Human skin diseases lichen. Signs and treatment of lichen in humans. What can cause lichen

Ringworm has an infectious etiology and is considered a contagious disease. In humans, the causative agent of this disease can be viruses and fungi. The causes of this disease have not been fully studied. It is believed that some species are caused by herpes infection. Ringworm can be transmitted from animals.

Treatment of lichen depends entirely on the pathogen; in order to establish it, it is necessary to undergo a series of diagnostic measures by a dermatologist. To do this, a scraping is taken from the affected area, the doctor assesses the patient’s condition, collects anamnesis, and only then prescribes treatment. Drugs and dosage depend on the age of the patient and the type of lichen.

Varieties of lichen

Ringworm in people There can be several types, of which there are:

  1. Pityriasis rosea– little is known about it; many doctors believe that its causative agent is a herpes infection, which appears when the immune system is weakened. It looks like a pink or reddish spot with a flaky surface. Often, lichen goes away on its own within 4-6 weeks or after therapy aimed at strengthening the immune system.
  2. It is fungal in nature and comes in different types. Some species are carriers of animals, and humans become infected upon contact. Others appear only in humans, occur through contact with a sick person, or as a consequence of other fungal infections.
  3. Pityriasis, lichen versicolor develops due to a filamentous fungal pathogen. A characteristic feature of this type of lichen is that the affected area of ​​the skin changes color. For light - after sunbathing, and in winter, on the contrary, for dark, against the background of light skin.
  4. Shingles is the most studied species, its causative agent is herpes zoster. It differs from other types in that the affected areas are very painful.
  5. Lichen planus It is considered difficult to treat due to the fact that practically nothing is known about it. It is still not clear how and why it occurs in people. It is assumed that this type of skin pathology has a neurogenic or metabolic etiology. It is possible that under the influence of some organic processes in the body due to metabolic disorders, an unknown virus is activated.

Therefore, it is very important to establish the type of lichen before starting treatment, so as not to aggravate the patient’s condition. You need to be very careful when using hormonal external treatments; improper use can lead to the development of a chronic form.


Ringworm on the body can appear anywhere:

  • on the head, especially under the hairline;
  • on the hands, between the fingers, on the inside of the arms;
  • on the legs, often on the thighs and popliteal cavities;
  • in the back area.

In appearance, different types of lichen are also different:

  • During development, the body becomes covered with several pink spots with a flaky surface. A reddish stripe may appear along the edges of the spots. Most often it is localized in the back, chest, arms, and maybe in the groin area.
  • Ringworm affects the hands, face and scalp. The hair becomes thin, brittle, and bald spots appear on the head. It is highly contagious and most often affects children who come into contact with stray animals.

  • Pityriasis usually progresses in the tropics with high humidity. It is usually localized on the back, chest, groin and arms. These are mainly places that come into contact with clothing. The spots are almost invisible, they have no color, they are clearly visible only on tanned or black skin.
  • Shingles is characterized by a cluster of inflamed red vesicles in the armpits, groin area, back and buttocks, as well as on the arms, chest, shoulders and even eyelids.
  • Lichen planus appears as layered, scaly patches with a red-pink crust. They are localized mainly on the arms and legs, also on the nails. Occurs in patients with diabetes mellitus and other disorders of the endocrine and immune systems. In severe cases, it may appear on the mucous membranes of the mouth and tongue.

Modern medicine has greatly advanced in treatment, therefore, today lichen is treated quite successfully.

How to treat lichen on the human body?

Each type of lichen has its own nature and characteristics, so treatment and recommendations during it differ significantly.

Pityriasis rosea: treatment

This type of lichen can do without treatment; it is enough to follow some recommendations:

  • if itching is present, antihistamines can be used;
  • It is not recommended to contact the affected areas with water; you should not take baths; a fungal infection with water will spread to other parts of the body. You should not dry yourself with a towel; you should pat your skin dry. You will also have to give up washcloths and soap;
  • Clothes and underwear during the treatment period should be worn from natural fabrics, preferably cotton;
  • You can’t sunbathe, you need to spend less time in the sun so that ultraviolet rays do not aggravate the skin condition. It is necessary to avoid active movements and sports, they increase sweating, and this irritates the affected skin;
  • it is necessary to give up alcoholic beverages and exclude foods that cause food allergies;
  • do not use cosmetics or hormonal ointments to stop the spread of infection; lesions can be treated with antiseptics. To soften the skin, you can use sea buckthorn or peach oil. The affected areas are not treated with iodine and salicylic acid; you can get burned and provoke the development of eczema.

How to treat ringworm?

The causative agent of this type of lichen is a fungus, so treatment is carried out with antifungal drugs. They are taken orally and externally. Medicines, dosage and course of treatment are determined by the doctor. Treatment lasts at least three weeks, during the entire course it is necessary to scrape the affected area daily for examination.

The most popular drug is Grisiofulvin; antifungal ointments are used for external use: Mycoseptin, Clotrimazole. Special shampoos are used for the scalp. The affected areas can be treated with iodine or sulfur-tar ointment.

Treatment of pityriasis versicolor

This type of lichen, on the contrary, requires tanning; the pathogen is afraid of exposure to ultraviolet rays. After sunbathing or exposure to UV rays, the skin in the affected areas turns pale, and it acquires a normal color only after a few months.

Medicines include antifungal tablets and capsules, and ointments and shampoos are used externally to treat fungal infections. Pharmacies produce special lotions according to a doctor’s prescription (Vidal’s milk) and Lassar paste, which has a drying and anti-inflammatory effect.

Lichen ruber: how is it treated?

To treat this type of disease, antibiotics are used; for neurotic syndrome, sedatives are indicated; if the condition is severe, tranquilizers are prescribed. It is necessary to take a complex of vitamins (A, C, E, group B) and nicotinic acid.

In addition, a number of medications are prescribed:

  • hormonal (glucocorticosteroids);
  • non-hormonal (anabolic steroids);
  • immunostimulating (methyluracil, potassium orotate).

