Spitz training at home. How to train a Spitz yourself is recommended. Patience and play are a great combination

Today, many people get small and fluffy Pomeranians. However, these dogs do not always behave appropriately. To get a well-mannered pet that won’t chew furniture and shoes, you need to know how to train a Spitz. This article is dedicated to the education of these pets.

In order for training to go well, you should understand the pet’s character at the very beginning. Spitz are compact and not too large dogs that are open-minded and energetic. They have a friendly and affable character, as well as a cheerful and cheerful disposition. These animals are able to detect a person’s mood in a person’s intonation and voice and adapt to it.

In addition, Spitz are very active and have an impressive amount of energy. So they can play for hours. Dogs also enjoy long walks, swimming and jumping in the snow. The animals are also distinguished by their devotion to their owner and begin to feel sad in his absence. The human family is perceived as its own pack and becomes attached to all its members.

These are smart animals, so their training goes quickly. It is very important to educate puppies and their socialization, otherwise negative aspects will be observed in the behavior of an older dog. Due to insufficient education, Spitz dogs acquire the following negative traits:

  • become too noisy, especially when left alone. Spitz dogs may bark at home when they are alone, thereby disturbing neighbors;
  • show a tendency to dominate;
  • become cocky. While walking, animals can start conflicts with other dogs;
  • constantly demand attention. Hyper-reactivity and persistence begin to dominate their character. That's why dogs chew shoes and furniture. The pet may even begin to crap in the apartment. In this case, you will have to think about how to wean your pet from this habit;
  • waywardness. The animal begins to mind its own business, ignoring the owner’s commands.

Therefore, proper training of a Pomeranian or any other breed is very important.

When to start

It is recommended to start training a Spitz from an early age. As soon as a puppy appears in your home, it should be slowly trained. He must understand what he can do and what is prohibited. For this he receives praise or punishment (the puppy can be scolded for his offense). Otherwise, an adult dog will begin to shit right in the apartment or behave aggressively towards strangers.

The right approach, applied from the very first day the dog is in the house, will make its training quick and easy. A trained Spitz only barks on command and when necessary. To teach a Spitz at home the necessary commands, it is necessary to make an effort by both the owner and the pet. This is the only way to ensure order and silence in the apartment in the presence of such a restless animal.

Behavior and education

Training a Spitz should always begin with finding out the pet's character. After this, you can modify the puppy’s upbringing, thereby smoothing out the “sharp corners”. Moreover, different approaches should be used for boys and girls. The educational process involves reducing the volume of your pet's barking. Dogs that bark loudly will not be tolerated in any home. It is necessary to teach the puppy certain rules: where to play, sleep and eat.

It is imperative to train your pet to go to the toilet in one place. Many dog ​​breeders teach Spitz dogs (especially the smallest breeds) to wear a diaper. But you can also use a special toilet. If you don’t do this, the dog will shit wherever he wants. And how to wean him from this is a mystery. When you see that the puppy has started to shit in the wrong place, send him to the litter tray.

Such nicknames are easy for dogs to remember. You need to train your dog every day to develop an unconditional instinct. This statement is true for all dog breeds. During the day, the puppy must be called by name. Let the dog get used to the name. If the baby responds, you can give him a treat. He should also be petted and praised. Then the reflex will be developed much faster.

When raising Spitz dogs, you should remember that they are very smart dogs. Therefore, if they get food from the table once, they will expect it again. In this case, the wait will be accompanied by loud barking. And here you will need to think about how to wean your pet from this. You should also not allow your pet to sleep in the same bed with you. When the puppy grows up, it will no longer be possible to kick him out onto the litter. Remember that if a rule has been broken at least once, the Spitz will no longer take it seriously.

Command training

When raising a Spitz puppy has already developed the required behavior pattern, you can gradually move on to teaching commands. Here you need to know how to teach a puppy to follow commands. Therefore, some dog breeders hire a dog trainer for training.

A trained Spitz can perform a wide variety of commands: give a paw, bring a stick, bark on command, etc.

When teaching a dog's commands, they must be clearly spoken. If the puppy fulfills them, he is entitled to encouragement in the form of treats and praise. Before the dog receives food, he needs to say “Wait!”, and then “You can!”. In this case, food acts as motivation. At the same time, a hungry pet will be more efficient in training.

Cynologists advise basing independent education on the character of your pet. But the best effect, of course, will be given by professional training. It can be combined with home education. When training your pet on its own, you should not give it any slack, otherwise you may end up with a real headache. Understanding how to raise a Spitz, you can train your pet without any problems and keep it even in a small apartment.

Spitz training and its necessity destroy the stereotype that small dogs are not very smart, which is why they are difficult to train. You can raise an obedient and devoted dog from a Pomeranian if you adhere to a systematic approach and take into account the breed’s character traits. Read more about the nuances of training Spitz dogs in our article.

Spitz training: basic principles and nuances

is a beautiful, emotional and very cheerful dog that people fall in love with at first sight. A charming pet quickly realizes that it has become the object of everyone's sympathy, and knows how to take advantage of it. The habit of hooliganism and demonstrating inappropriate behavior (for example, begging for pieces from the table) can result in considerable problems in the future when an adult dog begins to behave as he pleases. To prevent this from happening, you should train your dog from the first day it appears in the house.

It is important to consider that Pomeranians:

  • prone to dominant behavior, although small in stature;
  • natural guards, despite their good looks and cheerful disposition;
  • They respond well to training, as they are smart and try to please their beloved owner in everything.

