I’m frozen, now my lower abdomen hurts, what should I do? My feet are cold and my lower abdomen hurts.

23.10.2018 admin No comments yet

If your feet are cold and your lower abdomen hurts

Hypothermia of the legs is the cause of lower abdominal pain

Colds are one of the most common diseases. They usually peak during the cold season. Thus, for the development of various diseases in the autumn-winter period, it is enough to get your feet wet, stand at a bus stop in thin shoes, etc. Previously, people believed that the cause of colds was cold. However, modern research has shown that almost all colds are associated with viral and bacterial infections. Cold in this case is not the cause, but the provocateur of the disease. Indeed, prolonged exposure to low temperatures impairs blood circulation and suppresses the immune system - all this causes a decrease in the body's resistance. In such conditions, the most vulnerable organs - the respiratory tract and the genitourinary system - may suffer. Much less often, muscles, nervous tissue and other organs suffer from hypothermia.

How does a cold develop?

Many of us have encountered this - we have a cold in our feet, and the next day the symptoms of a cold manifest themselves - a sore throat, fever, runny nose and cough.

Along with ARVI, hypothermia also often causes cystitis, nephritis and other inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system. At the same time, some people more often suffer from respiratory infections, while others suffer from genitourinary infections.

What is the reason for this? We can say that each person has a certain organ that is most vulnerable - kidneys, tonsils, sinuses, etc. And this is connected not only with the individual characteristics of the body, but also with the history of diseases in the past. It is possible that a person has a focus of chronic infection in a certain organ.

Each hypothermia provokes in this case an exacerbation of the infectious process, and nephritis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, etc. begin to worry.

What are the dangers of cold feet?

Why is hypothermia of the feet considered so dangerous by people? In fact, this popular belief is far from the truth. Obviously, hypothermia of the torso, for example, the area of ​​the heart, lower back, lungs, is much more dangerous than hypothermia of the legs.

It is not surprising that it is the lower limbs of mammals, i.e., human legs, that are best adapted to withstand frost and wind, because they are almost constantly in contact with a cold surface. But for the same reason, it’s easiest to catch a cold on your feet - you’re unlikely to get your neck or chest wet in the cold, but stepping into a puddle in winter is as easy as shelling pears.

Thus, cold feet are not the most dangerous, but simply the most common hypothermia.

Leg pain due to cold

Many people complain that their legs hurt when they have a cold. With what it can be connected?

In most cases, pain in muscles and joints is caused by intoxication - poisoning of the body with waste products of the virus. It is because of intoxication during ARVI that symptoms such as headache, aching joints, muscle pain, fever, etc. are observed. A particularly pronounced intoxication syndrome is observed with influenza, but it is characteristic to one degree or another for all ARVIs.

What causes pain in muscles and joints during a cold? Scientists believe that a viral infection disrupts tissue metabolism. At the same time, substances accumulate in the cells that should normally be utilized. Thus, during ARVI, lactate, ammonia and other toxic waste products accumulate in the muscles. They irritate nerve endings and damage muscle fibers.

The effects of this can be observed within 10-14 days. This is why some people still have pain in their legs for some time after a cold - their muscles ache, they become weak, their joints ache, although other symptoms of the disease no longer bother them.

Thus, pain in the legs during ARVI does not mean that the person has a cold in the legs - it means that the whole body is suffering from a viral infection.

Inflammation of the nerves of the legs

So is it possible to catch a cold in your leg(s)? If we are talking about pain in muscles and joints associated with severe hypothermia, the answer can be positive. In this case, a cold of the feet means inflammation of the nerves or muscle tissue as a result of exposure to low temperatures. In this case, myositis (inflammation of the muscles) is usually associated with spasm, and neuritis (inflammation of the nerve) can be caused by infection, ischemia, muscle spasm and even trauma.

How can you tell if a nerve in your leg has caught a cold? The following symptoms will help in diagnosis:

  • muscle pain;
  • numbness of the leg;
  • decreased sensitivity of the skin surface on the affected limb;
  • decreased muscle strength;
  • bluish skin;
  • dryness and flaking of the skin (as metabolic processes are disrupted).

These are common symptoms characteristic of inflammation of any nerve. Specific symptoms that help diagnose the type of neuritis depend on the location of the inflammation:

  • with neuritis of the sciatic nerve, pain in the gluteal muscles intensifies when raising a straight leg or squatting;
  • with neuritis of the femoral nerve, the knee reflex is impaired, the anterior surface of the thigh becomes numb, and severe pain occurs when straightening the knees and bending the leg at the hip joint;
  • if you are worried about pain in the legs and lower back, weakness of the lower extremities, impaired skin sensitivity, you may have plexitis of the lumbosacral region (nerve group neuritis).

In addition, for diagnosis it is necessary to undergo some examinations - electroneurography, examination by a neurologist, reflex tests.

Treatment of a cold nerve is aimed at the cause of the disease. For infectious neuritis, antibiotics and antiviral drugs are prescribed. If neuritis is associated with ischemia, its treatment includes vasodilator drugs.

Therapy also includes drugs that relieve symptoms of the disease. Thus, it is mandatory to prescribe medications that relieve swelling, anti-inflammatory drugs, and painkillers. At the recovery stage (after 7-10 days of treatment), physiotherapeutic procedures are resorted to. Phonophoresis, UHF, massage, physical therapy, and electrical stimulation have a good effect. All this helps the nerves and muscles regain their previous strength and activity.

A fairly common infectious disease, which can also be caused by cold, is cystitis. Cystitis is inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder. Getting cystitis is very simple - you catch a cold in your feet, and after a couple of days you have a whole bunch of its manifestations. Symptoms of cystitis include:

  • frequent urination (in severe cases, a person goes to the toilet every 20 minutes);
  • severe pain in the perineum and lower abdomen;
  • pain when urinating;
  • excretion of a small amount of blood in the urine;
  • body temperature may also be elevated;
  • general weakness, headache.

It is known that women suffer from cystitis much more often than men. This is due to the fact that women's urethra is much shorter, meaning it is much easier for bacteria to penetrate from the surface of the skin into the bladder. In addition, in women, the urethra is in close proximity to the anus, which increases the risk of E. coli (it is known that this microorganism is in most cases responsible for the development of inflammatory processes in the genitourinary organs). All this leads to the fact that the woman has a slight cold in her legs, and her lower abdomen already hurts and other symptoms of cystitis are observed.

