Shine, strength and health of hair with a yeast mask. Yeast hair masks - recipes for growth and hair loss Yeast mask for dry hair

With the help of yeast, you can solve many problems associated with curls. This product eliminates dandruff, adds volume, eliminates hair loss, strengthens roots, and enhances growth. After the first use of the yeast mask, the curls become thicker, more manageable and the hair shafts stop falling out. If you carry out the procedure regularly, after some time you will notice their increased growth.

Homemade yeast hair masks

Here are some recipes for yeast masks for your hair.

  • With kefir. To do this, use the pressed version. The product needs to be crushed. Take 2 teaspoons, mix with two tablespoons of warm kefir. Apply the resulting mixture to the entire length of your curls and hold for 10 minutes. To add volume, add sour cream to the mixture;
  • With honey

For this recipe you will need:

  • 100 ml kefir;
  • 2 tbsp. honey;
  • 1 packet of dry yeast;
  • 3 tbsp. water.

Add the main ingredient to the water and leave it alone for 1 hour. After this, add honey and kefir, which should be preheated in a water bath. Apply the mixture to damp hair and rinse after half an hour;

  • Honey, sugar + mustard. To do this, mix 5 grams of dry yeast with sugar and add warm water. Fermentation will take one hour. When the time is up, add mustard and honey.

Preparing a hair mask with dry yeast

Its benefits are invaluable, as it improves the structure of hair follicles, making them more manageable and shiny.

  • Nourishing and moisturizing mask with dry yeast. To prepare it, take 300 grams of rye bread crumb, which should be cut into small pieces, and dry in the oven. Pour a liter of boiling water over the crackers, add a teaspoon of dry granules and two tablespoons of granulated sugar. This mixture should be infused in an unlit, warm place for 24 hours. After time, strain it through cheesecloth and apply along the entire length to clean curls. Keep it on for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. This product is multifunctional - as a result, the skin is nourished, the roots are strengthened, and the hair begins to grow faster. It is recommended to carry out a course of procedures. To do this, use the recipe a couple of times a week for a month;
  • Yeast mask recipe for your hairfrom dandruff. It also helps nourish and moisturize dry hair shafts. To prepare the mask, heat a glass of kefir. Then add a tablespoon of dry yeast, after an hour it will completely dissolve and the mixture can be applied to the strands. Keep the mask on for 30 minutes, then wash your hair with shampoo and rinse with warm water adding a few drops of apple cider vinegar;
  • Recipe with the addition of pepper tincture. It is recommended to keep this mixture for no more than 20 minutes, since pepper has a hot effect. If you leave the mixture on your head, you may get skin irritation. To prepare it, you need to dissolve 20 grams of the main ingredient in a tablespoon of warm water, then add two tablespoons of tincture to the solution. The mask should be applied to the scalp, massage lightly, cover the head with film and wrap yourself in a towel. After 20 minutes, rinse with mild shampoo;
  • Egg-yeast hair mask. When using it, your curls will become thicker and stronger. Dissolve 1 sachet in 3 tablespoons of warm water. Add a couple of drops of burdock oil and season with one egg. The mask is applied to the hair for a couple of hours, then washed off;
  • Another mask using eggs. Take 30 grams of dry yeast powder and add 30 milliliters of warm water to it to obtain the consistency of sour cream. Add the yolk there and mix everything again. The mixture is applied to the head for 15 minutes, then washed off with shampoo.

Live yeast to save hair

Many women want to grow long and thick locks. However, it is very difficult and requires a lot of patience and time. Hair usually grows 1.5-2 cm per month. And therefore the question of accelerating their growth remains relevant. In this case, there are various remedies, in particular yeast, that will help with this problem.

Live yeast is a source of B vitamins. This set not only makes hair healthy and gives it shine, but also accelerates its growth and stops hair loss.

At home, such recipes can be prepared using both dry and live yeast, which can be bought frozen in the store. To guide you when looking at the recipe, calculate that 1 teaspoon of dry yeast is equal to 10 grams of live yeast.

When you prepare the mixture, keep in mind that the mass will begin to ferment and increase in size, so choose a container so that it is not too small.