To eliminate external symptoms and itching, anesthesin and menthol alcohol are used for rubbing. Ointments containing antibiotics and hormones (Lorinden S, Dermozolon, Gioksizon); ointments with tar are used for additional treatment.

If the lesions have spread to the mucous membranes, you should rinse your mouth with a soda solution (2%) and treat with vitamin A or copper sulfate solution. For the treatment of lichen ruber, sanatorium treatment with radon and hydrogen sulfide baths is recommended.

Treatment of herpes zoster

The causative agent of this type of lichen is the same herpes virus Zoster, which causes childhood chickenpox. For bathing, it is better to use herbal decoctions of chamomile, string and calendula. This will protect against the spread of infection and relieve the inflammatory process.

For treatment use:

  • Ibuprofen or lidocaine gel as pain relievers;
  • adults are prescribed Acyclovir against herpes infection;
  • the external antiviral agent Epigen is applied to the affected areas;
  • you can treat rashes with brilliant green;
  • if the condition is severe, physical therapy and treatment with antidepressants are practiced (must be under the supervision of a doctor so as not to cause serotonin syndrome).

A home remedy for the treatment of lichen is lemon, its juice must be rubbed on the affected areas. You must first consult your doctor.

After the course of treatment, it is necessary to pass all tests, replace the washcloth and toothbrush, regularly perform wet cleaning and iron the linen.

Almost all known varieties of lichen are highly contagious, and anyone can become infected under certain conditions.

Such lesions of the skin are often a source of unpleasant physical sensations and negative effects on the body; in addition, they disrupt external aesthetics and cause psychological discomfort, which also negatively affects health.

The most common types of lichen and methods of their treatment are discussed in more detail in this article.

What is lichen?

Lichen is an umbrella term for a range of dermatological diseases that are caused by viral or fungal infections. Some types of this lesion are non-contagious, but experts recommend in all cases that the patient be completely isolated from other people.

All types of lichen can be classified into three large groups, depending on the route of infection:

  1. Geophilic lichen can be transmitted to humans through contact with contaminated soil.
  2. Anthropophilic lichen is transmitted exclusively through contact with an infected patient; infection by other means is excluded.
  3. Zooanthropophilic can be transmitted through an infected person or animal.

Herpes is a viral disease with characteristic rashes of blisters on the surface of the skin. To eliminate this problem, people use hormonal ointments, antibiotics, or even pick at the sore, which is absolutely not allowed!

If you suffer from herpes on the lips and are already tired of itching, burning and crusts, then this innovative remedy is for you! I can recommend this stick as an effective solution for protecting your body, as well as for treatment!

Types of lichen

Today, there are a large number of varieties of lichen; if alarming symptoms occur, you need to contact a specialist for diagnosis and treatment. Self-medication is not allowed, since the signs of lichen can be confused with other dermatological diseases or the type of lesion can be incorrectly determined.

The most common forms and types of this disease are discussed below.

The cream is definitely an effective remedy for combating all types of fungal infections on both the skin and nails.

It not only eliminates pathogenic dermatophytes, causative agents of epidermycosis and trichomycosis, but also restores the protective functions of the skin. Effectively eliminates itching, flaking and irritation from the first use.

Photos with titles and descriptions

Below are photographs that clearly demonstrate the external manifestations of various forms of lichen, as well as detailed descriptions of these diseases:

In the modern world, ringworm is one of the most common lesions of this type.

The disease is fungal in origin, its main features are described below:

Lichen planus can occur in any person, but women are most susceptible to this disease. In most cases, the disease becomes chronic, affecting not only the skin, but also all derivatives of the epidermis, including hair and nail plates.

Other features of this form of lichen are described below:

There is still active debate in scientific circles about pityriasis rosea, since the causes of its occurrence are unknown to modern medicine. It is believed that this disease is not contagious; for the most part, older people are susceptible to it. from 15 to 40 years during epidemics of seasonal diseases.

Other features of this form of lichen are discussed below:

  1. The first sign of pityriasis rosea is the appearance of characteristic large spots, this process may be accompanied by a feeling of nausea, loss of appetite, increased body temperature and a general deterioration in well-being. After some time, new spots appear, which are smaller in size, but at the same time quickly and actively spread throughout the body.
  2. The diagnosis is made after examination by a dermatologist, in some cases, more thorough research and testing may be required, since the symptoms of pityriasis rosea can be confused with the manifestation of other diseases.

Other special lichens are discussed below:

This form of lichen affects exclusively the upper layers of the skin and most often has a chronic form.

All other features of the disease are given below:

Also known as eczema, which covers a number of diseases with different origins.

All the features of this disease are discussed below:

Psoriasis, also known as psoriasis, is a non-contagious disease that does not pose any threat to human health, but it does have a negative impact on appearance, which can lead to serious psychological discomfort, isolation and withdrawal.

The main features of the disease are discussed below:


Therapy should be prescribed by a specialist; only in this case will it be safe and effective.

The following are some of the treatments that are practiced for the presence of various forms of lichen:

  1. For ringworm it is necessary to ensure maximum isolation of the patient at home, since the disease is highly contagious. Treatment includes treating the affected areas with sulfur-tar ointment, as well as the use of local antifungal agents. If the scalp is affected, special medicated shampoos and medications intended for oral administration are prescribed.
  2. For the treatment of lichen planus Complex measures are usually used, which consist of undergoing procedures with ultraviolet irradiation, taking vitamin B and antihistamine pharmacological drugs, as well as treating the affected areas with ointments that include glucocorticoids.
  3. in most cases it goes away on its own, no treatment is required. In some cases, antibacterial drugs may be used to exclude additional lesions of the skin, as well as various ointments designed to reduce excessive itching. However, a number of rules must be followed: giving up bad habits; exclusion from the diet of foods that can cause an allergic reaction; wearing only soft cotton underwear and clothing; undergoing water procedures only when necessary.
  4. The basis of therapy for herpes zoster constitute antiviral drugs that reduce symptoms, as well as prevent the spread of lesions and minimize the risk of complications. In some cases, the administration of immunoglobulins, painkillers, and external treatment of the affected areas with antiseptic agents may be additionally prescribed.
  5. Drugs for the treatment of pityriasis versicolor are prescribed individually in each case, mainly these are products for topical use that relieve inflammation or have an antifungal effect. In rare cases, oral tablets are prescribed.
  6. For the treatment of weeping lichen Various antihistamines are used; in advanced situations, hormonal drugs are prescribed. To relieve an acute allergic reaction, intravenous or intramuscular administration of special solutions with a high content of potassium, sodium and calcium is practiced. A prerequisite is compliance with a dietary complex that excludes foods that can cause allergies; no contact with household chemicals and performing work that can cause mechanical damage to the skin. Topical ointments are also prescribed and applied to the affected areas.
  7. is an incurable disease, therapy is usually aimed at eliminating the main symptoms, but not their causes. Most often, vitamin complexes for injection are prescribed, as well as various ointments for topical use, which contain salicylic acid, sulfur or tar.

The article discussed the main and most common forms of lichen, but there are other varieties. They all have different symptoms and require an individual approach to the choice of treatment.

Ringworm is a disease of the upper layers of the skin that is caused by fungi or certain viruses. It can be contagious and non-contagious - this is determined by etiology. In addition, heredity, sensitization of the body, decreased immunity, autoimmunization and exposure to certain external factors may play a role. With the contagious variant, lichen is transmitted through personal contact at home or in any public place.

How to determine Pathology usually manifests itself by the appearance of various spots, blisters, areas of peeling, itching, skin irritation and various pigmentations. The localization of the affected areas is very different. Statistically, young children and adolescents rarely suffer from shingles.

Ringworm in perspective

How to determine lichen in a person and treatment and prognosis? Ringworm is not a pleasant disease; more often than not, it is completely curable, with the exception of some types. There are even types that go away on their own, without any treatment.

Types of lichen in people by manifestations

How to determine the main types of lichen in humans? It is not always possible to visually identify the type of pathology, but its very presence is quite realistic. Some of the most famous species can be recognized with the naked eye. These include multi-colored and ringworm, eczema, psoriasis.

How to identify signs of lichen in a person? The first signs appear as areas of red color, often with itching, peeling and restriction from healthy skin. These lesions rise slightly above the skin. There may also be papules. Further, the process progresses, and symptoms of the disease appear.

How to determine the symptoms of lichen in a person? The affected skin will have distinct ridges around it and is often red or blistered. Often such bubbles burst, become crusty, and begin to actively peel off. A lot of scales appear around. The general condition is rarely disturbed.

Most common types

How to determine the type of lichen in a person? The most common types:

  1. Pink (lichen Zhibera) is a seasonal disease. It occurs more in women 20-40 years old. Pink spots up to 3 cm in diameter appear everywhere on the body, with itching and peeling.
  2. Ringworm - most often occurs from contact with an infected animal, mainly in children. Signs are pink plaques up to 4 cm, which include dry skin and hair loss. The head and neck are usually affected.
  3. Shingles - occurs in older people who have previously had chickenpox. Caused by herpes. Rash and blisters appear on the chest, head and face, itching and pain in the affected areas. Later, the bubbles burst and become crusty.
  4. Multi-colored - occurs more often in young people. It is characterized by spots of different colors with peeling.
  5. Red flat - occurs more often in young women with diabetes. Symptoms: shiny small nodules appear on the skin, mucous membranes and nails. There is a depression in the center, the shape is polygonal.
  6. Scaly or psoriasis - appears in endocrine and neurological pathologies, in alcoholics.
  7. Sunny - You can often see white flaky patches on the upper back after a hot, sunny summer. The name is given because the number of cases increases in the summer. The reason is a fungus.

How does lichen reveal itself?

It is not noticed immediately because it is preceded by an incubation period. It can last several days or even months (no more than 2).

Many people have heard that lichen can be determined using iodine. How to determine lichen in a person using this substance? This is only possible if you have lichen versicolor.

Then a Balzer test is performed - the affected area is smeared with iodine, then you should wait 5 minutes. If it is tinea versicolor, areas of it will be darker than healthy skin.

Stages of the disease in humans

Most often, lichen falls into 3 stages: initial, chronic, recovery (not always).

The acute stage is characterized by spots, itching, and changes in the structure of the skin. If left untreated, lichen becomes chronic. The symptoms fade, there is often no particular discomfort, but the danger to others remains.

Pityriasis rosea (Giber's disease)

Caused by herpes virus type 7, it has not yet been fully studied. How to determine the type of lichen in a person? Pityriasis rosea is characterized by areas of skin inflammation in the form of plaques. They are light pink, round in shape, with a paler center. These spots begin to gradually spread, the center turns yellow and peels off. Itching does not always happen. The initial large spot is the maternal plaque. Then the spots become more and more numerous, the stomach, thighs, and limbs are involved in the process. These are daughter plaques. After 2 weeks they begin to lighten and then disappear. Dark pigmentation remains. This type of lichen is contagious and occurs more often in mature people. Elderly and young children do not get sick.


Caused by a virus, it is contagious. The skin lesion is unilateral. It appears more often in people who have had chickenpox. The virus is neurotropic, so the consequences become. A distinctive feature of such lichen is severe pain, since intercostal and other nerves are affected.

The onset of the disease occurs with low-grade fever, cephalgia, and chills. Then itching and pain appear in the area of ​​peripheral nerve endings. Intoxication increases, pink spots and transparent bubbles appear. They pass along the intercostal areas in the form of a belt, hence the name.