If you suspect you have a bladder infection, consult a doctor - this disease can become chronic. In addition, its symptoms can be confused with symptoms of inflammation of the kidneys or uterine appendages in women.
Treatment of cystitis includes antibiotic therapy and herbal remedies (Urolesan, etc.). In addition, the patient must remain in bed, avoid irritating foods (spicy, salty), and drink plenty of water.

What to do if your feet are frozen?

What to do if you have a cold in your feet? In this article, we explained that hypothermia can lead to the most unpleasant consequences for your health. That's why start taking measures to prevent colds as soon as you find yourself at home. Take a hot foot bath, take a shower, inhale using saline and essential oils, drink sweet berry or herbal tea. It would be appropriate to take an antiviral drug, for example, based on interferon.

If you do catch a cold, provide your body with the right conditions to fight the disease. As you know, a “cold on the legs” does not lead to anything good - you risk getting complications, delaying the recovery process, and the disease becoming chronic.

Lower abdomen hurts

No. not mass. gynecologist. And the cold has nothing to do with it. The reaction would be primarily urinary - cystitis. And here the nagging pain is the cervix or uterus. So the choice of diagnoses is varied. Starting from banal erosion to endometriosis.

Most often, situations where a person has cold feet occur in the spring, when the snow begins to melt, and there are puddles of cold melt water and snow porridge on the roads. But you can get cold feet at other times of the year. The consequences of such a situation can manifest themselves in a variety of symptoms. Often, after a cold on the feet, a cold appears, existing diseases worsen, but other problems may also arise.

Cold feet: symptoms

The symptoms of cold feet depend on exactly what consequences this problem will have. Among the most common ones are:

  • colds, runny nose, upper respiratory tract diseases;
  • inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and bladder;
  • in women, cold legs and lower back often manifest as inflammation of the appendages and problems with the genitourinary system;
  • in men in such a situation, chronic prostatitis may worsen, which previously occurred without visible symptoms;
  • Another consequence of cold feet is inflammation of the sciatic nerve, which is also called sciatica;
  • When the legs become hypothermic, pain in the muscles and joints may develop.

All of the listed pathologies can be observed not only a day after a person gets a cold in their feet, but also some time after that. If you notice symptoms of these diseases, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Cold feet hurt

Pain in cold legs can be a sign of developing arthritis, which can be caused by hypothermia of the extremities. Small joints are most often affected. Treatment for this pathology should be selected by a doctor. It is usually comprehensive, aimed at restoring normal immunity and eliminating inflammation in the joints.

In some cases, larger joints, such as the knee and hip, are also affected. In such cases, there is redness in the area of ​​the affected joint, swelling, severe pain and limited movement. Arthritis is often accompanied by general symptoms, such as fever, chills, drowsiness, loss of appetite, etc. If signs of general intoxication are observed, the doctor prescribes treatment aimed also at eliminating them.

My feet are cold, my lower abdomen hurts

Pain in the lower abdomen after a woman has caught a cold in her legs may indicate inflammation of the appendages. Also, symptoms of this pathology include: burning inside, nagging pain, menstrual irregularities. Most often, inflammation of the appendages is observed in women with weakened immune systems, who often suffer from colds, and who are engaged in hard work. Inflammation can spread to the entire genitourinary system, which is manifested by difficulties with urination, pain when going to the toilet, white mucous discharge from the vagina, sometimes mixed with pus.

With a weakened immune system, the digestive organs can also be involved in the process, which is why the woman’s bowel movements are disrupted, her back begins to hurt, and prolonged diarrhea is observed. In severe cases, pain occurs during sexual intercourse.

Inflammation of the appendages often develops into a latent form, which occurs without visible symptoms, worsening during the cold season and before menstruation. When the legs become hypothermic, both primary acute inflammation can develop and existing chronic inflammation can worsen.

My feet are cold and my teeth hurt

The consequence of cold feet, oddly enough, can be pain in the teeth. At the same time, the sensitivity of the eyes and eyelids increases, the pain can be aching or sharp shooting, and it intensifies upon contact with cold.

The inflammatory process in the nerves of the teeth is rarely caused by hypothermia alone; in most cases, pathogenic microorganisms are also involved. If you have pain in your teeth due to cold feet, you should contact your dentist, who will recommend the correct treatment. In advanced cases, the process can progress to a purulent stage, which is accompanied by tissue necrosis. In the future, in the absence of adequate treatment, inflammation can spread to surrounding tissues.

To relieve pain, if it is impossible to immediately contact a specialist, you can use drugs such as lidocaine, oxadol, citrapar and others. You should not warm the affected area or apply warm compresses before consulting a doctor.

Got a cold on the nerve in my leg

In some situations, a person may get a cold on the nerve in the leg, most often the sciatic nerve is affected. This manifests itself as severe pain in the lower back and sacrum, with pain radiating to the back of the thigh and foot. A person who has a cold in his leg cannot get up normally from a sitting position. Also typical manifestations include reflex tension of muscle tissue.

Other signs of sciatic nerve problems include:

  • burning sensation in the foot and the feeling that goosebumps are crawling along the legs - this symptom is called paresthesia;
  • complete loss of sensation in the leg;
  • decrease in calf density due to muscle tissue atrophy;
  • limb weakness;
  • disruption of normal leg mobility;
  • decreased severity or loss of reflexes.

My feet are cold - I go to the toilet often

If, after a person has cold feet, he notices that he has to go to the toilet more often, this may be a sign of kidney damage. In this case, the single amount of urine is significantly reduced, and a false urge to urinate often occurs. With a strong inflammatory process, the urine may change color and signs of blood appear in it. Among other things, a person experiences swelling in the legs, arms, eyelids and other parts of the body. A rash may appear on the skin. General symptoms of intoxication are also possible: nausea, weakness, fever, weight loss and others.

I have a cold on my feet, what should I do?

If, after hypothermia, signs of a particular illness appear, you should immediately contact a doctor of the required specialization or a therapist. It is important to know what to do after your feet get cold, what to prevent or reduce the likelihood of unpleasant consequences developing.