About the hierarchy in the house: who is in charge?

How effective the training will be largely depends on how quickly the pet learns to comply with subordination. From the moment the dog appears in the house, it must understand that the authority of the owner is an unconditional and constant value. This is not as easy to achieve as it seems at first glance, because the appearance and behavior of the Pomeranian is conducive to being loved and pampered, and even turning a blind eye to pranks.

The Spitz grasps everything on the fly and can quickly assess the situation. When the dog realizes that he has become the leader among people, he will never give up leadership voluntarily. Only an experienced dog handler can change the behavior of an adult dog that imagines itself as a leader. To avoid such a situation, you should raise your Pomeranian systematically and patiently.

The breeder from whom the puppy was purchased can provide invaluable assistance in this matter. People who devote themselves to professional dog breeding, as a rule, are well aware of the character traits of the breed and do not refuse owners advice.

Important points in raising a Spitz

Every owner makes sure that their pet is well-fed and healthy. The health characteristics of each breed must be taken into account when developing a training plan. Frequently encountered ones can be found on our portal. Being aware of your pet's weaknesses will make training more comfortable.


The dog should not create problems in communicating with people and animals, so it is important to teach him good manners. In order for him to quickly get used to the world around him, it is advisable to take the puppy with you as often as possible. Pomeranians can handle traveling well in a small bag.

Spitz is the breed of dog that you can and should carry with you from time to time and show them the world

So you can carry them with you everywhere and even travel on public transport. Realizing that he is with his owner, the baby will not worry and behave noisily, bark and whine. Over time, he will stop paying attention to strangers and will not panic from sharp sounds and city noise.

The will to power awakens in a Spitz from an early age, so when playing with other puppies, his prowess should be limited

The same applies to communication with the dog team. A baby who has received all age-related vaccinations should be periodically taken for a general walk so that he has the opportunity to communicate with different dogs, and also get to know the same little ones as himself. While encouraging him for his courage in games, it is important to stop the brave Spitz from barking at large animals.

Sufficient amount of physical activity

To prevent the dog from destroying the apartment, it must be walked for a long time, allowing it to run freely. In active games, the dog realizes its energy potential, so at home it will be calm and balanced. Energy for which no outlet has been found can spill out destructively within the home.

Unconditionality of prohibitions

The owner’s task is to convey to the dog what can be done and what cannot be done. At the same time, it is important not to allow concessions and adhere to the chosen line of behavior. Having once allowed a Spitz to do something forbidden, you should be prepared for the fact that the dog will periodically begin to make its demands. The pet feels a person perfectly and knows how to manipulate masterfully.

The ban on improper behavior, which is always relevant, also applies to the dog’s attempts to chew everything around, for example, the owner’s shoes and furniture. Over time, the puppy will be trained and will not do this, but for now unauthorized behavior should be stopped. At the same time, it is important to understand that the desire to “scratch its teeth” is due to physiology, so your pet should have toys or bones from the pet store that he could chew on to his heart’s content.

If it is decided that the dog does not belong in the owner's bed, it should not be taken there by anyone under any circumstances. A puppy who finds himself in his owner's house for the first time will probably whine at night at first. To prevent your baby from feeling lonely, you can move the bed closer to the owner’s bed and pet him. Usually this is enough for the Spitz to calm down.

Tray training

This is one of the main points of education, which is important both from the point of view of hygiene and due to the fact that an unvaccinated puppy cannot be walked on the street. The process of getting used to the tray will be long. This must be approached with patience and understanding.

There are several rules and tips that will help make life easier for the owner with a puppy just starting to master the litter box:

As a result, the dog will get used to the tray and begin to use it without the signal piece with the smell.

Features of feeding

Without touching on the issue of the Pomeranian's diet, it is important to pay attention to food intake from the point of view of raising a dog. Feeding should occur strictly according to the clock. The owner is not obliged to necessarily adjust his feeding schedule to the pet’s meals, although this is convenient: a Spitz, busy with the contents of its own bowl, will not actively beg for handouts from people.

What to do if the dog sits in front of the table while the family is having dinner? You can take your pet to another room and close the door. If a Spitz gets enough food, it feels fine between feedings, so the habit of “biting” is not due to hunger. The tendency to pamper your pet with food from the table is harmful to the dog, since not everything is possible or beneficial for it.

Will the dog be offended if you take him out of the kitchen? He will certainly be offended if he is the head of the family! But a properly trained dog knows that the leader, that is, a person, should not be disturbed during a meal.

Some natural foods that your Spitz may want to eat are listed below.

Methods of education and training

To teach your dog simple commands and correct behavior, you can use one of three options:

  • contact a dog handler. This is the optimal solution when the owner is very busy, has no experience in training dogs, but is able to pay for the work of a specialist. You should know that the training process will take more than one month, and during this time the dog will not live at home. A significant disadvantage of this method is the inability to visit and see your beloved pet at any convenient time. Meetings will be strictly regulated by the schedule;

  • enroll your Pomeranian in obedience school. During the classes, the dog handler will teach the owner how to properly handle and train the dog. Among other things, such a school is an excellent opportunity for a dog to gain experience communicating with its relatives, since classes are held in groups;

    Obedience schools are one of the few opportunities for a Spitz to communicate with his relatives.

