Is there a female Viagra, and how to use it correctly? Women's Viagra instructions for use Viagra effect on men and women

Problems in the sexual sphere arise not only in men, but also in women. To eliminate them and develop harmonious relationships with a partner, Viagra for women was created. The drug has undergone clinical trials and is excellent at helping women improve their sex life.


Indications for use of the medicine:

  • frigidity;
  • menopause;
  • uterus removal;
  • sexual dissatisfaction;
  • lack of libido;
  • decreased natural vaginal lubrication;
  • loss of sensitivity after removal of the uterus and ovaries;
  • lack of orgasm during sexual intercourse.

It should be noted that the above problems can arise against the background of constant stress and lack of sleep. Diseases of the genital organs also contribute to the occurrence of these conditions.


How to use Viagra? The packaging of the Indian drug includes instructions for use. You must read it before taking the tablets. Can the drug be used for your health condition? Are there any contraindications? The pink pill should be taken half an hour before planned sex. Take the tablet with water. The female pathogen begins to act in about an hour and lasts 6 hours. To determine the effect of Viagra on women, take half the tablet for the first time. She should listen to her body and find out how Viagra works at this dosage. The best time is at the end of the menstrual cycle or a week before it starts.

If a girl takes Viagra with a normal sex drive, then sexual activity will be excessive. Sexual intimacy will bring disappointment and irritation. If a girl with a weakened libido takes Viagra, she will relax, become more relaxed and get the desired result.

What happens if a girl takes Viagra without a trial dose? She will find herself in two situations: either the effects of the drug will not achieve results, or a breakdown will occur, loss of control over herself. Try the pill without any future sexual contact. Feel the changes in your body, your desires. Assess the need to use the drug with a partner.

History of creation and composition

The drug was created on the basis of unsuccessful experience in the development of drugs for the treatment of heart disease. Clinical trials showed that all volunteers who took the pills noted increased sexual potency. The composition of the drug is a bouquet of different herbs and harmless medicines.

The active substance of the drug, sildenafil, stimulates blood supply to the genitals. This substance forms the basis of both drugs, but men's Viagra differs from women's.

What is the difference between a female pathogen and a male one?

How does Viagra work on girls? The main effects of the drug are manifested in increased breathing, pulse, increased secretion of natural vaginal lubrication, growth of the mammary glands, and sexual desire. In addition to the fact that Viagra is a stimulant of female sexuality, the pills have a beneficial effect on the general condition of a woman:

  • activate blood circulation processes;
  • calm the nervous system.

During intimacy, sensitivity to caresses and sexual stimulation increases. Sex ends with a vivid orgasm.


However, female Viagra has contraindications. The main prohibition against using Viagra for girls is that you should not plan a pregnancy during this period. It is not recommended to use the medicine in a girl taking the following medications:

  1. Erythomycin;
  2. Cimetidine;
  3. Ketaconazole;
  4. Itraconazole;
  5. Beta blockers.

Viagra for women is not used for the following conditions:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • after myocardial infarction, stroke;
  • hypertension;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia of the hypotonic type;
  • diseases of the genital area;
  • diseases prone to bleeding;
  • nervous fatigue, loss of sleep;
  • kidney diseases in the acute phase;
  • individual intolerance to the drug;
  • persons under 18 years of age;
  • women breastfeeding.

Side effects

Does the drug affect your overall health? Women taking Viagra rarely experienced side effects. Thanks to its harmless composition, Viagra has a great effect on women of all age groups.

The main side effects include:

  • headache;
  • general malaise;
  • facial hyperemia;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness.

These phenomena pass quickly, without additional drug treatment.

What additional recommendations are needed if you drink a female stimulant? How does alcohol affect? What dose of alcohol in combination with the drug causes damage to health?

The combined use of the pathogen and strong alcohol is not recommended for women. A small amount of wine or beer is allowed. The effect of alcohol interferes with the absorption of the drug, thereby reducing its effect to a minimum. The combination of a large dose of alcohol and a pathogen can cause serious harm to health. Not only should you not drink a lot of wine and vodka products, but also eat foods high in fat while taking Viagra. They act in the same way as alcohol, slowing down the absorption of active substances. A romantic evening includes low-calorie foods containing no more than 30% fat.