If you use a mask for medicinal purposes for damaged hair, do it 2 times a week for 20 procedures. For prevention, you can use it once a week for 10 sessions, then take a break for 2 months. It is suitable for all hair types.

Benefits of cosmetic yeast for hair:

  • One of the most useful factors of yeast masks is the activation of strand growth, which can be noticed after the first month of use. This metamorphosis is explained by their chemical "bouquet". Each element of the product, entering the scalp and hair shaft, accelerates current metabolic processes;
  • B vitamins prevent blood stagnation in the vessels, as a result improve blood circulation and activate cellular metabolism. Curls receive additional energy and no longer look lifeless;
  • amino acids make curls strong, thick and elastic. Youth vitamin E gives hair a natural shine. Vitamin PP prevents you from going gray prematurely. Vitamin H moisturizes;
  • cosmetic yeast also contains a large number of elements, such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, iodine, zinc, copper and others, which nourish cells, thereby improving the condition of the scalp and overall appearance.

A yeast hair mask and simple tips for using it will help you have a Hollywood hairstyle with minimal effort.

Yeast hair mask attracts with its ease of preparation, availability of ingredients and its effectiveness. Why the healing mixture is useful: strengthens, nourishes, fills the structure and activates growth. The main advantage of the product is its high content of protein and B vitamins. These elements are necessary for healthy hair.

Beauties add cosmetic brewer's yeast in tablets, baker's and live, to their masks. Manufacturers of hair cosmetics also use the healing power of the product. The most popular are Grandma Agafya’s Recipes, BelFITO, Belita.

Choosing yeast for a homemade mask

You can use baker's or brewer's yeast as a basis. Bakery products are sold in grocery stores or markets. To buy a good product, pay attention to signs of freshness:

  • pleasant, slightly sour smell;
  • delicate, uniform, matte or whitish yellow color.

A musty smell indicates that decay has begun. If the outer layer of the bar is lighter than the core, the product is old and has a long shelf life.

Brewer's yeast for hair is bought in pharmacies. This is a dietary supplement in the form of tablets or capsules. They come in pure form or with additives: with sulfur, with zinc.

Which brewer's yeast is better?:

    To strengthen hair, tablets are taken orally. The only side effect is that the dietary supplement increases appetite. If you don’t have enough willpower and have a tendency to be overweight, don’t get carried away.

    Liquid brewer's yeast is poured into shampoo or conditioner. Per bottle – 3 capsules.

Hair masks are best prepared from live yeast, which is sold in stores. Or you can ask at a bakery or brewery.


The benefits of yeast for hair are explained by the features of the product:

  • source of protein - the building element of each hair;
  • supplier of B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6 and B9);
  • contains antioxidant - vitamin E;
  • rich in minerals - calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and sulfur;
  • ergosterol in its chemical structure under the influence of ultraviolet radiation forms calciferol (D2);
  • mineral elements are better absorbed thanks to vitamin D.

How does yeast affect hair?:

    They supply protein that is broken down into amino acids. Special biological processes transform them into new protein compounds - elements of the hair structure. Amino acids also trigger the secretion of collagen and keratin, which are necessary for shine, rapid growth and strength of hair. No wonder they say: hair grows by leaps and bounds.

    Yeast masks contain microelements that ensure the full existence of the hair. The mixtures nourish. Vitamin D helps ensure complete absorption of minerals.

    Our hairstyle is as susceptible to stress as our nervous system. Hair suffers due to age and chemical influences. The result is premature gray hair. Vitamin B3 stimulates pigment production.

    Active use of curling irons, hair dryers, and hair dyes leads to dry hair. Dandruff appears. Vitamin B6 normalizes the fat balance in the hair follicles. Restores normal moisture.

    Vitamins B5 and B9 work against hair loss, dull gray hair and slow growth.

    Sulfur, zinc and phosphorus provide an antiseptic and antimicrobial effect.

How many times to make a yeast mask for results – 2 times a week if the curls are severely damaged. For preventive purposes - once every 10 days.


We suggest you see from your own experience whether a yeast-based mask is beneficial for hair. We have collected the most popular recipes, tested by girls and women, that can be prepared at home.

