Leila's full name. Meaning of the name Leila. Interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Leila is interesting to the owners of the name and their loved ones. A child born under the name Leila attracts the attention of others with her beauty and behavior. Often a girl will demonstrate her character through her whims. She is not able to sit on the sidelines while other people are busy with something. A newborn must have time to occupy all the space and time of the people around her. Her cleanliness surprises those around her, because she is not used to leaving mess and disorder where she is.

Often, when you hear the name Leila, associations arise with an oriental dark-haired and dark-skinned girl. And when the question arises about Leila - what nationality is this name - there is only one answer: Arab. It is not for nothing that the translation of this name is “darkness” or “twilight”. Another meaning of the word is “dark-haired.”

The origin of this name is geographically connected with the Eastern countries. Rarely is a girl with a similar name noticed in Europe. Many argue about the correct pronunciation and spelling of the full name - Leila or Layla. However, the only correct spelling is "Leila".

Unfortunately, Russian Leilas do not celebrate the day of the angel, since this celebration does not exist in the Christian calendar.

At baptism, the child, who was named Leila, is given a similar church name. In Islam he does not use double names.

To simplify the name in colloquial speech, abbreviated forms are used: Lily, Lyalya, Lele or Li. Affectionate forms include: Leilochka, Leilan, Layla and Leilushka. English is considered the main and universal language for the whole world, where Leila sounds like Leila.

Other forms of writing the name in different languages ​​are as follows:

  1. Azerbaijani language – Leyla.
  2. Arabic language – ليلى.
  3. Bashkir and Tatar languages ​​– Layla.
  4. Bosnian language – Lejla.
  5. Georgian language - ლეილა.
  6. Turkish language -

There are other forms, the writing of which is used through transcription. To apply for a foreign passport, the name will look like this: LEILA.

This name is used in different countries, but more often it is given to girls in countries such as:

  • Kazakhstan;
  • Kyrgyzstan;
  • Georgia;
  • Türkiye;
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina;
  • Azerbaijan.

In hot eastern countries, local residents are always distinguished by a special mentality and hot temperament. This equally applies to women with eastern roots present in their names.

Famous women named Leila

At first glance, Leila is not a popular world star. But many simply do not know about the existence of famous girls and women in different spheres of life.

Famous women and owners of the name Leila are:

  1. The opera singer, originally from Turkey, has a wonderful soprano – Leyla Gençer.
  2. A pediatrician working in America and saving the lives of children is Leila Denmark.
  3. The winner of several rounds of Beauty Queens from Angola is Leila Lopez.
  4. Specialist in the field of sports and boxing – Leila Ali.
  5. Beautiful and stunning American model - Leila Archeri.
  6. Legal defender and legally savvy girl – Leila Zana.
  7. Famous actresses in the world of the film industry are Leila Abashidze and Leila Agalar Badirbeyli.

There are a large number of famous singers, actresses, directors and artists with this name, which means that girls born under this name have great potential for personal growth.

Achieving their goals is their true calling in life.

The interpretation of a name allows you to understand the essence of the person to whom it belongs. From a young age, those around her notice how Leilochka strives to be the best and do everything better than everyone else. The opinions of others can greatly hurt a girl, so you have to be extremely careful in communicating with her so as not to hurt her feelings. Otherwise, she will not hold back her evil words in response to the offender. Self-love can make a girl selfish, so you need to immediately take this moment into account in upbringing from the cradle.

If a girl from birth is disposed to communicate with others, then she will treat them in a friendly and accommodating manner, without imposing opinions on people.

A girl’s bad mood can greatly affect her emotional incontinence, and then no one around her will be in trouble. The young lady gladly accepts any praise in her direction and is ready to work hard for the sake of such statements.


What the name Leila can mean for a girl is evidenced by the baby’s main talents: from birth, the girl shows extraordinary creativity. She is literally made for singing or dancing. She tries to cover several areas at once and completes her training in order to become ideal in all areas and activities.

She quickly gets excited about something new, after which she does not give up these activities and learns new manifestations of herself.

She loves to be given attention often, so you should immediately prepare for her whims when something upsets the girl.

When a girl has reached the age required to enter school, she will happily strive for knowledge and will not upset her loved ones. But Leilochka is looking forward to praise and gifts for her efforts.


Warm and reverent feelings for the Leila woman are secondary in life. However, if fate overtakes a girl and she falls in love, while feeling strong reciprocal love from a man, then the girl will become an ideal wife and mother. But an insecure man will never keep a freedom-loving woman next to him - after all, she should feel supported by a strong man’s shoulder, and not be the head of the family herself.