The photos below will help answer the question of how to identify lichen in a person. The appearance is very characteristic: the lesion is one-sided, in the form of a bright encircling stripe, usually on the chest or back. The blisters are in varying stages as they give way to crusts. Regional lymph nodes are enlarged. Itching and pain in the rib area.

How to determine that a person’s lichen is going away? The blisters begin to dry out and peeling appears. Healing occurs, but neurological manifestations persist for several more weeks. The virus can always be reactivated as a result of stress, hypothermia, decreased immunity, or blood diseases. Often this lichen occurs with AIDS.


This includes trichophytosis and microsporia. The scalp (usually the crown) and body are affected. The disease is contagious and often has a chronic course. It appears as pinkish plaque spots with clear boundaries. They itch and flake off in the form of whitish scales.

If the crown of the head is affected, the hair breaks off at the root, which is why the name is given. The spots emit a sweetish odor.

Not everyone in contact can become infected. This requires reduced immunity, constant contact with the source, damaged skin and lack of hygiene.

Pityriasis versicolor (lichen versicolor)

Caused by a yeast-like fungus. Progresses with high humidity (sweat). Non-contagious, no negative consequences. It is more common in young people with endocrine disruptions, decreased immunity, and lovers of beaches and solariums.

The disease begins with the appearance of spots on the skin of different shades - from white, pink-beige to brown, which is why it got its name.

The spots are clearly defined, flaky, and appear in the form of bran. Localized on the neck and torso. The spots do not rise above the skin, but spread and grow. Tend to merge. They do not cause discomfort.

When tanning, the spots appear discolored. In winter they darken and stand out. This lichen is easily recognized with iodine.

How to determine lichen in a person using iodine, and is this enough for a diagnosis? Iodine, of course, is economical and accessible, simple, has no contraindications, but is only part of the general diagnostic process. Scraping and microscopy are required.

Lichen planus

Does not depend on age, occurs more often in women. The cause is considered to be metabolic and immune disorders, stress, and gastrointestinal diseases. Not contagious. The course is protracted, there are no consequences.

May affect skin, mucous membranes and nails. Favorite localization is the bends of the arms and legs, armpits, back, palms. It appears as medium-sized spots of red-lilac and crimson color, with a shiny surface. They are preceded by reddish nodules, without peeling, somewhat depressed in the center.

There are no maternal plaques here, unlike pityriasis rosea. The nodules enlarge and begin to merge. Such plaques have a characteristic mesh pattern. Affected nails become uneven and crumble.

Ringworm or eczema

This is a whole group of diseases with a common name. There can be many reasons: immune pathologies, genetic predisposition and other internal factors.

The pathology is non-contagious, the course is wavy - with exacerbations and remissions. Among the consequences there is a tendency to secondary infection.

How to determine if a person has lichen of this type? There can be many forms, but the main symptoms are the same: the rash is symmetrical. It begins in the form of areas of redness, with blurred boundaries and swelling. Then they become covered with nodules and blisters with liquid.

The shape and color may be different, but painful itching is common to all. Then the bubbles burst and wetting sets in, hence the name.

Deep cracks, scales, and multi-colored spots appear on the skin. Without following a hypoallergenic diet, treating eczema is pointless.

Psoriasis, lichen planus or fish skin

Incurable, chronic skin disease, non-contagious. It has no gender, previously it was often localized on the folds and large joints, today it can be found anywhere on the body. Has no consequences.

The age of the patients does not play a role, but it is more common in young people, even teenagers. The disease is classified as lichen due to the fact that the silvery peeling resembles lichen or fish scales. The causative agent is unknown. The first rashes or relapses are always accompanied by general malaise, burning, sometimes itching of the skin and fever.

Stages of psoriasis

At the first stage, bubbles appear and grow. Any exposure to the skin, even sun rays, leads to a sharp increase in the rash.

Then the stationary stage begins - the rash no longer increases, but begins to actively peel off. The skin becomes shiny and resembles scales.

At the third stage, external symptoms disappear, but the burning and itching persist for months. During this time, the joints are also affected - psoriatic arthritis. Arthralgia and spinal pain appear. The joints swell and cannot function normally, which leads to disability and decreased immunity.

How to determine lichen in a person in this case? Psoriasis spots are very characteristic - they always flake thickly, resembling a dusting of flour. Any outburst of emotions leads to an exacerbation of the disease.

Diagnosis of lichen

How to determine lichen in a person? The lichen itself is clinically obvious to a specialist. But its appearance can only be determined by microscopying a scraping from the skin. Determination is made by mycelium threads and spores.

The spores are grown in a nutrient medium and after their rapid growth, the type of pathogen is accurately determined - the cultural method. In addition, examination of the skin under the rays of a Wood’s lamp (express method) is used for diagnosis, but taking a scraping is mandatory.

Even if you discover lichen on your own, only a specialist can choose the right treatment. In autoimmune processes, blood is taken to check for antibodies. But the most informative method is the PCR method.

How to treat lichen in humans

Treatment of lichen, local and general, includes the use of antifungals, antiviral drugs, immunomodulators and vitamins. If necessary, cytostatics, antihistamines, etc. are prescribed. The choice is determined by the pathogen, stage of the disease, its neglect, etc.

The main goal of treatment is to prevent the process from becoming chronic and to provide full treatment of the acute stage. Otherwise, relapses are sure to occur. Self-medication is excluded; it will definitely not be correct.

The standard treatment regimen consists of:

  1. Treatment of stains (tar, ichthyol ointments).
  2. Symptomatic treatment with diuretics and sedatives.
  3. Physiotherapy (ultrasound, laser).
  4. Desensitizing therapy - antihistamines.

Nizoral shampoo helps with damage to the scalp. This antifungal agent effectively relieves itching and flaking of the skin.

For single lesions, you can limit yourself to local treatment: ointments and iodine - fungi do not like it.

If several areas of the skin are affected, general treatment is added. For eczema, immunoprotectors are needed. In severe cases, treatment with corticosteroids, detoxification therapy, and physical therapy is carried out.

