The safest prohormones. Prohormones and designer (legal) steroids are banned in the USA. Finally. Preparations for PCT

What could be better than fast and high-quality muscle growth - the result of tough and exhausting training? But not everyone is given such happiness. This is due to genetics, poor nutrition, stress, lack of time, and many other reasons! But there is one solution that will help anyone, regardless of genetics - designer steroids.

In this article we will tell you about prohormones, support during the course, PCT and various ways to improve the quality of training, and overall well-being with the help of drugs, and also provide course plans.

First month

As for the protein itself, athletes on a cycle require more protein than an ordinary athlete. Everything is as usual: during the day - whey protein, at night - casein.

IMPORTANT! Remember to take care of your joints and connections. A super new product from Chaos & Pain will help you with this: Helios - Joint Support.

Second month - always remember PCT!

The second month of the program will be a month of rest from designer steroids and restoration of hormonal levels (by the way, an interesting article: How to increase testosterone?). To reduce side effects, if any, restore hormone levels and not lose what you worked hard for in the gym, you need high-quality PCT.

Post-cycle therapy is necessary after designer steroids for:

  • Getting rid of side effects;
  • Restoring normal hormonal levels;
  • As a “bridge” to switch to another steroid.

new dough booster, natural and safe. Contains: D-aspartic acid, Maca, Betaine, Curcumin, Bioperine, etc. When taken correctly, the product can increase YOUR testosterone levels.

METHOD OF ADMINISTRATION: 6 capsules twice a day. To enhance the effect, the manufacturer suggests taking 6 capsules three times a day (that is, 18 capsules per day!).

also a test booster, which contains natural ingredients: Prolensis herb, Vitamin D, Tribulus Terrestis, Maca, Mucuna, D-aspartic acid, etc. Each capsule contains 2760 mg of concentrated and active substances that undoubtedly work. This drug is considered one of the best test boosters.

METHOD OF ADMINISTRATION: 4 capsules twice a day. To enhance the effect, the manufacturer suggests taking 4 capsules three times a day (that is, 12 capsules a day!).

PCT4 This is a kind of mixture of a test booster and a designer steroid. It is used to perform PCT in the “bridge” style. It contains Ostarine (androgen receptor modulator), AKA (aromatase inhibitor), Tribulus Terrestris (increases endurance, strength and muscle mass), Saw Palmetto (suppresses the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone). The drug fights hair loss, prevents gynecomastia, increases libido, etc.

METHOD OF ADMINISTRATION: 1 capsule twice a day.

As an addition to post-cycle therapy, you can use an indispensable means of increasing growth hormone and a “natural steroid”.

This is the first drug that can increase the production of growth hormone. It wouldn’t be bad after the course, would it?) Plus, if you use it with a test booster, the effect will be absolutely incredible. High testosterone + high growth hormone = BOMB!

METHOD OF ADMINISTRATION: 3 capsules before bedtime.

"natural steroid"? Like this? The drug contains only one natural substance – 5-Alpha Hydroxy Laxogenin. The substance can increase protein synthesis by 200%, speed up metabolism and increase muscle mass in just 2-3 weeks!

METHOD OF ADMINISTRATION: 1 capsule twice a day.

SUMMARY FOR THE SECOND MONTH OF PCT: To restore hormonal levels and raise your own testosterone - APEX MALE or CANNIBAL ALPHA or PCT4. PCT4 is a “bridge”! For even better growth and preservation of muscle mass - GROWTH and ANOGENIN.

Third, fourth, fifth month, ..., year, two

The third month and beyond follow the same cycle. A month - a course of steroid + support during the cycle, a month - PCT, all the time - vitamins, BCAA, protein, pre-workouts and pills. If desired, you can extend the course of the designer steroid for two months and extend the support accordingly.

And, by the way, each new cycle you can try a new designer steroid, different from what you tried before, you can also replace PCT and support.


  1. First month: Super Trenabol + Eradicate, second month: Apex Male + Growth + Anogenin, all the time - BCAA, protein, vitamins + Angel Dust + Cannibal Perma Swole.
  2. First month: Epi Smash + Gear Support, second month: PCT4 + Growth + Anogenin, all the time - BCAA, protein, vitamins + Defcon-1 + Optiburn + Hype.

