Itching in the ears. Itching in the ears: causes and treatment

Many people have experienced unpleasant itching in their ears more than once in their lives. This is not dangerous, but may be a harbinger of illness. In any case, if the itching bothers you often, it becomes unbearable. Irritability appears, a person is distracted from basic matters, and this also interferes with his ability to communicate with people. Treating ear itching is not that easy. If simple procedures do not help, you should consult a doctor, as this may be the beginning of a disease.

Causes of itching in the ears

The ears begin to itch when various irritants affect the nerve endings of the skin or when there is excessive secretion of fat and sulfur containing bile salts. There are mechanical and chemical irritants.

Itchy ears can cause:

  • infection (fungi, bacteria);
  • allergy;
  • high blood cholesterol and sugar levels;
  • dry skin.

Cotton swabs that are intended for cleaning ears can cause infection. When a person tries to stop itching in the ears with these sticks, he can easily damage the skin, and the infection enters the body through cracks. As a result of the inflammatory process, itching appears in the ears.

In addition, when using sanitary sticks, the sulfur becomes compacted, which causes a plug to form. This also contributes to the development of inflammation and disruption of the microflora in the ears. As a result, harmful bacteria can easily enter the ear.

What diseases can cause itchy ears?

Infection of the ear canal with fungi (otomycosis). This is the most common cause of ear itching.

The process of formation of sulfuric matter is disrupted. If too little sulfur is produced, the skin dries out quickly and can become easily infected. If a lot of wax accumulates in the ear canal, this leads to the appearance of plugs. When water gets into the ears, itching also appears, since fungi actively spread in a humid environment.

Otitis. If ear itching also causes pain, this is the beginning of an inflammatory process in the middle ear.

Ear mite. Red dots appear on the skin, which remain after tick bites.

Allergy. Paroxysmal itching in the ears can be caused by allergies to cosmetics, flowering plants, headphones, hats, etc.

Idiopathic itching. Science has not yet fully studied the causes of this itching. In this case, the patient undergoes treatment with a psychotherapist.

Diseases of the kidneys, liver, diabetes, as well as poisoning. In this case, the cause of ear itching is the increased accumulation of toxins that the skin releases during illness.

Skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema, etc.) that spread throughout the human body, including developing in the ear canal.

Hormonal changes in the human body, especially in old age. Then there is a change in metabolic processes in the human body.

Methods to get rid of itchy ears

First, it is necessary to determine the cause of ear itching. An ENT doctor will help you with this and, if necessary, will refer you to other specialists. You will be prescribed effective treatment with which you can get rid of this unpleasant feeling forever.

If, before visiting a doctor, the itching becomes unbearable, then you can use antihistamines or home remedies that will ease your suffering. At the same time, you should not constantly scratch your ears, as you will injure the skin. And this promotes the spread of bad bacteria.

When treating itching with tablets and ointments, you need to take sorbents, as well as agents that restore intestinal microflora. It could be bifidobacteria, etc. Also at this time, exclude spicy foods, sweets and citrus fruits from your diet.

If you have diabetes, dry skin of the ear canal should be lubricated with moisturizer.

Once you have relieved the itching with medication, you can prepare medications at home to continue treatment. The most common home remedy is a solution of alcohol and white vinegar (1:1). For treatment, you need to drop liquid into the ear with a pipette, and after a few minutes let the medicine drain. Repeat this procedure for 5-7 days, 1-2 times a day.

Traditional methods of combating itching in the ears

  • Regular baking soda can relieve your suffering from itchy ears. It usually helps a lot if a lot of wax has accumulated in the ears. Prepare the solution: dissolve 1 teaspoon of soda in 100g of boiled water. Apply this solution to the ears 3-4 times a day, 6 drops each. The liquid softens the sulfur plug, and it will flow out on its own.
  • Table vinegar 6% Moisten a cotton swab with vinegar and gently wipe the ear canal. Vinegar can also soften sulfur buildup.
  • Salicylic alcohol. Twice a day (morning and evening), drop 2-3 drops of alcohol into your ears, after rinsing your ears with a solution of hydrogen peroxide.
  • Almond oil, olive oil, or tea tree oil are excellent anti-fungal remedies. Remember, these oils can be placed in the ears only 1 drop per day.
  • Walnut. Pour 10 g of crushed young nut shells with 100 grams of vodka. Leave for 5 days. Add about 30 ml of propolis tincture to the strained solution. Wipe the inside of the ear and ear canal with this liquid in case of severe ear itching.
  • To remove wax from the ear, you need to lie with the problem ear on a bottle filled with hot water. The wax will soften and be easier to remove from the passage. You should not remove the wax completely, as its residue prevents the appearance of ear itching.