  1. After returning home, you should steam your cold feet in a bucket of hot water. In this case, you need to start with warm water, gradually adding boiling water and bringing the water to barely bearable. The duration of hot foot baths is approximately half an hour.
  2. Immediately after this procedure or simultaneously with it, you can drink hot tea with honey and lemon.
  3. It is also useful to rub your feet, which will help restore normal blood circulation in them.
  4. After these procedures, thick, preferably woolen socks are put on your feet.
  5. If it is not possible to carry out foot baths, you can warm your hands up to the elbows under running hot water.
  6. At the end of preventive measures, you need to cover yourself with a warm blanket and go to bed.


We talk with the general director of the Moscow Women's Medical Center, Tatyana Vladimirovna Kuznetsova, about how a woman can protect herself from inflammatory diseases of the genital area in the fall.

- Tatyana Vladimirovna, there is an opinion that inflammation of the uterine appendages provokes cold, and it is in the fall and winter that women are more susceptible to this disease. Is it really?

This is a misconception. The fact is that inflammation of the appendages occurs only when some kind of infection is already present in the body. If there is no infection, then the inflammatory process will not occur. Cooling can play a provoking role, but at the same time aggravate an existing chronic or acquired disease. Unfortunately, sexually transmitted infections are very common today. In our Center we rarely encounter patients whose test results show normal physiological flora in the body - basically every woman has one, or even several infections at once.

- Are these infections transmitted only through sexual contact?

Not necessarily; household methods of distributing them are also possible. You can get infected anywhere, especially after a summer vacation, swimming in reservoirs, or visiting a bathhouse. So, if after swimming in a lake or river you do not change into a dry swimsuit, and upon returning home, do not take a shower, then if there was an untreated chronic infection in the body, it will immediately manifest itself with pain, malaise, and sometimes an increase in temperature.
The danger is that there are a lot of infections, ranging from the seemingly harmless thrush - which, over a long period of time, causes serious changes in the body - to chlamydia, staphylococcal and streptococcal infections.
But sometimes their symptoms coincide with signs of completely different diseases. Severe pain that periodically appears during menstruation often indicates a very common serious disease today - endometriosis. The reasons for its exacerbation may be that girls continue to do physical education at school during menstruation, women continue to lift weights and, which is completely unacceptable, have sex. Therefore, every woman should visit a gynecologist at least once every six months, do the necessary tests and make sure that everything is in order with her health.

- Many women in winter do not pay attention to the pain that occurs in the lower abdomen. They think it's a minor cold that will go away on its own...

This is incorrect reasoning. If a woman has not given birth, any inflammation of the uterine appendages, any exacerbation of inflammatory processes can lead to an adhesive process. And as a result - to tubal infertility, when the tubes become impassable.

- Will warm clothing in the off-season save you from inflammation of the appendages?

Warm clothing in itself is not a panacea, since this is an infectious disease. But. Of course, with the onset of cold weather, it is necessary to immediately switch to seasonal clothing and shoes. On our streets, even in late autumn, you can see girls and young women in thin, out-of-season tights, light raincoats, and short jackets. This is a potential risk group, because many probably have some kind of untreated infection.

- But, you see, in chilly weather it’s not surprising to freeze and catch a cold even if you’re dressed warmly. Is it possible to take antibiotics or hot baths as a preventative measure in such cases?

First of all, of course, you need to try not to get too cold. If you got your feet wet, got very cold, for example, at a bus stop waiting for transport, or sat on a stone slab, then you need to warm your feet well at home. You can sit on the edge of the bathtub, turn on the hot shower and pour it over your feet. Then you need to pay attention to the onset of menstruation: it is not as usual, more abundant and prolonged, it may indicate the development of an inflammatory process in the genitals. But more often, gynecologists deal with an exacerbation of an inflammatory process that a woman already has, and this suggests that the woman’s body already has a sluggish infection that either went unnoticed or was not treated previously. As for antibiotics, I do not recommend taking them without a doctor's recommendation. The fact is that the causative agents of some infections are simply insensitive to antibiotics, and only a doctor can determine which type of pathogen led to an exacerbation of the disease.

- Tatyana Vladimirovna, it turns out that much in the prevention of diseases depends on the woman herself?

Modern medicine can make a woman healthy. But she doesn’t need to neglect herself: she needs to maintain hygiene, watch her diet, play sports, lead a normal lifestyle, including a sexual one, visit the gynecologist on time - and many health problems will be avoided. And if you look in the mirror more often and apply light makeup, you will be pleased with yourself. Love yourself.

How does a cold develop?

Many of us have encountered this - we have a cold in our feet, and the next day the symptoms of a cold manifest themselves - a sore throat, fever, runny nose and cough.

Along with ARVI, hypothermia also often causes cystitis, nephritis and other inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system. At the same time, some people more often suffer from respiratory infections, while others suffer from genitourinary infections.

What is the reason for this? We can say that each person has a certain organ that is most vulnerable - kidneys, tonsils, sinuses, etc. And this is connected not only with the individual characteristics of the body, but also with the history of diseases in the past. It is possible that a person has a focus of chronic infection in a certain organ.

Each hypothermia provokes in this case an exacerbation of the infectious process, and nephritis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, etc. begin to worry.

What are the dangers of cold feet?

Why is hypothermia of the feet considered so dangerous by people? In fact, this popular belief is far from the truth. Obviously, hypothermia of the torso, for example, the area of ​​the heart, lower back, lungs, is much more dangerous than hypothermia of the legs.

It is not surprising that it is the lower limbs of mammals, i.e., human legs, that are best adapted to withstand frost and wind, because they are almost constantly in contact with a cold surface. But for the same reason, it’s easiest to catch a cold on your feet - you’re unlikely to get your neck or chest wet in the cold, but stepping into a puddle in winter is as easy as shelling pears.

Thus, cold feet are not the most dangerous, but simply the most common hypothermia.

Leg pain due to cold

Many people complain that their legs hurt when they have a cold. With what it can be connected?

In most cases, pain in muscles and joints is caused by intoxication - poisoning of the body with waste products of the virus. It is because of intoxication during ARVI that symptoms such as headache, aching joints, muscle pain, fever, etc. are observed. A particularly pronounced intoxication syndrome is observed with influenza, but it is characteristic to one degree or another for all ARVIs.

What causes pain in muscles and joints during a cold? Scientists believe that a viral infection disrupts tissue metabolism. At the same time, substances accumulate in the cells that should normally be utilized. Thus, during ARVI, lactate, ammonia and other toxic waste products accumulate in the muscles. They irritate nerve endings and damage muscle fibers.