What is the difference between blue and pink pills

How is Viagra for women different from Viagra for men? And can women use male Viagra? Clinical testing shows that Viagra for men does not harm or have a positive effect on women. What is the difference between blue and pink pills? It turns out that it’s all about the composition of the excipients. Sildenafil tablets for men include a list of excipients: croscarmellose, calcium hydrogen phosphate, magnesium stearate. These components enhance the effect of the main component of the male pathogen.

In addition to sildenafil, the composition of the female medicine contains the following auxiliary components:

  • lactose;
  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • triacetin;
  • titanium dioxide.

Thanks to these substances, blood flow to the genitals, swelling of the mammary glands, and increased secretion occur. If a man takes a pink pill, he will not achieve the desired result. Female and male aphrodisiacs differ in the effect of excipients.

Elegant drops

Viagra drops are called “Spanish Fly”. What is it? It turns out that it consists of an extract of small bugs, in the body of which there is a powerful aphrodisiac. The use of such a remedy goes back to ancient Rome. Doctors prescribe drops to women with genital dysfunction so that they can return to a full sexual life. Viagra liquid really causes sexual arousal in women, sexual intimacy ends in a vivid orgasm. The drops contain poison - cantharidin. In undiluted form, its effect is lethal. In women's Viagra drops it is contained in minimal quantities. The effect of the drug is due to irritation of the nerve receptors of the genital organs, stimulates blood supply to them, and increases heart rate and respiration.

The manufacturer bottles a single dose of drops into special 5 ml containers. One bottle is enough for reception. If the drops are used for the first time and its effect is unknown, women need to take half the bottle of Viagra. This will be a drug susceptibility test. You can take the aphrodisiac with water, juice, or wine. The onset of action of the drops is 10 minutes, for 4-5 hours. The recommended frequency of taking the medicine in drops is no more than 2 times a week. Excessive use of the drug contributes to the development of problems with the heart and nervous system. A woman needs to remember that if you take Viagra drops at the same time as other medications, you can cause harm to your health.

Golden Spanish fly

The “Golden Spanish Fly” has a similar effect. Release form: special sachets of 5 g, active substance – cantharidin. To comply with ethical standards, the packaging contains information about preventing the use of the drug to seduce girls. There are many examples in history when a girl drinks a glass of juice with an aphrodisiac, not realizing her friend’s goals.

Every drug has contraindications and this one too. The main one is individual intolerance. Taking such an aphrodisiac by a pregnant woman risks miscarriage. It is not necessary for minors to increase sexual desires, and it is dangerous for the body.

This drug is created for girls and older ladies who, for special reasons, cannot enjoy sexual intercourse. Of course, you need to consult a gynecologist about the causes of frigidity.

Convenient packaging of the medicine allows you to use it unnoticed by your partner. Moreover, it is not prohibited to drink alcohol and treat yourself to dishes containing fat. At the same time, in order to avoid side effects, do not increase the dosage of the drug, this leads to redness of the skin, fatigue, and apathy. It is necessary to understand that when taking an aphrodisiac, blood flows to other organs. Therefore, the pressure rises and the pulse quickens. Young and healthy women can take female Viagra if they are not allergic to it, but following the recommended dose and frequency of administration. Exciting drops “Spanish fly” are sold in pharmacies without a prescription.

To have a wonderful night, partners need to choose the right stimulants, taking into account their time of action. For harmonious sex, a man needs to choose an analogue of Viagra – Cialis. What is the difference between these drugs. The difference between Cialis is its long-term effect on a man, which is 36 hours after taking 1 tablet. When taking Viagra in the same dose – 4 hours.


Every year, the choice of drugs increases to help women solve this delicate problem and live a harmonious life. However, before taking Viagra, consult a gynecologist and read the instructions in detail.

Do you have serious problems with potency?