Did you get the point?) Feel free to experiment according to this scheme 😉

05.02.2018 09:56

Designer steroids (DS) or prohormones differ from prohibited drugs in that they have a modified formula, due to which they are classified as legal. Once in the human body, the drug is transformed into its active form. These are legal steroids for mass that help achieve quick results. Some call DS prohormones that have become precursors to prohibited substances. Everyone has designer steroids in their body in moderation. This includes thyroxine, proinsulin and others.

Prohormone rating

To gain muscle mass and achieve results, give preference to proven drugs. Experts have ranked the best prohormones. The first line of the list opens with Respawn from Brawn Nutrition. The drug is widely popular. Research results have shown that DS is 12 times stronger and more effective than testosterone. There are practically no side effects. With the help of a prohormone, you can increase muscle mass, give your body shape and a guaranteed increase in strength.


  • restores muscle tissue;
  • and the course can be increased to 8 kilos of dry mass;
  • increases strength.

Tren from Brawn Nutrition, which is sold in the form of capsules, is firmly in second place among designer steroids or prohormones. The main objective of the drug is to increase dry mass, increase strength, and minimize the effect on the liver and internal organs. Contains natural ingredients. During regular use of the prohormone, there is no jump in estrogen levels. This is one of the best steroids in its class, which is suitable for beginners. The duration of taking the drug is a maximum of 2 months. The effect is noticeable in the second week of use.

  • muscle growth - moderate;
  • no effect on the liver;
  • increase in strength;
  • no transformation to estrogen.

Another best prohormone that deserves close attention is Mecha from Brawn nutrition. The drug is suitable not only for professional athletes, but also for beginners. By taking designer steroids in prescribed amounts, you will increase your strength 100% without negative consequences. Mecha does not retain water in the body and does not have a significant effect on the liver. Studies have shown that by consuming the prohormone in an amount of 1 capsule 3 times a day, you can achieve similar results as when using injectable testosterone enanthate in an amount of 150 milligrams per week. Benefits of the steroid:

  • helps the body produce its own testosterone;
  • increases lean muscle mass;
  • does not have a significant negative impact.

Features of prohormones

Regular use of even proven drugs is not recommended. The presented options should be taken strictly according to the course. The most powerful steroids allow you to quickly gain weight, but they can also cause harm. When purchasing, pay attention to the manufacturer, carefully read the composition and take a closer look at possible side effects. For girls, there are special gentle preparations that also allow you to achieve quick results. All prohormones are divided into classes from one to four. The higher the number, the stronger the effect. Among the popular steroids, there are options that contain several components that enhance each other’s effect.

New drugs called SARMs are widely controversial on the market. There is the possibility of combining selective modulators with prohormones to achieve lightning-fast results. Once in the human body, the steroid enters its active form and causes protein synthesis, which leads to an increase in muscle mass. The resulting kilocalories increase strength. Eat a protein-heavy diet to help your muscle mass grow properly.

Extreme prohormones

Among the popular options, we will highlight the 2 best and extreme options for muscle fiber growth. Beast Plexx from Assault Labs is a drug for simultaneous drying and weight gain. Among the features we note are increased protective functions of the body, improved functioning of the thyroid gland, rapid weight gain, and burning of fat deposits. Prohormone has proven itself on the positive side among professionals. Positive aspects - a significant increase in strength and endurance, rapid loss of body fat, weight gain. Another extreme drug is Predator Plexx from Assault Labs. There is the possibility of combination with other prohormones. Among the advantages we highlight the following aspects:

  • acceleration of protein synthesis;
  • increased testosterone by 7 times;
  • growth of dry muscle tissue;
  • maintains muscle stiffness after a full course;
  • there is no conversion to estrogen.

Conclusion on designer steroids

To achieve quick results without negative consequences, it is recommended to use research-proven prohormones. Some designer steroids are banned by anti-doping agencies, but new substances are regularly introduced to replace them. The drugs have virtually no harmful effects on the body, but after the full course you should definitely undergo PCT. Remember that only proper nutrition, regular visits to the fitness club and taking prohormones will help you achieve your goals. The drugs are intended not only for men, but also for women.