For hair volume

    The ideal composition for hair thickness is brewer's yeast + aloe + honey. Grind three leaves of indoor medicine. Add warmed honey and live bacteria (1 tbsp each). Rub into the skin. Wash off after twenty minutes.

    For rapid growth, this recipe for a hair mask with yeast is suitable. A tablespoon of soy lecithin, wheat germ, honey, beer sourdough, yogurt.

    The classic nutritional composition is kefir + honey + yeast. Dilute 10 g of fresh baked goods in warm water. After half an hour, pour in a glass of kefir and a tablespoon of honey. Soak the strands and massage the skin. Cover with cling film and put on a hat. It's a long walk. You can even leave it overnight.

For fast hair growth

    Dilute 20 g of yeast in water until it becomes thick sour cream. Add the juice of one onion, a teaspoon each of burdock oil and castor oil. Rub the composition into the roots, separating the curls by parting. Spread the rest along the length. Keep under plastic for half an hour.

    After each wash, use a special rosemary-yeast rinse for better hair growth. Brew three tablespoons of aromatic herbs in a liter of boiling water. Leave for three hours. Then add natural live bacteria.

    Yolk (1), lemon juice (2 tbsp), olive oil (1 tbsp) and a liter of live beer. Wash your hair with the mixture. Allow to dry completely. And then wash your curls with shampoo.

    Prepare chamomile infusion. If the strands are dark, take sage or nettle. Dissolve a centimeter piece of yeast in the herbal infusion. Place in a warm place for half an hour. Add the yolk, a tablespoon of burdock oil and a few drops of essential oil. Rub the medicinal composition into the roots, distribute through the curls, insulate with polyethylene and a towel for an hour.

For hair loss

    Dilute a piece of fresh yeast (1 cm wide from a small briquette) in warm water. Stir the mixture with honey. Leave to ferment for half an hour. Apply a healing composition of yeast and honey to the strands, hide under film for an hour.

    Mix red capsicum tincture with water 1:1. For the mask, take 2 tbsp. l. Add 20 g of beer. Rub the mixture into the roots. Let it stand for half an hour. If it burns too much, we don’t tolerate it, wash it off immediately.

    1 tbsp. l. bakery A little water and sugar to ferment. When they bubble, add dry mustard and honey (a tablespoon at a time). Keep the mask with yeast and mustard for an hour.

For oily hair

    Mix 40-50 g of fresh (in briquettes) with milk (1 tbsp.). Let it ferment in a warm place for half an hour. Add the yolk, a teaspoon of honey and cognac, 2 tsp. grated ginger root. Distribute the pulp evenly over the hair. Since the roots with excess fat content are the greasy ones, we pay more attention to them. And you don’t have to touch the ends at all - the mask dries them out. We hold for an hour. No shampoo needed when rinsing! Only warm water. Washing your hair with yeast is more gentle and effective (your curls squeak from cleanliness).

    We buy dietary supplements in tablets. Pound a couple of pieces to get a teaspoon of powder. Stir with a tablespoon of kefir until smooth. This kefir mask is kept on the head for half an hour.

    An excellent shampoo for oily hair is a decoction of celandine + brewer’s yeast tablets + a chicken egg. For decoction - 3 tbsp. l. leaves per glass of water. We continue treatment for increased fat content for a month. Then a break.

    Stir a liter of water, 0.5 liters of beer, 2 tbsp. l. vinegar, 8 drops of lemon essential oil. After washing your hair, rinse with this mixture. The instructions say: so that brewer's yeast is actively absorbed into the strands, leave the balm on the hair for half an hour.

For dry hair

    Heat up some milk. Add a piece of pressed yeast (1-1.5 cm). Leave for a quarter of an hour. Pour in one tablespoon of olive oil and the beaten yolk. Stir everything again. Apply to hair. We hold for an hour.

    A mixture with yeast and mayonnaise moisturizes and nourishes damaged hair quite well. For two tablespoons of mayonnaise - one teaspoon of beer powder.