Relationships and family

After marrying a man, she thinks about children, because she cannot imagine a life together between a man and a woman, in which there will be no room for small children. Leilochka wants to become an ideal mother, she loves children and often gives all sorts of goodies to the children of her friends, relatives and just on the street. The best compatibility and marriage are possible with men named David, Arsen, Ruslan, Timur, Abraham and Matvey.


Leilochka is not used to complaining about her health, however, problems in the stomach area can arise due to non-compliance with proper nutrition. Laziness will prevail in older age, so extra time for sports will not appear in her schedule if she herself does not want it.

Business and career

Hoping for a better future, Leilochka continues to work with all her might. This quality attracts employees to work together with her, thus benefiting the common cause. Changing areas of activity gives the girl a new impetus to do something individual and special, and each activity she chooses ignites in Leila a desire to achieve her desired goal.

Professions suitable for Leilochka:

  1. Artist.
  2. Musician.
  3. Writer.

The chosen professions for a girl are always related to creativity. But she also has the makings of a leader, so leading a team is inherent in the young lady’s character.

Each season contains the secrets of the emergence of special character traits:

To better understand the characteristics of a girl’s behavior, it is worth taking into account the season of her birth. The time of year always influences the character and destiny of a person.

Astrological features of the name

In astrology, this name is associated with the zodiac sign Cancer. The planet of the name is Uranus. Colors that suit Leilochka: bright and saturated, like electric blue and neon. Lucky plant: rose grown in the Alps.

The use of crystal and amethyst minerals will bring good luck and happiness to a girl with a similar name. But the main talisman stones are:

  • opal;
  • coral;
  • calcite.

Leila is an extraordinary creative person who always clearly knows what she wants. She stands firmly on her feet and goes towards her goal, regardless of obstacles.

Full name:

Similar names: Lilya, Lily, Liliya, Lilith, Lyayla

Church name: -

Meaning: black-haired, night, darkness

Meaning of the name Leila: interpretation

Leila is an ancient name with Arabic roots. If we interpret its meaning literally, it is “night” or “darkness”.

A variation common in Eastern countries is Leili; in Europe it is often interpreted as Lili or Lilith, but linguists tend to consider these to be completely different names.

Name Leila in other languages

Astrology of the name Leila

Favorable day: Saturday

Years later

A child to whom his parents gave this melodious name loves the attention of others from childhood. The girl is often capricious when left alone. She practically never gets sick, is always clean and tidy, loves beautiful clothes and bright toys.

Schoolgirl Leila is a creatively developed child: she sings, draws and even plays more complex roles in school productions. In addition, the girl is endowed with excellent memory, diligence and an analytical mind, which helps her in her studies. She is a capable student; almost all school subjects are given to her without any problems.

Leilochka has many friends and acquaintances. However, the girl is very trusting; she can easily be deceived, drawn into bad company and left a mark for her entire life. As long as age allows, parents should intervene in who and how their daughter communicates, communicate more with her and always be there.

Growing up, the girl begins to show her character. She often loses confidence in her abilities and reacts painfully to all life's problems and troubles. She needs to always have a person nearby whom she can fully count on in a difficult situation.

Generosity is a trait that often leads to disappointment; Leila is very often deceived. The owners of this name are distinguished by their integrity, which does not always lead to positive consequences, because it is precisely because of this that conflicts with others can arise.

Leila is always a responsible, very principled and diligent student. Among other things, she is always beautiful and a very charming girl who simply craves some recognition and constant attention. This is an unusually ambitious and straightforward person.

As an adult, Leila still tries to stand out, and she succeeds quite well. She is punctual and distinguished by her commitment, which is greatly appreciated by those around her. She is always ready to help and never asks for gratitude for it.

Pathologically, she cannot tolerate lies and easily breaks off relationships with people who constantly deceive her. But she herself can lie if she is sure that it will benefit her. She would prefer to go towards her goal herself and go through all the difficulties than to go over her head. Her incredible hard work also helps her achieve significant career heights. Having reached professional heights, becoming, for example, a manager, her colleagues and subordinates somewhat dislike her because of her overly tough and strict character and a certain pickiness.

Leila is a wonderful housewife and homemaker; she never flaunts her feelings for her life partner, but loves and respects him. Men are easy with her, but she will not tolerate betrayal.

Leila's character

Affectionate and emotional, frank and romantic. Leila loves everyone's attention and care; she cannot part with childhood illusions for a long time and constantly needs approval of her own actions.