If you experience itchy ears frequently, try to follow basic hygiene rules. Bed linen and towels must be ironed thoroughly after washing. Wipe your phones with an alcohol solution at least once a month. When swimming in the pool, you must use a rubber cap to prevent water from entering your ears.

Despite the fact that itching in the ears can be reduced at home using various folk remedies, it is better to visit a specialist. Only a doctor can determine the cause of ear itching and prescribe the correct treatment.

The topic of today's article is “ What to do if your ears itch?».

Ears itch. Which adult has not felt this? Most often, ordinary itching is not a symptom of a disease that threatens a person’s life. But you must admit that if itching in the ears occurs frequently, then it poisons our existence. When your ears itch, it distracts your attention and makes it difficult to concentrate on what is important. A person becomes irritable, this interferes with relationships with people, and it’s also unpleasant when you constantly want to reach out to your ear to scratch it. Just some kind of nightmare!

The first desire is to get rid of the obsessive desire to scratch your ear. But it's not always easy. After all, itching in the ears can be either an independent pathological process or a manifestation of some disease.

If normal hygiene procedures do not help, this may be a signal of a disease that requires treatment.

Why does itchy ears occur?

Itching occurs when external irritants touch the nerve endings of the surface layer of the skin or due to increased secretions from the human body (in our case, sweat, sebaceous fat and sulfur), which contain bile salts or histamine.

External stimuli can be either mechanical, chemical or thermal.

An infection, for example, fungal or bacterial, as well as allergies, hormonal changes in the body, increased cholesterol and blood sugar levels, or simple dry skin can make you want to scratch your ear.

What do we usually use to scratch our ears? Ear cotton swabs. And they are the carriers of infection. How? While we intensively scratch our ears with cotton swabs, microcracks may appear on the skin, which can easily become infected. An untreated inflammatory process recurs: itching in the ears occurs again and again.Have you ever wondered who benefits from our ear scratching? Some say this benefits cotton swab sellers.

Often, when cleaning the ears with cotton swabs, dense wax is compacted, a cerumen plug is formed, which not only contributes to hearing loss and inflammation, but also disrupts the functioning of the microflora inside the ear, which simply cannot withstand the onslaught of pathogenic bacteria and microbes.

What diseases can be signaled by itching in the ears?

      • Fungal infections of the ear canal – are the main cause of itchy ears. The disease is called otomycosis. This topic is very large, so we will talk about it in more detail in the next article.
      • Disruption of the process of sulfur formation –
        • If very little sulfur, then dry skin occurs, which becomes easily infected
        • excessive accumulation of sulfur in the ear canal, leading to the formation sulfur plugs
      • Itching is activated when water getting into the ear , more often this occurs due to increased activity of streptococci or fungi in a humid environment
      • Otitis external in chronic form. If pain occurs during itching, then this is the first sign of inflammation of the middle ear.
      • Ear mite– a crawling sensation and the appearance of red dots on the skin from insect bites
      • Allergy Shampoo, hairspray, headphones, earrings, hats, flowering of various plants and other allergens cause paroxysmal itching
      • Idiopathic itching – itching of unknown cause should be treated by a neurologist and psychotherapist
      • Diabetes mellitus, gallbladder, liver, kidney diseases, food poisoning have a common symptom: itching in the ears in these cases occurs due to the active production of toxins secreted by the skin due to the disease.
      • Skin diseases : eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis can spread over the skin. Starting in the ear canal, this disease affects increasingly large areas of the skin.
      • Age-related changes (especially in old age) in this case, hormonal changes in the body occur, affecting changes in excretory function, and the metabolic processes of the body malfunction

How to get rid of itchy ears

  • The main thing is to identify the cause . To do this, you need to visit an ENT doctor, who, upon examination, will order tests: general tests (blood, urine) and smears for fungal and bacterial infections, allergies to antibiotics. Also, if necessary, he will refer you for a consultation with an allergist and dermatologist. You may need to consult an endocrinologist or even a neurologist and psychotherapist.

