The dog does not eat dry food well. The dog stopped eating dry food

Nutrition is a very important condition for the normal life of any animal. It is necessary to correctly prepare a diet, choose food suitable for your pet, and do not forget about adding vitamins. Some owners find that their dog does not eat dry food well. What should be done in this situation?

Why doesn't my dog ​​eat dry food?

First you need to determine the source of the problem. The reason for refusing food may not always be the harmful nature of the animal or the quality of the food. Veterinarians advise paying the owner’s attention to:

  • the dog’s lifestyle (dogs that do not walk or exercise consume much less food);
  • feeding regimen (if the animal eats food too often, it will refuse part of it);
  • vaccinations or medications (some medications cause temporary loss of appetite in dogs);
  • bad food (if the food is spoiled or of very poor quality, the dog refuses to eat it);
  • stress (the first walk, moving, the appearance of a new animal in the house causes stress in the pet and a temporary reluctance to eat);
  • change in food (perhaps you previously gave the animal a different brand of food, previously mixed vitamins or supplements into the granules);
  • switching from natural food to dry food (it will simply be unusual for the dog to eat food of a different type);
  • illness (one of the warning signs of illness is refusal to eat).


Having found out why the dog does not want to eat dry food, you can begin to take active action.

If the problem arose due to the animal’s health condition, then it is necessary to contact a veterinarian as soon as possible. Often a dog does not eat dry food when it has problems with its teeth and oral cavity:

  • tartar;
  • caries;
  • cheilitis (inflammation of the lips);
  • malocclusion;
  • deviation in the development of teeth (polydontia, or polydentia);
  • gingivitis (inflammation of the gums);
  • plaque;
  • stomatitis (inflammation of the oral cavity);
  • pulpitis (inflammation of tooth softness);
  • periodontal disease (deep tissue damage around the tooth);
  • periodontitis (inflammation of the supporting apparatus of the tooth);
  • wounds in the oral cavity.

In this case, it is necessary to urgently undergo the necessary treatment.

If the owner decides to switch his pet to another brand of dry food, the animal’s developed habits must be taken into account. You should not replace old food with new food too abruptly. This can lead to a situation where the dog does not eat food due to nutritional stress. Breeders advise gradually adding new food to the already familiar one, increasing its quantity over time and displacing the old one.

Attention! You need to consider how much dry food your dog needs. It is always written on the packaging how much food should be given to the pet, depending on its age, condition, weight, and breed. Many inexperienced owners, when switching from natural food to dry food, continue to give the same amount of food, which leads to overeating, and then to obesity.

It will be a little more difficult for those who need to transfer an animal from natural food to dry factory food. The fact is that rushing to change the diet can result in health problems for your pet. Many owners don't know how to get their dog to eat dry food. It is also recommended to mix natural food with factory-made food. You shouldn’t do this in a normal diet, but in order for your pet to quickly get used to the new food, you will have to give him such a “strange” assortment for some time. You need to increase the proportion of dry food very slowly. If the dog has fragile teeth, the granules can be pre-soaked in milk, kefir or yogurt.

It is not always bad for a dog to eat dry food due to its harmful nature. Pay attention to your pet's behavior, its state of health and the quality of the food you offer.

Most dog breeders from large cities, primarily from Moscow, recommend feeding puppies with dry food. After all, it’s only good to say in words that natural is always better. Where is it natural? It is known that in megacities such as Moscow, it is impossible to purchase truly natural products. Therefore, dry food for puppies from high-quality Western manufacturers is simply necessary.

This is where one problem may arise. It turns out that the puppy does not eat dry food. He just doesn't eat, that's all. He ate at the breeder's, but moved to new owners and went on strike.

What to do? How to feed a puppy dry food if he is on a hunger strike?

Grinding dry puppy food

You can crush dry food and mix it with something more attractive to your baby. That something else could be Caesar canned small breed dog food. Or boiled vegetables - carrots, cauliflower. Puppies usually love these treats.

Do not try to mix whole grains of dry food with soft treats. Most puppies quickly figure out how to get rid of the hated dry food - they simply lick the grains and spit them out.

For some puppies, simply crushing dry food is enough to get them to eat it. There is no need to add anything. This usually works in cases where the puppy has toothache and it is physically difficult for him to chew dry food.

Lure treat

You can try sprinkling the dry food (without grinding it) with some strong attractant, for example, Titbit Ground Beef Tripe Dog Treats. This stuff smells terrible, but dogs love it.

As a rule, it is enough to pour a small pinch of crushed tripe powder into a bowl of dry food and stir so that the puppy literally attacks the food.