Have you tried a lot of remedies and nothing has helped? These symptoms are familiar to you firsthand:

  • sluggish erection;
  • lack of desire;
  • sexual dysfunction.

The only way is surgery? Wait, and do not act with radical methods. It is POSSIBLE to increase potency! Follow the link and find out how experts recommend treating...

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Today, most women take on a lot of male responsibilities. In addition to household chores and children who need constant supervision, women also have to go to work. They get tired of the constant stress at work and household chores, so their desire for intimacy disappears, which is quite sad. But still, in order to keep your man, you also need to be a good lover. It is in such situations that female Viagra comes to the aid of lovely ladies. How female Viagra works: instructions for use, as well as prices of analogues and reviews, further in the article.

In contact with

This drug is a very effective means for a good and stable erection in men, which stimulates rapid blood flow to the male genital organs and allows a man to receive pleasure and satisfy his lady love for quite a long time. Many women are concerned about the question: “how will this drug work if a woman takes it?” Viagra has approximately the same effect on both women and men. Sildenafil, the main component of this drug, will significantly increase the blood supply to the woman’s genital organs, and also increase the secretion of natural lubrication. It makes both male and female genital organs more sensitive, which improves the quality of sex itself.

Instructions for use

Naturally, before you start taking the drug, you should carefully read the instructions for using female Viagra. It is quite simple and does not require much time or effort. All that is required of you is to take this drug orally 30-60 minutes before sexual intercourse. The effect of the drug lasts up to five hours. Doctors often recommend taking 50 mg as needed about one hour before planned sexual activity. You can adjust the dosage yourself: increase to 100 mg, or reduce to 25 mg. It depends on the effectiveness you need and directly on the tolerability of the drug.

The maximum dose that can be taken is 100 mg, no more than once a day.

Pathogen analogues

Fortunately, today we are provided with a wide selection of Viagra analogues for women, which simply make our eyes wide open. Here are a few of the most popular and common:

  • Kamagra. One of the most popular and sought-after analogues of Viagra today. In terms of its mechanism of action, the duration of the onset of the result and its duration, it is completely reminiscent of Viagra. This drug should also be taken 30 minutes before sexual intercourse. The approximate duration of exposure is about 5 hours.
  • Super Kamagra. This drug contains 100 mg of Sildenafil and 60 mg of Dapoxetine. It is thanks to these two components that a person’s erection increases and the problem of early ejaculation is eliminated.
  • Suhagra. An equally popular analogue of female Viagra from the manufacturer Cipla. This drug provides rapid arousal, intense release of natural lubrication and ensures large and rapid blood flow to the genital organ. Which is the key to long-term and high-quality sexual intercourse.
  • Zidena. Brand new universal tablets that are ideal for both men and women. The basis of this potent drug is Udenafil. It is recommended to take the pills an hour before the planned intimacy. The duration of this drug lasts exactly one day, which is quite a long time.

  • Sinagra 100. It’s also a pretty good analogue that will make your sex life unforgettable. The effect of this drug occurs after half an hour and lasts for up to five hours. It has no side effects or contraindications, which cannot be said about other analogues of the legendary Viagra.
  • Kamagra Gold. A fairly effective drug in the form of small tablets from the manufacturers Ajanta Pharma Ltd. The tablets contain Sildenafil citrate 100 mg. It has a strong effect that can last more than 5 days, which is quite a lot.
  • Sildigra. New generation medicine. It is an effective treatment for ED. It is produced in the form of capsules which are usually taken once a day. Lasts about 5 hours. It has no contraindications or side effects.

On sale you can find analogues of female Viagra in drops, their prices are completely different: from quite acceptable to quite expensive copies.

How much does the drug cost at the pharmacy?

In fact, Viagra is not some kind of forbidden or underground drug. Today we have a wide choice of both Viagra itself and its analogues, which can be purchased without any problems in pharmacies. Approximate prices for female Viagra tablets in pharmacies, and names of analogues with prices:

  1. Female Viagra(Sildenafil citrate) - from 800 - 2700 rubles;
  2. Sildigra- from 1000 - 5000 rubles;
  3. Kamagra Gold- from 800 - 1800 rubles;
  4. Zidena— from 811 rubles;
  5. Sinagra 100- from 630 - 5700 rubles;
  6. Kamagra— 295 rubles;
  7. Super Kamagra- from 250 - 300 rubles;
  8. Suhagra- 760 - 1800 rubles.