Modern diagnostics will help identify the cause of itching in the ears and determine effective treatment. Only with a competent approach to treatment (which can be prescribed by a specialist) will it be possible to get rid of the unpleasant sensation of itchy ears forever.

  • If the itching is unbearable, then before consulting a specialist, you can take sedatives and antihistamines .
  • There is no need to constantly injure your ear by scratching, especially with hard objects. This way we contribute to the spread of infection.
  • During treatment, in addition to specific drugs (ointments, tablets, drops), sorbents (activated carbon, etc.) and drugs that restore intestinal microflora, for example bifidobacteria, as well as immunomodulators are usually taken.
  • At this time, it is better to avoid sweet, spicy and citrus fruits in your diet.
  • If you have dry skin due to impaired production of sebum and wax, or diabetes, you can use any moisturizer to reduce itching in the ears.


If your ears often itch, then in addition to the usual toileting of your ears, you need to follow some hygiene rules more carefully than usual.

The ears are as important an organ in humans as the heart or stomach. Just imagine how difficult it is for deaf people to live. They cannot perceive the world through sound sensations. Therefore, the ears should be taken as seriously as other vital organs. If they suddenly become irritated, itchy, or feel pain when touched, then these symptoms cannot be ignored. It is imperative to understand the reasons why the ear itches on the outside or inside.

Allergic contact dermatitis

The most common outside ear reaction is an allergic reaction. Itching appears immediately after contact with a certain substance. In medicine they call it an allergen. Dermatitis affects the skin not only of the ears, but also of other parts of the body. Itching is not the only symptom that accompanies an allergic reaction. In addition, there may be pronounced swelling of the affected area and severe redness of the skin.

Allergic contact dermatitis can be caused by various substances. Most often, the reaction occurs to metal alloys from which jewelry is made (chrome, nickel and others), cosmetics, powders, and even paint used to color things. For example, upon contact with earrings, your ears may burn and itch almost immediately.

How does this type of dermatitis develop? Within a few minutes after interaction with the allergen, redness of the skin appears. A little later, the affected area swells. Papules form on it, which in a short period of time turn into blisters filled with a liquid substance. When they open, the area of ​​skin with inflammation becomes covered with erosion. As the wounds heal, crusts form. And when the allergic process is completed, the ear begins to peel off. During this entire time, the person feels severe itching.

If you do not completely stop interacting with the allergen, dermatitis can become chronic. With it, the inflammatory process is not localized to a specific place, but grows to those areas that have not been in contact with the substance. The symptoms of the chronic course of the disease are identical to the acute one.

Corticosteroid ointment is prescribed to treat allergic contact dermatitis. Antihistamine medications will help relieve itchy skin. These include:

  • "Desloratadine";
  • "Loratadine";
  • "Cetirizine" and others.

Atopic and seborrheic dermatitis

Itching is a symptom of other types of dermatitis. We are talking about seborrheic and atopic. The cause of the latter is allergies. Seborrheic dermatitis is caused by the fungus Malassezia furfur. Both of these diseases differ not only in their causes, but also in their symptoms. However, in both the first and second cases, people have severe itching behind the ears. In addition to this symptom, seborrheic dermatitis is manifested by thickening of the skin in the affected areas and the formation of scales. Most often, inflammation appears behind the ear. At risk are those people who have severely weakened immune systems. The fungus, when multiplying, first attacks the sebaceous glands. It then spreads to the surrounding surface. Antifungal medications are used as treatment.

As for atopic dermatitis, red ears and dry skin will indicate it. The most common cause of this disease is food allergy. However, a reaction can also occur after contact with other substances or an insect bite. First, the inflamed area of ​​the ear swells a little, the skin turns red and becomes quite dry. Considering that this process is accompanied by constant itching, when scratching, the pimples behind the ear burst, the skin becomes wet, and the affected areas become covered with crusts. If treatment is not started in time, ulcers will form in these areas. For therapy are used:

  • ointments with anti-inflammatory effect;
  • antihistamines to relieve symptoms;
  • sedatives to make you feel better.