For dandruff

    A kefir-yeast hair mask effectively combats this problem. Stir 15 g of yeast with kefir at room temperature (half a glass). Leave for half an hour. When bubbles appear, apply to your head. Keep for 30 minutes.

    Brewer's yeast + grated fresh tomato + olive oil + calcium for hair. We take it “by eye”, in approximately equal quantities. Heat over low heat and quickly apply to the scalp. Be sure to wrap yourself in film and a towel.

To experience the benefits of yeast, listen to your hair problems. The product is really useful if used in moderation and correctly. A source of minerals, vitamins, active protein, it nourishes every strand, fills it with strength, shine and health. If you have your own recipes for yeast masks, share them with readers in the comments.

Yeast contains the most essential
substances that promote the growth of our
hair. Yeast contains protein, from
which builds the hair structure, as well as all
B vitamins that help
hair grows strong and healthy.

It is useful to make hair masks from yeast
for everyone who wants to provide their hair with
good nutrition and care. Yeast helps
against hair loss, enhance hair growth,
improve structure. We offer several
options for the most effective masks with
yeast for hair growth and strengthening.

Yeast hair masks
Yeast mask with kefir and honey. 2
teaspoons of dry yeast stir in
warm water or milk, leave for an hour.
Then add 2 tablespoons to the mixture
honey and 0.5 cups of kefir or yogurt,
stir well. Distribute the mask
over hair, rub into hair roots. Cover
head with cellophane, put on a cap and
leave the mask on for an hour. Wash your hair warm
water or a decoction of medicinal herbs.

Yeast mask with protein. Stir
a tablespoon of dry yeast in warm water
(1 teaspoon). Add to the resulting pulp
beaten egg white and stir. Rub in the mask
into the hair and scalp. Wrap up your head
polyethylene and leave the mask for an hour.
Wash your hair with warm water and shampoo.

Yeast mask for dry hair. Cup
lightly heat kefir, stir in 1
table. spoon of dry yeast and leave for an hour in
warm place. Apply the mixture to your hair
Rub into scalp and leave for 30 minutes.
After half an hour, wash your hair with warm water.
then rinse with water with added
apple cider vinegar. The mask helps eliminate
dandruff, moisturizes and nourishes hair, accelerates
their growth.

Yeast mask with onions. Dissolve 1 tbsp.
a spoonful of dry yeast in the same quantity
warm water. Add 1 tablespoon to the mask
onion juice, a pinch of salt, a teaspoon
burdock or castor oil. All
mix and rub the resulting mask into
hair roots. Warm your head and keep your mask on
1 hour. Then wash your hair with shampoo.

Dry yeast for hair with mustard and honey.
Stir a tablespoon of dry yeast into
a little warm water, add
a teaspoon of sugar. Leave the mixture warm
place for an hour. Then add 1 to the mask
a tablespoon of honey and 2 teaspoons of mustard. All
mix and apply to hair roots. Through
Wash your hair with shampoo for an hour. Make a mask
1 time per week for 2 months and
You will notice that your hair is growing by leaps and bounds!

Brewer's yeast for hair with egg.
Warm half a glass of milk slightly.
Add a tablespoon of dry yeast and
leave for half an hour in a warm place. Then
add 1-2 eggs and a tablespoon of vegetable
oil (burdock, almond, etc.),
Stir thoroughly. Massage
Apply the mask onto your hair using movements
cover your head with cellophane and insulate it
with a towel. After 1-2 hours, wash your hair.
The mask nourishes and strengthens the hair, making it
thicker and stronger.

Yeast with sugar for thin naughty ones
hair. Dissolve 30 grams of yeast in warm
water, add a teaspoon of sugar. When
the mixture will begin to ferment, apply the mask to
hair for 1 hour.
Yeast with honey. Take yeast and honey in
equal proportions, stir in warm water
and leave for an hour. Apply the mask to your hair
insulate with a towel for 1-1.5 hours. Rinse it off

Yeast and pepper mask for hair growth.
Stir 30 gr. yeast in a tablespoon
warm water. Add 2 tablespoons
pepper tincture. Apply the mask to your hair
for 20 minutes. Wash off the mask with shampoo.