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Problems with sexual desire are quite common in the modern world. Violations at the sexual level as a result of psychological or physical reasons occur not only in men, but also in women.

Today in pharmacy chains you can purchase drugs to solve problems with sexual life. Viagra has been very popular for many years. Its main action is aimed at increasing potency.


Drugs for male potency have long been available on pharmacy shelves. But not so long ago, a new option appeared - Viagra for women, also sold in tablet form.

Both types of drugs contain one medicinal component - sildenafil. However, due to the difference between the female and male bodies, the additional substances differ. In addition to magnesium, calcium, sodium and cellulose, which are found in the male product, the female product includes:

  • titanium dioxide;
  • lactose;
  • triacetin.

The mechanism of action of the tablets on the body is designed to restore and enhance blood circulation in the reproductive system, as well as to increase sexual desire.

For men

Indications for use include disorders in the form of erectile dysfunction that occur against the background of vascular pathologies or serious psychological problems. It is worth noting that in the absence of sexual arousal, the pills are less effective.

As a result of application:

  • the duration of sexual intercourse increases;
  • the quality of sexual relationships improves;
  • increasing the frequency of sexual intercourse in one period;
  • increased feeling of orgasm.

The action lasts for four hours. Problems with potency have individual characteristics, so the duration of the effect of the medication may also differ.

Cost from 500 rubles per package (1 tablet).

Viagra does not cure erectile dysfunction, it has a temporary effect, so it should be used as needed!

For women

  • pronounced signs of menopause;
  • vaginal dryness syndrome;
  • lack of sexual desire and sexual arousal;
  • failure to achieve orgasm;
  • problems with psychological concentration on sex.

The medication has a tonic and stimulating effect on the female body. As a result, the woman experiences orgasm due to increased:

  • testosterone level;
  • sensitivity of cells of the erogenous zone;
  • secretion of natural sexual lubrication.

In addition, relaxation occurs on a mental and physical level.

The price for a female stimulator is on average from 650 rubles (1 tablet).

Contraindications and side effects

The male drug is contraindicated:

  • when taking nitrogen oxides or nitrates;
  • when taking similar drugs;
  • age group of persons under 18 years of age;
  • women.
  • when planning to conceive a child;
  • during pregnancy or breastfeeding;
  • for problems with blood pressure;
  • for cardiac pathologies.

Both products are contraindicated if you are allergic to the components of the composition. You should also be careful when combining tablets with other medications.

Signs of side effects include: insomnia, headaches, skin allergies, respiratory problems, muscle pain, dysfunction of the urinary organs and other symptoms.


Among a large assortment of pharmacy products, you can choose generics of Viagra. In some cases, substitutes are selected due to contraindications or a reaction to the composition, and sometimes the reason is the high cost of the original. Many analogues of Viagra are cheap compared to the cost of the original, but it should be understood that their action may be less effective.

Drugs to improve the quality of sexual relationships are popular, so you can always easily find analogues of Viagra for men, but finding a female generic is a little more difficult.


The best remedy to replace the original is Sildenafil. Its main purpose is to increase potency and enhance sexual desire in women and men.

It is worth noting that generic Viagra Soft has a name similar to the active ingredient of the original product.


  • problems with erectile function;
  • impotence of psychogenic and organic type.

Sildenafil increases the erection level, improves blood circulation in the pelvis, prolongs the duration of sexual intercourse and enhances the sensations obtained from sex.

Composition of the drug Sildenafil:

  • active substance citrate;
  • cellulose;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • povilon.

Generic Viagra can also be used by women.

Sildenafil has contraindications for use:

  • diseases of the circulatory system of the liver and heart;
  • congenital anomalies of the structure of the penis;
  • intolerance to constituent substances.