Furuncle of the external auditory canal, ear mite, sore throat

Most people will be surprised to learn that the symptoms of a sore throat are not only a sore throat, fever, but also itching on the outside of the ear. Moreover, the sensations can be so strong that sometimes it becomes simply unbearable. If the itching is caused by a sore throat, then no special treatment is used. The symptom will go away on its own after recovery.

A furuncle of the external auditory canal is a disease in which a person experiences simply unbearable itching. After some time, severe pain is added to this symptom. Its intensity increases with chewing and pressing on the tragus.

Infectious external otitis

Why it itches There are many reasons for this. One of them is a disease such as infectious external otitis. It manifests itself in the form of a purulent-inflammatory process. The pathology affects not only the skin, but also bone and cartilage tissue. The cause of external otitis is Staphylococcus pyogenes or Pseudomonas aeruginosa. In places of injury or other damage, the pathogen penetrates the skin. The disease occurs in two forms: chronic and acute. In the first and second cases, the symptoms are the same: itching, hearing loss, congestion, purulent discharge. But there are also differences between the forms of otitis externa. It lies in the timing. For example, in the chronic stage, the duration of development of the inflammatory process can reach one month.

Antihistamines, multivitamins, and antibiotics are used as treatment. Hormonal and antibacterial ointments and ear drops are suitable for local therapy.

External otomycosis

If it itches a lot behind the ears, this may indicate a fungal infection. A disease such as external otomycosis develops very slowly. As a rule, the skin does not change. At first, the person feels only a slight itch. As its intensity increases, the ear constantly itches. Scratching leads to damage to the skin. And these are favorable conditions for contamination with fungi Penicillium, Candida, Aspergillus. With the development of the disease, in addition to itching, a burning sensation and a sensation of a foreign body also appear. The auricle becomes quite sensitive. The painful spasm is very strong. It intensifies during chewing, swallowing, and yawning. Most often, the pathology affects the skin of the outer ear. If a person has diabetes or leukemia, the damage may spread to the middle ear.

What causes external otomycosis? Main reasons:

  • Poor hygiene.
  • Inflammatory processes.
  • Damage to the skin.
  • Long-term use of antibacterial drugs.

This disease is highly treatable. Prescription of drugs is carried out on an individual basis. In difficult cases, combination therapy can be used.


This disease manifests itself in the form of plaques. They form on the skin of any part of the body, including the ears. The spots themselves are red. On top they are covered with white scales. Scientists have not yet established the exact reasons that can cause the development of psoriasis. However, it is known that the provoking factors are severe stress, metabolic disorders and immunological disruptions. The disease has three stages:

  • The first is progressive. Accompanied by the appearance of new rashes. The earlobes and other damaged areas are very itchy.
  • The second is stationary. New plaques do not appear. The old ones are healing.
  • The third is regressive. The appearance of pseudoatrophic rims. Healthy skin is visible in the center of the inflamed spots.

Signs of psoriasis:

  • Convex red plaques.
  • The affected areas itch.
  • Nails become deformed.
  • Dead cells fall off, causing the ear and other parts of the body to peel.
  • The appearance of blisters and cracks.

Treatment is carried out only under the supervision of a doctor. As a rule, complex therapy is prescribed, which includes ointments, special procedures and adherence to the regimen. When choosing certain drugs, doctors take into account the degree and stage of the disease, health status, age, and gender of the patient.


Another disease that not only causes the skin behind the ears to crack, but also causes ulcers to form. The pathology is chronic and may worsen. The duration of relapses varies from several hours to 2-3 days. Locations: on the head, shoulders, palms, neck, behind the ears. Symptoms of eczema:

  • Swelling of the affected areas.
  • Redness of the skin.
  • Bubble formation.

The disease occurs in three forms: chronic, acute and subacute. The choice of medications depends on the degree of damage, the form and nature of the course. Considering that eczema is allergic in nature, the first step is to identify the substance that causes irritation. After stopping contact with him, medication treatment is prescribed.