For psoriasis (since we are talking about an autoimmune process), cytostatics, plasmapheresis, etc. are used.

Pills. Review of drugs

The tablets are applicable only for several foci of lichen and lesions of the scalp.

The most often prescribed are: “Orungal”, “Griseofulvin”, “Lamisil”, “Terbinafine”, “Fluconazole”, “Nizoral”.

Despite their effectiveness, antimycotics are hepatotoxic, so monitoring by a dermatologist is necessary.

Ointments for lichen

Their advantage is deep penetration into the skin, longer exposure and lack of absorption into the blood. Ointments are often combined with iodine tincture: in the morning the affected area is lubricated with iodine, and at night with ointment.

The most commonly used ointments are:

  • 10-20% sulfur ointment;
  • salicylic;
  • sulfur-tar;
  • "Mikospor-ointment";
  • "Nizoral";
  • "Clotrimazole";
  • "Mikoseptin";
  • "Lamisil" and others.

Ointments combine well with disinfectant solutions (furacilin, potassium permanganate, chlorhexidine). They pre-treat the affected skin, and then apply the ointment. The duration of use is prescribed by the doctor.

Ringworm is a group of skin diseases that have a common symptom: the appearance of a small itchy rash. Most of these ailments are contagious, but can be successfully treated at home.

Ringworm is the name for a whole group of skin diseases of a very different nature. The illnesses are united by an external sign: a rash in the form of small itchy nodules. As lichen develops, the rash turns into inflammatory spots and so on. The disease is not life-threatening, but causes significant discomfort.

What kind of disease is this

Ringworm is a polyetiological skin disease. There are contagious forms of it - these are the majority - and non-contagious ones. The causative agents of the disease are viral and fungal infections:

  • zooanthropophilic fungi– ensure the transmission of lichen from animals to humans. Ringworm, for example, falls into this category;
  • anthropophilic fungi– this pathogen exists only on human skin and is transmitted only through contact with a patient;
  • geophilic mushrooms- live in the soil. Both animals and people can become infected when contaminated soil comes into contact with damaged skin;
  • herpes viruses.

Some of the pathogens constantly live on human skin, for example, herpes virus type 6, which provokes the appearance of pityriasis rosea. It is activated when the immune system is weakened, during severe colds.

The actual mechanism of infection or formation of the disease is still unknown. It is believed that lichen appears due to a certain combination of all factors, that is, in the presence of a viable pathogen against a background of stress, disruption of the immune system, physical stress, primary infection, and so on.

According to medical data, all groups of the population are at risk of the disease, regardless of age. There is a greater susceptibility to certain types of illness in some groups. Thus, children under 10 years of age are much more likely to suffer from forms of contagious lichen such as ringworm, for example, while shingles is more often observed in older people.

What is lichen, the video below will tell you:

Types of lichen

The duration and nature of the disease are very different. Some illnesses of this kind go away on their own without drug treatment, some are prone to relapse, and some are contagious. Accordingly, the course of therapy in the treatment of different types of illness differs markedly.

Types of lichen (photo)


– a mildly contagious skin disease; infections are rare even within a family. The disease is transmitted when using shared bath accessories - towels, sponges. Relapses of pityriasis rosea are rare, which indicates the development of stable immunity in the body.

  • Pityriasis rosea is classified as an infectious-allergic disease. The pathogen becomes active only under certain circumstances, the disease is seasonal - exacerbations are observed in spring and autumn. With such rashes, it is necessary to limit contact with water to a minimum, avoid the sun, and contact with synthetic clothing, which causes increased sweating.
  • The disease begins with the appearance of a single spot - the maternal one, with a diameter of no more than 3 cm. Within 2-3 days, the central part of the spot begins to turn yellow and, and after a week, new rashes will appear, located along the lines of maximum elasticity of the skin. The formation of spots is not accompanied by itching or pain.
  • Pityriasis rosea can go away completely on its own within 2 months. But since these spots also form on the face, as a rule, the disease is still treated with special ointments.


– its causative agent is a virus. Rashes appear upon repeated contact with the pathogen. The disease leads to inflammation of the nerve ganglia, so lichen forms along the nerve trunks. It is more often observed in elderly patients after nervous experiences or illness.

  • First of all, pain is felt along the nerve trunks. Rashes appear 3–4 days after the disease itself in the form of small vesicles or scaly spots. Depending on the severity of the disease, various symptoms of intoxication are observed.
  • Complicated forms of herpes zoster lead to damage to the central nervous system, so this disease should not be ignored under any circumstances. The disease is treated in a hospital setting under the supervision of a dermatologist and neurologist.


- or multi-colored. It got its name from its characteristic symptom: lichen spots are initially pink and change color, becoming darker or lighter than the skin. The spots tend to merge, which makes the patient’s skin mottled.

Pityriasis versicolor is contagious and is transmitted through household items - a towel, a comb. Women, regardless of age, and young people suffer from it. The disease does not cause itching or discomfort and often goes unnoticed until it affects a large area.

The causative agent of the disease is a fungus that damages the top layer of skin. It is impossible to completely exclude relapse, so preventive measures before the summer season must be carried out for the rest of your life.


- or trichophytosis. An acute contagious disease, it is transmitted not only through contact with a sick person or animal, but also during water procedures with an infected person - in a bathhouse, swimming pool. The disease is caused by the microsporum fungus. Typically, the incubation period of the disease lasts 5–7 days, but there are often cases when the disease manifests itself 2 months after contact.

On the skin, ringworm is hardly noticeable: it is round spots of pinkish-red color, flaky. On the scalp, lichen can be detected only after hair begins to fall out. Moreover, not only the hair is affected, but also the mustache and beard.

The mechanism is as follows: the mycelium of the fungus grows in the skin. If the hair follicle is damaged, the hair falls out and a short shaft remains in its place. They form spots characteristic of the disease. In this case, after hair loss, the mycelium is destroyed. The danger is that the disease can develop into a form. Pus also helps to destroy the fungus, but also greatly harms the skin tissue. Ringworm is treated with antifungal ointments.

