used in surgery and has a bactericidal effect.

It is worth noting that for each specific case it is necessary to select an ointment together with a specialist. Only the attending physician will prescribe a drug that will allow the wound to heal as quickly and painlessly as possible.