The effects of this can be observed within 10-14 days. This is why some people still have pain in their legs for some time after a cold - their muscles ache, their weakness is observed, their joints ache, although other symptoms of the disease no longer bother them.

Thus, pain in the legs during ARVI does not mean that the person has a cold in the legs - it means that the whole body is suffering from a viral infection.

Inflammation of the nerves of the legs

So is it possible to catch a cold in your leg(s)? If we are talking about pain in muscles and joints associated with severe hypothermia, the answer can be positive. A cold of the feet in this case means inflammation of the nerves or muscle tissue as a result of exposure to low temperatures. In this case, myositis (inflammation of the muscles) is usually associated with spasm, and neuritis (inflammation of the nerve) can be caused by infection, ischemia, muscle spasm and even trauma.

How can you tell if a nerve in your leg has caught a cold? The following symptoms will help in diagnosis:

  • muscle pain;
  • numbness of the leg;
  • decreased sensitivity of the skin surface on the affected limb;
  • decreased muscle strength;
  • bluish skin;
  • dryness and flaking of the skin (as metabolic processes are disrupted).

These are common symptoms characteristic of inflammation of any nerve. Specific symptoms that help diagnose the type of neuritis depend on the location of the inflammation:

  • with neuritis of the sciatic nerve, pain in the gluteal muscles intensifies when raising a straight leg or squatting;
  • with neuritis of the femoral nerve, the knee reflex is impaired, the anterior surface of the thigh becomes numb, and severe pain occurs when straightening the knees and bending the leg at the hip joint;
  • if you are worried about pain in the legs and lower back, weakness lower limbs, impaired skin sensitivity, possibly plexitis of the lumbosacral region (neuritis of a group of nerves).

In addition, for diagnosis it is necessary to undergo some examinations - electroneurography, examination by a neurologist, reflex tests.

Treatment of a cold nerve is aimed at the cause of the disease. For infectious neuritis, antibiotics and antiviral drugs are prescribed. If neuritis is associated with ischemia, its treatment includes vasodilator drugs.

Therapy also includes drugs that relieve symptoms of the disease. Thus, it is mandatory to prescribe medications that relieve swelling, anti-inflammatory drugs, and painkillers. At the recovery stage (after 7-10 days of treatment), physiotherapeutic procedures are resorted to. Phonophoresis, UHF, massage, physical therapy, and electrical stimulation have a good effect. All this helps the nerves and muscles regain their previous strength and activity.

A fairly common infectious disease, which can also be caused by cold, is cystitis. Cystitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane Bladder. Getting cystitis is very simple - you catch a cold in your feet, and after a couple of days you have a whole bunch of its manifestations. Symptoms of cystitis include:

  • frequent urination (in severe cases, a person goes to the toilet every 20 minutes);
  • severe pain in the perineum and lower abdomen;
  • pain when urinating;
  • excretion of a small amount of blood in the urine;
  • body temperature may also be elevated;
  • general weakness, headache.

It is known that women suffer from cystitis much more often than men. This is due to the fact that women's urethra is much shorter, meaning it is much easier for bacteria to penetrate from the surface of the skin into the bladder. In addition, in women, the urethra is in close proximity to the anus, which increases the risk of E. coli (it is known that this microorganism is in most cases responsible for the development of inflammatory processes in the genitourinary organs). All this leads to the fact that the woman has a slight cold in her legs, and her lower abdomen already hurts and other symptoms of cystitis are observed.

If you suspect you have a bladder infection, consult a doctor - this disease can become chronic. In addition, its symptoms can be confused with symptoms of inflammation of the kidneys or uterine appendages in women.
Treatment of cystitis includes antibiotic therapy and herbal remedies (Urolesan, etc.). In addition, the patient must remain in bed, avoid irritating foods (spicy, salty), and drink plenty of water.

What to do if your feet are frozen?

What to do if you have a cold in your feet? In this article, we explained that hypothermia can lead to the most unpleasant consequences for your health. That's why start taking measures to prevent colds as soon as you find yourself at home. Take a hot foot bath, take a shower, inhale using saline and essential oils, drink sweet berry or herbal tea. It would be appropriate to take an antiviral drug, for example, based on interferon.

If you do catch a cold, provide your body with the right conditions to fight the disease. As you know, a “cold on the legs” does not lead to anything good - you risk getting complications, delaying the recovery process, and the disease becoming chronic.

If I get cold or my legs just get cold, my lower abdomen immediately starts to hurt and a strange discomfort appears. Whitish discharge and burning, relieved by soaking feet in hot water and wearing socks.

I tried to strengthen myself and wandered through the cold water of the sea, but it seems to me that nothing helped. What are the symptoms of cystitis in women? Is normal cystitis different from chronic?

What symptoms should you pay attention to first?

Comments: 26 »

    I have already had cystitis several times. But they call it chronic only if you have it constantly every winter or even several times a year.
    My cystitis begins with heaviness in the lower abdomen, followed by pain when urinating, and frequent urge to go to the toilet. But my cystitis cannot be cured with warm socks or a hot bath - it’s more likely just inflammation. I have always been treated with medications from a pharmacy + folk remedies and drink a lot.

    Once I had to suffer from cystitis, it can be said to be a common cold of the genital organs, if it is treated correctly with medications and not with warm baths, then it will not be chronic.

    If a woman has had cystitis at least once, then at the slightest hypothermia the symptoms and illness return. Cystitis must be treated well, and in the future you need to take care of your health.

    You need to visit a good, competent urologist - he will refer you to studies, all kinds of tests and will first give general preliminary recommendations. You may also need to visit a gynecologist. Afterwards, when the picture becomes clear, they will prescribe treatment and talk about prevention. Chronic cystitis, alas, requires careful monitoring.

    Oh, I was tormented with this matter for a while. The first symptom is a burning sensation during urination, and God forbid that it’s just a burning sensation without blood! I even got to this point. My first salvation was a heating pad between my legs, my mother-in-law once recommended it, thank her very much! After this, this is my first method to eliminate discomfort!

    The first symptoms are frequent urination. Unfortunately, most women have a clear predisposition to cystitis, so you need to constantly protect yourself from hypothermia, and not walk in cold water, by doing so you will simply provoke another relapse. It is advisable to stabilize your diet, avoid spicy and fatty foods, and also not abuse alcoholic beverages.