The product is effective, but you should be careful with it. It should not be abused. Ground tripe often has a stimulating effect on puppies. Under its fumes, they eat more than they need and then vomit. And mentally, the puppy may become overly active after such a meal.

We select dry food personally for the puppy

It is worth thinking about what dry food to feed your puppy. If a puppy does not eat one type of dry food, this does not mean that he will not eat other versions of this food.

Breeders are often overly categorical in their recommendations. It is advised to feed only a certain type of food. But this is not always possible. Therefore, if you see that the puppy is suffering, that he categorically does not want to eat what you pour him, you should not bring the pet (and yourself) to nervous exhaustion by forcing the dog, using various tricks, to eat the brand of food that he doesn't want to. Try changing dry food. It is likely that feeding the puppy dry food made from flour will turn into pleasure, and the puppy will begin to gobble it up on both cheeks. The main thing is not to purchase food, which in its composition would be much worse and cheaper than that offered by the breeder.

A dog's refusal to eat dry food is a fairly common occurrence. Moreover, reluctance to eat granules is possible both in the case of transferring a pet from natural food to dry food, and in a situation where the dog is already familiar with such food. First of all, the owner needs to find out the reason why the dog refuses to eat, and then take some steps to ensure that he eats the food offered with pleasure.

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    Reasons why a dog refuses dry food

    Dogs don't like dry food for a variety of reasons. This can be either simple pickiness or low quality of the food offered. Often a pet does not eat kibble food well if it previously ate exclusively natural foods. Problems with commercial feed may arise due to age or poor health.

    In any case, it is necessary to observe the animal to find out the exact reason why the dog does not eat dry food. You may even have to visit a veterinarian to solve this problem.

    Changing your diet

    For pets who previously ate only natural food or ate soft canned food, suddenly switching to dry kibble becomes a real stress. Solid food is unusual for them and does not cause any appetite, so it is difficult to force animals to chew granular food.

    This situation occurs especially often when an adult dog is too abruptly transferred to “drying”. The animal's digestive system is unprepared for such a task. There are often cases when the body simply rejects an unfamiliar type of food and the dog begins to vomit. A gradual change in diet will help to avoid this. Then, over time, the pet’s stomach will get used to the food offered, and dry granules will not cause him discomfort.

    Low feed quality

    The purchased food may be of poor quality or may not be fresh. The dog senses this and refuses to eat. Low quality is usually found in cheap options. This food contains very little meat; the taste of such granules does not attract the animal.

    If the granules are left in an open package for a long time, they gradually lose their freshness and deteriorate. Therefore, it is necessary to buy closed packs. If, for some reason, pet food is purchased by weight, then you should choose stores with a large number of customers, where the containers are not left open for a long time.

    Sometimes dry granules lose their freshness even in a closed package, so when purchasing, be sure to check the expiration date and do not buy the product if it is nearing its end. In this case, it is worth purchasing a pack of smaller weight, especially if the animal is a small breed and eats little.

    Health problems

    Digestive problems are a very common reason for giving up dry food. During a walk, the dog could pick up some food on the street or accidentally swallow a small object. In this case, the pet will feel unwell and refuse to eat.

    If there is a suspicion that the dog refuses dry food due to poisoning or a foreign object entering the stomach, then it is necessary to contact a veterinarian to establish an accurate diagnosis.

    Some pets are simply unable to accept dry food, so they vomit after eating. If this happens repeatedly, you will need to consult a specialist. Perhaps he will recommend leaving the animal on natural food.

    When dogs feel unwell, they always refuse to eat.

    Tartar in a dog

    If you have diseases of the upper respiratory tract, problems with the oral cavity or teeth, chewing dry granules is problematic for your animal; it causes pain and irritation. If, along with refusal to eat, other symptoms of the disease are present: the dog is whining, lethargic, depressed, then you must definitely show it to the veterinarian. In this case, there is a high probability that the pet will develop a serious illness. Then, if you consult a doctor in a timely manner, you can maintain your health.

    Low physical activity

    Poor activity is often the reason for refusing to eat. If the dog moves little, then it spends a little energy and begins to eat less, and sometimes even refuses the food offered. Otherwise, the pet gradually gains excess weight.

    To correct the situation, you need to walk more often, play with the dog and run. After increasing physical activity, your pet's appetite will gradually return.

    Taste of food

    If the dog used to eat dry food with pleasure, but then stopped, then the reason is a change in brand, for example, from Puppy to Royal Canin. This happens especially often if there is a transition to a more budget-friendly option for dog food.