She is ready to help loved ones and strangers, she always does it at the call of her heart. A woman will never intrigue, and this is a significant plus that everyone around her appreciates.

She very easily gets into conflict situations, which often happen due to the fault of her friends. Unable to solve complex problems independently.

Leila is a changeable and emotional woman. She often loses confidence in her abilities and reacts painfully to all life's problems and troubles. She always strives to win in any dispute, tries to ensure that she has the last word.

Leila's fate

The fate of women with this name is largely determined by what time of year they were born. Ladies born in winter are grumpy, irritable and cannot suppress their anger. “Spring” Leilas are not so strict with themselves and others; by nature they are languid and slow. Women born in autumn or summer will be exemplary housewives and find themselves in some kind of home hobby. They love to cook and enjoy receiving guests. They work only because it’s customary, they don’t build a career.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Emotional Leila does not cope well with the role of a leader, but she is an excellent conversationalist, so she easily gets along with the team in which she works. She does not like to make decisions on her own; she constantly needs a senior mentor.

He values ​​the attention of others, so he often chooses creative professions that do not always bring good income. Doesn't strive to get rich, but values ​​financial stability. Prefers to shift all problems related to money to his life partner.

Marriage and family

Leila is a homemaker and a wonderful housewife. She loves to cook and keeps the house in perfect order. Easily irritated when household members do not keep cleanliness, but tries not to show it.

She loves and respects her spouse, but hides her feelings from strangers. She is capricious and demands expensive gifts from men. She is kind to all her husband's relatives and never argues with them. She very rarely decides to cheat; she can tell her spouse about it, hoping for understanding on his part. Sometimes he regrets it.

He tries to surround his children with reverent care, and this trait manifests itself very clearly. Women with this name become very strict grandmothers and have difficulty agreeing to send their grandchildren to kindergarten.

Sex and love

The girl falls in love very quickly, but for a long time cannot decide to have an intimate relationship with her chosen one. There are few lovers in her life, she never cheats on her husband.

Leila is a spiritual person. She knows how to win a man over to a trusting relationship and achieve sexual unity, “losing her mind without losing her strength.” Skillfully uses his sexual energy. It is in love that she reveals herself in many ways: as a mother, lover, queen, muse, keeper of the hearth, ruler.


As a child, the girl suffers exclusively from colds; she does not have any serious illnesses. She develops whims for any reason and cannot tolerate pain.

As Leila ages, she may develop serious problems with her liver and gall bladder. Doctors advise women to carefully plan their own diet, since their stomach is another weak point. In old age, problems with joints and vision appear.

Interests and hobbies

Women whose parents gave this beautiful name are homebodies, so all their hobbies are somehow connected with this trait. Thanks to such traits as patience and perseverance, she masterfully embroiders and conjures culinary masterpieces. She enjoys reading novels, painting, performing arts and music.

According to linguists, the name Leila is a name of Arabic origin. It is believed that the meaning of the name Leila is “darkness” or “night”, depending on the context. Naturally, the name is most common in countries with a predominantly Arab population. Taking into account the fact that in Arab countries the majority of residents profess Islam, the name has become popular among all followers of Islam around the world. So the famous American boxer Cassius Clay, after converting to Islam, changed his name to Muhammad Ali, and named his daughter Leila. As you understand, these names are honorary in Islamic culture.

The meaning of the name Leila for a girl

It is common for little Leila to want to be the center of attention. Sometimes this feature of a girl does not manifest itself in the best way, but still brings more positive aspects. The girl tries to be an example for others, which means she strives for “correct” behavior. Leila is very dependent on the opinions of others. She really needs praise, especially from people close to her. Among the negative consequences, it is worth noting the tendency to selfish actions and unhealthy pride.

Leila is doing great at school. However, do not be mistaken, because her assessments and real knowledge are completely different things. Leila skillfully gets good grades “for her beautiful eyes,” so you shouldn’t expect real knowledge from her. But Leila is distinguished by punctuality, diligence and diligence. The girl is very “correct” and tries in every possible way to emphasize this.

Leila's health is quite good. The girl is moderately active, although in high school she begins to neglect physical education. It is worth noting her tendency to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. For Leila, following a diet will be especially important, but this must be done under the supervision of specialists.

Short name Leila

Li, Leili, Lily, Lyalya.

Diminutive pet names

Leilochka, Leilushka, Leilonka.

Name Leila in English

The name Leila is spelled Leila in English.