  • Train your Pomeranian yourself. There are many training videos and instructions. A good owner is interested in this even before the dog appears in the house, but it is never too late to learn.

An important advantage of home training is that the dog receives all the main behavioral skills from the owner, and the latter does not have to part with his furry friend.

It is worth preparing for the process and stocking up on the necessary equipment in the form of:

  • collar;
  • leashes – long (5 m) and short (3 m);
  • a set of toys to practice the command “Give!”;
  • reward treats;
  • a tag for a dog collar, indicating the owner’s contact information. This item is needed in case the dog runs away during street training.

Some owners are switching to the Western system of chipping dogs, which allows them to track their pet in case of escape

When everything is ready, you can start.

Video - Professional Spitz training

In order for training to have the desired effect, the following principles must be observed.

Table 1. Principles of Spitz training

Learning to playThrough play, it is easier for a puppy to learn to understand and follow commands. Pomeranians are savvy dogs. When activities are fun, they happily follow commands
Compliance with the regimeIt is advisable to exercise with your pet at the same time. It's better if it's the second half of the day
The right placeThe best area for street training will be an area where there is a minimum number of people, cats and dogs. Pomeranians are distrustful of strangers and can be aggressive
Personal pet trainingA dog living in a family will never obey everyone equally. There must be a boss whom he will obey. During the entire “lesson,” the puppy’s attention should be focused only on the “teacher,” so classes are recommended to be conducted in a “one-on-one” format.
Prohibition of physical abuse of a petPhysical punishment, as well as emotional torture, will lead to the dog becoming cowardly and disobedient, and in some cases, angry and uncontrollable. To correct the psyche of such a dog, it will take time and the help of a dog handler, and sometimes an animal psychologist.
Reward for successThe dog should be rewarded for every correct action. The Pomeranian, like most dogs, is very receptive to treats, praise and affection. This is important to consider and use in the training process.

Important! It happens that the favorite Spitz cannot cope with training. More often this happens due to mistakes in the education process, when there is a person’s debilitating persistence or rudeness. If the dog shows fear or categorically refuses to follow commands, you should consider having another family member take care of its training.

When working with a pet, it is extremely dangerous to overwork it. You cannot demand from a dog something that is beyond its capabilities, for example, because of its age. This will lead to the fact that the Pomeranian will become afraid of training and will grow up to be an inadequate dog.

Table 2. Optimal age for a Spitz to learn commands

Command training

You should start by teaching your dog a name. The dog will learn its name faster if the owner says it every time he addresses him.


The command “Place!” can be used only after the Spitz has its own place in the apartment

This command is needed so that the pet knows its place in the house (apartment). Each family member has, for example, his own bed. The dog should also have his own corner. It is necessary to select it in advance by arranging a comfortable bed there. When the dog first appears in the house, he must sniff and check everything. After the excursion, you should feed your pet and then take it to its bed:

  • leaving the puppy, you should say in a calm and stern voice: “Place!” - and move away from the dog for a while;
  • after each attempt to escape, the baby should be returned to the mat, repeating the command;
  • If, after some absence of the owner, the dog continues to lie in his place, he should be rewarded with a treat. You should definitely pet him and praise him in a kind voice. This way the dog will understand that the owner is pleased with him;
  • If the dog starts to lie down in the wrong place, you should say a command so that the dog returns to his place. If this does not happen, you will have to transfer the Spitz to the litter.

No matter what corner of the apartment a Spitz takes root in, the main condition for it is a sense of security

By the way! When choosing a corner for a dog in an apartment, it is important to make sure that she feels protected there and does not have to worry about someone disturbing her peace.

"To me!"

When the dog is full and in a good mood, the owner says: “Come to me!” - and slightly pulls the puppy towards him by the leash. As soon as the Spitz approaches, you should stroke it affectionately and praise it, calling it by name. The command is also practiced during walks so that the pet learns to follow orders as soon as possible. True, once on the street, the dog may forget what it learned at home. This is natural, because there are so many new and interesting things in the yard.” Nevertheless, the dog must obey.

Frequent repetition of a command can lead to the fact that the pet stops responding to it altogether.

If you respond to a jerk of the leash and the command “Come to me!” The Spitz does not react, you should pull the leash harder. There is no need to repeat the command incessantly - it is enough to say it once clearly and emotionally. Over time, the animal will learn to carry out orders from words, without waiting for other actions of the owner. When the pet becomes obedient, you can unfasten the leash - he must understand that commands should be followed even in a “free” state.


This command means that the pet is supposed to walk calmly on a leash next to its owner. After the order “Near!” the person begins to walk at a pace and at the same time slightly pulls the leash so that the “Pomeranian” walks at the left leg. If the dog tries to overtake or completely move to the side, the command must be repeated in a firm voice and pulled on the leash again. At the same time, the dog should be able to walk calmly, without discomfort or pain, and the owner should be careful not to accidentally step on its paw.

If you step on your pet's paw carelessly, you risk discouraging him from any interest in activities.

For the correct execution of the command, the “Pomeranian” must certainly be rewarded. At first you need to give a treat every few steps, then after a few meters. The dog should receive the bonus less and less frequently as it gets used to following the command. Over time, it is worth complicating the situation, namely, walking at different speeds and making turns. While walking, you need to praise the dog, confirming that it is doing everything correctly.