    If there is a need to feed the animal with products of a different brand, then the diet must be changed gradually. Some pets can be very picky about the quality of food and simply refuse to eat granules that taste unusual.

    Impact of stress

    Dogs, just like people, can experience shock and unpleasant emotions, but they are unable to communicate about it. Therefore, refusal to eat due to stress is a fairly common occurrence, especially if unusual events for the animal occurred the day before.

    The reason lies in a sudden change in the situation, for example, in the case of a move or a change of owner. The dog gets bored and refuses to eat if one of the family members to whom it was attached has left. Here attention and care will help solve the problem. Over time, the animal will get used to new circumstances and learn to trust the people around it.

    Other reasons

    In addition to the reasons mentioned above, a dog’s refusal to eat occurs due to the following factors:

    • spoiled;
    • estrus;
    • age characteristics;
    • non-compliance with dosage.

    These reasons do not threaten serious consequences for the dog’s health and to eliminate them you need to either wait or show a little persistence and attention.

    During periods of high sexual activity, dogs refuse food because they simply have no time for it. Here you need to be patient, soon the surge of hormones will stop and your appetite will return to normal.

    Often dogs refuse dry food because they expect some kind of treat from the owner. Such animals tend to beg with a pitiful look and beg for food from the master's table. They simply know that the owner will soon give in and treat them to a “yummy” treat, and they do not want to eat the granules.

    Some overly careful owners do not follow the dosage when switching to dry food. The kibble contains nutrients in a concentrated form, so your dog needs less food to be satisfied than with natural foods. If there is a large amount of food in the bowl, then the dog will eat it simply out of boredom, which will result in obesity. Therefore, you should not exceed the recommended amount indicated on the package.

    Young puppies have difficulty eating kibble because their baby teeth are weak and loose. And older dogs have problems with their teeth: the presence of tartar, thinning enamel. Their teeth become too sensitive and chewing hard foods causes pain.

    How to accustom a dog to dry food?

    Having found out the exact reason why the animal refuses dry food, you need to take measures to eliminate the problem. If the dog is sick, the veterinarian will help. The specialist will prescribe treatment, take the necessary medications and carry out procedures. After the pet recovers, its appetite returns to normal.

    All other reasons require only patience and careful attention to the dog. First of all, you should pay attention to the quality of the feed. No need to buy cheap dry granules in large packages. Savings will affect the health of the pet and will lead to additional expenses for veterinary services.

    It is recommended to give preference to premium and super premium food, which contains a large amount of meat components and contains the necessary herbal supplements, minerals and vitamins. In this diet, the main source of protein is meat, fish, eggs, there are no grains, harmful additives, flavor enhancers or preservatives. An example is the products of the following brands:

    • Puppy;
    • Acana;
    • Orijen.

    When buying dry food, you need to take into account the weight of the dog and do not buy packages weighing 15 kg for a small dog. It's better to buy a few smaller ones instead. This way the food will stay fresh longer. A special vacuum container in which you can put an open pack will help preserve food for a long time.

    If it is necessary to switch a dog from natural food to dry granules, then you need to act gradually to accustom the digestive system to another food. Ready-made food is added to the pet’s usual food in small quantities, gradually increasing the proportion of “drying” and reducing the amount of natural products. Under favorable circumstances, the transfer takes 2 weeks. Do the same if you need to switch a dog from one brand of food to another.

    When switching to industrial granulated food, it is necessary to provide her with constant access to clean water and properly arrange the place where she eats food. The bowl should be elevated so that the dog does not have to bend over while eating. In this position, the animal will feel confident and will become more willing to eat.

    It is difficult for a puppy to chew dry food pellets due to weak teeth. In this case, you need to give them softened pieces. To do this, dry food must be mixed with kefir, natural yogurt, or simply soak the granules in water. Old animals refuse the usual brand due to changes in the body's needs. For such pets, it is recommended to buy special food for aging dogs, taking into account the characteristics of their health.

    In other cases, the owner’s patience and perseverance will help solve the problem of refusing dry food. Spoiled dogs, accustomed to begging for tasty morsels, need to stop feeding. The animal will soon realize that it won’t get any goodies and will start eating what’s in the bowl.

    Sedentary dogs require more walking, playing and running, especially if they are a large breed. Such animals need not just walks, but real training with serious loads. Tired of such active activity, the pet will get hungry and eat the food offered to it.

Dry food is a real godsend for always busy, rushing owners. They require minimal effort and time spent feeding your pet, provided that we are talking about high-quality food, contain all the nutrients necessary for the dog’s health and are varied enough so that you can choose a diet that is ideal for your pet.