Name Leila for international passport- LEILA.

Translation of the name Leila into other languages

in Azerbaijani - Leyla
in Bosnian - Lejla

Church name Leila(in the Orthodox faith) not established. Leila must choose a church female name at baptism. It is the church name that is used during communion and other church sacraments.

Characteristics of the name Leila

Adult Leila is characterized by the same features as in childhood. She still strives for a positive assessment of her actions. It is very important for her what they think about her and this leaves an indelible imprint on her behavior. You can also say that Leila is a frank person and doesn’t really think about what to say and to whom. She sometimes makes completely rash statements, which she later regrets. It is worth highlighting Leila’s ability to get along with people and organize leisure time. This attracts a lot of people to her.

In her work, Leila makes full use of her ability to create a warm atmosphere of communication. She gets along well with employees and knows how to put them in a positive mood. Working with her is a pleasure. You can also note her enthusiasm and energy. Leila knows how to move towards a goal, and one can only envy her perseverance. But Leila doesn’t have enough caution to run a business. If she has a good mentor nearby, then she will achieve success in business. But it’s better for her not to start the business herself.

In family relationships, Leila shows special sensitivity to her partner. She has been looking for a long time for a person with whom she will truly feel good. It is in the family that Leila discovers the ability to be real and this benefits her. A special step for her will be the birth of a child. After giving birth, Leila's worldview changes greatly. She will become truly calm and learn humility. You can also notice that Leila is inclined to overindulge children and she should be careful with this.

The secret of the name Leila

Leila's secret can be called her craving for "bad company." She is attracted to everything forbidden and dangerous. Considering that Leila has been trying to be “correct” all her life, this is not surprising. She should be extremely careful in this matter.

Planet- Uranus.

Zodiac sign- Capricorn and Aquarius.

Totem animal- Electric Stingray.

Name color- Violet.

Tree- Aspen.

Plant- Barberry.

Stone- Amethyst.

The name Leila immediately evokes a feeling of oriental flavor, and it is not at all deceptive. This name is of Arabic origin, and the meaning of the name Leila is generally believed to be “night” or “darkness”.

Some researchers say that “Leila” should be translated from Arabic not literally, but figuratively, and then the name will carry the meaning “black-haired,” “with hair as black as night.”

Arab origin influenced which countries most often call girls Leila. This female name is very common in Muslim countries, regardless of the specific nationality of the people inhabiting them. For different peoples, the name may sound a little different - this is the Tatar Lily (not to be confused with the “flower” European name!), and Lilya or Lily in the Caucasus countries.

What is remarkable about the name Leila for a girl and a woman? The impact will vary from year to year, and to understand what the differences are, it is important to find out:

  • How will Leila behave in her childhood?
  • How much will a girl's character change as she grows up?
  • In what areas of human activity will her talents most clearly manifest itself?
  • How important will personal and family relationships be for a woman?

Honesty and caring

The meaning of the name Leila for its bearer manifests itself already in the very early years of her life. For a girl, this means that she loves to be the center of attention, and therefore sometimes tries to attract him to herself with whims. Parents should pay attention to this feature of their daughter and teach her to attract everyone’s attention to herself using other, more constructive methods - in the future this will help both Leila herself and her loved ones.

The girl is very sociable and loves to be in the company of her peers, so starting kindergarten will not be a problem for her. On the contrary, little Leila, as a rule, enjoys going to kindergarten. She is loved not only by her peers, but also by her teachers, and a little later by school teachers, because the baby is growing up very neat and clean.

Leilochka also happily helps her mother with housework at home, and you will never see scattered toys or clothes in her own room or children's corner. Leila's character is different in that she cannot stand dirt - both physical and moral. And Leilusha allows only pure and kind people into her social circle, despite the fact that her circle is quite large.

A responsible character and innate attentiveness to details, as well as a good memory, lead to the fact that the girl studies well at school, and a variety of subjects are easy for her. Thanks to her sense of responsibility, Leila may seem even more mature than her peers. However, children are drawn to an open and easy-to-communicate girl.

Responsibility and composure, the ability to plan one’s time determine the character of the adult Leila. She remains sociable and cheerful, but this does not mean at all that the woman will allow her kindness to be taken advantage of by a “friend” who has decided that Leila should always help him (or her) in everything. But if one of her friends or relatives really needs help, the woman will provide it without hesitation - good relationships with true friends are so important to her.