Treatment of lichen, prevention, folk remedies - you will find all this in this video:

Red flat

  • Lichen planus - damages not only the skin, but also hair, nails, and mucous membranes - in 40-60% of cases. Initially, the disease manifests itself in injuries, infectious diseases, and disturbances in the hormonal system, but there is evidence of its dependence on the state of the gastrointestinal tract, diabetes mellitus, and liver function. The mechanism of the appearance of lichen ruber has been little studied.
  • Rashes during the disease look like small, rough, scaly spots of red or pink color. The shape is polygonal, usually the center is below the periphery. The rash is accompanied by severe itching, causing.
  • Lichen ruber is a chronic and harmless skin disease. Its treatment first of all requires the elimination of provoking factors - foci of infection, strengthening the immune system. With adequate treatment, improvement is observed within 1–2 weeks, and after 1.5 months the disease completely disappears.

In children, due to the structure of the skin, there is a large number of blood vessels, the ability to retain water longer, the disease develops rapidly and is accompanied by swelling, the appearance of blisters and all signs of intoxication.

  • – essentially the same disease, but of an atypical form. Represents the growth of warts. The rash initially looks like red or brown shiny plaques with a specific cellular surface. prone to merging and forming large formations. This form is very difficult to treat.
  • – a form of lichen ruber, which forms against the background of sclerotic changes. In place of ordinary papules, skin cells are replaced by connective tissue cells and lose their functions. The atrophic form can be primary or secondary. It looks like rounded grayish spots located at skin level or below.
  • Blistering is another form that is possible with the rapid development of dermatosis. It usually occurs in women over 50 years of age. It appears as having a serous filling, quickly appearing on reddened or unchanged skin. After the bubbles open, and appear. In the oral cavity, blisters open very quickly.
  • Erosive-ulcerative is one of the most severe forms of lichen ruber. It affects the mucous membranes: the oral cavity - most often, the entrance to the vagina, the head of the penis. It looks like ulcers and erosions of irregular shape. Ulcers are extremely painful. The disease is prone to relapse and is difficult to cure.
  • Ring-shaped - more common in men. The spot that appears grows, then fades from the center and forms a ring. Localization – inner thighs, on the genitals, on the mucous membrane.


Squamous lichen – . A non-infectious chronic disease that usually appears in the area of ​​large joints. It has several forms: plaque, teardrop - observed in children under 18 years of age, intertriginous - appears in the folds of the skin, and pustular. The latter is the most dangerous, as it affects large areas of the skin and is accompanied by fever and general intoxication of the body.


– observed on the scalp. It has the appearance of whitish-gray scales that make up dense formations.

  • Under the weight of the latter, hair often falls out.
  • The disease is accompanied by itching of varying intensity.
  • The etiology of the disease is unknown; asbestos lichen is usually considered a severe form.

Ringworm scrofulous

– lichenoid. A chronic disease that develops against the background of existing pulmonary tuberculosis. There is localized and diffuse skin tuberculosis. The disease looks like small grayish-red nodules, painless and not itchy. Quite often - on the face, on the sides, on the buttocks, the rashes are located symmetrically. When tuberculosis is cured, lichen scrofulus disappears without a trace.

Limited neurodermatitis

Limited neurodermatitis - has a neuroallergic origin and is rather conditionally related to lichen. Neurodermatitis is limited in nature - 1 or several lesions, occupying a small area. Most often it appears on the neck, in large folds of skin. The rashes have a bright red color and are accompanied by severe itching. The disease is provoked by both the allergic reaction itself and dysfunction of the nervous system.

Tropical lichen

Tropical lichen - caused by the action of various fungi. There are white, yellow and black tropical lichens, distinguishing them by the color of their spots. The ailments are united by conditions of manifestation: climate with high humidity, difficult cramped living conditions, failure to comply with personal hygiene rules.


The localization of different types of lichen is different. Some “prefer” skin folds, some prefer the joint area, some prefer the scalp. This is determined by the mechanism of the disease itself, as well as by the pathogen.

Thus, pityriasis rosea is provoked by fungi that live on human skin. Lichen spots, accordingly, can appear on any area, but under favorable circumstances: excessive sweating, maceration of the skin. Ringworm almost always appears on the scalp, regardless of the place of contact with an infected animal or person. Shingles is “associated” with the nature of the disease - inflammation of the nerve ganglia, and manifests itself along the nerve trunks.

General signs

A common symptom of any form of the disease is the appearance of a rash. However, the shape and type of spots, their location differ to a fairly large extent. Moreover, the localization in children and adults is almost the same. But in general, the intensity of symptoms and the speed of development in children are always higher. A baby's skin has more blood vessels, so infections or fungus spread faster.

The general signs are:

  • rashes– as a rule, the disease begins with the appearance of 1 spot, or a pair of symmetrical ones. Then, as the disease develops, the rash spreads to a certain area of ​​the skin or mucous membrane. In some cases, the lichen has a clear localization and does not spread - asbestos lichen. In some, spots may disappear and appear during the development and treatment of the disease;
  • itching does not always accompany a rash. With lichen rosea, for example, itching is practically absent, with neurodermatitis or lichen planus it greatly affects the patient’s condition;
  • spots may disappear spontaneously as a result of self-healing or when changing location, or may transform into papules;
  • the disease is caused by fungal and viral infections, affecting only the top layer of skin, so in the vast majority of cases, treatment of lichen requires the use of ointments and creams with an antifungal effect.

Diagnostic methods

Ringworm is very diverse, and the nature of the rashes does not always have specific features. Diagnosis of the disease almost always includes methods to determine the fungal origin of the disease and distinguish it from other skin diseases.