However, sometimes it happens that a dog flatly refuses to eat dry food - what to do in this situation? Before taking any action, you need to understand the reasons for your pet's behavior.

Why doesn't my dog ​​eat dry food?

Most often, the reason for refusal is an incorrect transfer to dry food from another type of food. Dogs, like people, are suspicious of anything new, especially when it comes to food that has an unusual smell and texture. Moreover, the older the dog, the more conservatism and stubbornness it can show.

The second and most serious situation occurs when the dog refuses its usual food. If you stored the packaging correctly and have no doubt about the good quality of the product, then you should be concerned about the well-being of your pet.

There can be many reasons why a dog does not eat dry food, which it has been devouring with appetite for the last few months or even years:

  • problems with teeth or mouth,
  • metabolic disorders,
  • digestive problems
  • stress,
  • heat,
  • infectious or invasive diseases and much more.

It is worth remembering that many ailments in dogs manifest themselves in a decrease or complete absence of appetite.

Finally, the reason a dog refuses dry food can also be simple overeating, that is, the pet is simply full or, not without reason, hopes to get something tastier than proper nutrition. Let’s say right away: this is the least of the troubles and responsibility for it lies entirely on the conscience of the owners.

Let's start by elimination - with serious reasons.

Health problems

As a rule, health problems manifest themselves not only in refusal to eat - the dog becomes lethargic, stops playing and is clearly depressed. First of all, measure your pet’s temperature - its increase will indicate the infectious nature of the disease.

If the temperature is not elevated, examine the dog's oral cavity - the gums should be pale pink, so a bright red color, especially in the root zone, may indicate the onset of inflammation. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract most often manifest themselves in indigestion - diarrhea, as well as vomiting, which is also not difficult to notice.

In any case, you should not make diagnoses yourself, and if you have the slightest suspicion of health problems, immediately consult a veterinarian.

When a healthy dog ​​refuses to eat dry food

Let's say your suspicions were not confirmed and the dog is healthy. As a rule, refusal of dry food occurs when switching to a new diet or even when changing the type of food. Here you will have to be patient - it will take time, love for your pet and perseverance.

Gradual training

The main point in this process is gradualism. To begin with, add a small amount of dry food to a regular portion of food and observe the animal’s reaction. Most often, a small addition of foreign food is accepted calmly by the dog and the dry food is eaten along with the rest of the food.

If the process has started, you can add a little more dry food to the next feeding. If the dog carefully avoids the bowl, it is better not to rush things and let the pet get used to the appearance and, most importantly, the smell of the new food. A dog's sense of smell is significantly superior to a human's, and the smallest portion of food with an extraneous aroma can make the pet wary.

Reduce the amount of dry food in the usual food to a minimum that the dog will not notice, and increase it very gradually, literally a few granules at a time. Sometimes soaking dry food helps - this makes it more flavorful and closer in texture to wet food.

Once your dog has started eating the dry food offered to him as part of his regular diet, begin to gradually increase the amount of granules while simultaneously reducing the total amount of his usual food.

With this approach, the dog can be switched to dry food in 1–2 weeks. The period may lengthen depending on the stubbornness of the pet, but sooner or later a positive result is guaranteed.

We show firmness

And finally, the last option. After the owners' festive feast, the dog, who had received a fair portion of treats the day before, does not even want to look towards the bowl with his usual food. At best, these are whims: it is difficult for the animal to understand why yesterday he got a piece of kebab, ham and cookies, and today only dry food. The pet demands the continuation of the banquet and in his own way is absolutely right.

One of the main rules of feeding animals is not to disrupt your pet’s diet. But if such a sin has happened to you, be firm: the bowl of food that the dog has refused is removed until the next feeding. Don’t worry: a hunger strike can’t harm your pet, but will only benefit it.

But if even after a day the dog does not want to eat dry food, it is best to consult a veterinarian, since it is possible that your pet will develop pancreatitis due to excessively fatty food eaten the day before.

Although before that they ate only natural food. In such cases, pets often refuse to eat new food. There are situations when pets suddenly stop eating dry food, although before that they only ate it. What is the reason for the refusal and what to do first - later in this article.

The main reasons why a dog refuses dry food

Before taking any action, it is necessary to establish the exact reason for the dog’s refusal of dry food.

Among the main factors provoking changes in taste preferences are:

  • poor quality food;
  • pet's character;
  • sedentary lifestyle of the dog;
  • health problems.

A dog may refuse food due to stress.

If for some time the pet has been eating exclusively natural food, but due to various circumstances the owner was forced to switch the dog to dry food. In such cases, granules are much inferior to “natural” ones, differing significantly in taste, hardness, and smell. It is difficult for a dog to get used to such changes.