    Cystitis is usually quite painful, with frequent urination, burning and sharp pain after emptying, with a constant feeling of fullness of the bladder, low body temperature, sometimes even with blood and mucus in the urine. In my opinion, he needs to be treated by a urologist + gynecologist; you can’t just cure him with warm socks and hot water. It is necessary to undergo general and Nechiporenko tests; ultrasound is sometimes even prescribed. You probably just have hypothermia.

    I think the author does not have cystitis, but female problems, be sure to see a gynecologist. Cystitis is a very painful condition, it cannot be confused with anything else, it is characterized primarily by frequent urination with pain, and stabbing pain may be felt in the bladder. Cystitis itself never goes away, only with medications, treatment is prescribed by a urologist, it is impossible not to treat - otherwise the infection from the bladder will rise to the kidneys or the acute disease will become chronic, the same thing happens if cystitis is treated incorrectly or not treated . To make a diagnosis, it is enough to take a general urine test.

    But my cystitis goes away painlessly, maybe because as soon as I notice that I started running to the toilet often, I immediately start drinking kidney tea. After a day or two, this unpleasant symptom goes away. My feet are also constantly cold, this is due to poor patency of the vessels of the lower extremities. And the lower abdomen usually hurts due to inflammation of the female organs. So, first of all, you should visit a gynecologist, and for prevention, you can drink the kidney herbal mixture “Nephrofit”

    Indeed, whitish discharge can occur due to inflammation of the appendages or vaginal walls after hypothermia. Then baths with chamomile will help and, of course, a consultation with a gynecologist.

    These secretions. And here you can’t get by with home remedies. You may need serious medication or complex treatment. Urgently see a gynecologist. There is a serious health hazard.

    In this condition, it is unlikely that it will be beneficial for you to walk barefoot in cold water. If discomfort and burning are also accompanied by frequent urination, then these are symptoms of cystitis, and during exacerbations, Cyston, for example, can help you. In general, in combination with discharge, this may also be associated with gynecology. In this case, it is generally harmful for you to overcool and keep your feet in cold water.

    Your symptoms are more likely not of cystitis, but of thrush or another chronic gynecological problem. We should get tested, not get too cold, and get more rest.

    The first signs of cystitis are mild cold in the legs and discomfort in the urinary tract. To relieve pain is a warm bottle between the legs, a painkiller, or better yet an injection of Baralgin, the pain is relieved faster. I developed cystitis at the age of 18, and now I’m 46. I’m still saving myself, it’s especially difficult when it’s worse in the summer - it’s hot to lie down with a hot bottle between legs

    Check with your doctor; your symptoms do not look very similar to cystitis. This sore develops very quickly and warming up your feet would not help. Cystitis is treated with tablets; for the prevention of mono, it is good to bask in the sand at sea.

    Cystitis can occur when the body is overcooled, during prolonged sitting, if you eat a lot of hot, spicy foods, if there are foci of infection in the body, if there are any other chronic inflammatory diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to undergo an examination, and then draw conclusions and prescribe treatment.

    You have clear signs of a chronic disease. Only not of a urological, but of a gynecological nature. The main symptoms of cystitis are frequent, painful urination. White discharge and discharge in general, of any nature, is the work of pathogenic microflora of the vagina and other genital organs. Contact your gynecologist with your problem and get the necessary tests.

    Hello. I am familiar with this problem myself - I have chronic cystitis. Everything is the same with you. All you have to do is cool your extremities a little - that’s it, I want to go to the toilet often and painfully. I was treated, pills relieve pain, but do not cure completely, and even if your feet don’t freeze, then it’s not so bad! And yes, get your kidneys checked. Perhaps it's just sand coming out?

    “As a preventative measure, it is also good to drink the Italian drug Monurel. It is based on cranberry extract and contains proanthocyanidins, which prevent E. coli from attaching to the walls of the bladder. And this is precisely the most common cause of chronic disease.

    I was diagnosed with chronic cystitis 5 years ago; I suffered from pain in the lower abdomen and very painful urination. Warming up helped me: I heated a brick on the stove, put it in a metal bucket, sat on this bucket and wrapped myself in a blanket. I sat until the brick cooled completely. But I still went to the doctor.

    Since the cystitis bacterium attaches to the walls of the bladder, antibiotics alone (even fosfomycin) cannot cure it. A complete comprehensive treatment is required, including antibiotics and herbal preparations. Today, the leading drug, which is even included in European and American recommendations for the treatment of cystitis, is Monurel. Based on cranberry extract, it completely removes infection from the body and prevents its recurrence.

    I agree with you, a good natural product. The first remedy for the prevention of cystitis. And with treatment it gives excellent results, especially in combination with antibiotics.

    I have suffered from chronic cystitis for many years, I tried a lot of things, including drugs, berry fruit drinks, and herbal decoctions. But you need to drink them in large quantities and it takes time. to do all this. The doctor advised me to take Uroprofit, and in advance, without waiting for the next symptoms. It turned out to be very effective; such prevention has helped me live without symptoms of cystitis for almost a year. And of course - intimate hygiene (very thorough), do not get cold, and by the way, diet is also important - less pickles, smoked foods (by the way, this is useful for everyone, not just those with bladder problems).

    The fact that symptoms of cystitis appear during hypothermia indicates the presence of microbes in your body. When immunity decreases, the growth of immune cells slows down, which contributes to the further proliferation of microorganisms.
    You don't need to harden yourself, wander through cold water, etc. If symptoms recur, you should consult a urologist. The doctor will order laboratory tests, after which he will make a diagnosis.
    In the case of cystitis, you need to act clearly and mercilessly treat with antibiotics. Be sure to get tested for sensitivity to antibiotics. To know specifically which group your microorganisms are susceptible to, and not point your finger at the sky. If cystitis is treated competently and painstakingly, there will be no relapses, which can systematically poison life.

    But I didn’t treat cystitis correctly initially, and it became chronic for me. Nowadays exacerbations occur from time to time, but much less frequently. And all because I started taking cranberries and bearberry, and they have anti-inflammatory, diuretic, and antimicrobial effects. I also took horsetail, and it relieves pain and pain in the lower abdomen quite well. Naturally, I took all these components not in the form of decoctions, but in the form of capsules - they are called Uroprofit. This complex, in addition to the components that I indicated above, also contains vitamin C.

But in the summer there are no such complaints. I can’t understand what is this?