  • Visual examination and collection of complaints - a primary examination of the nature and location of the spots helps determine the type of disease.
  • – a sample is taken from the surface of the affected area. The material is examined under a microscope. In this way, the causative agent of the disease can be accurately identified.
  • – used in primary diagnosis. When wiping the affected areas with an iodine solution and subsequent treatment with alcohol, the surface becomes looser, which allows it to be examined more thoroughly.
  • – ultraviolet lamp with long-wave radiation. It differs from ordinary glass using nickel and cobalt oxides. When irradiated with such a lamp, damaged skin, depending on the nature of the disease, is painted in different colors. For example, lichen planus produces a brownish-yellow glow, while lichen planus produces a dull yellow glow.

Medicines for home treatment

As a rule, treatment of shingles is carried out at home, with the exception of severe cases - shingles with complications, for example. The course of medication is accompanied by additional measures that must be taken.

  • Ringworm - sulfur-tar ointment is used for treatment, as well as topical antifungal drugs. The disease is contagious, so it is necessary to ensure that the patient is isolated.
  • Pink – often goes away on its own. To relieve itching and speed up recovery, antibacterial drugs and ointments are prescribed - for example. Contact of the affected area with water should be excluded or at least minimized.
  • For herpes zoster, the treatment course includes antiviral medications. Immunoglobulins may be needed.
  • Treatment of pityriasis requires an individual approach. It is also based on antifungal ointments, but the composition and dose are selected by the attending physician.
  • The scaly form is incurable, but ointments are prescribed to suppress symptoms.
  • Treatment of lichen planus is more difficult. This will require hormonal ointments, corticosteroids and antihistamines.

Ringworm is a group of common skin diseases that are usually contagious. Their main causative agent is various fungi. Treatment and its duration are determined by the nature of the disease.

Symptoms and treatment of lichen are described in this video:

Ringworm is a skin lesion most often of an infectious nature, which is transmitted through contact with another person or animal. The disease spreads to one or more areas of the body. Typically, lichen appears as scaly “nodules” or inflamed patches of papules. People with weakened immunity due to stress or chronic illness or children are most susceptible to the disease, since their body’s defense system is not yet fully formed.

Ringworm in humans. Photo: pixinoo/

To understand how to identify lichen, you need to know its main symptoms and methods of manifestation. Some forms of the disease are harmless, others can lead to complications. In any case, measures must be taken as early as possible. For treatment, you will need not only to know what lichen looks like, but also to distinguish between its forms.

What does lichen look like in humans??

In fact, lichen is a group of different diseases with similar symptoms. There are different types of it, with different causes, but they are all united by common features:

  • Appear as dark or light spots on different parts of the body,
  • Do not cause general deterioration of the condition,
  • Itching, peeling and inflammation are the main symptoms of lichen in humans.

In many ways, how lichen manifests itself depends on the pathogen and the form of the disease. Sometimes specific indicators of a person’s health status can also be important.

A peculiarity of this disease in humans is that a characteristic rash can appear throughout the body:

  • On the back (pink spots that grow, after which small light spots appear next to them);
  • on the chest (white and pink spots);
  • on the legs (all existing types of lichen);
  • on the hands (can be light or dark, take different shapes and itch)

What causes the disease?

The causative agents of lichen on the skin can be viruses and 3 types of microscopic fungi:

  • Zooanthropophilic - can live on the skin and fur of domestic animals;
  • anthropophilic - live only on human skin;
  • Geophilic - their habitat is soil.

As for viruses, they can live in the human or animal body for many years without symptoms. For example, this is exactly how herpes behaves. Only when the body’s defenses are reduced does the disease emerge and manifest itself as unpleasant symptoms.

Types of lichen

Even from a photo you can determine what lichen looks like in a person. The classification of the disease is based on its different pathogens. Types of lichen in humans also affect the incubation period. So, the ringworm will begin to bother you in a few weeks, and microsporia, picked up from an animal, will make itself felt within 6-7 days. What lichen looks like in a person depends greatly on its shape.

Ringworm (microsporia and trichophytosis).

Microsporia is a fungal infection caused by various species of fungi of the genus Microsporum.

The manifestation of this form is more typical in children. It is easy to catch it - just tactile contact (contact) with an infected person is enough. Symptoms appear on the face, neck, shoulders, and scalp. Microscopy is characterized by the formation of round red and pink spots, and with trichopathy, the affected area takes the shape of a ring. The photo shows how lichen manifests itself in children.


Ringworm of Joubert

The causative agent of lichen Zhibera is still unknown for certain, but it is most likely caused by a virus. Women encounter it more often than men. The easiest time to become infected is in spring or autumn. Hypothermia is a prerequisite for the appearance of this type of disease.

The disease is observed mainly in adolescents and young adults. Elderly people and young children rarely get sick. As a rule, one episode of the disease occurs; two or more are rare. Usually develops in spring and autumn.
Light brown or pink, slightly scaly and itchy spots with rounded edges appear on the skin of the abdomen, chest and back. Over time, they grow and spread throughout the body. The photo shows signs of what lichen looks like in a person with this form of the disease.

Pityriasis versicolor

It is a fungal infection of the skin. Predisposing factors may include increased sweating and changes in the chemical composition of sweat. Lichen versicolor more often develops in people with concomitant diseases: endocrine pathology, chronic diseases of the lungs and gastrointestinal tract, autonomic-vascular disorders, immunodeficiency states of various natures.

Spots appear all over the body, excluding the head and limbs. The affected areas can be up to several centimeters in diameter and of different shapes, and peeling of the skin occurs. The color of the spots is greenish for the first few days, but over time they become light brown. The prerequisite for the appearance of this type may be too oily skin, sweating, the use of fatty creams and excessive exposure to the sun. The disease can last for many years if measures are not taken to treat it in a timely manner.