Sincerely, online sports nutrition store FitandPit.

This term appeared in medicine in the mid-20th century. Prohormones do not themselves have biological activity and are precursors of hormones , for example, proinsulin is a precursor of insulin, thyroxine will be a precursor of triiodothyronine, and so on.

In powerlifting, prosteroids are used - one of the types of prohormones. When a prosteroid enters the body, it is converted by enzymatic cleavage of parts of the molecule into an active anabolic steroid.

Prosteroids and steroids

Prosteroids are used quite actively by athletes to increase strength and build muscle. Formally, prohormones are not classified as anabolic steroids, and at first they had legal status. But recently, many of the prosteroids have been included along with steroids on the list of restricted circulation: in Russia it has been prohibited to produce and import them en masse since 2011.

Manufacturers are constantly working to create new prosteroids that have not yet been included in the list of prohibited substances. , drugs appear on the market, but after a year or two the state withdraws them from sale, and the race continues. Usually the manufacturer claims that its products are much safer than steroids, but this is not the case.

Whoever produces such drugs is not interested in safety, but in creating a new one that has not yet been blacklisted. Besides prosteroids are simply weaker than steroids, and therefore side effects are less common, because steroids are safe in moderate doses.

Prohormonal medications are classified as dietary supplements, so they have lower quality control than medications. And the side effects may be more severe than those. Delayed side effects and carcinogenic activity are possible. But if you are still inclined to choose prohormones for yourself, let’s consider the most popular ones.

Prohormonal supplements


6% of the supplement is converted to testosterone. The drug has high androgenic activity, but it has a high level of aromatization and - edema, gynecomastia, etc.

4-AD (androstenediol)

Almost 16% of this prohormone is converted into testosterone. The drug does not convert into estrogens and has less androgenic activity compared to the previous one.

19-norandrostrnedione (and also 19-norandrostenediol)

Both drugs are converted to nandrolone (or retabolil), but are not converted to estrogens. These prosteroids are almost like testosterone.

1-AD (1-androstenediol)

It is also converted to testosterone and has twice the androgenic activity and seven times the anabolic activity. Almost completely transforms into active form, passing through the liver. Does not convert to estrogens (does not aromatize).

1-T (1-testosterone)

, has four times higher bioavailability when taken orally (compared to testosterone). Does not convert into estrogens. In fact, it is not a prohormone.

Side effects

The side effects of prohormones are similar to those – it all depends on the dosage and formula of the supplement itself.

Recently, you can increasingly hear the term prohormones. What are prohormones and how are they used? Effects of prohormones and their features.

The content of the article:

When people start discussing sports supplements, you often hear the terms “proanabolic”, “prohormone” and “prosteroids”. It must be said that they all mean the same thing and refer to the same product. Prohormones are precursors or building blocks. Once in the human body, these substances are converted into testosterone. Let's look at what prohormones are and in more detail.

Most prohormones are inactive and have weak anabolic properties. From this we can conclude that prohormones can produce their full effect only after conversion into the male hormone, which is their active form.

Theoretically, thanks to prohormones, it is possible to increase testosterone levels; the effectiveness of the drugs is negatively affected by chemical transformation. It is this feature of prohormones that limits their effectiveness. According to recent studies, only 10 to 15 percent of prohormones can be converted into male hormone. Of course, this is a very small part of the actual dosage.

The most common precursors in the human body are androstenedione, dehydropianrosterone and norandrostenedione. All of these drugs are natural and can be purchased without prescriptions. They are not classified as prohibited drugs, unlike anabolic drugs. Prohormones are completely legal, but at the same time they are ineffective compared to traditional steroids. They act as a legal and safe alternative to AAS.

Effects of prohormones

According to the theory, if prohormones are used as an additive to an athlete’s nutrition program, this should lead to an increase in the level of male hormone in the body, an increase in the anabolic background and, accordingly, accelerated growth of muscle tissue. To understand how effective prohormones are practically, you need to find answers to two questions.
  1. Can prohormones increase testosterone levels? Thanks to recent clinical trials, androstenedione can actually do this at a dosage of 300 milligrams. However, unfortunately, not every person can have this effect. Most often, male hormone levels simply rise to the normal or physiological peak of a young healthy adult male.
  2. Will such a slight increase in testosterone levels contribute to increased strength and accelerated growth of muscle mass?
To put it simply, it has been scientifically proven that prohormones can increase the level of male hormone, but will this have a positive effect on weight gain? And here we will be disappointed. None of the experiments could reveal any significant increase in strength and mass when using prohormones.