Yeast mask for hair growth. Composition: 1
yolk, tablespoon yeast, herbal
decoction (from chamomile, sage or nettle), 1
a tablespoon of burdock oil, a few
drops of any essential oil (to your taste).
Dissolve the yeast in a small amount
warm herbal decoction, leave for 30
minutes in a warm place. Then add
the remaining ingredients of the mask and carefully
stir. Apply to hair roots, then
distribute over the entire length. Cover your head
polyethylene and insulate. After an hour, wash off
shampoo. Course – 2 times a week for

Yeast hair mask attracts with its ease of preparation, availability of ingredients and its effectiveness. Why the healing mixture is useful: strengthens, nourishes, fills the structure and activates growth. The main advantage of the product is its high content of protein and B vitamins. These elements are necessary for healthy hair.

Beauties add cosmetic brewer's yeast in tablets, baker's and live, to their masks. Manufacturers of hair cosmetics also use the healing power of the product. The most popular are Grandma Agafya’s Recipes, BelFITO, Belita.

Choosing yeast for a homemade mask

You can use baker's or brewer's yeast as a basis. Bakery products are sold in grocery stores or markets. To buy a good product, pay attention to signs of freshness:

  • pleasant, slightly sour smell;
  • delicate, uniform, matte or whitish yellow color.

A musty smell indicates that decay has begun. If the outer layer of the bar is lighter than the core, the product is old and has a long shelf life.

Brewer's yeast for hair is bought in pharmacies. This is a dietary supplement in the form of tablets or capsules. They come in pure form or with additives: with sulfur, with zinc.

Which brewer's yeast is better?:

    To strengthen hair, tablets are taken orally. The only side effect is that the dietary supplement increases appetite. If you don’t have enough willpower and have a tendency to be overweight, don’t get carried away.

    Liquid brewer's yeast is poured into shampoo or conditioner. Per bottle – 3 capsules.

Hair masks are best prepared from live yeast, which is sold in stores. Or you can ask at a bakery or brewery.


The benefits of yeast for hair are explained by the features of the product:

  • source of protein - the building element of each hair;
  • supplier of B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6 and B9);
  • contains antioxidant - vitamin E;
  • rich in minerals - calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and sulfur;
  • ergosterol in its chemical structure under the influence of ultraviolet radiation forms calciferol (D2);
  • mineral elements are better absorbed thanks to vitamin D.

How does yeast affect hair?:

    They supply protein that is broken down into amino acids. Special biological processes transform them into new protein compounds - elements of the hair structure. Amino acids also trigger the secretion of collagen and keratin, which are necessary for shine, rapid growth and strength of hair. No wonder they say: hair grows by leaps and bounds.

    Yeast masks contain microelements that ensure the full existence of the hair. The mixtures nourish. Vitamin D helps ensure complete absorption of minerals.

    Our hairstyle is as susceptible to stress as our nervous system. Hair suffers due to age and chemical influences. The result is premature gray hair. Vitamin B3 stimulates pigment production.

    Active use of curling irons, hair dryers, and hair dyes leads to dry hair. Dandruff appears. Vitamin B6 normalizes the fat balance in the hair follicles. Restores normal moisture.

    Vitamins B5 and B9 work against hair loss, dull gray hair and slow growth.

    Sulfur, zinc and phosphorus provide an antiseptic and antimicrobial effect.

How many times to make a yeast mask for results – 2 times a week if the curls are severely damaged. For preventive purposes - once every 10 days.


We suggest you see from your own experience whether a yeast-based mask is beneficial for hair. We have collected the most popular recipes, tested by girls and women, that can be prepared at home.

For hair volume

    The ideal composition for hair thickness is brewer's yeast + aloe + honey. Grind three leaves of indoor medicine. Add warmed honey and live bacteria (1 tbsp each). Rub into the skin. Wash off after twenty minutes.

    For rapid growth, this recipe for a hair mask with yeast is suitable. A tablespoon of soy lecithin, wheat germ, honey, beer sourdough, yogurt.

    The classic nutritional composition is kefir + honey + yeast. Dilute 10 g of fresh baked goods in warm water. After half an hour, pour in a glass of kefir and a tablespoon of honey. Soak the strands and massage the skin. Cover with cling film and put on a hat. It's a long walk. You can even leave it overnight.