Shingles is caused by herpes and is located mainly in the intercostal space along the nerve; spots may appear on the skin where the nerve trunks pass. The virus infects them, and therefore the distinctive feature of this type of disease is noticeable pain.
Prerequisites for the development of this type of lichen on the skin can be stress, hypothermia and any other reasons for decreased immunity. It appears more often in adults; in children, the virus usually takes the form of chickenpox. In the photo of a person's lichen, you can see that small red blisters appear on the body. Liquid collects inside them. 3-4 days after formation, the bubbles decrease, and a crust appears in their place.

Lichen planus is a chronic inflammatory disease of the skin and mucous membranes. It is most common in people aged 30 to 60 years.

Doctors still cannot figure out the reason for its appearance. This may be the influence of allergic reactions, exposure to stress. A viral nature cannot be ruled out. Signs of this type of lichen are found mainly in people with stomach diseases and diabetes mellitus. Men are infected less often than women. Ringworm affects the nails, skin on the abdomen, legs and chest, and also affects the mucous membranes. The infected person's nails begin to crumble, and many red and purple nodules form on the skin (or white nodules on the mucous membrane). When the disease is localized in the mouth or on the genitals, lumpy marks from white to gray in color form there.

White (solar) lichen

Signs of white lichen in humans

According to the name, this type of lichen differs in the color of its pigment spots. Photos of signs of lichen in a person may not at first glance indicate the disease. White patches on the skin come in different shapes, often round. The clinical picture is not always characterized by burning and itching. This is the least aggressive form. Inflammation can only occur in winter.

Squamosal lichen

Squamosal lichen

Squamous lichen, also known as psoriasis, is a non-infectious type of this disease. It can develop over a long period of time and is usually chronic. The skin can be affected throughout the body, but most often it is localized on the knees, elbows and other large joints. From a photo of a person's lichen, you can easily determine its type.

Regardless of which type of lichen affects a person’s skin, it is necessary to seek medical help. Sometimes measures need to be taken immediately and isolate the infected person from his family. In other cases, the disease is not transmitted through household contact.

Lichen simplex (streptoderma sicca)

Lichen simplex is a superficial streptoderma caused by streptococcus. It manifests itself in the formation of pinkish, scaly, round spots of various sizes, leaving temporary depigmentation, localized on the skin of the back, buttocks, limbs and especially often on the face, which is why it is called “lichen simplex of the face.”

This type of lichen is regarded as an atypical variant of a superficial pustular skin disease - streptococcal impetigo, which occurs without the formation of vesicles filled with serous contents (flyless variant).

Boys aged 7-10 years are most often affected. This is a contagious skin disease. On the face (less often in other areas), rounded, slightly pink spots appear, covered with fine-plate (flourlike) scales, gradually reaching 3–4 cm in diameter, which subjectively do not bother the patient. Under the influence of solar radiation, the rashes disappear, leaving behind temporary pigmentation.

Treatment of deprivation

The worst thing you can do if you discover lichen is to treat it yourself. It is important to understand that different types of lichen require different treatments. Its duration will also depend on the form. On average, you can get rid of skin lesions within 1-3 weeks, but if the disease is advanced, it may take months for a complete recovery.

Specialized ointments are often used to treat lichen. Photo: hwajung Ryu/

The most common remedy in the fight against lichen is topical ointment. Which drugs to use depends on the form of the disease. It is the specialists who probably know how lichen manifests itself in one form or another and can prescribe adequate treatments.
To strengthen the body for any type of lichen, vitamins are prescribed.

Treatment of pityriasis rosea

It will take 1 to 3 months to completely get rid of skin lesions. The main goal of treatment is to stop skin inflammation and the appearance of new spots, as well as to prevent possible infection with staphylococcus or streptococcus. Therefore, immunostimulating and antihistamine drugs are prescribed.

To treat pityriasis rosea, you must follow a diet and take antihistamines. Photo: Besedina Julia/

Treatment of ringworm

This form is easily treated with corticosteroid creams. Relapses occur only when the immune system is seriously weakened or personal hygiene is not observed. If the scalp is affected, the hair must be completely shaved before treatment. In most cases, microsporia is treated in the same way.

To treat ringworm, you need to pay attention to personal hygiene. Photo: Antonshutterstock/

If ringworm has already been treated before, but a relapse occurs, you need to pay attention to personal hygiene.

Treatment of herpes zoster

Since this form is caused by a virus, it is necessary to treat shingles with antiviral agents such as Acyclovir, Valacyclovir.

Treatment of pityriasis versicolor

Pityriasis versicolor is treated with antifungal medications. Photo: motorolka/

It is treated with antifungal local and systemic drugs (Exoderil, Lamisil, Orungal, etc.). Application in most cases is local.

Treatment of lichen planus

First of all, the most unpleasant symptom – itching – is eliminated. After which therapy is carried out aimed at increasing immunity and normalizing the functioning of the nervous system. Selective phototherapy methods are used.

Treatment of white lichen

This form is treated on an outpatient basis. The dermatologist prescribes treatment, and the doctor monitors the course of the disease until the symptoms disappear completely. Local medications are used first. If this is not enough and the disease has spread widely, or a relapse occurs after some time, systemic therapy is prescribed.

Lichen alba is treated on an outpatient basis. Photo: Andrei_R/

Treatment of scaly lichen

Since the nature of the disease is not fully known, treatment of the disease depends on many factors:

  • gender;
  • age;
  • the nature of the disease;
  • presence of other diseases.

To relieve symptoms, external ointments are used - Dithranol, Tesarotene. If these do not work, antibiotics such as Erythromycin may be prescribed.

Lichen alba is treated with ointments and antibiotics. Photo: blackboard1965/

Treatment for simple facial lichen

Antibiotic ointments are used - erythromycin, heliomycin and others, bactroban, hyoxysone, lorinden S.

It is quite difficult to distinguish lichen on your own, especially since the main symptoms - rash, itching and burning are the same for most forms. Therefore, at the first suspicion of lichen, you should seek medical help. It is better, together with a doctor, to eliminate the emerging disease at the first stage than to take potent drugs for several months to eliminate the consequences of self-medication.