Low-quality cheap feed is also often the cause of refusal. If before this dogs often ate dry food, but now suddenly stop, the reason may be a change in manufacturer/brand.

You should also pay attention to the breed of your pet. Thus, some breeds have a very spoiled and picky nature (especially small, dwarf dogs), which completely refuse to eat granules, knowing that in the end the owner will feed them.

Taste qualities. Food from the master's table always tastes better. Therefore, many pet owners try to add flavor to dry food by treating it with yogurt, kefir, and sometimes sour cream. But this type of nutrition is permissible only during the period while the dog gets used to dry food. You can’t drag it out too long, otherwise your pet will then refuse to eat food without the additive.


Like people, dogs are often susceptible to the negative effects of stressful situations. Factors that shock the nervous system can be a long stay alone, extraneous noise (for example, the sounds of a lawn mower under the window, a neighbor's drill). Such circumstances negatively affect not only the psychological, but also the physiological state. In order to understand taste preferences, it is necessary to understand and analyze the events that have occurred recently. If these changes are a necessity and cannot be eliminated or changed in any way, the pet should be adapted to them. This can also be done with medical help - with a doctor’s prescription, give herbal preparations that have a calming effect.

The pet's lifestyle also influences its taste habits. Due to living conditions, domestic dogs have low physical activity. Daily walks usually last a short amount of time. As a result, the dog's appetite is greatly reduced. Under such circumstances, it is recommended to spend as much time as possible with your pet in the fresh air and play with him. And you should also take into account the fact that you can feed the animal only an hour and a half after walking.

Deterioration in appetite occurs against the background of certain diseases in the animal’s body. For example, if the dog has, or a number of other diseases. Not every ailment has pronounced symptoms, so a signal such as loss of appetite is a serious reason to go to the doctor.

How to switch your dog to dry food

The first rule is that you should never, under any circumstances, make the transition too abruptly. There will be no positive effect from such a replacement. Experts recommend adding a little dry food to your usual natural food for a week or two, gradually increasing its amount. At the same time, it is necessary to simultaneously reduce the amount of natural food, otherwise the portions will be too large. Typically the adaptation period lasts up to two weeks.

If puppies whose teeth have not yet become stronger are accustomed to eating granules, owners are often advised to moisten the food with hot water, yogurt or kefir. But you should also take into account the fact that such mixtures should not become a habitual diet, since the pet will have stomach problems.

Portions should not be too large, as overfeeding often leads to obesity and other similar disorders. The quality of the feed plays an important role. Premium dog food costs more, but results in significant cost savings for the owner. In order for a dog to be completely satisfied, a small amount of granules is enough for her, unlike cheap food. As a result, the owner will not have to buy food often, which is a guarantee of cost savings.

The portion of dry food should not be large.

You should also take into account the fact that low-quality dry food often leads to serious diseases - kidney damage, dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, etc. As a result, treating your pet will be much more expensive.

  • Rule 1. Closely monitor the health of your pet. A healthy and fully functioning body will always have a good appetite. The slightest changes in taste preferences, reluctance to eat this or that food should be regarded as an alarm bell, signaling the need for a comprehensive examination of the body. In such cases, it is better to play it safe several times.
  • Rule 2. A balanced and complete diet. Before choosing the optimal diet, you should consult your veterinarian. Food must be appropriate to the breed and age of the pet.
  • Rule 3. No frequent changes in diet. Dogs are not at all picky eaters, but they can become so if their owners pamper them with tasty bait too often. The diet must be stable, otherwise such experiments may cause disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Rule 4. Compliance with the regime. As with the diet, the regime should also be stable. There is no need to give your pet free access to food. Otherwise, the animal faces rapid weight gain and obesity.
  • Rule 5. As already mentioned, a dog needs a high degree of physical activity. To do this, owners are advised to change standard daily walking routes as often as possible. But you should also take your dogs out into nature as often as possible, especially in the summer, and play with them.

Your veterinarian will help you choose the right diet.

Important. After the period of transition of a pet to dry food has expired, natural food and other supplements can no longer be added to it. It is also necessary to ensure that the dog always has clean water.


There may be several reasons why pets change their eating habits. And before taking any actions, they need to be determined. It is best to consult a doctor. Perhaps loss of appetite or a sudden change in it is a consequence of illness, so the pet may need a comprehensive examination. Owners need to carefully follow all the recommendations and advice of a specialist, providing the pet with the most comfortable psychological and physiological environment.

Loss of appetite is possible due to illness in the dog.

Video about why a dog doesn't eat