For women, use is excluded during planning or pregnancy. Not recommended during lactation.

If you compare prices for analogues, Viagra is less expensive than Sildenafil. The cost of one tablet is from 100 rubles.

Vectra 100

When considering substitutes for the original drug, special attention should be paid not only to the drug Sildenafil, but also to the Indian drug - Vectra 100. The price of generic Viagra Soft is much higher, but it should be noted that the cost of the drug is based on a package of 10 capsules. Therefore, Vectra 100 is a relatively cheap analogue of Viagra for men. The price for one tablet will be from 140 rubles. In addition, unlike the original, Vectra 100 continues to act for about six hours.

Indications for use have a list similar to the previous tablets.


  • rapid achievement of a stable erection;
  • maintaining an erection for at least five hours;
  • rapid excitability even with repeated sexual intercourse;
  • increased sensitivity of nerve cells of the skin.

Vectra 100, unlike Sildenafil, is not considered a generic for female Viagra. These tablets provide real help only for male abnormalities.


  • heart diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • oncology;
  • age under 18 and over 65 years.

Generic Viagra for men has no contraindications. A reaction to the composition can only occur in case of an overdose.


Russian analogue of the original, used to solve problems with male potency. The price reaches 10,000 rubles, depending on the number of tablets in the package and dosage. Minimum cost from 1000 rubles (1 tab).

Despite the fact that the drug is not cheaper than other capsules, its popularity is just as high. This is due to the effect of use:

  • the action begins in twenty minutes;
  • the effect lasts up to one and a half days;
  • significant aggravation of all sensations during sexual intercourse.

Many foreign and Russian analogues of Viagra are not compatible with alcohol. Cialis is an exception. The medication can also be used to treat the genitourinary system for certain indications.

Generic Viagra Soft has a particular effect on the body. Without a feeling of attraction to a woman, the composition of the medication (the main substance is tadalafil) remains inactive. That is, until a man sees a woman, an erection does not begin.

It has contraindications for cardiovascular diseases and abnormal deformations of the penis.


The German generic Viagra soft - Levitra, is a medical product recommended for the treatment of potency in men. Levitra can be taken in a course. The drug is intended not only for temporary enhancement of erection, but also for complete recovery from impotence.

The product replacing the original gives results for minor problems in 30 minutes. If there is complete dysfunction of the genital organ, the effect begins to appear after three to four weeks of regular use.

The composition of Levitra is based on the substance – vardenafil. It is this component that contributes to:

  • increased erection;
  • increasing sensitivity and tone;
  • prolongation of sexual intercourse.

Levitra is an exclusively male drug; it cannot be used as a generic for female Viagra. These tablets are contraindicated for the weaker sex. , like other drugs, has similar contraindications.

In pharmacies the cost of Levitra starts from 850 rubles per tablet.


When choosing cheap analogues of the original drug, you can also consider the Indian remedy - Camargue. The minimum number of tablets per package is 4 pieces. The cost of packaging is from 800 rubles.

Despite the fact that the main active ingredient is sildenafil, it is difficult to find Camargue in a pharmacy. More often it is ordered from online pharmacies (shops).

Generic Viagra Soft can be used for one-time use, to enhance sensitivity, as well as to increase erection time during intimacy. Camargue specialists prescribe it for the treatment of complete impotence.

After taking the medication:

  • the time of sexual intercourse is extended;
  • sensations become stronger;
  • there is a need for repeated intimacy.

In addition to its effect on sexual desire, Camargue has antibacterial properties, preventing infectious diseases of the genital organs.


The drug Impaza is a cheap analogue of Viagra for men. Its cost for 20 tablets is no more than 500 rubles, which is significantly cheaper than most generic drugs. Impaza is not intended for one-time use to enhance an erection for a short period of time. The medication has medicinal properties and is used for course therapy.

Inexpensive Impaza tablets, which contain mainly chemical elements (nitric oxide, a type of antibody, etc.), are indicated for the following disorders:

  • erectile dysfunction or instability;
  • dissatisfaction with the quality of sexual life (from one’s own side);
  • decreased attraction to women;
  • menopause in men;
  • inability to have prolonged sex due to physical impotence.