Good afternoon, perhaps due to hypothermia, an inflammatory process of the pelvic organs occurs. If such symptoms occur, I recommend that you contact a gynecologist and get tested.

After about two weeks, the left lower abdomen began to hurt, the pain radiates slightly to the leg. Your period has passed, but after it there is still watery discharge mixed with red or brown blood (the next two days after the end of your period). The discharge has a sour smell. What could it be?

Good afternoon. I am 36 years old. A year ago, I began to suffer from heavy, heavy periods, the discharge (hyperplasia flaps) was 3-4 cm thick. The doctor diagnosed “Indometrial hyperplasia” (and they also discovered a bend of the uterus). I took hormonal medications, but there was no big result. The doctor recommended and installed the Mirena IUD. A year has passed. During menstruation, I experience nagging pain in the lower abdomen and discharge (splattering) of 1-1.5 cm. In addition, after several hours of being on your feet (walking down the street, cleaning the house) and after n/act - start.

My feet were frozen outside. My lower abdomen began to hurt and discharge began. What can you do before visiting a doctor to relieve discomfort?

Hello. More than a week ago, my son developed a rash on his legs, I thought it might be an allergy. Afterwards, the rash became less obvious and rose higher. But the shin was still clearly visible. It was not on the back or stomach. The doctor said that it was an allergy (although I really thought about it; we’ve never had this before), and there was a cough with macros. She was prescribed Suprastin and sent home, two days later at her appointment they showed that the rash, even after Suprastin, did not completely go away. By the way, it is brighter in the morning and evening. Propis.

Good day, I went for an anti-cellulite massage (legs), where they smeared me with oils and did a gel wrap. The first time everything is fine, the second time everything is fine (I go every other day). The second time everything went well, I woke up fine. In the evening I ate two pieces of chocolate, in the morning I woke up with a rash that looked like a large mosquito bite and it was red and all my legs were covered, I drank Suprastin. I came for a massage, we changed the oil and gel, I ate something sweet in the evening, but I don’t think I’m allergic to sweets.

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Cold diseases of women

The danger is that there are a lot of infections, ranging from the seemingly harmless thrush - which, over a long period of time, causes serious changes in the body - to chlamydia, staphylococcal and streptococcal infections.

But sometimes their symptoms coincide with signs of completely different diseases. Severe pain that periodically appears during menstruation often indicates a very common serious disease today - endometriosis. The reasons for its exacerbation may be that girls continue to do physical education at school during menstruation, women continue to lift weights and, which is completely unacceptable, have sex. Therefore, every woman should visit a gynecologist at least once every six months, do the necessary tests and make sure that everything is in order with her health.






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Lower abdomen hurts

Which doctor should I go to? and what could it be? There are a lot of options, right?

There is nothing else to hurt in the lower abdomen, unless it is an acute pain.

Wow, what bad luck, a loved one is coming for the weekend, haven’t seen each other for a long time.

and I kept putting off going to the doctor, the pain seemed to have stopped, but then again...

“It can also be annoying to feel pain in the lower abdomen, or a feeling that the bladder is not completely emptied.”

I often need to go to the toilet.

It is also written that to prevent cystitis, you need to avoid cooling.

STDs are a hint to you about sexually transmitted diseases.

Cystitis is PAINFUL urination that does not bring relief. All other symptoms MAY or MAY not exist. The main symptom is that a person cannot get off the toilet and there is a terrible pain when urinating.

STDs are sexually transmitted diseases.

So it’s not cystitis and that’s good)

So the fact that you visited a gynecologist after PA does not mean that you were healthy and did not have a latent phase.

so the possibility of illness through PA can be excluded.

something else, and I can only find out from a doctor.


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Hypothermia of the legs is the cause of lower abdominal pain

Colds are one of the most common diseases. They usually peak during the cold season. Thus, for the development of various diseases in the autumn-winter period, it is enough to get your feet wet, stand at a bus stop in thin shoes, etc. Previously, people believed that the cause of colds was cold. However, modern research has shown that almost all colds are associated with viral and bacterial infections. Cold in this case is not the cause, but the provocateur of the disease. Indeed, prolonged exposure to low temperatures impairs blood circulation and suppresses the immune system - all this causes a decrease in the body's resistance. In such conditions, the most vulnerable organs - the respiratory tract and the genitourinary system - may suffer. Much less often, muscles, nervous tissue and other organs suffer from hypothermia.

How does a cold develop?

Many of us have encountered this - we have a cold in our feet, and the next day the symptoms of a cold manifest themselves - a sore throat, fever, runny nose and cough.

Along with ARVI, hypothermia also often causes cystitis, nephritis and other inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system. At the same time, some people more often suffer from respiratory infections, while others suffer from genitourinary infections.

What is the reason for this? We can say that each person has a certain organ that is most vulnerable - kidneys, tonsils, sinuses, etc. And this is connected not only with the individual characteristics of the body, but also with the history of diseases in the past. It is possible that a person has a focus of chronic infection in a certain organ.

Each hypothermia provokes in this case an exacerbation of the infectious process, and nephritis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, etc. begin to worry.

What are the dangers of cold feet?

Why is hypothermia of the feet considered so dangerous by people? In fact, this popular belief is far from the truth. Obviously, hypothermia of the torso, for example, the area of ​​the heart, lower back, lungs, is much more dangerous than hypothermia of the legs.

It is not surprising that it is the lower limbs of mammals, i.e., human legs, that are best adapted to withstand frost and wind, because they are almost constantly in contact with a cold surface. But for the same reason, it’s easiest to catch a cold on your feet - you’re unlikely to get your neck or chest wet in the cold, but stepping into a puddle in winter is as easy as shelling pears.

Thus, cold feet are not the most dangerous, but simply the most common hypothermia.

Leg pain due to cold

Many people complain that their legs hurt when they have a cold. With what it can be connected?

In most cases, pain in muscles and joints is caused by intoxication - poisoning of the body with waste products of the virus. It is because of intoxication during ARVI that symptoms such as headache, aching joints, muscle pain, fever, etc. are observed. A particularly pronounced intoxication syndrome is observed with influenza, but it is characteristic to one degree or another for all ARVIs.

What causes pain in muscles and joints during a cold? Scientists believe that a viral infection disrupts tissue metabolism. At the same time, substances accumulate in the cells that should normally be utilized. Thus, during ARVI, lactate, ammonia and other toxic waste products accumulate in the muscles. They irritate nerve endings and damage muscle fibers.