Important! It is recommended to complete the lesson at the moment when the dog is at the peak of activity. If you do this a little later, when he gets tired, the enthusiasm will go away, and the animal will associate training with hard work rather than play. This is wrong, because walking next to the owner should bring pleasure.


This is one of the main commands that will help to practice disciplinary skills, and will also become the starting point before executing other orders of the owner. To teach the dog how to perform it correctly, he is placed at his side on a short leash. The owner pronounces the pet’s name and after a short pause commands: “Sit!” At the same time, he touches the animal’s sacrum with his palm, encouraging him to sit down. At this time, the leash is pulled back and up a little. When the dog sits, it needs to be praised and rewarded.

The command “Sit!” forms the animal's endurance first of all

When teaching your pet to sit on command, it is important to remember that he is allowed to change his position only with the permission of the owner. Such a letting go sign can be a light slap on the side or the voice command “Walk!” This is an important point that contributes to the formation of proper endurance in your pet.

The time the puppy spends in a sitting position must be gradually increased. At first you will have to slow down your pet with your hands, later he will learn to sit still, without needing human support.

The exposure time can be increased to 10 - 15 minutes. After leaving the dog sitting, you need to periodically move a short distance away from it. By the end of the training process, the dog must remain in the pose, even if the owner at this time is 30-50 meters away from him. The dog should sit and wait without becoming restless or impatient. This behavior is achieved by gradually increasing the complexity of classes.

When going for a walk with your pet or upon returning from the street, you can sit him at the door, where he will wait until the owner puts on (takes off) his coat.

The command “Sit!” before feeding, it will rid the dog of misconceptions about his own greatness in the family hierarchy. While food is being prepared for the Spitz, he is given the command to wait on the side. When everything is ready, a bowl of food is placed in front of the dog and is not allowed to start eating without permission.

By the way! The holding time should be reasonable, especially when the pet is just a puppy. It will be difficult for a three-month-old baby to endure even 5 minutes. Read more information on training this command on our portal.

The owner's prohibition or permission to eat food is a signal from the leader of the pack, that is, the dominant individual. This technique is also used to correct the behavior of animals striving for leadership in the house.


This command means prohibiting an action, for example, trying to pick up and eat something on the street. You can train not only on walks, but also at home: put a treat, and when the dog stretches his nose, lightly pull the leash toward you and say “Ugh!”

Team "Ugh!" is the most overwhelming of all, so it should not be worked on first

You should not raise your voice, or punish your pet if it suddenly does not obey the first time. You should pull the dog by the leash and repeat the lesson again after a while. The order "Ugh!" It is also used when it is necessary to stop empty barking, attempts to jump on the bed or steal food from the table.


It is easy to teach a Spitz to understand and follow this command while playing with a ball. When the dog brings a toy in his mouth, you should reward him with a treat and say: “Give it!” - and carefully release the ball from the dog’s mouth. Did your pet give up the toy voluntarily? This means he deserves a portion of praise.

The pet can resist for a long time before giving away the treasured item

What to do if your Spitz is disobedient?

At the beginning of the educational process this will often happen. Without reacting to the words of the owner, an emotional dog can continue, for example, barking at passing dogs, showing aggression and stubbornness. In an attempt to calm the puppy, the sensitive owner pets and picks him up. In dog language this means: “You’re doing everything right, friend!”

There is a big difference between encouraging and giving in. In training, it is important not to confuse these concepts.

Feeling the support of a person, the dog will try even harder - bark until he is hoarse, rush at the object that has become the reason for aggression. After this, it will be difficult to explain to your pet that he is wrong. In order not to reduce to zero all the Spitz’s successes achieved in the process of education, incorrect behavior is stopped by the command “Ugh!” with a slight tug of the leash. Each dog has its own character and temperament.

Pomeranian bad behavior may have its own reasons. To know them, it is important to establish contact with your pet

It is worth understanding that a pet, like a person, has a bad mood and poor health. This can also be a reason for bad behavior. An attentive and friendly attitude towards your pet is the main condition for raising a healthy, obedient and happy dog.


The Spitz is an intelligent and loyal dog that adores its owner and will do anything for his praise. Teaching him commands is not difficult. If the training takes place in a positive manner and in a good mood, success is guaranteed.

The Pomeranian is a breed of small dog that is rapidly gaining popularity throughout the world. The appearance of the Spitz is touching. The Spitz is a small dog, with hair sticking out to the sides and a cute face, distinguished by its lively temperament and ringing bark. Dogs of this breed are slightly hot-tempered and emotional. This is a real spinning top in the house. Spitz training must be strict and of high quality, since these dogs are distinguished by fearlessness and some conflict.

Spitz dogs show their positive side as pets. Representatives of the breed can get along with anyone in the household, even with a child, which cannot be said about strangers. A small fluffy dog ​​is capable of rushing into battle against a dog much larger than him, but prefers not to let strangers into the house.

Raising such a puppy is necessary not only to pacify its aggressive attitude, but also to combat constant barking. The Spitz “sounds” for a reason and without it, so a command like “Silence!” A puppy must be trained from a very young age. These dogs have a strong nervous system, so there will be no unnecessary insults or attempts to take revenge.

A well-mannered Spitz is a friendly animal. Since childhood, the puppy gets used to following its owner and also loves active and long walks. These are slightly "flattering" dogs, so they can be easily trained. The Spitz will be ready to do anything to please its owner.

It is important for a Spitz to feel who is boss in the house. Therefore, the owner must show the puppy his authority from the first days. This should be expressed in the steadfastness and firmness of the voice and commands.