Other reasons

Are your ears itchy on the outside? What causes this symptom? Diseases in which a person feels itching have already been described above. But these are not all the reasons. There are other irritants. These include:

  • Cosmetical tools. Even after washing your hair with shampoo, itching may occur on the outside of the ear. In order to get rid of it, you just need to change your cosmetic products.
  • Diseases of the liver, gall bladder, and diabetes can cause this symptom.
  • Hormonal disorders.
  • Diathesis manifests itself not only in red ears, but also in severe itching.
  • Poor nutrition.
  • Poisoning.
  • Allergy to a specific food group.
  • Weather.

Itching without other symptoms

Itching of the ear does not always indicate some kind of disease. This symptom may be the only one, but otherwise the person feels very well. Why then do your earlobes and shells itch?

  • Drying of the skin. Occurs in people with a genetic predisposition.
  • Use of aggressive cleansers during hygiene procedures.
  • Wearing earrings. Itching can occur even if a person is not allergic to metals. Most often it is localized at the puncture site. In order to get rid of this, earrings must be treated with alcohol before wearing.
  • Neuralgic disorders. Often during nervous disorders a person’s ear begins to itch.

How to cure

If your ears itch, treatment should be prescribed after the cause is determined. Only in this case will it be effective. It has already been briefly described above which drugs are used to improve well-being and reduce the intensity of itching.

If this occurs, it is better to consult a doctor in order to exclude the possibility of developing serious diseases. However, if this is impossible for some reason, and you can no longer endure the itching, then you can try to ease your well-being on your own:

  • Take a sedative or antihistamine.
  • Wipe your ear with boric alcohol.
  • Treat the affected area with ointment for itchy skin. Telfast, Trexil, Panthenol, Fenistil, Advantan, Levomekol, etc. are suitable for these purposes.
  • Be sure to review your daily diet.
  • Take medications that improve digestion.


From the material presented in the article it is clear that even such a symptom at first glance as itching on the outside of the ear cannot be ignored. Of course, this does not mean the presence of serious diseases, but it is better to play it safe and seek qualified help. Having performed a comprehensive examination and made sure that there are no complications, you can devote all your efforts to eliminating the discomfort. Most often, local therapy (ointments) is used for this. If the itching has become an allergy reaction to some substance, then you need to take special medications. This will help get rid of discomfort.

Itching in the ears is a problem that men and women often face, regardless of age and lifestyle.

Most often, this process does not pose a threat, being a harmless phenomenon, but there are cases when this is a signal of the development of the disease. Let's figure out how to identify itching in the ears, the causes and treatment with folk remedies.

The cause of itchy ears can be a completely harmless phenomenon - water ingress, irritation, accumulation of earwax. There are cases when ordinary scratching can become a signal of the development of a disease in the human body: otomycosis, otitis media, diabetes mellitus and others.

Ear itching can be caused by:

  • purulent discharge;
  • pain;
  • congestion;
  • dizziness;
  • hearing loss.

Etiology has a direct connection with the individual characteristics of a person. Incorrectly selected ear sticks when cleaning the auricle can create wounds into which wax gets trapped and causes a feeling of discomfort.

Emergency help

Therapy to eliminate itching in the ears has a direct effect on the source of the development of the inflammatory process. To do this, use folk remedies or treat with medication under the full supervision of the attending physician.

In some cases, the intervention of special medical equipment and instruments is required. Itching caused by a large accumulation of wax can be eliminated by cleaning the ear with a cotton swab.

In medicine, ointment is considered an effective remedy for itching in the ears. The attending physician can prescribe "Bepanten" or "Fenistal", which is used to treat the auricle within the period established by the medical specialist.

In cases of an allergic reaction, antihistamine and anti-inflammatory ointments are prescribed. Drops containing antibiotics or antimycotic drugs help well with inflammatory processes. In all cases, the doctor prescribes vitamins and medications that help normalize the microflora.