However, it should be noted that although such an unpleasant result was obtained, it must be remembered that it is not immediately possible to prove anything using scientific methods. Suffice it to remember that it took scientists more than fifty years to prove the ability of AAS to accelerate the growth of muscle mass.

Quite a lot of research will still be required to be able to say with confidence about the presence or absence of a positive effect of prohormones on the athlete’s body. In the meantime, we can assume that due to the increase in the anabolic background caused by prohormones, athletes who use them receive some advantage.

Although prohormones are legal drugs, they still have some disadvantages. All this was established during clinical trials, which makes the information reliable. During the experiment, subjects consumed 300 milligrams of androstenedione for 12 weeks. In general, no deviations in health were found, but scientists noticed that in some cases the side effects from the use of prohormones may coincide with those that occur when using anabolic drugs.

The chemical reactions by which androstenedione is converted into a male hormone are very complex and the main problem is that this substance can be converted not only into testosterone, but also estrogens. In turn, an increase in the level of female sex hormones in the male body can lead to the development of gynecomastia or, more simply, to enlarged mammary glands. In turn, the body of women is negatively affected by an increase in testosterone levels, causing masculinization. It is also possible to close the growth window in children.

However, not everything is as bad as it might seem. Side effects when taking prohormones are much less pronounced compared to anabolic drugs. They are also completely safe for the liver and do not affect the synthesis of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones. As a result of all studies of the effects of proanabolics, scientists have found that when they are used for no more than three months by healthy adult men, side effects are excluded.

Are prohormones considered steroids?

Some legal anabolic drugs began to appear on the market just a few years ago. Now they can be freely purchased in many countries and almost all of them are precursors to steroids. There are also substances that raise some doubts. They contain secret ingredients obtained from plant and animal materials, as well as certain insects.

As often happens, not all supplement manufacturers are honest and try to deceive consumers. A couple of years ago in the United States, a group of scientists decided to conduct a study of 10 drugs from different manufacturers. As a result, it was revealed that the true composition did not correspond to the declared one, or that there were no prohormones in their preparations at all. There were six such brands.

Three manufacturers produced drugs with a composition that fully corresponded to the declared one, and in one only traces of prohormones were found. It should also be noted that some manufacturers give names to their products that are very reminiscent of conventional AAS.

If such products actually contained substances such as boldenone, testosterone, stanozol and others, then such products would be declared illegal and included in the list of controlled substances. Be very careful when purchasing pro-anabolic steroids. That's all I wanted to tell you when answering the question - what are prohormones?

Check out the review of one of the prohormones in this video:

Considering the wide list of compounds and the huge number of manufacturers, some fragmentation in the descriptions, as well as the creation of new compounds, it seems impossible to write a 100% objective article.

General information

In Russia, prohormones and designer steroids began to gain popularity since the beginning of 2014, although most of the compounds were obtained in the 2nd half of the 20th century. Many people equate prohormones and designer steroids, believing that they are the same thing. This is absolutely not true.

- Prohormones- precursors of anabolic hormones. By themselves, they do not have anabolic activity. Once in the body, they are converted into anabolic compounds through an enzymatic process.

- Designer steroids- these are already “disguised” anabolic steroids that have biological activity. Changing the formula of a compound allows you to bypass legislation.

The bulk of drugs that are positioned as prohormones are designer steroids. In the USA they are called prohormones, so as not to attract attention and not be alarmed by the word “steroids”. This is where the confusion comes from.

There are almost no prohormones as such on the market. The most prominent representatives were:

Various shapes androstenedione And androstenediol- converted to testosterone;
- Various shapes norandrostenedione And norandrostenediol- Converted to nandrolone.