Despite the fact that Spitz get along well with children, it is better to get a puppy only when the child is 7-8 years old. At this age, the baby is already conscious and will not be able to unconsciously provoke a hot-tempered Spitz into aggression.

Raising a Spitz puppy

In addition to quality feeding and good living conditions, raising a Pomeranian is of great importance.

From the first days of your stay If you have a puppy in the house, you need to start raising your pet. At the initial stage, it is necessary to teach the dog obedience. This can be done by rewarding good behavior and punishing misconduct. The concept of “punishment” should in no case imply aggression and screaming. The owner requires perseverance and endurance.

Another criterion for raising a Spitz is master's steadfastness. Only through persistence in your demands will it be possible to raise an obedient and non-capricious dog. If the dog makes prohibited maneuvers, it is necessary to repeat the prohibiting command as many times as necessary. If the dog can “convince” the owner, the person’s leadership in the eyes of the pet will be shaken, and obedience will end. The animal must know that the owner's word is law.

Elimination of bad habits should begin immediately. Later, when the puppy gets used to begging for treats, it will be impossible to wean him off. Therefore, the first attempts at begging must be nipped in the bud.

Attention is extremely important for a Spitz. Communication with a person plays a vital role in such a dog, so it is extremely important to devote as much time as possible to the puppy. This does not mean that the baby will get bored alone. He will find something to do in any case, however, these may not be completely obedient games. A Spitz puppy can tear up the upholstery of the sofa or chew on slippers just because he is bored, and not at all out of malice; to prevent such situations, take care of toys in advance.

The guard's temperament requires constant exercise, so it is necessary to take the dog with you on any outings. Whether it’s a walk, a jog or a visit to the dacha, the dog will faithfully patrol the territory, reporting every unwanted passerby. You need to get used to this behavior of your pet, however, you should not ignore the educational moment. The Spitz should shut up as soon as the owner demands it.

The characteristics of the Pomeranian include a number of educational measures not only for the puppy, but also for the owners.

In raising a Spitz systematicity is important. Breaks in training are fraught with the pet's dissolute character. If daily trips to the training ground are not possible, teams should be practiced at home. The dog must be aware of who is the leader in the house every day, otherwise its dominant character will try to take the place of commander.

The same applies to concessions. Having once sensed a weakness in the master’s mood, the dog will immediately take advantage of the moral gap to benefit his disobedience. Only owners of the breed can say how cunning Pomeranians are. The video will allow you to evaluate the dog's mental abilities.

Pomeranian Spitz care

Before you bring a puppy into your home, you need to prepare everything you need for your future pet. It is worth carefully equipping the place for the future overnight stay if the puppy is a Pomeranian Spitz. Caring for and maintaining such a pet requires discipline.


The puppy's sleeping place should be positioned so that the baby felt safe during rest. It is quite possible that the puppy will not like the place chosen by the owner. But over time, gradually moving the lounger, you can find a compromise. Spitz do not like constancy. It may happen that the dog will take a liking to several corners at once, which he will visit depending on his mood and the situation in the house.

But the dog’s resting places must be located away from radiators and drafts. It is optimal if the puppy bed is located near the owner’s bedroom. Thus, the pet will be able to realize its watchdog qualities and protect the owners’ sleep all night.

At first, the puppy may be bored, so you can put some of the owner’s things in his hiding place. The familiar smell will calm your baby's anxiety. Under no circumstances should you let a puppy into a human bed. Once your pet has been accustomed to luxury and excessive comfort, it will be extremely difficult to kick him out onto the floor. But it is also undesirable for a Spitz to sleep on a bare floor. It is best to use a basket or other device to separate the cold parquet from the puppy.


If it is not possible to walk the dog at his first request, it is important train your puppy to use the litter box. It must be taken into account that this process is labor-intensive and can take a lot of effort and time.

Also, the need to visit an organized toilet occurs during the period until the puppy has received all the necessary vaccinations. To be vaccinated, the animal must reach a certain age, so using the tray may take several months.


Toys play a huge role not only for the pet, but also for its owners. The presence of all kinds of balls and squeakers will not only keep a bored dog occupied, but also protects the owner's furniture from toothy attempts.


Despite the luxurious density and spectacular appearance, Spitz wool does not require lengthy procedures. It is enough to comb out the fallen hairs several times a week with special devices and prevent the coat from rolling off. Caring for the coat is easy.

To care for your Spitz you will need:

  • Brush with thick teeth;
  • Brush with sparse teeth;
  • Shampoo;
  • Scissors with rounded ends for correcting hairstyles.

It is advisable to bathe the Spitz no more than once a month. If necessary, you can carry out the procedure if the puppy gets dirty. In other cases, it is enough to wash your paws in warm water after a walk.

It is better not to bathe your dog while shedding. The fur may become matted, which will complicate the combing procedure and cause discomfort to the animal.


Teeth, ears and eyes require careful care. It is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the dog’s oral cavity and carry out periodic hygienic procedures. It is best to teach your dog to brush from an early age. This will help avoid difficult behavior in the future.

Long-haired breeds often suffer from hair getting into the eyes, which leads to tear tracks. Wipe your eyes necessary with a swab soaked in warm water.

Pomeranian nutrition

Like any other animal, the Pomeranian needs a balanced diet.