The course of using the medication can be extended from three months to six months. It is recommended to take one or two tablets per day.

Impaza has one more advantage over other analogues - the medicine is contraindicated only if you are allergic to the composition, and also does not provoke side effects.

Vuka – Vuka

When comparing prices, it can be noted that domestic analogs are much cheaper. Another Russian drug that is cheaper than the foreign original is Vuka-Vuka. Just like Impaza, the drug is sold in a package of 20 tablets (there are product options with a large number of capsules). The average price for an analogue of Viagra in a pharmacy is 600 rubles (per package).

A distinctive feature of the product is that it is not a medicine. Vuka – Vuka is a biological additive, the composition of which is RK “Zifro” (complex of plant extracts):

  • Virosa sukurinegi roots;
  • carissa (edible);
  • heteromorph (tree-like);
  • Geeria (reticular);
  • Velvicha Triumphetta.

Vuka – Vuka does not have an immediate effect. The dietary supplement has a cumulative effect and is intended to prevent potency problems. The course of its use is four weeks. It is recommended to repeat the preventive course of use periodically. Contraindications – allergies to plant substances in the composition.


Among Russian analogues of the original drug with a lower price, Eromax capsules (60 capsules - from 1000 rubles) are popular among men.

Eromax is a universal remedy for men, which can also be used as a generic for female Viagra.

The composition of the capsules is a complex of plant components:

  • ginseng;
  • Horny goat weed;
  • Leuzea.

The composition is also supplemented with other substances:

  • vitamin B6;
  • L-arginine;
  • drone brood;
  • zinc citrate.

As a result of regular course use, the following effect is observed:

  • increase libido and testosterone by 50%;
  • improvement and stimulation of erectile function;
  • a significant increase in the sensations experienced during sex.

In addition, the Viagra substitute Eromax accelerates metabolic processes, improves blood circulation and increases muscle tone. For women, the dietary supplement is especially useful, since in addition to its effect on the genital area, it postpones menopause and slows down all processes associated with cell aging.

Stimulants at home

To the surprise of many, you can prepare an analogue of Viagra at home. The main secret of this home remedy is that all components have aphrodisiac properties.

A variety of herbs and products are used for this. The most powerful stimulants of male sexual desire are:

  • ginseng root;
  • walnuts;
  • parsley;
  • watermelon (layer under the skin);
  • and others.

Before using any means to improve erectile abilities and treat potency, you should definitely get the advice of a specialist.

Can girls take Viagra?

Girls can take Viagra, including male Viagra, but it is worth considering that a girl’s body weight on average does not exceed 60 kg, so the dosage of 100 mg should be reduced by at least half. Viagra will cause a rush of blood to the corpora cavernosa, which can enhance sensations and increase the sensitivity of the clitoris. Viagra acts most effectively on a certain group, namely: menopausal women, those suffering from diabetes, and those who have had their uterus removed.

Taking Viagra will cause not only an increase in blood pressure, but also an abundant release of lubricant, which will increase the pleasure of sexual intercourse with a partner.

Surely many wondered what would happen if a girl took Viagra. After all, it’s no secret that girls, like men, may experience sexual difficulties as they age. This question is not accidental, because over the years of practical use, Viagra has established itself as a very effective drug. However, it should be understood that it is only for men! Since sildenafil has practically no effect on women. The reason for this is the mechanism of its action associated with male physiology.

How does Viagra work on girls?

Initially, Viagra was developed as a means to combat angina and ischemia, however, during testing it turned out that the effect on the heart was insignificant. While it greatly increases the flow of blood to the cavernous bodies of the penis, causing an erection. It does not affect anything else, that is, it does not increase libido or cause sexual arousal. In a woman, the clitoris also consists of cavernous bodies, so the maximum that happens in girls after taking Viagra is a rush of blood to it.