Most of the “prohormones” were banned in the USA back in 2006, and in 2014 almost all the remaining popular compounds were banned and the market began to rapidly restructure. The main activity began to move to the UK, where they still have the status of legal drugs. Competition began to increase. Companies have begun to pay more attention to quality and are not shy about increasing dosages.

Prohormones/DS are not regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, they can be safely purchased. They are easy to take and many compounds have a much greater effect than prohibited oral AAS.

Many companies in the United States have learned to create new and innovative compounds in terms of biological activity and safety for the body. Therefore, not all compounds are pharmacological or dangerous. Prohormones/DS can be roughly divided into methylated and unmethylated.

Methylated DS/Prohormones

Many people claim the safety of using methylated DS, but this is not true. These are the same hormonal drugs as classical pharmacology, albeit with less effect. They also disrupt hormonal levels. They can also become a catalyst for problems such as: baldness, acne, hormonal imbalances, gynecomastia, decreased libido, decreased sperm activity. Almost all of them are toxic to the liver. Therefore, the “course” of designer steroids is almost the same “course” as with AAS.

Popular methylated substances: Methylstenbolone, M1AT, Dymethazine, Tren

When using such DS, you should adhere to several recommendations:

1. The duration of the “course” is no more than 2-3 months;
2. Do not use more than 3 connections;
3. Use a hepatoprotector (liver protection) throughout the entire “course”.

Branded hepatoprotectors: sections “PCT drugs”, “Course support”
- Pharmaceutical hepatoprotectors: Ursosan, Hofitol

The condition of the liver can be monitored using tests.

During the course, you may also need an aromatase inhibitor, or a drug to suppress prolactin secretion. But they should be used only based on test results.

Aromatase inhibitors: Aromasin, Anastrazole, Letrozole, support during the course
- Prolactin suppressants: Bergolak, Dostinex

After the “course” it is also necessary to take tests, and only then carry out PCT:

- Branded PCT: section "PCT drugs"
- Pharmacy PCT: Tamoxifen, Clomid, Fareston, Gonadotropin

PCT supplements: test booster, vitamin complex, BCAA, protein, anabolic complex, cortisol blockers, ascorbic acid.

Unmethylated DS/Prohormones

Many companies have begun to create prohormones that do not affect the liver. These are truly powerful and completely safe supplements. Their legality is also valid in the United States, and their properties are an order of magnitude more powerful than their methylated counterparts. Of course, some of the substances can still be converted into estrogen or retain water, but this rather refers to the disadvantages of high testosterone in the body.

One example from BlackStone Labs is Chosen 1 and Brutal 4ce. Both are non-toxic to the liver.

There is another approach to creating biological additives that are safer for the body. Intel Pharma has released updated Phenom and Alphazine, which contain: Tribulus Terrestis, D-Aspartanic Acid, Laxogenin and other ingredients. A bouquet of natural ingredients that do not affect organs and hormonal levels.

Some nuances when using such prohormones:

1. The duration of the “course” can be more than 2-3 months; “bridges” are possible;
2. It is advisable to use more than 2 compounds for the desired effect;

During the course of even such prohormones, you may also need an aromatase inhibitor, or a means to suppress prolactin secretion. But they should be used only based on test results. In general, the side effects associated with increased prolactin and estradiol began to be minimized with the advent of new, improved DS/Prohormones/Anabolic supplements.

After the “course” it is advisable to take tests, and only then carry out PCT. Taking other sports supplements, as described above, is also necessary.

Why then is it more profitable and safer to take Prohormones/DS?

It's simple. In Russia, AAS had legal status until 2002. Now they are prohibited by criminal law and are classified as potent substances. The ban on steroids greatly affected the quality of drugs.

Now 99% of AAS in Russia are underground. Underground production. It is not known who produces it and where and under what conditions. There are terrible samovars and fakes. Pharmacies and famous brands are no longer a guarantee of quality.

Purchasing AAS is a lottery! What about DS/Prohormones?

The key feature of DS/Prohormones is their legality in the Russian Federation. Legal status is directly reflected in quality. Companies do not have to hide production. Everything is open. And when buying a drug, you can be sure of originality, since absolutely all prohormones/DS are supplied from the USA, England, Europe through direct suppliers or official distributors.