If the owner decides to use specialized food, then this should be quality food. And also you can’t suddenly switch an animal from one food to another.

Some nuances of the Pomeranian menu:

You can't feed your Spitz:

  • Hot and cold food;
  • Pork;
  • Sweets;
  • Boiled water is not advisable;
  • Cabbage, peas and other foods that cause bloating.


Vaccinations for Pomeranian Spitz are mandatory, because the animal is active and loves walks. Contact with other dogs also carries some danger, so the owner needs to take care of vaccination.

There are a number of vaccines that veterinarians highly recommend for Pomeranians:

  • Parvovirus and Lyme disease vaccine;
  • Vaccine against plague and rabies;
  • Injection against hepatitis, coronavirus and bordetellosis.

Some vaccinations are required at certain intervals, therefore, a consultation with a veterinarian to determine the frequency of vaccination is required; the doctor will also be able to examine the puppy for ailments before the injection itself, since only an absolutely healthy dog ​​can be given an injection.

How to choose a Spitz puppy

To buy a real representative of the breed, you need to contact a specialized nursery. Wild markets are unsafe places to purchase purebred animals.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the attitude towards animals in the nursery. The atmosphere should be friendly. Only in comfort are smart and brave puppies born.

You also need to pay attention to the room where the kids live. It should have enough light and warmth. After watching the puppies You need to make sure that she is active and playful. Two-month-old puppies are excellent on their feet and show interest in everything around them.

Criteria to pay attention to:

  • Healthy coat;
  • Fatness;
  • Clean eyes and mucous membranes of the mouth;
  • A good appetite;
  • Wet nose;
  • Absence of inguinal and umbilical hernias.

It is also worth getting to know the puppy better. The baby should boldly make contact and not show aggression.

Raising a Spitz should begin as early as possible, as soon as the puppy appears in your home. The basic rule that every family member must learn: a young dog is allowed to do what an adult can do, and what is not allowed must be nipped in the bud. The owner must educate his pet: praise him if he behaves well and obediently, and scold him for unacceptable actions.

The Spitz is very smart and understanding, so there is no need to shout at him or show any aggression, especially physical force, you just need to very persistently and confidently let the dog know how to behave, what is allowed and what is not. Under no circumstances follow the Spitz’s lead, do not allow yourself any concessions, otherwise it will be fraught with consequences. The Spitz very subtly senses the weaknesses of its owner and can use them to achieve its goals.

Raising a Spitz should not be periodic; you cannot take breaks and pamper the dog. For example, you don’t need to feed your dog food from the table, even if it begs very sweetly and pitifully, because it can very easily and quickly become a habit, which will be very difficult to wean from. After all, the dog will not understand what happened, why now it is not allowed to do this, and will with great persistence demand the required treats by barking. In this situation, it is very important to show great patience and not give up, because the Spitz will understand that in any case he will achieve his goal and will literally begin to manipulate his owners with the help of loud barking. If patience finally comes to an end, and the owners move from words to actions, the Spitz’s behavior will be hysterical, uncontrollable and impudent: it will look for other methods of influence, sometimes very undesirable for the owners. Therefore, you need to immediately understand for yourself that the dog will behave the way you allow it. Don't blame the dog for its behavior. Be unshakable and persistent - and the fruits of your labor will result in worthy dog ​​behavior.

It is very important to pay attention to your pet, communicate and play with him, in general - to have an emotional connection with him, otherwise he will begin to entertain himself by gnawing furniture and slippers, etc. As a result, such a dog will become asocial, incomprehensible, and inadequate in relationships. with people and other dogs, insecure or aggressive and unprepared for life.

You should also take into account the fact that each dog breed has fundamental behavioral characteristics that were laid down by genetics for certain purposes; in Spitz dogs this is a pronounced dominance. He is the owner and guard of his territory: with his barking, he will definitely let you know that something has happened, be it a neighbor or a passing dog. It is important that this behavior does not become overly aggressive - stop the dog when necessary.

Let me remind you once again that all these problems are the result of incorrect or insufficient upbringing.

If speak about training , then there shouldn’t be any problems, because the Spitz tries very hard to please the owner in everything and will do what you ask, so dogs of this breed are easy to train. At 5 months, the Spitz already learns all important commands. It is also better to start at a young age, but so that the Pomeranian does not forget commands, the training process must be regular.

Dwarf Spitz puppies purchased from a nursery receive a basic set of skills, for example, they are litter box trained. But this does not mean at all that they know and can do everything and there is no need to work with them.

Be sure to teach your pet his name: when using any commands, call him by name and praise him.

Training should make your dog well-mannered and obedient. Regardless of whether your pet will compete in shows or be a lap dog, he should definitely receive the basics of training, which begins with “training manners.” Your pet should learn to immediately come running to you on command “ To me", as well as execute the commands " Sit" And " Lie", go with you on command " Near" It is necessary to instill in your child the basics of obedience and diligent behavior so that he behaves correctly and adequately with strangers - both people and dogs. The baby should not bark at passing cars, children or other dogs, or run after cats.

Training is divided into three conditional categories:

  • professional training,
  • obedience school and
  • independent training.

In the first case, you give your pet to competent fellow dog handlers, who will teach him to be smart in a short time (one or two months) and as effectively as possible. During this time, you will have to limit your communication with the Pomeranian: you will visit him only on the recommendation of the trainer, otherwise you may slow down the learning process. When the trainer understands that your pet follows all your commands immediately and without errors, you can take him home, having previously received valuable instructions from the dog handler about what to expect from your Pomeranian and how and in what cases to use the dog’s new skills.