The consequences of this can be observed within days. This is why some people still have pain in their legs for some time after a cold - their muscles ache, their weakness is observed, their joints ache, although other symptoms of the disease no longer bother them.

Thus, pain in the legs during ARVI does not mean that the person has a cold in the legs - it means that the whole body is suffering from a viral infection.

Inflammation of the nerves of the legs

So is it possible to catch a cold in your leg(s)? If we are talking about pain in muscles and joints associated with severe hypothermia, the answer can be positive. A cold of the feet in this case means inflammation of the nerves or muscle tissue as a result of exposure to low temperatures. In this case, myositis (inflammation of the muscles) is usually associated with spasm, and neuritis (inflammation of the nerve) can be caused by infection, ischemia, muscle spasm and even trauma.

How can you tell if a nerve in your leg has caught a cold? The following symptoms will help in diagnosis:

  • muscle pain;
  • numbness of the leg;
  • decreased sensitivity of the skin surface on the affected limb;
  • decreased muscle strength;
  • bluish skin;
  • dryness and flaking of the skin (as metabolic processes are disrupted).

These are common symptoms characteristic of inflammation of any nerve. Specific symptoms that help diagnose the type of neuritis depend on the location of the inflammation:

  • with neuritis of the sciatic nerve, pain in the gluteal muscles intensifies when raising a straight leg or squatting;
  • with neuritis of the femoral nerve, the knee reflex is impaired, the anterior surface of the thigh becomes numb, and severe pain occurs when straightening the knees and bending the leg at the hip joint;
  • if you are worried about pain in the legs and lower back, weakness of the lower extremities, impaired skin sensitivity, you may have plexitis of the lumbosacral region (nerve group neuritis).

In addition, for diagnosis it is necessary to undergo some examinations - electroneurography, examination by a neurologist, reflex tests.

Treatment of a cold nerve is aimed at the cause of the disease. For infectious neuritis, antibiotics and antiviral drugs are prescribed. If neuritis is associated with ischemia, its treatment includes vasodilator drugs.

Therapy also includes drugs that relieve symptoms of the disease. Thus, it is mandatory to prescribe medications that relieve swelling, anti-inflammatory drugs, and painkillers. At the recovery stage (after 7-10 days of treatment), physiotherapeutic procedures are resorted to. Phonophoresis, UHF, massage, physical therapy, and electrical stimulation have a good effect. All this helps the nerves and muscles regain their previous strength and activity.


A fairly common infectious disease, which can also be caused by cold, is cystitis. Cystitis is inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder. Getting cystitis is very simple - you catch a cold in your feet, and after a couple of days you have a whole bunch of its manifestations. Symptoms of cystitis include:

  • frequent urination (in severe cases, a person goes to the toilet every 20 minutes);
  • severe pain in the perineum and lower abdomen;
  • pain when urinating;
  • excretion of a small amount of blood in the urine;
  • body temperature may also be elevated;
  • general weakness, headache.

It is known that women suffer from cystitis much more often than men. This is due to the fact that women's urethra is much shorter, meaning it is much easier for bacteria to penetrate from the surface of the skin into the bladder. In addition, in women, the urethra is in close proximity to the anus, which increases the risk of E. coli (it is known that this microorganism is in most cases responsible for the development of inflammatory processes in the genitourinary organs). All this leads to the fact that the woman has a slight cold in her legs, and her lower abdomen already hurts and other symptoms of cystitis are observed.

If you suspect you have a bladder infection, consult a doctor - this disease can become chronic. In addition, its symptoms can be confused with symptoms of inflammation of the kidneys or uterine appendages in women.

Treatment of cystitis includes antibiotic therapy and herbal remedies (Urolesan, etc.). In addition, the patient must remain in bed, avoid irritating foods (spicy, salty), and drink plenty of water.

What to do if your feet are frozen?

What to do if you have a cold in your feet? In this article, we explained that hypothermia can lead to the most unpleasant consequences for your health. That's why start taking measures to prevent colds as soon as you find yourself at home. Take a hot foot bath, take a shower, inhale using saline and essential oils, drink sweet berry or herbal tea. It would be appropriate to take an antiviral drug, for example, based on interferon.

If you do catch a cold, provide your body with the right conditions to fight the disease. As you know, a “cold on the legs” does not lead to anything good - you risk getting complications, delaying the recovery process, and the disease becoming chronic.

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Jokes about colds

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Lower abdomen hurts

Girls, today my feet are frozen and now my lower abdomen and lymph nodes in my groin hurt.

I guess I caught a cold in my appendages.

In 2012 treated adnexid in a day hospital (((

I wouldn't want to bring this up again...

Maybe someone has experience with this sore - what can be done at the first symptoms? Maybe I can steam my legs.

Yeah, about the ultrasound, I understand what’s needed.

thanks for the advice!

Pls tell me what symptoms did you have with adnexitis? how was it identified?

I think it wouldn't hurt to steam your legs. Wait until Mon, if it doesn’t go away, then see a doctor.

passed the next day))))

With adnexitis, I waited a long time for the pain to go away, but it didn’t. The lower side was strongly pulled, it ached, and the lymph node was inflamed.

I did an ultrasound and saw inflammation.

they gave injections in the day hospital. I don’t remember which ones. in the vein and in the ass.

thank you) it’s clear that nothing is clear(

Self-medication is dangerous. It's better to see a doctor and get an ultrasound

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Hello! Pain in the lower abdomen in women is a symptom of a large number of diseases. That is why we recommend that you contact a gynecologist, who only after a personal examination will be able to make the correct diagnosis.

You can make an appointment with a gynecologist in our clinic by phone

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Lower abdominal pain

Today my boyfriend’s grandfather is 40 days old, we went to the cemetery in the morning, then we went to a cafe to commemorate and it was very cold there, for some reason my feet were very cold.

And so I came home and felt that my lower abdomen, namely the ovary, hurt very badly, or maybe it seems so to me.

Somehow I’m now worried whether I’ve caught a cold.

I understand that you need to go to the doctor with this, but can you tell me some emergency measures that can be taken now?

​I agree with you

that’s right, you need to hibernate like bears in winter and wake up when it gets warmer

​wool panties and cotton pants before it’s too late, otherwise even that won’t help!))