Traditional methods of treating itching in the ear

At home, you can easily get rid of itching in the ears by using what everyone has in their kitchen or medicine cabinet. Among the common methods, the following recipes are considered the most effective:

  1. Take a cotton swab and dip it in 6% vinegar. They should wipe the ear canal for several days up to three times a day, but do not overdo it.
  2. Dilute baking soda in 100 milliliters of warm water, then drip the prepared solution 5 drops at a time into the sore ear three times a day.
  3. Garlic oil helps relieve ear itching, which is easy to prepare. Peel three cloves of garlic and finely chop. Boil 50 milliliters of vegetable oil, then add garlic to it and leave to brew for a day. Soak a cotton swab in the prepared oil and insert it into your ear overnight. In the morning the compress is removed and a new one is applied in the evening.
  4. The chamomile decoction is prepared in the following proportions: a glass of water is required for 10 grams of medicinal chamomile. Before use, filter it and drip warm into the sore ear, 3-4 drops at a time. The broth remains inside for several minutes, then is eliminated.
  5. Hydrogen peroxide is an indispensable remedy that helps not only eliminate itching, but also disinfects the skin, reduces burning and pain. For 1 tablespoon of water you need no more than 15 drops of the drug. The sore ear is instilled with four drops, then after a quarter of an hour, thoroughly rinsed with water.

When itchy ears - how to treat: folk remedies or medications? This question arises immediately during the first discomfort. Both methods will be effective and will have the correct effect on the inflamed area of ​​the ear, but availability varies.

Having only the name of the ointment, you should not go to the pharmacy and try it on yourself. Folk remedies are more harmless and in 95% of cases they will not cause harm, causing complications, but there are still risks.

When your ears itch, it is important to determine the cause and only then treat it; you should not try to cure it yourself at home. Therapy should be prescribed by a medical professional after a thorough examination. This will help avoid the development of allergic reactions and other complications.


Preventive measures in medicine are divided into two types:

  • keeping the body and ears clean;
  • Protect yourself and your ears from sudden temperature changes.

To ensure that cream-ointment is not required for itchy ears, follow the rules of hygiene. It is necessary to clean your ears correctly and often, but do not overdo it. Wax, which is located inside the ear, performs a protective function. It prevents the ear canal from drying out and prevents pathogenic microorganisms from causing harm.

The optimal period for cleaning your ears is considered to be the evening, namely the time immediately after taking a shower. Under the influence of water and steam, wax softens and is better removed from the ear area.

Among other preventive measures, it is worth adhering to the following:

  • towels and linen used must be clean and ironed with a hot iron;
  • when visiting public baths, swimming pools or ponds, use only your swimming cap;
  • Periodically wipe your headphones and phone with an alcohol-based solution.

If earwax production is higher than normal, you should regularly use a syringe with a rubber bulb or ear drops prescribed by the doctor after the examination. Do not self-medicate, as incorrect measures can cause irreversible consequences.

When cleaning your ears, remember that the ear microflora has bactericidal and antifungal protection - its removal increases the risk of contracting the disease.

Photo of itchy ears

Below are photographs of what itchy ears look like for different people. This problem has the same symptoms, but it does not always look the same:

To diagnose itching in the ears due to the development of a disease in the body, consult a doctor.

Bottom line

Ignoring itching in the ears and not paying due attention to this problem is a direct path to more global consequences, including the development of diseases.

Doctors often hear complaints from their patients that their ears itch. This symptom often disappears on its own. But sometimes, to eliminate it, you have to undergo treatment that eliminates the root cause of the discomfort.

Article outline:

Causes of itching in the ears

Doctors name many reasons that can explain the appearance of itchy sensations in the ear area. Most of them are associated with one disease or another, which an experienced specialist will help you get rid of.


If you have an ear infection, you may experience burning, pain, and itchy discomfort in the problem area. The infection is also accompanied by redness and swelling of the shell. All these symptoms indicate that pathogenic microbes have entered the organ.

There are several forms of otitis, due to the development of which a person’s ear itches:

Otitis is a rather dangerous disease, the treatment of which should be started immediately to avoid serious complications.


The disease is caused by inflammatory processes in the ear, which are provoked by a fungal pathogen. It manifests itself against the background of otitis media, which occurs in a chronic form. The following factors lead to this pathology:

  1. Wearing a hearing aid.
  2. Failure to comply with hygiene rules.
  3. Damage to the skin of the ear.

Otomycosis is recognized by unbearable itching in the problem organ. Also, flaky discharge begins to appear from it. In especially severe cases, the fungus penetrates the bones of the skull.