For fast hair growth

    Dilute 20 g of yeast in water until it becomes thick sour cream. Add the juice of one onion, a teaspoon each of burdock oil and castor oil. Rub the composition into the roots, separating the curls by parting. Spread the rest along the length. Keep under plastic for half an hour.

    After each wash, use a special rosemary-yeast rinse for better hair growth. Brew three tablespoons of aromatic herbs in a liter of boiling water. Leave for three hours. Then add natural live bacteria.

    Yolk (1), lemon juice (2 tbsp), olive oil (1 tbsp) and a liter of live beer. Wash your hair with the mixture. Allow to dry completely. And then wash your curls with shampoo.

    Prepare chamomile infusion. If the strands are dark, take sage or nettle. Dissolve a centimeter piece of yeast in the herbal infusion. Place in a warm place for half an hour. Add the yolk, a tablespoon of burdock oil and a few drops of essential oil. Rub the medicinal composition into the roots, distribute through the curls, insulate with polyethylene and a towel for an hour.

For hair loss

    Dilute a piece of fresh yeast (1 cm wide from a small briquette) in warm water. Stir the mixture with honey. Leave to ferment for half an hour. Apply a healing composition of yeast and honey to the strands, hide under film for an hour.

    Mix red capsicum tincture with water 1:1. For the mask, take 2 tbsp. l. Add 20 g of beer. Rub the mixture into the roots. Let it stand for half an hour. If it burns too much, we don’t tolerate it, wash it off immediately.

    1 tbsp. l. bakery A little water and sugar to ferment. When they bubble, add dry mustard and honey (a tablespoon at a time). Keep the mask with yeast and mustard for an hour.

For oily hair

    Mix 40-50 g of fresh (in briquettes) with milk (1 tbsp.). Let it ferment in a warm place for half an hour. Add the yolk, a teaspoon of honey and cognac, 2 tsp. grated ginger root. Distribute the pulp evenly over the hair. Since the roots with excess fat content are the greasy ones, we pay more attention to them. And you don’t have to touch the ends at all - the mask dries them out. We hold for an hour. No shampoo needed when rinsing! Only warm water. Washing your hair with yeast is more gentle and effective (your curls squeak from cleanliness).

    We buy dietary supplements in tablets. Pound a couple of pieces to get a teaspoon of powder. Stir with a tablespoon of kefir until smooth. This kefir mask is kept on the head for half an hour.

    An excellent shampoo for oily hair is a decoction of celandine + brewer’s yeast tablets + a chicken egg. For decoction - 3 tbsp. l. leaves per glass of water. We continue treatment for increased fat content for a month. Then a break.

    Stir a liter of water, 0.5 liters of beer, 2 tbsp. l. vinegar, 8 drops of lemon essential oil. After washing your hair, rinse with this mixture. The instructions say: so that brewer's yeast is actively absorbed into the strands, leave the balm on the hair for half an hour.

For dry hair

    Heat up some milk. Add a piece of pressed yeast (1-1.5 cm). Leave for a quarter of an hour. Pour in one tablespoon of olive oil and the beaten yolk. Stir everything again. Apply to hair. We hold for an hour.

    A mixture with yeast and mayonnaise moisturizes and nourishes damaged hair quite well. For two tablespoons of mayonnaise - one teaspoon of beer powder.

For dandruff

    A kefir-yeast hair mask effectively combats this problem. Stir 15 g of yeast with kefir at room temperature (half a glass). Leave for half an hour. When bubbles appear, apply to your head. Keep for 30 minutes.

    Brewer's yeast + grated fresh tomato + olive oil + calcium for hair. We take it “by eye”, in approximately equal quantities. Heat over low heat and quickly apply to the scalp. Be sure to wrap yourself in film and a towel.

To experience the benefits of yeast, listen to your hair problems. The product is really useful if used in moderation and correctly. A source of minerals, vitamins, active protein, it nourishes every strand, fills it with strength, shine and health. If you have your own recipes for yeast masks, share them with readers in the comments.