At different times in her life, every woman may experience decreased libido or other sexual disorders. Stress, difficult childbirth, gynecological diseases, age-related and hormonal changes, change of sexual partner - this is an incomplete list of reasons that affect a girl’s sexual desire and her ability to enjoy sexual intercourse. Female Viagra is a drug that helps enhance sensations during sex due to blood flow to the pelvic organs and genitals, and improve the quality of intimacy.

Viagra for women

The drug Viagra, originally developed to improve male potency, was soon adapted for the female body, since representatives of the fair half of humanity sometimes need increased sexual arousal. Women's Viagra is designed to enhance the sensitivity of a girl's genital organs; taking the drug helps increase the girl's libido and her ability to achieve a vivid orgasm.

Composition and release form

Viagra for women is available in the form of pink, diamond-shaped tablets containing 25, 50 or 100 mg of sildenafil, an active ingredient that restores the body's natural physiological response to sexual arousal. The full composition of the drug is presented in the table below:

How Viagra works for women

Generic Viagra, developed for women, restores the physiological characteristics of the girl’s body’s response to sexual stimulation. According to studies, the majority of women who took the pills experienced an increase in sexual desire and the quality of the pleasant sensations received during sexual intercourse. The effect of Viagra on women occurs due to the influence of sildenafil on blood circulation in the pelvic organs and proceeds according to the following “scheme”:

  • blood flow to the labia and clitoris increases, their sensitivity increases;
  • the amount of lubricant secreted by the vagina increases;
  • libido increases, sexual arousal increases;
  • Painful or unpleasant sensations in the uterus or vagina during sexual intercourse are relieved.

Indications for use

Women's libido can decrease for various reasons, and not in all cases it is necessary to take pills. Indications for taking Viagra for women are sexual dysfunctions associated with the onset of menopause or hormonal changes in the postpartum period, as well as during periods of recovery after severe gynecological diseases, as a result of which a woman has lost the ability to experience orgasm during sexual intimacy.

Directions for use and dosage

Viagra for women is not addictive, but should be taken in accordance with the recommendations of the attending physician and the instructions contained in the instructions for use. A single dose of the drug (25, 50 or 100 mg) is selected in accordance with the reasons that caused sexual dysfunction and the individual characteristics of the patient’s body. The tablet is taken half an hour before sexual intercourse, the effect is observed within 4-6 hours. Gynecologists do not recommend regular continuous use; the treatment regimen is developed individually for each case.

special instructions

Viagra for girls cannot be taken together with a number of other medications (nitrates, nitrogen donors and beta-blockers). Fatty foods may reduce the absorption of female sildenafil, which will negatively affect the effectiveness of the drug. Due to the high probability of negative side effects, it is not recommended to combine Viagra tablets with other female stimulants or psychotropic substances.

Viagra and alcohol

Instructions for use of Viagra for women do not recommend taking the drug together with alcoholic beverages. Alcohol consumption increases the load on the cardiovascular system, therefore, in addition to weakening the stimulating effect of the drug, it can cause negative consequences in the form of arrhythmia, tachycardia, dizziness, and other reactions from the vascular and nervous systems of the body.

Side effects

In some cases, if a single dose of the drug is incorrectly calculated or due to the individual characteristics of the female body, negative reactions from the digestive, nervous and cardiovascular systems may be observed. If one of the following side effects occurs, you should stop taking the drug and consult your doctor to eliminate the consequences and replace the drug:

  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • chills;
  • allergic reactions on the skin;
  • visual impairment and photosensitivity;
  • nausea and other digestive disorders.


The use of Viagra is not recommended for women during pregnancy, for diseases of the cardiovascular system accompanied by angina pectoris and arrhythmia, for liver and kidney diseases, during leukemia, and for uterine fibroids. High or low blood pressure can also cause serious negative consequences when taking the drug. Taking tablets is contraindicated if you have an individual intolerance to any component. Concomitant use with the following medications is prohibited:

  • Ketoconazole;
  • Erythromycin;
  • Cimetidine;
  • Itraconazole

Terms of sale and storage

You can buy Viagra at a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. The product must be stored at a temperature no higher than 25 °C for no more than three years from the date indicated on the package. Keep away from children.