Allergic reaction

Any allergy causes itching sensations in one or another part of the body. Sometimes it is observed in the ears. This condition is caused by various allergens, for example, cosmetics or animal fur.

To find out the root cause of discomfort, consultation not only with an otolaryngologist, but also with an allergist is required. The latter will help identify the allergen and select effective treatment.

Ear itching caused by allergies can be either permanent or temporary. In any case, with such a symptom, you should seek medical help to determine the nature of the disorder.

Skin pathologies

If a person has an itchy ear, then there is a possibility that his body is affected by a skin disease. Discomfort will be felt in the inner part of the organ, which is especially tender and sensitive.

Swelling can be mild and almost unnoticeable, or very pronounced, which does not give a moment of rest. Dermatological disorders can be recognized not only by this symptom, but also by redness, the appearance of strange nodules and rashes. If the disease is not cured, severe hyperpigmentation of the affected area will occur along with thickening of the skin layer.

When diagnosing men and women, skin pathologies such as:

All dermatological diseases should not be treated independently. They require adequate therapy, which can only be offered by a qualified specialist.

Mechanical damage

Itching in the ear is not always caused by illness. Sometimes it is a symptom of organ damage due to carelessness. This can happen due to improper ear cleaning. As a result, microtrauma appears in the ear, through which pathogenic microorganisms easily leak.

This phenomenon is explained:

  • By the blow of the organ;
  • By bite;
  • Injury;
  • Traumatic brain injury;
  • Entry and removal of a foreign body from the ear.

If the ears itch for a long time, a person should urgently address this problem. To do this, you need to make an appointment with an otolaryngologist and follow all his recommendations regarding treatment therapy.

Ways to treat itching in the ears

Treatment of an unpleasant symptom can begin only after receiving an answer to the question of why the ears itch from the outside or from the inside. Until this moment, it will not be possible to begin the fight against the root cause of the malaise.

It would be a good idea to remove excess wax from the ear, which can cause itching.

To do this, you need to carefully drip the organ with a solution based on baking soda. It requires only 100 ml of boiled water and 1 tsp. product. The mixed solution is used only when warm. It is enough to instill 4 drops into the ears three times a day so that the wax softens sufficiently and comes out freely naturally.

When itching in the ear, you can use the following recommendations:

Further treatment of itching directly depends on why it appeared.

If an insect gets into your ear

The first step is to remove the insect. Regular warm water, which should be used to rinse the ear, can help cope with this task. For convenience, it is better to use a syringe or rubber bulb. If the insect does not want to crawl out, you should add a couple of drops of almond oil to the water.

The option of instilling diluted alcohol is also allowed. If these methods do not produce any results, you should immediately consult a doctor.

When a sulfur plug appears

The itching caused by the wax plug will go away after it is removed. To do this, you should first soften this substance by applying a bottle of hot water to your ear. If the accumulation of wax is difficult to remove, it is best to entrust this task to a specialist, since a person alone can push the plug even further and damage the inside of the ear.

What medications are used for burning in the ear?

If your ear burns and itches, it may be infected. In this case, you will need to use pharmaceutical drugs in the form of solutions and ointments. They alleviate the symptoms of the disease and fight pathogenic microflora.

When prescribing treatment for a patient with complaints of itching in the ears, doctors often mention the following remedies in prescriptions:

Prescribed medications are taken orally or directly injected into the affected ear.


To prevent your ear from becoming red and itchy, you need to protect it from infection. To do this, it is enough to follow the rules of personal hygiene. It doesn’t hurt to regularly iron your towels and bedding to disinfect them from ear pathogens.

It is very important to protect your ears from water while swimming. There is a special cap for these purposes.

It is necessary to ensure that the ear canals never dry out. For these purposes, it is worth using drops for quick moisturizing, which can be recommended by a specialist. In addition, they protect the ears from pathogenic microflora.

If the itching is not accompanied by other painful symptoms, you should try to carefully clean your ears of dirt and excess wax accumulated in them. If this procedure does not help or other signs of inflammation appear, you should immediately contact a specialist to begin treatment of the organ while the damage is minor.

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