The second way to train your Pomeranian to obey commands is to go to obedience school with him. Yes, yes, in this case, it is you who will teach your pet commands, doing everything that the instructor-trainer tells you. You will need to enroll in a group for a general obedience course, come to a special training site, where in addition to you there will be several more people with their pets, and start training your Pomeranian. Don't be afraid, this is a very exciting activity, and an experienced instructor will tell you how to act, where to praise the Spitz, and where to correct his behavior. Socializing with other dogs will be an invaluable benefit for your dog. But the most important rule is that attendance at classes must be strictly regular and long-lasting.

If you don’t have the time or opportunity, try training your dog yourself. Buy suitable books on training, study them carefully, and only when certain commands become clear to you, start training your Spitz. Follow the recommendations of the book, no ad-libbing necessary - you may find yourself in a situation from which you will not know a way out. If something doesn't work out for you, turn to the book and try to understand what you (not the dog) did wrong. After working on your mistakes, start training again.

Your baby should learn to perfectly carry out all your commands, only then can you move on to more complex exercises.

Here, as an example, are a few basic commands that a Spitz should know. Training a Spitz is not at all difficult, you just need to follow some rules: commands should be pronounced in a gentle and calm voice, and the dog should not associate commands with punishment or threat. Therefore, praise the dog if he does everything right.

  • « To me" A very useful team that can save your pet’s life and protect it from tragedy. When the puppy is not interested in anything and looks at you, say the command “come to me” and lightly pull the long leash, and when the dog approaches, give a treat and praise with the word “good”. Do not approach the puppy yourself, wait until he understands and comes to you.
  • « Ugh!" This command can keep your Pomeranian healthy, because what the dog picks up from the ground can be poisoned! Take care of your pet's health! This command should scare the dog. Use it in cases of danger, in other cases you can command “No”. You can start teaching this command from the age of 6 months. Say “Ugh!” you need to do it in an intimidating, loud and short manner, then press your hand with the leash to your chest and make a strong tug on the leash (in this exact sequence: command-jerk, not vice versa!). The tug should not in any way cripple the dog, so make sure that the leash was not tangled in the paws and was not in the groin area. Training errors can be considered if you are late in giving the command, if you pull the leash very strongly or, conversely, weakly during a jerk, too frequent and inappropriate command “Fu!” When the dog immediately obeys after giving the command, you can consider that you have completed the command.
  • « Near" While walking, take your dog on a short leash and place it on your left side, holding the leash in your left hand. Call the dog by name, give the command “near”, make a slight jerk forward with your left hand and start moving with the dog. If the dog tries to change the direction or pace of movement, again say the command “near” and use the leash to set the direction of movement. When the dog is back in the correct position, praise, pet and give a treat. When turning, repeat the command “near” and pull the leash in the direction you want. When training, the leash should not be tense, the dog should move freely. It is very important that you do not jerk the leash sharply and forcefully, do not threaten the dog or shout.
  • « Give" This command must be taught to the dog while playing with the ball. When your Spitz brings you the ball, reward him with a treat and say “give” when you take the ball. If necessary, open the jaw with your hands when the toy is in your hands, be sure to praise the dog.
  • « Place" This command is necessary if you need the dog to spend some time in one place, for example, while receiving guests, and it is better to teach it to 1-2 month old puppies (at 3-4 months it will be more difficult to do this). The easiest way to teach this command to a dog is when it has eaten or is tired. If the baby himself comes to his place to sleep, praise him and encourage him. And when the Spitz is going to lie down in some other place, give the command “place” and move him there, giving him a treat. The puppy may run away - just try again, and do this several times a day. Don’t be upset if it doesn’t work out the first time, be patient and try not to scold the dog. We take stubborn individuals by the leash and lead them to their place; encouragement is a must. It is necessary to ensure that the puppy’s place is strongly associated with peace and security. You can breathe easy when a dog without a leash and on the first command goes to its place and remains there until you release it from this command.

Any dog ​​must be properly raised and trained - only in this case will you achieve your goal and get the desired result.

Perhaps, after reading the article, you will think that this is a very difficult task. You just need to understand that this is a big responsibility that lies entirely with the dog owner. If you treat your pet with love and raise it correctly, the Spitz will try to help you, because these are very smart and quick-witted dogs that will be happy to be trained.

Raising this wonderful dog is a very interesting and exciting activity that will help you establish emotional contact and get to know each other better!

Important stages of learning in the first year of life

In the first year of a Pomeranian puppy’s life, it is extremely important to consistently go through all stages of education, socialization and training. We will now tell you how to do it correctly.

Training a Spitz puppy, when to start

Pomeranian puppy training is essential start from the first days the presence of a dog in your home. There is an opinion that puppies should be trained no earlier than 6 months, but this opinion is erroneous, although quite widespread. From infancy, you need to instill in your dog the rules of behavior in your home, what is allowed and what is prohibited.

Often new puppy owners worry that training from the first days will be excessively stressful for the dog. This is only possible if outdated rigid methods are used, and with the right approach, training from the first days will be, on the contrary, very useful, since it allows you to immediately to set up a contact with the puppy and build a trusting relationship.