Our weather is just like this now, you go out in the morning, it’s warm and raining, and by the evening it’s very cold (it’s just that if you dress very warmly, you can sweat, and then it’ll get drier (

​Pivet it happens to me, I even went to the hospital and I was treated for inflammation but it didn’t go away and my grandmother advised me to drink rose hips, by the way it helped but it’s better not to freeze, usually this happens after hypothermia, beware girls

yes, hypothermia is very dangerous for us, so you should always dress warmly)

and today I have a lot of pain in my lower abdomen, is it transmitted by Giraffe?))

I hope not, I have an antivirus program)))

How is your stomach today? In this case, you can take no-shpa.

I don’t know what happened, but after I took a hot bath and fell asleep, everything went away in the morning, now nothing bothers me)

It's clear. that's good. that everything has passed. You know, it could be painful ovulation.

perhaps, I hope that this won’t happen again, because I was really scared that I had a cold(

Got cold feet

Most often, situations where a person has cold feet occur in the spring, when the snow begins to melt, and there are puddles of cold melt water and snow porridge on the roads. But you can get cold feet at other times of the year. The consequences of such a situation can manifest themselves in a variety of symptoms. Often, after a cold on the feet, a cold appears, existing diseases worsen, but other problems may also arise.

Cold feet: symptoms

The symptoms of cold feet depend on exactly what consequences this problem will have. Among the most common ones are:

  • colds, runny nose, upper respiratory tract diseases;
  • inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and bladder;
  • in women, cold legs and lower back often manifest as inflammation of the appendages and problems with the genitourinary system;
  • in men in such a situation, chronic prostatitis may worsen, which previously occurred without visible symptoms;
  • Another consequence of cold feet is inflammation of the sciatic nerve, which is also called sciatica;
  • When the legs become hypothermic, pain in the muscles and joints may develop.

All of the listed pathologies can be observed not only a day after a person gets a cold in their feet, but also some time after that. If you notice symptoms of these diseases, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Cold feet hurt

Pain in cold legs can be a sign of developing arthritis, which can be caused by hypothermia of the extremities. Small joints are most often affected. Treatment for this pathology should be selected by a doctor. It is usually comprehensive, aimed at restoring normal immunity and eliminating inflammation in the joints.

In some cases, larger joints, such as the knee and hip, are also affected. In such cases, there is redness in the area of ​​the affected joint, swelling, severe pain and limited movement. Arthritis is often accompanied by general symptoms, such as fever, chills, drowsiness, loss of appetite, etc. If signs of general intoxication are observed, the doctor prescribes treatment aimed also at eliminating them.

My feet are cold, my lower abdomen hurts

Pain in the lower abdomen after a woman has caught a cold in her legs may indicate inflammation of the appendages. Also, symptoms of this pathology include: burning inside, nagging pain, menstrual irregularities. Most often, inflammation of the appendages is observed in women with weakened immune systems, who often suffer from colds, and who are engaged in hard work. Inflammation can spread to the entire genitourinary system, which is manifested by difficulties with urination, pain when going to the toilet, white mucous discharge from the vagina, sometimes mixed with pus.

With a weakened immune system, the digestive organs can also be involved in the process, which is why the woman’s bowel movements are disrupted, her back begins to hurt, and prolonged diarrhea is observed. In severe cases, pain occurs during sexual intercourse.

Inflammation of the appendages often develops into a latent form, which occurs without visible symptoms, worsening during the cold season and before menstruation. When the legs become hypothermic, both primary acute inflammation can develop and existing chronic inflammation can worsen.

My feet are cold and my teeth hurt

The consequence of cold feet, oddly enough, can be pain in the teeth. At the same time, the sensitivity of the eyes and eyelids increases, the pain can be aching or sharp shooting, and it intensifies upon contact with cold.

The inflammatory process in the nerves of the teeth is rarely caused by hypothermia alone; in most cases, pathogenic microorganisms are also involved. If you have pain in your teeth due to cold feet, you should contact your dentist, who will recommend the correct treatment. In advanced cases, the process can progress to a purulent stage, which is accompanied by tissue necrosis. In the future, in the absence of adequate treatment, inflammation can spread to surrounding tissues.

To relieve pain, if it is impossible to immediately contact a specialist, you can use drugs such as lidocaine, oxadol, citrapar and others. You should not warm the affected area or apply warm compresses before consulting a doctor.

Got a cold on the nerve in my leg

In some situations, a person may get a cold on the nerve in the leg, most often the sciatic nerve is affected. This manifests itself as severe pain in the lower back and sacrum, with pain radiating to the back of the thigh and foot. A person who has a cold in his leg cannot get up normally from a sitting position. Also typical manifestations include reflex tension of muscle tissue.

Other signs of sciatic nerve problems include:

  • burning sensation in the foot and the feeling that goosebumps are crawling along the legs - this symptom is called paresthesia;
  • complete loss of sensation in the leg;
  • decrease in calf density due to muscle tissue atrophy;
  • limb weakness;
  • disruption of normal leg mobility;
  • decreased severity or loss of reflexes.

My feet are cold - I go to the toilet often

If, after a person has cold feet, he notices that he has to go to the toilet more often, this may be a sign of kidney damage. In this case, the single amount of urine is significantly reduced, and a false urge to urinate often occurs. With a strong inflammatory process, the urine may change color and signs of blood appear in it. Among other things, a person experiences swelling in the legs, arms, eyelids and other parts of the body. A rash may appear on the skin. General symptoms of intoxication are also possible: nausea, weakness, fever, weight loss and others.

I have a cold on my feet, what should I do?

If, after hypothermia, signs of a particular illness appear, you should immediately contact a doctor of the required specialization or a therapist. It is important to know what to do after your feet get cold, what to prevent or reduce the likelihood of unpleasant consequences developing.

  1. After returning home, you should steam your cold feet in a bucket of hot water. In this case, you need to start with warm water, gradually adding boiling water and bringing the water to barely bearable. The duration of hot foot baths is approximately half an hour.
  2. Immediately after this procedure or simultaneously with it, you can drink hot tea with honey and lemon.
  3. It is also useful to rub your feet, which will help restore normal blood circulation in them.
  4. After these procedures, thick, preferably woolen socks are put on your feet.
  5. If it is not possible to carry out foot baths, you can warm your hands up to the elbows under running hot water.
  6. At the end of preventive measures, you need to cover yourself with a warm blanket and go to bed.