Despite her sympathetic and kind character, Leila can honestly and directly say that she is not satisfied with the behavior and actions of people from her environment. Moreover, he will be able to do this in a way that points out a flaw without hurting the person’s personality or humiliating him. At the same time, in order for a woman to feel good - both emotionally and even physically - she needs to feel the care and attention of her environment.

Unpredictability and thriftiness

The name Leila suggests that its owner can achieve significant career growth, and exclusively through honest methods, such as hard work, a desire for order, strict self-organization and initiative. Such an employee is usually valued by both management and colleagues.

However, despite her high ability to self-organize, Leila works better in a team - alone it is more difficult for her to decide on a risky or large project. And when the same project is implemented by a team, the woman feels more protected, and therefore her creativity is fully revealed.

Leila often has talents in sports or theater, as well as music. But it is not necessary that she will become an athlete or musician. She can be an excellent organizer and manager in these or related industries.

Independent business is not the best option for a woman named Leila. She may overestimate her capabilities and underestimate the seriousness of the circumstances. For such a woman’s business to be successful, she needs an extremely realistic companion who will balance the businesswoman.

Within the walls of her own home, Leila, on the contrary, is extremely practical and rational. She runs the household in such a way that many can only envy her innate skills and abilities acquired during her upbringing.

The image of this woman will attract a variety of men to her all her life. But she will look for the only one who would meet her high requirements for the moral character of her life partner. If she finds such a person, then her fate and family life will be very successful - in this case, the woman will entrust important decisions to the man, while she herself will focus on the household and children. Author: Olga Inozemtseva

What does the name Leila mean:
This name, as a rule, means darkness or dark as night, sometimes they simply say dark-haired.

Origin of the name Leila:
This is an Arabic name of ancient Persian origin.

Character conveyed by the name Leila:

Leila is always an obliging and incredibly principled person, but at the same time she is always a beautiful and extremely charming girl who simply craves some kind of recognition and constant attention from everyone. So she is unusually ambitious and can even be somewhat straightforward, and besides, she is used to directly and openly expressing absolutely all her thoughts or some beliefs.

In her earliest childhood, trying to attract the general attention of everyone around her, Leila was always capricious a lot, especially if she was close to people completely unfamiliar to her. Leila really loves going to kindergarten in the morning, probably because of the wonderful opportunity to communicate with many other children. Later, already at school, she seems to grasp everything almost “on the fly”, all sciences can be given to her unusually easily, she is extremely attentive, always collected and very responsible. Extremely neat and very smart, she often looks a little older than all her classmates. But at the same time, they probably love her for her very easy-going character, and for her incredibly valuable advice, as well as for her sincere help and constant unselfish support.

Even later, having matured, Leila does not change too much. So she will still be the same responsible, she always plans her future career unusually successfully, she is punctual and simply incredibly loves absolute order in everything, and at the same time enjoys great respect among her colleagues and even management. She will never go over her head, as they say, while striving to achieve everything important on her own. In addition, because of her incredible hard work, she can reach incredible heights in her career ladder with absolute ease. It should still be noted that some people dislike her somewhat, probably due to her overly tough and strict character, as well as a certain pickiness, but the most true friends are really able to accept Leila exactly as she really is. However, she doesn’t have many of these most devoted friends, but at the same time she knows for sure that she can always simply rely on them completely and completely. She is, of course, a fighter for justice, and will never tolerate the slightest humiliation of someone weaker, and also cannot tolerate lies and deception.

Leila loves all sorts of walks in the fresh air, at the same time she is a great housewife, and of course she is an excellent cook, but at home, as a rule, there is comfort and just perfect order. But in relationships with representatives of the strong male sex, she is often still strict, and because of this, she can spend a very long time looking for that very ideal partner with whom she will remain for the rest of her life.

Also, Leila’s behavior in her family life always depends very much on the time of year when the owner of such a beautiful name was born. So Leila, who was born in the fall, is incredibly strict and even pedantic. She is often able to make unusually many demands on her husband, and of course, because of this, this marriage may well fall apart. But Leila, born in the summer months, is more active and energetic. And we must admit that she can even endure her husband’s betrayal quite calmly, simply packing up her things and leaving quite quietly, without any unnecessary quarrels or scandals. In addition, they will even be able to communicate quite well later as old friends, but she will definitely never be able to take him back to her. Leila, who was born in the spring, is much softer in character. And if she suddenly finds out about adultery, she will most likely just throw a huge scandal, but she really is unlikely to be able to decide to leave her husband. But absolutely all Leilas are the most wonderful mothers, incredibly sensitive and very caring.