Raising a 2 month old Spitz puppy

At 2 months old, your Pomeranian puppy is still at home, in quarantine after the first vaccinations, and he is not yet allowed to go for walks. Therefore, it’s time to start raising a puppy in familiar home conditions.

The first step is to accustom the puppy to going to the toilet with a diaper on. At the same time, it should be remembered that any learning is a rather complex thing, and seeing the first positive results, you should not think that your puppy has already understood everything, but you should continue training according to the method, so that after a while you do not have to start all over again.

The second important point will be training the puppy to the collar and leash. Yes, yes, this should be done at home, so that by the time the puppy goes outside for the first time, wearing a collar will not be additional stress for him, but is already a familiar thing, and he can begin to explore the world around him, rather than trying get rid of an unknown object.

The third point that causes the greatest difficulties for new puppy owners will be the puppy’s determination boundaries of what is permitted:

  • Teach to play only with your toys, and not with your things;
  • Explain that you cannot bite your hands even in a game;
  • Establish the correct daily routine, establishing the rule that in the morning you need to sleep and not wake you up;
  • Stop chewing furniture, clothes, walls and baseboards;
  • Teach to stay at home alone, knowing that your absence is not a reason to bark or howl.

IT IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT TO KNOW: that constant and excessive punishments following almost every action of the puppy have a detrimental effect on his fragile psyche and can lead to the fact that the Pomeranian puppy grows up cowardly and embittered. For normal natural development, a puppy must have the opportunity to explore the world around him, which is currently limited to your apartment or house.

You should also start now introduction to basic commands obedience in a light playful form, while focusing on rewards for fulfillment, because the puppy’s psyche is still quite plastic and excessive severity and exactingness can lead to the puppy being intimidated and cowardly. Therefore, it is necessary, first of all, to try to interest the puppy by offering him a toy or treat, and sometimes just praise.

Socialization of a Spitz puppy at 3 months

Three months is an important stage in a Pomeranian puppy’s introduction to the outside world. Your first walks should be short and not too tiring for the puppy.

At this age it goes formation of the puppy's nervous system, so it is necessary to show him as much as possible: noisy streets, large crowds of people, etc. This must be done very carefully, gradually, over and over again increasing the time spent in noisy places, so as not to overload the puppy and not frighten him.

It is also necessary to introduce the puppy to friendly dogs and people so that the puppy does not subsequently develop aggression or cowardice caused by the fear of new things and the inability to communicate and make new acquaintances. And this is currently, unfortunately, not uncommon in the behavior of adult dogs, but a fairly common problem with which people turn to our specialists for help.

The emergence of new places leads to new rules that need to be consolidated:

  • Now you can and should go to the toilet on the street, rather than steadfastly endure and carry everything home;
  • Not every new person or dog wants to communicate, so you don’t need to run headlong to meet everyone;
  • Not all food is healthy, so it should only be taken from the owner’s hands.

Training a puppy follows the same principles as at 2 months. It should be remembered that at this age puppies develop conditioned reflexes quite easily, but they are also quickly forgotten, so you should not scold the puppy for not following commands, especially if they have not been repeated for a long time, but you should pay more attention to learning new things and repeating already learned material .

Training a Spitz puppy at 4 - 5 months

By this time, the Pomeranian Spitz puppy has already become accustomed to your home and usual walking areas, and no longer needs your support and care so much. Therefore, he begins, flirting with other dogs, pretending that he does not hear you when you call him, and showing a certain persistence and disobedience when executing various commands.

So, it’s time to move on to full training. In classes at this age you can already be persistent and demanding. At the same time, the most important thing is not to overdo it, remember that classes should bring joy to both you and your dog, and only then you can achieve the desired result.

What commands are practiced by a Pomeranian Spitz puppy at 4 months:

  • Calm movement nearby with the owner with a leash and without a leash, with landing when stopping, with a change in pace and direction of movement
  • Return to you upon request
  • Excerpt in a free or certain position (sitting, lying, standing) for a long time: if necessary, wait for the owner on the street, when visiting a store or other establishment
  • Indifferent attitude towards treats scattered on the ground
  • Prohibiting command to stop unwanted actions
  • Executing a set of commands "sit", "lie down", "stand" at a distance and near the leg, when giving commands by voice and gestures
  • Stop barking upon request.

Training a Spitz puppy from 6 months

At this age, the puppy begins puberty and the real rebel awakens in him. He begins to re-test the boundaries of what is permitted and, sometimes, deliberately does not respond to your commands, only in order to look at your reaction. If she is not what the puppy expects to see, then he may decide that now he can no longer carry out your commands.

It should be remembered that the puppy still remains a child, and excessive harshness can forever undermine his trust in you.

At this stage of the Pomeranian puppy's growing up in training, all the shortcomings made at the previous stages, which were smoothed out by his young age, become clearly visible. And if they appear, then it’s time to correct them.

In many training schools, there is an opinion that a puppy needs to be trained in two stages, the first at an early age, and the second at 8 - 10 months, in order to “consolidate” what has been learned. This is not an entirely correct position; this opinion appeared when newer operant training methods began to be added to the old “DOSAAF” rigid training methods, where they began to work with the puppy strictly after 6-7 months, including work by the method of pointing and following the “target”.

Their weakness was that it two different techniques, which began to be used without adapting to each other, having a huge gap between their tools for developing training skills. The difference between them is like between choreography lessons in kindergarten and army drill training. Therefore, they required training in two stages, which were in no way connected with each other.